diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/cs_CZ.php b/apps/files/l10n/cs_CZ.php index 7a93c502b58d2b947c34779c9f30e63ba14f2a13..86b254ca8cb0024bddc15f0b25ee0a2745f79b8f 100644 --- a/apps/files/l10n/cs_CZ.php +++ b/apps/files/l10n/cs_CZ.php @@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ "No file was uploaded" => "Žádný soubor nebyl odeslán", "Missing a temporary folder" => "Chybà adresář pro doÄasné soubory", "Failed to write to disk" => "Zápis na disk selhal", +"Not enough storage available" => "Nedostatek dostupného úložného prostoru", "Invalid directory." => "Neplatný adresář", "Files" => "Soubory", "Unshare" => "ZruÅ¡it sdÃlenÃ", @@ -27,6 +28,8 @@ "'.' is an invalid file name." => "'.' je neplatným názvem souboru.", "File name cannot be empty." => "Název souboru nemůže být prázdný Å™etÄ›zec.", "Invalid name, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' and '*' are not allowed." => "Neplatný název, znaky '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' a '*' nejsou povoleny.", +"Your storage is full, files can not be updated or synced anymore!" => "VaÅ¡e úložiÅ¡tÄ› je plné, nelze aktualizovat ani synchronizovat soubory.", +"Your storage is almost full ({usedSpacePercent}%)" => "VaÅ¡e úložiÅ¡tÄ› je téměř plné ({usedSpacePercent}%)", "Your download is being prepared. This might take some time if the files are big." => "VaÅ¡e soubory ke staženà se pÅ™ipravujÃ. Pokud jsou velké může to chvÃli trvat.", "Unable to upload your file as it is a directory or has 0 bytes" => "Nelze odeslat Váš soubor, protože je to adresář nebo má velikost 0 bajtů", "Upload Error" => "Chyba odesÃlánÃ", diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/de_DE.php b/apps/files/l10n/de_DE.php index d9c95573992cb2236c5c8518e27798e472a3fc78..72751a7fb6fd345c7de9d875789acf0dd78875b1 100644 --- a/apps/files/l10n/de_DE.php +++ b/apps/files/l10n/de_DE.php @@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ "No file was uploaded" => "Es wurde keine Datei hochgeladen.", "Missing a temporary folder" => "Der temporäre Ordner fehlt.", "Failed to write to disk" => "Fehler beim Schreiben auf die Festplatte", +"Not enough storage available" => "Nicht genug Speicher vorhanden.", "Invalid directory." => "Ungültiges Verzeichnis.", "Files" => "Dateien", "Unshare" => "Nicht mehr freigeben", @@ -27,6 +28,8 @@ "'.' is an invalid file name." => "'.' ist kein gültiger Dateiname.", "File name cannot be empty." => "Der Dateiname darf nicht leer sein.", "Invalid name, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' and '*' are not allowed." => "Ungültiger Name, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' und '*' sind nicht zulässig.", +"Your storage is full, files can not be updated or synced anymore!" => "Ihr Speicher ist voll. Daher können keine Dateien mehr aktualisiert oder synchronisiert werden!", +"Your storage is almost full ({usedSpacePercent}%)" => "Ihr Speicher ist fast voll ({usedSpacePercent}%)", "Your download is being prepared. This might take some time if the files are big." => "Ihr Download wird vorbereitet. Dies kann bei größeren Dateien einen Moment dauern.", "Unable to upload your file as it is a directory or has 0 bytes" => "Ihre Datei kann nicht hochgeladen werden, da sie entweder ein Verzeichnis oder 0 Bytes groß ist.", "Upload Error" => "Fehler beim Upload", diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/el.php b/apps/files/l10n/el.php index e3fbb892ff0c1f36456f1070d3394106fa5ade71..196831b985dc47ef0ce580da33ee8ad81a69f14b 100644 --- a/apps/files/l10n/el.php +++ b/apps/files/l10n/el.php @@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ "No file was uploaded" => "ΚανÎνα αÏχείο δεν στάλθηκε", "Missing a temporary folder" => "Λείπει ο Ï€ÏοσωÏινός φάκελος", "Failed to write to disk" => "Αποτυχία εγγÏαφής στο δίσκο", +"Not enough storage available" => "Μη επαÏκής διαθÎσιμος αποθηκευτικός χώÏος", "Invalid directory." => "Μη ÎγκυÏος φάκελος.", "Files" => "ΑÏχεία", "Unshare" => "Διακοπή κοινής χÏήσης", @@ -27,6 +28,8 @@ "'.' is an invalid file name." => "'.' είναι μη ÎγκυÏο όνομα αÏχείου.", "File name cannot be empty." => "Το όνομα αÏχείου δεν Ï€ÏÎπει να είναι κενό.", "Invalid name, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' and '*' are not allowed." => "Μη ÎγκυÏο όνομα, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' και '*' δεν επιτÏÎπονται.", +"Your storage is full, files can not be updated or synced anymore!" => "Ο αποθηκευτικός σας χώÏος είναι γεμάτος, τα αÏχεία δεν μποÏοÏν να ενημεÏωθοÏν ή να συγχÏονιστοÏν πια!", +"Your storage is almost full ({usedSpacePercent}%)" => "Ο αποθηκευτικός χώÏος είναι σχεδόν γεμάτος ({usedSpacePercent}%)", "Your download is being prepared. This might take some time if the files are big." => "Η λήψη Ï€Ïοετοιμάζεται. Αυτό μποÏεί να πάÏει ÏŽÏα εάν τα αÏχεία Îχουν μεγάλο μÎγεθος.", "Unable to upload your file as it is a directory or has 0 bytes" => "Αδυναμία στην αποστολή του αÏχείου σας Î±Ï†Î¿Ï ÎµÎ¯Î½Î±Î¹ φάκελος ή Îχει 0 bytes", "Upload Error" => "Σφάλμα Αποστολής", diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/fi_FI.php b/apps/files/l10n/fi_FI.php index ce236a30edb227a9ec9fd015f93d986d0d3dde51..999bd7884d31581638d00696167083631c0d08bb 100644 --- a/apps/files/l10n/fi_FI.php +++ b/apps/files/l10n/fi_FI.php @@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ "No file was uploaded" => "Yhtäkään tiedostoa ei lähetetty", "Missing a temporary folder" => "Väliaikaiskansiota ei ole olemassa", "Failed to write to disk" => "Levylle kirjoitus epäonnistui", +"Not enough storage available" => "Tallennustilaa ei ole riittävästi käytettävissä", "Invalid directory." => "Virheellinen kansio.", "Files" => "Tiedostot", "Unshare" => "Peru jakaminen", @@ -22,6 +23,8 @@ "'.' is an invalid file name." => "'.' on virheellinen nimi tiedostolle.", "File name cannot be empty." => "Tiedoston nimi ei voi olla tyhjä.", "Invalid name, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' and '*' are not allowed." => "Virheellinen nimi, merkit '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' ja '*' eivät ole sallittuja.", +"Your storage is full, files can not be updated or synced anymore!" => "Tallennustila on loppu, tiedostoja ei voi enää päivittää tai synkronoida!", +"Your storage is almost full ({usedSpacePercent}%)" => "Tallennustila on melkein loppu ({usedSpacePercent}%)", "Your download is being prepared. This might take some time if the files are big." => "Lataustasi valmistellaan. Tämä saattaa kestää hetken, jos tiedostot ovat suuria kooltaan.", "Unable to upload your file as it is a directory or has 0 bytes" => "Tiedoston lähetys epäonnistui, koska sen koko on 0 tavua tai kyseessä on kansio", "Upload Error" => "Lähetysvirhe.", diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/hu_HU.php b/apps/files/l10n/hu_HU.php index 922b4f3097be8aca8c22d0a6f7dbf4b20b0a9ae5..be3dd1b9c3c9b83e22f29777cfd8e77795efb787 100644 --- a/apps/files/l10n/hu_HU.php +++ b/apps/files/l10n/hu_HU.php @@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ "No file was uploaded" => "Nem töltÅ‘dött fel semmi", "Missing a temporary folder" => "Hiányzik egy ideiglenes mappa", "Failed to write to disk" => "Nem sikerült a lemezre történÅ‘ Ãrás", +"Not enough storage available" => "Nincs elég szabad hely.", "Invalid directory." => "Érvénytelen mappa.", "Files" => "Fájlok", "Unshare" => "Megosztás visszavonása", @@ -27,6 +28,8 @@ "'.' is an invalid file name." => "'.' fájlnév érvénytelen.", "File name cannot be empty." => "A fájlnév nem lehet semmi.", "Invalid name, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' and '*' are not allowed." => "Érvénytelen elnevezés. Ezek a karakterek nem használhatók: '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' és '*'", +"Your storage is full, files can not be updated or synced anymore!" => "A tároló tele van, a fájlok nem frissÃthetÅ‘ek vagy szinkronizálhatóak a jövÅ‘ben.", +"Your storage is almost full ({usedSpacePercent}%)" => "A tároló majdnem tele van ({usedSpacePercent}%)", "Your download is being prepared. This might take some time if the files are big." => "Készül a letöltendÅ‘ állomány. Ez eltarthat egy ideig, ha nagyok a fájlok.", "Unable to upload your file as it is a directory or has 0 bytes" => "Nem tölthetÅ‘ fel, mert mappa volt, vagy 0 byte méretű", "Upload Error" => "Feltöltési hiba", diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/pt_PT.php b/apps/files/l10n/pt_PT.php index 3ec34c449deab42d8a1a278e2011571d7300bc95..6cee8d9d88e9a3c7f5ddec9ae7e2877c1cbf0738 100644 --- a/apps/files/l10n/pt_PT.php +++ b/apps/files/l10n/pt_PT.php @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ "Rename" => "Renomear", "{new_name} already exists" => "O nome {new_name} já existe", "replace" => "substituir", -"suggest name" => "Sugira um nome", +"suggest name" => "sugira um nome", "cancel" => "cancelar", "replaced {new_name}" => "{new_name} substituido", "undo" => "desfazer", @@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ "Pending" => "Pendente", "1 file uploading" => "A enviar 1 ficheiro", "{count} files uploading" => "A carregar {count} ficheiros", -"Upload cancelled." => "O envio foi cancelado.", +"Upload cancelled." => "Envio cancelado.", "File upload is in progress. Leaving the page now will cancel the upload." => "Envio de ficheiro em progresso. Irá cancelar o envio se sair da página agora.", "URL cannot be empty." => "O URL não pode estar vazio.", "Invalid folder name. Usage of 'Shared' is reserved by Owncloud" => "Nome de pasta inválido. O Uso de 'shared' é reservado para o ownCloud", diff --git a/apps/files_encryption/l10n/hu_HU.php b/apps/files_encryption/l10n/hu_HU.php index 1ef1effd41e07274dfa6236226897b9a67861c4a..e32de01f9731676772ed74746cabde1aa9bdc45e 100644 --- a/apps/files_encryption/l10n/hu_HU.php +++ b/apps/files_encryption/l10n/hu_HU.php @@ -1,4 +1,15 @@ <?php $TRANSLATIONS = array( +"Please switch to your ownCloud client and change your encryption password to complete the conversion." => "Kérjük, hogy váltson át az ownCloud kliensére, és változtassa meg a titkosÃtási jelszót az átalakÃtás befejezéséhez.", +"switched to client side encryption" => "átváltva a kliens oldalai titkosÃtásra", +"Change encryption password to login password" => "TitkosÃtási jelszó módosÃtása a bejelentkezési jelszóra", +"Please check your passwords and try again." => "Kérjük, ellenÅ‘rizze a jelszavait, és próbálja meg újra.", +"Could not change your file encryption password to your login password" => "Nem módosÃthatja a fájltitkosÃtási jelszavát a bejelentkezési jelszavára", +"Choose encryption mode:" => "Válassza ki a titkosÃtási módot:", +"Client side encryption (most secure but makes it impossible to access your data from the web interface)" => "Kliens oldali titkosÃtás (biztonságosabb, de lehetetlenné teszi a fájlok elérését a böngészÅ‘bÅ‘l)", +"Server side encryption (allows you to access your files from the web interface and the desktop client)" => "Kiszolgáló oldali titkosÃtás (lehetÅ‘vé teszi a fájlok elérését úgy böngészÅ‘bÅ‘l mint az asztali kliensbÅ‘l)", +"None (no encryption at all)" => "Semmi (semmilyen titkosÃtás)", +"Important: Once you selected an encryption mode there is no way to change it back" => "Fontos: Ha egyszer kiválasztotta a titkosÃtás módját, többé már nem lehet megváltoztatni", +"User specific (let the user decide)" => "Felhasználó specifikus (a felhasználó választhat)", "Encryption" => "TitkosÃtás", "Exclude the following file types from encryption" => "A következÅ‘ fájltÃpusok kizárása a titkosÃtásból", "None" => "Egyik sem" diff --git a/apps/user_webdavauth/l10n/hu_HU.php b/apps/user_webdavauth/l10n/hu_HU.php index 245a5101341d2a51e59b2cc0575b907f85eb3945..643528011425d7d96c27f4159d2929e66ac27fa7 100644 --- a/apps/user_webdavauth/l10n/hu_HU.php +++ b/apps/user_webdavauth/l10n/hu_HU.php @@ -1,3 +1,5 @@ <?php $TRANSLATIONS = array( -"URL: http://" => "URL: http://" +"WebDAV Authentication" => "WebDAV hitelesÃtés", +"URL: http://" => "URL: http://", +"ownCloud will send the user credentials to this URL. This plugin checks the response and will interpret the HTTP statuscodes 401 and 403 as invalid credentials, and all other responses as valid credentials." => "Az ownCloud elküldi a felhasználói fiók adatai a következÅ‘ URL-re. Ez a bÅ‘vÃtÅ‘modul leellenÅ‘rzi a választ és ha a HTTP hibakód nem 401 vagy 403 azaz érvénytelen hitelesÃtÅ‘, akkor minden más válasz érvényes lesz." ); diff --git a/core/l10n/ar.php b/core/l10n/ar.php index 38450f8d54fee64c306c52bc77f822dc6ed2794d..495bfbd0eac91331fbb1e6d71580111e52ef4fbf 100644 --- a/core/l10n/ar.php +++ b/core/l10n/ar.php @@ -2,6 +2,25 @@ "No category to add?" => "ألا توجد Ùئة للإضاÙة؟", "This category already exists: " => "هذه الÙئة موجودة مسبقاً", "No categories selected for deletion." => "لم يتم اختيار Ùئة للØØ°Ù", +"Sunday" => "الاØد", +"Monday" => "الأثنين", +"Tuesday" => "الثلاثاء", +"Wednesday" => "الاربعاء", +"Thursday" => "الخميس", +"Friday" => "الجمعه", +"Saturday" => "السبت", +"January" => "كانون الثاني", +"February" => "شباط", +"March" => "آذار", +"April" => "نيسان", +"May" => "أيار", +"June" => "Øزيران", +"July" => "تموز", +"August" => "آب", +"September" => "أيلول", +"October" => "تشرين الاول", +"November" => "تشرين الثاني", +"December" => "كانون الاول", "Settings" => "تعديلات", "seconds ago" => "منذ ثواني", "1 minute ago" => "منذ دقيقة", @@ -71,25 +90,6 @@ "Database tablespace" => "مساØØ© جدول قاعدة البيانات", "Database host" => "خادم قاعدة البيانات", "Finish setup" => "انهاء التعديلات", -"Sunday" => "الاØد", -"Monday" => "الأثنين", -"Tuesday" => "الثلاثاء", -"Wednesday" => "الاربعاء", -"Thursday" => "الخميس", -"Friday" => "الجمعه", -"Saturday" => "السبت", -"January" => "كانون الثاني", -"February" => "شباط", -"March" => "آذار", -"April" => "نيسان", -"May" => "أيار", -"June" => "Øزيران", -"July" => "تموز", -"August" => "آب", -"September" => "أيلول", -"October" => "تشرين الاول", -"November" => "تشرين الثاني", -"December" => "كانون الاول", "web services under your control" => "خدمات الوب تØت تصرÙÙƒ", "Log out" => "الخروج", "Automatic logon rejected!" => "تم رÙض تسجيل الدخول التلقائي!", diff --git a/core/l10n/bn_BD.php b/core/l10n/bn_BD.php index 333e4bf0be5f09114b5a623103f9e6880bae1c3b..2f13a49794874710e93c0d6f66d16066056847be 100644 --- a/core/l10n/bn_BD.php +++ b/core/l10n/bn_BD.php @@ -11,6 +11,25 @@ "Error adding %s to favorites." => "পà§à¦°à¦¿à§Ÿà¦¤à§‡ %s যোগ করতে সমসà§à¦¯à¦¾ দেখা দিয়েছে।", "No categories selected for deletion." => "মà§à¦›à§‡ ফেলার জনà§à¦¯ কোন কà§à¦¯à¦¾à¦Ÿà§‡à¦—রি নিরà§à¦¬à¦¾à¦šà¦¨ করা হয় নি ।", "Error removing %s from favorites." => "পà§à¦°à¦¿à§Ÿ থেকে %s সরিয়ে ফেলতে সমসà§à¦¯à¦¾ দেখা দিয়েছে।", +"Sunday" => "রবিবার", +"Monday" => "সোমবার", +"Tuesday" => "মঙà§à¦—লবার", +"Wednesday" => "বà§à¦§à¦¬à¦¾à¦°", +"Thursday" => "বৃহষà§à¦ªà¦¤à¦¿à¦¬à¦¾à¦°", +"Friday" => "শà§à¦•à§à¦°à¦¬à¦¾à¦°", +"Saturday" => "শনিবার", +"January" => "জানà§à§Ÿà¦¾à¦°à¦¿", +"February" => "ফেবà§à¦°à§à§Ÿà¦¾à¦°à¦¿", +"March" => "মারà§à¦š", +"April" => "à¦à¦ªà§à¦°à¦¿à¦²", +"May" => "মে", +"June" => "জà§à¦¨", +"July" => "জà§à¦²à¦¾à¦‡", +"August" => "অগাষà§à¦Ÿ", +"September" => "সেপà§à¦Ÿà§‡à¦®à§à¦¬à¦°", +"October" => "অকà§à¦Ÿà§‹à¦¬à¦°", +"November" => "নà¦à§‡à¦®à§à¦¬à¦°", +"December" => "ডিসেমà§à¦¬à¦°", "Settings" => "নিয়ামকসমূহ", "seconds ago" => "সেকেনà§à¦¡ পূরà§à¦¬à§‡", "1 minute ago" => "1 মিনিট পূরà§à¦¬à§‡", @@ -95,25 +114,6 @@ "Database tablespace" => "ডাটাবেজ টেবলসà§à¦ªà§‡à¦¸", "Database host" => "ডাটাবেজ হোসà§à¦Ÿ", "Finish setup" => "সেটআপ সà§à¦¸à¦®à§à¦ªà¦¨à§à¦¨ কর", -"Sunday" => "রবিবার", -"Monday" => "সোমবার", -"Tuesday" => "মঙà§à¦—লবার", -"Wednesday" => "বà§à¦§à¦¬à¦¾à¦°", -"Thursday" => "বৃহষà§à¦ªà¦¤à¦¿à¦¬à¦¾à¦°", -"Friday" => "শà§à¦•à§à¦°à¦¬à¦¾à¦°", -"Saturday" => "শনিবার", -"January" => "জানà§à§Ÿà¦¾à¦°à¦¿", -"February" => "ফেবà§à¦°à§à§Ÿà¦¾à¦°à¦¿", -"March" => "মারà§à¦š", -"April" => "à¦à¦ªà§à¦°à¦¿à¦²", -"May" => "মে", -"June" => "জà§à¦¨", -"July" => "জà§à¦²à¦¾à¦‡", -"August" => "অগাষà§à¦Ÿ", -"September" => "সেপà§à¦Ÿà§‡à¦®à§à¦¬à¦°", -"October" => "অকà§à¦Ÿà§‹à¦¬à¦°", -"November" => "নà¦à§‡à¦®à§à¦¬à¦°", -"December" => "ডিসেমà§à¦¬à¦°", "web services under your control" => "ওয়েব সারà§à¦à¦¿à¦¸à§‡à¦° নিয়নà§à¦¤à§à¦°à¦£ আপনার হাতের মà§à¦ োয়", "Log out" => "পà§à¦°à¦¸à§à¦¥à¦¾à¦¨", "Lost your password?" => "কূটশবà§à¦¦ হারিয়েছেন?", diff --git a/core/l10n/ca.php b/core/l10n/ca.php index e66bad25e4399aca1934c1e95182d0ca5b249654..4d643873f1853c93c415f46ee2c1ef1661f7dee9 100644 --- a/core/l10n/ca.php +++ b/core/l10n/ca.php @@ -11,6 +11,25 @@ "Error adding %s to favorites." => "Error en afegir %s als preferits.", "No categories selected for deletion." => "No hi ha categories per eliminar.", "Error removing %s from favorites." => "Error en eliminar %s dels preferits.", +"Sunday" => "Diumenge", +"Monday" => "Dilluns", +"Tuesday" => "Dimarts", +"Wednesday" => "Dimecres", +"Thursday" => "Dijous", +"Friday" => "Divendres", +"Saturday" => "Dissabte", +"January" => "Gener", +"February" => "Febrer", +"March" => "Març", +"April" => "Abril", +"May" => "Maig", +"June" => "Juny", +"July" => "Juliol", +"August" => "Agost", +"September" => "Setembre", +"October" => "Octubre", +"November" => "Novembre", +"December" => "Desembre", "Settings" => "Arranjament", "seconds ago" => "segons enrere", "1 minute ago" => "fa 1 minut", @@ -98,25 +117,6 @@ "Database tablespace" => "Espai de taula de la base de dades", "Database host" => "Ordinador central de la base de dades", "Finish setup" => "Acaba la configuració", -"Sunday" => "Diumenge", -"Monday" => "Dilluns", -"Tuesday" => "Dimarts", -"Wednesday" => "Dimecres", -"Thursday" => "Dijous", -"Friday" => "Divendres", -"Saturday" => "Dissabte", -"January" => "Gener", -"February" => "Febrer", -"March" => "Març", -"April" => "Abril", -"May" => "Maig", -"June" => "Juny", -"July" => "Juliol", -"August" => "Agost", -"September" => "Setembre", -"October" => "Octubre", -"November" => "Novembre", -"December" => "Desembre", "web services under your control" => "controleu els vostres serveis web", "Log out" => "Surt", "Automatic logon rejected!" => "L'ha rebutjat l'acceditació automà tica!", diff --git a/core/l10n/cs_CZ.php b/core/l10n/cs_CZ.php index 7a766bd71768f3c4e298a1c04f1db9c994c7522f..16d51032e3c8cfe95b07b1192e5ee249327cffde 100644 --- a/core/l10n/cs_CZ.php +++ b/core/l10n/cs_CZ.php @@ -11,6 +11,25 @@ "Error adding %s to favorites." => "Chyba pÅ™i pÅ™idávánà %s k oblÃbeným.", "No categories selected for deletion." => "Žádné kategorie nebyly vybrány ke smazánÃ.", "Error removing %s from favorites." => "Chyba pÅ™i odebÃránà %s z oblÃbených.", +"Sunday" => "NedÄ›le", +"Monday" => "PondÄ›lÃ", +"Tuesday" => "Úterý", +"Wednesday" => "StÅ™eda", +"Thursday" => "ÄŒtvrtek", +"Friday" => "Pátek", +"Saturday" => "Sobota", +"January" => "Leden", +"February" => "Únor", +"March" => "BÅ™ezen", +"April" => "Duben", +"May" => "KvÄ›ten", +"June" => "ÄŒerven", +"July" => "ÄŒervenec", +"August" => "Srpen", +"September" => "ZářÃ", +"October" => "ŘÃjen", +"November" => "Listopad", +"December" => "Prosinec", "Settings" => "NastavenÃ", "seconds ago" => "pÅ™ed pár vteÅ™inami", "1 minute ago" => "pÅ™ed minutou", @@ -98,25 +117,6 @@ "Database tablespace" => "Tabulkový prostor databáze", "Database host" => "Hostitel databáze", "Finish setup" => "DokonÄit nastavenÃ", -"Sunday" => "NedÄ›le", -"Monday" => "PondÄ›lÃ", -"Tuesday" => "Úterý", -"Wednesday" => "StÅ™eda", -"Thursday" => "ÄŒtvrtek", -"Friday" => "Pátek", -"Saturday" => "Sobota", -"January" => "Leden", -"February" => "Únor", -"March" => "BÅ™ezen", -"April" => "Duben", -"May" => "KvÄ›ten", -"June" => "ÄŒerven", -"July" => "ÄŒervenec", -"August" => "Srpen", -"September" => "ZářÃ", -"October" => "ŘÃjen", -"November" => "Listopad", -"December" => "Prosinec", "web services under your control" => "webové služby pod VaÅ¡Ã kontrolou", "Log out" => "Odhlásit se", "Automatic logon rejected!" => "Automatické pÅ™ihlášenà odmÃtnuto.", diff --git a/core/l10n/de_DE.php b/core/l10n/de_DE.php index d62b000c0ab61fd14c14f8c8b18745d91ac17a36..2e9231c15102dd2ef3678929f92c9ffdbfd1ee4c 100644 --- a/core/l10n/de_DE.php +++ b/core/l10n/de_DE.php @@ -11,6 +11,25 @@ "Error adding %s to favorites." => "Fehler beim Hinzufügen von %s zu den Favoriten.", "No categories selected for deletion." => "Es wurden keine Kategorien zum Löschen ausgewählt.", "Error removing %s from favorites." => "Fehler beim Entfernen von %s von den Favoriten.", +"Sunday" => "Sonntag", +"Monday" => "Montag", +"Tuesday" => "Dienstag", +"Wednesday" => "Mittwoch", +"Thursday" => "Donnerstag", +"Friday" => "Freitag", +"Saturday" => "Samstag", +"January" => "Januar", +"February" => "Februar", +"March" => "März", +"April" => "April", +"May" => "Mai", +"June" => "Juni", +"July" => "Juli", +"August" => "August", +"September" => "September", +"October" => "Oktober", +"November" => "November", +"December" => "Dezember", "Settings" => "Einstellungen", "seconds ago" => "Gerade eben", "1 minute ago" => "Vor 1 Minute", @@ -98,25 +117,6 @@ "Database tablespace" => "Datenbank-Tablespace", "Database host" => "Datenbank-Host", "Finish setup" => "Installation abschließen", -"Sunday" => "Sonntag", -"Monday" => "Montag", -"Tuesday" => "Dienstag", -"Wednesday" => "Mittwoch", -"Thursday" => "Donnerstag", -"Friday" => "Freitag", -"Saturday" => "Samstag", -"January" => "Januar", -"February" => "Februar", -"March" => "März", -"April" => "April", -"May" => "Mai", -"June" => "Juni", -"July" => "Juli", -"August" => "August", -"September" => "September", -"October" => "Oktober", -"November" => "November", -"December" => "Dezember", "web services under your control" => "Web-Services unter Ihrer Kontrolle", "Log out" => "Abmelden", "Automatic logon rejected!" => "Automatische Anmeldung verweigert.", diff --git a/core/l10n/el.php b/core/l10n/el.php index c029b01fd9cbdafbebfc313429f1a37d5e7fc1ce..79cffb0685d50e671cab81fd38c0a82ee9850ebb 100644 --- a/core/l10n/el.php +++ b/core/l10n/el.php @@ -11,6 +11,25 @@ "Error adding %s to favorites." => "Σφάλμα Ï€Ïοσθήκης %s στα αγαπημÎνα.", "No categories selected for deletion." => "Δεν επιλÎχτηκαν κατηγοÏίες για διαγÏαφή.", "Error removing %s from favorites." => "Σφάλμα αφαίÏεσης %s από τα αγαπημÎνα.", +"Sunday" => "ΚυÏιακή", +"Monday" => "ΔευτÎÏα", +"Tuesday" => "ΤÏίτη", +"Wednesday" => "ΤετάÏτη", +"Thursday" => "Î Îμπτη", +"Friday" => "ΠαÏασκευή", +"Saturday" => "Σάββατο", +"January" => "ΙανουάÏιος", +"February" => "ΦεβÏουάÏιος", +"March" => "ΜάÏτιος", +"April" => "ΑπÏίλιος", +"May" => "Μάϊος", +"June" => "ΙοÏνιος", +"July" => "ΙοÏλιος", +"August" => "ΑÏγουστος", +"September" => "ΣεπτÎμβÏιος", +"October" => "ΟκτώβÏιος", +"November" => "ÎοÎμβÏιος", +"December" => "ΔεκÎμβÏιος", "Settings" => "Ρυθμίσεις", "seconds ago" => "δευτεÏόλεπτα Ï€Ïιν", "1 minute ago" => "1 λεπτό Ï€Ïιν", @@ -98,25 +117,6 @@ "Database tablespace" => "Κενά Πινάκων Βάσης ΔεδομÎνων", "Database host" => "Διακομιστής βάσης δεδομÎνων", "Finish setup" => "ΟλοκλήÏωση εγκατάστασης", -"Sunday" => "ΚυÏιακή", -"Monday" => "ΔευτÎÏα", -"Tuesday" => "ΤÏίτη", -"Wednesday" => "ΤετάÏτη", -"Thursday" => "Î Îμπτη", -"Friday" => "ΠαÏασκευή", -"Saturday" => "Σάββατο", -"January" => "ΙανουάÏιος", -"February" => "ΦεβÏουάÏιος", -"March" => "ΜάÏτιος", -"April" => "ΑπÏίλιος", -"May" => "Μάϊος", -"June" => "ΙοÏνιος", -"July" => "ΙοÏλιος", -"August" => "ΑÏγουστος", -"September" => "ΣεπτÎμβÏιος", -"October" => "ΟκτώβÏιος", -"November" => "ÎοÎμβÏιος", -"December" => "ΔεκÎμβÏιος", "web services under your control" => "ΥπηÏεσίες web υπό τον Îλεγχό σας", "Log out" => "ΑποσÏνδεση", "Automatic logon rejected!" => "ΑποÏÏίφθηκε η αυτόματη σÏνδεση!", diff --git a/core/l10n/eo.php b/core/l10n/eo.php index 0319eeef2d4220e68b8e1035c0b77d56488525e8..0839cfe9f6f809ebdeccde44a491a712826e48fa 100644 --- a/core/l10n/eo.php +++ b/core/l10n/eo.php @@ -11,6 +11,25 @@ "Error adding %s to favorites." => "Eraro dum aldono de %s al favoratoj.", "No categories selected for deletion." => "Neniu kategorio elektiÄis por forigo.", "Error removing %s from favorites." => "Eraro dum forigo de %s el favoratoj.", +"Sunday" => "dimanĉo", +"Monday" => "lundo", +"Tuesday" => "mardo", +"Wednesday" => "merkredo", +"Thursday" => "ĵaÅdo", +"Friday" => "vendredo", +"Saturday" => "sabato", +"January" => "Januaro", +"February" => "Februaro", +"March" => "Marto", +"April" => "Aprilo", +"May" => "Majo", +"June" => "Junio", +"July" => "Julio", +"August" => "AÅgusto", +"September" => "Septembro", +"October" => "Oktobro", +"November" => "Novembro", +"December" => "Decembro", "Settings" => "Agordo", "seconds ago" => "sekundoj antaÅe", "1 minute ago" => "antaÅ 1 minuto", @@ -95,25 +114,6 @@ "Database tablespace" => "Datumbaza tabelospaco", "Database host" => "Datumbaza gastigo", "Finish setup" => "Fini la instalon", -"Sunday" => "dimanĉo", -"Monday" => "lundo", -"Tuesday" => "mardo", -"Wednesday" => "merkredo", -"Thursday" => "ĵaÅdo", -"Friday" => "vendredo", -"Saturday" => "sabato", -"January" => "Januaro", -"February" => "Februaro", -"March" => "Marto", -"April" => "Aprilo", -"May" => "Majo", -"June" => "Junio", -"July" => "Julio", -"August" => "AÅgusto", -"September" => "Septembro", -"October" => "Oktobro", -"November" => "Novembro", -"December" => "Decembro", "web services under your control" => "TTT-servoj sub via kontrolo", "Log out" => "Elsaluti", "If you did not change your password recently, your account may be compromised!" => "Se vi ne ÅanÄis vian pasvorton lastatempe, via konto eble kompromitas!", diff --git a/core/l10n/es.php b/core/l10n/es.php index 4f8f1936c7fe5a98edb4db9fab985b76b6897c08..4bdbcac0e95f6782aad02866f46ecddcb3ca8d4a 100644 --- a/core/l10n/es.php +++ b/core/l10n/es.php @@ -11,6 +11,25 @@ "Error adding %s to favorites." => "Error añadiendo %s a los favoritos.", "No categories selected for deletion." => "No hay categorÃas seleccionadas para borrar.", "Error removing %s from favorites." => "Error eliminando %s de los favoritos.", +"Sunday" => "Domingo", +"Monday" => "Lunes", +"Tuesday" => "Martes", +"Wednesday" => "Miércoles", +"Thursday" => "Jueves", +"Friday" => "Viernes", +"Saturday" => "Sábado", +"January" => "Enero", +"February" => "Febrero", +"March" => "Marzo", +"April" => "Abril", +"May" => "Mayo", +"June" => "Junio", +"July" => "Julio", +"August" => "Agosto", +"September" => "Septiembre", +"October" => "Octubre", +"November" => "Noviembre", +"December" => "Diciembre", "Settings" => "Ajustes", "seconds ago" => "hace segundos", "1 minute ago" => "hace 1 minuto", @@ -98,25 +117,6 @@ "Database tablespace" => "Espacio de tablas de la base de datos", "Database host" => "Host de la base de datos", "Finish setup" => "Completar la instalación", -"Sunday" => "Domingo", -"Monday" => "Lunes", -"Tuesday" => "Martes", -"Wednesday" => "Miércoles", -"Thursday" => "Jueves", -"Friday" => "Viernes", -"Saturday" => "Sábado", -"January" => "Enero", -"February" => "Febrero", -"March" => "Marzo", -"April" => "Abril", -"May" => "Mayo", -"June" => "Junio", -"July" => "Julio", -"August" => "Agosto", -"September" => "Septiembre", -"October" => "Octubre", -"November" => "Noviembre", -"December" => "Diciembre", "web services under your control" => "servicios web bajo tu control", "Log out" => "Salir", "Automatic logon rejected!" => "¡Inicio de sesión automático rechazado!", diff --git a/core/l10n/es_AR.php b/core/l10n/es_AR.php index 374a679260b2ab477d217b2648fc47c75d5b375e..d588ac950c96890dbf87a1e0d4de83f2e5feb740 100644 --- a/core/l10n/es_AR.php +++ b/core/l10n/es_AR.php @@ -11,6 +11,25 @@ "Error adding %s to favorites." => "Error al agregar %s a favoritos. ", "No categories selected for deletion." => "No hay categorÃas seleccionadas para borrar.", "Error removing %s from favorites." => "Error al remover %s de favoritos. ", +"Sunday" => "Domingo", +"Monday" => "Lunes", +"Tuesday" => "Martes", +"Wednesday" => "Miércoles", +"Thursday" => "Jueves", +"Friday" => "Viernes", +"Saturday" => "Sábado", +"January" => "Enero", +"February" => "Febrero", +"March" => "Marzo", +"April" => "Abril", +"May" => "Mayo", +"June" => "Junio", +"July" => "Julio", +"August" => "Agosto", +"September" => "Septiembre", +"October" => "Octubre", +"November" => "Noviembre", +"December" => "Diciembre", "Settings" => "Ajustes", "seconds ago" => "segundos atrás", "1 minute ago" => "hace 1 minuto", @@ -98,25 +117,6 @@ "Database tablespace" => "Espacio de tablas de la base de datos", "Database host" => "Host de la base de datos", "Finish setup" => "Completar la instalación", -"Sunday" => "Domingo", -"Monday" => "Lunes", -"Tuesday" => "Martes", -"Wednesday" => "Miércoles", -"Thursday" => "Jueves", -"Friday" => "Viernes", -"Saturday" => "Sábado", -"January" => "Enero", -"February" => "Febrero", -"March" => "Marzo", -"April" => "Abril", -"May" => "Mayo", -"June" => "Junio", -"July" => "Julio", -"August" => "Agosto", -"September" => "Septiembre", -"October" => "Octubre", -"November" => "Noviembre", -"December" => "Diciembre", "web services under your control" => "servicios web sobre los que tenés control", "Log out" => "Cerrar la sesión", "Automatic logon rejected!" => "¡El inicio de sesión automático fue rechazado!", diff --git a/core/l10n/et_EE.php b/core/l10n/et_EE.php index b79dd4761e734f46465cee77f28fe3c8625f4afc..4e3c003c9f61dbb16d9e45a607eb0ff040c842c9 100644 --- a/core/l10n/et_EE.php +++ b/core/l10n/et_EE.php @@ -2,6 +2,25 @@ "No category to add?" => "Pole kategooriat, mida lisada?", "This category already exists: " => "See kategooria on juba olemas: ", "No categories selected for deletion." => "Kustutamiseks pole kategooriat valitud.", +"Sunday" => "Pühapäev", +"Monday" => "Esmaspäev", +"Tuesday" => "Teisipäev", +"Wednesday" => "Kolmapäev", +"Thursday" => "Neljapäev", +"Friday" => "Reede", +"Saturday" => "Laupäev", +"January" => "Jaanuar", +"February" => "Veebruar", +"March" => "Märts", +"April" => "Aprill", +"May" => "Mai", +"June" => "Juuni", +"July" => "Juuli", +"August" => "August", +"September" => "September", +"October" => "Oktoober", +"November" => "November", +"December" => "Detsember", "Settings" => "Seaded", "seconds ago" => "sekundit tagasi", "1 minute ago" => "1 minut tagasi", @@ -74,25 +93,6 @@ "Database tablespace" => "Andmebaasi tabeliruum", "Database host" => "Andmebaasi host", "Finish setup" => "Lõpeta seadistamine", -"Sunday" => "Pühapäev", -"Monday" => "Esmaspäev", -"Tuesday" => "Teisipäev", -"Wednesday" => "Kolmapäev", -"Thursday" => "Neljapäev", -"Friday" => "Reede", -"Saturday" => "Laupäev", -"January" => "Jaanuar", -"February" => "Veebruar", -"March" => "Märts", -"April" => "Aprill", -"May" => "Mai", -"June" => "Juuni", -"July" => "Juuli", -"August" => "August", -"September" => "September", -"October" => "Oktoober", -"November" => "November", -"December" => "Detsember", "web services under your control" => "veebiteenused sinu kontrolli all", "Log out" => "Logi välja", "Automatic logon rejected!" => "Automaatne sisselogimine lükati tagasi!", diff --git a/core/l10n/eu.php b/core/l10n/eu.php index 3f1a290953117d1d170f641b073678b6f8d845a0..2bdb8f72b429105f759de4ca90776f2ffcea48c4 100644 --- a/core/l10n/eu.php +++ b/core/l10n/eu.php @@ -11,6 +11,25 @@ "Error adding %s to favorites." => "Errorea gertatu da %s gogokoetara gehitzean.", "No categories selected for deletion." => "Ez da ezabatzeko kategoriarik hautatu.", "Error removing %s from favorites." => "Errorea gertatu da %s gogokoetatik ezabatzean.", +"Sunday" => "Igandea", +"Monday" => "Astelehena", +"Tuesday" => "Asteartea", +"Wednesday" => "Asteazkena", +"Thursday" => "Osteguna", +"Friday" => "Ostirala", +"Saturday" => "Larunbata", +"January" => "Urtarrila", +"February" => "Otsaila", +"March" => "Martxoa", +"April" => "Apirila", +"May" => "Maiatza", +"June" => "Ekaina", +"July" => "Uztaila", +"August" => "Abuztua", +"September" => "Iraila", +"October" => "Urria", +"November" => "Azaroa", +"December" => "Abendua", "Settings" => "Ezarpenak", "seconds ago" => "segundu", "1 minute ago" => "orain dela minutu 1", @@ -98,25 +117,6 @@ "Database tablespace" => "Datu basearen taula-lekua", "Database host" => "Datubasearen hostalaria", "Finish setup" => "Bukatu konfigurazioa", -"Sunday" => "Igandea", -"Monday" => "Astelehena", -"Tuesday" => "Asteartea", -"Wednesday" => "Asteazkena", -"Thursday" => "Osteguna", -"Friday" => "Ostirala", -"Saturday" => "Larunbata", -"January" => "Urtarrila", -"February" => "Otsaila", -"March" => "Martxoa", -"April" => "Apirila", -"May" => "Maiatza", -"June" => "Ekaina", -"July" => "Uztaila", -"August" => "Abuztua", -"September" => "Iraila", -"October" => "Urria", -"November" => "Azaroa", -"December" => "Abendua", "web services under your control" => "web zerbitzuak zure kontrolpean", "Log out" => "Saioa bukatu", "Automatic logon rejected!" => "Saio hasiera automatikoa ez onartuta!", diff --git a/core/l10n/fi_FI.php b/core/l10n/fi_FI.php index 751293e1fd549fbf55658afe59cd93a95f4ba16c..6b5a833f36e33360174bca768fd08195511d68e2 100644 --- a/core/l10n/fi_FI.php +++ b/core/l10n/fi_FI.php @@ -8,6 +8,25 @@ "Error adding %s to favorites." => "Virhe lisätessä kohdetta %s suosikkeihin.", "No categories selected for deletion." => "Luokkia ei valittu poistettavaksi.", "Error removing %s from favorites." => "Virhe poistaessa kohdetta %s suosikeista.", +"Sunday" => "Sunnuntai", +"Monday" => "Maanantai", +"Tuesday" => "Tiistai", +"Wednesday" => "Keskiviikko", +"Thursday" => "Torstai", +"Friday" => "Perjantai", +"Saturday" => "Lauantai", +"January" => "Tammikuu", +"February" => "Helmikuu", +"March" => "Maaliskuu", +"April" => "Huhtikuu", +"May" => "Toukokuu", +"June" => "Kesäkuu", +"July" => "Heinäkuu", +"August" => "Elokuu", +"September" => "Syyskuu", +"October" => "Lokakuu", +"November" => "Marraskuu", +"December" => "Joulukuu", "Settings" => "Asetukset", "seconds ago" => "sekuntia sitten", "1 minute ago" => "1 minuutti sitten", @@ -91,25 +110,6 @@ "Database tablespace" => "Tietokannan taulukkotila", "Database host" => "Tietokantapalvelin", "Finish setup" => "Viimeistele asennus", -"Sunday" => "Sunnuntai", -"Monday" => "Maanantai", -"Tuesday" => "Tiistai", -"Wednesday" => "Keskiviikko", -"Thursday" => "Torstai", -"Friday" => "Perjantai", -"Saturday" => "Lauantai", -"January" => "Tammikuu", -"February" => "Helmikuu", -"March" => "Maaliskuu", -"April" => "Huhtikuu", -"May" => "Toukokuu", -"June" => "Kesäkuu", -"July" => "Heinäkuu", -"August" => "Elokuu", -"September" => "Syyskuu", -"October" => "Lokakuu", -"November" => "Marraskuu", -"December" => "Joulukuu", "web services under your control" => "verkkopalvelut hallinnassasi", "Log out" => "Kirjaudu ulos", "Automatic logon rejected!" => "Automaattinen sisäänkirjautuminen hylättiin!", diff --git a/core/l10n/fr.php b/core/l10n/fr.php index 39269e43b5d76f1cd6901edaef1e9aaa95822e65..e15f69f576c1e5c5ed84001aecd9c91fe7b770e4 100644 --- a/core/l10n/fr.php +++ b/core/l10n/fr.php @@ -11,6 +11,25 @@ "Error adding %s to favorites." => "Erreur lors de l'ajout de %s aux favoris.", "No categories selected for deletion." => "Aucune catégorie sélectionnée pour suppression", "Error removing %s from favorites." => "Erreur lors de la suppression de %s des favoris.", +"Sunday" => "Dimanche", +"Monday" => "Lundi", +"Tuesday" => "Mardi", +"Wednesday" => "Mercredi", +"Thursday" => "Jeudi", +"Friday" => "Vendredi", +"Saturday" => "Samedi", +"January" => "janvier", +"February" => "février", +"March" => "mars", +"April" => "avril", +"May" => "mai", +"June" => "juin", +"July" => "juillet", +"August" => "août", +"September" => "septembre", +"October" => "octobre", +"November" => "novembre", +"December" => "décembre", "Settings" => "Paramètres", "seconds ago" => "il y a quelques secondes", "1 minute ago" => "il y a une minute", @@ -98,25 +117,6 @@ "Database tablespace" => "Tablespaces de la base de données", "Database host" => "Serveur de la base de données", "Finish setup" => "Terminer l'installation", -"Sunday" => "Dimanche", -"Monday" => "Lundi", -"Tuesday" => "Mardi", -"Wednesday" => "Mercredi", -"Thursday" => "Jeudi", -"Friday" => "Vendredi", -"Saturday" => "Samedi", -"January" => "janvier", -"February" => "février", -"March" => "mars", -"April" => "avril", -"May" => "mai", -"June" => "juin", -"July" => "juillet", -"August" => "août", -"September" => "septembre", -"October" => "octobre", -"November" => "novembre", -"December" => "décembre", "web services under your control" => "services web sous votre contrôle", "Log out" => "Se déconnecter", "Automatic logon rejected!" => "Connexion automatique rejetée !", diff --git a/core/l10n/gl.php b/core/l10n/gl.php index 2642debb288ae40b1c91f3d6d3b6ab9fc9a91423..a45d45d908cfa70d6463483fb7b7a9d9c12c9554 100644 --- a/core/l10n/gl.php +++ b/core/l10n/gl.php @@ -11,6 +11,25 @@ "Error adding %s to favorites." => "Produciuse un erro ao engadir %s aos favoritos.", "No categories selected for deletion." => "Non hai categorÃas seleccionadas para eliminar.", "Error removing %s from favorites." => "Produciuse un erro ao eliminar %s dos favoritos.", +"Sunday" => "Domingo", +"Monday" => "Luns", +"Tuesday" => "Martes", +"Wednesday" => "Mércores", +"Thursday" => "Xoves", +"Friday" => "Venres", +"Saturday" => "Sábado", +"January" => "xaneiro", +"February" => "febreiro", +"March" => "marzo", +"April" => "abril", +"May" => "maio", +"June" => "xuño", +"July" => "xullo", +"August" => "agosto", +"September" => "setembro", +"October" => "outubro", +"November" => "novembro", +"December" => "decembro", "Settings" => "Configuracións", "seconds ago" => "segundos atrás", "1 minute ago" => "hai 1 minuto", @@ -98,25 +117,6 @@ "Database tablespace" => "Táboa de espazos da base de datos", "Database host" => "Servidor da base de datos", "Finish setup" => "Rematar a configuración", -"Sunday" => "Domingo", -"Monday" => "Luns", -"Tuesday" => "Martes", -"Wednesday" => "Mércores", -"Thursday" => "Xoves", -"Friday" => "Venres", -"Saturday" => "Sábado", -"January" => "xaneiro", -"February" => "febreiro", -"March" => "marzo", -"April" => "abril", -"May" => "maio", -"June" => "xuño", -"July" => "xullo", -"August" => "agosto", -"September" => "setembro", -"October" => "outubro", -"November" => "novembro", -"December" => "decembro", "web services under your control" => "servizos web baixo o seu control", "Log out" => "Desconectar", "Automatic logon rejected!" => "Rexeitouse a entrada automática", diff --git a/core/l10n/he.php b/core/l10n/he.php index 59eb3ae14d484441addebbabb14e789b874728c8..88da2e8ddea8146e727f8028be3e9238e1b98d21 100644 --- a/core/l10n/he.php +++ b/core/l10n/he.php @@ -11,6 +11,25 @@ "Error adding %s to favorites." => "×ירעה שגי××” בעת הוספת %s למועדפי×.", "No categories selected for deletion." => "×œ× × ×‘×—×¨×• קטגוריות למחיקה", "Error removing %s from favorites." => "שגי××” בהסרת %s מהמועדפי×.", +"Sunday" => "×™×•× ×¨×שון", +"Monday" => "×™×•× ×©× ×™", +"Tuesday" => "×™×•× ×©×œ×™×©×™", +"Wednesday" => "×™×•× ×¨×‘×™×¢×™", +"Thursday" => "×™×•× ×—×ž×™×©×™", +"Friday" => "×™×•× ×©×™×©×™", +"Saturday" => "שבת", +"January" => "×™× ×•×ר", +"February" => "פברו×ר", +"March" => "מרץ", +"April" => "×פריל", +"May" => "מ××™", +"June" => "×™×•× ×™", +"July" => "יולי", +"August" => "×וגוסט", +"September" => "ספטמבר", +"October" => "×וקטובר", +"November" => "× ×•×‘×ž×‘×¨", +"December" => "דצמבר", "Settings" => "הגדרות", "seconds ago" => "×©× ×™×•×ª", "1 minute ago" => "×œ×¤× ×™ דקה ×חת", @@ -98,25 +117,6 @@ "Database tablespace" => "מרחב הכתובות של מסד ×”× ×ª×•× ×™×", "Database host" => "שרת בסיס × ×ª×•× ×™×", "Finish setup" => "×¡×™×•× ×”×ª×§× ×”", -"Sunday" => "×™×•× ×¨×שון", -"Monday" => "×™×•× ×©× ×™", -"Tuesday" => "×™×•× ×©×œ×™×©×™", -"Wednesday" => "×™×•× ×¨×‘×™×¢×™", -"Thursday" => "×™×•× ×—×ž×™×©×™", -"Friday" => "×™×•× ×©×™×©×™", -"Saturday" => "שבת", -"January" => "×™× ×•×ר", -"February" => "פברו×ר", -"March" => "מרץ", -"April" => "×פריל", -"May" => "מ××™", -"June" => "×™×•× ×™", -"July" => "יולי", -"August" => "×וגוסט", -"September" => "ספטמבר", -"October" => "×וקטובר", -"November" => "× ×•×‘×ž×‘×¨", -"December" => "דצמבר", "web services under your control" => "שירותי רשת בשליטתך", "Log out" => "×”×ª× ×ª×§×•×ª", "Automatic logon rejected!" => "בקשת ×”×›× ×™×¡×” ×”×וטומטית × ×“×—×ª×”!", diff --git a/core/l10n/hr.php b/core/l10n/hr.php index 43dbbe51ae0c02aa37623f24fac81829a134e8e7..32e3779ee4b6f3425f7629d02705b287e6787c12 100644 --- a/core/l10n/hr.php +++ b/core/l10n/hr.php @@ -2,6 +2,25 @@ "No category to add?" => "Nemate kategorija koje možete dodati?", "This category already exists: " => "Ova kategorija već postoji: ", "No categories selected for deletion." => "Nema odabranih kategorija za brisanje.", +"Sunday" => "nedelja", +"Monday" => "ponedeljak", +"Tuesday" => "utorak", +"Wednesday" => "srijeda", +"Thursday" => "Äetvrtak", +"Friday" => "petak", +"Saturday" => "subota", +"January" => "SijeÄanj", +"February" => "VeljaÄa", +"March" => "Ožujak", +"April" => "Travanj", +"May" => "Svibanj", +"June" => "Lipanj", +"July" => "Srpanj", +"August" => "Kolovoz", +"September" => "Rujan", +"October" => "Listopad", +"November" => "Studeni", +"December" => "Prosinac", "Settings" => "Postavke", "seconds ago" => "sekundi prije", "today" => "danas", @@ -67,25 +86,6 @@ "Database tablespace" => "Database tablespace", "Database host" => "Poslužitelj baze podataka", "Finish setup" => "ZavrÅ¡i postavljanje", -"Sunday" => "nedelja", -"Monday" => "ponedeljak", -"Tuesday" => "utorak", -"Wednesday" => "srijeda", -"Thursday" => "Äetvrtak", -"Friday" => "petak", -"Saturday" => "subota", -"January" => "SijeÄanj", -"February" => "VeljaÄa", -"March" => "Ožujak", -"April" => "Travanj", -"May" => "Svibanj", -"June" => "Lipanj", -"July" => "Srpanj", -"August" => "Kolovoz", -"September" => "Rujan", -"October" => "Listopad", -"November" => "Studeni", -"December" => "Prosinac", "web services under your control" => "web usluge pod vaÅ¡om kontrolom", "Log out" => "Odjava", "Lost your password?" => "Izgubili ste lozinku?", diff --git a/core/l10n/ia.php b/core/l10n/ia.php index d614f8381af07f6754a685cae772952784ebbb83..08f283450f8e1da01cf55f2efbfeb1931b830824 100644 --- a/core/l10n/ia.php +++ b/core/l10n/ia.php @@ -1,5 +1,24 @@ <?php $TRANSLATIONS = array( "This category already exists: " => "Iste categoria jam existe:", +"Sunday" => "Dominica", +"Monday" => "Lunedi", +"Tuesday" => "Martedi", +"Wednesday" => "Mercuridi", +"Thursday" => "Jovedi", +"Friday" => "Venerdi", +"Saturday" => "Sabbato", +"January" => "januario", +"February" => "Februario", +"March" => "Martio", +"April" => "April", +"May" => "Mai", +"June" => "Junio", +"July" => "Julio", +"August" => "Augusto", +"September" => "Septembre", +"October" => "Octobre", +"November" => "Novembre", +"December" => "Decembre", "Settings" => "Configurationes", "Cancel" => "Cancellar", "Password" => "Contrasigno", @@ -28,25 +47,6 @@ "Database password" => "Contrasigno de base de datos", "Database name" => "Nomine de base de datos", "Database host" => "Hospite de base de datos", -"Sunday" => "Dominica", -"Monday" => "Lunedi", -"Tuesday" => "Martedi", -"Wednesday" => "Mercuridi", -"Thursday" => "Jovedi", -"Friday" => "Venerdi", -"Saturday" => "Sabbato", -"January" => "januario", -"February" => "Februario", -"March" => "Martio", -"April" => "April", -"May" => "Mai", -"June" => "Junio", -"July" => "Julio", -"August" => "Augusto", -"September" => "Septembre", -"October" => "Octobre", -"November" => "Novembre", -"December" => "Decembre", "web services under your control" => "servicios web sub tu controlo", "Log out" => "Clauder le session", "Lost your password?" => "Tu perdeva le contrasigno?", diff --git a/core/l10n/id.php b/core/l10n/id.php index ee5fad9521786d26fa260baa5c11e650a8e5450b..2c66ea8ce3d4664c07e4652d2abad4e8f3bbfe4c 100644 --- a/core/l10n/id.php +++ b/core/l10n/id.php @@ -2,6 +2,25 @@ "No category to add?" => "Tidak ada kategori yang akan ditambahkan?", "This category already exists: " => "Kategori ini sudah ada:", "No categories selected for deletion." => "Tidak ada kategori terpilih untuk penghapusan.", +"Sunday" => "minggu", +"Monday" => "senin", +"Tuesday" => "selasa", +"Wednesday" => "rabu", +"Thursday" => "kamis", +"Friday" => "jumat", +"Saturday" => "sabtu", +"January" => "Januari", +"February" => "Februari", +"March" => "Maret", +"April" => "April", +"May" => "Mei", +"June" => "Juni", +"July" => "Juli", +"August" => "Agustus", +"September" => "September", +"October" => "Oktober", +"November" => "Nopember", +"December" => "Desember", "Settings" => "Setelan", "seconds ago" => "beberapa detik yang lalu", "1 minute ago" => "1 menit lalu", @@ -73,25 +92,6 @@ "Database tablespace" => "tablespace basis data", "Database host" => "Host database", "Finish setup" => "Selesaikan instalasi", -"Sunday" => "minggu", -"Monday" => "senin", -"Tuesday" => "selasa", -"Wednesday" => "rabu", -"Thursday" => "kamis", -"Friday" => "jumat", -"Saturday" => "sabtu", -"January" => "Januari", -"February" => "Februari", -"March" => "Maret", -"April" => "April", -"May" => "Mei", -"June" => "Juni", -"July" => "Juli", -"August" => "Agustus", -"September" => "September", -"October" => "Oktober", -"November" => "Nopember", -"December" => "Desember", "web services under your control" => "web service dibawah kontrol anda", "Log out" => "Keluar", "Automatic logon rejected!" => "login otomatis ditolak!", diff --git a/core/l10n/is.php b/core/l10n/is.php index e810eb359fd2ddc9f63ee4b3130e65cd7af1b351..6df2573100e59f41c370da65e12d367613e44646 100644 --- a/core/l10n/is.php +++ b/core/l10n/is.php @@ -11,6 +11,25 @@ "Error adding %s to favorites." => "Villa við að bæta %s við eftirlæti.", "No categories selected for deletion." => "Enginn flokkur valinn til eyðingar.", "Error removing %s from favorites." => "Villa við að fjarlægja %s úr eftirlæti.", +"Sunday" => "Sunnudagur", +"Monday" => "Mánudagur", +"Tuesday" => "Þriðjudagur", +"Wednesday" => "Miðvikudagur", +"Thursday" => "Fimmtudagur", +"Friday" => "Föstudagur", +"Saturday" => "Laugardagur", +"January" => "Janúar", +"February" => "Febrúar", +"March" => "Mars", +"April" => "AprÃl", +"May" => "MaÃ", +"June" => "JúnÃ", +"July" => "JúlÃ", +"August" => "Ãgúst", +"September" => "September", +"October" => "Október", +"November" => "Nóvember", +"December" => "Desember", "Settings" => "Stillingar", "seconds ago" => "sek sÃðan", "1 minute ago" => "1 min sÃðan", @@ -98,25 +117,6 @@ "Database tablespace" => "Töflusvæði gagnagrunns", "Database host" => "Netþjónn gagnagrunns", "Finish setup" => "Virkja uppsetningu", -"Sunday" => "Sunnudagur", -"Monday" => "Mánudagur", -"Tuesday" => "Þriðjudagur", -"Wednesday" => "Miðvikudagur", -"Thursday" => "Fimmtudagur", -"Friday" => "Föstudagur", -"Saturday" => "Laugardagur", -"January" => "Janúar", -"February" => "Febrúar", -"March" => "Mars", -"April" => "AprÃl", -"May" => "MaÃ", -"June" => "JúnÃ", -"July" => "JúlÃ", -"August" => "Ãgúst", -"September" => "September", -"October" => "Október", -"November" => "Nóvember", -"December" => "Desember", "web services under your control" => "vefþjónusta undir þinni stjórn", "Log out" => "Útskrá", "Automatic logon rejected!" => "Sjálfvirkri innskráningu hafnað!", diff --git a/core/l10n/it.php b/core/l10n/it.php index 89b6a7952a9a704e286baa7cd2864206b00c507d..00fbe6a3ed5c3b8e1fb35a92ff04c42d1b4e01f6 100644 --- a/core/l10n/it.php +++ b/core/l10n/it.php @@ -11,6 +11,25 @@ "Error adding %s to favorites." => "Errore durante l'aggiunta di %s ai preferiti.", "No categories selected for deletion." => "Nessuna categoria selezionata per l'eliminazione.", "Error removing %s from favorites." => "Errore durante la rimozione di %s dai preferiti.", +"Sunday" => "Domenica", +"Monday" => "Lunedì", +"Tuesday" => "Martedì", +"Wednesday" => "Mercoledì", +"Thursday" => "Giovedì", +"Friday" => "Venerdì", +"Saturday" => "Sabato", +"January" => "Gennaio", +"February" => "Febbraio", +"March" => "Marzo", +"April" => "Aprile", +"May" => "Maggio", +"June" => "Giugno", +"July" => "Luglio", +"August" => "Agosto", +"September" => "Settembre", +"October" => "Ottobre", +"November" => "Novembre", +"December" => "Dicembre", "Settings" => "Impostazioni", "seconds ago" => "secondi fa", "1 minute ago" => "Un minuto fa", @@ -98,25 +117,6 @@ "Database tablespace" => "Spazio delle tabelle del database", "Database host" => "Host del database", "Finish setup" => "Termina la configurazione", -"Sunday" => "Domenica", -"Monday" => "Lunedì", -"Tuesday" => "Martedì", -"Wednesday" => "Mercoledì", -"Thursday" => "Giovedì", -"Friday" => "Venerdì", -"Saturday" => "Sabato", -"January" => "Gennaio", -"February" => "Febbraio", -"March" => "Marzo", -"April" => "Aprile", -"May" => "Maggio", -"June" => "Giugno", -"July" => "Luglio", -"August" => "Agosto", -"September" => "Settembre", -"October" => "Ottobre", -"November" => "Novembre", -"December" => "Dicembre", "web services under your control" => "servizi web nelle tue mani", "Log out" => "Esci", "Automatic logon rejected!" => "Accesso automatico rifiutato.", diff --git a/core/l10n/ja_JP.php b/core/l10n/ja_JP.php index 7d4baf94583f46542151179064d65395f2d64a38..7a867834edbe1180bf41f0f51e6495af66ff50d7 100644 --- a/core/l10n/ja_JP.php +++ b/core/l10n/ja_JP.php @@ -11,6 +11,25 @@ "Error adding %s to favorites." => "ãŠæ°—ã«å…¥ã‚Šã« %s ã‚’è¿½åŠ ã‚¨ãƒ©ãƒ¼", "No categories selected for deletion." => "削除ã™ã‚‹ã‚«ãƒ†ã‚´ãƒªãŒé¸æŠžã•ã‚Œã¦ã„ã¾ã›ã‚“。", "Error removing %s from favorites." => "ãŠæ°—ã«å…¥ã‚Šã‹ã‚‰ %s ã®å‰Šé™¤ã‚¨ãƒ©ãƒ¼", +"Sunday" => "æ—¥", +"Monday" => "月", +"Tuesday" => "ç«", +"Wednesday" => "æ°´", +"Thursday" => "木", +"Friday" => "金", +"Saturday" => "土", +"January" => "1月", +"February" => "2月", +"March" => "3月", +"April" => "4月", +"May" => "5月", +"June" => "6月", +"July" => "7月", +"August" => "8月", +"September" => "9月", +"October" => "10月", +"November" => "11月", +"December" => "12月", "Settings" => "è¨å®š", "seconds ago" => "秒å‰", "1 minute ago" => "1 分å‰", @@ -98,25 +117,6 @@ "Database tablespace" => "データベースã®è¡¨é ˜åŸŸ", "Database host" => "データベースã®ãƒ›ã‚¹ãƒˆå", "Finish setup" => "セットアップを完了ã—ã¾ã™", -"Sunday" => "æ—¥", -"Monday" => "月", -"Tuesday" => "ç«", -"Wednesday" => "æ°´", -"Thursday" => "木", -"Friday" => "金", -"Saturday" => "土", -"January" => "1月", -"February" => "2月", -"March" => "3月", -"April" => "4月", -"May" => "5月", -"June" => "6月", -"July" => "7月", -"August" => "8月", -"September" => "9月", -"October" => "10月", -"November" => "11月", -"December" => "12月", "web services under your control" => "管ç†ä¸‹ã«ã‚るウェブサービス", "Log out" => "ãƒã‚°ã‚¢ã‚¦ãƒˆ", "Automatic logon rejected!" => "自動ãƒã‚°ã‚¤ãƒ³ã¯æ‹’å¦ã•ã‚Œã¾ã—ãŸï¼", diff --git a/core/l10n/ka_GE.php b/core/l10n/ka_GE.php index aafdacab4c65e71fc824cd0ca1a8212e326fb0e3..58771e080b33e9b9ed5d8ef6347525b85072588b 100644 --- a/core/l10n/ka_GE.php +++ b/core/l10n/ka_GE.php @@ -2,6 +2,25 @@ "No category to add?" => "áƒáƒ áƒáƒ ის კáƒáƒ¢áƒ”გáƒáƒ ირდáƒáƒ¡áƒáƒ›áƒáƒ¢áƒ”ბლáƒáƒ“?", "This category already exists: " => "კáƒáƒ¢áƒ”გáƒáƒ ირუკვე áƒáƒ სებáƒáƒ‘ს", "No categories selected for deletion." => "სáƒáƒ ედáƒáƒ¥áƒ¢áƒ˜áƒ ებელი კáƒáƒ¢áƒ”გáƒáƒ ირáƒáƒ áƒáƒ ის áƒáƒ ჩეული ", +"Sunday" => "კვირáƒ", +"Monday" => "áƒáƒ შáƒáƒ‘áƒáƒ—ი", +"Tuesday" => "სáƒáƒ›áƒ¨áƒáƒ‘áƒáƒ—ი", +"Wednesday" => "áƒáƒ—ხშáƒáƒ‘áƒáƒ—ი", +"Thursday" => "ხუთშáƒáƒ‘áƒáƒ—ი", +"Friday" => "პáƒáƒ áƒáƒ¡áƒ™áƒ”ვი", +"Saturday" => "შáƒáƒ‘áƒáƒ—ი", +"January" => "იáƒáƒœáƒ•áƒáƒ ი", +"February" => "თებერვáƒáƒšáƒ˜", +"March" => "მáƒáƒ ტი", +"April" => "áƒáƒžáƒ ილი", +"May" => "მáƒáƒ˜áƒ¡áƒ˜", +"June" => "ივნისი", +"July" => "ივლისი", +"August" => "áƒáƒ’ვისტáƒ", +"September" => "სექტემბერი", +"October" => "áƒáƒ¥áƒ¢áƒáƒ›áƒ‘ერი", +"November" => "ნáƒáƒ”მბერი", +"December" => "დეკემბერი", "Settings" => "პáƒáƒ áƒáƒ›áƒ”ტრები", "seconds ago" => "წáƒáƒ›áƒ˜áƒ¡ წინ", "1 minute ago" => "1 წუთის წინ", @@ -73,25 +92,6 @@ "Database tablespace" => "ბáƒáƒ–ის ცხრილის ზáƒáƒ›áƒ", "Database host" => "ბáƒáƒ–ის ჰáƒáƒ¡áƒ¢áƒ˜", "Finish setup" => "კáƒáƒœáƒ¤áƒ˜áƒ’ურáƒáƒªáƒ˜áƒ˜áƒ¡ დáƒáƒ¡áƒ ულებáƒ", -"Sunday" => "კვირáƒ", -"Monday" => "áƒáƒ შáƒáƒ‘áƒáƒ—ი", -"Tuesday" => "სáƒáƒ›áƒ¨áƒáƒ‘áƒáƒ—ი", -"Wednesday" => "áƒáƒ—ხშáƒáƒ‘áƒáƒ—ი", -"Thursday" => "ხუთშáƒáƒ‘áƒáƒ—ი", -"Friday" => "პáƒáƒ áƒáƒ¡áƒ™áƒ”ვი", -"Saturday" => "შáƒáƒ‘áƒáƒ—ი", -"January" => "იáƒáƒœáƒ•áƒáƒ ი", -"February" => "თებერვáƒáƒšáƒ˜", -"March" => "მáƒáƒ ტი", -"April" => "áƒáƒžáƒ ილი", -"May" => "მáƒáƒ˜áƒ¡áƒ˜", -"June" => "ივნისი", -"July" => "ივლისი", -"August" => "áƒáƒ’ვისტáƒ", -"September" => "სექტემბერი", -"October" => "áƒáƒ¥áƒ¢áƒáƒ›áƒ‘ერი", -"November" => "ნáƒáƒ”მბერი", -"December" => "დეკემბერი", "web services under your control" => "თქვენი კáƒáƒœáƒ¢áƒ áƒáƒšáƒ˜áƒ¡ ქვეშ მყáƒáƒ¤áƒ˜ ვებ სერვისები", "Log out" => "გáƒáƒ›áƒáƒ¡áƒ•áƒšáƒ", "Automatic logon rejected!" => "áƒáƒ•áƒ¢áƒáƒ›áƒáƒ¢áƒ£áƒ ი შესვლრუáƒáƒ ყáƒáƒ¤áƒ˜áƒšáƒ˜áƒ!", diff --git a/core/l10n/ko.php b/core/l10n/ko.php index 3db5a50117367358f1ed167406a009aa3be3d9e0..5897b890ec542ca58f394ff0b52b269a03367706 100644 --- a/core/l10n/ko.php +++ b/core/l10n/ko.php @@ -11,6 +11,25 @@ "Error adding %s to favorites." => "ì±…ê°ˆí”¼ì— %sì„(를) ì¶”ê°€í• ìˆ˜ 없었습니다.", "No categories selected for deletion." => "ì‚ì œí• ë¶„ë¥˜ë¥¼ ì„ íƒí•˜ì§€ 않았습니다.", "Error removing %s from favorites." => "책갈피ì—ì„œ %sì„(를) ì‚ì œí• ìˆ˜ 없었습니다.", +"Sunday" => "ì¼ìš”ì¼", +"Monday" => "월요ì¼", +"Tuesday" => "화요ì¼", +"Wednesday" => "수요ì¼", +"Thursday" => "목요ì¼", +"Friday" => "금요ì¼", +"Saturday" => "í† ìš”ì¼", +"January" => "1ì›”", +"February" => "2ì›”", +"March" => "3ì›”", +"April" => "4ì›”", +"May" => "5ì›”", +"June" => "6ì›”", +"July" => "7ì›”", +"August" => "8ì›”", +"September" => "9ì›”", +"October" => "10ì›”", +"November" => "11ì›”", +"December" => "12ì›”", "Settings" => "ì„¤ì •", "seconds ago" => "ì´ˆ ì „", "1 minute ago" => "1분 ì „", @@ -98,25 +117,6 @@ "Database tablespace" => "ë°ì´í„°ë² ì´ìŠ¤ í…Œì´ë¸” 공간", "Database host" => "ë°ì´í„°ë² ì´ìŠ¤ 호스트", "Finish setup" => "설치 완료", -"Sunday" => "ì¼ìš”ì¼", -"Monday" => "월요ì¼", -"Tuesday" => "화요ì¼", -"Wednesday" => "수요ì¼", -"Thursday" => "목요ì¼", -"Friday" => "금요ì¼", -"Saturday" => "í† ìš”ì¼", -"January" => "1ì›”", -"February" => "2ì›”", -"March" => "3ì›”", -"April" => "4ì›”", -"May" => "5ì›”", -"June" => "6ì›”", -"July" => "7ì›”", -"August" => "8ì›”", -"September" => "9ì›”", -"October" => "10ì›”", -"November" => "11ì›”", -"December" => "12ì›”", "web services under your control" => "ë‚´ê°€ 관리하는 웹 서비스", "Log out" => "로그아웃", "Automatic logon rejected!" => "ìžë™ 로그ì¸ì´ 거부ë˜ì—ˆìŠµë‹ˆë‹¤!", diff --git a/core/l10n/lt_LT.php b/core/l10n/lt_LT.php index ec15c646191179be1685409c156f569a7d941411..040a5a7f7fcf63aac532bdb589da9445ffe1b65f 100644 --- a/core/l10n/lt_LT.php +++ b/core/l10n/lt_LT.php @@ -2,6 +2,25 @@ "No category to add?" => "NepridÄ—site jokios kategorijos?", "This category already exists: " => "Tokia kategorija jau yra:", "No categories selected for deletion." => "Trynimui nepasirinkta jokia kategorija.", +"Sunday" => "Sekmadienis", +"Monday" => "Pirmadienis", +"Tuesday" => "Antradienis", +"Wednesday" => "TreÄiadienis", +"Thursday" => "Ketvirtadienis", +"Friday" => "Penktadienis", +"Saturday" => "Å eÅ¡tadienis", +"January" => "Sausis", +"February" => "Vasaris", +"March" => "Kovas", +"April" => "Balandis", +"May" => "Gegužė", +"June" => "Birželis", +"July" => "Liepa", +"August" => "RugpjÅ«tis", +"September" => "RugsÄ—jis", +"October" => "Spalis", +"November" => "Lapkritis", +"December" => "Gruodis", "Settings" => "Nustatymai", "seconds ago" => "prieÅ¡ sekundÄ™", "1 minute ago" => "PrieÅ¡ 1 minutÄ™", @@ -77,25 +96,6 @@ "Database tablespace" => "Duomenų bazÄ—s loginis saugojimas", "Database host" => "Duomenų bazÄ—s serveris", "Finish setup" => "Baigti diegimÄ…", -"Sunday" => "Sekmadienis", -"Monday" => "Pirmadienis", -"Tuesday" => "Antradienis", -"Wednesday" => "TreÄiadienis", -"Thursday" => "Ketvirtadienis", -"Friday" => "Penktadienis", -"Saturday" => "Å eÅ¡tadienis", -"January" => "Sausis", -"February" => "Vasaris", -"March" => "Kovas", -"April" => "Balandis", -"May" => "Gegužė", -"June" => "Birželis", -"July" => "Liepa", -"August" => "RugpjÅ«tis", -"September" => "RugsÄ—jis", -"October" => "Spalis", -"November" => "Lapkritis", -"December" => "Gruodis", "web services under your control" => "jÅ«sų valdomos web paslaugos", "Log out" => "Atsijungti", "Automatic logon rejected!" => "Automatinis prisijungimas atmestas!", diff --git a/core/l10n/mk.php b/core/l10n/mk.php index d8fa16d44f3c661d28d01318148120552e9f1714..3a8991437baf44770a54cb651b5bcd82cdb91e90 100644 --- a/core/l10n/mk.php +++ b/core/l10n/mk.php @@ -11,6 +11,25 @@ "Error adding %s to favorites." => "Грешка при додавање %s во омилени.", "No categories selected for deletion." => "Ðе е одбрана категорија за бришење.", "Error removing %s from favorites." => "Грешка при бришење на %s од омилени.", +"Sunday" => "Ðедела", +"Monday" => "Понеделник", +"Tuesday" => "Вторник", +"Wednesday" => "Среда", +"Thursday" => "Четврток", +"Friday" => "Петок", +"Saturday" => "Сабота", +"January" => "Јануари", +"February" => "Февруари", +"March" => "Март", +"April" => "Ðприл", +"May" => "Мај", +"June" => "Јуни", +"July" => "Јули", +"August" => "ÐвгуÑÑ‚", +"September" => "Септември", +"October" => "Октомври", +"November" => "Ðоември", +"December" => "Декември", "Settings" => "ПоÑтавки", "seconds