index fd87513ec2a86c870ace782ab9ec8282a1017307..a79fcc08d608d01a4e53e502076f5ebfe8b6eaeb 100644
@@ -1,11 +1,15 @@
 ## Submitting issues
-If you have questions about how to use ownCloud, please direct these to the [mailing list][mailinglist] or our [forum][forum]. We are also available on [IRC][irc].
+If you have questions about how to install or use ownCloud, please direct these to the [mailing list][mailinglist] or our [forum][forum]. We are also available on [IRC][irc].
+### TL;DR
+ * The [issue template can be found here][template] but be aware of the different repositories! See list below.
 ### Guidelines
-* Please search the existing issues first, it's likely that your issue was already reported.
-* [Report the issue](https://github.com/owncloud/core/issues/new) using our [template][template], it includes all the informations we need to track down the issue.
-* This repository is *only* for issues within the ownCloud core code. Issues in other compontents should be reported in their own repositores: 
+* Please search the existing issues first, it's likely that your issue was already reported or even fixed.
+* This repository is *only* for issues within the ownCloud core code. This also includes the apps: files, encryption, external storage, sharing, deleted files, versions, LDAP, and WebDAV Auth
+* The issues in other components should be reported in their respective repositories: 
   - [Android client](https://github.com/owncloud/android/issues)
   - [iOS client](https://github.com/owncloud/ios-issues/issues)
   - [Desktop client](https://github.com/owncloud/mirall/issues)
@@ -14,12 +18,12 @@ If you have questions about how to use ownCloud, please direct these to the [mai
       - [Calendar](https://github.com/owncloud/calendar/issues)
       - [Contacts](https://github.com/owncloud/contacts/issues)
       - [Mail](https://github.com/owncloud/mail/issues)
+      - [Media/Music](https://github.com/owncloud/media/issues)
       - [News](https://github.com/owncloud/news/issues)
       - [Notes](https://github.com/owncloud/notes/issues)
       - [Shorty](https://github.com/owncloud/shorty/issues)
-      - [other apps](https://github.com/owncloud/apps/issues) (e.g. Pictures, Music, Tasks, ...)
-If your issue appears to be a bug, and hasn't been reported, open a new issue.
+      - [All other apps](https://github.com/owncloud/apps/issues) (e.g. Pictures, Tasks, ...)
+* Report the issue using our [template][template], it includes all the information we need to track down the issue.
 Help us to maximize the effort we can spend fixing issues and adding new features, by not reporting duplicate issues.
@@ -34,7 +38,7 @@ Thanks for wanting to contribute source code to ownCloud. That's great!
 Before we're able to merge your code into the ownCloud core, you need to sign our [Contributor Agreement][agreement].
-Please read the [Developer Manuals][devmanual] to get useful infos like how to create your first application or how to test the ownCloud code with phpunit.
+Please read the [Developer Manuals][devmanual] to learn how to create your first application or how to test the ownCloud code with PHPUnit.
 [agreement]: http://owncloud.org/about/contributor-agreement/
 [devmanual]: http://owncloud.org/dev/
diff --git a/lib/db.php b/lib/db.php
index 080e895e3528a84bf02e176d65991ce753e813ee..cd96bcf9d31a1592c775d9abee1b80c3ad598911 100644
--- a/lib/db.php
+++ b/lib/db.php
@@ -568,10 +568,6 @@ class OC_DB {
 		self::raiseExceptionOnError($definition,'Failed to parse the database definition');
-		// Die in case something went wrong
-		if( $definition instanceof MDB2_Schema_Error ) {
-			OC_Template::printErrorPage( $definition->getMessage().': '.$definition->getUserInfo() );
-		}
 		if(OC_Config::getValue('dbtype', 'sqlite')==='oci') {
 			unset($definition['charset']); //or MDB2 tries SHUTDOWN IMMEDIATE
 			$oldname = $definition['name'];
@@ -921,7 +917,7 @@ class OC_DB {
-	 * check if a result is an error, writes a log entry and throws an exception, works with MDB2 and PDOException
+	 * check if a result is an error and throws an exception, works with MDB2 and PDOException
 	 * @param mixed $result
 	 * @param string message
 	 * @return void
