# Spotify Feat. Social Network Analysis ## The Correlation Between Network Position and Popularity of Musicians on Spotify ### Dataset This repo provides the collected data described in our paper. All data was extracted from the Spotify API (https://developer.spotify.com/documentation/web-api/). #### Artists The file artists.json contains 98.249 artists with the follosing properties: - id: artist's Spotify ID - name: artist's name - songscount: amount of collected tracks that feature this artist - popularity: Spotify's popularity value for this artist - genres: artist's genres - type: always "artist" - filled_data: development property describing whether all properties were collected - extracted_collabs: development property describing whether all of this artist's tracks were collected - depth: development property describing in which iteration an artist was added #### Tracks The file tracks.json contains 914.214 tracks with the follosing properties: - id: tracks's Spotify ID - artists: list of featured artists' ids - genres: tracks's genres; always "NaN" (no information available) - name: tracks's name - year: year that this track was released - popularity: Spotify's popularity value for this track - features: information about musical features; e.g. acousticness, danceability, loudness, ... - filled_data: development property describing whether all properties were collected - extracted_artists: development property describing whether all of this tracks's artists were collected - depth: development property describing in which iteration a track was added