ago" => "пред Ñекунди", "1 minute ago" => "пред 1 минута", @@ -98,25 +117,6 @@ "Database tablespace" => "Табела во базата на податоци", "Database host" => "Сервер Ñо база", "Finish setup" => "Заврши го подеÑувањето", -"Sunday" => "Ðедела", -"Monday" => "Понеделник", -"Tuesday" => "Вторник", -"Wednesday" => "Среда", -"Thursday" => "Четврток", -"Friday" => "Петок", -"Saturday" => "Сабота", -"January" => "Јануари", -"February" => "Февруари", -"March" => "Март", -"April" => "Ðприл", -"May" => "Мај", -"June" => "Јуни", -"July" => "Јули", -"August" => "ÐвгуÑÑ‚", -"September" => "Септември", -"October" => "Октомври", -"November" => "Ðоември", -"December" => "Декември", "web services under your control" => "веб ÑервиÑи под Ваша контрола", "Log out" => "Одјава", "Automatic logon rejected!" => "Одбиена автоматÑка најава!", diff --git a/core/l10n/ms_MY.php b/core/l10n/ms_MY.php index b08ccecf6167775b3d8322dced40d7447ba99d81..3eff044ac55c8c8593d4bece4567dbc508329d97 100644 --- a/core/l10n/ms_MY.php +++ b/core/l10n/ms_MY.php @@ -2,6 +2,25 @@ "No category to add?" => "Tiada kategori untuk di tambah?", "This category already exists: " => "Kategori ini telah wujud", "No categories selected for deletion." => "tiada kategori dipilih untuk penghapusan", +"Sunday" => "Ahad", +"Monday" => "Isnin", +"Tuesday" => "Selasa", +"Wednesday" => "Rabu", +"Thursday" => "Khamis", +"Friday" => "Jumaat", +"Saturday" => "Sabtu", +"January" => "Januari", +"February" => "Februari", +"March" => "Mac", +"April" => "April", +"May" => "Mei", +"June" => "Jun", +"July" => "Julai", +"August" => "Ogos", +"September" => "September", +"October" => "Oktober", +"November" => "November", +"December" => "Disember", "Settings" => "Tetapan", "Cancel" => "Batal", "No" => "Tidak", @@ -38,25 +57,6 @@ "Database name" => "Nama pangkalan data", "Database host" => "Hos pangkalan data", "Finish setup" => "Setup selesai", -"Sunday" => "Ahad", -"Monday" => "Isnin", -"Tuesday" => "Selasa", -"Wednesday" => "Rabu", -"Thursday" => "Khamis", -"Friday" => "Jumaat", -"Saturday" => "Sabtu", -"January" => "Januari", -"February" => "Februari", -"March" => "Mac", -"April" => "April", -"May" => "Mei", -"June" => "Jun", -"July" => "Julai", -"August" => "Ogos", -"September" => "September", -"October" => "Oktober", -"November" => "November", -"December" => "Disember", "web services under your control" => "Perkhidmatan web di bawah kawalan anda", "Log out" => "Log keluar", "Lost your password?" => "Hilang kata laluan?", diff --git a/core/l10n/nb_NO.php b/core/l10n/nb_NO.php index d985e454b7cb692e458e7b4caee0c987e7f19f25..a39e5d44bc44a4beacdaab5c866359822879e157 100644 --- a/core/l10n/nb_NO.php +++ b/core/l10n/nb_NO.php @@ -2,6 +2,25 @@ "No category to add?" => "Ingen kategorier Ã¥ legge til?", "This category already exists: " => "Denne kategorien finnes allerede:", "No categories selected for deletion." => "Ingen kategorier merket for sletting.", +"Sunday" => "Søndag", +"Monday" => "Mandag", +"Tuesday" => "Tirsdag", +"Wednesday" => "Onsdag", +"Thursday" => "Torsdag", +"Friday" => "Fredag", +"Saturday" => "Lørdag", +"January" => "Januar", +"February" => "Februar", +"March" => "Mars", +"April" => "April", +"May" => "Mai", +"June" => "Juni", +"July" => "Juli", +"August" => "August", +"September" => "September", +"October" => "Oktober", +"November" => "November", +"December" => "Desember", "Settings" => "Innstillinger", "seconds ago" => "sekunder siden", "1 minute ago" => "1 minutt siden", @@ -73,25 +92,6 @@ "Database tablespace" => "Database tabellomrÃ¥de", "Database host" => "Databasevert", "Finish setup" => "Fullfør oppsetting", -"Sunday" => "Søndag", -"Monday" => "Mandag", -"Tuesday" => "Tirsdag", -"Wednesday" => "Onsdag", -"Thursday" => "Torsdag", -"Friday" => "Fredag", -"Saturday" => "Lørdag", -"January" => "Januar", -"February" => "Februar", -"March" => "Mars", -"April" => "April", -"May" => "Mai", -"June" => "Juni", -"July" => "Juli", -"August" => "August", -"September" => "September", -"October" => "Oktober", -"November" => "November", -"December" => "Desember", "web services under your control" => "nettjenester under din kontroll", "Log out" => "Logg ut", "Automatic logon rejected!" => "Automatisk pÃ¥logging avvist!", diff --git a/core/l10n/nl.php b/core/l10n/nl.php index 739d8181d6fbf6c56f73538451143be3dc521ee0..27d32cfcc5e663872e92e15ea57fa616442bc752 100644 --- a/core/l10n/nl.php +++ b/core/l10n/nl.php @@ -11,6 +11,25 @@ "Error adding %s to favorites." => "Toevoegen van %s aan favorieten is mislukt.", "No categories selected for deletion." => "Geen categorie geselecteerd voor verwijdering.", "Error removing %s from favorites." => "Verwijderen %s van favorieten is mislukt.", +"Sunday" => "Zondag", +"Monday" => "Maandag", +"Tuesday" => "Dinsdag", +"Wednesday" => "Woensdag", +"Thursday" => "Donderdag", +"Friday" => "Vrijdag", +"Saturday" => "Zaterdag", +"January" => "januari", +"February" => "februari", +"March" => "maart", +"April" => "april", +"May" => "mei", +"June" => "juni", +"July" => "juli", +"August" => "augustus", +"September" => "september", +"October" => "oktober", +"November" => "november", +"December" => "december", "Settings" => "Instellingen", "seconds ago" => "seconden geleden", "1 minute ago" => "1 minuut geleden", @@ -98,25 +117,6 @@ "Database tablespace" => "Database tablespace", "Database host" => "Database server", "Finish setup" => "Installatie afronden", -"Sunday" => "Zondag", -"Monday" => "Maandag", -"Tuesday" => "Dinsdag", -"Wednesday" => "Woensdag", -"Thursday" => "Donderdag", -"Friday" => "Vrijdag", -"Saturday" => "Zaterdag", -"January" => "januari", -"February" => "februari", -"March" => "maart", -"April" => "april", -"May" => "mei", -"June" => "juni", -"July" => "juli", -"August" => "augustus", -"September" => "september", -"October" => "oktober", -"November" => "november", -"December" => "december", "web services under your control" => "Webdiensten in eigen beheer", "Log out" => "Afmelden", "Automatic logon rejected!" => "Automatische aanmelding geweigerd!", diff --git a/core/l10n/nn_NO.php b/core/l10n/nn_NO.php index 8aaf0b705c81ab83023f76624053c8c40dcd3a11..61b2baffbf2136be5b10399e49d9510d603ba8c0 100644 --- a/core/l10n/nn_NO.php +++ b/core/l10n/nn_NO.php @@ -1,4 +1,23 @@ <?php $TRANSLATIONS = array( +"Sunday" => "Søndag", +"Monday" => "MÃ¥ndag", +"Tuesday" => "Tysdag", +"Wednesday" => "Onsdag", +"Thursday" => "Torsdag", +"Friday" => "Fredag", +"Saturday" => "Laurdag", +"January" => "Januar", +"February" => "Februar", +"March" => "Mars", +"April" => "April", +"May" => "Mai", +"June" => "Juni", +"July" => "Juli", +"August" => "August", +"September" => "September", +"October" => "Oktober", +"November" => "November", +"December" => "Desember", "Settings" => "Innstillingar", "Cancel" => "Kanseller", "Error" => "Feil", @@ -28,25 +47,6 @@ "Database name" => "Databasenamn", "Database host" => "Databasetenar", "Finish setup" => "Fullfør oppsettet", -"Sunday" => "Søndag", -"Monday" => "MÃ¥ndag", -"Tuesday" => "Tysdag", -"Wednesday" => "Onsdag", -"Thursday" => "Torsdag", -"Friday" => "Fredag", -"Saturday" => "Laurdag", -"January" => "Januar", -"February" => "Februar", -"March" => "Mars", -"April" => "April", -"May" => "Mai", -"June" => "Juni", -"July" => "Juli", -"August" => "August", -"September" => "September", -"October" => "Oktober", -"November" => "November", -"December" => "Desember", "web services under your control" => "Vev tjenester under din kontroll", "Log out" => "Logg ut", "Lost your password?" => "Gløymt passordet?", diff --git a/core/l10n/oc.php b/core/l10n/oc.php index be6d5aec2857af6d5f531e22e7f5bd45d3f338cf..3443f9d501eeb02acc0f7271d3976f2369c979df 100644 --- a/core/l10n/oc.php +++ b/core/l10n/oc.php @@ -2,6 +2,25 @@ "No category to add?" => "Pas de categoria d'ajustar ?", "This category already exists: " => "La categoria exista ja :", "No categories selected for deletion." => "Pas de categorias seleccionadas per escafar.", +"Sunday" => "Dimenge", +"Monday" => "Diluns", +"Tuesday" => "Dimarç", +"Wednesday" => "Dimecres", +"Thursday" => "Dijòus", +"Friday" => "Divendres", +"Saturday" => "Dissabte", +"January" => "Genièr", +"February" => "Febrièr", +"March" => "Març", +"April" => "Abril", +"May" => "Mai", +"June" => "Junh", +"July" => "Julhet", +"August" => "Agost", +"September" => "Septembre", +"October" => "Octobre", +"November" => "Novembre", +"December" => "Decembre", "Settings" => "Configuracion", "seconds ago" => "segonda a", "1 minute ago" => "1 minuta a", @@ -69,25 +88,6 @@ "Database tablespace" => "Espandi de taula de basa de donadas", "Database host" => "Ã’ste de basa de donadas", "Finish setup" => "Configuracion acabada", -"Sunday" => "Dimenge", -"Monday" => "Diluns", -"Tuesday" => "Dimarç", -"Wednesday" => "Dimecres", -"Thursday" => "Dijòus", -"Friday" => "Divendres", -"Saturday" => "Dissabte", -"January" => "Genièr", -"February" => "Febrièr", -"March" => "Març", -"April" => "Abril", -"May" => "Mai", -"June" => "Junh", -"July" => "Julhet", -"August" => "Agost", -"September" => "Septembre", -"October" => "Octobre", -"November" => "Novembre", -"December" => "Decembre", "web services under your control" => "Services web jos ton contraròtle", "Log out" => "Sortida", "Lost your password?" => "L'as perdut lo senhal ?", diff --git a/core/l10n/pl.php b/core/l10n/pl.php index 3324040209b298eb339f577ebfd45b691b444214..142593930d0a9ba1bd9465c5c261057f5397dfad 100644 --- a/core/l10n/pl.php +++ b/core/l10n/pl.php @@ -11,6 +11,25 @@ "Error adding %s to favorites." => "BÅ‚Ä…d dodania %s do ulubionych.", "No categories selected for deletion." => "Nie ma kategorii zaznaczonych do usuniÄ™cia.", "Error removing %s from favorites." => "BÅ‚Ä…d usuniÄ™cia %s z ulubionych.", +"Sunday" => "Niedziela", +"Monday" => "PoniedziaÅ‚ek", +"Tuesday" => "Wtorek", +"Wednesday" => "Åšroda", +"Thursday" => "Czwartek", +"Friday" => "PiÄ…tek", +"Saturday" => "Sobota", +"January" => "StyczeÅ„", +"February" => "Luty", +"March" => "Marzec", +"April" => "KwiecieÅ„", +"May" => "Maj", +"June" => "Czerwiec", +"July" => "Lipiec", +"August" => "SierpieÅ„", +"September" => "WrzesieÅ„", +"October" => "Październik", +"November" => "Listopad", +"December" => "GrudzieÅ„", "Settings" => "Ustawienia", "seconds ago" => "sekund temu", "1 minute ago" => "1 minute temu", @@ -98,25 +117,6 @@ "Database tablespace" => "Obszar tabel bazy danych", "Database host" => "Komputer bazy danych", "Finish setup" => "ZakoÅ„cz konfigurowanie", -"Sunday" => "Niedziela", -"Monday" => "PoniedziaÅ‚ek", -"Tuesday" => "Wtorek", -"Wednesday" => "Åšroda", -"Thursday" => "Czwartek", -"Friday" => "PiÄ…tek", -"Saturday" => "Sobota", -"January" => "StyczeÅ„", -"February" => "Luty", -"March" => "Marzec", -"April" => "KwiecieÅ„", -"May" => "Maj", -"June" => "Czerwiec", -"July" => "Lipiec", -"August" => "SierpieÅ„", -"September" => "WrzesieÅ„", -"October" => "Październik", -"November" => "Listopad", -"December" => "GrudzieÅ„", "web services under your control" => "usÅ‚ugi internetowe pod kontrolÄ…", "Log out" => "Wylogowuje użytkownika", "Automatic logon rejected!" => "Automatyczne logowanie odrzucone!", diff --git a/core/l10n/pt_BR.php b/core/l10n/pt_BR.php index 3b1196502680257ef2f9731bf6d69c483158ae7f..8ca2dd4fd0e2e7cacf2e1e53ece237a67576c429 100644 --- a/core/l10n/pt_BR.php +++ b/core/l10n/pt_BR.php @@ -7,6 +7,25 @@ "Error adding %s to favorites." => "Erro ao adicionar %s aos favoritos.", "No categories selected for deletion." => "Nenhuma categoria selecionada para deletar.", "Error removing %s from favorites." => "Erro ao remover %s dos favoritos.", +"Sunday" => "Domingo", +"Monday" => "Segunda-feira", +"Tuesday" => "Terça-feira", +"Wednesday" => "Quarta-feira", +"Thursday" => "Quinta-feira", +"Friday" => "Sexta-feira", +"Saturday" => "Sábado", +"January" => "Janeiro", +"February" => "Fevereiro", +"March" => "Março", +"April" => "Abril", +"May" => "Maio", +"June" => "Junho", +"July" => "Julho", +"August" => "Agosto", +"September" => "Setembro", +"October" => "Outubro", +"November" => "Novembro", +"December" => "Dezembro", "Settings" => "Configurações", "seconds ago" => "segundos atrás", "1 minute ago" => "1 minuto atrás", @@ -90,25 +109,6 @@ "Database tablespace" => "Espaço de tabela do banco de dados", "Database host" => "Banco de dados do host", "Finish setup" => "Concluir configuração", -"Sunday" => "Domingo", -"Monday" => "Segunda-feira", -"Tuesday" => "Terça-feira", -"Wednesday" => "Quarta-feira", -"Thursday" => "Quinta-feira", -"Friday" => "Sexta-feira", -"Saturday" => "Sábado", -"January" => "Janeiro", -"February" => "Fevereiro", -"March" => "Março", -"April" => "Abril", -"May" => "Maio", -"June" => "Junho", -"July" => "Julho", -"August" => "Agosto", -"September" => "Setembro", -"October" => "Outubro", -"November" => "Novembro", -"December" => "Dezembro", "web services under your control" => "web services sob seu controle", "Log out" => "Sair", "Automatic logon rejected!" => "Entrada Automática no Sistema Rejeitada!", diff --git a/core/l10n/pt_PT.php b/core/l10n/pt_PT.php index 6e3a558986ce69a5785f54b28b3a88abd206f2f8..bfa1c098d1ef099e0d5710b8a3c65f975fe2fa7b 100644 --- a/core/l10n/pt_PT.php +++ b/core/l10n/pt_PT.php @@ -9,11 +9,30 @@ "Object type not provided." => "Tipo de objecto não fornecido", "%s ID not provided." => "ID %s não fornecido", "Error adding %s to favorites." => "Erro a adicionar %s aos favoritos", -"No categories selected for deletion." => "Nenhuma categoria seleccionar para eliminar", +"No categories selected for deletion." => "Nenhuma categoria seleccionada para apagar", "Error removing %s from favorites." => "Erro a remover %s dos favoritos.", +"Sunday" => "Domingo", +"Monday" => "Segunda", +"Tuesday" => "Terça", +"Wednesday" => "Quarta", +"Thursday" => "Quinta", +"Friday" => "Sexta", +"Saturday" => "Sábado", +"January" => "Janeiro", +"February" => "Fevereiro", +"March" => "Março", +"April" => "Abril", +"May" => "Maio", +"June" => "Junho", +"July" => "Julho", +"August" => "Agosto", +"September" => "Setembro", +"October" => "Outubro", +"November" => "Novembro", +"December" => "Dezembro", "Settings" => "Definições", "seconds ago" => "Minutos atrás", -"1 minute ago" => "Falta 1 minuto", +"1 minute ago" => "Há 1 minuto", "{minutes} minutes ago" => "{minutes} minutos atrás", "1 hour ago" => "Há 1 hora", "{hours} hours ago" => "Há {hours} horas atrás", @@ -62,7 +81,7 @@ "Error unsetting expiration date" => "Erro ao retirar a data de expiração", "Error setting expiration date" => "Erro ao aplicar a data de expiração", "Sending ..." => "A Enviar...", -"Email sent" => "E-mail enviado com sucesso!", +"Email sent" => "E-mail enviado", "ownCloud password reset" => "Reposição da password ownCloud", "Use the following link to reset your password: {link}" => "Use o seguinte endereço para repor a sua password: {link}", "You will receive a link to reset your password via Email." => "Vai receber um endereço para repor a sua password", @@ -71,7 +90,7 @@ "Username" => "Utilizador", "Request reset" => "Pedir reposição", "Your password was reset" => "A sua password foi reposta", -"To login page" => "Para a página de conexão", +"To login page" => "Para a página de entrada", "New password" => "Nova password", "Reset password" => "Repor password", "Personal" => "Pessoal", @@ -96,36 +115,17 @@ "Database password" => "Password da base de dados", "Database name" => "Nome da base de dados", "Database tablespace" => "Tablespace da base de dados", -"Database host" => "Host da base de dados", +"Database host" => "Anfitrião da base de dados", "Finish setup" => "Acabar instalação", -"Sunday" => "Domingo", -"Monday" => "Segunda", -"Tuesday" => "Terça", -"Wednesday" => "Quarta", -"Thursday" => "Quinta", -"Friday" => "Sexta", -"Saturday" => "Sábado", -"January" => "Janeiro", -"February" => "Fevereiro", -"March" => "Março", -"April" => "Abril", -"May" => "Maio", -"June" => "Junho", -"July" => "Julho", -"August" => "Agosto", -"September" => "Setembro", -"October" => "Outubro", -"November" => "Novembro", -"December" => "Dezembro", "web services under your control" => "serviços web sob o seu controlo", "Log out" => "Sair", "Automatic logon rejected!" => "Login automático rejeitado!", "If you did not change your password recently, your account may be compromised!" => "Se não mudou a sua palavra-passe recentemente, a sua conta pode ter sido comprometida!", "Please change your password to secure your account again." => "Por favor mude a sua palavra-passe para assegurar a sua conta de novo.", -"Lost your password?" => "Esqueceu a sua password?", +"Lost your password?" => "Esqueceu-se da sua password?", "remember" => "lembrar", "Log in" => "Entrar", "prev" => "anterior", "next" => "seguinte", -"Updating ownCloud to version %s, this may take a while." => "A Actualizar o ownCloud para a versão %s, esta operação pode demorar." +"Updating ownCloud to version %s, this may take a while." => "A actualizar o ownCloud para a versão %s, esta operação pode demorar." ); diff --git a/core/l10n/ru.php b/core/l10n/ru.php index 7434d6af7f827bb5f1370e1fdcf37cf681d34225..fd6a7c6094a0b06ca21222a8d2815904a95837e8 100644 --- a/core/l10n/ru.php +++ b/core/l10n/ru.php @@ -11,6 +11,25 @@ "Error adding %s to favorites." => "Ошибка Ð´Ð¾Ð±Ð°Ð²Ð»ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ %s в избранное", "No categories selected for deletion." => "Ðет категорий Ð´Ð»Ñ ÑƒÐ´Ð°Ð»ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ.", "Error removing %s from favorites." => "Ошибка ÑƒÐ´Ð°Ð»ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ %s из избранного", +"Sunday" => "ВоÑкреÑенье", +"Monday" => "Понедельник", +"Tuesday" => "Вторник", +"Wednesday" => "Среда", +"Thursday" => "Четверг", +"Friday" => "ПÑтница", +"Saturday" => "Суббота", +"January" => "Январь", +"February" => "Февраль", +"March" => "Март", +"April" => "Ðпрель", +"May" => "Май", +"June" => "Июнь", +"July" => "Июль", +"August" => "ÐвгуÑÑ‚", +"September" => "СентÑбрь", +"October" => "ОктÑбрь", +"November" => "ÐоÑбрь", +"December" => "Декабрь", "Settings" => "ÐаÑтройки", "seconds ago" => "неÑколько Ñекунд назад", "1 minute ago" => "1 минуту назад", @@ -98,25 +117,6 @@ "Database tablespace" => "Табличое проÑтранÑтво базы данных", "Database host" => "ХоÑÑ‚ базы данных", "Finish setup" => "Завершить уÑтановку", -"Sunday" => "ВоÑкреÑенье", -"Monday" => "Понедельник", -"Tuesday" => "Вторник", -"Wednesday" => "Среда", -"Thursday" => "Четверг", -"Friday" => "ПÑтница", -"Saturday" => "Суббота", -"January" => "Январь", -"February" => "Февраль", -"March" => "Март", -"April" => "Ðпрель", -"May" => "Май", -"June" => "Июнь", -"July" => "Июль", -"August" => "ÐвгуÑÑ‚", -"September" => "СентÑбрь", -"October" => "ОктÑбрь", -"November" => "ÐоÑбрь", -"December" => "Декабрь", "web services under your control" => "Сетевые Ñлужбы под твоим контролем", "Log out" => "Выйти", "Automatic logon rejected!" => "ÐвтоматичеÑкий вход в ÑиÑтему отключен!", diff --git a/core/l10n/ru_RU.php b/core/l10n/ru_RU.php index 84bd8f931565570b721134ec6133504732139284..4ede33482863bf10222eef7fc37268ede4a6463f 100644 --- a/core/l10n/ru_RU.php +++ b/core/l10n/ru_RU.php @@ -11,6 +11,25 @@ "Error adding %s to favorites." => "Ошибка Ð´Ð¾Ð±Ð°Ð²Ð»ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ %s в избранное.", "No categories selected for deletion." => "Ðет категорий, выбранных Ð´Ð»Ñ ÑƒÐ´Ð°Ð»ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ.", "Error removing %s from favorites." => "Ошибка ÑƒÐ´Ð°Ð»ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ %s из избранного.", +"Sunday" => "ВоÑкреÑенье", +"Monday" => "Понедельник", +"Tuesday" => "Вторник", +"Wednesday" => "Среда", +"Thursday" => "Четверг", +"Friday" => "ПÑтница", +"Saturday" => "Суббота", +"January" => "Январь", +"February" => "Февраль", +"March" => "Март", +"April" => "Ðпрель", +"May" => "Май", +"June" => "Июнь", +"July" => "Июль", +"August" => "ÐвгуÑÑ‚", +"September" => "СентÑбрь", +"October" => "ОктÑбрь", +"November" => "ÐоÑбрь", +"December" => "Декабрь", "Settings" => "ÐаÑтройки", "seconds ago" => "Ñекунд назад", "1 minute ago" => " 1 минуту назад", @@ -98,25 +117,6 @@ "Database tablespace" => "Ð¢Ð°Ð±Ð»Ð¸Ñ‡Ð½Ð°Ñ Ð¾Ð±Ð»Ð°ÑÑ‚ÑŒ базы данных", "Database host" => "Сервер базы данных", "Finish setup" => "Завершение наÑтройки", -"Sunday" => "ВоÑкреÑенье", -"Monday" => "Понедельник", -"Tuesday" => "Вторник", -"Wednesday" => "Среда", -"Thursday" => "Четверг", -"Friday" => "ПÑтница", -"Saturday" => "Суббота", -"January" => "Январь", -"February" => "Февраль", -"March" => "Март", -"April" => "Ðпрель", -"May" => "Май", -"June" => "Июнь", -"July" => "Июль", -"August" => "ÐвгуÑÑ‚", -"September" => "СентÑбрь", -"October" => "ОктÑбрь", -"November" => "ÐоÑбрь", -"December" => "Декабрь", "web services under your control" => "веб-ÑервиÑÑ‹ под Вашим контролем", "Log out" => "Выйти", "Automatic logon rejected!" => "ÐвтоматичеÑкий вход в ÑиÑтему отклонен!", diff --git a/core/l10n/si_LK.php b/core/l10n/si_LK.php index a6aeb484ed7d877cf1ebda5c9bb12753d70103fb..3c4e69e89be3bbf633e0d13d223fe918d8f081cb 100644 --- a/core/l10n/si_LK.php +++ b/core/l10n/si_LK.php @@ -1,5 +1,24 @@ <?php $TRANSLATIONS = array( "No categories selected for deletion." => "මක෠දà·à¶¸à·“ම සඳහ෠ප්â€à¶»à·€à¶»à·Šà¶œà¶ºà¶±à·Š à¶à·à¶»à· නොමà·à¶.", +"Sunday" => "ඉරිදà·", +"Monday" => "සඳුදà·", +"Tuesday" => "අඟහරුවà·à¶¯à·", +"Wednesday" => "බදà·à¶¯à·", +"Thursday" => "බ්â€à¶»à·„ස්පà¶à·’න්දà·", +"Friday" => "සිකුරà·à¶¯à·", +"Saturday" => "සෙනසුරà·à¶¯à·", +"January" => "ජනවà·à¶»à·’", +"February" => "පෙබරවà·à¶»à·’", +"March" => "මà·à¶»à·Šà¶à·”", +"April" => "අප්â€à¶»à·šà¶½à·Š", +"May" => "මà·à¶ºà·’", +"June" => "ජූනි", +"July" => "ජූලි", +"August" => "අගà·à·ƒà·Šà¶à·”", +"September" => "à·ƒà·à¶´à·Šà¶à·à¶¸à·Šà¶¶à¶»à·Š", +"October" => "ඔක්à¶à·à¶¶à¶»à·Š", +"November" => "නොවà·à¶¸à·Šà¶¶à¶»à·Š", +"December" => "දෙසà·à¶¸à·Šà¶¶à¶»à·Š", "Settings" => "à·ƒà·à¶šà·ƒà·”ම්", "seconds ago" => "à¶à¶à·Šà¶´à¶»à¶ºà¶±à·Šà¶§ පෙර", "1 minute ago" => "1 මිනිà¶à·Šà¶à·”වකට පෙර", @@ -61,25 +80,6 @@ "Database name" => "දà¶à·Šà¶à¶œà¶¶à¶©à·à·€à·š නම", "Database host" => "දà¶à·Šà¶à¶œà¶¶à¶©à· සේවà·à¶¯à·à¶ºà¶šà¶ºà·", "Finish setup" => "ස්ථà·à¶´à¶±à¶º කිරීම අවසන් කරන්න", -"Sunday" => "ඉරිදà·", -"Monday" => "සඳුදà·", -"Tuesday" => "අඟහරුවà·à¶¯à·", -"Wednesday" => "බදà·à¶¯à·", -"Thursday" => "බ්â€à¶»à·„ස්පà¶à·’න්දà·", -"Friday" => "සිකුරà·à¶¯à·", -"Saturday" => "සෙනසුරà·à¶¯à·", -"January" => "ජනවà·à¶»à·’", -"February" => "පෙබරවà·à¶»à·’", -"March" => "මà·à¶»à·Šà¶à·”", -"April" => "අප්â€à¶»à·šà¶½à·Š", -"May" => "මà·à¶ºà·’", -"June" => "ජූනි", -"July" => "ජූලි", -"August" => "අගà·à·ƒà·Šà¶à·”", -"September" => "à·ƒà·à¶´à·Šà¶à·à¶¸à·Šà¶¶à¶»à·Š", -"October" => "ඔක්à¶à·à¶¶à¶»à·Š", -"November" => "නොවà·à¶¸à·Šà¶¶à¶»à·Š", -"December" => "දෙසà·à¶¸à·Šà¶¶à¶»à·Š", "web services under your control" => "ඔබට පà·à¶½à¶±à¶º කළ à·„à·à¶šà·’ වෙබ් සේවà·à·€à¶±à·Š", "Log out" => "නික්මීම", "Lost your password?" => "මුරපදය අමà¶à¶šà¶¯?", diff --git a/core/l10n/sk_SK.php b/core/l10n/sk_SK.php index 286642ace7a30b559f021791887c1c4c8b9fe477..6e373137e43dab5b5f04a61c2543fb30aac8266e 100644 --- a/core/l10n/sk_SK.php +++ b/core/l10n/sk_SK.php @@ -11,6 +11,25 @@ "Error adding %s to favorites." => "Chyba pri pridávanà %s do obľúbených položiek.", "No categories selected for deletion." => "Neboli vybrané žiadne kategórie pre odstránenie.", "Error removing %s from favorites." => "Chyba pri odstraňovanà %s z obľúbených položiek.", +"Sunday" => "Nedeľa", +"Monday" => "Pondelok", +"Tuesday" => "Utorok", +"Wednesday" => "Streda", +"Thursday" => "Å tvrtok", +"Friday" => "Piatok", +"Saturday" => "Sobota", +"January" => "Január", +"February" => "Február", +"March" => "Marec", +"April" => "AprÃl", +"May" => "Máj", +"June" => "Jún", +"July" => "Júl", +"August" => "August", +"September" => "September", +"October" => "Október", +"November" => "November", +"December" => "December", "Settings" => "Nastavenia", "seconds ago" => "pred sekundami", "1 minute ago" => "pred minútou", @@ -98,25 +117,6 @@ "Database tablespace" => "Tabuľkový priestor databázy", "Database host" => "Server databázy", "Finish setup" => "DokonÄiÅ¥ inÅ¡taláciu", -"Sunday" => "Nedeľa", -"Monday" => "Pondelok", -"Tuesday" => "Utorok", -"Wednesday" => "Streda", -"Thursday" => "Å tvrtok", -"Friday" => "Piatok", -"Saturday" => "Sobota", -"January" => "Január", -"February" => "Február", -"March" => "Marec", -"April" => "AprÃl", -"May" => "Máj", -"June" => "Jún", -"July" => "Júl", -"August" => "August", -"September" => "September", -"October" => "Október", -"November" => "November", -"December" => "December", "web services under your control" => "webové služby pod vaÅ¡ou kontrolou", "Log out" => "OdhlásiÅ¥", "Automatic logon rejected!" => "Automatické prihlásenie bolo zamietnuté!", diff --git a/core/l10n/sl.php b/core/l10n/sl.php index b2c924d412ed952e80b2d26d56d7766405d20a24..413a46ffc7939c72870d855969e612cc1390ebc1 100644 --- a/core/l10n/sl.php +++ b/core/l10n/sl.php @@ -11,6 +11,25 @@ "Error adding %s to favorites." => "Napaka pri dodajanju %s med priljubljene.", "No categories selected for deletion." => "Za izbris ni izbrana nobena kategorija.", "Error removing %s from favorites." => "Napaka pri odstranjevanju %s iz priljubljenih.", +"Sunday" => "nedelja", +"Monday" => "ponedeljek", +"Tuesday" => "torek", +"Wednesday" => "sreda", +"Thursday" => "Äetrtek", +"Friday" => "petek", +"Saturday" => "sobota", +"January" => "januar", +"February" => "februar", +"March" => "marec", +"April" => "april", +"May" => "maj", +"June" => "junij", +"July" => "julij", +"August" => "avgust", +"September" => "september", +"October" => "oktober", +"November" => "november", +"December" => "december", "Settings" => "Nastavitve", "seconds ago" => "pred nekaj sekundami", "1 minute ago" => "pred minuto", @@ -98,25 +117,6 @@ "Database tablespace" => "Razpredelnica podatkovne zbirke", "Database host" => "Gostitelj podatkovne zbirke", "Finish setup" => "DokonÄaj namestitev", -"Sunday" => "nedelja", -"Monday" => "ponedeljek", -"Tuesday" => "torek", -"Wednesday" => "sreda", -"Thursday" => "Äetrtek", -"Friday" => "petek", -"Saturday" => "sobota", -"January" => "januar", -"February" => "februar", -"March" => "marec", -"April" => "april", -"May" => "maj", -"June" => "junij", -"July" => "julij", -"August" => "avgust", -"September" => "september", -"October" => "oktober", -"November" => "november", -"December" => "december", "web services under your control" => "spletne storitve pod vaÅ¡im nadzorom", "Log out" => "Odjava", "Automatic logon rejected!" => "Samodejno prijavljanje je zavrnjeno!", diff --git a/core/l10n/sr.php b/core/l10n/sr.php index e55ad9250abe6e02b437b469a90e7cd115d45cfb..e8547c58acc1337cd77f4174eeabb7c9768919c9 100644 --- a/core/l10n/sr.php +++ b/core/l10n/sr.php @@ -9,6 +9,25 @@ "Error adding %s to favorites." => "Грешка приликом додавања %s у омиљене.", "No categories selected for deletion." => "Ðи једна категорија није означена за бриÑање.", "Error removing %s from favorites." => "Грешка приликом уклањања %s из омиљених", +"Sunday" => "Ðедеља", +"Monday" => "Понедељак", +"Tuesday" => "Уторак", +"Wednesday" => "Среда", +"Thursday" => "Четвртак", +"Friday" => "Петак", +"Saturday" => "Субота", +"January" => "Јануар", +"February" => "Фебруар", +"March" => "Март", +"April" => "Ðприл", +"May" => "Мај", +"June" => "Јун", +"July" => "Јул", +"August" => "ÐвгуÑÑ‚", +"September" => "Септембар", +"October" => "Октобар", +"November" => "Ðовембар", +"December" => "Децембар", "Settings" => "Подешавања", "seconds ago" => "пре неколико Ñекунди", "1 minute ago" => "пре 1 минут", @@ -95,25 +114,6 @@ "Database tablespace" => "Радни проÑтор базе података", "Database host" => "Домаћин базе", "Finish setup" => "Заврши подешавање", -"Sunday" => "Ðедеља", -"Monday" => "Понедељак", -"Tuesday" => "Уторак", -"Wednesday" => "Среда", -"Thursday" => "Четвртак", -"Friday" => "Петак", -"Saturday" => "Субота", -"January" => "Јануар", -"February" => "Фебруар", -"March" => "Март", -"April" => "Ðприл", -"May" => "Мај", -"June" => "Јун", -"July" => "Јул", -"August" => "ÐвгуÑÑ‚", -"September" => "Септембар", -"October" => "Октобар", -"November" => "Ðовембар", -"December" => "Децембар", "web services under your control" => "веб ÑервиÑи под контролом", "Log out" => "Одјава", "Automatic logon rejected!" => "ÐутоматÑка пријава је одбијена!", diff --git a/core/l10n/sr@latin.php b/core/l10n/sr@latin.php index efcb7c10f01605b7bbe5a3ca3a748403081d7c1d..ec3eab34e29d801fec536a601e20bc22e6213392 100644 --- a/core/l10n/sr@latin.php +++ b/core/l10n/sr@latin.php @@ -1,4 +1,23 @@ <?php $TRANSLATIONS = array( +"Sunday" => "Nedelja", +"Monday" => "Ponedeljak", +"Tuesday" => "Utorak", +"Wednesday" => "Sreda", +"Thursday" => "ÄŒetvrtak", +"Friday" => "Petak", +"Saturday" => "Subota", +"January" => "Januar", +"February" => "Februar", +"March" => "Mart", +"April" => "April", +"May" => "Maj", +"June" => "Jun", +"July" => "Jul", +"August" => "Avgust", +"September" => "Septembar", +"October" => "Oktobar", +"November" => "Novembar", +"December" => "Decembar", "Settings" => "PodeÅ¡avanja", "Cancel" => "Otkaži", "Password" => "Lozinka", @@ -24,25 +43,6 @@ "Database name" => "Ime baze", "Database host" => "Domaćin baze", "Finish setup" => "ZavrÅ¡i podeÅ¡avanje", -"Sunday" => "Nedelja", -"Monday" => "Ponedeljak", -"Tuesday" => "Utorak", -"Wednesday" => "Sreda", -"Thursday" => "ÄŒetvrtak", -"Friday" => "Petak", -"Saturday" => "Subota", -"January" => "Januar", -"February" => "Februar", -"March" => "Mart", -"April" => "April", -"May" => "Maj", -"June" => "Jun", -"July" => "Jul", -"August" => "Avgust", -"September" => "Septembar", -"October" => "Oktobar", -"November" => "Novembar", -"December" => "Decembar", "Log out" => "Odjava", "Lost your password?" => "Izgubili ste lozinku?", "remember" => "upamti", diff --git a/core/l10n/sv.php b/core/l10n/sv.php index 70a9871be2678e05db032dc274b2164d325b16f4..406d51790b74975637f499abe626c3f89643a260 100644 --- a/core/l10n/sv.php +++ b/core/l10n/sv.php @@ -11,6 +11,25 @@ "Error adding %s to favorites." => "Fel vid tillägg av %s till favoriter.", "No categories selected for deletion." => "Inga kategorier valda för radering.", "Error removing %s from favorites." => "Fel vid borttagning av %s frÃ¥n favoriter.", +"Sunday" => "Söndag", +"Monday" => "MÃ¥ndag", +"Tuesday" => "Tisdag", +"Wednesday" => "Onsdag", +"Thursday" => "Torsdag", +"Friday" => "Fredag", +"Saturday" => "Lördag", +"January" => "Januari", +"February" => "Februari", +"March" => "Mars", +"April" => "April", +"May" => "Maj", +"June" => "Juni", +"July" => "Juli", +"August" => "Augusti", +"September" => "September", +"October" => "Oktober", +"November" => "November", +"December" => "December", "Settings" => "Inställningar", "seconds ago" => "sekunder sedan", "1 minute ago" => "1 minut sedan", @@ -98,25 +117,6 @@ "Database tablespace" => "Databas tabellutrymme", "Database host" => "Databasserver", "Finish setup" => "Avsluta installation", -"Sunday" => "Söndag", -"Monday" => "MÃ¥ndag", -"Tuesday" => "Tisdag", -"Wednesday" => "Onsdag", -"Thursday" => "Torsdag", -"Friday" => "Fredag", -"Saturday" => "Lördag", -"January" => "Januari", -"February" => "Februari", -"March" => "Mars", -"April" => "April", -"May" => "Maj", -"June" => "Juni", -"July" => "Juli", -"August" => "Augusti", -"September" => "September", -"October" => "Oktober", -"November" => "November", -"December" => "December", "web services under your control" => "webbtjänster under din kontroll", "Log out" => "Logga ut", "Automatic logon rejected!" => "Automatisk inloggning inte tillÃ¥ten!", diff --git a/core/l10n/ta_LK.php b/core/l10n/ta_LK.php index 65cfbbf965d2256d96676971b3bc66b9cf047ea2..f4f204968ff68b25749ece7f976734739be28ab1 100644 --- a/core/l10n/ta_LK.php +++ b/core/l10n/ta_LK.php @@ -7,6 +7,25 @@ "Error adding %s to favorites." => "விரà¯à®ªà¯à®ªà®™à¯à®•à®³à¯à®•à¯à®•à¯ %s ஠சேரà¯à®ªà¯à®ªà®¤à®¿à®²à¯ வழà¯", "No categories selected for deletion." => "நீகà¯à®•à¯à®µà®¤à®±à¯à®•à¯ எநà¯à®¤à®ªà¯ பிரிவà¯à®®à¯ தெரிவà¯à®šà¯†à®¯à¯à®¯à®ªà¯à®ªà®Ÿà®µà®¿à®²à¯à®²à¯ˆ.", "Error removing %s from favorites." => "விரà¯à®ªà¯à®ªà®¤à¯à®¤à®¿à®²à®¿à®°à¯à®¨à¯à®¤à¯ %s ஠அகறà¯à®±à¯à®µà®¤à®¿à®²à¯ வழà¯.உஇஇ", +"Sunday" => "ஞாயிறà¯à®±à¯à®•à¯à®•à®¿à®´à®®à¯ˆ", +"Monday" => "திஙà¯à®•à®Ÿà¯à®•à®¿à®´à®®à¯ˆ", +"Tuesday" => "செவà¯à®µà®¾à®¯à¯à®•à¯à®•à®¿à®´à®®à¯ˆ", +"Wednesday" => "பà¯à®¤à®©à¯à®•à®¿à®´à®®à¯ˆ", +"Thursday" => "வியாழகà¯à®•à®¿à®´à®®à¯ˆ", +"Friday" => "வெளà¯à®³à®¿à®•à¯à®•à®¿à®´à®®à¯ˆ", +"Saturday" => "சனிகà¯à®•à®¿à®´à®®à¯ˆ", +"January" => "தை", +"February" => "மாசி", +"March" => "பஙà¯à®•à¯à®©à®¿", +"April" => "சிதà¯à®¤à®¿à®°à¯ˆ", +"May" => "வைகாசி", +"June" => "ஆனி", +"July" => "ஆடி", +"August" => "ஆவணி", +"September" => "பà¯à®°à®Ÿà¯à®Ÿà®¾à®šà®¿", +"October" => "à®à®ªà¯à®ªà®šà®¿", +"November" => "காரà¯à®¤à¯à®¤à®¿à®•à¯ˆ", +"December" => "மாரà¯à®•à®´à®¿", "Settings" => "அமைபà¯à®ªà¯à®•à®³à¯", "seconds ago" => "செகà¯à®•à®©à¯à®•à®³à¯à®•à¯à®•à¯ à®®à¯à®©à¯", "1 minute ago" => "1 நிமிடதà¯à®¤à®¿à®±à¯à®•à¯ à®®à¯à®©à¯ ", @@ -90,25 +109,6 @@ "Database tablespace" => "தரவà¯à®¤à¯à®¤à®³ அடà¯à®Ÿà®µà®£à¯ˆ", "Database host" => "தரவà¯à®¤à¯à®¤à®³ ஓமà¯à®ªà¯à®©à®°à¯", "Finish setup" => "அமைபà¯à®ªà¯ˆ à®®à¯à®Ÿà®¿à®•à¯à®•", -"Sunday" => "ஞாயிறà¯à®±à¯à®•à¯à®•à®¿à®´à®®à¯ˆ", -"Monday" => "திஙà¯à®•à®Ÿà¯à®•à®¿à®´à®®à¯ˆ", -"Tuesday" => "செவà¯à®µà®¾à®¯à¯à®•à¯à®•à®¿à®´à®®à¯ˆ", -"Wednesday" => "பà¯à®¤à®©à¯à®•à®¿à®´à®®à¯ˆ", -"Thursday" => "வியாழகà¯à®•à®¿à®´à®®à¯ˆ", -"Friday" => "வெளà¯à®³à®¿à®•à¯à®•à®¿à®´à®®à¯ˆ", -"Saturday" => "சனிகà¯à®•à®¿à®´à®®à¯ˆ", -"January" => "தை", -"February" => "மாசி", -"March" => "பஙà¯à®•à¯à®©à®¿", -"April" => "சிதà¯à®¤à®¿à®°à¯ˆ", -"May" => "வைகாசி", -"June" => "ஆனி", -"July" => "ஆடி", -"August" => "ஆவணி", -"September" => "பà¯à®°à®Ÿà¯à®Ÿà®¾à®šà®¿", -"October" => "à®à®ªà¯à®ªà®šà®¿", -"November" => "காரà¯à®¤à¯à®¤à®¿à®•à¯ˆ", -"December" => "மாரà¯à®•à®´à®¿", "web services under your control" => "உஙà¯à®•à®³à¯ கடà¯à®Ÿà¯à®ªà¯à®ªà®¾à®Ÿà¯à®Ÿà®¿à®©à¯ கீழ௠இணைய சேவைகளà¯", "Log out" => "விடà¯à®ªà®¤à®¿à®•à¯ˆ செயà¯à®•", "Automatic logon rejected!" => "தனà¯à®©à®¿à®šà¯à®šà¯ˆà®¯à®¾à®© பà¯à®•à¯à®ªà®¤à®¿à®•à¯ˆ நிராகரிபà¯à®ªà®Ÿà¯à®Ÿà®¤à¯!", diff --git a/core/l10n/th_TH.php b/core/l10n/th_TH.php index bcbd70d03e6303e76d121f806596ca2c6df75292..4a17eb3b495deccd89416f04e154f6904f3a2c42 100644 --- a/core/l10n/th_TH.php +++ b/core/l10n/th_TH.php @@ -11,6 +11,25 @@ "Error adding %s to favorites." => "เà¸à¸´à¸”ข้à¸à¸œà¸´à¸”พลาดในà¸à¸²à¸£à¹€à¸žà¸´à¹ˆà¸¡ %s เข้าไปยังรายà¸à¸²à¸£à¹‚ปรด", "No categories selected for deletion." => "ยังไม่ได้เลืà¸à¸à¸«à¸¡à¸§à¸”หมู่ที่ต้à¸à¸‡à¸à¸²à¸£à¸¥à¸š", "Error removing %s from favorites." => "เà¸à¸´à¸”ข้à¸à¸œà¸´à¸”พลาดในà¸à¸²à¸£à¸¥à¸š %s à¸à¸à¸à¸ˆà¸²à¸à¸£à¸²à¸¢à¸à¸²à¸£à¹‚ปรด", +"Sunday" => "วันà¸à¸²à¸—ิตย์", +"Monday" => "วันจันทร์", +"Tuesday" => "วันà¸à¸±à¸‡à¸„าร", +"Wednesday" => "วันพุธ", +"Thursday" => "วันพฤหัสบดี", +"Friday" => "วันศุà¸à¸£à¹Œ", +"Saturday" => "วันเสาร์", +"January" => "มà¸à¸£à¸²à¸„ม", +"February" => "à¸à¸¸à¸¡à¸ าพันธ์", +"March" => "มีนาคม", +"April" => "เมษายน", +"May" => "พฤษภาคม", +"June" => "มิถุนายน", +"July" => "à¸à¸£à¸à¸à¸²à¸„ม", +"August" => "สิงหาคม", +"September" => "à¸à¸±à¸™à¸¢à¸²à¸¢à¸™", +"October" => "ตุลาคม", +"November" => "พฤศจิà¸à¸²à¸¢à¸™", +"December" => "ธันวาคม", "Settings" => "ตั้งค่า", "seconds ago" => "วินาที à¸à¹ˆà¸à¸™à¸«à¸™à¹‰à¸²à¸™à¸µà¹‰", "1 minute ago" => "1 นาทีà¸à¹ˆà¸à¸™à¸«à¸™à¹‰à¸²à¸™à¸µà¹‰", @@ -98,25 +117,6 @@ "Database tablespace" => "พื้นที่ตารางในà¸à¸²à¸™à¸‚้à¸à¸¡à¸¹à¸¥", "Database host" => "Database host", "Finish setup" => "ติดตั้งเรียบร้à¸à¸¢à¹à¸¥à¹‰à¸§", -"Sunday" => "วันà¸à¸²à¸—ิตย์", -"Monday" => "วันจันทร์", -"Tuesday" => "วันà¸à¸±à¸‡à¸„าร", -"Wednesday" => "วันพุธ", -"Thursday" => "วันพฤหัสบดี", -"Friday" => "วันศุà¸à¸£à¹Œ", -"Saturday" => "วันเสาร์", -"January" => "มà¸à¸£à¸²à¸„ม", -"February" => "à¸à¸¸à¸¡à¸ าพันธ์", -"March" => "มีนาคม", -"April" => "เมษายน", -"May" => "พฤษภาคม", -"June" => "มิถุนายน", -"July" => "à¸à¸£à¸à¸à¸²à¸„ม", -"August" => "สิงหาคม", -"September" => "à¸à¸±à¸™à¸¢à¸²à¸¢à¸™", -"October" => "ตุลาคม", -"November" => "พฤศจิà¸à¸²à¸¢à¸™", -"December" => "ธันวาคม", "web services under your control" => "web services under your control", "Log out" => "à¸à¸à¸à¸ˆà¸²à¸à¸£à¸°à¸šà¸š", "Automatic logon rejected!" => "à¸à¸²à¸£à¹€à¸‚้าสู่ระบบà¸à¸±à¸•à¹‚นมัติถูà¸à¸›à¸à¸´à¹€à¸ªà¸˜à¹à¸¥à¹‰à¸§", diff --git a/core/l10n/tr.php b/core/l10n/tr.php index 58e28a9b3b9d0315cf0ce6c7b20059def56f3d5c..f64ecbedd5a49e00453afccb2482283226377cb3 100644 --- a/core/l10n/tr.php +++ b/core/l10n/tr.php @@ -11,6 +11,25 @@ "Error adding %s to favorites." => "%s favorilere eklenirken hata oluÅŸtu", "No categories selected for deletion." => "Silmek için bir kategori seçilmedi", "Error removing %s from favorites." => "%s favorilere çıkarılırken hata oluÅŸtu", +"Sunday" => "Pazar", +"Monday" => "Pazartesi", +"Tuesday" => "Salı", +"Wednesday" => "ÇarÅŸamba", +"Thursday" => "PerÅŸembe", +"Friday" => "Cuma", +"Saturday" => "Cumartesi", +"January" => "Ocak", +"February" => "Åžubat", +"March" => "Mart", +"April" => "Nisan", +"May" => "Mayıs", +"June" => "Haziran", +"July" => "Temmuz", +"August" => "AÄŸustos", +"September" => "Eylül", +"October" => "Ekim", +"November" => "Kasım", +"December" => "Aralık", "Settings" => "Ayarlar", "seconds ago" => "saniye önce", "1 minute ago" => "1 dakika önce", @@ -98,25 +117,6 @@ "Database tablespace" => "Veritabanı tablo alanı", "Database host" => "Veritabanı sunucusu", "Finish setup" => "Kurulumu tamamla", -"Sunday" => "Pazar", -"Monday" => "Pazartesi", -"Tuesday" => "Salı", -"Wednesday" => "ÇarÅŸamba", -"Thursday" => "PerÅŸembe", -"Friday" => "Cuma", -"Saturday" => "Cumartesi", -"January" => "Ocak", -"February" => "Åžubat", -"March" => "Mart", -"April" => "Nisan", -"May" => "Mayıs", -"June" => "Haziran", -"July" => "Temmuz", -"August" => "AÄŸustos", -"September" => "Eylül", -"October" => "Ekim", -"November" => "Kasım", -"December" => "Aralık", "web services under your control" => "kontrolünüzdeki web servisleri", "Log out" => "Çıkış yap", "Automatic logon rejected!" => "Otomatik oturum açma reddedildi!", diff --git a/core/l10n/uk.php b/core/l10n/uk.php index 88e18d3eb28860635fbd188976972eb5c3763289..34387cc914e9b0c1809ca727c6bcea3749efa8fd 100644 --- a/core/l10n/uk.php +++ b/core/l10n/uk.php @@ -11,6 +11,25 @@ "Error adding %s to favorites." => "Помилка при додаванні %s до обраного.", "No categories selected for deletion." => "Жодної категорії не обрано Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð²Ð¸Ð´Ð°Ð»ÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ.", "Error removing %s from favorites." => "Помилка при видалені %s із обраного.", +"Sunday" => "ÐеділÑ", +"Monday" => "Понеділок", +"Tuesday" => "Вівторок", +"Wednesday" => "Середа", +"Thursday" => "Четвер", +"Friday" => "П'ÑтницÑ", +"Saturday" => "Субота", +"January" => "Січень", +"February" => "Лютий", +"March" => "Березень", +"April" => "Квітень", +"May" => "Травень", +"June" => "Червень", +"July" => "Липень", +"August" => "Серпень", +"September" => "ВереÑень", +"October" => "Жовтень", +"November" => "ЛиÑтопад", +"December" => "Грудень", "Settings" => "ÐалаштуваннÑ", "seconds ago" => "Ñекунди тому", "1 minute ago" => "1 хвилину тому", @@ -98,25 +117,6 @@ "Database tablespace" => "Ð¢Ð°Ð±Ð»Ð¸Ñ†Ñ Ð±Ð°Ð·Ð¸ даних", "Database host" => "ХоÑÑ‚ бази даних", "Finish setup" => "Завершити налаштуваннÑ", -"Sunday" => "ÐеділÑ", -"Monday" => "Понеділок", -"Tuesday" => "Вівторок", -"Wednesday" => "Середа", -"Thursday" => "Четвер", -"Friday" => "П'ÑтницÑ", -"Saturday" => "Субота", -"January" => "Січень", -"February" => "Лютий", -"March" => "Березень", -"April" => "Квітень", -"May" => "Травень", -"June" => "Червень", -"July" => "Липень", -"August" => "Серпень", -"September" => "ВереÑень", -"October" => "Жовтень", -"November" => "ЛиÑтопад", -"December" => "Грудень", "web services under your control" => "веб-ÑÐµÑ€Ð²Ñ–Ñ Ð¿Ñ–Ð´ вашим контролем", "Log out" => "Вихід", "Automatic logon rejected!" => "Ðвтоматичний вхід в ÑиÑтему відхилений!", diff --git a/core/l10n/vi.php b/core/l10n/vi.php index c827dc038e60576dbb3a6da2b914bae1e3d5383e..178ac92d5ad57dd06abe0e1c7ad56ba47e3940be 100644 --- a/core/l10n/vi.php +++ b/core/l10n/vi.php @@ -7,6 +7,25 @@ "Error adding %s to favorites." => "Lá»—i thêm %s và o mục yêu thÃch.", "No categories selected for deletion." => "Không có thể loại nà o được chá»n để xóa.", "Error removing %s from favorites." => "Lá»—i xóa %s từ mục yêu thÃch.", +"Sunday" => "Chủ nháºt", +"Monday" => "Thứ 2", +"Tuesday" => "Thứ 3", +"Wednesday" => "Thứ 4", +"Thursday" => "Thứ 5", +"Friday" => "Thứ ", +"Saturday" => "Thứ 7", +"January" => "Tháng 1", +"February" => "Tháng 2", +"March" => "Tháng 3", +"April" => "Tháng 4", +"May" => "Tháng 5", +"June" => "Tháng 6", +"July" => "Tháng 7", +"August" => "Tháng 8", +"September" => "Tháng 9", +"October" => "Tháng 10", +"November" => "Tháng 11", +"December" => "Tháng 12", "Settings" => "Cà i đặt", "seconds ago" => "và i giây trÆ°á»›c", "1 minute ago" => "1 phút trÆ°á»›c", @@ -90,25 +109,6 @@ "Database tablespace" => "CÆ¡ sở dữ liệu tablespace", "Database host" => "Database host", "Finish setup" => "Cà i đặt hoà n tất", -"Sunday" => "Chủ nháºt", -"Monday" => "Thứ 2", -"Tuesday" => "Thứ 3", -"Wednesday" => "Thứ 4", -"Thursday" => "Thứ 5", -"Friday" => "Thứ ", -"Saturday" => "Thứ 7", -"January" => "Tháng 1", -"February" => "Tháng 2", -"March" => "Tháng 3", -"April" => "Tháng 4", -"May" => "Tháng 5", -"June" => "Tháng 6", -"July" => "Tháng 7", -"August" => "Tháng 8", -"September" => "Tháng 9", -"October" => "Tháng 10", -"November" => "Tháng 11", -"December" => "Tháng 12", "web services under your control" => "các dịch vụ web dÆ°á»›i sá»± kiểm soát của bạn", "Log out" => "Äăng xuất", "Automatic logon rejected!" => "Tá»± Ä‘á»™ng đăng nháºp đã bị từ chối !", diff --git a/core/l10n/zh_CN.GB2312.php b/core/l10n/zh_CN.GB2312.php index 74dd9ad8a3f2c367a2475b3e8eeaebacf3eb1db1..a76c3a6c796a912184c48ca824bbde21a642b53c 100644 --- a/core/l10n/zh_CN.GB2312.php +++ b/core/l10n/zh_CN.GB2312.php @@ -2,6 +2,25 @@ "No category to add?" => "æ²¡æœ‰åˆ†ç±»æ·»åŠ äº†?", "This category already exists: " => "这个分类已ç»å˜åœ¨äº†:", "No categories selected for deletion." => "没有选者è¦åˆ 除的分类.", +"Sunday" => "星期天", +"Monday" => "星期一", +"Tuesday" => "星期二", +"Wednesday" => "星期三", +"Thursday" => "星期四", +"Friday" => "星期五", +"Saturday" => "星期å…", +"January" => "一月", +"February" => "二月", +"March" => "三月", +"April" => "四月", +"May" => "五月", +"June" => "å…月", +"July" => "七月", +"August" => "八月", +"September" => "ä¹æœˆ", +"October" => "å月", +"November" => "å一月", +"December" => "å二月", "Settings" => "设置", "seconds ago" => "秒å‰", "1 minute ago" => "1 分钟å‰", @@ -79,25 +98,6 @@ "Database tablespace" => "æ•°æ®åº“è¡¨æ ¼ç©ºé—´", "Database host" => "æ•°æ®åº“主机", "Finish setup" => "完æˆå®‰è£…", -"Sunday" => "星期天", -"Monday" => "星期一", -"Tuesday" => "星期二", -"Wednesday" => "星期三", -"Thursday" => "星期四", -"Friday" => "星期五", -"Saturday" => "星期å…", -"January" => "一月", -"February" => "二月", -"March" => "三月", -"April" => "四月", -"May" => "五月", -"June" => "å…月", -"July" => "七月", -"August" => "八月", -"September" => "ä¹æœˆ", -"October" => "å月", -"November" => "å一月", -"December" => "å二月", "web services under your control" => "ä½ æŽ§åˆ¶ä¸‹çš„ç½‘ç»œæœåŠ¡", "Log out" => "注销", "Automatic logon rejected!" => "自动登录被拒ç»ï¼", diff --git a/core/l10n/zh_CN.php b/core/l10n/zh_CN.php index 626ede4cc70a3d3083d2acf1b27e2a1f0c062e69..3918cd165d6c513015a6c205e68e882ae438099c 100644 --- a/core/l10n/zh_CN.php +++ b/core/l10n/zh_CN.php @@ -11,6 +11,25 @@ "Error adding %s to favorites." => "å‘收è—夹ä¸æ–°å¢ž%s时出错。", "No categories selected for deletion." => "没有选择è¦åˆ 除的类别", "Error removing %s from favorites." => "从收è—夹ä¸ç§»é™¤%s时出错。", +"Sunday" => "星期日", +"Monday" => "星期一", +"Tuesday" => "星期二", +"Wednesday" => "星期三", +"Thursday" => "星期四", +"Friday" => "星期五", +"Saturday" => "星期å…", +"January" => "一月", +"February" => "二月", +"March" => "三月", +"April" => "四月", +"May" => "五月", +"June" => "å…月", +"July" => "七月", +"August" => "八月", +"September" => "ä¹æœˆ", +"October" => "å月", +"November" => "å一月", +"December" => "å二月", "Settings" => "设置", "seconds ago" => "秒å‰", "1 minute ago" => "一分钟å‰", @@ -98,25 +117,6 @@ "Database tablespace" => "æ•°æ®åº“表空间", "Database host" => "æ•°æ®åº“主机", "Finish setup" => "安装完æˆ", -"Sunday" => "星期日", -"Monday" => "星期一", -"Tuesday" => "星期二", -"Wednesday" => "星期三", -"Thursday" => "星期四", -"Friday" => "星期五", -"Saturday" => "星期å…", -"January" => "一月", -"February" => "二月", -"March" => "三月", -"April" => "四月", -"May" => "五月", -"June" => "å…月", -"July" => "七月", -"August" => "八月", -"September" => "ä¹æœˆ", -"October" => "å月", -"November" => "å一月", -"December" => "å二月", "web services under your control" => "由您掌控的网络æœåŠ¡", "Log out" => "注销", "Automatic logon rejected!" => "自动登录被拒ç»ï¼", diff --git a/core/l10n/zh_TW.php b/core/l10n/zh_TW.php index 7537c7644516141f053de38d5ed71123a945ab95..78a069a63dcc69ba798e0a7d32d76870b8106151 100644 --- a/core/l10n/zh_TW.php +++ b/core/l10n/zh_TW.php @@ -11,6 +11,25 @@ "Error adding %s to favorites." => "åŠ å…¥ %s 到最愛時發生錯誤。", "No categories selected for deletion." => "沒有é¸æ“‡è¦åˆªé™¤çš„分類。", "Error removing %s from favorites." => "從最愛移除 %s 時發生錯誤。", +"Sunday" => "週日", +"Monday" => "週一", +"Tuesday" => "週二", +"Wednesday" => "週三", +"Thursday" => "週四", +"Friday" => "週五", +"Saturday" => "週å…", +"January" => "一月", +"February" => "二月", +"March" => "三月", +"April" => "四月", +"May" => "五月", +"June" => "å…月", +"July" => "七月", +"August" => "八月", +"September" => "ä¹æœˆ", +"October" => "å月", +"November" => "å一月", +"December" => "å二月", "Settings" => "è¨å®š", "seconds ago" => "幾秒å‰", "1 minute ago" => "1 分é˜å‰", @@ -98,25 +117,6 @@ "Database tablespace" => "資料庫 tablespace", "Database host" => "資料庫主機", "Finish setup" => "完æˆè¨å®š", -"Sunday" => "週日", -"Monday" => "週一", -"Tuesday" => "週二", -"Wednesday" => "週三", -"Thursday" => "週四", -"Friday" => "週五", -"Saturday" => "週å…", -"January" => "一月", -"February" => "二月", -"March" => "三月", -"April" => "四月", -"May" => "五月", -"June" => "å…月", -"July" => "七月", -"August" => "八月", -"September" => "ä¹æœˆ", -"October" => "å月", -"November" => "å一月", -"December" => "å二月", "web services under your control" => "網路æœå‹™åœ¨æ‚¨æŽ§åˆ¶ä¹‹ä¸‹", "Log out" => "登出", "Automatic logon rejected!" => "自動登入被拒ï¼", diff --git a/l10n/ar/core.po b/l10n/ar/core.po index c1497f76a413bd9b979663df52c7d87eb3c1efc5..f4bc70a8a775fd532ed16239e121ede25c33e325 100644 --- a/l10n/ar/core.po +++ b/l10n/ar/core.po @@ -9,8 +9,8 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.owncloud.org/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-15 00:03+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-01-14 23:03+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-29 00:04+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-01-28 23:05+0000\n" "Last-Translator: I Robot <owncloud-bot@tmit.eu>\n" "Language-Team: Arabic (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/owncloud/language/ar/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" @@ -81,59 +81,135 @@ msgstr "لم يتم اختيار Ùئة للØØ°Ù" msgid "Error removing %s from favorites." msgstr "" -#: js/js.js:259 templates/layout.user.php:60 templates/layout.user.php:61 +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Sunday" +msgstr "الاØد" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Monday" +msgstr "الأثنين" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Tuesday" +msgstr "الثلاثاء" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Wednesday" +msgstr "الاربعاء" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Thursday" +msgstr "الخميس" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Friday" +msgstr "الجمعه" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Saturday" +msgstr "السبت" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "January" +msgstr "كانون الثاني" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "February" +msgstr "شباط" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "March" +msgstr "آذار" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "April" +msgstr "نيسان" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "May" +msgstr "أيار" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "June" +msgstr "Øزيران" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "July" +msgstr "تموز" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "August" +msgstr "آب" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "September" +msgstr "أيلول" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "October" +msgstr "تشرين الاول" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "November" +msgstr "تشرين الثاني" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "December" +msgstr "كانون الاول" + +#: js/js.js:280 templates/layout.user.php:47 templates/layout.user.php:48 msgid "Settings" msgstr "تعديلات" -#: js/js.js:711 +#: js/js.js:762 msgid "seconds ago" msgstr "منذ ثواني" -#: js/js.js:712 +#: js/js.js:763 msgid "1 minute ago" msgstr "منذ دقيقة" -#: js/js.js:713 +#: js/js.js:764 msgid "{minutes} minutes ago" msgstr "{minutes} منذ دقائق" -#: js/js.js:714 +#: js/js.js:765 msgid "1 hour ago" msgstr "" -#: js/js.js:715 +#: js/js.js:766 msgid "{hours} hours ago" msgstr "" -#: js/js.js:716 +#: js/js.js:767 msgid "today" msgstr "اليوم" -#: js/js.js:717 +#: js/js.js:768 msgid "yesterday" msgstr "" -#: js/js.js:718 +#: js/js.js:769 msgid "{days} days ago" msgstr "" -#: js/js.js:719 +#: js/js.js:770 msgid "last month" msgstr "" -#: js/js.js:720 +#: js/js.js:771 msgid "{months} months ago" msgstr "" -#: js/js.js:721 +#: js/js.js:772 msgid "months ago" msgstr "" -#: js/js.js:722 +#: js/js.js:773 msgid "last year" msgstr "" -#: js/js.js:723 +#: js/js.js:774 msgid "years ago" msgstr "" @@ -292,6 +368,17 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Email sent" msgstr "" +#: js/update.js:14 +msgid "" +"The update was unsuccessful. Please report this issue to the <a " +"href=\"https://github.com/owncloud/core/issues\" target=\"_blank\">ownCloud " +"community</a>." +msgstr "" + +#: js/update.js:18 +msgid "The update was successful. Redirecting you to ownCloud now." +msgstr "" + #: lostpassword/controller.php:47 msgid "ownCloud password reset" msgstr "إعادة تعيين كلمة سر ownCloud" @@ -443,87 +530,11 @@ msgstr "خادم قاعدة البيانات" msgid "Finish setup" msgstr "انهاء التعديلات" -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Sunday" -msgstr "الاØد" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Monday" -msgstr "الأثنين" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Tuesday" -msgstr "الثلاثاء" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Wednesday" -msgstr "الاربعاء" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Thursday" -msgstr "الخميس" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Friday" -msgstr "الجمعه" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Saturday" -msgstr "السبت" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "January" -msgstr "كانون الثاني" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "February" -msgstr "شباط" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "March" -msgstr "آذار" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "April" -msgstr "نيسان" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "May" -msgstr "أيار" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "June" -msgstr "Øزيران" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "July" -msgstr "تموز" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "August" -msgstr "آب" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "September" -msgstr "أيلول" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "October" -msgstr "تشرين الاول" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "November" -msgstr "تشرين الثاني" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "December" -msgstr "كانون الاول" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:42 +#: templates/layout.guest.php:34 msgid "web services under your control" msgstr "خدمات الوب تØت تصرÙÙƒ" -#: templates/layout.user.php:45 +#: templates/layout.user.php:32 msgid "Log out" msgstr "الخروج" diff --git a/l10n/bg_BG/core.po b/l10n/bg_BG/core.po index 749f059a29c68b53c8c4f9b23b6355063bb3d993..89887ec847fb72fe65e6dfa25044e23167f08c07 100644 --- a/l10n/bg_BG/core.po +++ b/l10n/bg_BG/core.po @@ -11,8 +11,8 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.owncloud.org/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-27 00:04+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-01-25 23:23+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-29 00:04+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-01-28 23:05+0000\n" "Last-Translator: I Robot <owncloud-bot@tmit.eu>\n" "Language-Team: Bulgarian (Bulgaria) (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/owncloud/language/bg_BG/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" @@ -83,79 +83,79 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Error removing %s from favorites." msgstr "" -#: js/config.php:28 +#: js/config.php:32 msgid "Sunday" msgstr "" -#: js/config.php:28 +#: js/config.php:32 msgid "Monday" msgstr "" -#: js/config.php:28 +#: js/config.php:32 msgid "Tuesday" msgstr "" -#: js/config.php:28 +#: js/config.php:32 msgid "Wednesday" msgstr "" -#: js/config.php:28 +#: js/config.php:32 msgid "Thursday" msgstr "" -#: js/config.php:28 +#: js/config.php:32 msgid "Friday" msgstr "" -#: js/config.php:28 +#: js/config.php:32 msgid "Saturday" msgstr "" -#: js/config.php:29 +#: js/config.php:33 msgid "January" msgstr "" -#: js/config.php:29 +#: js/config.php:33 msgid "February" msgstr "" -#: js/config.php:29 +#: js/config.php:33 msgid "March" msgstr "" -#: js/config.php:29 +#: js/config.php:33 msgid "April" msgstr "" -#: js/config.php:29 +#: js/config.php:33 msgid "May" msgstr "" -#: js/config.php:29 +#: js/config.php:33 msgid "June" msgstr "" -#: js/config.php:29 +#: js/config.php:33 msgid "July" msgstr "" -#: js/config.php:29 +#: js/config.php:33 msgid "August" msgstr "" -#: js/config.php:29 +#: js/config.php:33 msgid "September" msgstr "" -#: js/config.php:29 +#: js/config.php:33 msgid "October" msgstr "" -#: js/config.php:29 +#: js/config.php:33 msgid "November" msgstr "" -#: js/config.php:29 +#: js/config.php:33 msgid "December" msgstr "" @@ -370,6 +370,17 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Email sent" msgstr "" +#: js/update.js:14 +msgid "" +"The update was unsuccessful. Please report this issue to the <a " +"href=\"https://github.com/owncloud/core/issues\" target=\"_blank\">ownCloud " +"community</a>." +msgstr "" + +#: js/update.js:18 +msgid "The update was successful. Redirecting you to ownCloud now." +msgstr "" + #: lostpassword/controller.php:47 msgid "ownCloud password reset" msgstr "" diff --git a/l10n/bn_BD/core.po b/l10n/bn_BD/core.po index 8c24eb72e2226854c836f81387ceb042691cd323..b2c45cf075da867d6c6b7614ffed28eba3e159e8 100644 --- a/l10n/bn_BD/core.po +++ b/l10n/bn_BD/core.po @@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.owncloud.org/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-15 00:03+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-01-14 23:03+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-29 00:04+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-01-28 23:05+0000\n" "Last-Translator: I Robot <owncloud-bot@tmit.eu>\n" "Language-Team: Bengali (Bangladesh) (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/owncloud/language/bn_BD/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" @@ -80,59 +80,135 @@ msgstr "মà§à¦›à§‡ ফেলার জনà§à¦¯ কোন কà§à¦¯à¦¾à¦Ÿà§‡ msgid "Error removing %s from favorites." msgstr "পà§à¦°à¦¿à§Ÿ থেকে %s সরিয়ে ফেলতে সমসà§à¦¯à¦¾ দেখা দিয়েছে।" -#: js/js.js:259 templates/layout.user.php:60 templates/layout.user.php:61 +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Sunday" +msgstr "রবিবার" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Monday" +msgstr "সোমবার" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Tuesday" +msgstr "মঙà§à¦—লবার" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Wednesday" +msgstr "বà§à¦§à¦¬à¦¾à¦°" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Thursday" +msgstr "বৃহষà§à¦ªà¦¤à¦¿à¦¬à¦¾à¦°" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Friday" +msgstr "শà§à¦•à§à¦°à¦¬à¦¾à¦°" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Saturday" +msgstr "শনিবার" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "January" +msgstr "জানà§à§Ÿà¦¾à¦°à¦¿" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "February" +msgstr "ফেবà§à¦°à§à§Ÿà¦¾à¦°à¦¿" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "March" +msgstr "মারà§à¦š" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "April" +msgstr "à¦à¦ªà§à¦°à¦¿à¦²" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "May" +msgstr "মে" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "June" +msgstr "জà§à¦¨" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "July" +msgstr "জà§à¦²à¦¾à¦‡" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "August" +msgstr "অগাষà§à¦Ÿ" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "September" +msgstr "সেপà§à¦Ÿà§‡à¦®à§à¦¬à¦°" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "October" +msgstr "অকà§à¦Ÿà§‹à¦¬à¦°" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "November" +msgstr "নà¦à§‡à¦®à§à¦¬à¦°" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "December" +msgstr "ডিসেমà§à¦¬à¦°" + +#: js/js.js:280 templates/layout.user.php:47 templates/layout.user.php:48 msgid "Settings" msgstr "নিয়ামকসমূহ" -#: js/js.js:711 +#: js/js.js:762 msgid "seconds ago" msgstr "সেকেনà§à¦¡ পূরà§à¦¬à§‡" -#: js/js.js:712 +#: js/js.js:763 msgid "1 minute ago" msgstr "1 মিনিট পূরà§à¦¬à§‡" -#: js/js.js:713 +#: js/js.js:764 msgid "{minutes} minutes ago" msgstr "{minutes} মিনিট পূরà§à¦¬à§‡" -#: js/js.js:714 +#: js/js.js:765 msgid "1 hour ago" msgstr "1 ঘনà§à¦Ÿà¦¾ পূরà§à¦¬à§‡" -#: js/js.js:715 +#: js/js.js:766 msgid "{hours} hours ago" msgstr "{hours} ঘনà§à¦Ÿà¦¾ পূরà§à¦¬à§‡" -#: js/js.js:716 +#: js/js.js:767 msgid "today" msgstr "আজ" -#: js/js.js:717 +#: js/js.js:768 msgid "yesterday" msgstr "গতকাল" -#: js/js.js:718 +#: js/js.js:769 msgid "{days} days ago" msgstr "{days} দিন পূরà§à¦¬à§‡" -#: js/js.js:719 +#: js/js.js:770 msgid "last month" msgstr "গতমাস" -#: js/js.js:720 +#: js/js.js:771 msgid "{months} months ago" msgstr "{months} মাস পূরà§à¦¬à§‡" -#: js/js.js:721 +#: js/js.js:772 msgid "months ago" msgstr "মাস পূরà§à¦¬à§‡" -#: js/js.js:722 +#: js/js.js:773 msgid "last year" msgstr "গত বছর" -#: js/js.js:723 +#: js/js.js:774 msgid "years ago" msgstr "বছর পূরà§à¦¬à§‡" @@ -291,6 +367,17 @@ msgstr "পাঠানো হচà§à¦›à§‡......" msgid "Email sent" msgstr "ই-মেইল পাঠানো হয়েছে" +#: js/update.js:14 +msgid "" +"The update was unsuccessful. Please report this issue to the <a " +"href=\"https://github.com/owncloud/core/issues\" target=\"_blank\">ownCloud " +"community</a>." +msgstr "" + +#: js/update.js:18 +msgid "The update was successful. Redirecting you to ownCloud now." +msgstr "" + #: lostpassword/controller.php:47 msgid "ownCloud password reset" msgstr "ownCloud কূটশবà§à¦¦ পূনঃনিরà§à¦§à¦¾à¦°à¦£" @@ -442,87 +529,11 @@ msgstr "ডাটাবেজ হোসà§à¦Ÿ" msgid "Finish setup" msgstr "সেটআপ সà§à¦¸à¦®à§à¦ªà¦¨à§à¦¨ কর" -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Sunday" -msgstr "রবিবার" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Monday" -msgstr "সোমবার" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Tuesday" -msgstr "মঙà§à¦—লবার" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Wednesday" -msgstr "বà§à¦§à¦¬à¦¾à¦°" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Thursday" -msgstr "বৃহষà§à¦ªà¦¤à¦¿à¦¬à¦¾à¦°" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Friday" -msgstr "শà§à¦•à§à¦°à¦¬à¦¾à¦°" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Saturday" -msgstr "শনিবার" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "January" -msgstr "জানà§à§Ÿà¦¾à¦°à¦¿" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "February" -msgstr "ফেবà§à¦°à§à§Ÿà¦¾à¦°à¦¿" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "March" -msgstr "মারà§à¦š" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "April" -msgstr "à¦à¦ªà§à¦°à¦¿à¦²" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "May" -msgstr "মে" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "June" -msgstr "জà§à¦¨" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "July" -msgstr "জà§à¦²à¦¾à¦‡" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "August" -msgstr "অগাষà§à¦Ÿ" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "September" -msgstr "সেপà§à¦Ÿà§‡à¦®à§à¦¬à¦°" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "October" -msgstr "অকà§à¦Ÿà§‹à¦¬à¦°" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "November" -msgstr "নà¦à§‡à¦®à§à¦¬à¦°" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "December" -msgstr "ডিসেমà§à¦¬à¦°" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:42 +#: templates/layout.guest.php:34 msgid "web services under your control" msgstr "ওয়েব সারà§à¦à¦¿à¦¸à§‡à¦° নিয়নà§à¦¤à§à¦°à¦£ আপনার হাতের মà§à¦ োয়" -#: templates/layout.user.php:45 +#: templates/layout.user.php:32 msgid "Log out" msgstr "পà§à¦°à¦¸à§à¦¥à¦¾à¦¨" diff --git a/l10n/ca/core.po b/l10n/ca/core.po index a9940eccf88df89e54ff5b72b6bc705362d3f51a..ef804fffc59c4dfe17c1c6049a83a1c4b3a0d2f9 100644 --- a/l10n/ca/core.po +++ b/l10n/ca/core.po @@ -9,8 +9,8 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.owncloud.org/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-15 00:03+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-01-14 23:03+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-29 00:04+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-01-28 23:05+0000\n" "Last-Translator: I Robot <owncloud-bot@tmit.eu>\n" "Language-Team: Catalan (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/owncloud/language/ca/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" @@ -81,59 +81,135 @@ msgstr "No hi ha categories per eliminar." msgid "Error removing %s from favorites." msgstr "Error en eliminar %s dels preferits." -#: js/js.js:259 templates/layout.user.php:60 templates/layout.user.php:61 +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Sunday" +msgstr "Diumenge" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Monday" +msgstr "Dilluns" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Tuesday" +msgstr "Dimarts" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Wednesday" +msgstr "Dimecres" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Thursday" +msgstr "Dijous" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Friday" +msgstr "Divendres" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Saturday" +msgstr "Dissabte" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "January" +msgstr "Gener" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "February" +msgstr "Febrer" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "March" +msgstr "Març" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "April" +msgstr "Abril" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "May" +msgstr "Maig" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "June" +msgstr "Juny" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "July" +msgstr "Juliol" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "August" +msgstr "Agost" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "September" +msgstr "Setembre" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "October" +msgstr "Octubre" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "November" +msgstr "Novembre" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "December" +msgstr "Desembre" + +#: js/js.js:280 templates/layout.user.php:47 templates/layout.user.php:48 msgid "Settings" msgstr "Arranjament" -#: js/js.js:711 +#: js/js.js:762 msgid "seconds ago" msgstr "segons enrere" -#: js/js.js:712 +#: js/js.js:763 msgid "1 minute ago" msgstr "fa 1 minut" -#: js/js.js:713 +#: js/js.js:764 msgid "{minutes} minutes ago" msgstr "fa {minutes} minuts" -#: js/js.js:714 +#: js/js.js:765 msgid "1 hour ago" msgstr "fa 1 hora" -#: js/js.js:715 +#: js/js.js:766 msgid "{hours} hours ago" msgstr "fa {hours} hores" -#: js/js.js:716 +#: js/js.js:767 msgid "today" msgstr "avui" -#: js/js.js:717 +#: js/js.js:768 msgid "yesterday" msgstr "ahir" -#: js/js.js:718 +#: js/js.js:769 msgid "{days} days ago" msgstr "fa {days} dies" -#: js/js.js:719 +#: js/js.js:770 msgid "last month" msgstr "el mes passat" -#: js/js.js:720 +#: js/js.js:771 msgid "{months} months ago" msgstr "fa {months} mesos" -#: js/js.js:721 +#: js/js.js:772 msgid "months ago" msgstr "mesos enrere" -#: js/js.js:722 +#: js/js.js:773 msgid "last year" msgstr "l'any passat" -#: js/js.js:723 +#: js/js.js:774 msgid "years ago" msgstr "anys enrere" @@ -292,6 +368,17 @@ msgstr "Enviant..." msgid "Email sent" msgstr "El correu electrónic s'ha enviat" +#: js/update.js:14 +msgid "" +"The update was unsuccessful. Please report this issue to the <a " +"href=\"https://github.com/owncloud/core/issues\" target=\"_blank\">ownCloud " +"community</a>." +msgstr "" + +#: js/update.js:18 +msgid "The update was successful. Redirecting you to ownCloud now." +msgstr "" + #: lostpassword/controller.php:47 msgid "ownCloud password reset" msgstr "estableix de nou la contrasenya Owncloud" @@ -443,87 +530,11 @@ msgstr "Ordinador central de la base de dades" msgid "Finish setup" msgstr "Acaba la configuració" -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Sunday" -msgstr "Diumenge" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Monday" -msgstr "Dilluns" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Tuesday" -msgstr "Dimarts" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Wednesday" -msgstr "Dimecres" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Thursday" -msgstr "Dijous" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Friday" -msgstr "Divendres" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Saturday" -msgstr "Dissabte" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "January" -msgstr "Gener" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "February" -msgstr "Febrer" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "March" -msgstr "Març" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "April" -msgstr "Abril" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "May" -msgstr "Maig" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "June" -msgstr "Juny" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "July" -msgstr "Juliol" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "August" -msgstr "Agost" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "September" -msgstr "Setembre" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "October" -msgstr "Octubre" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "November" -msgstr "Novembre" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "December" -msgstr "Desembre" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:42 +#: templates/layout.guest.php:34 msgid "web services under your control" msgstr "controleu els vostres serveis web" -#: templates/layout.user.php:45 +#: templates/layout.user.php:32 msgid "Log out" msgstr "Surt" diff --git a/l10n/cs_CZ/core.po b/l10n/cs_CZ/core.po index 66b36315f8ee62659182fd883b337ef555427a67..e82615b933a72c795400043751c5f74f1149bb3f 100644 --- a/l10n/cs_CZ/core.po +++ b/l10n/cs_CZ/core.po @@ -11,8 +11,8 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.owncloud.org/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-15 00:03+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-01-14 23:03+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-29 00:04+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-01-28 23:05+0000\n" "Last-Translator: I Robot <owncloud-bot@tmit.eu>\n" "Language-Team: Czech (Czech Republic) (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/owncloud/language/cs_CZ/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" @@ -83,59 +83,135 @@ msgstr "Žádné kategorie nebyly vybrány ke smazánÃ." msgid "Error removing %s from favorites." msgstr "Chyba pÅ™i odebÃránà %s z oblÃbených." -#: js/js.js:259 templates/layout.user.php:60 templates/layout.user.php:61 +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Sunday" +msgstr "NedÄ›le" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Monday" +msgstr "PondÄ›lÃ" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Tuesday" +msgstr "Úterý" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Wednesday" +msgstr "StÅ™eda" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Thursday" +msgstr "ÄŒtvrtek" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Friday" +msgstr "Pátek" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Saturday" +msgstr "Sobota" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "January" +msgstr "Leden" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "February" +msgstr "Únor" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "March" +msgstr "BÅ™ezen" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "April" +msgstr "Duben" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "May" +msgstr "KvÄ›ten" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "June" +msgstr "ÄŒerven" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "July" +msgstr "ÄŒervenec" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "August" +msgstr "Srpen" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "September" +msgstr "ZářÃ" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "October" +msgstr "ŘÃjen" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "November" +msgstr "Listopad" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "December" +msgstr "Prosinec" + +#: js/js.js:280 templates/layout.user.php:47 templates/layout.user.php:48 msgid "Settings" msgstr "NastavenÃ" -#: js/js.js:711 +#: js/js.js:762 msgid "seconds ago" msgstr "pÅ™ed pár vteÅ™inami" -#: js/js.js:712 +#: js/js.js:763 msgid "1 minute ago" msgstr "pÅ™ed minutou" -#: js/js.js:713 +#: js/js.js:764 msgid "{minutes} minutes ago" msgstr "pÅ™ed {minutes} minutami" -#: js/js.js:714 +#: js/js.js:765 msgid "1 hour ago" msgstr "pÅ™ed hodinou" -#: js/js.js:715 +#: js/js.js:766 msgid "{hours} hours ago" msgstr "pÅ™ed {hours} hodinami" -#: js/js.js:716 +#: js/js.js:767 msgid "today" msgstr "dnes" -#: js/js.js:717 +#: js/js.js:768 msgid "yesterday" msgstr "vÄera" -#: js/js.js:718 +#: js/js.js:769 msgid "{days} days ago" msgstr "pÅ™ed {days} dny" -#: js/js.js:719 +#: js/js.js:770 msgid "last month" msgstr "minulý mesÃc" -#: js/js.js:720 +#: js/js.js:771 msgid "{months} months ago" msgstr "pÅ™ed {months} mÄ›sÃci" -#: js/js.js:721 +#: js/js.js:772 msgid "months ago" msgstr "pÅ™ed mÄ›sÃci" -#: js/js.js:722 +#: js/js.js:773 msgid "last year" msgstr "minulý rok" -#: js/js.js:723 +#: js/js.js:774 msgid "years ago" msgstr "pÅ™ed lety" @@ -294,6 +370,17 @@ msgstr "OdesÃlám..." msgid "Email sent" msgstr "E-mail odeslán" +#: js/update.js:14 +msgid "" +"The update was unsuccessful. Please report this issue to the <a " +"href=\"https://github.com/owncloud/core/issues\" target=\"_blank\">ownCloud " +"community</a>." +msgstr "" + +#: js/update.js:18 +msgid "The update was successful. Redirecting you to ownCloud now." +msgstr "" + #: lostpassword/controller.php:47 msgid "ownCloud password reset" msgstr "Obnovenà hesla pro ownCloud" @@ -445,87 +532,11 @@ msgstr "Hostitel databáze" msgid "Finish setup" msgstr "DokonÄit nastavenÃ" -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Sunday" -msgstr "NedÄ›le" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Monday" -msgstr "PondÄ›lÃ" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Tuesday" -msgstr "Úterý" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Wednesday" -msgstr "StÅ™eda" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Thursday" -msgstr "ÄŒtvrtek" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Friday" -msgstr "Pátek" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Saturday" -msgstr "Sobota" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "January" -msgstr "Leden" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "February" -msgstr "Únor" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "March" -msgstr "BÅ™ezen" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "April" -msgstr "Duben" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "May" -msgstr "KvÄ›ten" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "June" -msgstr "ÄŒerven" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "July" -msgstr "ÄŒervenec" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "August" -msgstr "Srpen" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "September" -msgstr "ZářÃ" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "October" -msgstr "ŘÃjen" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "November" -msgstr "Listopad" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "December" -msgstr "Prosinec" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:42 +#: templates/layout.guest.php:34 msgid "web services under your control" msgstr "webové služby pod VaÅ¡Ã kontrolou" -#: templates/layout.user.php:45 +#: templates/layout.user.php:32 msgid "Log out" msgstr "Odhlásit se" diff --git a/l10n/cs_CZ/files.po b/l10n/cs_CZ/files.po index bdcd7550bde2f4a814e7e234c7916c9a1ea97fc5..de2fbc84153482fd0e76fb6860fad5e39e92901b 100644 --- a/l10n/cs_CZ/files.po +++ b/l10n/cs_CZ/files.po @@ -10,9 +10,9 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.owncloud.org/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-27 00:04+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-01-26 23:05+0000\n" -"Last-Translator: I Robot <owncloud-bot@tmit.eu>\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-29 00:04+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-01-28 07:07+0000\n" +"Last-Translator: Tomáš Chvátal <tomas.chvatal@gmail.com>\n" "Language-Team: Czech (Czech Republic) (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/owncloud/language/cs_CZ/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" @@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ msgstr "Zápis na disk selhal" #: ajax/upload.php:48 msgid "Not enough storage available" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nedostatek dostupného úložného prostoru" #: ajax/upload.php:77 msgid "Invalid directory." @@ -145,11 +145,11 @@ msgstr "Neplatný název, znaky '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' a '*' n #: js/files.js:78 msgid "Your storage is full, files can not be updated or synced anymore!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "VaÅ¡e úložiÅ¡tÄ› je plné, nelze aktualizovat ani synchronizovat soubory." #: js/files.js:82 msgid "Your storage is almost full ({usedSpacePercent}%)" -msgstr "" +msgstr "VaÅ¡e úložiÅ¡tÄ› je téměř plné ({usedSpacePercent}%)" #: js/files.js:219 msgid "" diff --git a/l10n/da/core.po b/l10n/da/core.po index a43afb8aacc94fbb652774f43c03117ce882d47b..81b3396d9200eeef6ba9a3cf735116e8b5677de1 100644 --- a/l10n/da/core.po +++ b/l10n/da/core.po @@ -16,9 +16,9 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.owncloud.org/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-27 00:04+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-01-26 21:27+0000\n" -"Last-Translator: rpaasch <rasmuspaasch@gmail.com>\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-29 00:04+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-01-28 23:05+0000\n" +"Last-Translator: I Robot <owncloud-bot@tmit.eu>\n" "Language-Team: Danish (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/owncloud/language/da/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" @@ -88,79 +88,79 @@ msgstr "Ingen kategorier valgt" msgid "Error removing %s from favorites." msgstr "Fejl ved fjernelse af %s fra favoritter." -#: js/config.php:28 +#: js/config.php:32 msgid "Sunday" msgstr "Søndag" -#: js/config.php:28 +#: js/config.php:32 msgid "Monday" msgstr "Mandag" -#: js/config.php:28 +#: js/config.php:32 msgid "Tuesday" msgstr "Tirsdag" -#: js/config.php:28 +#: js/config.php:32 msgid "Wednesday" msgstr "Onsdag" -#: js/config.php:28 +#: js/config.php:32 msgid "Thursday" msgstr "Torsdag" -#: js/config.php:28 +#: js/config.php:32 msgid "Friday" msgstr "Fredag" -#: js/config.php:28 +#: js/config.php:32 msgid "Saturday" msgstr "Lørdag" -#: js/config.php:29 +#: js/config.php:33 msgid "January" msgstr "Januar" -#: js/config.php:29 +#: js/config.php:33 msgid "February" msgstr "Februar" -#: js/config.php:29 +#: js/config.php:33 msgid "March" msgstr "Marts" -#: js/config.php:29 +#: js/config.php:33 msgid "April" msgstr "April" -#: js/config.php:29 +#: js/config.php:33 msgid "May" msgstr "Maj" -#: js/config.php:29 +#: js/config.php:33 msgid "June" msgstr "Juni" -#: js/config.php:29 +#: js/config.php:33 msgid "July" msgstr "Juli" -#: js/config.php:29 +#: js/config.php:33 msgid "August" msgstr "August" -#: js/config.php:29 +#: js/config.php:33 msgid "September" msgstr "September" -#: js/config.php:29 +#: js/config.php:33 msgid "October" msgstr "Oktober" -#: js/config.php:29 +#: js/config.php:33 msgid "November" msgstr "November" -#: js/config.php:29 +#: js/config.php:33 msgid "December" msgstr "December" @@ -375,6 +375,17 @@ msgstr "Sender ..." msgid "Email sent" msgstr "E-mail afsendt" +#: js/update.js:14 +msgid "" +"The update was unsuccessful. Please report this issue to the <a " +"href=\"https://github.com/owncloud/core/issues\" target=\"_blank\">ownCloud " +"community</a>." +msgstr "" + +#: js/update.js:18 +msgid "The update was successful. Redirecting you to ownCloud now." +msgstr "" + #: lostpassword/controller.php:47 msgid "ownCloud password reset" msgstr "Nulstil ownCloud kodeord" diff --git a/l10n/de/core.po b/l10n/de/core.po index 84f47afff56b5415b18cbc8acfb5cd1a9a398dfc..428459ed0e82062429969091ca114eeb390c7195 100644 --- a/l10n/de/core.po +++ b/l10n/de/core.po @@ -23,9 +23,9 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.owncloud.org/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-27 00:04+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-01-26 12:56+0000\n" -"Last-Translator: Mirodin <blobbyjj@ymail.com>\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-29 00:04+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-01-28 23:05+0000\n" +"Last-Translator: I Robot <owncloud-bot@tmit.eu>\n" "Language-Team: German (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/owncloud/language/de/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" @@ -95,79 +95,79 @@ msgstr "Es wurde keine Kategorien zum Löschen ausgewählt." msgid "Error removing %s from favorites." msgstr "Fehler beim Entfernen von %s von den Favoriten." -#: js/config.php:28 +#: js/config.php:32 msgid "Sunday" msgstr "Sonntag" -#: js/config.php:28 +#: js/config.php:32 msgid "Monday" msgstr "Montag" -#: js/config.php:28 +#: js/config.php:32 msgid "Tuesday" msgstr "Dienstag" -#: js/config.php:28 +#: js/config.php:32 msgid "Wednesday" msgstr "Mittwoch" -#: js/config.php:28 +#: js/config.php:32 msgid "Thursday" msgstr "Donnerstag" -#: js/config.php:28 +#: js/config.php:32 msgid "Friday" msgstr "Freitag" -#: js/config.php:28 +#: js/config.php:32 msgid "Saturday" msgstr "Samstag" -#: js/config.php:29 +#: js/config.php:33 msgid "January" msgstr "Januar" -#: js/config.php:29 +#: js/config.php:33 msgid "February" msgstr "Februar" -#: js/config.php:29 +#: js/config.php:33 msgid "March" msgstr "März" -#: js/config.php:29 +#: js/config.php:33 msgid "April" msgstr "April" -#: js/config.php:29 +#: js/config.php:33 msgid "May" msgstr "Mai" -#: js/config.php:29 +#: js/config.php:33 msgid "June" msgstr "Juni" -#: js/config.php:29 +#: js/config.php:33 msgid "July" msgstr "Juli" -#: js/config.php:29 +#: js/config.php:33 msgid "August" msgstr "August" -#: js/config.php:29 +#: js/config.php:33 msgid "September" msgstr "September" -#: js/config.php:29 +#: js/config.php:33 msgid "October" msgstr "Oktober" -#: js/config.php:29 +#: js/config.php:33 msgid "November" msgstr "November" -#: js/config.php:29 +#: js/config.php:33 msgid "December" msgstr "Dezember" @@ -382,6 +382,17 @@ msgstr "Sende ..." msgid "Email sent" msgstr "E-Mail wurde verschickt" +#: js/update.js:14 +msgid "" +"The update was unsuccessful. Please report this issue to the <a " +"href=\"https://github.com/owncloud/core/issues\" target=\"_blank\">ownCloud " +"community</a>." +msgstr "" + +#: js/update.js:18 +msgid "The update was successful. Redirecting you to ownCloud now." +msgstr "" + #: lostpassword/controller.php:47 msgid "ownCloud password reset" msgstr "ownCloud-Passwort zurücksetzen" diff --git a/l10n/de_DE/core.po b/l10n/de_DE/core.po index 9f9775ff12e38585aa5173ceb216d031fe56e189..9b94cdb687fec0f374dcc6d67d448ae6397a8f09 100644 --- a/l10n/de_DE/core.po +++ b/l10n/de_DE/core.po @@ -23,9 +23,9 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.owncloud.org/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-18 00:03+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-01-17 21:11+0000\n" -"Last-Translator: a.tangemann <a.tangemann@web.de>\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-29 00:04+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-01-28 23:05+0000\n" +"Last-Translator: I Robot <owncloud-bot@tmit.eu>\n" "Language-Team: German (Germany) (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/owncloud/language/de_DE/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" @@ -95,59 +95,135 @@ msgstr "Es wurden keine Kategorien zum Löschen ausgewählt." msgid "Error removing %s from favorites." msgstr "Fehler beim Entfernen von %s von den Favoriten." -#: js/js.js:259 templates/layout.user.php:60 templates/layout.user.php:61 +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Sunday" +msgstr "Sonntag" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Monday" +msgstr "Montag" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Tuesday" +msgstr "Dienstag" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Wednesday" +msgstr "Mittwoch" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Thursday" +msgstr "Donnerstag" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Friday" +msgstr "Freitag" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Saturday" +msgstr "Samstag" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "January" +msgstr "Januar" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "February" +msgstr "Februar" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "March" +msgstr "März" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "April" +msgstr "April" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "May" +msgstr "Mai" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "June" +msgstr "Juni" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "July" +msgstr "Juli" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "August" +msgstr "August" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "September" +msgstr "September" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "October" +msgstr "Oktober" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "November" +msgstr "November" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "December" +msgstr "Dezember" + +#: js/js.js:280 templates/layout.user.php:47 templates/layout.user.php:48 msgid "Settings" msgstr "Einstellungen" -#: js/js.js:706 +#: js/js.js:762 msgid "seconds ago" msgstr "Gerade eben" -#: js/js.js:707 +#: js/js.js:763 msgid "1 minute ago" msgstr "Vor 1 Minute" -#: js/js.js:708 +#: js/js.js:764 msgid "{minutes} minutes ago" msgstr "Vor {minutes} Minuten" -#: js/js.js:709 +#: js/js.js:765 msgid "1 hour ago" msgstr "Vor einer Stunde" -#: js/js.js:710 +#: js/js.js:766 msgid "{hours} hours ago" msgstr "Vor {hours} Stunden" -#: js/js.js:711 +#: js/js.js:767 msgid "today" msgstr "Heute" -#: js/js.js:712 +#: js/js.js:768 msgid "yesterday" msgstr "Gestern" -#: js/js.js:713 +#: js/js.js:769 msgid "{days} days ago" msgstr "Vor {days} Tag(en)" -#: js/js.js:714 +#: js/js.js:770 msgid "last month" msgstr "Letzten Monat" -#: js/js.js:715 +#: js/js.js:771 msgid "{months} months ago" msgstr "Vor {months} Monaten" -#: js/js.js:716 +#: js/js.js:772 msgid "months ago" msgstr "Vor Monaten" -#: js/js.js:717 +#: js/js.js:773 msgid "last year" msgstr "Letztes Jahr" -#: js/js.js:718 +#: js/js.js:774 msgid "years ago" msgstr "Vor Jahren" @@ -306,6 +382,17 @@ msgstr "Sende ..." msgid "Email sent" msgstr "Email gesendet" +#: js/update.js:14 +msgid "" +"The update was unsuccessful. Please report this issue to the <a " +"href=\"https://github.com/owncloud/core/issues\" target=\"_blank\">ownCloud " +"community</a>." +msgstr "" + +#: js/update.js:18 +msgid "The update was successful. Redirecting you to ownCloud now." +msgstr "" + #: lostpassword/controller.php:47 msgid "ownCloud password reset" msgstr "ownCloud-Passwort zurücksetzen" @@ -457,87 +544,11 @@ msgstr "Datenbank-Host" msgid "Finish setup" msgstr "Installation abschließen" -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Sunday" -msgstr "Sonntag" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Monday" -msgstr "Montag" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Tuesday" -msgstr "Dienstag" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Wednesday" -msgstr "Mittwoch" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Thursday" -msgstr "Donnerstag" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Friday" -msgstr "Freitag" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Saturday" -msgstr "Samstag" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "January" -msgstr "Januar" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "February" -msgstr "Februar" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "March" -msgstr "März" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "April" -msgstr "April" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "May" -msgstr "Mai" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "June" -msgstr "Juni" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "July" -msgstr "Juli" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "August" -msgstr "August" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "September" -msgstr "September" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "October" -msgstr "Oktober" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "November" -msgstr "November" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "December" -msgstr "Dezember" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:42 +#: templates/layout.guest.php:34 msgid "web services under your control" msgstr "Web-Services unter Ihrer Kontrolle" -#: templates/layout.user.php:45 +#: templates/layout.user.php:32 msgid "Log out" msgstr "Abmelden" diff --git a/l10n/de_DE/files.po b/l10n/de_DE/files.po index d34b998346d22b7b1035f4bfedbd359ed05e76c2..d81df74a94ab5ef55a1296ea6c3134e38b8003b0 100644 --- a/l10n/de_DE/files.po +++ b/l10n/de_DE/files.po @@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ # # Translators: # <admin@s-goecker.de>, 2012. +# Andreas Tangemann <a.tangemann@web.de>, 2013. # <a.tangemann@web.de>, 2012-2013. # <blobbyjj@ymail.com>, 2012. # I Robot <owncloud-bot@tmit.eu>, 2012-2013. @@ -27,9 +28,9 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.owncloud.org/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-27 00:04+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-01-26 23:05+0000\n" -"Last-Translator: I Robot <owncloud-bot@tmit.eu>\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-29 00:04+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-01-28 21:38+0000\n" +"Last-Translator: a.tangemann <a.tangemann@web.de>\n" "Language-Team: German (Germany) (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/owncloud/language/de_DE/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" @@ -88,7 +89,7 @@ msgstr "Fehler beim Schreiben auf die Festplatte" #: ajax/upload.php:48 msgid "Not enough storage available" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nicht genug Speicher vorhanden." #: ajax/upload.php:77 msgid "Invalid directory." @@ -162,11 +163,11 @@ msgstr "Ungültiger Name, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' und '*' sind #: js/files.js:78 msgid "Your storage is full, files can not be updated or synced anymore!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ihr Speicher ist voll. Daher können keine Dateien mehr aktualisiert oder synchronisiert werden!" #: js/files.js:82 msgid "Your storage is almost full ({usedSpacePercent}%)" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ihr Speicher ist fast voll ({usedSpacePercent}%)" #: js/files.js:219 msgid "" diff --git a/l10n/el/core.po b/l10n/el/core.po index 9f541a6eda901624099faac26eb1163ee85db706..bd3d221969cfa6912946d6ce741831c4290b2b34 100644 --- a/l10n/el/core.po +++ b/l10n/el/core.po @@ -15,9 +15,9 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.owncloud.org/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-18 00:03+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-01-17 20:33+0000\n" -"Last-Translator: xneo1 <vagelis@cyberdest.com>\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-29 00:04+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-01-28 23:05+0000\n" +"Last-Translator: I Robot <owncloud-bot@tmit.eu>\n" "Language-Team: Greek (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/owncloud/language/el/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" @@ -87,59 +87,135 @@ msgstr "Δεν επιλÎχτηκαν κατηγοÏίες για διαγÏαφ msgid "Error removing %s from favorites." msgstr "Σφάλμα αφαίÏεσης %s από τα αγαπημÎνα." -#: js/js.js:259 templates/layout.user.php:60 templates/layout.user.php:61 +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Sunday" +msgstr "ΚυÏιακή" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Monday" +msgstr "ΔευτÎÏα" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Tuesday" +msgstr "ΤÏίτη" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Wednesday" +msgstr "ΤετάÏτη" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Thursday" +msgstr "Î Îμπτη" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Friday" +msgstr "ΠαÏασκευή" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Saturday" +msgstr "Σάββατο" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "January" +msgstr "ΙανουάÏιος" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "February" +msgstr "ΦεβÏουάÏιος" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "March" +msgstr "ΜάÏτιος" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "April" +msgstr "ΑπÏίλιος" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "May" +msgstr "Μάϊος" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "June" +msgstr "ΙοÏνιος" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "July" +msgstr "ΙοÏλιος" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "August" +msgstr "ΑÏγουστος" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "September" +msgstr "ΣεπτÎμβÏιος" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "October" +msgstr "ΟκτώβÏιος" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "November" +msgstr "ÎοÎμβÏιος" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "December" +msgstr "ΔεκÎμβÏιος" + +#: js/js.js:280 templates/layout.user.php:47 templates/layout.user.php:48 msgid "Settings" msgstr "Ρυθμίσεις" -#: js/js.js:706 +#: js/js.js:762 msgid "seconds ago" msgstr "δευτεÏόλεπτα Ï€Ïιν" -#: js/js.js:707 +#: js/js.js:763 msgid "1 minute ago" msgstr "1 λεπτό Ï€Ïιν" -#: js/js.js:708 +#: js/js.js:764 msgid "{minutes} minutes ago" msgstr "{minutes} λεπτά Ï€Ïιν" -#: js/js.js:709 +#: js/js.js:765 msgid "1 hour ago" msgstr "1 ÏŽÏα Ï€Ïιν" -#: js/js.js:710 +#: js/js.js:766 msgid "{hours} hours ago" msgstr "{hours} ÏŽÏες Ï€Ïιν" -#: js/js.js:711 +#: js/js.js:767 msgid "today" msgstr "σήμεÏα" -#: js/js.js:712 +#: js/js.js:768 msgid "yesterday" msgstr "χτες" -#: js/js.js:713 +#: js/js.js:769 msgid "{days} days ago" msgstr "{days} ημÎÏες Ï€Ïιν" -#: js/js.js:714 +#: js/js.js:770 msgid "last month" msgstr "τελευταίο μήνα" -#: js/js.js:715 +#: js/js.js:771 msgid "{months} months ago" msgstr "{months} μήνες Ï€Ïιν" -#: js/js.js:716 +#: js/js.js:772 msgid "months ago" msgstr "μήνες Ï€Ïιν" -#: js/js.js:717 +#: js/js.js:773 msgid "last year" msgstr "τελευταίο χÏόνο" -#: js/js.js:718 +#: js/js.js:774 msgid "years ago" msgstr "χÏόνια Ï€Ïιν" @@ -298,6 +374,17 @@ msgstr "Αποστολή..." msgid "Email sent" msgstr "Το Email απεστάλη " +#: js/update.js:14 +msgid "" +"The update was unsuccessful. Please report this issue to the <a " +"href=\"https://github.com/owncloud/core/issues\" target=\"_blank\">ownCloud " +"community</a>." +msgstr "" + +#: js/update.js:18 +msgid "The update was successful. Redirecting you to ownCloud now." +msgstr "" + #: lostpassword/controller.php:47 msgid "ownCloud password reset" msgstr "ΕπαναφοÏά ÏƒÏ…Î½Î¸Î·Î¼Î±Ï„Î¹ÎºÎ¿Ï ownCloud" @@ -449,87 +536,11 @@ msgstr "Διακομιστής βάσης δεδομÎνων" msgid "Finish setup" msgstr "ΟλοκλήÏωση εγκατάστασης" -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Sunday" -msgstr "ΚυÏιακή" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Monday" -msgstr "ΔευτÎÏα" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Tuesday" -msgstr "ΤÏίτη" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Wednesday" -msgstr "ΤετάÏτη" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Thursday" -msgstr "Î Îμπτη" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Friday" -msgstr "ΠαÏασκευή" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Saturday" -msgstr "Σάββατο" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "January" -msgstr "ΙανουάÏιος" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "February" -msgstr "ΦεβÏουάÏιος" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "March" -msgstr "ΜάÏτιος" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "April" -msgstr "ΑπÏίλιος" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "May" -msgstr "Μάϊος" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "June" -msgstr "ΙοÏνιος" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "July" -msgstr "ΙοÏλιος" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "August" -msgstr "ΑÏγουστος" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "September" -msgstr "ΣεπτÎμβÏιος" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "October" -msgstr "ΟκτώβÏιος" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "November" -msgstr "ÎοÎμβÏιος" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "December" -msgstr "ΔεκÎμβÏιος" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:42 +#: templates/layout.guest.php:34 msgid "web services under your control" msgstr "ΥπηÏεσίες web υπό τον Îλεγχό σας" -#: templates/layout.user.php:45 +#: templates/layout.user.php:32 msgid "Log out" msgstr "ΑποσÏνδεση" diff --git a/l10n/el/files.po b/l10n/el/files.po index d1a67577ef0291e302e10206b9316f9b60fc44c6..d756e7d0b9e19f2a6253b4298f09ab5f48c3f32b 100644 --- a/l10n/el/files.po +++ b/l10n/el/files.po @@ -15,9 +15,9 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.owncloud.org/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-27 00:04+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-01-26 23:05+0000\n" -"Last-Translator: I Robot <owncloud-bot@tmit.eu>\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-29 00:04+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-01-28 02:25+0000\n" +"Last-Translator: Efstathios Iosifidis <iefstathios@gmail.com>\n" "Language-Team: Greek (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/owncloud/language/el/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" @@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ msgstr "Αποτυχία εγγÏαφής στο δίσκο" #: ajax/upload.php:48 msgid "Not enough storage available" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Μη επαÏκής διαθÎσιμος αποθηκευτικός χώÏος" #: ajax/upload.php:77 msgid "Invalid directory." @@ -150,11 +150,11 @@ msgstr "Μη ÎγκυÏο όνομα, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' #: js/files.js:78 msgid "Your storage is full, files can not be updated or synced anymore!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ο αποθηκευτικός σας χώÏος είναι γεμάτος, τα αÏχεία δεν μποÏοÏν να ενημεÏωθοÏν ή να συγχÏονιστοÏν πια!" #: js/files.js:82 msgid "Your storage is almost full ({usedSpacePercent}%)" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ο αποθηκευτικός χώÏος είναι σχεδόν γεμάτος ({usedSpacePercent}%)" #: js/files.js:219 msgid "" diff --git a/l10n/eo/core.po b/l10n/eo/core.po index 27efa5db63f1784c8c2c1e1b9b68f14d310d4c5c..6fc85d95d720927548033c813fc47a1907b09f20 100644 --- a/l10n/eo/core.po +++ b/l10n/eo/core.po @@ -10,8 +10,8 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.owncloud.org/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-15 00:03+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-01-14 23:03+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-29 00:04+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-01-28 23:05+0000\n" "Last-Translator: I Robot <owncloud-bot@tmit.eu>\n" "Language-Team: Esperanto (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/owncloud/language/eo/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" @@ -82,59 +82,135 @@ msgstr "Neniu kategorio elektiÄis por forigo." msgid "Error removing %s from favorites." msgstr "Eraro dum forigo de %s el favoratoj." -#: js/js.js:259 templates/layout.user.php:60 templates/layout.user.php:61 +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Sunday" +msgstr "dimanĉo" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Monday" +msgstr "lundo" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Tuesday" +msgstr "mardo" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Wednesday" +msgstr "merkredo" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Thursday" +msgstr "ĵaÅdo" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Friday" +msgstr "vendredo" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Saturday" +msgstr "sabato" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "January" +msgstr "Januaro" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "February" +msgstr "Februaro" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "March" +msgstr "Marto" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "April" +msgstr "Aprilo" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "May" +msgstr "Majo" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "June" +msgstr "Junio" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "July" +msgstr "Julio" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "August" +msgstr "AÅgusto" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "September" +msgstr "Septembro" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "October" +msgstr "Oktobro" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "November" +msgstr "Novembro" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "December" +msgstr "Decembro" + +#: js/js.js:280 templates/layout.user.php:47 templates/layout.user.php:48 msgid "Settings" msgstr "Agordo" -#: js/js.js:711 +#: js/js.js:762 msgid "seconds ago" msgstr "sekundoj antaÅe" -#: js/js.js:712 +#: js/js.js:763 msgid "1 minute ago" msgstr "antaÅ 1 minuto" -#: js/js.js:713 +#: js/js.js:764 msgid "{minutes} minutes ago" msgstr "antaÅ {minutes} minutoj" -#: js/js.js:714 +#: js/js.js:765 msgid "1 hour ago" msgstr "antaÅ 1 horo" -#: js/js.js:715 +#: js/js.js:766 msgid "{hours} hours ago" msgstr "antaÅ {hours} horoj" -#: js/js.js:716 +#: js/js.js:767 msgid "today" msgstr "hodiaÅ" -#: js/js.js:717 +#: js/js.js:768 msgid "yesterday" msgstr "hieraÅ" -#: js/js.js:718 +#: js/js.js:769 msgid "{days} days ago" msgstr "antaÅ {days} tagoj" -#: js/js.js:719 +#: js/js.js:770 msgid "last month" msgstr "lastamonate" -#: js/js.js:720 +#: js/js.js:771 msgid "{months} months ago" msgstr "antaÅ {months} monatoj" -#: js/js.js:721 +#: js/js.js:772 msgid "months ago" msgstr "monatoj antaÅe" -#: js/js.js:722 +#: js/js.js:773 msgid "last year" msgstr "lastajare" -#: js/js.js:723 +#: js/js.js:774 msgid "years ago" msgstr "jaroj antaÅe" @@ -293,6 +369,17 @@ msgstr "Sendante..." msgid "Email sent" msgstr "La retpoÅtaĵo sendiÄis" +#: js/update.js:14 +msgid "" +"The update was unsuccessful. Please report this issue to the <a " +"href=\"https://github.com/owncloud/core/issues\" target=\"_blank\">ownCloud " +"community</a>." +msgstr "" + +#: js/update.js:18 +msgid "The update was successful. Redirecting you to ownCloud now." +msgstr "" + #: lostpassword/controller.php:47 msgid "ownCloud password reset" msgstr "La pasvorto de ownCloud restariÄis." @@ -444,87 +531,11 @@ msgstr "Datumbaza gastigo" msgid "Finish setup" msgstr "Fini la instalon" -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Sunday" -msgstr "dimanĉo" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Monday" -msgstr "lundo" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Tuesday" -msgstr "mardo" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Wednesday" -msgstr "merkredo" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Thursday" -msgstr "ĵaÅdo" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Friday" -msgstr "vendredo" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Saturday" -msgstr "sabato" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "January" -msgstr "Januaro" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "February" -msgstr "Februaro" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "March" -msgstr "Marto" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "April" -msgstr "Aprilo" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "May" -msgstr "Majo" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "June" -msgstr "Junio" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "July" -msgstr "Julio" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "August" -msgstr "AÅgusto" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "September" -msgstr "Septembro" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "October" -msgstr "Oktobro" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "November" -msgstr "Novembro" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "December" -msgstr "Decembro" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:42 +#: templates/layout.guest.php:34 msgid "web services under your control" msgstr "TTT-servoj sub via kontrolo" -#: templates/layout.user.php:45 +#: templates/layout.user.php:32 msgid "Log out" msgstr "Elsaluti" diff --git a/l10n/es/core.po b/l10n/es/core.po index 099b2839a0f67a8bb4ce0baeeff58948238e00d4..e7260888e076984f71b50e4036c7ccf195dd4685 100644 --- a/l10n/es/core.po +++ b/l10n/es/core.po @@ -18,8 +18,8 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.owncloud.org/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-15 00:03+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-01-14 23:03+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-29 00:04+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-01-28 23:05+0000\n" "Last-Translator: I Robot <owncloud-bot@tmit.eu>\n" "Language-Team: Spanish (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/owncloud/language/es/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" @@ -90,59 +90,135 @@ msgstr "No hay categorÃas seleccionadas para borrar." msgid "Error removing %s from favorites." msgstr "Error eliminando %s de los favoritos." -#: js/js.js:259 templates/layout.user.php:60 templates/layout.user.php:61 +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Sunday" +msgstr "Domingo" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Monday" +msgstr "Lunes" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Tuesday" +msgstr "Martes" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Wednesday" +msgstr "Miércoles" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Thursday" +msgstr "Jueves" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Friday" +msgstr "Viernes" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Saturday" +msgstr "Sábado" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "January" +msgstr "Enero" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "February" +msgstr "Febrero" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "March" +msgstr "Marzo" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "April" +msgstr "Abril" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "May" +msgstr "Mayo" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "June" +msgstr "Junio" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "July" +msgstr "Julio" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "August" +msgstr "Agosto" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "September" +msgstr "Septiembre" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "October" +msgstr "Octubre" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "November" +msgstr "Noviembre" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "December" +msgstr "Diciembre" + +#: js/js.js:280 templates/layout.user.php:47 templates/layout.user.php:48 msgid "Settings" msgstr "Ajustes" -#: js/js.js:711 +#: js/js.js:762 msgid "seconds ago" msgstr "hace segundos" -#: js/js.js:712 +#: js/js.js:763 msgid "1 minute ago" msgstr "hace 1 minuto" -#: js/js.js:713 +#: js/js.js:764 msgid "{minutes} minutes ago" msgstr "hace {minutes} minutos" -#: js/js.js:714 +#: js/js.js:765 msgid "1 hour ago" msgstr "Hace 1 hora" -#: js/js.js:715 +#: js/js.js:766 msgid "{hours} hours ago" msgstr "Hace {hours} horas" -#: js/js.js:716 +#: js/js.js:767 msgid "today" msgstr "hoy" -#: js/js.js:717 +#: js/js.js:768 msgid "yesterday" msgstr "ayer" -#: js/js.js:718 +#: js/js.js:769 msgid "{days} days ago" msgstr "hace {days} dÃas" -#: js/js.js:719 +#: js/js.js:770 msgid "last month" msgstr "mes pasado" -#: js/js.js:720 +#: js/js.js:771 msgid "{months} months ago" msgstr "Hace {months} meses" -#: js/js.js:721 +#: js/js.js:772 msgid "months ago" msgstr "hace meses" -#: js/js.js:722 +#: js/js.js:773 msgid "last year" msgstr "año pasado" -#: js/js.js:723 +#: js/js.js:774 msgid "years ago" msgstr "hace años" @@ -301,6 +377,17 @@ msgstr "Enviando..." msgid "Email sent" msgstr "Correo electrónico enviado" +#: js/update.js:14 +msgid "" +"The update was unsuccessful. Please report this issue to the <a " +"href=\"https://github.com/owncloud/core/issues\" target=\"_blank\">ownCloud " +"community</a>." +msgstr "" + +#: js/update.js:18 +msgid "The update was successful. Redirecting you to ownCloud now." +msgstr "" + #: lostpassword/controller.php:47 msgid "ownCloud password reset" msgstr "Reiniciar contraseña de ownCloud" @@ -452,87 +539,11 @@ msgstr "Host de la base de datos" msgid "Finish setup" msgstr "Completar la instalación" -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Sunday" -msgstr "Domingo" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Monday" -msgstr "Lunes" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Tuesday" -msgstr "Martes" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Wednesday" -msgstr "Miércoles" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Thursday" -msgstr "Jueves" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Friday" -msgstr "Viernes" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Saturday" -msgstr "Sábado" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "January" -msgstr "Enero" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "February" -msgstr "Febrero" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "March" -msgstr "Marzo" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "April" -msgstr "Abril" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "May" -msgstr "Mayo" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "June" -msgstr "Junio" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "July" -msgstr "Julio" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "August" -msgstr "Agosto" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "September" -msgstr "Septiembre" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "October" -msgstr "Octubre" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "November" -msgstr "Noviembre" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "December" -msgstr "Diciembre" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:42 +#: templates/layout.guest.php:34 msgid "web services under your control" msgstr "servicios web bajo tu control" -#: templates/layout.user.php:45 +#: templates/layout.user.php:32 msgid "Log out" msgstr "Salir" diff --git a/l10n/es_AR/core.po b/l10n/es_AR/core.po index c38985419c01c047389e1cbdceab4e873d7d6fd5..c2c7a160ff22fb3b3061b699c6fe1f97fa15c745 100644 --- a/l10n/es_AR/core.po +++ b/l10n/es_AR/core.po @@ -9,8 +9,8 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.owncloud.org/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-15 00:03+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-01-14 23:03+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-29 00:04+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-01-28 23:05+0000\n" "Last-Translator: I Robot <owncloud-bot@tmit.eu>\n" "Language-Team: Spanish (Argentina) (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/owncloud/language/es_AR/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" @@ -81,59 +81,135 @@ msgstr "No hay categorÃas seleccionadas para borrar." msgid "Error removing %s from favorites." msgstr "Error al remover %s de favoritos. " -#: js/js.js:259 templates/layout.user.php:60 templates/layout.user.php:61 +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Sunday" +msgstr "Domingo" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Monday" +msgstr "Lunes" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Tuesday" +msgstr "Martes" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Wednesday" +msgstr "Miércoles" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Thursday" +msgstr "Jueves" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Friday" +msgstr "Viernes" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Saturday" +msgstr "Sábado" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "January" +msgstr "Enero" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "February" +msgstr "Febrero" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "March" +msgstr "Marzo" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "April" +msgstr "Abril" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "May" +msgstr "Mayo" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "June" +msgstr "Junio" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "July" +msgstr "Julio" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "August" +msgstr "Agosto" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "September" +msgstr "Septiembre" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "October" +msgstr "Octubre" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "November" +msgstr "Noviembre" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "December" +msgstr "Diciembre" + +#: js/js.js:280 templates/layout.user.php:47 templates/layout.user.php:48 msgid "Settings" msgstr "Ajustes" -#: js/js.js:711 +#: js/js.js:762 msgid "seconds ago" msgstr "segundos atrás" -#: js/js.js:712 +#: js/js.js:763 msgid "1 minute ago" msgstr "hace 1 minuto" -#: js/js.js:713 +#: js/js.js:764 msgid "{minutes} minutes ago" msgstr "hace {minutes} minutos" -#: js/js.js:714 +#: js/js.js:765 msgid "1 hour ago" msgstr "Hace 1 hora" -#: js/js.js:715 +#: js/js.js:766 msgid "{hours} hours ago" msgstr "{hours} horas atrás" -#: js/js.js:716 +#: js/js.js:767 msgid "today" msgstr "hoy" -#: js/js.js:717 +#: js/js.js:768 msgid "yesterday" msgstr "ayer" -#: js/js.js:718 +#: js/js.js:769 msgid "{days} days ago" msgstr "hace {days} dÃas" -#: js/js.js:719 +#: js/js.js:770 msgid "last month" msgstr "el mes pasado" -#: js/js.js:720 +#: js/js.js:771 msgid "{months} months ago" msgstr "{months} meses atrás" -#: js/js.js:721 +#: js/js.js:772 msgid "months ago" msgstr "meses atrás" -#: js/js.js:722 +#: js/js.js:773 msgid "last year" msgstr "el año pasado" -#: js/js.js:723 +#: js/js.js:774 msgid "years ago" msgstr "años atrás" @@ -292,6 +368,17 @@ msgstr "Enviando..." msgid "Email sent" msgstr "Email enviado" +#: js/update.js:14 +msgid "" +"The update was unsuccessful. Please report this issue to the <a " +"href=\"https://github.com/owncloud/core/issues\" target=\"_blank\">ownCloud " +"community</a>." +msgstr "" + +#: js/update.js:18 +msgid "The update was successful. Redirecting you to ownCloud now." +msgstr "" + #: lostpassword/controller.php:47 msgid "ownCloud password reset" msgstr "Restablecer contraseña de ownCloud" @@ -443,87 +530,11 @@ msgstr "Host de la base de datos" msgid "Finish setup" msgstr "Completar la instalación" -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Sunday" -msgstr "Domingo" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Monday" -msgstr "Lunes" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Tuesday" -msgstr "Martes" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Wednesday" -msgstr "Miércoles" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Thursday" -msgstr "Jueves" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Friday" -msgstr "Viernes" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Saturday" -msgstr "Sábado" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "January" -msgstr "Enero" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "February" -msgstr "Febrero" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "March" -msgstr "Marzo" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "April" -msgstr "Abril" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "May" -msgstr "Mayo" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "June" -msgstr "Junio" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "July" -msgstr "Julio" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "August" -msgstr "Agosto" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "September" -msgstr "Septiembre" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "October" -msgstr "Octubre" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "November" -msgstr "Noviembre" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "December" -msgstr "Diciembre" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:42 +#: templates/layout.guest.php:34 msgid "web services under your control" msgstr "servicios web sobre los que tenés control" -#: templates/layout.user.php:45 +#: templates/layout.user.php:32 msgid "Log out" msgstr "Cerrar la sesión" diff --git a/l10n/et_EE/core.po b/l10n/et_EE/core.po index ba615076133de597ad38e995088935ea0471eddd..808413dbda6286f399d746f42dd02fa2e63639ef 100644 --- a/l10n/et_EE/core.po +++ b/l10n/et_EE/core.po @@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.owncloud.org/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-15 00:03+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-01-14 23:03+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-29 00:04+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-01-28 23:05+0000\n" "Last-Translator: I Robot <owncloud-bot@tmit.eu>\n" "Language-Team: Estonian (Estonia) (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/owncloud/language/et_EE/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" @@ -80,59 +80,135 @@ msgstr "Kustutamiseks pole kategooriat valitud." msgid "Error removing %s from favorites." msgstr "" -#: js/js.js:259 templates/layout.user.php:60 templates/layout.user.php:61 +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Sunday" +msgstr "Pühapäev" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Monday" +msgstr "Esmaspäev" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Tuesday" +msgstr "Teisipäev" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Wednesday" +msgstr "Kolmapäev" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Thursday" +msgstr "Neljapäev" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Friday" +msgstr "Reede" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Saturday" +msgstr "Laupäev" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "January" +msgstr "Jaanuar" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "February" +msgstr "Veebruar" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "March" +msgstr "Märts" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "April" +msgstr "Aprill" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "May" +msgstr "Mai" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "June" +msgstr "Juuni" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "July" +msgstr "Juuli" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "August" +msgstr "August" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "September" +msgstr "September" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "October" +msgstr "Oktoober" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "November" +msgstr "November" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "December" +msgstr "Detsember" + +#: js/js.js:280 templates/layout.user.php:47 templates/layout.user.php:48 msgid "Settings" msgstr "Seaded" -#: js/js.js:711 +#: js/js.js:762 msgid "seconds ago" msgstr "sekundit tagasi" -#: js/js.js:712 +#: js/js.js:763 msgid "1 minute ago" msgstr "1 minut tagasi" -#: js/js.js:713 +#: js/js.js:764 msgid "{minutes} minutes ago" msgstr "{minutes} minutit tagasi" -#: js/js.js:714 +#: js/js.js:765 msgid "1 hour ago" msgstr "" -#: js/js.js:715 +#: js/js.js:766 msgid "{hours} hours ago" msgstr "" -#: js/js.js:716 +#: js/js.js:767 msgid "today" msgstr "täna" -#: js/js.js:717 +#: js/js.js:768 msgid "yesterday" msgstr "eile" -#: js/js.js:718 +#: js/js.js:769 msgid "{days} days ago" msgstr "{days} päeva tagasi" -#: js/js.js:719 +#: js/js.js:770 msgid "last month" msgstr "viimasel kuul" -#: js/js.js:720 +#: js/js.js:771 msgid "{months} months ago" msgstr "" -#: js/js.js:721 +#: js/js.js:772 msgid "months ago" msgstr "kuu tagasi" -#: js/js.js:722 +#: js/js.js:773 msgid "last year" msgstr "viimasel aastal" -#: js/js.js:723 +#: js/js.js:774 msgid "years ago" msgstr "aastat tagasi" @@ -291,6 +367,17 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Email sent" msgstr "" +#: js/update.js:14 +msgid "" +"The update was unsuccessful. Please report this issue to the <a " +"href=\"https://github.com/owncloud/core/issues\" target=\"_blank\">ownCloud " +"community</a>." +msgstr "" + +#: js/update.js:18 +msgid "The update was successful. Redirecting you to ownCloud now." +msgstr "" + #: lostpassword/controller.php:47 msgid "ownCloud password reset" msgstr "ownCloud parooli taastamine" @@ -442,87 +529,11 @@ msgstr "Andmebaasi host" msgid "Finish setup" msgstr "Lõpeta seadistamine" -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Sunday" -msgstr "Pühapäev" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Monday" -msgstr "Esmaspäev" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Tuesday" -msgstr "Teisipäev" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Wednesday" -msgstr "Kolmapäev" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Thursday" -msgstr "Neljapäev" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Friday" -msgstr "Reede" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Saturday" -msgstr "Laupäev" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "January" -msgstr "Jaanuar" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "February" -msgstr "Veebruar" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "March" -msgstr "Märts" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "April" -msgstr "Aprill" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "May" -msgstr "Mai" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "June" -msgstr "Juuni" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "July" -msgstr "Juuli" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "August" -msgstr "August" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "September" -msgstr "September" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "October" -msgstr "Oktoober" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "November" -msgstr "November" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "December" -msgstr "Detsember" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:42 +#: templates/layout.guest.php:34 msgid "web services under your control" msgstr "veebiteenused sinu kontrolli all" -#: templates/layout.user.php:45 +#: templates/layout.user.php:32 msgid "Log out" msgstr "Logi välja" diff --git a/l10n/eu/core.po b/l10n/eu/core.po index 74900de6d949372204701606f73a174cfc2811a6..a5f1efdf3e93d4404952fad877f618adb1701646 100644 --- a/l10n/eu/core.po +++ b/l10n/eu/core.po @@ -11,9 +11,9 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.owncloud.org/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-20 00:05+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-01-19 00:07+0000\n" -"Last-Translator: asieriko <asieriko@gmail.com>\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-29 00:04+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-01-28 23:05+0000\n" +"Last-Translator: I Robot <owncloud-bot@tmit.eu>\n" "Language-Team: Basque (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/owncloud/language/eu/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" @@ -83,59 +83,135 @@ msgstr "Ez da ezabatzeko kategoriarik hautatu." msgid "Error removing %s from favorites." msgstr "Errorea gertatu da %s gogokoetatik ezabatzean." -#: js/js.js:259 templates/layout.user.php:60 templates/layout.user.php:61 +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Sunday" +msgstr "Igandea" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Monday" +msgstr "Astelehena" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Tuesday" +msgstr "Asteartea" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Wednesday" +msgstr "Asteazkena" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Thursday" +msgstr "Osteguna" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Friday" +msgstr "Ostirala" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Saturday" +msgstr "Larunbata" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "January" +msgstr "Urtarrila" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "February" +msgstr "Otsaila" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "March" +msgstr "Martxoa" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "April" +msgstr "Apirila" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "May" +msgstr "Maiatza" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "June" +msgstr "Ekaina" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "July" +msgstr "Uztaila" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "August" +msgstr "Abuztua" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "September" +msgstr "Iraila" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "October" +msgstr "Urria" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "November" +msgstr "Azaroa" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "December" +msgstr "Abendua" + +#: js/js.js:280 templates/layout.user.php:47 templates/layout.user.php:48 msgid "Settings" msgstr "Ezarpenak" -#: js/js.js:706 +#: js/js.js:762 msgid "seconds ago" msgstr "segundu" -#: js/js.js:707 +#: js/js.js:763 msgid "1 minute ago" msgstr "orain dela minutu 1" -#: js/js.js:708 +#: js/js.js:764 msgid "{minutes} minutes ago" msgstr "orain dela {minutes} minutu" -#: js/js.js:709 +#: js/js.js:765 msgid "1 hour ago" msgstr "orain dela ordu bat" -#: js/js.js:710 +#: js/js.js:766 msgid "{hours} hours ago" msgstr "orain dela {hours} ordu" -#: js/js.js:711 +#: js/js.js:767 msgid "today" msgstr "gaur" -#: js/js.js:712 +#: js/js.js:768 msgid "yesterday" msgstr "atzo" -#: js/js.js:713 +#: js/js.js:769 msgid "{days} days ago" msgstr "orain dela {days} egun" -#: js/js.js:714 +#: js/js.js:770 msgid "last month" msgstr "joan den hilabetean" -#: js/js.js:715 +#: js/js.js:771 msgid "{months} months ago" msgstr "orain dela {months} hilabete" -#: js/js.js:716 +#: js/js.js:772 msgid "months ago" msgstr "hilabete" -#: js/js.js:717 +#: js/js.js:773 msgid "last year" msgstr "joan den urtean" -#: js/js.js:718 +#: js/js.js:774 msgid "years ago" msgstr "urte" @@ -294,6 +370,17 @@ msgstr "Bidaltzen ..." msgid "Email sent" msgstr "Eposta bidalia" +#: js/update.js:14 +msgid "" +"The update was unsuccessful. Please report this issue to the <a " +"href=\"https://github.com/owncloud/core/issues\" target=\"_blank\">ownCloud " +"community</a>." +msgstr "" + +#: js/update.js:18 +msgid "The update was successful. Redirecting you to ownCloud now." +msgstr "" + #: lostpassword/controller.php:47 msgid "ownCloud password reset" msgstr "ownCloud-en pasahitza berrezarri" @@ -445,87 +532,11 @@ msgstr "Datubasearen hostalaria" msgid "Finish setup" msgstr "Bukatu konfigurazioa" -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Sunday" -msgstr "Igandea" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Monday" -msgstr "Astelehena" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Tuesday" -msgstr "Asteartea" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Wednesday" -msgstr "Asteazkena" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Thursday" -msgstr "Osteguna" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Friday" -msgstr "Ostirala" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Saturday" -msgstr "Larunbata" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "January" -msgstr "Urtarrila" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "February" -msgstr "Otsaila" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "March" -msgstr "Martxoa" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "April" -msgstr "Apirila" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "May" -msgstr "Maiatza" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "June" -msgstr "Ekaina" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "July" -msgstr "Uztaila" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "August" -msgstr "Abuztua" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "September" -msgstr "Iraila" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "October" -msgstr "Urria" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "November" -msgstr "Azaroa" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "December" -msgstr "Abendua" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:42 +#: templates/layout.guest.php:34 msgid "web services under your control" msgstr "web zerbitzuak zure kontrolpean" -#: templates/layout.user.php:45 +#: templates/layout.user.php:32 msgid "Log out" msgstr "Saioa bukatu" diff --git a/l10n/fa/core.po b/l10n/fa/core.po index e15d681541f1969ba9af7f04aeba763f1382042c..b30d0698a47de42dab0ccf57c92603c19d6a50bd 100644 --- a/l10n/fa/core.po +++ b/l10n/fa/core.po @@ -9,9 +9,9 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.owncloud.org/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-27 00:04+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-01-26 08:04+0000\n" -"Last-Translator: miki_mika1362 <miki_mika1362@yahoo.com>\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-29 00:04+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-01-28 23:05+0000\n" +"Last-Translator: I Robot <owncloud-bot@tmit.eu>\n" "Language-Team: Persian (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/owncloud/language/fa/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" @@ -81,79 +81,79 @@ msgstr "هیج دسته ای برای پاک شدن انتخاب نشده است msgid "Error removing %s from favorites." msgstr "خطای پاک کردن %s از علاقه مندی ها." -#: js/config.php:28 +#: js/config.php:32 msgid "Sunday" msgstr "یکشنبه" -#: js/config.php:28 +#: js/config.php:32 msgid "Monday" msgstr "دوشنبه" -#: js/config.php:28 +#: js/config.php:32 msgid "Tuesday" msgstr "سه شنبه" -#: js/config.php:28 +#: js/config.php:32 msgid "Wednesday" msgstr "چهارشنبه" -#: js/config.php:28 +#: js/config.php:32 msgid "Thursday" msgstr "پنجشنبه" -#: js/config.php:28 +#: js/config.php:32 msgid "Friday" msgstr "جمعه" -#: js/config.php:28 +#: js/config.php:32 msgid "Saturday" msgstr "شنبه" -#: js/config.php:29 +#: js/config.php:33 msgid "January" msgstr "ژانویه" -#: js/config.php:29 +#: js/config.php:33 msgid "February" msgstr "Ùبریه" -#: js/config.php:29 +#: js/config.php:33 msgid "March" msgstr "مارس" -#: js/config.php:29 +#: js/config.php:33 msgid "April" msgstr "آوریل" -#: js/config.php:29 +#: js/config.php:33 msgid "May" msgstr "Ù…ÛŒ" -#: js/config.php:29 +#: js/config.php:33 msgid "June" msgstr "ژوئن" -#: js/config.php:29 +#: js/config.php:33 msgid "July" msgstr "جولای" -#: js/config.php:29 +#: js/config.php:33 msgid "August" msgstr "آگوست" -#: js/config.php:29 +#: js/config.php:33 msgid "September" msgstr "سپتامبر" -#: js/config.php:29 +#: js/config.php:33 msgid "October" msgstr "اکتبر" -#: js/config.php:29 +#: js/config.php:33 msgid "November" msgstr "نوامبر" -#: js/config.php:29 +#: js/config.php:33 msgid "December" msgstr "دسامبر" @@ -368,6 +368,17 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Email sent" msgstr "" +#: js/update.js:14 +msgid "" +"The update was unsuccessful. Please report this issue to the <a " +"href=\"https://github.com/owncloud/core/issues\" target=\"_blank\">ownCloud " +"community</a>." +msgstr "" + +#: js/update.js:18 +msgid "The update was successful. Redirecting you to ownCloud now." +msgstr "" + #: lostpassword/controller.php:47 msgid "ownCloud password reset" msgstr "پسورد ابرهای شما تغییرکرد" diff --git a/l10n/fi_FI/core.po b/l10n/fi_FI/core.po index 7aa46f135174675a7f6f5769f92f7bd2ae3ff515..2aca3ded678a77f394bf218f8e231736da5bcfe6 100644 --- a/l10n/fi_FI/core.po +++ b/l10n/fi_FI/core.po @@ -14,9 +14,9 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.owncloud.org/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-16 00:19+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-01-15 09:13+0000\n" -"Last-Translator: Jiri Grönroos <jiri.gronroos@iki.fi>\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-29 00:04+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-01-28 23:05+0000\n" +"Last-Translator: I Robot <owncloud-bot@tmit.eu>\n" "Language-Team: Finnish (Finland) (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/owncloud/language/fi_FI/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" @@ -86,59 +86,135 @@ msgstr "Luokkia ei valittu poistettavaksi." msgid "Error removing %s from favorites." msgstr "Virhe poistaessa kohdetta %s suosikeista." -#: js/js.js:259 templates/layout.user.php:60 templates/layout.user.php:61 +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Sunday" +msgstr "Sunnuntai" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Monday" +msgstr "Maanantai" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Tuesday" +msgstr "Tiistai" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Wednesday" +msgstr "Keskiviikko" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Thursday" +msgstr "Torstai" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Friday" +msgstr "Perjantai" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Saturday" +msgstr "Lauantai" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "January" +msgstr "Tammikuu" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "February" +msgstr "Helmikuu" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "March" +msgstr "Maaliskuu" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "April" +msgstr "Huhtikuu" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "May" +msgstr "Toukokuu" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "June" +msgstr "Kesäkuu" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "July" +msgstr "Heinäkuu" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "August" +msgstr "Elokuu" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "September" +msgstr "Syyskuu" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "October" +msgstr "Lokakuu" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "November" +msgstr "Marraskuu" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "December" +msgstr "Joulukuu" + +#: js/js.js:280 templates/layout.user.php:47 templates/layout.user.php:48 msgid "Settings" msgstr "Asetukset" -#: js/js.js:711 +#: js/js.js:762 msgid "seconds ago" msgstr "sekuntia sitten" -#: js/js.js:712 +#: js/js.js:763 msgid "1 minute ago" msgstr "1 minuutti sitten" -#: js/js.js:713 +#: js/js.js:764 msgid "{minutes} minutes ago" msgstr "{minutes} minuuttia sitten" -#: js/js.js:714 +#: js/js.js:765 msgid "1 hour ago" msgstr "1 tunti sitten" -#: js/js.js:715 +#: js/js.js:766 msgid "{hours} hours ago" msgstr "{hours} tuntia sitten" -#: js/js.js:716 +#: js/js.js:767 msgid "today" msgstr "tänään" -#: js/js.js:717 +#: js/js.js:768 msgid "yesterday" msgstr "eilen" -#: js/js.js:718 +#: js/js.js:769 msgid "{days} days ago" msgstr "{days} päivää sitten" -#: js/js.js:719 +#: js/js.js:770 msgid "last month" msgstr "viime kuussa" -#: js/js.js:720 +#: js/js.js:771 msgid "{months} months ago" msgstr "{months} kuukautta sitten" -#: js/js.js:721 +#: js/js.js:772 msgid "months ago" msgstr "kuukautta sitten" -#: js/js.js:722 +#: js/js.js:773 msgid "last year" msgstr "viime vuonna" -#: js/js.js:723 +#: js/js.js:774 msgid "years ago" msgstr "vuotta sitten" @@ -297,6 +373,17 @@ msgstr "Lähetetään..." msgid "Email sent" msgstr "Sähköposti lähetetty" +#: js/update.js:14 +msgid "" +"The update was unsuccessful. Please report this issue to the <a " +"href=\"https://github.com/owncloud/core/issues\" target=\"_blank\">ownCloud " +"community</a>." +msgstr "" + +#: js/update.js:18 +msgid "The update was successful. Redirecting you to ownCloud now." +msgstr "" + #: lostpassword/controller.php:47 msgid "ownCloud password reset" msgstr "ownCloud-salasanan nollaus" @@ -448,87 +535,11 @@ msgstr "Tietokantapalvelin" msgid "Finish setup" msgstr "Viimeistele asennus" -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Sunday" -msgstr "Sunnuntai" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Monday" -msgstr "Maanantai" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Tuesday" -msgstr "Tiistai" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Wednesday" -msgstr "Keskiviikko" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Thursday" -msgstr "Torstai" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Friday" -msgstr "Perjantai" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Saturday" -msgstr "Lauantai" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "January" -msgstr "Tammikuu" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "February" -msgstr "Helmikuu" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "March" -msgstr "Maaliskuu" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "April" -msgstr "Huhtikuu" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "May" -msgstr "Toukokuu" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "June" -msgstr "Kesäkuu" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "July" -msgstr "Heinäkuu" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "August" -msgstr "Elokuu" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "September" -msgstr "Syyskuu" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "October" -msgstr "Lokakuu" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "November" -msgstr "Marraskuu" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "December" -msgstr "Joulukuu" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:42 +#: templates/layout.guest.php:34 msgid "web services under your control" msgstr "verkkopalvelut hallinnassasi" -#: templates/layout.user.php:45 +#: templates/layout.user.php:32 msgid "Log out" msgstr "Kirjaudu ulos" diff --git a/l10n/fi_FI/files.po b/l10n/fi_FI/files.po index 11fbf6d8565ddddf5bad3860ca08e2095214bbe0..16c19a658afee698a270a974550d07f18fa9ee68 100644 --- a/l10n/fi_FI/files.po +++ b/l10n/fi_FI/files.po @@ -12,9 +12,9 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.owncloud.org/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-27 00:04+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-01-26 23:05+0000\n" -"Last-Translator: I Robot <owncloud-bot@tmit.eu>\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-29 00:04+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-01-28 18:44+0000\n" +"Last-Translator: Jiri Grönroos <jiri.gronroos@iki.fi>\n" "Language-Team: Finnish (Finland) (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/owncloud/language/fi_FI/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" @@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ msgstr "Levylle kirjoitus epäonnistui" #: ajax/upload.php:48 msgid "Not enough storage available" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tallennustilaa ei ole riittävästi käytettävissä" #: ajax/upload.php:77 msgid "Invalid directory." @@ -147,11 +147,11 @@ msgstr "Virheellinen nimi, merkit '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' ja '* #: js/files.js:78 msgid "Your storage is full, files can not be updated or synced anymore!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tallennustila on loppu, tiedostoja ei voi enää päivittää tai synkronoida!" #: js/files.js:82 msgid "Your storage is almost full ({usedSpacePercent}%)" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tallennustila on melkein loppu ({usedSpacePercent}%)" #: js/files.js:219 msgid "" diff --git a/l10n/fr/core.po b/l10n/fr/core.po index 512141ccb6877eba8699782a8fded45bfb738c70..7e1a32b0354bfae379ebc1bd7040237b6213faff 100644 --- a/l10n/fr/core.po +++ b/l10n/fr/core.po @@ -18,8 +18,8 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.owncloud.org/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-15 00:03+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-01-14 23:03+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-29 00:04+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-01-28 23:05+0000\n" "Last-Translator: I Robot <owncloud-bot@tmit.eu>\n" "Language-Team: French (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/owncloud/language/fr/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" @@ -90,59 +90,135 @@ msgstr "Aucune catégorie sélectionnée pour suppression" msgid "Error removing %s from favorites." msgstr "Erreur lors de la suppression de %s des favoris." -#: js/js.js:259 templates/layout.user.php:60 templates/layout.user.php:61 +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Sunday" +msgstr "Dimanche" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Monday" +msgstr "Lundi" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Tuesday" +msgstr "Mardi" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Wednesday" +msgstr "Mercredi" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Thursday" +msgstr "Jeudi" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Friday" +msgstr "Vendredi" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Saturday" +msgstr "Samedi" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "January" +msgstr "janvier" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "February" +msgstr "février" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "March" +msgstr "mars" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "April" +msgstr "avril" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "May" +msgstr "mai" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "June" +msgstr "juin" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "July" +msgstr "juillet" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "August" +msgstr "août" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "September" +msgstr "septembre" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "October" +msgstr "octobre" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "November" +msgstr "novembre" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "December" +msgstr "décembre" + +#: js/js.js:280 templates/layout.user.php:47 templates/layout.user.php:48 msgid "Settings" msgstr "Paramètres" -#: js/js.js:711 +#: js/js.js:762 msgid "seconds ago" msgstr "il y a quelques secondes" -#: js/js.js:712 +#: js/js.js:763 msgid "1 minute ago" msgstr "il y a une minute" -#: js/js.js:713 +#: js/js.js:764 msgid "{minutes} minutes ago" msgstr "il y a {minutes} minutes" -#: js/js.js:714 +#: js/js.js:765 msgid "1 hour ago" msgstr "Il y a une heure" -#: js/js.js:715 +#: js/js.js:766 msgid "{hours} hours ago" msgstr "Il y a {hours} heures" -#: js/js.js:716 +#: js/js.js:767 msgid "today" msgstr "aujourd'hui" -#: js/js.js:717 +#: js/js.js:768 msgid "yesterday" msgstr "hier" -#: js/js.js:718 +#: js/js.js:769 msgid "{days} days ago" msgstr "il y a {days} jours" -#: js/js.js:719 +#: js/js.js:770 msgid "last month" msgstr "le mois dernier" -#: js/js.js:720 +#: js/js.js:771 msgid "{months} months ago" msgstr "Il y a {months} mois" -#: js/js.js:721 +#: js/js.js:772 msgid "months ago" msgstr "il y a plusieurs mois" -#: js/js.js:722 +#: js/js.js:773 msgid "last year" msgstr "l'année dernière" -#: js/js.js:723 +#: js/js.js:774 msgid "years ago" msgstr "il y a plusieurs années" @@ -301,6 +377,17 @@ msgstr "En cours d'envoi ..." msgid "Email sent" msgstr "Email envoyé" +#: js/update.js:14 +msgid "" +"The update was unsuccessful. Please report this issue to the <a " +"href=\"https://github.com/owncloud/core/issues\" target=\"_blank\">ownCloud " +"community</a>." +msgstr "" + +#: js/update.js:18 +msgid "The update was successful. Redirecting you to ownCloud now." +msgstr "" + #: lostpassword/controller.php:47 msgid "ownCloud password reset" msgstr "Réinitialisation de votre mot de passe Owncloud" @@ -452,87 +539,11 @@ msgstr "Serveur de la base de données" msgid "Finish setup" msgstr "Terminer l'installation" -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Sunday" -msgstr "Dimanche" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Monday" -msgstr "Lundi" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Tuesday" -msgstr "Mardi" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Wednesday" -msgstr "Mercredi" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Thursday" -msgstr "Jeudi" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Friday" -msgstr "Vendredi" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Saturday" -msgstr "Samedi" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "January" -msgstr "janvier" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "February" -msgstr "février" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "March" -msgstr "mars" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "April" -msgstr "avril" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "May" -msgstr "mai" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "June" -msgstr "juin" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "July" -msgstr "juillet" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "August" -msgstr "août" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "September" -msgstr "septembre" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "October" -msgstr "octobre" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "November" -msgstr "novembre" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "December" -msgstr "décembre" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:42 +#: templates/layout.guest.php:34 msgid "web services under your control" msgstr "services web sous votre contrôle" -#: templates/layout.user.php:45 +#: templates/layout.user.php:32 msgid "Log out" msgstr "Se déconnecter" diff --git a/l10n/gl/core.po b/l10n/gl/core.po index de2454855f0bea2a39de700775f485be6ed4460e..4793450f6901f011e1dfda5957ff99d93b7b0890 100644 --- a/l10n/gl/core.po +++ b/l10n/gl/core.po @@ -10,8 +10,8 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.owncloud.org/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-15 00:03+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-01-14 23:03+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-29 00:04+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-01-28 23:05+0000\n" "Last-Translator: I Robot <owncloud-bot@tmit.eu>\n" "Language-Team: Galician (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/owncloud/language/gl/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" @@ -82,59 +82,135 @@ msgstr "Non hai categorÃas seleccionadas para eliminar." msgid "Error removing %s from favorites." msgstr "Produciuse un erro ao eliminar %s dos favoritos." -#: js/js.js:259 templates/layout.user.php:60 templates/layout.user.php:61 +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Sunday" +msgstr "Domingo" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Monday" +msgstr "Luns" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Tuesday" +msgstr "Martes" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Wednesday" +msgstr "Mércores" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Thursday" +msgstr "Xoves" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Friday" +msgstr "Venres" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Saturday" +msgstr "Sábado" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "January" +msgstr "xaneiro" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "February" +msgstr "febreiro" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "March" +msgstr "marzo" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "April" +msgstr "abril" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "May" +msgstr "maio" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "June" +msgstr "xuño" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "July" +msgstr "xullo" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "August" +msgstr "agosto" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "September" +msgstr "setembro" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "October" +msgstr "outubro" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "November" +msgstr "novembro" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "December" +msgstr "decembro" + +#: js/js.js:280 templates/layout.user.php:47 templates/layout.user.php:48 msgid "Settings" msgstr "Configuracións" -#: js/js.js:711 +#: js/js.js:762 msgid "seconds ago" msgstr "segundos atrás" -#: js/js.js:712 +#: js/js.js:763 msgid "1 minute ago" msgstr "hai 1 minuto" -#: js/js.js:713 +#: js/js.js:764 msgid "{minutes} minutes ago" msgstr "hai {minutes} minutos" -#: js/js.js:714 +#: js/js.js:765 msgid "1 hour ago" msgstr "hai 1 hora" -#: js/js.js:715 +#: js/js.js:766 msgid "{hours} hours ago" msgstr "hai {hours} horas" -#: js/js.js:716 +#: js/js.js:767 msgid "today" msgstr "hoxe" -#: js/js.js:717 +#: js/js.js:768 msgid "yesterday" msgstr "onte" -#: js/js.js:718 +#: js/js.js:769 msgid "{days} days ago" msgstr "hai {days} dÃas" -#: js/js.js:719 +#: js/js.js:770 msgid "last month" msgstr "último mes" -#: js/js.js:720 +#: js/js.js:771 msgid "{months} months ago" msgstr "hai {months} meses" -#: js/js.js:721 +#: js/js.js:772 msgid "months ago" msgstr "meses atrás" -#: js/js.js:722 +#: js/js.js:773 msgid "last year" msgstr "último ano" -#: js/js.js:723 +#: js/js.js:774 msgid "years ago" msgstr "anos atrás" @@ -293,6 +369,17 @@ msgstr "Enviando..." msgid "Email sent" msgstr "Correo enviado" +#: js/update.js:14 +msgid "" +"The update was unsuccessful. Please report this issue to the <a " +"href=\"https://github.com/owncloud/core/issues\" target=\"_blank\">ownCloud " +"community</a>." +msgstr "" + +#: js/update.js:18 +msgid "The update was successful. Redirecting you to ownCloud now." +msgstr "" + #: lostpassword/controller.php:47 msgid "ownCloud password reset" msgstr "Restabelecer o contrasinal de ownCloud" @@ -444,87 +531,11 @@ msgstr "Servidor da base de datos" msgid "Finish setup" msgstr "Rematar a configuración" -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Sunday" -msgstr "Domingo" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Monday" -msgstr "Luns" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Tuesday" -msgstr "Martes" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Wednesday" -msgstr "Mércores" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Thursday" -msgstr "Xoves" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Friday" -msgstr "Venres" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Saturday" -msgstr "Sábado" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "January" -msgstr "xaneiro" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "February" -msgstr "febreiro" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "March" -msgstr "marzo" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "April" -msgstr "abril" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "May" -msgstr "maio" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "June" -msgstr "xuño" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "July" -msgstr "xullo" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "August" -msgstr "agosto" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "September" -msgstr "setembro" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "October" -msgstr "outubro" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "November" -msgstr "novembro" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "December" -msgstr "decembro" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:42 +#: templates/layout.guest.php:34 msgid "web services under your control" msgstr "servizos web baixo o seu control" -#: templates/layout.user.php:45 +#: templates/layout.user.php:32 msgid "Log out" msgstr "Desconectar" diff --git a/l10n/he/core.po b/l10n/he/core.po index 78ebe7d5f2d4a0371897a36fea19adbd7e7030de..b1f45d8c27a2e68672c0f0d58579fe810eac8d91 100644 --- a/l10n/he/core.po +++ b/l10n/he/core.po @@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.owncloud.org/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-15 00:03+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-01-14 23:03+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-29 00:04+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-01-28 23:05+0000\n" "Last-Translator: I Robot <owncloud-bot@tmit.eu>\n" "Language-Team: Hebrew (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/owncloud/language/he/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" @@ -84,59 +84,135 @@ msgstr "×œ× × ×‘×—×¨×• קטגוריות למחיקה" msgid "Error removing %s from favorites." msgstr "שגי××” בהסרת %s מהמועדפי×." -#: js/js.js:259 templates/layout.user.php:60 templates/layout.user.php:61 +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Sunday" +msgstr "×™×•× ×¨×שון" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Monday" +msgstr "×™×•× ×©× ×™" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Tuesday" +msgstr "×™×•× ×©×œ×™×©×™" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Wednesday" +msgstr "×™×•× ×¨×‘×™×¢×™" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Thursday" +msgstr "×™×•× ×—×ž×™×©×™" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Friday" +msgstr "×™×•× ×©×™×©×™" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Saturday" +msgstr "שבת" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "January" +msgstr "×™× ×•×ר" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "February" +msgstr "פברו×ר" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "March" +msgstr "מרץ" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "April" +msgstr "×פריל" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "May" +msgstr "מ××™" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "June" +msgstr "×™×•× ×™" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "July" +msgstr "יולי" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "August" +msgstr "×וגוסט" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "September" +msgstr "ספטמבר" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "October" +msgstr "×וקטובר" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "November" +msgstr "× ×•×‘×ž×‘×¨" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "December" +msgstr "דצמבר" + +#: js/js.js:280 templates/layout.user.php:47 templates/layout.user.php:48 msgid "Settings" msgstr "הגדרות" -#: js/js.js:711 +#: js/js.js:762 msgid "seconds ago" msgstr "×©× ×™×•×ª" -#: js/js.js:712 +#: js/js.js:763 msgid "1 minute ago" msgstr "×œ×¤× ×™ דקה ×חת" -#: js/js.js:713 +#: js/js.js:764 msgid "{minutes} minutes ago" msgstr "×œ×¤× ×™ {minutes} דקות" -#: js/js.js:714 +#: js/js.js:765 msgid "1 hour ago" msgstr "×œ×¤× ×™ שעה" -#: js/js.js:715 +#: js/js.js:766 msgid "{hours} hours ago" msgstr "×œ×¤× ×™ {hours} שעות" -#: js/js.js:716 +#: js/js.js:767 msgid "today" msgstr "היו×" -#: js/js.js:717 +#: js/js.js:768 msgid "yesterday" msgstr "×תמול" -#: js/js.js:718 +#: js/js.js:769 msgid "{days} days ago" msgstr "×œ×¤× ×™ {days} ימי×" -#: js/js.js:719 +#: js/js.js:770 msgid "last month" msgstr "חודש שעבר" -#: js/js.js:720 +#: js/js.js:771 msgid "{months} months ago" msgstr "×œ×¤× ×™ {months} חודשי×" -#: js/js.js:721 +#: js/js.js:772 msgid "months ago" msgstr "חודשי×" -#: js/js.js:722 +#: js/js.js:773 msgid "last year" msgstr "×©× ×” שעברה" -#: js/js.js:723 +#: js/js.js:774 msgid "years ago" msgstr "×©× ×™×" @@ -295,6 +371,17 @@ msgstr "מתבצעת שליחה ..." msgid "Email sent" msgstr "הודעת הדו×״ל × ×©×œ×—×”" +#: js/update.js:14 +msgid "" +"The update was unsuccessful. Please report this issue to the <a " +"href=\"https://github.com/owncloud/core/issues\" target=\"_blank\">ownCloud " +"community</a>." +msgstr "" + +#: js/update.js:18 +msgid "The update was successful. Redirecting you to ownCloud now." +msgstr "" + #: lostpassword/controller.php:47 msgid "ownCloud password reset" msgstr "×יפוס הססמה של ownCloud" @@ -446,87 +533,11 @@ msgstr "שרת בסיס × ×ª×•× ×™×" msgid "Finish setup" msgstr "×¡×™×•× ×”×ª×§× ×”" -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Sunday" -msgstr "×™×•× ×¨×שון" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Monday" -msgstr "×™×•× ×©× ×™" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Tuesday" -msgstr "×™×•× ×©×œ×™×©×™" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Wednesday" -msgstr "×™×•× ×¨×‘×™×¢×™" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Thursday" -msgstr "×™×•× ×—×ž×™×©×™" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Friday" -msgstr "×™×•× ×©×™×©×™" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Saturday" -msgstr "שבת" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "January" -msgstr "×™× ×•×ר" - 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-#: templates/layout.guest.php:42 +#: templates/layout.guest.php:34 msgid "web services under your control" msgstr "שירותי רשת בשליטתך" -#: templates/layout.user.php:45 +#: templates/layout.user.php:32 msgid "Log out" msgstr "×”×ª× ×ª×§×•×ª" diff --git a/l10n/hi/core.po b/l10n/hi/core.po index 637cb66cc8d9951610fd1393e825b6d4a6ac06d4..d12a2c0b38b11ece51e7f41779d21193e4ba4ab3 100644 --- a/l10n/hi/core.po +++ b/l10n/hi/core.po @@ -9,8 +9,8 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.owncloud.org/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-15 00:03+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-01-14 23:03+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-29 00:04+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-01-28 23:05+0000\n" "Last-Translator: I Robot <owncloud-bot@tmit.eu>\n" "Language-Team: Hindi (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/owncloud/language/hi/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" @@ -81,59 +81,135 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Error removing %s from favorites." msgstr "" -#: js/js.js:259 templates/layout.user.php:60 templates/layout.user.php:61 +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Sunday" +msgstr "" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Monday" +msgstr "" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Tuesday" +msgstr "" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Wednesday" +msgstr "" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Thursday" +msgstr "" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Friday" +msgstr "" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Saturday" +msgstr "" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "January" +msgstr "" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "February" +msgstr "" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "March" +msgstr "" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "April" +msgstr "" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "May" +msgstr "" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "June" +msgstr "" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "July" +msgstr "" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "August" +msgstr "" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "September" +msgstr "" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "October" +msgstr "" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "November" +msgstr "" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "December" +msgstr "" + +#: js/js.js:280 templates/layout.user.php:47 templates/layout.user.php:48 msgid "Settings" msgstr "" -#: js/js.js:711 +#: js/js.js:762 msgid "seconds ago" msgstr "" -#: js/js.js:712 +#: js/js.js:763 msgid "1 minute ago" msgstr "" -#: js/js.js:713 +#: js/js.js:764 msgid "{minutes} minutes ago" msgstr "" -#: js/js.js:714 +#: js/js.js:765 msgid "1 hour ago" msgstr "" -#: js/js.js:715 +#: js/js.js:766 msgid "{hours} hours ago" msgstr "" -#: js/js.js:716 +#: js/js.js:767 msgid "today" msgstr "" -#: js/js.js:717 +#: js/js.js:768 msgid "yesterday" msgstr "" -#: js/js.js:718 +#: js/js.js:769 msgid "{days} days ago" msgstr "" -#: js/js.js:719 +#: js/js.js:770 msgid "last month" msgstr "" -#: js/js.js:720 +#: js/js.js:771 msgid "{months} months ago" msgstr "" -#: js/js.js:721 +#: js/js.js:772 msgid "months ago" msgstr "" -#: js/js.js:722 +#: js/js.js:773 msgid "last year" msgstr "" -#: js/js.js:723 +#: js/js.js:774 msgid "years ago" msgstr "" @@ -292,6 +368,17 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Email sent" msgstr "" +#: js/update.js:14 +msgid "" +"The update was unsuccessful. Please report this issue to the <a " +"href=\"https://github.com/owncloud/core/issues\" target=\"_blank\">ownCloud " +"community</a>." +msgstr "" + +#: js/update.js:18 +msgid "The update was successful. Redirecting you to ownCloud now." +msgstr "" + #: lostpassword/controller.php:47 msgid "ownCloud password reset" msgstr "" @@ -443,87 +530,11 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Finish setup" msgstr "सेटअप समापà¥à¤¤ करे" -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Sunday" -msgstr "" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Monday" -msgstr "" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Tuesday" -msgstr "" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Wednesday" -msgstr "" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Thursday" -msgstr "" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Friday" -msgstr "" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Saturday" -msgstr "" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "January" -msgstr "" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "February" -msgstr "" - 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Please report this issue to the <a " +"href=\"https://github.com/owncloud/core/issues\" target=\"_blank\">ownCloud " +"community</a>." +msgstr "" + +#: js/update.js:18 +msgid "The update was successful. Redirecting you to ownCloud now." +msgstr "" + #: lostpassword/controller.php:47 msgid "ownCloud password reset" msgstr "ownCloud resetiranje lozinke" @@ -445,87 +532,11 @@ msgstr "Poslužitelj baze podataka" msgid "Finish setup" msgstr "ZavrÅ¡i postavljanje" -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Sunday" -msgstr "nedelja" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Monday" -msgstr "ponedeljak" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Tuesday" -msgstr "utorak" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Wednesday" -msgstr "srijeda" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Thursday" -msgstr "Äetvrtak" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Friday" -msgstr "petak" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Saturday" -msgstr "subota" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "January" -msgstr "SijeÄanj" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "February" -msgstr "VeljaÄa" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "March" -msgstr "Ožujak" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "April" -msgstr "Travanj" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "May" -msgstr "Svibanj" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "June" -msgstr "Lipanj" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "July" -msgstr "Srpanj" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "August" -msgstr "Kolovoz" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "September" -msgstr "Rujan" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "October" -msgstr "Listopad" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "November" -msgstr "Studeni" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "December" -msgstr "Prosinac" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:42 +#: templates/layout.guest.php:34 msgid "web services under your control" msgstr "web usluge pod vaÅ¡om kontrolom" -#: templates/layout.user.php:45 +#: templates/layout.user.php:32 msgid "Log out" msgstr "Odjava" diff --git a/l10n/hu_HU/core.po b/l10n/hu_HU/core.po index 27db5050659fc4a2aeb8a8ab5edc0d0b9ec1e68b..9f6c2f15f776674c70f59cc2b06dab55c9c5e9d4 100644 --- a/l10n/hu_HU/core.po +++ b/l10n/hu_HU/core.po @@ -12,9 +12,9 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.owncloud.org/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-26 00:09+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-01-25 12:57+0000\n" -"Last-Translator: Laszlo Tornoci <torlasz@gmail.com>\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-29 00:04+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-01-28 23:05+0000\n" +"Last-Translator: I Robot <owncloud-bot@tmit.eu>\n" "Language-Team: Hungarian (Hungary) (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/owncloud/language/hu_HU/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" @@ -84,135 +84,135 @@ msgstr "Nincs törlésre jelölt kategória" msgid "Error removing %s from favorites." msgstr "Nem sikerült a kedvencekbÅ‘l törölni ezt: %s" -#: js/config.php:28 +#: js/config.php:32 msgid "Sunday" msgstr "vasárnap" -#: js/config.php:28 +#: js/config.php:32 msgid "Monday" msgstr "hétfÅ‘" -#: js/config.php:28 +#: js/config.php:32 msgid "Tuesday" msgstr "kedd" -#: js/config.php:28 +#: js/config.php:32 msgid "Wednesday" msgstr "szerda" -#: js/config.php:28 +#: js/config.php:32 msgid "Thursday" msgstr "csütörtök" -#: js/config.php:28 +#: js/config.php:32 msgid "Friday" msgstr "péntek" -#: js/config.php:28 +#: js/config.php:32 msgid "Saturday" msgstr "szombat" -#: js/config.php:29 +#: js/config.php:33 msgid "January" msgstr "január" -#: js/config.php:29 +#: js/config.php:33 msgid "February" msgstr "február" -#: js/config.php:29 +#: js/config.php:33 msgid "March" msgstr "március" -#: js/config.php:29 +#: js/config.php:33 msgid "April" msgstr "április" -#: js/config.php:29 +#: js/config.php:33 msgid "May" msgstr "május" -#: js/config.php:29 +#: js/config.php:33 msgid "June" msgstr "június" -#: js/config.php:29 +#: js/config.php:33 msgid "July" msgstr "július" -#: js/config.php:29 +#: js/config.php:33 msgid "August" msgstr "augusztus" -#: js/config.php:29 +#: js/config.php:33 msgid "September" msgstr "szeptember" -#: js/config.php:29 +#: js/config.php:33 msgid "October" msgstr "október" -#: js/config.php:29 +#: js/config.php:33 msgid "November" msgstr "november" -#: js/config.php:29 +#: js/config.php:33 msgid "December" msgstr "december" -#: js/js.js:280 templates/layout.user.php:43 templates/layout.user.php:44 +#: js/js.js:280 templates/layout.user.php:47 templates/layout.user.php:48 msgid "Settings" msgstr "BeállÃtások" -#: js/js.js:727 +#: js/js.js:762 msgid "seconds ago" msgstr "pár másodperce" -#: js/js.js:728 +#: js/js.js:763 msgid "1 minute ago" msgstr "1 perce" -#: js/js.js:729 +#: js/js.js:764 msgid "{minutes} minutes ago" msgstr "{minutes} perce" -#: js/js.js:730 +#: js/js.js:765 msgid "1 hour ago" msgstr "1 órája" -#: js/js.js:731 +#: js/js.js:766 msgid "{hours} hours ago" msgstr "{hours} órája" -#: js/js.js:732 +#: js/js.js:767 msgid "today" msgstr "ma" -#: js/js.js:733 +#: js/js.js:768 msgid "yesterday" msgstr "tegnap" -#: js/js.js:734 +#: js/js.js:769 msgid "{days} days ago" msgstr "{days} napja" -#: js/js.js:735 +#: js/js.js:770 msgid "last month" msgstr "múlt hónapban" -#: js/js.js:736 +#: js/js.js:771 msgid "{months} months ago" msgstr "{months} hónapja" -#: js/js.js:737 +#: js/js.js:772 msgid "months ago" msgstr "több hónapja" -#: js/js.js:738 +#: js/js.js:773 msgid "last year" msgstr "tavaly" -#: js/js.js:739 +#: js/js.js:774 msgid "years ago" msgstr "több éve" @@ -371,6 +371,17 @@ msgstr "Küldés ..." msgid "Email sent" msgstr "Az emailt elküldtük" +#: js/update.js:14 +msgid "" +"The update was unsuccessful. Please report this issue to the <a " +"href=\"https://github.com/owncloud/core/issues\" target=\"_blank\">ownCloud " +"community</a>." +msgstr "" + +#: js/update.js:18 +msgid "The update was successful. Redirecting you to ownCloud now." +msgstr "" + #: lostpassword/controller.php:47 msgid "ownCloud password reset" msgstr "ownCloud jelszó-visszaállÃtás" @@ -522,11 +533,11 @@ msgstr "Adatbázis szerver" msgid "Finish setup" msgstr "A beállÃtások befejezése" -#: templates/layout.guest.php:33 +#: templates/layout.guest.php:34 msgid "web services under your control" msgstr "webszolgáltatások saját kézben" -#: templates/layout.user.php:28 +#: templates/layout.user.php:32 msgid "Log out" msgstr "Kilépés" diff --git a/l10n/hu_HU/files.po b/l10n/hu_HU/files.po index d61665aed62b5e882c443f1a50b2c84d10b7ef52..d5983f639460df814454f4a45eac4b9cf7617c24 100644 --- a/l10n/hu_HU/files.po +++ b/l10n/hu_HU/files.po @@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ # # Translators: # Adam Toth <adazlord@gmail.com>, 2012. +# Akos <nagy.akos@libreoffice.ro>, 2013. # <gyonkibendeguz@gmail.com>, 2013. # <gyonkibendeguz@gmail.com>, 2013. # Laszlo Tornoci <torlasz@gmail.com>, 2013. @@ -13,9 +14,9 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.owncloud.org/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-27 00:04+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-01-26 23:05+0000\n" -"Last-Translator: I Robot <owncloud-bot@tmit.eu>\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-29 00:04+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-01-28 08:37+0000\n" +"Last-Translator: akoscomp <nagy.akos@libreoffice.ro>\n" "Language-Team: Hungarian (Hungary) (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/owncloud/language/hu_HU/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" @@ -74,7 +75,7 @@ msgstr "Nem sikerült a lemezre történÅ‘ Ãrás" #: ajax/upload.php:48 msgid "Not enough storage available" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nincs elég szabad hely." #: ajax/upload.php:77 msgid "Invalid directory." @@ -148,11 +149,11 @@ msgstr "Érvénytelen elnevezés. Ezek a karakterek nem használhatók: '\\', '/ #: js/files.js:78 msgid "Your storage is full, files can not be updated or synced anymore!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "A tároló tele van, a fájlok nem frissÃthetÅ‘ek vagy szinkronizálhatóak a jövÅ‘ben." #: js/files.js:82 msgid "Your storage is almost full ({usedSpacePercent}%)" -msgstr "" +msgstr "A tároló majdnem tele van ({usedSpacePercent}%)" #: js/files.js:219 msgid "" diff --git a/l10n/hu_HU/files_encryption.po b/l10n/hu_HU/files_encryption.po index 4aea6abf217a00aef8dcf2a611c24c0f5c63aa57..1a15c06b6fe61c4533a94e48936321faa63582bc 100644 --- a/l10n/hu_HU/files_encryption.po +++ b/l10n/hu_HU/files_encryption.po @@ -3,14 +3,16 @@ # This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. # # Translators: +# Akos <nagy.akos@libreoffice.ro>, 2013. # Csaba Orban <vicsabi@gmail.com>, 2012. +# <gyonkibendeguz@gmail.com>, 2013. msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.owncloud.org/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-23 00:05+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-01-22 23:05+0000\n" -"Last-Translator: I Robot <owncloud-bot@tmit.eu>\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-29 00:04+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-01-28 11:15+0000\n" +"Last-Translator: akoscomp <nagy.akos@libreoffice.ro>\n" "Language-Team: Hungarian (Hungary) (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/owncloud/language/hu_HU/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" @@ -22,53 +24,53 @@ msgstr "" msgid "" "Please switch to your ownCloud client and change your encryption password to" " complete the conversion." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Kérjük, hogy váltson át az ownCloud kliensére, és változtassa meg a titkosÃtási jelszót az átalakÃtás befejezéséhez." #: js/settings-personal.js:17 msgid "switched to client side encryption" -msgstr "" +msgstr "átváltva a kliens oldalai titkosÃtásra" #: js/settings-personal.js:21 msgid "Change encryption password to login password" -msgstr "" +msgstr "TitkosÃtási jelszó módosÃtása a bejelentkezési jelszóra" #: js/settings-personal.js:25 msgid "Please check your passwords and try again." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Kérjük, ellenÅ‘rizze a jelszavait, és próbálja meg újra." #: js/settings-personal.js:25 msgid "Could not change your file encryption password to your login password" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nem módosÃthatja a fájltitkosÃtási jelszavát a bejelentkezési jelszavára" #: templates/settings-personal.php:3 templates/settings.php:5 msgid "Choose encryption mode:" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Válassza ki a titkosÃtási módot:" #: templates/settings-personal.php:20 templates/settings.php:24 msgid "" "Client side encryption (most secure but makes it impossible to access your " "data from the web interface)" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Kliens oldali titkosÃtás (biztonságosabb, de lehetetlenné teszi a fájlok elérését a böngészÅ‘bÅ‘l)" #: templates/settings-personal.php:30 templates/settings.php:36 msgid "" "Server side encryption (allows you to access your files from the web " "interface and the desktop client)" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Kiszolgáló oldali titkosÃtás (lehetÅ‘vé teszi a fájlok elérését úgy böngészÅ‘bÅ‘l mint az asztali kliensbÅ‘l)" #: templates/settings-personal.php:41 templates/settings.php:60 msgid "None (no encryption at all)" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Semmi (semmilyen titkosÃtás)" #: templates/settings.php:10 msgid "" "Important: Once you selected an encryption mode there is no way to change it" " back" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Fontos: Ha egyszer kiválasztotta a titkosÃtás módját, többé már nem lehet megváltoztatni" #: templates/settings.php:48 msgid "User specific (let the user decide)" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Felhasználó specifikus (a felhasználó választhat)" #: templates/settings.php:65 msgid "Encryption" diff --git a/l10n/hu_HU/user_webdavauth.po b/l10n/hu_HU/user_webdavauth.po index e7f281281b7c7622d71636a93f1af44dde0f66e0..f661c0e4ee09620d95371022845b7d1f85137f44 100644 --- a/l10n/hu_HU/user_webdavauth.po +++ b/l10n/hu_HU/user_webdavauth.po @@ -3,13 +3,14 @@ # This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. # # Translators: +# Akos <nagy.akos@libreoffice.ro>, 2013. msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.owncloud.org/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-15 00:03+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-01-14 23:04+0000\n" -"Last-Translator: I Robot <owncloud-bot@tmit.eu>\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-29 00:04+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-01-28 11:27+0000\n" +"Last-Translator: akoscomp <nagy.akos@libreoffice.ro>\n" "Language-Team: Hungarian (Hungary) (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/owncloud/language/hu_HU/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" @@ -19,7 +20,7 @@ msgstr "" #: templates/settings.php:3 msgid "WebDAV Authentication" -msgstr "" +msgstr "WebDAV hitelesÃtés" #: templates/settings.php:4 msgid "URL: http://" @@ -30,4 +31,4 @@ msgid "" "ownCloud will send the user credentials to this URL. This plugin checks the " "response and will interpret the HTTP statuscodes 401 and 403 as invalid " "credentials, and all other responses as valid credentials." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Az ownCloud elküldi a felhasználói fiók adatai a következÅ‘ URL-re. Ez a bÅ‘vÃtÅ‘modul leellenÅ‘rzi a választ és ha a HTTP hibakód nem 401 vagy 403 azaz érvénytelen hitelesÃtÅ‘, akkor minden más válasz érvényes lesz." diff --git a/l10n/ia/core.po b/l10n/ia/core.po index 984f28fcdf4d4ebed4835f0227802938ae3abb7f..5877ff0082a2b1b4a991a7efab3bf543fcfc64cc 100644 --- a/l10n/ia/core.po +++ b/l10n/ia/core.po @@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.owncloud.org/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-15 00:03+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-01-14 23:03+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-29 00:04+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-01-28 23:05+0000\n" "Last-Translator: I Robot <owncloud-bot@tmit.eu>\n" "Language-Team: Interlingua (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/owncloud/language/ia/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" @@ -80,59 +80,135 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Error removing %s from favorites." msgstr "" -#: js/js.js:259 templates/layout.user.php:60 templates/layout.user.php:61 +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Sunday" +msgstr "Dominica" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Monday" +msgstr "Lunedi" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Tuesday" +msgstr "Martedi" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Wednesday" +msgstr "Mercuridi" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Thursday" +msgstr "Jovedi" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Friday" +msgstr "Venerdi" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Saturday" +msgstr "Sabbato" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "January" +msgstr "januario" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "February" +msgstr "Februario" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "March" +msgstr "Martio" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "April" +msgstr "April" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "May" +msgstr "Mai" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "June" +msgstr "Junio" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "July" +msgstr "Julio" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "August" +msgstr "Augusto" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "September" +msgstr "Septembre" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "October" +msgstr "Octobre" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "November" +msgstr "Novembre" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "December" +msgstr "Decembre" + +#: js/js.js:280 templates/layout.user.php:47 templates/layout.user.php:48 msgid "Settings" msgstr "Configurationes" -#: js/js.js:711 +#: js/js.js:762 msgid "seconds ago" msgstr "" -#: js/js.js:712 +#: js/js.js:763 msgid "1 minute ago" msgstr "" -#: js/js.js:713 +#: js/js.js:764 msgid "{minutes} minutes ago" msgstr "" -#: js/js.js:714 +#: js/js.js:765 msgid "1 hour ago" msgstr "" -#: js/js.js:715 +#: js/js.js:766 msgid "{hours} hours ago" msgstr "" -#: js/js.js:716 +#: js/js.js:767 msgid "today" msgstr "" -#: js/js.js:717 +#: js/js.js:768 msgid "yesterday" msgstr "" -#: js/js.js:718 +#: js/js.js:769 msgid "{days} days ago" msgstr "" -#: js/js.js:719 +#: js/js.js:770 msgid "last month" msgstr "" -#: js/js.js:720 +#: js/js.js:771 msgid "{months} months ago" msgstr "" -#: js/js.js:721 +#: js/js.js:772 msgid "months ago" msgstr "" -#: js/js.js:722 +#: js/js.js:773 msgid "last year" msgstr "" -#: js/js.js:723 +#: js/js.js:774 msgid "years ago" msgstr "" @@ -291,6 +367,17 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Email sent" msgstr "" +#: js/update.js:14 +msgid "" +"The update was unsuccessful. Please report this issue to the <a " +"href=\"https://github.com/owncloud/core/issues\" target=\"_blank\">ownCloud " +"community</a>." +msgstr "" + +#: js/update.js:18 +msgid "The update was successful. Redirecting you to ownCloud now." +msgstr "" + #: lostpassword/controller.php:47 msgid "ownCloud password reset" msgstr "Reinitialisation del contrasigno de ownCLoud" @@ -442,87 +529,11 @@ msgstr "Hospite de base de datos" msgid "Finish setup" msgstr "" -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Sunday" -msgstr "Dominica" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Monday" -msgstr "Lunedi" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Tuesday" -msgstr "Martedi" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Wednesday" -msgstr "Mercuridi" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Thursday" -msgstr "Jovedi" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Friday" -msgstr "Venerdi" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Saturday" -msgstr "Sabbato" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "January" -msgstr "januario" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "February" -msgstr "Februario" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "March" -msgstr "Martio" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "April" -msgstr "April" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "May" -msgstr "Mai" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "June" -msgstr "Junio" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "July" -msgstr "Julio" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "August" -msgstr "Augusto" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "September" -msgstr "Septembre" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "October" -msgstr "Octobre" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "November" -msgstr "Novembre" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "December" -msgstr "Decembre" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:42 +#: templates/layout.guest.php:34 msgid "web services under your control" msgstr "servicios web sub tu controlo" -#: templates/layout.user.php:45 +#: templates/layout.user.php:32 msgid "Log out" msgstr "Clauder le session" diff --git a/l10n/id/core.po b/l10n/id/core.po index 0bf675c92b8883e675fb8f80176ec38495b36072..b49477960850c0bcbf009e16ba123c48b1d714ad 100644 --- a/l10n/id/core.po +++ b/l10n/id/core.po @@ -11,8 +11,8 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.owncloud.org/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-15 00:03+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-01-14 23:03+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-29 00:04+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-01-28 23:05+0000\n" "Last-Translator: I Robot <owncloud-bot@tmit.eu>\n" "Language-Team: Indonesian (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/owncloud/language/id/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" @@ -83,59 +83,135 @@ msgstr "Tidak ada kategori terpilih untuk penghapusan." msgid "Error removing %s from favorites." msgstr "" -#: js/js.js:259 templates/layout.user.php:60 templates/layout.user.php:61 +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Sunday" +msgstr "minggu" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Monday" +msgstr "senin" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Tuesday" +msgstr "selasa" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Wednesday" +msgstr "rabu" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Thursday" +msgstr "kamis" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Friday" +msgstr "jumat" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Saturday" +msgstr "sabtu" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "January" +msgstr "Januari" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "February" +msgstr "Februari" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "March" +msgstr "Maret" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "April" +msgstr "April" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "May" +msgstr "Mei" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "June" +msgstr "Juni" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "July" +msgstr "Juli" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "August" +msgstr "Agustus" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "September" +msgstr "September" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "October" +msgstr "Oktober" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "November" +msgstr "Nopember" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "December" +msgstr "Desember" + +#: js/js.js:280 templates/layout.user.php:47 templates/layout.user.php:48 msgid "Settings" msgstr "Setelan" -#: js/js.js:711 +#: js/js.js:762 msgid "seconds ago" msgstr "beberapa detik yang lalu" -#: js/js.js:712 +#: js/js.js:763 msgid "1 minute ago" msgstr "1 menit lalu" -#: js/js.js:713 +#: js/js.js:764 msgid "{minutes} minutes ago" msgstr "" -#: js/js.js:714 +#: js/js.js:765 msgid "1 hour ago" msgstr "" -#: js/js.js:715 +#: js/js.js:766 msgid "{hours} hours ago" msgstr "" -#: js/js.js:716 +#: js/js.js:767 msgid "today" msgstr "hari ini" -#: js/js.js:717 +#: js/js.js:768 msgid "yesterday" msgstr "kemarin" -#: js/js.js:718 +#: js/js.js:769 msgid "{days} days ago" msgstr "" -#: js/js.js:719 +#: js/js.js:770 msgid "last month" msgstr "bulan kemarin" -#: js/js.js:720 +#: js/js.js:771 msgid "{months} months ago" msgstr "" -#: js/js.js:721 +#: js/js.js:772 msgid "months ago" msgstr "beberapa bulan lalu" -#: js/js.js:722 +#: js/js.js:773 msgid "last year" msgstr "tahun kemarin" -#: js/js.js:723 +#: js/js.js:774 msgid "years ago" msgstr "beberapa tahun lalu" @@ -294,6 +370,17 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Email sent" msgstr "" +#: js/update.js:14 +msgid "" +"The update was unsuccessful. Please report this issue to the <a " +"href=\"https://github.com/owncloud/core/issues\" target=\"_blank\">ownCloud " +"community</a>." +msgstr "" + +#: js/update.js:18 +msgid "The update was successful. Redirecting you to ownCloud now." +msgstr "" + #: lostpassword/controller.php:47 msgid "ownCloud password reset" msgstr "reset password ownCloud" @@ -445,87 +532,11 @@ msgstr "Host database" msgid "Finish setup" msgstr "Selesaikan instalasi" -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Sunday" -msgstr "minggu" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Monday" -msgstr "senin" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Tuesday" -msgstr "selasa" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Wednesday" -msgstr "rabu" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Thursday" -msgstr "kamis" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Friday" -msgstr "jumat" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Saturday" -msgstr "sabtu" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "January" -msgstr "Januari" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "February" -msgstr "Februari" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "March" -msgstr "Maret" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "April" -msgstr "April" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "May" -msgstr "Mei" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "June" -msgstr "Juni" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "July" -msgstr "Juli" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "August" -msgstr "Agustus" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "September" -msgstr "September" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "October" -msgstr "Oktober" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "November" -msgstr "Nopember" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "December" -msgstr "Desember" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:42 +#: templates/layout.guest.php:34 msgid "web services under your control" msgstr "web service dibawah kontrol anda" -#: templates/layout.user.php:45 +#: templates/layout.user.php:32 msgid "Log out" msgstr "Keluar" diff --git a/l10n/is/core.po b/l10n/is/core.po index a575a9992a8d7f16488d566552ec5fa213420bef..c8789af9a991717879744c5a3dc8b86354d6c61f 100644 --- a/l10n/is/core.po +++ b/l10n/is/core.po @@ -9,8 +9,8 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.owncloud.org/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-15 00:03+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-01-14 23:03+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-29 00:04+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-01-28 23:05+0000\n" "Last-Translator: I Robot <owncloud-bot@tmit.eu>\n" "Language-Team: Icelandic (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/owncloud/language/is/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" @@ -81,59 +81,135 @@ msgstr "Enginn flokkur valinn til eyðingar." msgid "Error removing %s from favorites." msgstr "Villa við að fjarlægja %s úr eftirlæti." -#: js/js.js:259 templates/layout.user.php:60 templates/layout.user.php:61 +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Sunday" +msgstr "Sunnudagur" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Monday" +msgstr "Mánudagur" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Tuesday" +msgstr "Þriðjudagur" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Wednesday" +msgstr "Miðvikudagur" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Thursday" +msgstr "Fimmtudagur" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Friday" +msgstr "Föstudagur" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Saturday" +msgstr "Laugardagur" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "January" +msgstr "Janúar" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "February" +msgstr "Febrúar" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "March" +msgstr "Mars" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "April" +msgstr "AprÃl" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "May" +msgstr "MaÃ" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "June" +msgstr "JúnÃ" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "July" +msgstr "JúlÃ" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "August" +msgstr "Ãgúst" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "September" +msgstr "September" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "October" +msgstr "Október" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "November" +msgstr "Nóvember" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "December" +msgstr "Desember" + +#: js/js.js:280 templates/layout.user.php:47 templates/layout.user.php:48 msgid "Settings" msgstr "Stillingar" -#: js/js.js:711 +#: js/js.js:762 msgid "seconds ago" msgstr "sek sÃðan" -#: js/js.js:712 +#: js/js.js:763 msgid "1 minute ago" msgstr "1 min sÃðan" -#: js/js.js:713 +#: js/js.js:764 msgid "{minutes} minutes ago" msgstr "{minutes} min sÃðan" -#: js/js.js:714 +#: js/js.js:765 msgid "1 hour ago" msgstr "Fyrir 1 klst." -#: js/js.js:715 +#: js/js.js:766 msgid "{hours} hours ago" msgstr "fyrir {hours} klst." -#: js/js.js:716 +#: js/js.js:767 msgid "today" msgstr "à dag" -#: js/js.js:717 +#: js/js.js:768 msgid "yesterday" msgstr "à gær" -#: js/js.js:718 +#: js/js.js:769 msgid "{days} days ago" msgstr "{days} dagar sÃðan" -#: js/js.js:719 +#: js/js.js:770 msgid "last month" msgstr "sÃðasta mánuði" -#: js/js.js:720 +#: js/js.js:771 msgid "{months} months ago" msgstr "fyrir {months} mánuðum" -#: js/js.js:721 +#: js/js.js:772 msgid "months ago" msgstr "mánuðir sÃðan" -#: js/js.js:722 +#: js/js.js:773 msgid "last year" msgstr "sÃðasta ári" -#: js/js.js:723 +#: js/js.js:774 msgid "years ago" msgstr "árum sÃðan" @@ -292,6 +368,17 @@ msgstr "Sendi ..." msgid "Email sent" msgstr "Tölvupóstur sendur" +#: js/update.js:14 +msgid "" +"The update was unsuccessful. Please report this issue to the <a " +"href=\"https://github.com/owncloud/core/issues\" target=\"_blank\">ownCloud " +"community</a>." +msgstr "" + +#: js/update.js:18 +msgid "The update was successful. Redirecting you to ownCloud now." +msgstr "" + #: lostpassword/controller.php:47 msgid "ownCloud password reset" msgstr "endursetja ownCloud lykilorð" @@ -443,87 +530,11 @@ msgstr "Netþjónn gagnagrunns" msgid "Finish setup" msgstr "Virkja uppsetningu" -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Sunday" -msgstr "Sunnudagur" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Monday" -msgstr "Mánudagur" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Tuesday" -msgstr "Þriðjudagur" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Wednesday" -msgstr "Miðvikudagur" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Thursday" -msgstr "Fimmtudagur" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Friday" -msgstr "Föstudagur" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Saturday" -msgstr "Laugardagur" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "January" -msgstr "Janúar" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "February" -msgstr "Febrúar" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "March" -msgstr "Mars" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "April" -msgstr "AprÃl" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "May" -msgstr "MaÃ" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "June" -msgstr "JúnÃ" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "July" -msgstr "JúlÃ" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "August" -msgstr "Ãgúst" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "September" -msgstr "September" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "October" -msgstr "Október" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "November" -msgstr "Nóvember" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "December" -msgstr "Desember" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:42 +#: templates/layout.guest.php:34 msgid "web services under your control" msgstr "vefþjónusta undir þinni stjórn" -#: templates/layout.user.php:45 +#: templates/layout.user.php:32 msgid "Log out" msgstr "Útskrá" diff --git a/l10n/it/core.po b/l10n/it/core.po index 5db447c37b68f2b14ba892e98ec7cc2f32c2805d..05f4debbee43b889e6b588e396d049183dee940c 100644 --- a/l10n/it/core.po +++ b/l10n/it/core.po @@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.owncloud.org/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-15 00:03+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-01-14 23:03+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-29 00:04+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-01-28 23:05+0000\n" "Last-Translator: I Robot <owncloud-bot@tmit.eu>\n" "Language-Team: Italian (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/owncloud/language/it/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" @@ -84,59 +84,135 @@ msgstr "Nessuna categoria selezionata per l'eliminazione." msgid "Error removing %s from favorites." msgstr "Errore durante la rimozione di %s dai preferiti." -#: js/js.js:259 templates/layout.user.php:60 templates/layout.user.php:61 +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Sunday" +msgstr "Domenica" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Monday" +msgstr "Lunedì" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Tuesday" +msgstr "Martedì" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Wednesday" +msgstr "Mercoledì" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Thursday" +msgstr "Giovedì" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Friday" +msgstr "Venerdì" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Saturday" +msgstr "Sabato" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "January" +msgstr "Gennaio" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "February" +msgstr "Febbraio" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "March" +msgstr "Marzo" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "April" +msgstr "Aprile" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "May" +msgstr "Maggio" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "June" +msgstr "Giugno" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "July" +msgstr "Luglio" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "August" +msgstr "Agosto" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "September" +msgstr "Settembre" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "October" +msgstr "Ottobre" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "November" +msgstr "Novembre" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "December" +msgstr "Dicembre" + +#: js/js.js:280 templates/layout.user.php:47 templates/layout.user.php:48 msgid "Settings" msgstr "Impostazioni" -#: js/js.js:711 +#: js/js.js:762 msgid "seconds ago" msgstr "secondi fa" -#: js/js.js:712 +#: js/js.js:763 msgid "1 minute ago" msgstr "Un minuto fa" -#: js/js.js:713 +#: js/js.js:764 msgid "{minutes} minutes ago" msgstr "{minutes} minuti fa" -#: js/js.js:714 +#: js/js.js:765 msgid "1 hour ago" msgstr "1 ora fa" -#: js/js.js:715 +#: js/js.js:766 msgid "{hours} hours ago" msgstr "{hours} ore fa" -#: js/js.js:716 +#: js/js.js:767 msgid "today" msgstr "oggi" -#: js/js.js:717 +#: js/js.js:768 msgid "yesterday" msgstr "ieri" -#: js/js.js:718 +#: js/js.js:769 msgid "{days} days ago" msgstr "{days} giorni fa" -#: js/js.js:719 +#: js/js.js:770 msgid "last month" msgstr "mese scorso" -#: js/js.js:720 +#: js/js.js:771 msgid "{months} months ago" msgstr "{months} mesi fa" -#: js/js.js:721 +#: js/js.js:772 msgid "months ago" msgstr "mesi fa" -#: js/js.js:722 +#: js/js.js:773 msgid "last year" msgstr "anno scorso" -#: js/js.js:723 +#: js/js.js:774 msgid "years ago" msgstr "anni fa" @@ -295,6 +371,17 @@ msgstr "Invio in corso..." msgid "Email sent" msgstr "Messaggio inviato" +#: js/update.js:14 +msgid "" +"The update was unsuccessful. Please report this issue to the <a " +"href=\"https://github.com/owncloud/core/issues\" target=\"_blank\">ownCloud " +"community</a>." +msgstr "" + +#: js/update.js:18 +msgid "The update was successful. Redirecting you to ownCloud now." +msgstr "" + #: lostpassword/controller.php:47 msgid "ownCloud password reset" msgstr "Ripristino password di ownCloud" @@ -446,87 +533,11 @@ msgstr "Host del database" msgid "Finish setup" msgstr "Termina la configurazione" -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Sunday" -msgstr "Domenica" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Monday" -msgstr "Lunedì" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Tuesday" -msgstr "Martedì" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Wednesday" -msgstr "Mercoledì" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Thursday" -msgstr "Giovedì" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Friday" -msgstr "Venerdì" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Saturday" -msgstr "Sabato" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "January" -msgstr "Gennaio" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "February" -msgstr "Febbraio" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "March" -msgstr "Marzo" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "April" -msgstr "Aprile" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "May" -msgstr "Maggio" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "June" -msgstr "Giugno" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "July" -msgstr "Luglio" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "August" -msgstr "Agosto" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "September" -msgstr "Settembre" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "October" -msgstr "Ottobre" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "November" -msgstr "Novembre" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "December" -msgstr "Dicembre" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:42 +#: templates/layout.guest.php:34 msgid "web services under your control" msgstr "servizi web nelle tue mani" -#: templates/layout.user.php:45 +#: templates/layout.user.php:32 msgid "Log out" msgstr "Esci" diff --git a/l10n/ja_JP/core.po b/l10n/ja_JP/core.po index e9ba6cfa4a54e4d0e10c773772dc4e017444c6b5..04a4802e9ef2768d5402cae952788019cab1684d 100644 --- a/l10n/ja_JP/core.po +++ b/l10n/ja_JP/core.po @@ -10,8 +10,8 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.owncloud.org/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-15 00:03+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-01-14 23:03+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-29 00:04+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-01-28 23:05+0000\n" "Last-Translator: I Robot <owncloud-bot@tmit.eu>\n" "Language-Team: Japanese (Japan) (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/owncloud/language/ja_JP/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" @@ -82,59 +82,135 @@ msgstr "削除ã™ã‚‹ã‚«ãƒ†ã‚´ãƒªãŒé¸æŠžã•ã‚Œã¦ã„ã¾ã›ã‚“。" msgid "Error removing %s from favorites." msgstr "ãŠæ°—ã«å…¥ã‚Šã‹ã‚‰ %s ã®å‰Šé™¤ã‚¨ãƒ©ãƒ¼" -#: js/js.js:259 templates/layout.user.php:60 templates/layout.user.php:61 +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Sunday" +msgstr "æ—¥" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Monday" +msgstr "月" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Tuesday" +msgstr "ç«" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Wednesday" +msgstr "æ°´" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Thursday" +msgstr "木" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Friday" +msgstr "金" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Saturday" +msgstr "土" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "January" +msgstr "1月" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "February" +msgstr "2月" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "March" +msgstr "3月" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "April" +msgstr "4月" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "May" +msgstr "5月" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "June" +msgstr "6月" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "July" +msgstr "7月" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "August" +msgstr "8月" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "September" +msgstr "9月" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "October" +msgstr "10月" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "November" +msgstr "11月" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "December" +msgstr "12月" + +#: js/js.js:280 templates/layout.user.php:47 templates/layout.user.php:48 msgid "Settings" msgstr "è¨å®š" -#: js/js.js:711 +#: js/js.js:762 msgid "seconds ago" msgstr "秒å‰" -#: js/js.js:712 +#: js/js.js:763 msgid "1 minute ago" msgstr "1 分å‰" -#: js/js.js:713 +#: js/js.js:764 msgid "{minutes} minutes ago" msgstr "{minutes} 分å‰" -#: js/js.js:714 +#: js/js.js:765 msgid "1 hour ago" msgstr "1 時間å‰" -#: js/js.js:715 +#: js/js.js:766 msgid "{hours} hours ago" msgstr "{hours} 時間å‰" -#: js/js.js:716 +#: js/js.js:767 msgid "today" msgstr "今日" -#: js/js.js:717 +#: js/js.js:768 msgid "yesterday" msgstr "昨日" -#: js/js.js:718 +#: js/js.js:769 msgid "{days} days ago" msgstr "{days} æ—¥å‰" -#: js/js.js:719 +#: js/js.js:770 msgid "last month" msgstr "一月å‰" -#: js/js.js:720 +#: js/js.js:771 msgid "{months} months ago" msgstr "{months} 月å‰" -#: js/js.js:721 +#: js/js.js:772 msgid "months ago" msgstr "月å‰" -#: js/js.js:722 +#: js/js.js:773 msgid "last year" msgstr "一年å‰" -#: js/js.js:723 +#: js/js.js:774 msgid "years ago" msgstr "å¹´å‰" @@ -293,6 +369,17 @@ msgstr "é€ä¿¡ä¸..." msgid "Email sent" msgstr "メールをé€ä¿¡ã—ã¾ã—ãŸ" +#: js/update.js:14 +msgid "" +"The update was unsuccessful. Please report this issue to the <a " +"href=\"https://github.com/owncloud/core/issues\" target=\"_blank\">ownCloud " +"community</a>." +msgstr "" + +#: js/update.js:18 +msgid "The update was successful. Redirecting you to ownCloud now." +msgstr "" + #: lostpassword/controller.php:47 msgid "ownCloud password reset" msgstr "ownCloudã®ãƒ‘スワードをリセットã—ã¾ã™" @@ -444,87 +531,11 @@ msgstr "データベースã®ãƒ›ã‚¹ãƒˆå" msgid "Finish setup" msgstr "セットアップを完了ã—ã¾ã™" -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Sunday" -msgstr "æ—¥" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Monday" -msgstr "月" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Tuesday" -msgstr "ç«" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Wednesday" -msgstr "æ°´" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Thursday" -msgstr "木" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Friday" -msgstr "金" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Saturday" -msgstr "土" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "January" -msgstr "1月" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "February" -msgstr "2月" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "March" -msgstr "3月" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "April" -msgstr "4月" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "May" -msgstr "5月" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "June" -msgstr "6月" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "July" -msgstr "7月" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "August" -msgstr "8月" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "September" -msgstr "9月" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "October" -msgstr "10月" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "November" -msgstr "11月" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "December" -msgstr "12月" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:42 +#: templates/layout.guest.php:34 msgid "web services under your control" msgstr "管ç†ä¸‹ã«ã‚るウェブサービス" -#: templates/layout.user.php:45 +#: templates/layout.user.php:32 msgid "Log out" msgstr "ãƒã‚°ã‚¢ã‚¦ãƒˆ" diff --git a/l10n/ka_GE/core.po b/l10n/ka_GE/core.po index 19c7defb4047f498b8db35390420eda4953f0b9a..f857fdbb75fc83ad7e1aa832b371f311eb3c4af8 100644 --- a/l10n/ka_GE/core.po +++ b/l10n/ka_GE/core.po @@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.owncloud.org/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-15 00:03+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-01-14 23:03+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-29 00:04+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-01-28 23:05+0000\n" "Last-Translator: I Robot <owncloud-bot@tmit.eu>\n" "Language-Team: Georgian (Georgia) (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/owncloud/language/ka_GE/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" @@ -80,59 +80,135 @@ msgstr "სáƒáƒ ედáƒáƒ¥áƒ¢áƒ˜áƒ ებელი კáƒáƒ¢áƒ”გáƒáƒ ი msgid "Error removing %s from favorites." msgstr "" -#: js/js.js:259 templates/layout.user.php:60 templates/layout.user.php:61 +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Sunday" +msgstr "კვირáƒ" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Monday" +msgstr "áƒáƒ შáƒáƒ‘áƒáƒ—ი" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Tuesday" +msgstr "სáƒáƒ›áƒ¨áƒáƒ‘áƒáƒ—ი" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Wednesday" +msgstr "áƒáƒ—ხშáƒáƒ‘áƒáƒ—ი" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Thursday" +msgstr "ხუთშáƒáƒ‘áƒáƒ—ი" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Friday" +msgstr "პáƒáƒ áƒáƒ¡áƒ™áƒ”ვი" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Saturday" +msgstr "შáƒáƒ‘áƒáƒ—ი" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "January" +msgstr "იáƒáƒœáƒ•áƒáƒ ი" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "February" +msgstr "თებერვáƒáƒšáƒ˜" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "March" +msgstr "მáƒáƒ ტი" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "April" +msgstr "áƒáƒžáƒ ილი" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "May" +msgstr "მáƒáƒ˜áƒ¡áƒ˜" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "June" +msgstr "ივნისი" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "July" +msgstr "ივლისი" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "August" +msgstr "áƒáƒ’ვისტáƒ" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "September" +msgstr "სექტემბერი" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "October" +msgstr "áƒáƒ¥áƒ¢áƒáƒ›áƒ‘ერი" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "November" +msgstr "ნáƒáƒ”მბერი" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "December" +msgstr "დეკემბერი" + +#: js/js.js:280 templates/layout.user.php:47 templates/layout.user.php:48 msgid "Settings" msgstr "პáƒáƒ áƒáƒ›áƒ”ტრები" -#: js/js.js:711 +#: js/js.js:762 msgid "seconds ago" msgstr "წáƒáƒ›áƒ˜áƒ¡ წინ" -#: js/js.js:712 +#: js/js.js:763 msgid "1 minute ago" msgstr "1 წუთის წინ" -#: js/js.js:713 +#: js/js.js:764 msgid "{minutes} minutes ago" msgstr "{minutes} წუთის წინ" -#: js/js.js:714 +#: js/js.js:765 msgid "1 hour ago" msgstr "" -#: js/js.js:715 +#: js/js.js:766 msgid "{hours} hours ago" msgstr "" -#: js/js.js:716 +#: js/js.js:767 msgid "today" msgstr "დღეს" -#: js/js.js:717 +#: js/js.js:768 msgid "yesterday" msgstr "გუშინ" -#: js/js.js:718 +#: js/js.js:769 msgid "{days} days ago" msgstr "{days} დღის წინ" -#: js/js.js:719 +#: js/js.js:770 msgid "last month" msgstr "გáƒáƒ¡áƒ£áƒš თვეში" -#: js/js.js:720 +#: js/js.js:771 msgid "{months} months ago" msgstr "" -#: js/js.js:721 +#: js/js.js:772 msgid "months ago" msgstr "თვის წინ" -#: js/js.js:722 +#: js/js.js:773 msgid "last year" msgstr "ბáƒáƒšáƒ წელს" -#: js/js.js:723 +#: js/js.js:774 msgid "years ago" msgstr "წლის წინ" @@ -291,6 +367,17 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Email sent" msgstr "" +#: js/update.js:14 +msgid "" +"The update was unsuccessful. Please report this issue to the <a " +"href=\"https://github.com/owncloud/core/issues\" target=\"_blank\">ownCloud " +"community</a>." +msgstr "" + +#: js/update.js:18 +msgid "The update was successful. Redirecting you to ownCloud now." +msgstr "" + #: lostpassword/controller.php:47 msgid "ownCloud password reset" msgstr "ownCloud პáƒáƒ áƒáƒšáƒ˜áƒ¡ შეცვლáƒ" @@ -442,87 +529,11 @@ msgstr "ბáƒáƒ–ის ჰáƒáƒ¡áƒ¢áƒ˜" msgid "Finish setup" msgstr "კáƒáƒœáƒ¤áƒ˜áƒ’ურáƒáƒªáƒ˜áƒ˜áƒ¡ დáƒáƒ¡áƒ ულებáƒ" -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Sunday" -msgstr "კვირáƒ" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Monday" -msgstr "áƒáƒ შáƒáƒ‘áƒáƒ—ი" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Tuesday" -msgstr "სáƒáƒ›áƒ¨áƒáƒ‘áƒáƒ—ი" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Wednesday" -msgstr "áƒáƒ—ხშáƒáƒ‘áƒáƒ—ი" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Thursday" -msgstr "ხუთშáƒáƒ‘áƒáƒ—ი" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Friday" -msgstr "პáƒáƒ áƒáƒ¡áƒ™áƒ”ვი" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Saturday" -msgstr "შáƒáƒ‘áƒáƒ—ი" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "January" -msgstr "იáƒáƒœáƒ•áƒáƒ ი" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "February" -msgstr "თებერვáƒáƒšáƒ˜" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "March" -msgstr "მáƒáƒ ტი" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "April" -msgstr "áƒáƒžáƒ ილი" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "May" -msgstr "მáƒáƒ˜áƒ¡áƒ˜" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "June" -msgstr "ივნისი" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "July" -msgstr "ივლისი" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "August" -msgstr "áƒáƒ’ვისტáƒ" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "September" -msgstr "სექტემბერი" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "October" -msgstr "áƒáƒ¥áƒ¢áƒáƒ›áƒ‘ერი" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "November" -msgstr "ნáƒáƒ”მბერი" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "December" -msgstr "დეკემბერი" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:42 +#: templates/layout.guest.php:34 msgid "web services under your control" msgstr "თქვენი კáƒáƒœáƒ¢áƒ áƒáƒšáƒ˜áƒ¡ ქვეშ მყáƒáƒ¤áƒ˜ ვებ სერვისები" -#: templates/layout.user.php:45 +#: templates/layout.user.php:32 msgid "Log out" msgstr "გáƒáƒ›áƒáƒ¡áƒ•áƒšáƒ" diff --git a/l10n/ko/core.po b/l10n/ko/core.po index 5e2b5617dd646236f0ce93c96dba0d30d8e4aabb..5ecb5b45c2b3c9bc537fa46ffccaee5811e10251 100644 --- a/l10n/ko/core.po +++ b/l10n/ko/core.po @@ -11,8 +11,8 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.owncloud.org/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-15 00:03+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-01-14 23:03+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-29 00:04+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-01-28 23:05+0000\n" "Last-Translator: I Robot <owncloud-bot@tmit.eu>\n" "Language-Team: Korean (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/owncloud/language/ko/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" @@ -83,59 +83,135 @@ msgstr "ì‚ì œí• ë¶„ë¥˜ë¥¼ ì„ íƒí•˜ì§€ 않았습니다." msgid "Error removing %s from favorites." msgstr "책갈피ì—ì„œ %sì„(를) ì‚ì œí• ìˆ˜ 없었습니다." -#: js/js.js:259 templates/layout.user.php:60 templates/layout.user.php:61 +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Sunday" +msgstr "ì¼ìš”ì¼" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Monday" +msgstr "월요ì¼" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Tuesday" +msgstr "화요ì¼" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Wednesday" +msgstr "수요ì¼" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Thursday" +msgstr "목요ì¼" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Friday" +msgstr "금요ì¼" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Saturday" +msgstr "í† ìš”ì¼" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "January" +msgstr "1ì›”" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "February" +msgstr "2ì›”" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "March" +msgstr "3ì›”" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "April" +msgstr "4ì›”" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "May" +msgstr "5ì›”" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "June" +msgstr "6ì›”" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "July" +msgstr "7ì›”" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "August" +msgstr "8ì›”" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "September" +msgstr "9ì›”" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "October" +msgstr "10ì›”" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "November" +msgstr "11ì›”" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "December" +msgstr "12ì›”" + +#: js/js.js:280 templates/layout.user.php:47 templates/layout.user.php:48 msgid "Settings" msgstr "ì„¤ì •" -#: js/js.js:711 +#: js/js.js:762 msgid "seconds ago" msgstr "ì´ˆ ì „" -#: js/js.js:712 +#: js/js.js:763 msgid "1 minute ago" msgstr "1분 ì „" -#: js/js.js:713 +#: js/js.js:764 msgid "{minutes} minutes ago" msgstr "{minutes}분 ì „" -#: js/js.js:714 +#: js/js.js:765 msgid "1 hour ago" msgstr "1시간 ì „" -#: js/js.js:715 +#: js/js.js:766 msgid "{hours} hours ago" msgstr "{hours}시간 ì „" -#: js/js.js:716 +#: js/js.js:767 msgid "today" msgstr "오늘" -#: js/js.js:717 +#: js/js.js:768 msgid "yesterday" msgstr "ì–´ì œ" -#: js/js.js:718 +#: js/js.js:769 msgid "{days} days ago" msgstr "{days}ì¼ ì „" -#: js/js.js:719 +#: js/js.js:770 msgid "last month" msgstr "지난 달" -#: js/js.js:720 +#: js/js.js:771 msgid "{months} months ago" msgstr "{months}개월 ì „" -#: js/js.js:721 +#: js/js.js:772 msgid "months ago" msgstr "개월 ì „" -#: js/js.js:722 +#: js/js.js:773 msgid "last year" msgstr "ìž‘ë…„" -#: js/js.js:723 +#: js/js.js:774 msgid "years ago" msgstr "ë…„ ì „" @@ -294,6 +370,17 @@ msgstr "ì „ì†¡ 중..." msgid "Email sent" msgstr "ì´ë©”ì¼ ë°œì†¡ë¨" +#: js/update.js:14 +msgid "" +"The update was unsuccessful. Please report this issue to the <a " +"href=\"https://github.com/owncloud/core/issues\" target=\"_blank\">ownCloud " +"community</a>." +msgstr "" + +#: js/update.js:18 +msgid "The update was successful. Redirecting you to ownCloud now." +msgstr "" + #: lostpassword/controller.php:47 msgid "ownCloud password reset" msgstr "ownCloud 암호 ìž¬ì„¤ì •" @@ -445,87 +532,11 @@ msgstr "ë°ì´í„°ë² ì´ìŠ¤ 호스트" msgid "Finish setup" msgstr "설치 완료" -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Sunday" -msgstr "ì¼ìš”ì¼" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Monday" -msgstr "월요ì¼" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Tuesday" -msgstr "화요ì¼" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Wednesday" -msgstr "수요ì¼" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Thursday" -msgstr "목요ì¼" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Friday" -msgstr "금요ì¼" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Saturday" -msgstr "í† ìš”ì¼" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "January" -msgstr "1ì›”" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "February" -msgstr "2ì›”" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "March" -msgstr "3ì›”" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "April" -msgstr "4ì›”" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "May" -msgstr "5ì›”" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "June" -msgstr "6ì›”" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "July" -msgstr "7ì›”" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "August" -msgstr "8ì›”" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "September" -msgstr "9ì›”" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "October" -msgstr "10ì›”" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "November" -msgstr "11ì›”" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "December" -msgstr "12ì›”" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:42 +#: templates/layout.guest.php:34 msgid "web services under your control" msgstr "ë‚´ê°€ 관리하는 웹 서비스" -#: templates/layout.user.php:45 +#: templates/layout.user.php:32 msgid "Log out" msgstr "로그아웃" diff --git a/l10n/ku_IQ/core.po b/l10n/ku_IQ/core.po index 66155fca43638eec735c9373181e95d3d0709948..ebd1bfcf4eee48e663c00576ec74dba5e6da18fc 100644 --- a/l10n/ku_IQ/core.po +++ b/l10n/ku_IQ/core.po @@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.owncloud.org/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-15 00:03+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-01-14 23:03+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-29 00:04+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-01-28 23:05+0000\n" "Last-Translator: I Robot <owncloud-bot@tmit.eu>\n" "Language-Team: Kurdish (Iraq) (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/owncloud/language/ku_IQ/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" @@ -80,59 +80,135 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Error removing %s from favorites." msgstr "" -#: js/js.js:259 templates/layout.user.php:60 templates/layout.user.php:61 +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Sunday" +msgstr "" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Monday" +msgstr "" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Tuesday" +msgstr "" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Wednesday" +msgstr "" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Thursday" +msgstr "" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Friday" +msgstr "" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Saturday" +msgstr "" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "January" +msgstr "" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "February" +msgstr "" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "March" +msgstr "" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "April" +msgstr "" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "May" +msgstr "" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "June" +msgstr "" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "July" +msgstr "" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "August" +msgstr "" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "September" +msgstr "" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "October" +msgstr "" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "November" +msgstr "" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "December" +msgstr "" + +#: js/js.js:280 templates/layout.user.php:47 templates/layout.user.php:48 msgid "Settings" msgstr "ده‌ستكاری" -#: js/js.js:711 +#: js/js.js:762 msgid "seconds ago" msgstr "" -#: js/js.js:712 +#: js/js.js:763 msgid "1 minute ago" msgstr "" -#: js/js.js:713 +#: js/js.js:764 msgid "{minutes} minutes ago" msgstr "" -#: js/js.js:714 +#: js/js.js:765 msgid "1 hour ago" msgstr "" -#: js/js.js:715 +#: js/js.js:766 msgid "{hours} hours ago" msgstr "" -#: js/js.js:716 +#: js/js.js:767 msgid "today" msgstr "" -#: js/js.js:717 +#: js/js.js:768 msgid "yesterday" msgstr "" -#: js/js.js:718 +#: js/js.js:769 msgid "{days} days ago" msgstr "" -#: js/js.js:719 +#: js/js.js:770 msgid "last month" msgstr "" -#: js/js.js:720 +#: js/js.js:771 msgid "{months} months ago" msgstr "" -#: js/js.js:721 +#: js/js.js:772 msgid "months ago" msgstr "" -#: js/js.js:722 +#: js/js.js:773 msgid "last year" msgstr "" -#: js/js.js:723 +#: js/js.js:774 msgid "years ago" msgstr "" @@ -291,6 +367,17 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Email sent" msgstr "" +#: js/update.js:14 +msgid "" +"The update was unsuccessful. Please report this issue to the <a " +"href=\"https://github.com/owncloud/core/issues\" target=\"_blank\">ownCloud " +"community</a>." +msgstr "" + +#: js/update.js:18 +msgid "The update was successful. Redirecting you to ownCloud now." +msgstr "" + #: lostpassword/controller.php:47 msgid "ownCloud password reset" msgstr "" @@ -442,87 +529,11 @@ msgstr "هۆستی داتابه‌یس" msgid "Finish setup" msgstr "كۆتایی هات ده‌ستكاریه‌كان" -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Sunday" -msgstr "" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Monday" -msgstr "" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Tuesday" -msgstr "" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Wednesday" -msgstr "" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Thursday" -msgstr "" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Friday" -msgstr "" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Saturday" -msgstr "" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "January" -msgstr "" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "February" -msgstr "" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "March" -msgstr "" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "April" -msgstr "" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "May" -msgstr "" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "June" -msgstr "" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "July" -msgstr "" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "August" -msgstr "" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "September" -msgstr "" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "October" -msgstr "" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "November" -msgstr "" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "December" -msgstr "" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:42 +#: templates/layout.guest.php:34 msgid "web services under your control" msgstr "ڕاژه‌ی وێب له‌ژێر چاودێریت دایه" -#: templates/layout.user.php:45 +#: templates/layout.user.php:32 msgid "Log out" msgstr "چوونەدەرەوە" diff --git a/l10n/lb/core.po b/l10n/lb/core.po index bd96ecdaaa47b44fc579f8ae81bdc0c499763f43..9d252a5e5f38a24891ccdd98f3eb2be49c107507 100644 --- a/l10n/lb/core.po +++ b/l10n/lb/core.po @@ -9,9 +9,9 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.owncloud.org/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-27 00:04+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-01-26 13:35+0000\n" -"Last-Translator: sim0n <sim0n@trypill.org>\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-29 00:04+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-01-28 23:05+0000\n" +"Last-Translator: I Robot <owncloud-bot@tmit.eu>\n" "Language-Team: Luxembourgish (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/owncloud/language/lb/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" @@ -81,79 +81,79 @@ msgstr "Keng Kategorien ausgewielt fir ze läschen." msgid "Error removing %s from favorites." msgstr "" -#: js/config.php:28 +#: js/config.php:32 msgid "Sunday" msgstr "Sonndes" -#: js/config.php:28 +#: js/config.php:32 msgid "Monday" msgstr "Méindes" -#: js/config.php:28 +#: js/config.php:32 msgid "Tuesday" msgstr "Dënschdes" -#: js/config.php:28 +#: js/config.php:32 msgid "Wednesday" msgstr "Mëttwoch" -#: js/config.php:28 +#: js/config.php:32 msgid "Thursday" msgstr "Donneschdes" -#: js/config.php:28 +#: js/config.php:32 msgid "Friday" msgstr "Freides" -#: js/config.php:28 +#: js/config.php:32 msgid "Saturday" msgstr "Samschdes" -#: js/config.php:29 +#: js/config.php:33 msgid "January" msgstr "Januar" -#: js/config.php:29 +#: js/config.php:33 msgid "February" msgstr "Februar" -#: js/config.php:29 +#: js/config.php:33 msgid "March" msgstr "Mäerz" -#: js/config.php:29 +#: js/config.php:33 msgid "April" msgstr "Abrëll" -#: js/config.php:29 +#: js/config.php:33 msgid "May" msgstr "Mee" -#: js/config.php:29 +#: js/config.php:33 msgid "June" msgstr "Juni" -#: js/config.php:29 +#: js/config.php:33 msgid "July" msgstr "Juli" -#: js/config.php:29 +#: js/config.php:33 msgid "August" msgstr "August" -#: js/config.php:29 +#: js/config.php:33 msgid "September" msgstr "September" -#: js/config.php:29 +#: js/config.php:33 msgid "October" msgstr "Oktober" -#: js/config.php:29 +#: js/config.php:33 msgid "November" msgstr "November" -#: js/config.php:29 +#: js/config.php:33 msgid "December" msgstr "Dezember" @@ -368,6 +368,17 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Email sent" msgstr "" +#: js/update.js:14 +msgid "" +"The update was unsuccessful. Please report this issue to the <a " +"href=\"https://github.com/owncloud/core/issues\" target=\"_blank\">ownCloud " +"community</a>." +msgstr "" + +#: js/update.js:18 +msgid "The update was successful. Redirecting you to ownCloud now." +msgstr "" + #: lostpassword/controller.php:47 msgid "ownCloud password reset" msgstr "ownCloud Passwuert reset" diff --git a/l10n/lt_LT/core.po b/l10n/lt_LT/core.po index bdc20a2384a82e59467e4563ce455f0bbdf0fde0..6d984807ac0c92a6189c1a3cf1c8eee5721ebcaa 100644 --- a/l10n/lt_LT/core.po +++ b/l10n/lt_LT/core.po @@ -9,8 +9,8 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.owncloud.org/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-15 00:03+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-01-14 23:03+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-29 00:04+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-01-28 23:05+0000\n" "Last-Translator: I Robot <owncloud-bot@tmit.eu>\n" "Language-Team: Lithuanian (Lithuania) (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/owncloud/language/lt_LT/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" @@ -81,59 +81,135 @@ msgstr "Trynimui nepasirinkta jokia kategorija." msgid "Error removing %s from favorites." msgstr "" -#: js/js.js:259 templates/layout.user.php:60 templates/layout.user.php:61 +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Sunday" +msgstr "Sekmadienis" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Monday" +msgstr "Pirmadienis" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Tuesday" +msgstr "Antradienis" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Wednesday" +msgstr "TreÄiadienis" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Thursday" +msgstr "Ketvirtadienis" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Friday" +msgstr "Penktadienis" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Saturday" +msgstr "Å eÅ¡tadienis" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "January" +msgstr "Sausis" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "February" +msgstr "Vasaris" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "March" +msgstr "Kovas" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "April" +msgstr "Balandis" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "May" +msgstr "Gegužė" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "June" +msgstr "Birželis" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "July" +msgstr "Liepa" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "August" +msgstr "RugpjÅ«tis" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "September" +msgstr "RugsÄ—jis" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "October" +msgstr "Spalis" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "November" +msgstr "Lapkritis" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "December" +msgstr "Gruodis" + +#: js/js.js:280 templates/layout.user.php:47 templates/layout.user.php:48 msgid "Settings" msgstr "Nustatymai" -#: js/js.js:711 +#: js/js.js:762 msgid "seconds ago" msgstr "prieÅ¡ sekundÄ™" -#: js/js.js:712 +#: js/js.js:763 msgid "1 minute ago" msgstr "PrieÅ¡ 1 minutÄ™" -#: js/js.js:713 +#: js/js.js:764 msgid "{minutes} minutes ago" msgstr "PrieÅ¡ {count} minutes" -#: js/js.js:714 +#: js/js.js:765 msgid "1 hour ago" msgstr "" -#: js/js.js:715 +#: js/js.js:766 msgid "{hours} hours ago" msgstr "" -#: js/js.js:716 +#: js/js.js:767 msgid "today" msgstr "Å¡iandien" -#: js/js.js:717 +#: js/js.js:768 msgid "yesterday" msgstr "vakar" -#: js/js.js:718 +#: js/js.js:769 msgid "{days} days ago" msgstr "PrieÅ¡ {days} dienas" -#: js/js.js:719 +#: js/js.js:770 msgid "last month" msgstr "praeitÄ… mÄ—nesį" -#: js/js.js:720 +#: js/js.js:771 msgid "{months} months ago" msgstr "" -#: js/js.js:721 +#: js/js.js:772 msgid "months ago" msgstr "prieÅ¡ mÄ—nesį" -#: js/js.js:722 +#: js/js.js:773 msgid "last year" msgstr "praeitais metais" -#: js/js.js:723 +#: js/js.js:774 msgid "years ago" msgstr "prieÅ¡ metus" @@ -292,6 +368,17 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Email sent" msgstr "" +#: js/update.js:14 +msgid "" +"The update was unsuccessful. Please report this issue to the <a " +"href=\"https://github.com/owncloud/core/issues\" target=\"_blank\">ownCloud " +"community</a>." +msgstr "" + +#: js/update.js:18 +msgid "The update was successful. Redirecting you to ownCloud now." +msgstr "" + #: lostpassword/controller.php:47 msgid "ownCloud password reset" msgstr "ownCloud slaptažodžio atkÅ«rimas" @@ -443,87 +530,11 @@ msgstr "Duomenų bazÄ—s serveris" msgid "Finish setup" msgstr "Baigti diegimÄ…" -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Sunday" -msgstr "Sekmadienis" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Monday" -msgstr "Pirmadienis" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Tuesday" -msgstr "Antradienis" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Wednesday" -msgstr "TreÄiadienis" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Thursday" -msgstr "Ketvirtadienis" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Friday" -msgstr "Penktadienis" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Saturday" -msgstr "Å eÅ¡tadienis" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "January" -msgstr "Sausis" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "February" -msgstr "Vasaris" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "March" -msgstr "Kovas" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "April" -msgstr "Balandis" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "May" -msgstr "Gegužė" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "June" -msgstr "Birželis" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "July" -msgstr "Liepa" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "August" -msgstr "RugpjÅ«tis" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "September" -msgstr "RugsÄ—jis" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "October" -msgstr "Spalis" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "November" -msgstr "Lapkritis" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "December" -msgstr "Gruodis" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:42 +#: templates/layout.guest.php:34 msgid "web services under your control" msgstr "jÅ«sų valdomos web paslaugos" -#: templates/layout.user.php:45 +#: templates/layout.user.php:32 msgid "Log out" msgstr "Atsijungti" diff --git a/l10n/lv/core.po b/l10n/lv/core.po index fe258a9a4c036bbd5a5a603863f05fb8202ab768..162f927ac51678d5f30a1d9999f865f9e7141ef8 100644 --- a/l10n/lv/core.po +++ b/l10n/lv/core.po @@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.owncloud.org/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-28 00:05+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-01-27 12:20+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-29 00:04+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-01-28 23:05+0000\n" "Last-Translator: I Robot <owncloud-bot@tmit.eu>\n" "Language-Team: Latvian (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/owncloud/language/lv/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" @@ -80,79 +80,79 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Error removing %s from favorites." msgstr "" -#: js/config.php:28 +#: js/config.php:32 msgid "Sunday" msgstr "SvÄ“tdiena" -#: js/config.php:28 +#: js/config.php:32 msgid "Monday" msgstr "Pirmdiena" -#: js/config.php:28 +#: js/config.php:32 msgid "Tuesday" msgstr "Otrdiena" -#: js/config.php:28 +#: js/config.php:32 msgid "Wednesday" msgstr "TreÅ¡diena" -#: js/config.php:28 +#: js/config.php:32 msgid "Thursday" msgstr "Ceturtdiena" -#: js/config.php:28 +#: js/config.php:32 msgid "Friday" msgstr "Piektdiena" -#: js/config.php:28 +#: js/config.php:32 msgid "Saturday" msgstr "Sestdiena" -#: js/config.php:29 +#: js/config.php:33 msgid "January" msgstr "JanvÄris" -#: js/config.php:29 +#: js/config.php:33 msgid "February" msgstr "FebruÄris" -#: js/config.php:29 +#: js/config.php:33 msgid "March" msgstr "Marts" -#: js/config.php:29 +#: js/config.php:33 msgid "April" msgstr "AprÄ«lis" -#: js/config.php:29 +#: js/config.php:33 msgid "May" msgstr "Maijs" -#: js/config.php:29 +#: js/config.php:33 msgid "June" msgstr "JÅ«nijs" -#: js/config.php:29 +#: js/config.php:33 msgid "July" msgstr "JÅ«lijs" -#: js/config.php:29 +#: js/config.php:33 msgid "August" msgstr "Augusts" -#: js/config.php:29 +#: js/config.php:33 msgid "September" msgstr "Septembris" -#: js/config.php:29 +#: js/config.php:33 msgid "October" msgstr "Oktobris" -#: js/config.php:29 +#: js/config.php:33 msgid "November" msgstr "Novembris" -#: js/config.php:29 +#: js/config.php:33 msgid "December" msgstr "Decembris" @@ -367,6 +367,17 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Email sent" msgstr "" +#: js/update.js:14 +msgid "" +"The update was unsuccessful. Please report this issue to the <a " +"href=\"https://github.com/owncloud/core/issues\" target=\"_blank\">ownCloud " +"community</a>." +msgstr "" + +#: js/update.js:18 +msgid "The update was successful. Redirecting you to ownCloud now." +msgstr "" + #: lostpassword/controller.php:47 msgid "ownCloud password reset" msgstr "" diff --git a/l10n/mk/core.po b/l10n/mk/core.po index 2442222918ceb2d0daecae791dd3d48b724bb4b4..c61a11bf713787a91fd5a5197ccded935f825107 100644 --- a/l10n/mk/core.po +++ b/l10n/mk/core.po @@ -10,8 +10,8 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.owncloud.org/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-15 00:03+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-01-14 23:03+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-29 00:04+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-01-28 23:05+0000\n" "Last-Translator: I Robot <owncloud-bot@tmit.eu>\n" "Language-Team: Macedonian (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/owncloud/language/mk/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" @@ -82,59 +82,135 @@ msgstr "Ðе е одбрана категорија за бришење." msgid "Error removing %s from favorites." msgstr "Грешка при бришење на %s од омилени." -#: js/js.js:259 templates/layout.user.php:60 templates/layout.user.php:61 +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Sunday" +msgstr "Ðедела" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Monday" +msgstr "Понеделник" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Tuesday" +msgstr "Вторник" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Wednesday" +msgstr "Среда" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Thursday" +msgstr "Четврток" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Friday" +msgstr "Петок" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Saturday" +msgstr "Сабота" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "January" +msgstr "Јануари" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "February" +msgstr "Февруари" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "March" +msgstr "Март" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "April" +msgstr "Ðприл" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "May" +msgstr "Мај" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "June" +msgstr "Јуни" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "July" +msgstr "Јули" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "August" +msgstr "ÐвгуÑÑ‚" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "September" +msgstr "Септември" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "October" +msgstr "Октомври" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "November" +msgstr "Ðоември" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "December" +msgstr "Декември" + +#: js/js.js:280 templates/layout.user.php:47 templates/layout.user.php:48 msgid "Settings" msgstr "ПоÑтавки" -#: js/js.js:711 +#: js/js.js:762 msgid "seconds ago" msgstr "пред Ñекунди" -#: js/js.js:712 +#: js/js.js:763 msgid "1 minute ago" msgstr "пред 1 минута" -#: js/js.js:713 +#: js/js.js:764 msgid "{minutes} minutes ago" msgstr "пред {minutes} минути" -#: js/js.js:714 +#: js/js.js:765 msgid "1 hour ago" msgstr "пред 1 чаÑ" -#: js/js.js:715 +#: js/js.js:766 msgid "{hours} hours ago" msgstr "пред {hours} чаÑови" -#: js/js.js:716 +#: js/js.js:767 msgid "today" msgstr "денеÑка" -#: js/js.js:717 +#: js/js.js:768 msgid "yesterday" msgstr "вчера" -#: js/js.js:718 +#: js/js.js:769 msgid "{days} days ago" msgstr "пред {days} денови" -#: js/js.js:719 +#: js/js.js:770 msgid "last month" msgstr "минатиот меÑец" -#: js/js.js:720 +#: js/js.js:771 msgid "{months} months ago" msgstr "пред {months} меÑеци" -#: js/js.js:721 +#: js/js.js:772 msgid "months ago" msgstr "пред меÑеци" -#: js/js.js:722 +#: js/js.js:773 msgid "last year" msgstr "минатата година" -#: js/js.js:723 +#: js/js.js:774 msgid "years ago" msgstr "пред години" @@ -293,6 +369,17 @@ msgstr "Праќање..." msgid "Email sent" msgstr "Е-порака пратена" +#: js/update.js:14 +msgid "" +"The update was unsuccessful. Please report this issue to the <a " +"href=\"https://github.com/owncloud/core/issues\" target=\"_blank\">ownCloud " +"community</a>." +msgstr "" + +#: js/update.js:18 +msgid "The update was successful. Redirecting you to ownCloud now." +msgstr "" + #: lostpassword/controller.php:47 msgid "ownCloud password reset" msgstr "реÑетирање на лозинка за ownCloud" @@ -444,87 +531,11 @@ msgstr "Сервер Ñо база" msgid "Finish setup" msgstr "Заврши го подеÑувањето" -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Sunday" -msgstr "Ðедела" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Monday" -msgstr "Понеделник" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Tuesday" -msgstr "Вторник" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Wednesday" -msgstr "Среда" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Thursday" -msgstr "Четврток" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Friday" -msgstr "Петок" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Saturday" -msgstr "Сабота" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "January" -msgstr "Јануари" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "February" -msgstr "Февруари" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "March" -msgstr "Март" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "April" -msgstr "Ðприл" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "May" -msgstr "Мај" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "June" -msgstr "Јуни" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "July" -msgstr "Јули" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "August" -msgstr "ÐвгуÑÑ‚" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "September" -msgstr "Септември" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "October" -msgstr "Октомври" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "November" -msgstr "Ðоември" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "December" -msgstr "Декември" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:42 +#: templates/layout.guest.php:34 msgid "web services under your control" msgstr "веб ÑервиÑи под Ваша контрола" -#: templates/layout.user.php:45 +#: templates/layout.user.php:32 msgid "Log out" msgstr "Одјава" diff --git a/l10n/ms_MY/core.po b/l10n/ms_MY/core.po index d3e6303e1124c8e030c742feedbb218615286f29..fdf1f32abf98f682c85ecd9739131ea73d664376 100644 --- a/l10n/ms_MY/core.po +++ b/l10n/ms_MY/core.po @@ -10,8 +10,8 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.owncloud.org/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-15 00:03+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-01-14 23:03+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-29 00:04+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-01-28 23:05+0000\n" "Last-Translator: I Robot <owncloud-bot@tmit.eu>\n" "Language-Team: Malay (Malaysia) (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/owncloud/language/ms_MY/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" @@ -82,59 +82,135 @@ msgstr "tiada kategori dipilih untuk penghapusan" msgid "Error removing %s from favorites." msgstr "" -#: js/js.js:259 templates/layout.user.php:60 templates/layout.user.php:61 +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Sunday" +msgstr "Ahad" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Monday" +msgstr "Isnin" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Tuesday" +msgstr "Selasa" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Wednesday" +msgstr "Rabu" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Thursday" +msgstr "Khamis" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Friday" +msgstr "Jumaat" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Saturday" +msgstr "Sabtu" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "January" +msgstr "Januari" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "February" +msgstr "Februari" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "March" +msgstr "Mac" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "April" +msgstr "April" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "May" +msgstr "Mei" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "June" +msgstr "Jun" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "July" +msgstr "Julai" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "August" +msgstr "Ogos" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "September" +msgstr "September" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "October" +msgstr "Oktober" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "November" +msgstr "November" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "December" +msgstr "Disember" + +#: js/js.js:280 templates/layout.user.php:47 templates/layout.user.php:48 msgid "Settings" msgstr "Tetapan" -#: js/js.js:711 +#: js/js.js:762 msgid "seconds ago" msgstr "" -#: js/js.js:712 +#: js/js.js:763 msgid "1 minute ago" msgstr "" -#: js/js.js:713 +#: js/js.js:764 msgid "{minutes} minutes ago" msgstr "" -#: js/js.js:714 +#: js/js.js:765 msgid "1 hour ago" msgstr "" -#: js/js.js:715 +#: js/js.js:766 msgid "{hours} hours ago" msgstr "" -#: js/js.js:716 +#: js/js.js:767 msgid "today" msgstr "" -#: js/js.js:717 +#: js/js.js:768 msgid "yesterday" msgstr "" -#: js/js.js:718 +#: js/js.js:769 msgid "{days} days ago" msgstr "" -#: js/js.js:719 +#: js/js.js:770 msgid "last month" msgstr "" -#: js/js.js:720 +#: js/js.js:771 msgid "{months} months ago" msgstr "" -#: js/js.js:721 +#: js/js.js:772 msgid "months ago" msgstr "" -#: js/js.js:722 +#: js/js.js:773 msgid "last year" msgstr "" -#: js/js.js:723 +#: js/js.js:774 msgid "years ago" msgstr "" @@ -293,6 +369,17 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Email sent" msgstr "" +#: js/update.js:14 +msgid "" +"The update was unsuccessful. Please report this issue to the <a " +"href=\"https://github.com/owncloud/core/issues\" target=\"_blank\">ownCloud " +"community</a>." +msgstr "" + +#: js/update.js:18 +msgid "The update was successful. Redirecting you to ownCloud now." +msgstr "" + #: lostpassword/controller.php:47 msgid "ownCloud password reset" msgstr "Set semula kata lalaun ownCloud" @@ -444,87 +531,11 @@ msgstr "Hos pangkalan data" msgid "Finish setup" msgstr "Setup selesai" -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Sunday" -msgstr "Ahad" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Monday" -msgstr "Isnin" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Tuesday" -msgstr "Selasa" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Wednesday" -msgstr "Rabu" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Thursday" -msgstr "Khamis" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Friday" -msgstr "Jumaat" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Saturday" -msgstr "Sabtu" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "January" -msgstr "Januari" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "February" -msgstr "Februari" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "March" -msgstr "Mac" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "April" -msgstr "April" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "May" -msgstr "Mei" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "June" -msgstr "Jun" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "July" -msgstr "Julai" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "August" -msgstr "Ogos" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "September" -msgstr "September" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "October" -msgstr "Oktober" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "November" -msgstr "November" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "December" -msgstr "Disember" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:42 +#: templates/layout.guest.php:34 msgid "web services under your control" msgstr "Perkhidmatan web di bawah kawalan anda" -#: templates/layout.user.php:45 +#: templates/layout.user.php:32 msgid "Log out" msgstr "Log keluar" diff --git a/l10n/nb_NO/core.po b/l10n/nb_NO/core.po index 6a652e8cea5361c88c1ecb3ee8ecc2a67b447ae0..ed2239b92068c51378f2d3e6e6d01b40e23bb123 100644 --- a/l10n/nb_NO/core.po +++ b/l10n/nb_NO/core.po @@ -14,8 +14,8 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.owncloud.org/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-15 00:03+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-01-14 23:03+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-29 00:04+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-01-28 23:05+0000\n" "Last-Translator: I Robot <owncloud-bot@tmit.eu>\n" "Language-Team: Norwegian BokmÃ¥l (Norway) (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/owncloud/language/nb_NO/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" @@ -86,59 +86,135 @@ msgstr "Ingen kategorier merket for sletting." msgid "Error removing %s from favorites." msgstr "" -#: js/js.js:259 templates/layout.user.php:60 templates/layout.user.php:61 +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Sunday" +msgstr "Søndag" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Monday" +msgstr "Mandag" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Tuesday" +msgstr "Tirsdag" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Wednesday" +msgstr "Onsdag" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Thursday" +msgstr "Torsdag" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Friday" +msgstr "Fredag" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Saturday" +msgstr "Lørdag" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "January" +msgstr "Januar" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "February" +msgstr "Februar" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "March" +msgstr "Mars" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "April" +msgstr "April" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "May" +msgstr "Mai" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "June" +msgstr "Juni" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "July" +msgstr "Juli" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "August" +msgstr "August" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "September" +msgstr "September" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "October" +msgstr "Oktober" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "November" +msgstr "November" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "December" +msgstr "Desember" + +#: js/js.js:280 templates/layout.user.php:47 templates/layout.user.php:48 msgid "Settings" msgstr "Innstillinger" -#: js/js.js:711 +#: js/js.js:762 msgid "seconds ago" msgstr "sekunder siden" -#: js/js.js:712 +#: js/js.js:763 msgid "1 minute ago" msgstr "1 minutt siden" -#: js/js.js:713 +#: js/js.js:764 msgid "{minutes} minutes ago" msgstr "{minutes} minutter siden" -#: js/js.js:714 +#: js/js.js:765 msgid "1 hour ago" msgstr "1 time siden" -#: js/js.js:715 +#: js/js.js:766 msgid "{hours} hours ago" msgstr "{hours} timer siden" -#: js/js.js:716 +#: js/js.js:767 msgid "today" msgstr "i dag" -#: js/js.js:717 +#: js/js.js:768 msgid "yesterday" msgstr "i gÃ¥r" -#: js/js.js:718 +#: js/js.js:769 msgid "{days} days ago" msgstr "{days} dager siden" -#: js/js.js:719 +#: js/js.js:770 msgid "last month" msgstr "forrige mÃ¥ned" -#: js/js.js:720 +#: js/js.js:771 msgid "{months} months ago" msgstr "{months} mÃ¥neder siden" -#: js/js.js:721 +#: js/js.js:772 msgid "months ago" msgstr "mÃ¥neder siden" -#: js/js.js:722 +#: js/js.js:773 msgid "last year" msgstr "forrige Ã¥r" -#: js/js.js:723 +#: js/js.js:774 msgid "years ago" msgstr "Ã¥r siden" @@ -297,6 +373,17 @@ msgstr "Sender..." msgid "Email sent" msgstr "E-post sendt" +#: js/update.js:14 +msgid "" +"The update was unsuccessful. Please report this issue to the <a " +"href=\"https://github.com/owncloud/core/issues\" target=\"_blank\">ownCloud " +"community</a>." +msgstr "" + +#: js/update.js:18 +msgid "The update was successful. Redirecting you to ownCloud now." +msgstr "" + #: lostpassword/controller.php:47 msgid "ownCloud password reset" msgstr "Tilbakestill ownCloud passord" @@ -448,87 +535,11 @@ msgstr "Databasevert" msgid "Finish setup" msgstr "Fullfør oppsetting" -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Sunday" -msgstr "Søndag" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Monday" -msgstr "Mandag" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Tuesday" -msgstr "Tirsdag" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Wednesday" -msgstr "Onsdag" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Thursday" -msgstr "Torsdag" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Friday" -msgstr "Fredag" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Saturday" -msgstr "Lørdag" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "January" -msgstr "Januar" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "February" -msgstr "Februar" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "March" -msgstr "Mars" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "April" -msgstr "April" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "May" -msgstr "Mai" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "June" -msgstr "Juni" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "July" -msgstr "Juli" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "August" -msgstr "August" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "September" -msgstr "September" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "October" -msgstr "Oktober" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "November" -msgstr "November" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "December" -msgstr "Desember" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:42 +#: templates/layout.guest.php:34 msgid "web services under your control" msgstr "nettjenester under din kontroll" -#: templates/layout.user.php:45 +#: templates/layout.user.php:32 msgid "Log out" msgstr "Logg ut" diff --git a/l10n/nl/core.po b/l10n/nl/core.po index bc83b48cd57a21f9deac56fc4420e0aeafdf4a18..a232fc131bfee2a3d8558f6b685dc0ddf3c5a502 100644 --- a/l10n/nl/core.po +++ b/l10n/nl/core.po @@ -21,8 +21,8 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.owncloud.org/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-15 00:03+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-01-14 23:03+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-29 00:04+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-01-28 23:05+0000\n" "Last-Translator: I Robot <owncloud-bot@tmit.eu>\n" "Language-Team: Dutch (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/owncloud/language/nl/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" @@ -93,59 +93,135 @@ msgstr "Geen categorie geselecteerd voor verwijdering." msgid "Error removing %s from favorites." msgstr "Verwijderen %s van favorieten is mislukt." -#: js/js.js:259 templates/layout.user.php:60 templates/layout.user.php:61 +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Sunday" +msgstr "Zondag" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Monday" +msgstr "Maandag" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Tuesday" +msgstr "Dinsdag" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Wednesday" +msgstr "Woensdag" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Thursday" +msgstr "Donderdag" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Friday" +msgstr "Vrijdag" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Saturday" +msgstr "Zaterdag" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "January" +msgstr "januari" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "February" +msgstr "februari" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "March" +msgstr "maart" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "April" +msgstr "april" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "May" +msgstr "mei" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "June" +msgstr "juni" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "July" +msgstr "juli" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "August" +msgstr "augustus" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "September" +msgstr "september" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "October" +msgstr "oktober" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "November" +msgstr "november" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "December" +msgstr "december" + +#: js/js.js:280 templates/layout.user.php:47 templates/layout.user.php:48 msgid "Settings" msgstr "Instellingen" -#: js/js.js:711 +#: js/js.js:762 msgid "seconds ago" msgstr "seconden geleden" -#: js/js.js:712 +#: js/js.js:763 msgid "1 minute ago" msgstr "1 minuut geleden" -#: js/js.js:713 +#: js/js.js:764 msgid "{minutes} minutes ago" msgstr "{minutes} minuten geleden" -#: js/js.js:714 +#: js/js.js:765 msgid "1 hour ago" msgstr "1 uur geleden" -#: js/js.js:715 +#: js/js.js:766 msgid "{hours} hours ago" msgstr "{hours} uren geleden" -#: js/js.js:716 +#: js/js.js:767 msgid "today" msgstr "vandaag" -#: js/js.js:717 +#: js/js.js:768 msgid "yesterday" msgstr "gisteren" -#: js/js.js:718 +#: js/js.js:769 msgid "{days} days ago" msgstr "{days} dagen geleden" -#: js/js.js:719 +#: js/js.js:770 msgid "last month" msgstr "vorige maand" -#: js/js.js:720 +#: js/js.js:771 msgid "{months} months ago" msgstr "{months} maanden geleden" -#: js/js.js:721 +#: js/js.js:772 msgid "months ago" msgstr "maanden geleden" -#: js/js.js:722 +#: js/js.js:773 msgid "last year" msgstr "vorig jaar" -#: js/js.js:723 +#: js/js.js:774 msgid "years ago" msgstr "jaar geleden" @@ -304,6 +380,17 @@ msgstr "Versturen ..." msgid "Email sent" msgstr "E-mail verzonden" +#: js/update.js:14 +msgid "" +"The update was unsuccessful. Please report this issue to the <a " +"href=\"https://github.com/owncloud/core/issues\" target=\"_blank\">ownCloud " +"community</a>." +msgstr "" + +#: js/update.js:18 +msgid "The update was successful. Redirecting you to ownCloud now." +msgstr "" + #: lostpassword/controller.php:47 msgid "ownCloud password reset" msgstr "ownCloud wachtwoord herstellen" @@ -455,87 +542,11 @@ msgstr "Database server" msgid "Finish setup" msgstr "Installatie afronden" -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Sunday" -msgstr "Zondag" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Monday" -msgstr "Maandag" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Tuesday" -msgstr "Dinsdag" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Wednesday" -msgstr "Woensdag" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Thursday" -msgstr "Donderdag" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Friday" -msgstr "Vrijdag" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Saturday" -msgstr "Zaterdag" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "January" -msgstr "januari" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "February" -msgstr "februari" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "March" -msgstr "maart" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "April" -msgstr "april" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "May" -msgstr "mei" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "June" -msgstr "juni" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "July" -msgstr "juli" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "August" -msgstr "augustus" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "September" -msgstr "september" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "October" -msgstr "oktober" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "November" -msgstr "november" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "December" -msgstr "december" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:42 +#: templates/layout.guest.php:34 msgid "web services under your control" msgstr "Webdiensten in eigen beheer" -#: templates/layout.user.php:45 +#: templates/layout.user.php:32 msgid "Log out" msgstr "Afmelden" diff --git a/l10n/nn_NO/core.po b/l10n/nn_NO/core.po index 2bec4e1cdc3dd450f5fc266519b8286f26552b06..80e254ec6ccb46d6dd35508a493fd880eb5df09d 100644 --- a/l10n/nn_NO/core.po +++ b/l10n/nn_NO/core.po @@ -9,8 +9,8 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.owncloud.org/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-15 00:03+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-01-14 23:03+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-29 00:04+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-01-28 23:05+0000\n" "Last-Translator: I Robot <owncloud-bot@tmit.eu>\n" "Language-Team: Norwegian Nynorsk (Norway) (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/owncloud/language/nn_NO/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" @@ -81,59 +81,135 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Error removing %s from favorites." msgstr "" -#: js/js.js:259 templates/layout.user.php:60 templates/layout.user.php:61 +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Sunday" +msgstr "Søndag" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Monday" +msgstr "MÃ¥ndag" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Tuesday" +msgstr "Tysdag" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Wednesday" +msgstr "Onsdag" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Thursday" +msgstr "Torsdag" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Friday" +msgstr "Fredag" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Saturday" +msgstr "Laurdag" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "January" +msgstr "Januar" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "February" +msgstr "Februar" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "March" +msgstr "Mars" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "April" +msgstr "April" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "May" +msgstr "Mai" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "June" +msgstr "Juni" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "July" +msgstr "Juli" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "August" +msgstr "August" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "September" +msgstr "September" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "October" +msgstr "Oktober" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "November" +msgstr "November" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "December" +msgstr "Desember" + +#: js/js.js:280 templates/layout.user.php:47 templates/layout.user.php:48 msgid "Settings" msgstr "Innstillingar" -#: js/js.js:711 +#: js/js.js:762 msgid "seconds ago" msgstr "" -#: js/js.js:712 +#: js/js.js:763 msgid "1 minute ago" msgstr "" -#: js/js.js:713 +#: js/js.js:764 msgid "{minutes} minutes ago" msgstr "" -#: js/js.js:714 +#: js/js.js:765 msgid "1 hour ago" msgstr "" -#: js/js.js:715 +#: js/js.js:766 msgid "{hours} hours ago" msgstr "" -#: js/js.js:716 +#: js/js.js:767 msgid "today" msgstr "" -#: js/js.js:717 +#: js/js.js:768 msgid "yesterday" msgstr "" -#: js/js.js:718 +#: js/js.js:769 msgid "{days} days ago" msgstr "" -#: js/js.js:719 +#: js/js.js:770 msgid "last month" msgstr "" -#: js/js.js:720 +#: js/js.js:771 msgid "{months} months ago" msgstr "" -#: js/js.js:721 +#: js/js.js:772 msgid "months ago" msgstr "" -#: js/js.js:722 +#: js/js.js:773 msgid "last year" msgstr "" -#: js/js.js:723 +#: js/js.js:774 msgid "years ago" msgstr "" @@ -292,6 +368,17 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Email sent" msgstr "" +#: js/update.js:14 +msgid "" +"The update was unsuccessful. Please report this issue to the <a " +"href=\"https://github.com/owncloud/core/issues\" target=\"_blank\">ownCloud " +"community</a>." +msgstr "" + +#: js/update.js:18 +msgid "The update was successful. Redirecting you to ownCloud now." +msgstr "" + #: lostpassword/controller.php:47 msgid "ownCloud password reset" msgstr "" @@ -443,87 +530,11 @@ msgstr "Databasetenar" msgid "Finish setup" msgstr "Fullfør oppsettet" -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Sunday" -msgstr "Søndag" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Monday" -msgstr "MÃ¥ndag" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Tuesday" -msgstr "Tysdag" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Wednesday" -msgstr "Onsdag" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Thursday" -msgstr "Torsdag" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Friday" -msgstr "Fredag" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Saturday" -msgstr "Laurdag" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "January" -msgstr "Januar" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "February" -msgstr "Februar" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "March" -msgstr "Mars" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "April" -msgstr "April" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "May" -msgstr "Mai" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "June" -msgstr "Juni" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "July" -msgstr "Juli" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "August" -msgstr "August" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "September" -msgstr "September" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "October" -msgstr "Oktober" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "November" -msgstr "November" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "December" -msgstr "Desember" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:42 +#: templates/layout.guest.php:34 msgid "web services under your control" msgstr "Vev tjenester under din kontroll" -#: templates/layout.user.php:45 +#: templates/layout.user.php:32 msgid "Log out" msgstr "Logg ut" diff --git a/l10n/oc/core.po b/l10n/oc/core.po index 17e293699e293329c9a64bcaa2fcceee69029cf1..42a51ae831bc4c6a9b9dfdd853502e8164e88117 100644 --- a/l10n/oc/core.po +++ b/l10n/oc/core.po @@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.owncloud.org/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-15 00:03+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-01-14 23:03+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-29 00:04+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-01-28 23:05+0000\n" "Last-Translator: I Robot <owncloud-bot@tmit.eu>\n" "Language-Team: Occitan (post 1500) (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/owncloud/language/oc/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" @@ -80,59 +80,135 @@ msgstr "Pas de categorias seleccionadas per escafar." msgid "Error removing %s from favorites." msgstr "" -#: js/js.js:259 templates/layout.user.php:60 templates/layout.user.php:61 +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Sunday" +msgstr "Dimenge" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Monday" +msgstr "Diluns" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Tuesday" +msgstr "Dimarç" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Wednesday" +msgstr "Dimecres" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Thursday" +msgstr "Dijòus" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Friday" +msgstr "Divendres" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Saturday" +msgstr "Dissabte" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "January" +msgstr "Genièr" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "February" +msgstr "Febrièr" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "March" +msgstr "Març" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "April" +msgstr "Abril" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "May" +msgstr "Mai" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "June" +msgstr "Junh" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "July" +msgstr "Julhet" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "August" +msgstr "Agost" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "September" +msgstr "Septembre" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "October" +msgstr "Octobre" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "November" +msgstr "Novembre" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "December" +msgstr "Decembre" + +#: js/js.js:280 templates/layout.user.php:47 templates/layout.user.php:48 msgid "Settings" msgstr "Configuracion" -#: js/js.js:711 +#: js/js.js:762 msgid "seconds ago" msgstr "segonda a" -#: js/js.js:712 +#: js/js.js:763 msgid "1 minute ago" msgstr "1 minuta a" -#: js/js.js:713 +#: js/js.js:764 msgid "{minutes} minutes ago" msgstr "" -#: js/js.js:714 +#: js/js.js:765 msgid "1 hour ago" msgstr "" -#: js/js.js:715 +#: js/js.js:766 msgid "{hours} hours ago" msgstr "" -#: js/js.js:716 +#: js/js.js:767 msgid "today" msgstr "uèi" -#: js/js.js:717 +#: js/js.js:768 msgid "yesterday" msgstr "ièr" -#: js/js.js:718 +#: js/js.js:769 msgid "{days} days ago" msgstr "" -#: js/js.js:719 +#: js/js.js:770 msgid "last month" msgstr "mes passat" -#: js/js.js:720 +#: js/js.js:771 msgid "{months} months ago" msgstr "" -#: js/js.js:721 +#: js/js.js:772 msgid "months ago" msgstr "meses a" -#: js/js.js:722 +#: js/js.js:773 msgid "last year" msgstr "an passat" -#: js/js.js:723 +#: js/js.js:774 msgid "years ago" msgstr "ans a" @@ -291,6 +367,17 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Email sent" msgstr "" +#: js/update.js:14 +msgid "" +"The update was unsuccessful. Please report this issue to the <a " +"href=\"https://github.com/owncloud/core/issues\" target=\"_blank\">ownCloud " +"community</a>." +msgstr "" + +#: js/update.js:18 +msgid "The update was successful. Redirecting you to ownCloud now." +msgstr "" + #: lostpassword/controller.php:47 msgid "ownCloud password reset" msgstr "senhal d'ownCloud tornat botar" @@ -442,87 +529,11 @@ msgstr "Ã’ste de basa de donadas" msgid "Finish setup" msgstr "Configuracion acabada" -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Sunday" -msgstr "Dimenge" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Monday" -msgstr "Diluns" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Tuesday" -msgstr "Dimarç" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Wednesday" -msgstr "Dimecres" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Thursday" -msgstr "Dijòus" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Friday" -msgstr "Divendres" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Saturday" -msgstr "Dissabte" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "January" -msgstr "Genièr" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "February" -msgstr "Febrièr" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "March" -msgstr "Març" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "April" -msgstr "Abril" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "May" -msgstr "Mai" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "June" -msgstr "Junh" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "July" -msgstr "Julhet" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "August" -msgstr "Agost" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "September" -msgstr "Septembre" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "October" -msgstr "Octobre" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "November" -msgstr "Novembre" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "December" -msgstr "Decembre" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:42 +#: templates/layout.guest.php:34 msgid "web services under your control" msgstr "Services web jos ton contraròtle" -#: templates/layout.user.php:45 +#: templates/layout.user.php:32 msgid "Log out" msgstr "Sortida" diff --git a/l10n/pl/core.po b/l10n/pl/core.po index 4e0e383e6122c45e8cc28d1110d1182e572a6ab1..52a8115b6fb2471327caf70aa57dcbf092901d3a 100644 --- a/l10n/pl/core.po +++ b/l10n/pl/core.po @@ -17,8 +17,8 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.owncloud.org/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-15 00:03+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-01-14 23:03+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-29 00:04+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-01-28 23:05+0000\n" "Last-Translator: I Robot <owncloud-bot@tmit.eu>\n" "Language-Team: Polish (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/owncloud/language/pl/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" @@ -89,59 +89,135 @@ msgstr "Nie ma kategorii zaznaczonych do usuniÄ™cia." msgid "Error removing %s from favorites." msgstr "BÅ‚Ä…d usuniÄ™cia %s z ulubionych." -#: js/js.js:259 templates/layout.user.php:60 templates/layout.user.php:61 +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Sunday" +msgstr "Niedziela" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Monday" +msgstr "PoniedziaÅ‚ek" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Tuesday" +msgstr "Wtorek" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Wednesday" +msgstr "Åšroda" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Thursday" +msgstr "Czwartek" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Friday" +msgstr "PiÄ…tek" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Saturday" +msgstr "Sobota" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "January" +msgstr "StyczeÅ„" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "February" +msgstr "Luty" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "March" +msgstr "Marzec" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "April" +msgstr "KwiecieÅ„" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "May" +msgstr "Maj" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "June" +msgstr "Czerwiec" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "July" +msgstr "Lipiec" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "August" +msgstr "SierpieÅ„" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "September" +msgstr "WrzesieÅ„" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "October" +msgstr "Październik" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "November" +msgstr "Listopad" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "December" +msgstr "GrudzieÅ„" + +#: js/js.js:280 templates/layout.user.php:47 templates/layout.user.php:48 msgid "Settings" msgstr "Ustawienia" -#: js/js.js:711 +#: js/js.js:762 msgid "seconds ago" msgstr "sekund temu" -#: js/js.js:712 +#: js/js.js:763 msgid "1 minute ago" msgstr "1 minute temu" -#: js/js.js:713 +#: js/js.js:764 msgid "{minutes} minutes ago" msgstr "{minutes} minut temu" -#: js/js.js:714 +#: js/js.js:765 msgid "1 hour ago" msgstr "1 godzine temu" -#: js/js.js:715 +#: js/js.js:766 msgid "{hours} hours ago" msgstr "{hours} godzin temu" -#: js/js.js:716 +#: js/js.js:767 msgid "today" msgstr "dziÅ›" -#: js/js.js:717 +#: js/js.js:768 msgid "yesterday" msgstr "wczoraj" -#: js/js.js:718 +#: js/js.js:769 msgid "{days} days ago" msgstr "{days} dni temu" -#: js/js.js:719 +#: js/js.js:770 msgid "last month" msgstr "ostani miesiÄ…c" -#: js/js.js:720 +#: js/js.js:771 msgid "{months} months ago" msgstr "{months} miesiÄ™cy temu" -#: js/js.js:721 +#: js/js.js:772 msgid "months ago" msgstr "miesiÄ™cy temu" -#: js/js.js:722 +#: js/js.js:773 msgid "last year" msgstr "ostatni rok" -#: js/js.js:723 +#: js/js.js:774 msgid "years ago" msgstr "lat temu" @@ -300,6 +376,17 @@ msgstr "WysyÅ‚anie..." msgid "Email sent" msgstr "WyÅ›lij Email" +#: js/update.js:14 +msgid "" +"The update was unsuccessful. Please report this issue to the <a " +"href=\"https://github.com/owncloud/core/issues\" target=\"_blank\">ownCloud " +"community</a>." +msgstr "" + +#: js/update.js:18 +msgid "The update was successful. Redirecting you to ownCloud now." +msgstr "" + #: lostpassword/controller.php:47 msgid "ownCloud password reset" msgstr "restart hasÅ‚a" @@ -451,87 +538,11 @@ msgstr "Komputer bazy danych" msgid "Finish setup" msgstr "ZakoÅ„cz konfigurowanie" -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Sunday" -msgstr "Niedziela" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Monday" -msgstr "PoniedziaÅ‚ek" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Tuesday" -msgstr "Wtorek" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Wednesday" -msgstr "Åšroda" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Thursday" -msgstr "Czwartek" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Friday" -msgstr "PiÄ…tek" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Saturday" -msgstr "Sobota" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "January" -msgstr "StyczeÅ„" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "February" -msgstr "Luty" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "March" -msgstr "Marzec" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "April" -msgstr "KwiecieÅ„" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "May" -msgstr "Maj" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "June" -msgstr "Czerwiec" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "July" -msgstr "Lipiec" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "August" -msgstr "SierpieÅ„" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "September" -msgstr "WrzesieÅ„" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "October" -msgstr "Październik" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "November" -msgstr "Listopad" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "December" -msgstr "GrudzieÅ„" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:42 +#: templates/layout.guest.php:34 msgid "web services under your control" msgstr "usÅ‚ugi internetowe pod kontrolÄ…" -#: templates/layout.user.php:45 +#: templates/layout.user.php:32 msgid "Log out" msgstr "Wylogowuje użytkownika" diff --git a/l10n/pl/lib.po b/l10n/pl/lib.po index 5d59857b1b641930f76b3b8ecd48844cb9f1dfb1..917ce3b654bdfdac25939cf9ba2aa379ff891768 100644 --- a/l10n/pl/lib.po +++ b/l10n/pl/lib.po @@ -5,14 +5,14 @@ # Translators: # Cyryl Sochacki <>, 2012. # Cyryl Sochacki <cyrylsochacki@gmail.com>, 2012. -# Marcin MaÅ‚ecki <gerber@tkdami.net>, 2012. +# Marcin MaÅ‚ecki <gerber@tkdami.net>, 2012-2013. msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.owncloud.org/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-17 00:26+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-01-16 23:26+0000\n" -"Last-Translator: I Robot <owncloud-bot@tmit.eu>\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-29 00:05+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-01-28 19:59+0000\n" +"Last-Translator: Marcin MaÅ‚ecki <gerber@tkdami.net>\n" "Language-Team: Polish (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/owncloud/language/pl/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" @@ -60,9 +60,9 @@ msgstr "Wróć do plików" msgid "Selected files too large to generate zip file." msgstr "Wybrane pliki sÄ… zbyt duże, aby wygenerować plik zip." -#: helper.php:228 +#: helper.php:229 msgid "couldn't be determined" -msgstr "" +msgstr "nie może zostać znaleziony" #: json.php:28 msgid "Application is not enabled" diff --git a/l10n/pl_PL/core.po b/l10n/pl_PL/core.po index d5e325117d97d4f721236f5bd7788ef6e177c726..76d2832d70184e4b90bd460f4018865586c67c20 100644 --- a/l10n/pl_PL/core.po +++ b/l10n/pl_PL/core.po @@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.owncloud.org/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-15 00:03+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-01-14 23:03+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-29 00:04+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-01-28 23:05+0000\n" "Last-Translator: I Robot <owncloud-bot@tmit.eu>\n" "Language-Team: Polish (Poland) (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/owncloud/language/pl_PL/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" @@ -79,59 +79,135 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Error removing %s from favorites." msgstr "" -#: js/js.js:259 templates/layout.user.php:60 templates/layout.user.php:61 +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Sunday" +msgstr "" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Monday" +msgstr "" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Tuesday" +msgstr "" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Wednesday" +msgstr "" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Thursday" +msgstr "" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Friday" +msgstr "" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Saturday" +msgstr "" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "January" +msgstr "" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "February" +msgstr "" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "March" +msgstr "" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "April" +msgstr "" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "May" +msgstr "" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "June" +msgstr "" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "July" +msgstr "" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "August" +msgstr "" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "September" +msgstr "" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "October" +msgstr "" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "November" +msgstr "" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "December" +msgstr "" + +#: js/js.js:280 templates/layout.user.php:47 templates/layout.user.php:48 msgid "Settings" msgstr "Ustawienia" -#: js/js.js:711 +#: js/js.js:762 msgid "seconds ago" msgstr "" -#: js/js.js:712 +#: js/js.js:763 msgid "1 minute ago" msgstr "" -#: js/js.js:713 +#: js/js.js:764 msgid "{minutes} minutes ago" msgstr "" -#: js/js.js:714 +#: js/js.js:765 msgid "1 hour ago" msgstr "" -#: js/js.js:715 +#: js/js.js:766 msgid "{hours} hours ago" msgstr "" -#: js/js.js:716 +#: js/js.js:767 msgid "today" msgstr "" -#: js/js.js:717 +#: js/js.js:768 msgid "yesterday" msgstr "" -#: js/js.js:718 +#: js/js.js:769 msgid "{days} days ago" msgstr "" -#: js/js.js:719 +#: js/js.js:770 msgid "last month" msgstr "" -#: js/js.js:720 +#: js/js.js:771 msgid "{months} months ago" msgstr "" -#: js/js.js:721 +#: js/js.js:772 msgid "months ago" msgstr "" -#: js/js.js:722 +#: js/js.js:773 msgid "last year" msgstr "" -#: js/js.js:723 +#: js/js.js:774 msgid "years ago" msgstr "" @@ -290,6 +366,17 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Email sent" msgstr "" +#: js/update.js:14 +msgid "" +"The update was unsuccessful. Please report this issue to the <a " +"href=\"https://github.com/owncloud/core/issues\" target=\"_blank\">ownCloud " +"community</a>." +msgstr "" + +#: js/update.js:18 +msgid "The update was successful. Redirecting you to ownCloud now." +msgstr "" + #: lostpassword/controller.php:47 msgid "ownCloud password reset" msgstr "" @@ -441,87 +528,11 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Finish setup" msgstr "" -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Sunday" -msgstr "" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Monday" -msgstr "" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Tuesday" -msgstr "" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Wednesday" -msgstr "" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Thursday" -msgstr "" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Friday" -msgstr "" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Saturday" -msgstr "" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "January" -msgstr "" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "February" -msgstr "" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "March" -msgstr "" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "April" -msgstr "" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "May" -msgstr "" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "June" -msgstr "" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "July" -msgstr "" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "August" -msgstr "" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "September" -msgstr "" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "October" -msgstr "" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "November" -msgstr "" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "December" -msgstr "" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:42 +#: templates/layout.guest.php:34 msgid "web services under your control" msgstr "" -#: templates/layout.user.php:45 +#: templates/layout.user.php:32 msgid "Log out" msgstr "" diff --git a/l10n/pt_BR/core.po b/l10n/pt_BR/core.po index da3de9ac4c49b8b3158ac1292f1a260b5cd1a1e8..ce6840b2eede25a596e4fef31d112902e304812f 100644 --- a/l10n/pt_BR/core.po +++ b/l10n/pt_BR/core.po @@ -17,8 +17,8 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.owncloud.org/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-15 00:03+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-01-14 23:03+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-29 00:04+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-01-28 23:05+0000\n" "Last-Translator: I Robot <owncloud-bot@tmit.eu>\n" "Language-Team: Portuguese (Brazil) (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/owncloud/language/pt_BR/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" @@ -89,59 +89,135 @@ msgstr "Nenhuma categoria selecionada para deletar." msgid "Error removing %s from favorites." msgstr "Erro ao remover %s dos favoritos." -#: js/js.js:259 templates/layout.user.php:60 templates/layout.user.php:61 +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Sunday" +msgstr "Domingo" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Monday" +msgstr "Segunda-feira" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Tuesday" +msgstr "Terça-feira" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Wednesday" +msgstr "Quarta-feira" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Thursday" +msgstr "Quinta-feira" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Friday" +msgstr "Sexta-feira" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Saturday" +msgstr "Sábado" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "January" +msgstr "Janeiro" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "February" +msgstr "Fevereiro" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "March" +msgstr "Março" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "April" +msgstr "Abril" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "May" +msgstr "Maio" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "June" +msgstr "Junho" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "July" +msgstr "Julho" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "August" +msgstr "Agosto" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "September" +msgstr "Setembro" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "October" +msgstr "Outubro" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "November" +msgstr "Novembro" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "December" +msgstr "Dezembro" + +#: js/js.js:280 templates/layout.user.php:47 templates/layout.user.php:48 msgid "Settings" msgstr "Configurações" -#: js/js.js:711 +#: js/js.js:762 msgid "seconds ago" msgstr "segundos atrás" -#: js/js.js:712 +#: js/js.js:763 msgid "1 minute ago" msgstr "1 minuto atrás" -#: js/js.js:713 +#: js/js.js:764 msgid "{minutes} minutes ago" msgstr "{minutes} minutos atrás" -#: js/js.js:714 +#: js/js.js:765 msgid "1 hour ago" msgstr "1 hora atrás" -#: js/js.js:715 +#: js/js.js:766 msgid "{hours} hours ago" msgstr "{hours} horas atrás" -#: js/js.js:716 +#: js/js.js:767 msgid "today" msgstr "hoje" -#: js/js.js:717 +#: js/js.js:768 msgid "yesterday" msgstr "ontem" -#: js/js.js:718 +#: js/js.js:769 msgid "{days} days ago" msgstr "{days} dias atrás" -#: js/js.js:719 +#: js/js.js:770 msgid "last month" msgstr "último mês" -#: js/js.js:720 +#: js/js.js:771 msgid "{months} months ago" msgstr "{months} meses atrás" -#: js/js.js:721 +#: js/js.js:772 msgid "months ago" msgstr "meses atrás" -#: js/js.js:722 +#: js/js.js:773 msgid "last year" msgstr "último ano" -#: js/js.js:723 +#: js/js.js:774 msgid "years ago" msgstr "anos atrás" @@ -300,6 +376,17 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Email sent" msgstr "" +#: js/update.js:14 +msgid "" +"The update was unsuccessful. Please report this issue to the <a " +"href=\"https://github.com/owncloud/core/issues\" target=\"_blank\">ownCloud " +"community</a>." +msgstr "" + +#: js/update.js:18 +msgid "The update was successful. Redirecting you to ownCloud now." +msgstr "" + #: lostpassword/controller.php:47 msgid "ownCloud password reset" msgstr "Redefinir senha ownCloud" @@ -451,87 +538,11 @@ msgstr "Banco de dados do host" msgid "Finish setup" msgstr "Concluir configuração" -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Sunday" -msgstr "Domingo" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Monday" -msgstr "Segunda-feira" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Tuesday" -msgstr "Terça-feira" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Wednesday" -msgstr "Quarta-feira" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Thursday" -msgstr "Quinta-feira" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Friday" -msgstr "Sexta-feira" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Saturday" -msgstr "Sábado" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "January" -msgstr "Janeiro" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "February" -msgstr "Fevereiro" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "March" -msgstr "Março" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "April" -msgstr "Abril" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "May" -msgstr "Maio" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "June" -msgstr "Junho" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "July" -msgstr "Julho" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "August" -msgstr "Agosto" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "September" -msgstr "Setembro" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "October" -msgstr "Outubro" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "November" -msgstr "Novembro" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "December" -msgstr "Dezembro" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:42 +#: templates/layout.guest.php:34 msgid "web services under your control" msgstr "web services sob seu controle" -#: templates/layout.user.php:45 +#: templates/layout.user.php:32 msgid "Log out" msgstr "Sair" diff --git a/l10n/pt_PT/core.po b/l10n/pt_PT/core.po index 8cf1dad2efb47aaffef75f53d6baf98436703e13..095cb39729d5bb3b1b42b91896c94ccccb9d59cf 100644 --- a/l10n/pt_PT/core.po +++ b/l10n/pt_PT/core.po @@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ # # Translators: # <daniel@mouxy.net>, 2012-2013. +# <duartegrilo@gmail.com>, 2013. # Duarte Velez Grilo <duartegrilo@gmail.com>, 2012. # <helder.meneses@gmail.com>, 2011, 2012. # Helder Meneses <helder.meneses@gmail.com>, 2012. @@ -13,8 +14,8 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.owncloud.org/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-15 00:03+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-01-14 23:03+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-29 00:04+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-01-28 23:05+0000\n" "Last-Translator: I Robot <owncloud-bot@tmit.eu>\n" "Language-Team: Portuguese (Portugal) (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/owncloud/language/pt_PT/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" @@ -78,66 +79,142 @@ msgstr "Erro a adicionar %s aos favoritos" #: ajax/vcategories/delete.php:35 js/oc-vcategories.js:136 msgid "No categories selected for deletion." -msgstr "Nenhuma categoria seleccionar para eliminar" +msgstr "Nenhuma categoria seleccionada para apagar" #: ajax/vcategories/removeFromFavorites.php:35 #, php-format msgid "Error removing %s from favorites." msgstr "Erro a remover %s dos favoritos." -#: js/js.js:259 templates/layout.user.php:60 templates/layout.user.php:61 +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Sunday" +msgstr "Domingo" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Monday" +msgstr "Segunda" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Tuesday" +msgstr "Terça" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Wednesday" +msgstr "Quarta" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Thursday" +msgstr "Quinta" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Friday" +msgstr "Sexta" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Saturday" +msgstr "Sábado" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "January" +msgstr "Janeiro" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "February" +msgstr "Fevereiro" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "March" +msgstr "Março" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "April" +msgstr "Abril" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "May" +msgstr "Maio" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "June" +msgstr "Junho" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "July" +msgstr "Julho" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "August" +msgstr "Agosto" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "September" +msgstr "Setembro" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "October" +msgstr "Outubro" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "November" +msgstr "Novembro" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "December" +msgstr "Dezembro" + +#: js/js.js:280 templates/layout.user.php:47 templates/layout.user.php:48 msgid "Settings" msgstr "Definições" -#: js/js.js:711 +#: js/js.js:762 msgid "seconds ago" msgstr "Minutos atrás" -#: js/js.js:712 +#: js/js.js:763 msgid "1 minute ago" -msgstr "Falta 1 minuto" +msgstr "Há 1 minuto" -#: js/js.js:713 +#: js/js.js:764 msgid "{minutes} minutes ago" msgstr "{minutes} minutos atrás" -#: js/js.js:714 +#: js/js.js:765 msgid "1 hour ago" msgstr "Há 1 hora" -#: js/js.js:715 +#: js/js.js:766 msgid "{hours} hours ago" msgstr "Há {hours} horas atrás" -#: js/js.js:716 +#: js/js.js:767 msgid "today" msgstr "hoje" -#: js/js.js:717 +#: js/js.js:768 msgid "yesterday" msgstr "ontem" -#: js/js.js:718 +#: js/js.js:769 msgid "{days} days ago" msgstr "{days} dias atrás" -#: js/js.js:719 +#: js/js.js:770 msgid "last month" msgstr "ultÃmo mês" -#: js/js.js:720 +#: js/js.js:771 msgid "{months} months ago" msgstr "Há {months} meses atrás" -#: js/js.js:721 +#: js/js.js:772 msgid "months ago" msgstr "meses atrás" -#: js/js.js:722 +#: js/js.js:773 msgid "last year" msgstr "ano passado" -#: js/js.js:723 +#: js/js.js:774 msgid "years ago" msgstr "anos atrás" @@ -294,7 +371,18 @@ msgstr "A Enviar..." #: js/share.js:592 msgid "Email sent" -msgstr "E-mail enviado com sucesso!" +msgstr "E-mail enviado" + +#: js/update.js:14 +msgid "" +"The update was unsuccessful. Please report this issue to the <a " +"href=\"https://github.com/owncloud/core/issues\" target=\"_blank\">ownCloud " +"community</a>." +msgstr "" + +#: js/update.js:18 +msgid "The update was successful. Redirecting you to ownCloud now." +msgstr "" #: lostpassword/controller.php:47 msgid "ownCloud password reset" @@ -331,7 +419,7 @@ msgstr "A sua password foi reposta" #: lostpassword/templates/resetpassword.php:5 msgid "To login page" -msgstr "Para a página de conexão" +msgstr "Para a página de entrada" #: lostpassword/templates/resetpassword.php:8 msgid "New password" @@ -441,93 +529,17 @@ msgstr "Tablespace da base de dados" #: templates/installation.php:129 msgid "Database host" -msgstr "Host da base de dados" +msgstr "Anfitrião da base de dados" #: templates/installation.php:134 msgid "Finish setup" msgstr "Acabar instalação" -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Sunday" -msgstr "Domingo" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Monday" -msgstr "Segunda" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Tuesday" -msgstr "Terça" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Wednesday" -msgstr "Quarta" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Thursday" -msgstr "Quinta" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Friday" -msgstr "Sexta" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Saturday" -msgstr "Sábado" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "January" -msgstr "Janeiro" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "February" -msgstr "Fevereiro" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "March" -msgstr "Março" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "April" -msgstr "Abril" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "May" -msgstr "Maio" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "June" -msgstr "Junho" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "July" -msgstr "Julho" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "August" -msgstr "Agosto" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "September" -msgstr "Setembro" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "October" -msgstr "Outubro" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "November" -msgstr "Novembro" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "December" -msgstr "Dezembro" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:42 +#: templates/layout.guest.php:34 msgid "web services under your control" msgstr "serviços web sob o seu controlo" -#: templates/layout.user.php:45 +#: templates/layout.user.php:32 msgid "Log out" msgstr "Sair" @@ -547,7 +559,7 @@ msgstr "Por favor mude a sua palavra-passe para assegurar a sua conta de novo." #: templates/login.php:19 msgid "Lost your password?" -msgstr "Esqueceu a sua password?" +msgstr "Esqueceu-se da sua password?" #: templates/login.php:39 msgid "remember" @@ -568,4 +580,4 @@ msgstr "seguinte" #: templates/update.php:3 #, php-format msgid "Updating ownCloud to version %s, this may take a while." -msgstr "A Actualizar o ownCloud para a versão %s, esta operação pode demorar." +msgstr "A actualizar o ownCloud para a versão %s, esta operação pode demorar." diff --git a/l10n/pt_PT/files.po b/l10n/pt_PT/files.po index 655ab56cf8f0f1fc361fcabf1cf4c49c7843fa01..38429e8ec21171fb5d4dff26cc10c9b66f8107ff 100644 --- a/l10n/pt_PT/files.po +++ b/l10n/pt_PT/files.po @@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ # Translators: # <daniel@mouxy.net>, 2012-2013. # Daniel Pinto <daniel@mouxy.net>, 2013. +# <duartegrilo@gmail.com>, 2013. # Duarte Velez Grilo <duartegrilo@gmail.com>, 2012. # <geral@ricardolameiro.pt>, 2012. # Helder Meneses <helder.meneses@gmail.com>, 2012. @@ -13,9 +14,9 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.owncloud.org/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-28 00:04+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-01-27 17:10+0000\n" -"Last-Translator: Mouxy <daniel@mouxy.net>\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-29 00:04+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-01-28 17:06+0000\n" +"Last-Translator: Duarte Velez Grilo <duartegrilo@gmail.com>\n" "Language-Team: Portuguese (Portugal) (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/owncloud/language/pt_PT/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" @@ -106,7 +107,7 @@ msgstr "substituir" #: js/filelist.js:208 msgid "suggest name" -msgstr "Sugira um nome" +msgstr "sugira um nome" #: js/filelist.js:208 js/filelist.js:210 msgid "cancel" @@ -186,7 +187,7 @@ msgstr "A carregar {count} ficheiros" #: js/files.js:388 js/files.js:423 msgid "Upload cancelled." -msgstr "O envio foi cancelado." +msgstr "Envio cancelado." #: js/files.js:493 msgid "" diff --git a/l10n/ro/core.po b/l10n/ro/core.po index a37f25575cef2be0eee286e9c9c24570eb294f24..3d027cef265d6b3ed54e7380e8e418a73b514e02 100644 --- a/l10n/ro/core.po +++ b/l10n/ro/core.po @@ -13,9 +13,9 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.owncloud.org/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-27 00:04+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-01-25 23:12+0000\n" -"Last-Translator: Dimon Pockemon <>\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-29 00:04+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-01-28 23:05+0000\n" +"Last-Translator: I Robot <owncloud-bot@tmit.eu>\n" "Language-Team: Romanian (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/owncloud/language/ro/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" @@ -85,79 +85,79 @@ msgstr "Nici o categorie selectată pentru È™tergere." msgid "Error removing %s from favorites." msgstr "Eroare la È™tergerea %s din favorite" -#: js/config.php:28 +#: js/config.php:32 msgid "Sunday" msgstr "Duminică" -#: js/config.php:28 +#: js/config.php:32 msgid "Monday" msgstr "Luni" -#: js/config.php:28 +#: js/config.php:32 msgid "Tuesday" msgstr "MarÈ›i" -#: js/config.php:28 +#: js/config.php:32 msgid "Wednesday" msgstr "Miercuri" -#: js/config.php:28 +#: js/config.php:32 msgid "Thursday" msgstr "Joi" -#: js/config.php:28 +#: js/config.php:32 msgid "Friday" msgstr "Vineri" -#: js/config.php:28 +#: js/config.php:32 msgid "Saturday" msgstr "Sâmbătă" -#: js/config.php:29 +#: js/config.php:33 msgid "January" msgstr "Ianuarie" -#: js/config.php:29 +#: js/config.php:33 msgid "February" msgstr "Februarie" -#: js/config.php:29 +#: js/config.php:33 msgid "March" msgstr "Martie" -#: js/config.php:29 +#: js/config.php:33 msgid "April" msgstr "Aprilie" -#: js/config.php:29 +#: js/config.php:33 msgid "May" msgstr "Mai" -#: js/config.php:29 +#: js/config.php:33 msgid "June" msgstr "Iunie" -#: js/config.php:29 +#: js/config.php:33 msgid "July" msgstr "Iulie" -#: js/config.php:29 +#: js/config.php:33 msgid "August" msgstr "August" -#: js/config.php:29 +#: js/config.php:33 msgid "September" msgstr "Septembrie" -#: js/config.php:29 +#: js/config.php:33 msgid "October" msgstr "Octombrie" -#: js/config.php:29 +#: js/config.php:33 msgid "November" msgstr "Noiembrie" -#: js/config.php:29 +#: js/config.php:33 msgid "December" msgstr "Decembrie" @@ -372,6 +372,17 @@ msgstr "Se expediază..." msgid "Email sent" msgstr "Mesajul a fost expediat" +#: js/update.js:14 +msgid "" +"The update was unsuccessful. Please report this issue to the <a " +"href=\"https://github.com/owncloud/core/issues\" target=\"_blank\">ownCloud " +"community</a>." +msgstr "" + +#: js/update.js:18 +msgid "The update was successful. Redirecting you to ownCloud now." +msgstr "" + #: lostpassword/controller.php:47 msgid "ownCloud password reset" msgstr "Resetarea parolei ownCloud " diff --git a/l10n/ru/core.po b/l10n/ru/core.po index 2bbb44f36f8c9acd2672b4bb791e70887b83ab6f..365f4aa44618fcb9250a8f628df94ac6ae3bf053 100644 --- a/l10n/ru/core.po +++ b/l10n/ru/core.po @@ -17,8 +17,8 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.owncloud.org/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-15 00:03+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-01-14 23:03+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-29 00:04+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-01-28 23:05+0000\n" "Last-Translator: I Robot <owncloud-bot@tmit.eu>\n" "Language-Team: Russian (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/owncloud/language/ru/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" @@ -89,59 +89,135 @@ msgstr "Ðет категорий Ð´Ð»Ñ ÑƒÐ´Ð°Ð»ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ." msgid "Error removing %s from favorites." msgstr "Ошибка ÑƒÐ´Ð°Ð»ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ %s из избранного" -#: js/js.js:259 templates/layout.user.php:60 templates/layout.user.php:61 +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Sunday" +msgstr "ВоÑкреÑенье" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Monday" +msgstr "Понедельник" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Tuesday" +msgstr "Вторник" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Wednesday" +msgstr "Среда" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Thursday" +msgstr "Четверг" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Friday" +msgstr "ПÑтница" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Saturday" +msgstr "Суббота" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "January" +msgstr "Январь" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "February" +msgstr "Февраль" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "March" +msgstr "Март" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "April" +msgstr "Ðпрель" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "May" +msgstr "Май" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "June" +msgstr "Июнь" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "July" +msgstr "Июль" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "August" +msgstr "ÐвгуÑÑ‚" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "September" +msgstr "СентÑбрь" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "October" +msgstr "ОктÑбрь" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "November" +msgstr "ÐоÑбрь" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "December" +msgstr "Декабрь" + +#: js/js.js:280 templates/layout.user.php:47 templates/layout.user.php:48 msgid "Settings" msgstr "ÐаÑтройки" -#: js/js.js:711 +#: js/js.js:762 msgid "seconds ago" msgstr "неÑколько Ñекунд назад" -#: js/js.js:712 +#: js/js.js:763 msgid "1 minute ago" msgstr "1 минуту назад" -#: js/js.js:713 +#: js/js.js:764 msgid "{minutes} minutes ago" msgstr "{minutes} минут назад" -#: js/js.js:714 +#: js/js.js:765 msgid "1 hour ago" msgstr "Ñ‡Ð°Ñ Ð½Ð°Ð·Ð°Ð´" -#: js/js.js:715 +#: js/js.js:766 msgid "{hours} hours ago" msgstr "{hours} чаÑов назад" -#: js/js.js:716 +#: js/js.js:767 msgid "today" msgstr "ÑегоднÑ" -#: js/js.js:717 +#: js/js.js:768 msgid "yesterday" msgstr "вчера" -#: js/js.js:718 +#: js/js.js:769 msgid "{days} days ago" msgstr "{days} дней назад" -#: js/js.js:719 +#: js/js.js:770 msgid "last month" msgstr "в прошлом меÑÑце" -#: js/js.js:720 +#: js/js.js:771 msgid "{months} months ago" msgstr "{months} меÑÑцев назад" -#: js/js.js:721 +#: js/js.js:772 msgid "months ago" msgstr "неÑколько меÑÑцев назад" -#: js/js.js:722 +#: js/js.js:773 msgid "last year" msgstr "в прошлом году" -#: js/js.js:723 +#: js/js.js:774 msgid "years ago" msgstr "неÑколько лет назад" @@ -300,6 +376,17 @@ msgstr "ОтправлÑетÑÑ ..." msgid "Email sent" msgstr "ПиÑьмо отправлено" +#: js/update.js:14 +msgid "" +"The update was unsuccessful. Please report this issue to the <a " +"href=\"https://github.com/owncloud/core/issues\" target=\"_blank\">ownCloud " +"community</a>." +msgstr "" + +#: js/update.js:18 +msgid "The update was successful. Redirecting you to ownCloud now." +msgstr "" + #: lostpassword/controller.php:47 msgid "ownCloud password reset" msgstr "Ð¡Ð±Ñ€Ð¾Ñ Ð¿Ð°Ñ€Ð¾Ð»Ñ " @@ -451,87 +538,11 @@ msgstr "ХоÑÑ‚ базы данных" msgid "Finish setup" msgstr "Завершить уÑтановку" -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Sunday" -msgstr "ВоÑкреÑенье" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Monday" -msgstr "Понедельник" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Tuesday" -msgstr "Вторник" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Wednesday" -msgstr "Среда" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Thursday" -msgstr "Четверг" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Friday" -msgstr "ПÑтница" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Saturday" -msgstr "Суббота" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "January" -msgstr "Январь" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "February" -msgstr "Февраль" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "March" -msgstr "Март" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "April" -msgstr "Ðпрель" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "May" -msgstr "Май" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "June" -msgstr "Июнь" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "July" -msgstr "Июль" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "August" -msgstr "ÐвгуÑÑ‚" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "September" -msgstr "СентÑбрь" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "October" -msgstr "ОктÑбрь" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "November" -msgstr "ÐоÑбрь" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "December" -msgstr "Декабрь" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:42 +#: templates/layout.guest.php:34 msgid "web services under your control" msgstr "Сетевые Ñлужбы под твоим контролем" -#: templates/layout.user.php:45 +#: templates/layout.user.php:32 msgid "Log out" msgstr "Выйти" diff --git a/l10n/ru_RU/core.po b/l10n/ru_RU/core.po index 7ecd789d863d6f6cebfc607843fcbf7532ff10ae..e9d2d731079e707a9320611612e38eb3af07a840 100644 --- a/l10n/ru_RU/core.po +++ b/l10n/ru_RU/core.po @@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.owncloud.org/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-15 00:03+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-01-14 23:03+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-29 00:04+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-01-28 23:05+0000\n" "Last-Translator: I Robot <owncloud-bot@tmit.eu>\n" "Language-Team: Russian (Russia) (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/owncloud/language/ru_RU/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" @@ -80,59 +80,135 @@ msgstr "Ðет категорий, выбранных Ð´Ð»Ñ ÑƒÐ´Ð°Ð»ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ." msgid "Error removing %s from favorites." msgstr "Ошибка ÑƒÐ´Ð°Ð»ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ %s из избранного." -#: js/js.js:259 templates/layout.user.php:60 templates/layout.user.php:61 +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Sunday" +msgstr "ВоÑкреÑенье" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Monday" +msgstr "Понедельник" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Tuesday" +msgstr "Вторник" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Wednesday" +msgstr "Среда" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Thursday" +msgstr "Четверг" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Friday" +msgstr "ПÑтница" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Saturday" +msgstr "Суббота" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "January" +msgstr "Январь" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "February" +msgstr "Февраль" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "March" +msgstr "Март" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "April" +msgstr "Ðпрель" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "May" +msgstr "Май" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "June" +msgstr "Июнь" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "July" +msgstr "Июль" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "August" +msgstr "ÐвгуÑÑ‚" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "September" +msgstr "СентÑбрь" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "October" +msgstr "ОктÑбрь" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "November" +msgstr "ÐоÑбрь" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "December" +msgstr "Декабрь" + +#: js/js.js:280 templates/layout.user.php:47 templates/layout.user.php:48 msgid "Settings" msgstr "ÐаÑтройки" -#: js/js.js:711 +#: js/js.js:762 msgid "seconds ago" msgstr "Ñекунд назад" -#: js/js.js:712 +#: js/js.js:763 msgid "1 minute ago" msgstr " 1 минуту назад" -#: js/js.js:713 +#: js/js.js:764 msgid "{minutes} minutes ago" msgstr "{минуты} минут назад" -#: js/js.js:714 +#: js/js.js:765 msgid "1 hour ago" msgstr "1 Ñ‡Ð°Ñ Ð½Ð°Ð·Ð°Ð´" -#: js/js.js:715 +#: js/js.js:766 msgid "{hours} hours ago" msgstr "{чаÑÑ‹} чаÑов назад" -#: js/js.js:716 +#: js/js.js:767 msgid "today" msgstr "ÑегоднÑ" -#: js/js.js:717 +#: js/js.js:768 msgid "yesterday" msgstr "вчера" -#: js/js.js:718 +#: js/js.js:769 msgid "{days} days ago" msgstr "{дни} дней назад" -#: js/js.js:719 +#: js/js.js:770 msgid "last month" msgstr "в прошлом меÑÑце" -#: js/js.js:720 +#: js/js.js:771 msgid "{months} months ago" msgstr "{меÑÑцы} меÑÑцев назад" -#: js/js.js:721 +#: js/js.js:772 msgid "months ago" msgstr "меÑÑц назад" -#: js/js.js:722 +#: js/js.js:773 msgid "last year" msgstr "в прошлом году" -#: js/js.js:723 +#: js/js.js:774 msgid "years ago" msgstr "лет назад" @@ -291,6 +367,17 @@ msgstr "Отправка ..." msgid "Email sent" msgstr "ПиÑьмо отправлено" +#: js/update.js:14 +msgid "" +"The update was unsuccessful. Please report this issue to the <a " +"href=\"https://github.com/owncloud/core/issues\" target=\"_blank\">ownCloud " +"community</a>." +msgstr "" + +#: js/update.js:18 +msgid "The update was successful. Redirecting you to ownCloud now." +msgstr "" + #: lostpassword/controller.php:47 msgid "ownCloud password reset" msgstr "Переназначение паролÑ" @@ -442,87 +529,11 @@ msgstr "Сервер базы данных" msgid "Finish setup" msgstr "Завершение наÑтройки" -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Sunday" -msgstr "ВоÑкреÑенье" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Monday" -msgstr "Понедельник" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Tuesday" -msgstr "Вторник" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Wednesday" -msgstr "Среда" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Thursday" -msgstr "Четверг" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Friday" -msgstr "ПÑтница" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Saturday" -msgstr "Суббота" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "January" -msgstr "Январь" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "February" -msgstr "Февраль" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "March" -msgstr "Март" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "April" -msgstr "Ðпрель" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "May" -msgstr "Май" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "June" -msgstr "Июнь" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "July" -msgstr "Июль" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "August" -msgstr "ÐвгуÑÑ‚" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "September" -msgstr "СентÑбрь" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "October" -msgstr "ОктÑбрь" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "November" -msgstr "ÐоÑбрь" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "December" -msgstr "Декабрь" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:42 +#: templates/layout.guest.php:34 msgid "web services under your control" msgstr "веб-ÑервиÑÑ‹ под Вашим контролем" -#: templates/layout.user.php:45 +#: templates/layout.user.php:32 msgid "Log out" msgstr "Выйти" diff --git a/l10n/si_LK/core.po b/l10n/si_LK/core.po index e0b4be93b4d18863e4b4d7ee943e71059344d3d9..19dcaff2a0f134a8ee6b424851be51b1b339a5af 100644 --- a/l10n/si_LK/core.po +++ b/l10n/si_LK/core.po @@ -10,8 +10,8 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.owncloud.org/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-15 00:03+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-01-14 23:03+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-29 00:04+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-01-28 23:05+0000\n" "Last-Translator: I Robot <owncloud-bot@tmit.eu>\n" "Language-Team: Sinhala (Sri Lanka) (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/owncloud/language/si_LK/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" @@ -82,59 +82,135 @@ msgstr "මක෠දà·à¶¸à·“ම සඳහ෠ප්â€à¶»à·€à¶»à·Šà¶œà¶ºà¶±à·Š msgid "Error removing %s from favorites." msgstr "" -#: js/js.js:259 templates/layout.user.php:60 templates/layout.user.php:61 +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Sunday" +msgstr "ඉරිදà·" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Monday" +msgstr "සඳුදà·" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Tuesday" +msgstr "අඟහරුවà·à¶¯à·" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Wednesday" +msgstr "බදà·à¶¯à·" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Thursday" +msgstr "බ්â€à¶»à·„ස්පà¶à·’න්දà·" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Friday" +msgstr "සිකුරà·à¶¯à·" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Saturday" +msgstr "සෙනසුරà·à¶¯à·" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "January" +msgstr "ජනවà·à¶»à·’" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "February" +msgstr "පෙබරවà·à¶»à·’" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "March" +msgstr "මà·à¶»à·Šà¶à·”" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "April" +msgstr "අප්â€à¶»à·šà¶½à·Š" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "May" +msgstr "මà·à¶ºà·’" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "June" +msgstr "ජූනි" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "July" +msgstr "ජූලි" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "August" +msgstr "අගà·à·ƒà·Šà¶à·”" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "September" +msgstr "à·ƒà·à¶´à·Šà¶à·à¶¸à·Šà¶¶à¶»à·Š" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "October" +msgstr "ඔක්à¶à·à¶¶à¶»à·Š" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "November" +msgstr "නොවà·à¶¸à·Šà¶¶à¶»à·Š" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "December" +msgstr "දෙසà·à¶¸à·Šà¶¶à¶»à·Š" + +#: js/js.js:280 templates/layout.user.php:47 templates/layout.user.php:48 msgid "Settings" msgstr "à·ƒà·à¶šà·ƒà·”ම්" -#: js/js.js:711 +#: js/js.js:762 msgid "seconds ago" msgstr "à¶à¶à·Šà¶´à¶»à¶ºà¶±à·Šà¶§ පෙර" -#: js/js.js:712 +#: js/js.js:763 msgid "1 minute ago" msgstr "1 මිනිà¶à·Šà¶à·”වකට පෙර" -#: js/js.js:713 +#: js/js.js:764 msgid "{minutes} minutes ago" msgstr "" -#: js/js.js:714 +#: js/js.js:765 msgid "1 hour ago" msgstr "" -#: js/js.js:715 +#: js/js.js:766 msgid "{hours} hours ago" msgstr "" -#: js/js.js:716 +#: js/js.js:767 msgid "today" msgstr "අද" -#: js/js.js:717 +#: js/js.js:768 msgid "yesterday" msgstr "ඊයේ" -#: js/js.js:718 +#: js/js.js:769 msgid "{days} days ago" msgstr "" -#: js/js.js:719 +#: js/js.js:770 msgid "last month" msgstr "පෙර මà·à·ƒà¶ºà·š" -#: js/js.js:720 +#: js/js.js:771 msgid "{months} months ago" msgstr "" -#: js/js.js:721 +#: js/js.js:772 msgid "months ago" msgstr "මà·à·ƒ කීපයකට පෙර" -#: js/js.js:722 +#: js/js.js:773 msgid "last year" msgstr "පෙර අවුරුද්දේ" -#: js/js.js:723 +#: js/js.js:774 msgid "years ago" msgstr "අවුරුදු කීපයකට පෙර" @@ -293,6 +369,17 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Email sent" msgstr "" +#: js/update.js:14 +msgid "" +"The update was unsuccessful. Please report this issue to the <a " +"href=\"https://github.com/owncloud/core/issues\" target=\"_blank\">ownCloud " +"community</a>." +msgstr "" + +#: js/update.js:18 +msgid "The update was successful. Redirecting you to ownCloud now." +msgstr "" + #: lostpassword/controller.php:47 msgid "ownCloud password reset" msgstr "ownCloud මුරපදය ප්â€à¶»à¶à·Šâ€à¶ºà·à¶»à¶¸à·Šà¶· කරන්න" @@ -444,87 +531,11 @@ msgstr "දà¶à·Šà¶à¶œà¶¶à¶©à· සේවà·à¶¯à·à¶ºà¶šà¶ºà·" msgid "Finish setup" msgstr "ස්ථà·à¶´à¶±à¶º කිරීම අවසන් කරන්න" -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Sunday" -msgstr "ඉරිදà·" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Monday" -msgstr "සඳුදà·" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Tuesday" -msgstr "අඟහරුවà·à¶¯à·" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Wednesday" -msgstr "බදà·à¶¯à·" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Thursday" -msgstr "බ්â€à¶»à·„ස්පà¶à·’න්දà·" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Friday" -msgstr "සිකුරà·à¶¯à·" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Saturday" -msgstr "සෙනසුරà·à¶¯à·" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "January" -msgstr "ජනවà·à¶»à·’" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "February" -msgstr "පෙබරවà·à¶»à·’" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "March" -msgstr "මà·à¶»à·Šà¶à·”" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "April" -msgstr "අප්â€à¶»à·šà¶½à·Š" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "May" -msgstr "මà·à¶ºà·’" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "June" -msgstr "ජූනි" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "July" -msgstr "ජූලි" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "August" -msgstr "අගà·à·ƒà·Šà¶à·”" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "September" -msgstr "à·ƒà·à¶´à·Šà¶à·à¶¸à·Šà¶¶à¶»à·Š" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "October" -msgstr "ඔක්à¶à·à¶¶à¶»à·Š" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "November" -msgstr "නොවà·à¶¸à·Šà¶¶à¶»à·Š" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "December" -msgstr "දෙසà·à¶¸à·Šà¶¶à¶»à·Š" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:42 +#: templates/layout.guest.php:34 msgid "web services under your control" msgstr "ඔබට පà·à¶½à¶±à¶º කළ à·„à·à¶šà·’ වෙබ් සේවà·à·€à¶±à·Š" -#: templates/layout.user.php:45 +#: templates/layout.user.php:32 msgid "Log out" msgstr "නික්මීම" diff --git a/l10n/sk_SK/core.po b/l10n/sk_SK/core.po index e11a2eda0fed88b807e433b6ed443254a6033d88..2f61413f6241de30d106958f1a5b12cbf2378439 100644 --- a/l10n/sk_SK/core.po +++ b/l10n/sk_SK/core.po @@ -12,9 +12,9 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.owncloud.org/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-16 00:19+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-01-15 15:24+0000\n" -"Last-Translator: mehturt <mehturt@gmail.com>\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-29 00:04+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-01-28 23:05+0000\n" +"Last-Translator: I Robot <owncloud-bot@tmit.eu>\n" "Language-Team: Slovak (Slovakia) (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/owncloud/language/sk_SK/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" @@ -84,59 +84,135 @@ msgstr "Neboli vybrané žiadne kategórie pre odstránenie." msgid "Error removing %s from favorites." msgstr "Chyba pri odstraňovanà %s z obľúbených položiek." -#: js/js.js:259 templates/layout.user.php:60 templates/layout.user.php:61 +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Sunday" +msgstr "Nedeľa" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Monday" +msgstr "Pondelok" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Tuesday" +msgstr "Utorok" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Wednesday" +msgstr "Streda" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Thursday" +msgstr "Å tvrtok" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Friday" +msgstr "Piatok" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Saturday" +msgstr "Sobota" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "January" +msgstr "Január" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "February" +msgstr "Február" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "March" +msgstr "Marec" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "April" +msgstr "AprÃl" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "May" +msgstr "Máj" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "June" +msgstr "Jún" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "July" +msgstr "Júl" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "August" +msgstr "August" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "September" +msgstr "September" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "October" +msgstr "Október" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "November" +msgstr "November" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "December" +msgstr "December" + +#: js/js.js:280 templates/layout.user.php:47 templates/layout.user.php:48 msgid "Settings" msgstr "Nastavenia" -#: js/js.js:711 +#: js/js.js:762 msgid "seconds ago" msgstr "pred sekundami" -#: js/js.js:712 +#: js/js.js:763 msgid "1 minute ago" msgstr "pred minútou" -#: js/js.js:713 +#: js/js.js:764 msgid "{minutes} minutes ago" msgstr "pred {minutes} minútami" -#: js/js.js:714 +#: js/js.js:765 msgid "1 hour ago" msgstr "Pred 1 hodinou." -#: js/js.js:715 +#: js/js.js:766 msgid "{hours} hours ago" msgstr "Pred {hours} hodinami." -#: js/js.js:716 +#: js/js.js:767 msgid "today" msgstr "dnes" -#: js/js.js:717 +#: js/js.js:768 msgid "yesterday" msgstr "vÄera" -#: js/js.js:718 +#: js/js.js:769 msgid "{days} days ago" msgstr "pred {days} dňami" -#: js/js.js:719 +#: js/js.js:770 msgid "last month" msgstr "minulý mesiac" -#: js/js.js:720 +#: js/js.js:771 msgid "{months} months ago" msgstr "Pred {months} mesiacmi." -#: js/js.js:721 +#: js/js.js:772 msgid "months ago" msgstr "pred mesiacmi" -#: js/js.js:722 +#: js/js.js:773 msgid "last year" msgstr "minulý rok" -#: js/js.js:723 +#: js/js.js:774 msgid "years ago" msgstr "pred rokmi" @@ -295,6 +371,17 @@ msgstr "Odosielam ..." msgid "Email sent" msgstr "Email odoslaný" +#: js/update.js:14 +msgid "" +"The update was unsuccessful. Please report this issue to the <a " +"href=\"https://github.com/owncloud/core/issues\" target=\"_blank\">ownCloud " +"community</a>." +msgstr "" + +#: js/update.js:18 +msgid "The update was successful. Redirecting you to ownCloud now." +msgstr "" + #: lostpassword/controller.php:47 msgid "ownCloud password reset" msgstr "Obnovenie hesla pre ownCloud" @@ -446,87 +533,11 @@ msgstr "Server databázy" msgid "Finish setup" msgstr "DokonÄiÅ¥ inÅ¡taláciu" -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Sunday" -msgstr "Nedeľa" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Monday" -msgstr "Pondelok" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Tuesday" -msgstr "Utorok" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Wednesday" -msgstr "Streda" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Thursday" -msgstr "Å tvrtok" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Friday" -msgstr "Piatok" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Saturday" -msgstr "Sobota" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "January" -msgstr "Január" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "February" -msgstr "Február" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "March" -msgstr "Marec" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "April" -msgstr "AprÃl" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "May" -msgstr "Máj" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "June" -msgstr "Jún" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "July" -msgstr "Júl" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "August" -msgstr "August" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "September" -msgstr "September" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "October" -msgstr "Október" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "November" -msgstr "November" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "December" -msgstr "December" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:42 +#: templates/layout.guest.php:34 msgid "web services under your control" msgstr "webové služby pod vaÅ¡ou kontrolou" -#: templates/layout.user.php:45 +#: templates/layout.user.php:32 msgid "Log out" msgstr "OdhlásiÅ¥" diff --git a/l10n/sl/core.po b/l10n/sl/core.po index 2b4637d80139e4fb4039dad384a4bb8da0e705bd..faa7abda52d3e509da81304ea6c4500bed9c83ef 100644 --- a/l10n/sl/core.po +++ b/l10n/sl/core.po @@ -11,8 +11,8 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.owncloud.org/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-15 00:03+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-01-14 23:03+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-29 00:04+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-01-28 23:05+0000\n" "Last-Translator: I Robot <owncloud-bot@tmit.eu>\n" "Language-Team: Slovenian (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/owncloud/language/sl/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" @@ -83,59 +83,135 @@ msgstr "Za izbris ni izbrana nobena kategorija." msgid "Error removing %s from favorites." msgstr "Napaka pri odstranjevanju %s iz priljubljenih." -#: js/js.js:259 templates/layout.user.php:60 templates/layout.user.php:61 +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Sunday" +msgstr "nedelja" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Monday" +msgstr "ponedeljek" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Tuesday" +msgstr "torek" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Wednesday" +msgstr "sreda" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Thursday" +msgstr "Äetrtek" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Friday" +msgstr "petek" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Saturday" +msgstr "sobota" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "January" +msgstr "januar" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "February" +msgstr "februar" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "March" +msgstr "marec" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "April" +msgstr "april" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "May" +msgstr "maj" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "June" +msgstr "junij" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "July" +msgstr "julij" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "August" +msgstr "avgust" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "September" +msgstr "september" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "October" +msgstr "oktober" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "November" +msgstr "november" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "December" +msgstr "december" + +#: js/js.js:280 templates/layout.user.php:47 templates/layout.user.php:48 msgid "Settings" msgstr "Nastavitve" -#: js/js.js:711 +#: js/js.js:762 msgid "seconds ago" msgstr "pred nekaj sekundami" -#: js/js.js:712 +#: js/js.js:763 msgid "1 minute ago" msgstr "pred minuto" -#: js/js.js:713 +#: js/js.js:764 msgid "{minutes} minutes ago" msgstr "pred {minutes} minutami" -#: js/js.js:714 +#: js/js.js:765 msgid "1 hour ago" msgstr "pred 1 uro" -#: js/js.js:715 +#: js/js.js:766 msgid "{hours} hours ago" msgstr "pred {hours} urami" -#: js/js.js:716 +#: js/js.js:767 msgid "today" msgstr "danes" -#: js/js.js:717 +#: js/js.js:768 msgid "yesterday" msgstr "vÄeraj" -#: js/js.js:718 +#: js/js.js:769 msgid "{days} days ago" msgstr "pred {days} dnevi" -#: js/js.js:719 +#: js/js.js:770 msgid "last month" msgstr "zadnji mesec" -#: js/js.js:720 +#: js/js.js:771 msgid "{months} months ago" msgstr "pred {months} meseci" -#: js/js.js:721 +#: js/js.js:772 msgid "months ago" msgstr "mesecev nazaj" -#: js/js.js:722 +#: js/js.js:773 msgid "last year" msgstr "lansko leto" -#: js/js.js:723 +#: js/js.js:774 msgid "years ago" msgstr "let nazaj" @@ -294,6 +370,17 @@ msgstr "PoÅ¡iljam ..." msgid "Email sent" msgstr "E-poÅ¡ta je bila poslana" +#: js/update.js:14 +msgid "" +"The update was unsuccessful. Please report this issue to the <a " +"href=\"https://github.com/owncloud/core/issues\" target=\"_blank\">ownCloud " +"community</a>." +msgstr "" + +#: js/update.js:18 +msgid "The update was successful. Redirecting you to ownCloud now." +msgstr "" + #: lostpassword/controller.php:47 msgid "ownCloud password reset" msgstr "Ponastavitev gesla ownCloud" @@ -445,87 +532,11 @@ msgstr "Gostitelj podatkovne zbirke" msgid "Finish setup" msgstr "DokonÄaj namestitev" -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Sunday" -msgstr "nedelja" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Monday" -msgstr "ponedeljek" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Tuesday" -msgstr "torek" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Wednesday" -msgstr "sreda" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Thursday" -msgstr "Äetrtek" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Friday" -msgstr "petek" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Saturday" -msgstr "sobota" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "January" -msgstr "januar" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "February" -msgstr "februar" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "March" -msgstr "marec" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "April" -msgstr "april" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "May" -msgstr "maj" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "June" -msgstr "junij" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "July" -msgstr "julij" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "August" -msgstr "avgust" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "September" -msgstr "september" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "October" -msgstr "oktober" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "November" -msgstr "november" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "December" -msgstr "december" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:42 +#: templates/layout.guest.php:34 msgid "web services under your control" msgstr "spletne storitve pod vaÅ¡im nadzorom" -#: templates/layout.user.php:45 +#: templates/layout.user.php:32 msgid "Log out" msgstr "Odjava" diff --git a/l10n/sr/core.po b/l10n/sr/core.po index 720d77429fdb85ca3695f1d669642276e8c731d2..b20cc90c5802f17e55b82eb6323b1ad11a87a667 100644 --- a/l10n/sr/core.po +++ b/l10n/sr/core.po @@ -10,9 +10,9 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.owncloud.org/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-24 00:06+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-01-23 08:26+0000\n" -"Last-Translator: Ivan Petrović <ivan@ipplusstudio.com>\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-29 00:04+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-01-28 23:05+0000\n" +"Last-Translator: I Robot <owncloud-bot@tmit.eu>\n" "Language-Team: Serbian (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/owncloud/language/sr/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" @@ -82,59 +82,135 @@ msgstr "Ðи једна категорија није означена за бр msgid "Error removing %s from favorites." msgstr "Грешка приликом уклањања %s из омиљених" -#: js/js.js:259 templates/layout.user.php:60 templates/layout.user.php:61 +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Sunday" +msgstr "Ðедеља" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Monday" +msgstr "Понедељак" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Tuesday" +msgstr "Уторак" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Wednesday" +msgstr "Среда" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Thursday" +msgstr "Четвртак" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Friday" +msgstr "Петак" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Saturday" +msgstr "Субота" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "January" +msgstr "Јануар" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "February" +msgstr "Фебруар" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "March" +msgstr "Март" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "April" +msgstr "Ðприл" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "May" +msgstr "Мај" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "June" +msgstr "Јун" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "July" +msgstr "Јул" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "August" +msgstr "ÐвгуÑÑ‚" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "September" +msgstr "Септембар" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "October" +msgstr "Октобар" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "November" +msgstr "Ðовембар" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "December" +msgstr "Децембар" + +#: js/js.js:280 templates/layout.user.php:47 templates/layout.user.php:48 msgid "Settings" msgstr "Подешавања" -#: js/js.js:706 +#: js/js.js:762 msgid "seconds ago" msgstr "пре неколико Ñекунди" -#: js/js.js:707 +#: js/js.js:763 msgid "1 minute ago" msgstr "пре 1 минут" -#: js/js.js:708 +#: js/js.js:764 msgid "{minutes} minutes ago" msgstr "пре {minutes} минута" -#: js/js.js:709 +#: js/js.js:765 msgid "1 hour ago" msgstr "Пре једног Ñата" -#: js/js.js:710 +#: js/js.js:766 msgid "{hours} hours ago" msgstr "Пре {hours} Ñата (Ñати)" -#: js/js.js:711 +#: js/js.js:767 msgid "today" msgstr "данаÑ" -#: js/js.js:712 +#: js/js.js:768 msgid "yesterday" msgstr "јуче" -#: js/js.js:713 +#: js/js.js:769 msgid "{days} days ago" msgstr "пре {days} дана" -#: js/js.js:714 +#: js/js.js:770 msgid "last month" msgstr "прошлог меÑеца" -#: js/js.js:715 +#: js/js.js:771 msgid "{months} months ago" msgstr "Пре {months} меÑеца (меÑеци)" -#: js/js.js:716 +#: js/js.js:772 msgid "months ago" msgstr "меÑеци раније" -#: js/js.js:717 +#: js/js.js:773 msgid "last year" msgstr "прошле године" -#: js/js.js:718 +#: js/js.js:774 msgid "years ago" msgstr "година раније" @@ -293,6 +369,17 @@ msgstr "Шаљем..." msgid "Email sent" msgstr "Порука је поÑлата" +#: js/update.js:14 +msgid "" +"The update was unsuccessful. Please report this issue to the <a " +"href=\"https://github.com/owncloud/core/issues\" target=\"_blank\">ownCloud " +"community</a>." +msgstr "" + +#: js/update.js:18 +msgid "The update was successful. Redirecting you to ownCloud now." +msgstr "" + #: lostpassword/controller.php:47 msgid "ownCloud password reset" msgstr "Поништавање лозинке за ownCloud" @@ -444,87 +531,11 @@ msgstr "Домаћин базе" msgid "Finish setup" msgstr "Заврши подешавање" -#: templates/layout.guest.php:15 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Sunday" -msgstr "Ðедеља" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:15 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Monday" -msgstr "Понедељак" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:15 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Tuesday" -msgstr "Уторак" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:15 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Wednesday" -msgstr "Среда" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:15 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Thursday" -msgstr "Четвртак" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:15 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Friday" -msgstr "Петак" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:15 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Saturday" -msgstr "Субота" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "January" -msgstr "Јануар" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "February" -msgstr "Фебруар" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "March" -msgstr "Март" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "April" -msgstr "Ðприл" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "May" -msgstr "Мај" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "June" -msgstr "Јун" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "July" -msgstr "Јул" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "August" -msgstr "ÐвгуÑÑ‚" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "September" -msgstr "Септембар" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "October" -msgstr "Октобар" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "November" -msgstr "Ðовембар" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "December" -msgstr "Децембар" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:41 +#: templates/layout.guest.php:34 msgid "web services under your control" msgstr "веб ÑервиÑи под контролом" -#: templates/layout.user.php:45 +#: templates/layout.user.php:32 msgid "Log out" msgstr "Одјава" diff --git a/l10n/sr@latin/core.po b/l10n/sr@latin/core.po index 2cd55d70441441f4d45f4754d8d89f4d6c52a841..3b5e12b70b8c1568be736069997b00cc24b5328c 100644 --- a/l10n/sr@latin/core.po +++ b/l10n/sr@latin/core.po @@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.owncloud.org/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-15 00:03+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-01-14 23:03+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-29 00:04+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-01-28 23:05+0000\n" "Last-Translator: I Robot <owncloud-bot@tmit.eu>\n" "Language-Team: Serbian (Latin) (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/owncloud/language/sr@latin/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" @@ -80,59 +80,135 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Error removing %s from favorites." msgstr "" -#: js/js.js:259 templates/layout.user.php:60 templates/layout.user.php:61 +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Sunday" +msgstr "Nedelja" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Monday" +msgstr "Ponedeljak" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Tuesday" +msgstr "Utorak" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Wednesday" +msgstr "Sreda" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Thursday" +msgstr "ÄŒetvrtak" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Friday" +msgstr "Petak" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Saturday" +msgstr "Subota" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "January" +msgstr "Januar" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "February" +msgstr "Februar" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "March" +msgstr "Mart" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "April" +msgstr "April" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "May" +msgstr "Maj" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "June" +msgstr "Jun" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "July" +msgstr "Jul" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "August" +msgstr "Avgust" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "September" +msgstr "Septembar" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "October" +msgstr "Oktobar" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "November" +msgstr "Novembar" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "December" +msgstr "Decembar" + +#: js/js.js:280 templates/layout.user.php:47 templates/layout.user.php:48 msgid "Settings" msgstr "PodeÅ¡avanja" -#: js/js.js:711 +#: js/js.js:762 msgid "seconds ago" msgstr "" -#: js/js.js:712 +#: js/js.js:763 msgid "1 minute ago" msgstr "" -#: js/js.js:713 +#: js/js.js:764 msgid "{minutes} minutes ago" msgstr "" -#: js/js.js:714 +#: js/js.js:765 msgid "1 hour ago" msgstr "" -#: js/js.js:715 +#: js/js.js:766 msgid "{hours} hours ago" msgstr "" -#: js/js.js:716 +#: js/js.js:767 msgid "today" msgstr "" -#: js/js.js:717 +#: js/js.js:768 msgid "yesterday" msgstr "" -#: js/js.js:718 +#: js/js.js:769 msgid "{days} days ago" msgstr "" -#: js/js.js:719 +#: js/js.js:770 msgid "last month" msgstr "" -#: js/js.js:720 +#: js/js.js:771 msgid "{months} months ago" msgstr "" -#: js/js.js:721 +#: js/js.js:772 msgid "months ago" msgstr "" -#: js/js.js:722 +#: js/js.js:773 msgid "last year" msgstr "" -#: js/js.js:723 +#: js/js.js:774 msgid "years ago" msgstr "" @@ -291,6 +367,17 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Email sent" msgstr "" +#: js/update.js:14 +msgid "" +"The update was unsuccessful. Please report this issue to the <a " +"href=\"https://github.com/owncloud/core/issues\" target=\"_blank\">ownCloud " +"community</a>." +msgstr "" + +#: js/update.js:18 +msgid "The update was successful. Redirecting you to ownCloud now." +msgstr "" + #: lostpassword/controller.php:47 msgid "ownCloud password reset" msgstr "" @@ -442,87 +529,11 @@ msgstr "Domaćin baze" msgid "Finish setup" msgstr "ZavrÅ¡i podeÅ¡avanje" -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Sunday" -msgstr "Nedelja" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Monday" -msgstr "Ponedeljak" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Tuesday" -msgstr "Utorak" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Wednesday" -msgstr "Sreda" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Thursday" -msgstr "ÄŒetvrtak" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Friday" -msgstr "Petak" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Saturday" -msgstr "Subota" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "January" -msgstr "Januar" - 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-#: templates/layout.guest.php:42 +#: templates/layout.guest.php:34 msgid "web services under your control" msgstr "" -#: templates/layout.user.php:45 +#: templates/layout.user.php:32 msgid "Log out" msgstr "Odjava" diff --git a/l10n/sv/core.po b/l10n/sv/core.po index 799ca43b10bdaa7e0c87fe7a20aa0d9bc7a404be..9ed140b8569a0b39a76984d2351b050d62c3ff2f 100644 --- a/l10n/sv/core.po +++ b/l10n/sv/core.po @@ -13,8 +13,8 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.owncloud.org/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-15 00:03+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-01-14 23:03+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-29 00:04+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-01-28 23:05+0000\n" "Last-Translator: I Robot <owncloud-bot@tmit.eu>\n" "Language-Team: Swedish (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/owncloud/language/sv/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" @@ -85,59 +85,135 @@ msgstr "Inga kategorier valda för radering." msgid "Error removing %s from favorites." msgstr "Fel vid borttagning av %s frÃ¥n favoriter." -#: js/js.js:259 templates/layout.user.php:60 templates/layout.user.php:61 +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Sunday" +msgstr "Söndag" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Monday" +msgstr "MÃ¥ndag" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Tuesday" +msgstr "Tisdag" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Wednesday" +msgstr "Onsdag" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Thursday" +msgstr "Torsdag" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Friday" +msgstr "Fredag" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Saturday" +msgstr "Lördag" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "January" +msgstr "Januari" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "February" +msgstr "Februari" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "March" +msgstr "Mars" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "April" +msgstr "April" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "May" +msgstr "Maj" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "June" +msgstr "Juni" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "July" +msgstr "Juli" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "August" +msgstr "Augusti" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "September" +msgstr "September" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "October" +msgstr "Oktober" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "November" +msgstr "November" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "December" +msgstr "December" + +#: js/js.js:280 templates/layout.user.php:47 templates/layout.user.php:48 msgid "Settings" msgstr "Inställningar" -#: js/js.js:711 +#: js/js.js:762 msgid "seconds ago" msgstr "sekunder sedan" -#: js/js.js:712 +#: js/js.js:763 msgid "1 minute ago" msgstr "1 minut sedan" -#: js/js.js:713 +#: js/js.js:764 msgid "{minutes} minutes ago" msgstr "{minutes} minuter sedan" -#: js/js.js:714 +#: js/js.js:765 msgid "1 hour ago" msgstr "1 timme sedan" -#: js/js.js:715 +#: js/js.js:766 msgid "{hours} hours ago" msgstr "{hours} timmar sedan" -#: js/js.js:716 +#: js/js.js:767 msgid "today" msgstr "i dag" -#: js/js.js:717 +#: js/js.js:768 msgid "yesterday" msgstr "i gÃ¥r" -#: js/js.js:718 +#: js/js.js:769 msgid "{days} days ago" msgstr "{days} dagar sedan" -#: js/js.js:719 +#: js/js.js:770 msgid "last month" msgstr "förra mÃ¥naden" -#: js/js.js:720 +#: js/js.js:771 msgid "{months} months ago" msgstr "{months} mÃ¥nader sedan" -#: js/js.js:721 +#: js/js.js:772 msgid "months ago" msgstr "mÃ¥nader sedan" -#: js/js.js:722 +#: js/js.js:773 msgid "last year" msgstr "förra Ã¥ret" -#: js/js.js:723 +#: js/js.js:774 msgid "years ago" msgstr "Ã¥r sedan" @@ -296,6 +372,17 @@ msgstr "Skickar ..." msgid "Email sent" msgstr "E-post skickat" +#: js/update.js:14 +msgid "" +"The update was unsuccessful. Please report this issue to the <a " +"href=\"https://github.com/owncloud/core/issues\" target=\"_blank\">ownCloud " +"community</a>." +msgstr "" + +#: js/update.js:18 +msgid "The update was successful. Redirecting you to ownCloud now." +msgstr "" + #: lostpassword/controller.php:47 msgid "ownCloud password reset" msgstr "ownCloud lösenordsÃ¥terställning" @@ -447,87 +534,11 @@ msgstr "Databasserver" msgid "Finish setup" msgstr "Avsluta installation" -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Sunday" -msgstr "Söndag" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Monday" -msgstr "MÃ¥ndag" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Tuesday" -msgstr "Tisdag" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Wednesday" -msgstr "Onsdag" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Thursday" -msgstr "Torsdag" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Friday" -msgstr "Fredag" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Saturday" -msgstr "Lördag" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "January" -msgstr "Januari" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "February" -msgstr "Februari" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "March" -msgstr "Mars" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "April" -msgstr "April" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "May" -msgstr "Maj" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "June" -msgstr "Juni" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "July" -msgstr "Juli" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "August" -msgstr "Augusti" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "September" -msgstr "September" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "October" -msgstr "Oktober" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "November" -msgstr "November" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "December" -msgstr "December" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:42 +#: templates/layout.guest.php:34 msgid "web services under your control" msgstr "webbtjänster under din kontroll" -#: templates/layout.user.php:45 +#: templates/layout.user.php:32 msgid "Log out" msgstr "Logga ut" diff --git a/l10n/ta_LK/core.po b/l10n/ta_LK/core.po index 83a4981f2ef544520ae391a3e79d75ae2e51ea71..e4affb52400a843f78f679638c8f17aff2ff7c4b 100644 --- a/l10n/ta_LK/core.po +++ b/l10n/ta_LK/core.po @@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.owncloud.org/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-15 00:03+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-01-14 23:03+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-29 00:04+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-01-28 23:05+0000\n" "Last-Translator: I Robot <owncloud-bot@tmit.eu>\n" "Language-Team: Tamil (Sri-Lanka) (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/owncloud/language/ta_LK/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" @@ -80,59 +80,135 @@ msgstr "நீகà¯à®•à¯à®µà®¤à®±à¯à®•à¯ எநà¯à®¤à®ªà¯ பிரிவ msgid "Error removing %s from favorites." msgstr "விரà¯à®ªà¯à®ªà®¤à¯à®¤à®¿à®²à®¿à®°à¯à®¨à¯à®¤à¯ %s ஠அகறà¯à®±à¯à®µà®¤à®¿à®²à¯ வழà¯.