@@ -934,7 +930,7 @@ class OC_DB {
 			} else {
 				$message .= ', Root cause:' . self::getErrorMessage($result);
-			throw new DatabaseException($message, getErrorCode($result));
+			throw new DatabaseException($message, self::getErrorCode($result));
diff --git a/lib/files/cache/backgroundwatcher.php b/lib/files/cache/backgroundwatcher.php
index 8e68f41cf44b5f01591ec2f43f3601aa31f32e2d..923804f48d0121fd2db15d92b2e7ef9ca77631ba 100644
--- a/lib/files/cache/backgroundwatcher.php
+++ b/lib/files/cache/backgroundwatcher.php
@@ -18,8 +18,8 @@ class BackgroundWatcher {
 		if (!is_null(self::$folderMimetype)) {
 			return self::$folderMimetype;
-		$query = \OC_DB::prepare('SELECT `id` FROM `*PREFIX*mimetypes` WHERE `mimetype` = ?');
-		$result = $query->execute(array('httpd/unix-directory'));
+		$sql = 'SELECT `id` FROM `*PREFIX*mimetypes` WHERE `mimetype` = ?';
+		$result = \OC_DB::executeAudited($sql, array('httpd/unix-directory'));
 		$row = $result->fetchRow();
 		return $row['id'];
@@ -59,11 +59,11 @@ class BackgroundWatcher {
 	static private function getNextFileId($previous, $folder) {
 		if ($folder) {
-			$query = \OC_DB::prepare('SELECT `fileid` FROM `*PREFIX*filecache` WHERE `fileid` > ? AND `mimetype` = ' . self::getFolderMimetype() . ' ORDER BY `fileid` ASC', 1);
+			$stmt = \OC_DB::prepare('SELECT `fileid` FROM `*PREFIX*filecache` WHERE `fileid` > ? AND `mimetype` = ? ORDER BY `fileid` ASC', 1);
 		} else {
-			$query = \OC_DB::prepare('SELECT `fileid` FROM `*PREFIX*filecache` WHERE `fileid` > ? AND `mimetype` != ' . self::getFolderMimetype() . ' ORDER BY `fileid` ASC', 1);
+			$stmt = \OC_DB::prepare('SELECT `fileid` FROM `*PREFIX*filecache` WHERE `fileid` > ? AND `mimetype` != ? ORDER BY `fileid` ASC', 1);
-		$result = $query->execute(array($previous));
+		$result = \OC_DB::executeAudited($stmt, array($previous,self::getFolderMimetype()));
 		if ($row = $result->fetchRow()) {
 			return $row['fileid'];
 		} else {
diff --git a/lib/files/cache/cache.php b/lib/files/cache/cache.php
index 5b2fcfaadf950df8d30a3eca91bfd9e77602353d..3818fdbd84065fb43b7ed2d9f731dddcd3e74674 100644
--- a/lib/files/cache/cache.php
+++ b/lib/files/cache/cache.php
@@ -65,13 +65,11 @@ class Cache {
 	public function getMimetypeId($mime) {
 		if (!isset($this->mimetypeIds[$mime])) {
-			$query = \OC_DB::prepare('SELECT `id` FROM `*PREFIX*mimetypes` WHERE `mimetype` = ?');
-			$result = $query->execute(array($mime));
+			$result = \OC_DB::executeAudited('SELECT `id` FROM `*PREFIX*mimetypes` WHERE `mimetype` = ?', array($mime));
 			if ($row = $result->fetchRow()) {
 				$this->mimetypeIds[$mime] = $row['id'];
 			} else {
-				$query = \OC_DB::prepare('INSERT INTO `*PREFIX*mimetypes`(`mimetype`) VALUES(?)');
-				$query->execute(array($mime));
+				$result = \OC_DB::executeAudited('INSERT INTO `*PREFIX*mimetypes`(`mimetype`) VALUES(?)', array($mime));
 				$this->mimetypeIds[$mime] = \OC_DB::insertid('*PREFIX*mimetypes');
 			$this->mimetypes[$this->mimetypeIds[$mime]] = $mime;
@@ -81,8 +79,8 @@ class Cache {
 	public function getMimetype($id) {
 		if (!isset($this->mimetypes[$id])) {
-			$query = \OC_DB::prepare('SELECT `mimetype` FROM `*PREFIX*mimetypes` WHERE `id` = ?');
-			$result = $query->execute(array($id));
+			$sql = 'SELECT `mimetype` FROM `*PREFIX*mimetypes` WHERE `id` = ?';
+			$result = \OC_DB::executeAudited($sql, array($id));
 			if ($row = $result->fetchRow()) {
 				$this->mimetypes[$id] = $row['mimetype'];
 			} else {
@@ -109,10 +107,10 @@ class Cache {
 			$where = 'WHERE `fileid` = ?';
 			$params = array($file);
-		$query = \OC_DB::prepare(
-			'SELECT `fileid`, `storage`, `path`, `parent`, `name`, `mimetype`, `mimepart`, `size`, `mtime`, `storage_mtime`, `encrypted`, `unencrypted_size`, `etag`
-			 FROM `*PREFIX*filecache` ' . $where);
-		$result = $query->execute($params);
+		$sql = 'SELECT `fileid`, `storage`, `path`, `parent`, `name`, `mimetype`, `mimepart`, `size`, `mtime`,
+					   `storage_mtime`, `encrypted`, `unencrypted_size`, `etag`
+				FROM `*PREFIX*filecache` ' . $where;
+		$result = \OC_DB::executeAudited($sql, $params);
 		$data = $result->fetchRow();
 		//FIXME hide this HACK in the next database layer, or just use doctrine and get rid of MDB2 and PDO
@@ -153,14 +151,10 @@ class Cache {
 	public function getFolderContents($folder) {
 		$fileId = $this->getId($folder);
 		if ($fileId > -1) {
-			$query = \OC_DB::prepare(
-				'SELECT `fileid`, `storage`, `path`, `parent`, `name`, `mimetype`, `mimepart`, `size`, `mtime`, `storage_mtime`, `encrypted`, `unencrypted_size`, `etag`
-			 	 FROM `*PREFIX*filecache` WHERE `parent` = ? ORDER BY `name` ASC');
-			$result = $query->execute(array($fileId));
-			if (\OC_DB::isError($result)) {
-				\OCP\Util::writeLog('cache', 'getFolderContents failed: ' . $result->getMessage(), \OCP\Util::ERROR);
-			}
+			$sql = 'SELECT `fileid`, `storage`, `path`, `parent`, `name`, `mimetype`, `mimepart`, `size`, `mtime`,
+						   `storage_mtime`, `encrypted`, `unencrypted_size`, `etag`
+					FROM `*PREFIX*filecache` WHERE `parent` = ? ORDER BY `name` ASC';
+			$result = \OC_DB::executeAudited($sql,array($fileId));
 			$files = $result->fetchAll();
 			foreach ($files as &$file) {
 				$file['mimetype'] = $this->getMimetype($file['mimetype']);
@@ -214,12 +208,9 @@ class Cache {
 			$params[] = $this->getNumericStorageId();
 			$valuesPlaceholder = array_fill(0, count($queryParts), '?');
-			$query = \OC_DB::prepare('INSERT INTO `*PREFIX*filecache`(' . implode(', ', $queryParts) . ')'
-				. ' VALUES(' . implode(', ', $valuesPlaceholder) . ')');
-			$result = $query->execute($params);
-			if (\OC_DB::isError($result)) {
-				\OCP\Util::writeLog('cache', 'Insert to cache failed: ' . $result->getMessage(), \OCP\Util::ERROR);
-			}
+			$sql = 'INSERT INTO `*PREFIX*filecache` (' . implode(', ', $queryParts) . ')'
+				. ' VALUES (' . implode(', ', $valuesPlaceholder) . ')';
+			\OC_DB::executeAudited($sql, $params);
 			return (int)\OC_DB::insertid('*PREFIX*filecache');
@@ -246,9 +237,8 @@ class Cache {
 		list($queryParts, $params) = $this->buildParts($data);
 		$params[] = $id;
-		$query = \OC_DB::prepare('UPDATE `*PREFIX*filecache` SET ' . implode(' = ?, ', $queryParts) . '=?'
-			. ' WHERE `fileid` = ?');
-		$query->execute($params);
+		$sql = 'UPDATE `*PREFIX*filecache` SET ' . implode(' = ?, ', $queryParts) . '=? WHERE `fileid` = ?';
+		\OC_DB::executeAudited($sql, $params);
@@ -295,9 +285,8 @@ class Cache {
 		$pathHash = md5($file);
-		$query = \OC_DB::prepare('SELECT `fileid` FROM `*PREFIX*filecache` WHERE `storage` = ? AND `path_hash` = ?');
-		$result = $query->execute(array($this->getNumericStorageId(), $pathHash));
+		$sql = 'SELECT `fileid` FROM `*PREFIX*filecache` WHERE `storage` = ? AND `path_hash` = ?';
+		$result = \OC_DB::executeAudited($sql, array($this->getNumericStorageId(), $pathHash));
 		if ($row = $result->fetchRow()) {
 			return $row['fileid'];
 		} else {
@@ -346,8 +335,9 @@ class Cache {
-		$query = \OC_DB::prepare('DELETE FROM `*PREFIX*filecache` WHERE `fileid` = ?');
-		$query->execute(array($entry['fileid']));
+		$sql = 'DELETE FROM `*PREFIX*filecache` WHERE `fileid` = ?';
+		\OC_DB::executeAudited($sql, array($entry['fileid']));
 		$permissionsCache = new Permissions($this->storageId);
@@ -370,32 +360,31 @@ class Cache {
 		if ($sourceData['mimetype'] === 'httpd/unix-directory') {
 			//find all child entries
-			$query = \OC_DB::prepare('SELECT `path`, `fileid` FROM `*PREFIX*filecache` WHERE `storage` = ? AND `path` LIKE ?');
-			$result = $query->execute(array($this->getNumericStorageId(), $source . '/%'));
+			$sql = 'SELECT `path`, `fileid` FROM `*PREFIX*filecache` WHERE `storage` = ? AND `path` LIKE ?';
+			$result = \OC_DB::executeAudited($sql, array($this->getNumericStorageId(), $source . '/%'));
 			$childEntries = $result->fetchAll();
 			$sourceLength = strlen($source);
 			$query = \OC_DB::prepare('UPDATE `*PREFIX*filecache` SET `path` = ?, `path_hash` = ? WHERE `fileid` = ?');
 			foreach ($childEntries as $child) {
 				$targetPath = $target . substr($child['path'], $sourceLength);
-				$query->execute(array($targetPath, md5($targetPath), $child['fileid']));
+				\OC_DB::executeAudited($query, array($targetPath, md5($targetPath), $child['fileid']));
-		$query = \OC_DB::prepare('UPDATE `*PREFIX*filecache` SET `path` = ?, `path_hash` = ?, `name` = ?, `parent` =?'