உஇஇ" -#: js/js.js:259 templates/layout.user.php:60 templates/layout.user.php:61 +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Sunday" +msgstr "ஞாயிறà¯à®±à¯à®•à¯à®•à®¿à®´à®®à¯ˆ" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Monday" +msgstr "திஙà¯à®•à®Ÿà¯à®•à®¿à®´à®®à¯ˆ" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Tuesday" +msgstr "செவà¯à®µà®¾à®¯à¯à®•à¯à®•à®¿à®´à®®à¯ˆ" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Wednesday" +msgstr "பà¯à®¤à®©à¯à®•à®¿à®´à®®à¯ˆ" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Thursday" +msgstr "வியாழகà¯à®•à®¿à®´à®®à¯ˆ" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Friday" +msgstr "வெளà¯à®³à®¿à®•à¯à®•à®¿à®´à®®à¯ˆ" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Saturday" +msgstr "சனிகà¯à®•à®¿à®´à®®à¯ˆ" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "January" +msgstr "தை" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "February" +msgstr "மாசி" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "March" +msgstr "பஙà¯à®•à¯à®©à®¿" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "April" +msgstr "சிதà¯à®¤à®¿à®°à¯ˆ" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "May" +msgstr "வைகாசி" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "June" +msgstr "ஆனி" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "July" +msgstr "ஆடி" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "August" +msgstr "ஆவணி" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "September" +msgstr "பà¯à®°à®Ÿà¯à®Ÿà®¾à®šà®¿" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "October" +msgstr "à®à®ªà¯à®ªà®šà®¿" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "November" +msgstr "காரà¯à®¤à¯à®¤à®¿à®•à¯ˆ" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "December" +msgstr "மாரà¯à®•à®´à®¿" + +#: js/js.js:280 templates/layout.user.php:47 templates/layout.user.php:48 msgid "Settings" msgstr "அமைபà¯à®ªà¯à®•à®³à¯" -#: js/js.js:711 +#: js/js.js:762 msgid "seconds ago" msgstr "செகà¯à®•à®©à¯à®•à®³à¯à®•à¯à®•à¯ à®®à¯à®©à¯" -#: js/js.js:712 +#: js/js.js:763 msgid "1 minute ago" msgstr "1 நிமிடதà¯à®¤à®¿à®±à¯à®•à¯ à®®à¯à®©à¯ " -#: js/js.js:713 +#: js/js.js:764 msgid "{minutes} minutes ago" msgstr "{நிமிடஙà¯à®•à®³à¯} நிமிடஙà¯à®•à®³à¯à®•à¯à®•à¯ à®®à¯à®©à¯ " -#: js/js.js:714 +#: js/js.js:765 msgid "1 hour ago" msgstr "1 மணிதà¯à®¤à®¿à®¯à®¾à®²à®¤à¯à®¤à®¿à®±à¯à®•à¯ à®®à¯à®©à¯" -#: js/js.js:715 +#: js/js.js:766 msgid "{hours} hours ago" msgstr "{மணிதà¯à®¤à®¿à®¯à®¾à®²à®™à¯à®•à®³à¯} மணிதà¯à®¤à®¿à®¯à®¾à®²à®™à¯à®•à®³à®¿à®±à¯à®•à¯ à®®à¯à®©à¯" -#: js/js.js:716 +#: js/js.js:767 msgid "today" msgstr "இனà¯à®±à¯" -#: js/js.js:717 +#: js/js.js:768 msgid "yesterday" msgstr "நேறà¯à®±à¯" -#: js/js.js:718 +#: js/js.js:769 msgid "{days} days ago" msgstr "{நாடà¯à®•à®³à¯} நாடà¯à®•à®³à¯à®•à¯à®•à¯ à®®à¯à®©à¯" -#: js/js.js:719 +#: js/js.js:770 msgid "last month" msgstr "கடநà¯à®¤ மாதமà¯" -#: js/js.js:720 +#: js/js.js:771 msgid "{months} months ago" msgstr "{மாதஙà¯à®•à®³à¯} மாதஙà¯à®•à®³à®¿à®±à¯à®•à¯ à®®à¯à®©à¯" -#: js/js.js:721 +#: js/js.js:772 msgid "months ago" msgstr "மாதஙà¯à®•à®³à¯à®•à¯à®•à¯ à®®à¯à®©à¯" -#: js/js.js:722 +#: js/js.js:773 msgid "last year" msgstr "கடநà¯à®¤ வரà¯à®Ÿà®®à¯" -#: js/js.js:723 +#: js/js.js:774 msgid "years ago" msgstr "வரà¯à®Ÿà®™à¯à®•à®³à¯à®•à¯à®•à¯ à®®à¯à®©à¯" @@ -291,6 +367,17 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Email sent" msgstr "" +#: js/update.js:14 +msgid "" +"The update was unsuccessful. Please report this issue to the <a " +"href=\"https://github.com/owncloud/core/issues\" target=\"_blank\">ownCloud " +"community</a>." +msgstr "" + +#: js/update.js:18 +msgid "The update was successful. Redirecting you to ownCloud now." +msgstr "" + #: lostpassword/controller.php:47 msgid "ownCloud password reset" msgstr "ownCloud இன௠கடவà¯à®šà¯à®šà¯Šà®²à¯ மீளமைபà¯à®ªà¯" @@ -442,87 +529,11 @@ msgstr "தரவà¯à®¤à¯à®¤à®³ ஓமà¯à®ªà¯à®©à®°à¯" msgid "Finish setup" msgstr "அமைபà¯à®ªà¯ˆ à®®à¯à®Ÿà®¿à®•à¯à®•" -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Sunday" -msgstr "ஞாயிறà¯à®±à¯à®•à¯à®•à®¿à®´à®®à¯ˆ" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Monday" -msgstr "திஙà¯à®•à®Ÿà¯à®•à®¿à®´à®®à¯ˆ" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Tuesday" -msgstr "செவà¯à®µà®¾à®¯à¯à®•à¯à®•à®¿à®´à®®à¯ˆ" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Wednesday" -msgstr "பà¯à®¤à®©à¯à®•à®¿à®´à®®à¯ˆ" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Thursday" -msgstr "வியாழகà¯à®•à®¿à®´à®®à¯ˆ" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Friday" -msgstr "வெளà¯à®³à®¿à®•à¯à®•à®¿à®´à®®à¯ˆ" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Saturday" -msgstr "சனிகà¯à®•à®¿à®´à®®à¯ˆ" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "January" -msgstr "தை" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "February" -msgstr "மாசி" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "March" -msgstr "பஙà¯à®•à¯à®©à®¿" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "April" -msgstr "சிதà¯à®¤à®¿à®°à¯ˆ" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "May" -msgstr "வைகாசி" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "June" -msgstr "ஆனி" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "July" -msgstr "ஆடி" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "August" -msgstr "ஆவணி" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "September" -msgstr "பà¯à®°à®Ÿà¯à®Ÿà®¾à®šà®¿" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "October" -msgstr "à®à®ªà¯à®ªà®šà®¿" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "November" -msgstr "காரà¯à®¤à¯à®¤à®¿à®•à¯ˆ" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "December" -msgstr "மாரà¯à®•à®´à®¿" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:42 +#: templates/layout.guest.php:34 msgid "web services under your control" msgstr "உஙà¯à®•à®³à¯ கடà¯à®Ÿà¯à®ªà¯à®ªà®¾à®Ÿà¯à®Ÿà®¿à®©à¯ கீழ௠இணைய சேவைகளà¯" -#: templates/layout.user.php:45 +#: templates/layout.user.php:32 msgid "Log out" msgstr "விடà¯à®ªà®¤à®¿à®•à¯ˆ செயà¯à®•" diff --git a/l10n/templates/core.pot b/l10n/templates/core.pot index cc71773a4b166c21f8f0f30cbef9cb831c22b372..3d943223f0d957799bc41b226adaf689b66b9172 100644 --- a/l10n/templates/core.pot +++ b/l10n/templates/core.pot @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-28 00:05+0100\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-29 00:04+0100\n" "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" "Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n" "Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\n" @@ -79,79 +79,79 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Error removing %s from favorites." msgstr "" -#: js/config.php:28 +#: js/config.php:32 msgid "Sunday" msgstr "" -#: js/config.php:28 +#: js/config.php:32 msgid "Monday" msgstr "" -#: js/config.php:28 +#: js/config.php:32 msgid "Tuesday" msgstr "" -#: js/config.php:28 +#: js/config.php:32 msgid "Wednesday" msgstr "" -#: js/config.php:28 +#: js/config.php:32 msgid "Thursday" msgstr "" -#: js/config.php:28 +#: js/config.php:32 msgid "Friday" msgstr "" -#: js/config.php:28 +#: js/config.php:32 msgid "Saturday" msgstr "" -#: js/config.php:29 +#: js/config.php:33 msgid "January" msgstr "" -#: js/config.php:29 +#: js/config.php:33 msgid "February" msgstr "" -#: js/config.php:29 +#: js/config.php:33 msgid "March" msgstr "" -#: js/config.php:29 +#: js/config.php:33 msgid "April" msgstr "" -#: js/config.php:29 +#: js/config.php:33 msgid "May" msgstr "" -#: js/config.php:29 +#: js/config.php:33 msgid "June" msgstr "" -#: js/config.php:29 +#: js/config.php:33 msgid "July" msgstr "" -#: js/config.php:29 +#: js/config.php:33 msgid "August" msgstr "" -#: js/config.php:29 +#: js/config.php:33 msgid "September" msgstr "" -#: js/config.php:29 +#: js/config.php:33 msgid "October" msgstr "" -#: js/config.php:29 +#: js/config.php:33 msgid "November" msgstr "" -#: js/config.php:29 +#: js/config.php:33 msgid "December" msgstr "" @@ -366,6 +366,17 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Email sent" msgstr "" +#: js/update.js:14 +msgid "" +"The update was unsuccessful. Please report this issue to the <a href=" +"\"https://github.com/owncloud/core/issues\" target=\"_blank\">ownCloud " +"community</a>." +msgstr "" + +#: js/update.js:18 +msgid "The update was successful. Redirecting you to ownCloud now." +msgstr "" + #: lostpassword/controller.php:47 msgid "ownCloud password reset" msgstr "" diff --git a/l10n/templates/files.pot b/l10n/templates/files.pot index aa1b511738c1f801266f9af88f470a8faccbc33b..45cf84e08bcf150762f507b1e34c5f1fb6132753 100644 --- a/l10n/templates/files.pot +++ b/l10n/templates/files.pot @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-28 00:04+0100\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-29 00:04+0100\n" "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" "Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n" "Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\n" diff --git a/l10n/templates/files_encryption.pot b/l10n/templates/files_encryption.pot index c50eca3bc9bf3fe1bb1fd3976a01f2a61eb8cddf..b955d636f96c0aa7cddf9c326f77eaa8e5f629a4 100644 --- a/l10n/templates/files_encryption.pot +++ b/l10n/templates/files_encryption.pot @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: 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Please report this issue to the <a " +"href=\"https://github.com/owncloud/core/issues\" target=\"_blank\">ownCloud " +"community</a>." +msgstr "" + +#: js/update.js:18 +msgid "The update was successful. Redirecting you to ownCloud now." +msgstr "" + #: lostpassword/controller.php:47 msgid "ownCloud password reset" msgstr "รีเซ็ตรหัสผ่าน ownCloud" @@ -443,87 +530,11 @@ msgstr "Database host" msgid "Finish setup" msgstr "ติดตั้งเรียบร้à¸à¸¢à¹à¸¥à¹‰à¸§" -#: templates/layout.guest.php:15 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Sunday" -msgstr "วันà¸à¸²à¸—ิตย์" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:15 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Monday" -msgstr "วันจันทร์" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:15 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Tuesday" -msgstr "วันà¸à¸±à¸‡à¸„าร" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:15 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Wednesday" -msgstr "วันพุธ" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:15 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Thursday" -msgstr "วันพฤหัสบดี" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:15 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Friday" -msgstr "วันศุà¸à¸£à¹Œ" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:15 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Saturday" -msgstr "วันเสาร์" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "January" -msgstr "มà¸à¸£à¸²à¸„ม" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "February" -msgstr "à¸à¸¸à¸¡à¸ าพันธ์" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "March" -msgstr "มีนาคม" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "April" -msgstr "เมษายน" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "May" -msgstr "พฤษภาคม" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "June" -msgstr "มิถุนายน" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "July" -msgstr "à¸à¸£à¸à¸à¸²à¸„ม" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "August" -msgstr "สิงหาคม" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "September" -msgstr "à¸à¸±à¸™à¸¢à¸²à¸¢à¸™" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "October" -msgstr "ตุลาคม" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "November" -msgstr "พฤศจิà¸à¸²à¸¢à¸™" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "December" -msgstr "ธันวาคม" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:41 +#: templates/layout.guest.php:34 msgid "web services under your control" msgstr "web services under your control" -#: templates/layout.user.php:45 +#: templates/layout.user.php:32 msgid "Log out" msgstr "à¸à¸à¸à¸ˆà¸²à¸à¸£à¸°à¸šà¸š" diff --git a/l10n/tr/core.po b/l10n/tr/core.po index b35d17c7b5dc274d409707fce7b130f1b6fb25d3..8827a9587dec3fc8ac6988df3a291731702ee622 100644 --- a/l10n/tr/core.po +++ b/l10n/tr/core.po @@ -12,9 +12,9 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.owncloud.org/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-23 00:05+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-01-22 23:04+0000\n" -"Last-Translator: ismail yenigül <ismail.yenigul@surgate.com>\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-29 00:04+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-01-28 23:05+0000\n" +"Last-Translator: I Robot <owncloud-bot@tmit.eu>\n" "Language-Team: Turkish (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/owncloud/language/tr/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" @@ -84,59 +84,135 @@ msgstr "Silmek için bir kategori seçilmedi" msgid "Error removing %s from favorites." msgstr "%s favorilere çıkarılırken hata oluÅŸtu" -#: js/js.js:259 templates/layout.user.php:60 templates/layout.user.php:61 +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Sunday" +msgstr "Pazar" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Monday" +msgstr "Pazartesi" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Tuesday" +msgstr "Salı" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Wednesday" +msgstr "ÇarÅŸamba" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Thursday" +msgstr "PerÅŸembe" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Friday" +msgstr "Cuma" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Saturday" +msgstr "Cumartesi" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "January" +msgstr "Ocak" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "February" +msgstr "Åžubat" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "March" +msgstr "Mart" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "April" +msgstr "Nisan" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "May" +msgstr "Mayıs" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "June" +msgstr "Haziran" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "July" +msgstr "Temmuz" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "August" +msgstr "AÄŸustos" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "September" +msgstr "Eylül" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "October" +msgstr "Ekim" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "November" +msgstr "Kasım" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "December" +msgstr "Aralık" + +#: js/js.js:280 templates/layout.user.php:47 templates/layout.user.php:48 msgid "Settings" msgstr "Ayarlar" -#: js/js.js:706 +#: js/js.js:762 msgid "seconds ago" msgstr "saniye önce" -#: js/js.js:707 +#: js/js.js:763 msgid "1 minute ago" msgstr "1 dakika önce" -#: js/js.js:708 +#: js/js.js:764 msgid "{minutes} minutes ago" msgstr "{minutes} dakika önce" -#: js/js.js:709 +#: js/js.js:765 msgid "1 hour ago" msgstr "1 saat önce" -#: js/js.js:710 +#: js/js.js:766 msgid "{hours} hours ago" msgstr "{hours} saat önce" -#: js/js.js:711 +#: js/js.js:767 msgid "today" msgstr "bugün" -#: js/js.js:712 +#: js/js.js:768 msgid "yesterday" msgstr "dün" -#: js/js.js:713 +#: js/js.js:769 msgid "{days} days ago" msgstr "{days} gün önce" -#: js/js.js:714 +#: js/js.js:770 msgid "last month" msgstr "geçen ay" -#: js/js.js:715 +#: js/js.js:771 msgid "{months} months ago" msgstr "{months} ay önce" -#: js/js.js:716 +#: js/js.js:772 msgid "months ago" msgstr "ay önce" -#: js/js.js:717 +#: js/js.js:773 msgid "last year" msgstr "geçen yıl" -#: js/js.js:718 +#: js/js.js:774 msgid "years ago" msgstr "yıl önce" @@ -295,6 +371,17 @@ msgstr "Gönderiliyor..." msgid "Email sent" msgstr "Eposta gönderildi" +#: js/update.js:14 +msgid "" +"The update was unsuccessful. Please report this issue to the <a " +"href=\"https://github.com/owncloud/core/issues\" target=\"_blank\">ownCloud " +"community</a>." +msgstr "" + +#: js/update.js:18 +msgid "The update was successful. Redirecting you to ownCloud now." +msgstr "" + #: lostpassword/controller.php:47 msgid "ownCloud password reset" msgstr "ownCloud parola sıfırlama" @@ -446,87 +533,11 @@ msgstr "Veritabanı sunucusu" msgid "Finish setup" msgstr "Kurulumu tamamla" -#: templates/layout.guest.php:15 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Sunday" -msgstr "Pazar" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:15 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Monday" -msgstr "Pazartesi" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:15 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Tuesday" -msgstr "Salı" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:15 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Wednesday" -msgstr "ÇarÅŸamba" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:15 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Thursday" -msgstr "PerÅŸembe" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:15 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Friday" -msgstr "Cuma" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:15 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Saturday" -msgstr "Cumartesi" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "January" -msgstr "Ocak" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "February" -msgstr "Åžubat" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "March" -msgstr "Mart" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "April" -msgstr "Nisan" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "May" -msgstr "Mayıs" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "June" -msgstr "Haziran" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "July" -msgstr "Temmuz" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "August" -msgstr "AÄŸustos" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "September" -msgstr "Eylül" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "October" -msgstr "Ekim" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "November" -msgstr "Kasım" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "December" -msgstr "Aralık" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:41 +#: templates/layout.guest.php:34 msgid "web services under your control" msgstr "kontrolünüzdeki web servisleri" -#: templates/layout.user.php:45 +#: templates/layout.user.php:32 msgid "Log out" msgstr "Çıkış yap" diff --git a/l10n/uk/core.po b/l10n/uk/core.po index 21be89f3a4814f19fd4301b7cbef6d5d1a47718f..c6bfb2dcd92919022bfafd53c6e7bc3730f517c6 100644 --- a/l10n/uk/core.po +++ b/l10n/uk/core.po @@ -12,9 +12,9 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.owncloud.org/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-18 00:03+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-01-17 13:18+0000\n" -"Last-Translator: volodya327 <volodya327@gmail.com>\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-29 00:04+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-01-28 23:05+0000\n" +"Last-Translator: I Robot <owncloud-bot@tmit.eu>\n" "Language-Team: Ukrainian (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/owncloud/language/uk/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" @@ -84,59 +84,135 @@ msgstr "Жодної категорії не обрано Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð²Ð¸Ð´Ð°Ð»ÐµÐ½ msgid "Error removing %s from favorites." msgstr "Помилка при видалені %s із обраного." -#: js/js.js:259 templates/layout.user.php:60 templates/layout.user.php:61 +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Sunday" +msgstr "ÐеділÑ" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Monday" +msgstr "Понеділок" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Tuesday" +msgstr "Вівторок" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Wednesday" +msgstr "Середа" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Thursday" +msgstr "Четвер" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Friday" +msgstr "П'ÑтницÑ" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Saturday" +msgstr "Субота" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "January" +msgstr "Січень" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "February" +msgstr "Лютий" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "March" +msgstr "Березень" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "April" +msgstr "Квітень" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "May" +msgstr "Травень" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "June" +msgstr "Червень" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "July" +msgstr "Липень" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "August" +msgstr "Серпень" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "September" +msgstr "ВереÑень" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "October" +msgstr "Жовтень" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "November" +msgstr "ЛиÑтопад" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "December" +msgstr "Грудень" + +#: js/js.js:280 templates/layout.user.php:47 templates/layout.user.php:48 msgid "Settings" msgstr "ÐалаштуваннÑ" -#: js/js.js:706 +#: js/js.js:762 msgid "seconds ago" msgstr "Ñекунди тому" -#: js/js.js:707 +#: js/js.js:763 msgid "1 minute ago" msgstr "1 хвилину тому" -#: js/js.js:708 +#: js/js.js:764 msgid "{minutes} minutes ago" msgstr "{minutes} хвилин тому" -#: js/js.js:709 +#: js/js.js:765 msgid "1 hour ago" msgstr "1 годину тому" -#: js/js.js:710 +#: js/js.js:766 msgid "{hours} hours ago" msgstr "{hours} години тому" -#: js/js.js:711 +#: js/js.js:767 msgid "today" msgstr "Ñьогодні" -#: js/js.js:712 +#: js/js.js:768 msgid "yesterday" msgstr "вчора" -#: js/js.js:713 +#: js/js.js:769 msgid "{days} days ago" msgstr "{days} днів тому" -#: js/js.js:714 +#: js/js.js:770 msgid "last month" msgstr "минулого міÑÑцÑ" -#: js/js.js:715 +#: js/js.js:771 msgid "{months} months ago" msgstr "{months} міÑÑців тому" -#: js/js.js:716 +#: js/js.js:772 msgid "months ago" msgstr "міÑÑці тому" -#: js/js.js:717 +#: js/js.js:773 msgid "last year" msgstr "минулого року" -#: js/js.js:718 +#: js/js.js:774 msgid "years ago" msgstr "роки тому" @@ -295,6 +371,17 @@ msgstr "ÐадÑиланнÑ..." msgid "Email sent" msgstr "Ел. пошта надіÑлана" +#: js/update.js:14 +msgid "" +"The update was unsuccessful. Please report this issue to the <a " +"href=\"https://github.com/owncloud/core/issues\" target=\"_blank\">ownCloud " +"community</a>." +msgstr "" + +#: js/update.js:18 +msgid "The update was successful. Redirecting you to ownCloud now." +msgstr "" + #: lostpassword/controller.php:47 msgid "ownCloud password reset" msgstr "ÑÐºÐ¸Ð´Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ Ð¿Ð°Ñ€Ð¾Ð»Ñ ownCloud" @@ -446,87 +533,11 @@ msgstr "ХоÑÑ‚ бази даних" msgid "Finish setup" msgstr "Завершити налаштуваннÑ" -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Sunday" -msgstr "ÐеділÑ" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Monday" -msgstr "Понеділок" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Tuesday" -msgstr "Вівторок" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Wednesday" -msgstr "Середа" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Thursday" -msgstr "Четвер" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Friday" -msgstr "П'ÑтницÑ" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Saturday" -msgstr "Субота" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "January" -msgstr "Січень" - 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-#: templates/layout.guest.php:42 +#: templates/layout.guest.php:34 msgid "web services under your control" msgstr "веб-ÑÐµÑ€Ð²Ñ–Ñ Ð¿Ñ–Ð´ вашим контролем" -#: templates/layout.user.php:45 +#: templates/layout.user.php:32 msgid "Log out" msgstr "Вихід" diff --git a/l10n/vi/core.po b/l10n/vi/core.po index e86e7e5911f2da2e92cfbbf020b3c2f41e15dfd5..3323b30d4b1f333753cfaa14621f06361042338a 100644 --- a/l10n/vi/core.po +++ b/l10n/vi/core.po @@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.owncloud.org/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-15 00:03+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-01-14 23:03+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-29 00:04+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-01-28 23:05+0000\n" "Last-Translator: I Robot <owncloud-bot@tmit.eu>\n" "Language-Team: Vietnamese (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/owncloud/language/vi/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" @@ -84,59 +84,135 @@ msgstr "Không có thể loại nà o được chá»n để xóa." msgid "Error removing %s from favorites." msgstr "Lá»—i xóa %s từ mục yêu thÃch." -#: js/js.js:259 templates/layout.user.php:60 templates/layout.user.php:61 +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Sunday" +msgstr "Chủ nháºt" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Monday" +msgstr "Thứ 2" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Tuesday" +msgstr "Thứ 3" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Wednesday" +msgstr "Thứ 4" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Thursday" +msgstr "Thứ 5" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Friday" +msgstr "Thứ " + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Saturday" +msgstr "Thứ 7" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "January" +msgstr "Tháng 1" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "February" +msgstr "Tháng 2" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "March" +msgstr "Tháng 3" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "April" +msgstr "Tháng 4" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "May" +msgstr "Tháng 5" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "June" +msgstr "Tháng 6" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "July" +msgstr "Tháng 7" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "August" +msgstr "Tháng 8" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "September" +msgstr "Tháng 9" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "October" +msgstr "Tháng 10" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "November" +msgstr "Tháng 11" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "December" +msgstr "Tháng 12" + +#: js/js.js:280 templates/layout.user.php:47 templates/layout.user.php:48 msgid "Settings" msgstr "Cà i đặt" -#: js/js.js:711 +#: js/js.js:762 msgid "seconds ago" msgstr "và i giây trÆ°á»›c" -#: js/js.js:712 +#: js/js.js:763 msgid "1 minute ago" msgstr "1 phút trÆ°á»›c" -#: js/js.js:713 +#: js/js.js:764 msgid "{minutes} minutes ago" msgstr "{minutes} phút trÆ°á»›c" -#: js/js.js:714 +#: js/js.js:765 msgid "1 hour ago" msgstr "1 giá» trÆ°á»›c" -#: js/js.js:715 +#: js/js.js:766 msgid "{hours} hours ago" msgstr "{hours} giá» trÆ°á»›c" -#: js/js.js:716 +#: js/js.js:767 msgid "today" msgstr "hôm nay" -#: js/js.js:717 +#: js/js.js:768 msgid "yesterday" msgstr "hôm qua" -#: js/js.js:718 +#: js/js.js:769 msgid "{days} days ago" msgstr "{days} ngà y trÆ°á»›c" -#: js/js.js:719 +#: js/js.js:770 msgid "last month" msgstr "tháng trÆ°á»›c" -#: js/js.js:720 +#: js/js.js:771 msgid "{months} months ago" msgstr "{months} tháng trÆ°á»›c" -#: js/js.js:721 +#: js/js.js:772 msgid "months ago" msgstr "tháng trÆ°á»›c" -#: js/js.js:722 +#: js/js.js:773 msgid "last year" msgstr "năm trÆ°á»›c" -#: js/js.js:723 +#: js/js.js:774 msgid "years ago" msgstr "năm trÆ°á»›c" @@ -295,6 +371,17 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Email sent" msgstr "" +#: js/update.js:14 +msgid "" +"The update was unsuccessful. Please report this issue to the <a " +"href=\"https://github.com/owncloud/core/issues\" target=\"_blank\">ownCloud " +"community</a>." +msgstr "" + +#: js/update.js:18 +msgid "The update was successful. Redirecting you to ownCloud now." +msgstr "" + #: lostpassword/controller.php:47 msgid "ownCloud password reset" msgstr "Khôi phục máºt khẩu Owncloud " @@ -446,87 +533,11 @@ msgstr "Database host" msgid "Finish setup" msgstr "Cà i đặt hoà n tất" -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Sunday" -msgstr "Chủ nháºt" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Monday" -msgstr "Thứ 2" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Tuesday" -msgstr "Thứ 3" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Wednesday" -msgstr "Thứ 4" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Thursday" -msgstr "Thứ 5" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Friday" -msgstr "Thứ " - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Saturday" -msgstr "Thứ 7" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "January" -msgstr "Tháng 1" - 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-#: templates/layout.guest.php:42 +#: templates/layout.guest.php:34 msgid "web services under your control" msgstr "các dịch vụ web dÆ°á»›i sá»± kiểm soát của bạn" -#: templates/layout.user.php:45 +#: templates/layout.user.php:32 msgid "Log out" msgstr "Äăng xuất" diff --git a/l10n/zh_CN.GB2312/core.po b/l10n/zh_CN.GB2312/core.po index 0e81b17579168930d695d2e90a8185be95165818..01f36a1abdbbcf875aa65abff8a171279fc62a9e 100644 --- a/l10n/zh_CN.GB2312/core.po +++ b/l10n/zh_CN.GB2312/core.po @@ -9,8 +9,8 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.owncloud.org/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-15 00:03+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-01-14 23:03+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-29 00:04+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-01-28 23:05+0000\n" "Last-Translator: I Robot <owncloud-bot@tmit.eu>\n" "Language-Team: Chinese (China) (GB2312) (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/owncloud/language/zh_CN.GB2312/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" @@ -81,59 +81,135 @@ msgstr "没有选者è¦åˆ 除的分类." msgid "Error removing %s from favorites." msgstr "" -#: js/js.js:259 templates/layout.user.php:60 templates/layout.user.php:61 +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Sunday" +msgstr "星期天" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Monday" +msgstr "星期一" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Tuesday" +msgstr "星期二" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Wednesday" +msgstr "星期三" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Thursday" +msgstr "星期四" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Friday" +msgstr "星期五" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Saturday" +msgstr "星期å…" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "January" +msgstr "一月" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "February" +msgstr "二月" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "March" +msgstr "三月" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "April" +msgstr "四月" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "May" +msgstr "五月" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "June" +msgstr "å…月" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "July" +msgstr "七月" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "August" +msgstr "八月" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "September" +msgstr "ä¹æœˆ" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "October" +msgstr "å月" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "November" +msgstr "å一月" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "December" +msgstr "å二月" + +#: js/js.js:280 templates/layout.user.php:47 templates/layout.user.php:48 msgid "Settings" msgstr "设置" -#: js/js.js:711 +#: js/js.js:762 msgid "seconds ago" msgstr "秒å‰" -#: js/js.js:712 +#: js/js.js:763 msgid "1 minute ago" msgstr "1 分钟å‰" -#: js/js.js:713 +#: js/js.js:764 msgid "{minutes} minutes ago" msgstr "{minutes} 分钟å‰" -#: js/js.js:714 +#: js/js.js:765 msgid "1 hour ago" msgstr "" -#: js/js.js:715 +#: js/js.js:766 msgid "{hours} hours ago" msgstr "" -#: js/js.js:716 +#: js/js.js:767 msgid "today" msgstr "今天" -#: js/js.js:717 +#: js/js.js:768 msgid "yesterday" msgstr "昨天" -#: js/js.js:718 +#: js/js.js:769 msgid "{days} days ago" msgstr "{days} 天å‰" -#: js/js.js:719 +#: js/js.js:770 msgid "last month" msgstr "上个月" -#: js/js.js:720 +#: js/js.js:771 msgid "{months} months ago" msgstr "" -#: js/js.js:721 +#: js/js.js:772 msgid "months ago" msgstr "月å‰" -#: js/js.js:722 +#: js/js.js:773 msgid "last year" msgstr "去年" -#: js/js.js:723 +#: js/js.js:774 msgid "years ago" msgstr "å¹´å‰" @@ -292,6 +368,17 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Email sent" msgstr "" +#: js/update.js:14 +msgid "" +"The update was unsuccessful. Please report this issue to the <a " +"href=\"https://github.com/owncloud/core/issues\" target=\"_blank\">ownCloud " +"community</a>." +msgstr "" + +#: js/update.js:18 +msgid "The update was successful. Redirecting you to ownCloud now." +msgstr "" + #: lostpassword/controller.php:47 msgid "ownCloud password reset" msgstr "ç§æœ‰äº‘密ç é‡ç½®" @@ -443,87 +530,11 @@ msgstr "æ•°æ®åº“主机" msgid "Finish setup" msgstr "完æˆå®‰è£…" -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Sunday" -msgstr "星期天" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Monday" -msgstr "星期一" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Tuesday" -msgstr "星期二" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Wednesday" -msgstr "星期三" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Thursday" -msgstr "星期四" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Friday" -msgstr "星期五" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Saturday" -msgstr "星期å…" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "January" -msgstr "一月" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "February" -msgstr "二月" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "March" -msgstr "三月" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "April" -msgstr "四月" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "May" -msgstr "五月" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "June" -msgstr "å…月" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "July" -msgstr "七月" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "August" -msgstr "八月" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "September" -msgstr "ä¹æœˆ" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "October" -msgstr "å月" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "November" -msgstr "å一月" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "December" -msgstr "å二月" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:42 +#: templates/layout.guest.php:34 msgid "web services under your control" msgstr "ä½ æŽ§åˆ¶ä¸‹çš„ç½‘ç»œæœåŠ¡" -#: templates/layout.user.php:45 +#: templates/layout.user.php:32 msgid "Log out" msgstr "注销" diff --git a/l10n/zh_CN/core.po b/l10n/zh_CN/core.po index 727cb475164f0b13958a8b5a5ea6f6a90e0626a7..2608be59836a689058a1202a877b228e9d72bf61 100644 --- a/l10n/zh_CN/core.po +++ b/l10n/zh_CN/core.po @@ -13,9 +13,9 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.owncloud.org/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-20 00:05+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-01-19 14:38+0000\n" -"Last-Translator: leonfeng <rainofchaos@gmail.com>\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-29 00:04+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-01-28 23:05+0000\n" +"Last-Translator: I Robot <owncloud-bot@tmit.eu>\n" "Language-Team: Chinese (China) (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/owncloud/language/zh_CN/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" @@ -85,59 +85,135 @@ msgstr "没有选择è¦åˆ 除的类别" msgid "Error removing %s from favorites." msgstr "从收è—夹ä¸ç§»é™¤%s时出错。" -#: js/js.js:259 templates/layout.user.php:60 templates/layout.user.php:61 +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Sunday" +msgstr "星期日" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Monday" +msgstr "星期一" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Tuesday" +msgstr "星期二" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Wednesday" +msgstr "星期三" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Thursday" +msgstr "星期四" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Friday" +msgstr "星期五" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Saturday" +msgstr "星期å…" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "January" +msgstr "一月" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "February" +msgstr "二月" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "March" +msgstr "三月" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "April" +msgstr "四月" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "May" +msgstr "五月" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "June" +msgstr "å…月" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "July" +msgstr "七月" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "August" +msgstr "八月" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "September" +msgstr "ä¹æœˆ" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "October" +msgstr "å月" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "November" +msgstr "å一月" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "December" +msgstr "å二月" + +#: js/js.js:280 templates/layout.user.php:47 templates/layout.user.php:48 msgid "Settings" msgstr "设置" -#: js/js.js:706 +#: js/js.js:762 msgid "seconds ago" msgstr "秒å‰" -#: js/js.js:707 +#: js/js.js:763 msgid "1 minute ago" msgstr "一分钟å‰" -#: js/js.js:708 +#: js/js.js:764 msgid "{minutes} minutes ago" msgstr "{minutes} 分钟å‰" -#: js/js.js:709 +#: js/js.js:765 msgid "1 hour ago" msgstr "1å°æ—¶å‰" -#: js/js.js:710 +#: js/js.js:766 msgid "{hours} hours ago" msgstr "{hours} å°æ—¶å‰" -#: js/js.js:711 +#: js/js.js:767 msgid "today" msgstr "今天" -#: js/js.js:712 +#: js/js.js:768 msgid "yesterday" msgstr "昨天" -#: js/js.js:713 +#: js/js.js:769 msgid "{days} days ago" msgstr "{days} 天å‰" -#: js/js.js:714 +#: js/js.js:770 msgid "last month" msgstr "上月" -#: js/js.js:715 +#: js/js.js:771 msgid "{months} months ago" msgstr "{months} 月å‰" -#: js/js.js:716 +#: js/js.js:772 msgid "months ago" msgstr "月å‰" -#: js/js.js:717 +#: js/js.js:773 msgid "last year" msgstr "去年" -#: js/js.js:718 +#: js/js.js:774 msgid "years ago" msgstr "å¹´å‰" @@ -296,6 +372,17 @@ msgstr "æ£åœ¨å‘é€..." msgid "Email sent" msgstr "邮件已å‘é€" +#: js/update.js:14 +msgid "" +"The update was unsuccessful. Please report this issue to the <a " +"href=\"https://github.com/owncloud/core/issues\" target=\"_blank\">ownCloud " +"community</a>." +msgstr "" + +#: js/update.js:18 +msgid "The update was successful. Redirecting you to ownCloud now." +msgstr "" + #: lostpassword/controller.php:47 msgid "ownCloud password reset" msgstr "é‡ç½® ownCloud 密ç " @@ -447,87 +534,11 @@ msgstr "æ•°æ®åº“主机" msgid "Finish setup" msgstr "安装完æˆ" -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Sunday" -msgstr "星期日" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Monday" -msgstr "星期一" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Tuesday" -msgstr "星期二" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Wednesday" -msgstr "星期三" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Thursday" -msgstr "星期四" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Friday" -msgstr "星期五" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Saturday" -msgstr "星期å…" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "January" -msgstr "一月" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "February" -msgstr "二月" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "March" -msgstr "三月" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "April" -msgstr "四月" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "May" -msgstr "五月" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "June" -msgstr "å…月" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "July" -msgstr "七月" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "August" -msgstr "八月" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "September" -msgstr "ä¹æœˆ" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "October" -msgstr "å月" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "November" -msgstr "å一月" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "December" -msgstr "å二月" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:42 +#: templates/layout.guest.php:34 msgid "web services under your control" msgstr "由您掌控的网络æœåŠ¡" -#: templates/layout.user.php:45 +#: templates/layout.user.php:32 msgid "Log out" msgstr "注销" diff --git a/l10n/zh_HK/core.po b/l10n/zh_HK/core.po index d58ec8a3911d70e9ee66b8669eb3c8fb9ba43ca2..b3e778f0b2cce1445abedecc4cdb89871a6b8ee9 100644 --- a/l10n/zh_HK/core.po +++ b/l10n/zh_HK/core.po @@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.owncloud.org/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-15 00:03+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-01-14 23:03+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-29 00:04+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-01-28 23:05+0000\n" "Last-Translator: I Robot <owncloud-bot@tmit.eu>\n" "Language-Team: Chinese (Hong Kong) (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/owncloud/language/zh_HK/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" @@ -80,59 +80,135 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Error removing %s from favorites." msgstr "" -#: js/js.js:259 templates/layout.user.php:60 templates/layout.user.php:61 +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Sunday" +msgstr "" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Monday" +msgstr "" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Tuesday" +msgstr "" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Wednesday" +msgstr "" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Thursday" +msgstr "" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Friday" +msgstr "" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Saturday" +msgstr "" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "January" +msgstr "" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "February" +msgstr "" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "March" +msgstr "" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "April" +msgstr "" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "May" +msgstr "" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "June" +msgstr "" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "July" +msgstr "" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "August" +msgstr "" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "September" +msgstr "" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "October" +msgstr "" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "November" +msgstr "" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "December" +msgstr "" + +#: js/js.js:280 templates/layout.user.php:47 templates/layout.user.php:48 msgid "Settings" msgstr "" -#: js/js.js:711 +#: js/js.js:762 msgid "seconds ago" msgstr "" -#: js/js.js:712 +#: js/js.js:763 msgid "1 minute ago" msgstr "" -#: js/js.js:713 +#: js/js.js:764 msgid "{minutes} minutes ago" msgstr "" -#: js/js.js:714 +#: js/js.js:765 msgid "1 hour ago" msgstr "" -#: js/js.js:715 +#: js/js.js:766 msgid "{hours} hours ago" msgstr "" -#: js/js.js:716 +#: js/js.js:767 msgid "today" msgstr "" -#: js/js.js:717 +#: js/js.js:768 msgid "yesterday" msgstr "" -#: js/js.js:718 +#: js/js.js:769 msgid "{days} days ago" msgstr "" -#: js/js.js:719 +#: js/js.js:770 msgid "last month" msgstr "" -#: js/js.js:720 +#: js/js.js:771 msgid "{months} months ago" msgstr "" -#: js/js.js:721 +#: js/js.js:772 msgid "months ago" msgstr "" -#: js/js.js:722 +#: js/js.js:773 msgid "last year" msgstr "" -#: js/js.js:723 +#: js/js.js:774 msgid "years ago" msgstr "" @@ -291,6 +367,17 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Email sent" msgstr "" +#: js/update.js:14 +msgid "" +"The update was unsuccessful. Please report this issue to the <a " +"href=\"https://github.com/owncloud/core/issues\" target=\"_blank\">ownCloud " +"community</a>." +msgstr "" + +#: js/update.js:18 +msgid "The update was successful. Redirecting you to ownCloud now." +msgstr "" + #: lostpassword/controller.php:47 msgid "ownCloud password reset" msgstr "" @@ -442,87 +529,11 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Finish setup" msgstr "" -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Sunday" -msgstr "" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Monday" -msgstr "" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Tuesday" -msgstr "" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Wednesday" -msgstr "" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Thursday" -msgstr "" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Friday" -msgstr "" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Saturday" -msgstr "" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "January" -msgstr "" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "February" -msgstr "" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "March" -msgstr "" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "April" -msgstr "" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "May" -msgstr "" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "June" -msgstr "" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "July" -msgstr "" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "August" -msgstr "" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "September" -msgstr "" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "October" -msgstr "" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "November" -msgstr "" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "December" -msgstr "" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:42 +#: templates/layout.guest.php:34 msgid "web services under your control" msgstr "" -#: templates/layout.user.php:45 +#: templates/layout.user.php:32 msgid "Log out" msgstr "" diff --git a/l10n/zh_TW/core.po b/l10n/zh_TW/core.po index a331ba2944f19311da0fa808941f6d1466f6e693..7033b0e5973f7854cb09f29fc1f659e97e20b86e 100644 --- a/l10n/zh_TW/core.po +++ b/l10n/zh_TW/core.po @@ -11,8 +11,8 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.owncloud.org/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-15 00:03+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-01-14 23:03+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-29 00:04+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-01-28 23:05+0000\n" "Last-Translator: I Robot <owncloud-bot@tmit.eu>\n" "Language-Team: Chinese (Taiwan) (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/owncloud/language/zh_TW/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" @@ -83,59 +83,135 @@ msgstr "沒有é¸æ“‡è¦åˆªé™¤çš„分類。" msgid "Error removing %s from favorites." msgstr "從最愛移除 %s 時發生錯誤。" -#: js/js.js:259 templates/layout.user.php:60 templates/layout.user.php:61 +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Sunday" +msgstr "週日" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Monday" +msgstr "週一" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Tuesday" +msgstr "週二" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Wednesday" +msgstr "週三" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Thursday" +msgstr "週四" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Friday" +msgstr "週五" + +#: js/config.php:32 +msgid "Saturday" +msgstr "週å…" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "January" +msgstr "一月" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "February" +msgstr "二月" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "March" +msgstr "三月" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "April" +msgstr "四月" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "May" +msgstr "五月" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "June" +msgstr "å…月" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "July" +msgstr "七月" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "August" +msgstr "八月" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "September" +msgstr "ä¹æœˆ" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "October" +msgstr "å月" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "November" +msgstr "å一月" + +#: js/config.php:33 +msgid "December" +msgstr "å二月" + +#: js/js.js:280 templates/layout.user.php:47 templates/layout.user.php:48 msgid "Settings" msgstr "è¨å®š" -#: js/js.js:711 +#: js/js.js:762 msgid "seconds ago" msgstr "幾秒å‰" -#: js/js.js:712 +#: js/js.js:763 msgid "1 minute ago" msgstr "1 分é˜å‰" -#: js/js.js:713 +#: js/js.js:764 msgid "{minutes} minutes ago" msgstr "{minutes} 分é˜å‰" -#: js/js.js:714 +#: js/js.js:765 msgid "1 hour ago" msgstr "1 個å°æ™‚å‰" -#: js/js.js:715 +#: js/js.js:766 msgid "{hours} hours ago" msgstr "{hours} å°æ™‚å‰" -#: js/js.js:716 +#: js/js.js:767 msgid "today" msgstr "今天" -#: js/js.js:717 +#: js/js.js:768 msgid "yesterday" msgstr "昨天" -#: js/js.js:718 +#: js/js.js:769 msgid "{days} days ago" msgstr "{days} 天å‰" -#: js/js.js:719 +#: js/js.js:770 msgid "last month" msgstr "上個月" -#: js/js.js:720 +#: js/js.js:771 msgid "{months} months ago" msgstr "{months} 個月å‰" -#: js/js.js:721 +#: js/js.js:772 msgid "months ago" msgstr "幾個月å‰" -#: js/js.js:722 +#: js/js.js:773 msgid "last year" msgstr "去年" -#: js/js.js:723 +#: js/js.js:774 msgid "years ago" msgstr "幾年å‰" @@ -294,6 +370,17 @@ msgstr "æ£åœ¨å¯„出..." msgid "Email sent" msgstr "Email 已寄出" +#: js/update.js:14 +msgid "" +"The update was unsuccessful. Please report this issue to the <a " +"href=\"https://github.com/owncloud/core/issues\" target=\"_blank\">ownCloud " +"community</a>." +msgstr "" + +#: js/update.js:18 +msgid "The update was successful. Redirecting you to ownCloud now." +msgstr "" + #: lostpassword/controller.php:47 msgid "ownCloud password reset" msgstr "ownCloud 密碼é‡è¨" @@ -445,87 +532,11 @@ msgstr "資料庫主機" msgid "Finish setup" msgstr "完æˆè¨å®š" -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Sunday" -msgstr "週日" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Monday" -msgstr "週一" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Tuesday" -msgstr "週二" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Wednesday" -msgstr "週三" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Thursday" -msgstr "週四" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Friday" -msgstr "週五" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:17 -msgid "Saturday" -msgstr "週å…" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "January" -msgstr "一月" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "February" -msgstr "二月" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "March" -msgstr "三月" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "April" -msgstr "四月" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "May" -msgstr "五月" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "June" -msgstr "å…月" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "July" -msgstr "七月" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "August" -msgstr "八月" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "September" -msgstr "ä¹æœˆ" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "October" -msgstr "å月" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "November" -msgstr "å一月" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:17 templates/layout.user.php:18 -msgid "December" -msgstr "å二月" - -#: templates/layout.guest.php:42 +#: templates/layout.guest.php:34 msgid "web services under your control" msgstr "網路æœå‹™åœ¨æ‚¨æŽ§åˆ¶ä¹‹ä¸‹" -#: templates/layout.user.php:45 +#: templates/layout.user.php:32 msgid "Log out" msgstr "登出" diff --git a/lib/l10n/pl.php b/lib/l10n/pl.php index 6f84a328ed9580d784a10d5668a90babbd980cfd..6ec35445bc2bdbfb383f40677b9e504d3d914940 100644 --- a/lib/l10n/pl.php +++ b/lib/l10n/pl.php @@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ "Files need to be downloaded one by one." => "Pliki muszÄ… zostać pobrane pojedynczo.", "Back to Files" => "Wróć do plików", "Selected files too large to generate zip file." => "Wybrane pliki sÄ… zbyt duże, aby wygenerować plik zip.", +"couldn't be determined" => "nie może zostać znaleziony", "Application is not enabled" => "Aplikacja nie jest wÅ‚Ä…czona", "Authentication error" => "BÅ‚Ä…d uwierzytelniania", "Token expired. Please reload page." => "Token wygasÅ‚. ProszÄ™ ponownie zaÅ‚adować stronÄ™.",