-			. ' WHERE `fileid` = ?');
-		$query->execute(array($target, md5($target), basename($target), $newParentId, $sourceId));
+		$sql = 'UPDATE `*PREFIX*filecache` SET `path` = ?, `path_hash` = ?, `name` = ?, `parent` =? WHERE `fileid` = ?';
+		\OC_DB::executeAudited($sql, array($target, md5($target), basename($target), $newParentId, $sourceId));
 	 * remove all entries for files that are stored on the storage from the cache
 	public function clear() {
-		$query = \OC_DB::prepare('DELETE FROM `*PREFIX*filecache` WHERE `storage` = ?');
-		$query->execute(array($this->getNumericStorageId()));
+		$sql = 'DELETE FROM `*PREFIX*filecache` WHERE `storage` = ?';
+		\OC_DB::executeAudited($sql, array($this->getNumericStorageId()));
-		$query = \OC_DB::prepare('DELETE FROM `*PREFIX*storages` WHERE `id` = ?');
-		$query->execute(array($this->storageId));
+		$sql = 'DELETE FROM `*PREFIX*storages` WHERE `id` = ?';
+		\OC_DB::executeAudited($sql, array($this->storageId));
@@ -408,11 +397,8 @@ class Cache {
 		$file = $this->normalize($file);
 		$pathHash = md5($file);
-		$query = \OC_DB::prepare('SELECT `size` FROM `*PREFIX*filecache` WHERE `storage` = ? AND `path_hash` = ?');
-		$result = $query->execute(array($this->getNumericStorageId(), $pathHash));
-		if( \OC_DB::isError($result)) {
-			\OCP\Util::writeLog('cache', 'get status failed: ' . $result->getMessage(), \OCP\Util::ERROR);
-		}
+		$sql = 'SELECT `size` FROM `*PREFIX*filecache` WHERE `storage` = ? AND `path_hash` = ?';
+		$result = \OC_DB::executeAudited($sql, array($this->getNumericStorageId(), $pathHash));
 		if ($row = $result->fetchRow()) {
 			if ((int)$row['size'] === -1) {
 				return self::SHALLOW;
@@ -439,11 +425,9 @@ class Cache {
 		// normalize pattern
 		$pattern = $this->normalize($pattern);
-		$query = \OC_DB::prepare('
-			SELECT `fileid`, `storage`, `path`, `parent`, `name`, `mimetype`, `mimepart`, `size`, `mtime`, `encrypted`, `unencrypted_size`, `etag`
-			FROM `*PREFIX*filecache` WHERE `name` LIKE ? AND `storage` = ?'
-		);
-		$result = $query->execute(array($pattern, $this->getNumericStorageId()));
+		$sql = 'SELECT `fileid`, `storage`, `path`, `parent`, `name`, `mimetype`, `mimepart`, `size`, `mtime`, `encrypted`, `unencrypted_size`, `etag`
+				FROM `*PREFIX*filecache` WHERE `name` LIKE ? AND `storage` = ?';
+		$result = \OC_DB::executeAudited($sql, array($pattern, $this->getNumericStorageId()));
 		$files = array();
 		while ($row = $result->fetchRow()) {
 			$row['mimetype'] = $this->getMimetype($row['mimetype']);
@@ -465,12 +449,10 @@ class Cache {
 		} else {
 			$where = '`mimepart` = ?';
-		$query = \OC_DB::prepare('
-			SELECT `fileid`, `storage`, `path`, `parent`, `name`, `mimetype`, `mimepart`, `size`, `mtime`, `encrypted`, `unencrypted_size`, `etag`
-			FROM `*PREFIX*filecache` WHERE ' . $where . ' AND `storage` = ?'
-		);
+		$sql = 'SELECT `fileid`, `storage`, `path`, `parent`, `name`, `mimetype`, `mimepart`, `size`, `mtime`, `encrypted`, `unencrypted_size`, `etag`
+				FROM `*PREFIX*filecache` WHERE ' . $where . ' AND `storage` = ?';
 		$mimetype = $this->getMimetypeId($mimetype);
-		$result = $query->execute(array($mimetype, $this->getNumericStorageId()));
+		$result = \OC_DB::executeAudited($sql, array($mimetype, $this->getNumericStorageId()));
 		$files = array();
 		while ($row = $result->fetchRow()) {
 			$row['mimetype'] = $this->getMimetype($row['mimetype']);
@@ -507,8 +489,8 @@ class Cache {
 		if ($id === -1) {
 			return 0;
-		$query = \OC_DB::prepare('SELECT `size` FROM `*PREFIX*filecache` WHERE `parent` = ? AND `storage` = ?');
-		$result = $query->execute(array($id, $this->getNumericStorageId()));
+		$sql = 'SELECT `size` FROM `*PREFIX*filecache` WHERE `parent` = ? AND `storage` = ?';
+		$result = \OC_DB::executeAudited($sql, array($id, $this->getNumericStorageId()));
 		$totalSize = 0;
 		$hasChilds = 0;
 		while ($row = $result->fetchRow()) {
@@ -534,8 +516,8 @@ class Cache {
 	 * @return int[]
 	public function getAll() {
-		$query = \OC_DB::prepare('SELECT `fileid` FROM `*PREFIX*filecache` WHERE `storage` = ?');
-		$result = $query->execute(array($this->getNumericStorageId()));
+		$sql = 'SELECT `fileid` FROM `*PREFIX*filecache` WHERE `storage` = ?';
+		$result = \OC_DB::executeAudited($sql, array($this->getNumericStorageId()));
 		$ids = array();
 		while ($row = $result->fetchRow()) {
 			$ids[] = $row['fileid'];
@@ -555,10 +537,7 @@ class Cache {
 	public function getIncomplete() {
 		$query = \OC_DB::prepare('SELECT `path` FROM `*PREFIX*filecache`'
 			. ' WHERE `storage` = ? AND `size` = -1 ORDER BY `fileid` DESC',1);
-		$result = $query->execute(array($this->getNumericStorageId()));
-		if (\OC_DB::isError($result)) {
-			\OCP\Util::writeLog('cache', 'getIncomplete failed: ' . $result->getMessage(), \OCP\Util::ERROR);
-		}
+		$result = \OC_DB::executeAudited($query, array($this->getNumericStorageId()));
 		if ($row = $result->fetchRow()) {
 			return $row['path'];
 		} else {
@@ -573,8 +552,8 @@ class Cache {
 	 * @return array, first element holding the storage id, second the path
 	static public function getById($id) {
-		$query = \OC_DB::prepare('SELECT `storage`, `path` FROM `*PREFIX*filecache` WHERE `fileid` = ?');
-		$result = $query->execute(array($id));
+		$sql = 'SELECT `storage`, `path` FROM `*PREFIX*filecache` WHERE `fileid` = ?';
+		$result = \OC_DB::executeAudited($sql, array($id));
 		if ($row = $result->fetchRow()) {
 			$numericId = $row['storage'];
 			$path = $row['path'];
diff --git a/lib/files/cache/legacy.php b/lib/files/cache/legacy.php
index ab8ae6dfadd37a2a5c82121cec4cc6b7210ba02c..8eed1f67a5d4eb387832d62c486a98d991e16851 100644
--- a/lib/files/cache/legacy.php
+++ b/lib/files/cache/legacy.php
@@ -26,8 +26,8 @@ class Legacy {
 	 * @return int
 	function getCount() {
-		$query = \OC_DB::prepare('SELECT COUNT(`id`) AS `count` FROM `*PREFIX*fscache` WHERE `user` = ?');
-		$result = $query->execute(array($this->user));
+		$sql = 'SELECT COUNT(`id`) AS `count` FROM `*PREFIX*fscache` WHERE `user` = ?';
+		$result = \OC_DB::executeAudited($sql, array($this->user));
 		if ($row = $result->fetchRow()) {
 			return $row['count'];
 		} else {
@@ -74,11 +74,11 @@ class Legacy {
 	function get($path) {
 		if (is_numeric($path)) {
-			$query = \OC_DB::prepare('SELECT * FROM `*PREFIX*fscache` WHERE `id` = ?');
+			$sql = 'SELECT * FROM `*PREFIX*fscache` WHERE `id` = ?';
 		} else {
-			$query = \OC_DB::prepare('SELECT * FROM `*PREFIX*fscache` WHERE `path` = ?');
+			$sql = 'SELECT * FROM `*PREFIX*fscache` WHERE `path` = ?';
-		$result = $query->execute(array($path));
+		$result = \OC_DB::executeAudited($sql, array($path));
 		$data = $result->fetchRow();
 		$data['etag'] = $this->getEtag($data['path'], $data['user']);
 		return $data;
@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ class Legacy {
 			$query = \OC_DB::prepare('SELECT `propertyvalue` FROM `*PREFIX*properties` WHERE `userid` = ? AND `propertypath` = ? AND `propertyname` = \'{DAV:}getetag\'');
-		$result = $query->execute(array($user, '/' . $relativePath));
+		$result = \OC_DB::executeAudited($query,array($user, '/' . $relativePath));
 		if ($row = $result->fetchRow()) {
 			return trim($row['propertyvalue'], '"');
 		} else {
@@ -126,8 +126,7 @@ class Legacy {
 	 * @return array
 	function getChildren($id) {
-		$query = \OC_DB::prepare('SELECT * FROM `*PREFIX*fscache` WHERE `parent` = ?');
-		$result = $query->execute(array($id));
+		$result = \OC_DB::executeAudited('SELECT * FROM `*PREFIX*fscache` WHERE `parent` = ?', array($id));
 		$data = $result->fetchAll();
 		foreach ($data as $i => $item) {
 			$data[$i]['etag'] = $this->getEtag($item['path'], $item['user']);
diff --git a/lib/files/cache/permissions.php b/lib/files/cache/permissions.php
index 29c30b0f36c8cb657f4bd28ea8bba4576ec9dcd5..2e2bdb20b781cc4f80cb71124654bc03b8136c44 100644
--- a/lib/files/cache/permissions.php
+++ b/lib/files/cache/permissions.php
@@ -33,8 +33,8 @@ class Permissions {
 	 * @return int (-1 if file no permissions set)
 	public function get($fileId, $user) {
-		$query = \OC_DB::prepare('SELECT `permissions` FROM `*PREFIX*permissions` WHERE `user` = ? AND `fileid` = ?');
-		$result = $query->execute(array($user, $fileId));
+		$sql = 'SELECT `permissions` FROM `*PREFIX*permissions` WHERE `user` = ? AND `fileid` = ?';
+		$result = \OC_DB::executeAudited($sql, array($user, $fileId));
 		if ($row = $result->fetchRow()) {
 			return $row['permissions'];
 		} else {
@@ -51,13 +51,11 @@ class Permissions {
 	public function set($fileId, $user, $permissions) {
 		if (self::get($fileId, $user) !== -1) {
-			$query = \OC_DB::prepare('UPDATE `*PREFIX*permissions` SET `permissions` = ?'
-				. ' WHERE `user` = ? AND `fileid` = ?');
+			$sql = 'UPDATE `*PREFIX*permissions` SET `permissions` = ? WHERE `user` = ? AND `fileid` = ?';
 		} else {
-			$query = \OC_DB::prepare('INSERT INTO `*PREFIX*permissions`(`permissions`, `user`, `fileid`)'
-				. ' VALUES(?, ?,? )');
+			$sql = 'INSERT INTO `*PREFIX*permissions`(`permissions`, `user`, `fileid`) VALUES(?, ?,? )';
-		$query->execute(array($permissions, $user, $fileId));
+		\OC_DB::executeAudited($sql, array($permissions, $user, $fileId));
@@ -75,9 +73,9 @@ class Permissions {
 		$params[] = $user;
 		$inPart = implode(', ', array_fill(0, count($fileIds), '?'));
-		$query = \OC_DB::prepare('SELECT `fileid`, `permissions` FROM `*PREFIX*permissions`'
-			. ' WHERE `fileid` IN (' . $inPart . ') AND `user` = ?');
-		$result = $query->execute($params);
+		$sql = 'SELECT `fileid`, `permissions` FROM `*PREFIX*permissions`'
+			. ' WHERE `fileid` IN (' . $inPart . ') AND `user` = ?';
+		$result = \OC_DB::executeAudited($sql, $params);
 		$filePermissions = array();
 		while ($row = $result->fetchRow()) {
 			$filePermissions[$row['fileid']] = $row['permissions'];
@@ -93,11 +91,12 @@ class Permissions {
 	 * @return int[]
 	public function getDirectoryPermissions($parentId, $user) {
-		$query = \OC_DB::prepare('SELECT `*PREFIX*permissions`.`fileid`, `permissions`
-			FROM `*PREFIX*permissions` INNER JOIN `*PREFIX*filecache` ON `*PREFIX*permissions`.`fileid` = `*PREFIX*filecache`.`fileid`
-			WHERE `*PREFIX*filecache`.`parent` = ? AND `*PREFIX*permissions`.`user` = ?');
+		$sql = 'SELECT `*PREFIX*permissions`.`fileid`, `permissions`
+			FROM `*PREFIX*permissions`
+			INNER JOIN `*PREFIX*filecache` ON `*PREFIX*permissions`.`fileid` = `*PREFIX*filecache`.`fileid`
+			WHERE `*PREFIX*filecache`.`parent` = ? AND `*PREFIX*permissions`.`user` = ?';
-		$result = $query->execute(array($parentId, $user));
+		$result = \OC_DB::executeAudited($sql, array($parentId, $user));
 		$filePermissions = array();
 		while ($row = $result->fetchRow()) {
 			$filePermissions[$row['fileid']] = $row['permissions'];
@@ -113,18 +112,17 @@ class Permissions {
 	public function remove($fileId, $user = null) {
 		if (is_null($user)) {
-			$query = \OC_DB::prepare('DELETE FROM `*PREFIX*permissions` WHERE `fileid` = ?');
-			$query->execute(array($fileId));
+			\OC_DB::executeAudited('DELETE FROM `*PREFIX*permissions` WHERE `fileid` = ?', array($fileId));
 		} else {
-			$query = \OC_DB::prepare('DELETE FROM `*PREFIX*permissions` WHERE `fileid` = ? AND `user` = ?');
-			$query->execute(array($fileId, $user));
+			$sql = 'DELETE FROM `*PREFIX*permissions` WHERE `fileid` = ? AND `user` = ?';
+			\OC_DB::executeAudited($sql, array($fileId, $user));
 	public function removeMultiple($fileIds, $user) {
 		$query = \OC_DB::prepare('DELETE FROM `*PREFIX*permissions` WHERE `fileid` = ? AND `user` = ?');
 		foreach ($fileIds as $fileId) {
-			$query->execute(array($fileId, $user));
+			\OC_DB::executeAudited($query, array($fileId, $user));
@@ -134,8 +132,8 @@ class Permissions {
 	 * @param int $fileId
 	public function getUsers($fileId) {
-		$query = \OC_DB::prepare('SELECT `user` FROM `*PREFIX*permissions` WHERE `fileid` = ?');
-		$result = $query->execute(array($fileId));
+		$sql = 'SELECT `user` FROM `*PREFIX*permissions` WHERE `fileid` = ?';
+		$result = \OC_DB::executeAudited($sql, array($fileId));
 		$users = array();
 		while ($row = $result->fetchRow()) {
 			$users[] = $row['user'];
diff --git a/lib/files/cache/storage.php b/lib/files/cache/storage.php
index 72de376798cde270c7f4a507ae2244d8506d13cb..8a9e47ca36d62422b4d7db3a5bb959c03d4fef7c 100644
--- a/lib/files/cache/storage.php
+++ b/lib/files/cache/storage.php
@@ -32,13 +32,13 @@ class Storage {
 			$this->storageId = md5($this->storageId);
-		$query = \OC_DB::prepare('SELECT `numeric_id` FROM `*PREFIX*storages` WHERE `id` = ?');
-		$result = $query->execute(array($this->storageId));
+		$sql = 'SELECT `numeric_id` FROM `*PREFIX*storages` WHERE `id` = ?';
+		$result = \OC_DB::executeAudited($sql, array($this->storageId));
 		if ($row = $result->fetchRow()) {
 			$this->numericId = $row['numeric_id'];
 		} else {
-			$query = \OC_DB::prepare('INSERT INTO `*PREFIX*storages`(`id`) VALUES(?)');
-			$query->execute(array($this->storageId));
+			$sql = 'INSERT INTO `*PREFIX*storages` (`id`) VALUES(?)';
+			\OC_DB::executeAudited($sql, array($this->storageId));
 			$this->numericId = \OC_DB::insertid('*PREFIX*storages');
@@ -48,8 +48,9 @@ class Storage {
 	public static function getStorageId($numericId) {
-		$query = \OC_DB::prepare('SELECT `id` FROM `*PREFIX*storages` WHERE `numeric_id` = ?');
-		$result = $query->execute(array($numericId));
+		$sql = 'SELECT `id` FROM `*PREFIX*storages` WHERE `numeric_id` = ?';
+		$result = \OC_DB::executeAudited($sql, array($numericId));
 		if ($row = $result->fetchRow()) {
 			return $row['id'];
 		} else {
diff --git a/lib/files/cache/upgrade.php b/lib/files/cache/upgrade.php
index ca044ba81dedef005ac0392862e0e85617c9a04e..cfb9a1173113fffd6f278acb780a05e87879001d 100644
--- a/lib/files/cache/upgrade.php
+++ b/lib/files/cache/upgrade.php
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ class Upgrade {
 				VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)');
 		if (!$this->inCache($data['storage'], $data['path_hash'], $data['id'])) {
-			$insertQuery->execute(array($data['id'], $data['storage'],
+			\OC_DB::executeAudited($insertQuery, array($data['id'], $data['storage'],
 				$data['path'], $data['path_hash'], $data['parent'], $data['name'],
 				$data['mimetype'], $data['mimepart'], $data['size'], $data['mtime'], $data['encrypted'], $data['etag']));
@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ class Upgrade {
 		if(is_null($query)) {
 			$query = \OC_DB::prepare('SELECT `fileid` FROM `*PREFIX*filecache` WHERE (`storage` = ? AND `path_hash` = ?) OR `fileid` = ?');
-		$result = $query->execute(array($storage, $pathHash, $id));
+		$result = \OC_DB::executeAudited($query, array($storage, $pathHash, $id));
 		return (bool)$result->fetchRow();
diff --git a/lib/files/mapper.php b/lib/files/mapper.php
index 748b65dc4f120af77758caa66de8ce36b653343d..47abd4e52fefb911c1d7f34b847b4111096feaed 100644
--- a/lib/files/mapper.php
+++ b/lib/files/mapper.php
@@ -53,11 +53,9 @@ class Mapper
 		if ($isLogicPath) {
-			$query = \OC_DB::prepare('DELETE FROM `*PREFIX*file_map` WHERE `logic_path` LIKE ?');
-			$query->execute(array($path));
+			\OC_DB::executeAudited('DELETE FROM `*PREFIX*file_map` WHERE `logic_path` LIKE ?', array($path));
 		} else {
-			$query = \OC_DB::prepare('DELETE FROM `*PREFIX*file_map` WHERE `physic_path` LIKE ?');
-			$query->execute(array($path));
+			\OC_DB::executeAudited('DELETE FROM `*PREFIX*file_map` WHERE `physic_path` LIKE ?', array($path));
@@ -73,8 +71,8 @@ class Mapper
 		$physicPath1 = $this->logicToPhysical($path1, true);
 		$physicPath2 = $this->logicToPhysical($path2, true);
-		$query = \OC_DB::prepare('SELECT * FROM `*PREFIX*file_map` WHERE `logic_path` LIKE ?');
-		$result = $query->execute(array($path1.'%'));
+		$sql = 'SELECT * FROM `*PREFIX*file_map` WHERE `logic_path` LIKE ?';
+		$result = \OC_DB::executeAudited($sql, array($path1.'%'));
 		$updateQuery = \OC_DB::prepare('UPDATE `*PREFIX*file_map`'
 			.' SET `logic_path` = ?'
 			.' , `logic_path_hash` = ?'
@@ -88,7 +86,8 @@ class Mapper
 			$newPhysic = $physicPath2.$this->stripRootFolder($currentPhysic, $physicPath1);
 			if ($path1 !== $currentLogic) {
 				try {
-					$updateQuery->execute(array($newLogic, md5($newLogic), $newPhysic, md5($newPhysic), $currentLogic));
+					\OC_DB::executeAudited($updateQuery, array($newLogic, md5($newLogic), $newPhysic, md5($newPhysic),
+						$currentLogic));
 				} catch (\Exception $e) {
 					error_log('Mapper::Copy failed '.$currentLogic.' -> '.$newLogic.'\n'.$e);
 					throw $e;
@@ -123,8 +122,8 @@ class Mapper
 	private function resolveLogicPath($logicPath) {
 		$logicPath = $this->stripLast($logicPath);
-		$query = \OC_DB::prepare('SELECT * FROM `*PREFIX*file_map` WHERE `logic_path_hash` = ?');
-		$result = $query->execute(array(md5($logicPath)));
+		$sql = 'SELECT * FROM `*PREFIX*file_map` WHERE `logic_path_hash` = ?';
+		$result = \OC_DB::executeAudited($sql, array(md5($logicPath)));
 		$result = $result->fetchRow();
 		if ($result === false) {
 			return null;
@@ -135,8 +134,8 @@ class Mapper
 	private function resolvePhysicalPath($physicalPath) {
 		$physicalPath = $this->stripLast($physicalPath);
-		$query = \OC_DB::prepare('SELECT * FROM `*PREFIX*file_map` WHERE `physic_path_hash` = ?');
-		$result = $query->execute(array(md5($physicalPath)));
+		$sql = \OC_DB::prepare('SELECT * FROM `*PREFIX*file_map` WHERE `physic_path_hash` = ?');
+		$result = \OC_DB::executeAudited($sql, array(md5($physicalPath)));
 		$result = $result->fetchRow();
 		return $result['logic_path'];
@@ -163,8 +162,9 @@ class Mapper
 	private function insert($logicPath, $physicalPath) {
-		$query = \OC_DB::prepare('INSERT INTO `*PREFIX*file_map`(`logic_path`, `physic_path`, `logic_path_hash`, `physic_path_hash`) VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?)');
-		$query->execute(array($logicPath, $physicalPath, md5($logicPath), md5($physicalPath)));
+		$sql = 'INSERT INTO `*PREFIX*file_map` (`logic_path`, `physic_path`, `logic_path_hash`, `physic_path_hash`)
+				VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)';
+		\OC_DB::executeAudited($sql, array($logicPath, $physicalPath, md5($logicPath), md5($physicalPath)));
 	public function slugifyPath($path, $index=null) {
diff --git a/lib/template.php b/lib/template.php
index 01f0fc28b6091a3aa500786db84cd7d50e6c0c21..ae9ea187445912434622f0f0a8481ac9a2d98d44 100644
--- a/lib/template.php
+++ b/lib/template.php
@@ -547,7 +547,7 @@ class OC_Template{
 			$error_msg = '['.$exception->getCode().'] '.$error_msg;
 		$hint = $exception->getTraceAsString();
-		while ($exception = $exception->previous()) {
+		while (method_exists($exception,'previous') && $exception = $exception->previous()) {
 			$error_msg .= '<br/>Caused by: ';
 			if ($exception->getCode()) {
 				$error_msg .= '['.$exception->getCode().'] ';