diff --git a/apps/files_external/3rdparty/phpseclib/AUTHORS b/apps/files_external/3rdparty/phpseclib/AUTHORS
index 7bae8ab94e1a2b05c0fe3f81f7897dfc114af773..e175f9f22c24f94604ae254212e42b07565921a9 100644
--- a/apps/files_external/3rdparty/phpseclib/AUTHORS
+++ b/apps/files_external/3rdparty/phpseclib/AUTHORS
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
 phpseclib Lead Developer:  TerraFrost (Jim Wigginton)
-phpseclib Developers:      monnerat (Patrick Monnerat)
\ No newline at end of file
+phpseclib Developers:      monnerat (Patrick Monnerat)
+                           bantu (Andreas Fischer)
+                           petrich (Hans-Jürgen Petrich)
diff --git a/apps/files_external/3rdparty/phpseclib/README.md b/apps/files_external/3rdparty/phpseclib/README.md
index fbd58bd82b1f2c1b3cc25c13994359c12325e56c..e90b12f4a6da9dc3bcc79a8ac14ff0b9f7974a95 100644
--- a/apps/files_external/3rdparty/phpseclib/README.md
+++ b/apps/files_external/3rdparty/phpseclib/README.md
@@ -4,9 +4,9 @@
 MIT-licensed pure-PHP implementations of an arbitrary-precision integer
 arithmetic library, fully PKCS#1 (v2.1) compliant RSA, DES, 3DES, RC4, Rijndael,
-AES, SSH-1, SSH-2, SFTP, and X.509
+AES, Blowfish, Twofish, SSH-1, SSH-2, SFTP, and X.509
-* [Download (0.3.1)](http://sourceforge.net/projects/phpseclib/files/phpseclib0.3.1.zip/download)
+* [Download (0.3.5)](http://sourceforge.net/projects/phpseclib/files/phpseclib0.3.5.zip/download)
 * [Browse Git](https://github.com/phpseclib/phpseclib)
 * [Documentation](http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net/)
 * [Support](http://www.frostjedi.com/phpbb/viewforum.php?f=46)
diff --git a/apps/files_external/3rdparty/phpseclib/composer.json b/apps/files_external/3rdparty/phpseclib/composer.json
index 11008cd81d1279b744b109df6bb094bb3d6d75e0..79c92b52e47759e7d34e738b0202ca98e41cfa95 100644
--- a/apps/files_external/3rdparty/phpseclib/composer.json
+++ b/apps/files_external/3rdparty/phpseclib/composer.json
@@ -43,6 +43,14 @@
             "File": "phpseclib/",
             "Math": "phpseclib/",
             "Net": "phpseclib/"
+        },
+        "files": [
+            "phpseclib/Crypt/Random.php"
+        ]
+    },
+    "extra": {
+        "branch-alias": {
+            "dev-master": "0.3-dev"
diff --git a/apps/files_external/3rdparty/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/AES.php b/apps/files_external/3rdparty/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/AES.php
index bc05adf67a710925749176d6c1c2a595a9c4f274..81fa2feab66bc09569a807fbffbf470a4097b20c 100644
--- a/apps/files_external/3rdparty/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/AES.php
+++ b/apps/files_external/3rdparty/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/AES.php
@@ -4,13 +4,13 @@
  * Pure-PHP implementation of AES.
- * Uses mcrypt, if available, and an internal implementation, otherwise.
+ * Uses mcrypt, if available/possible, and an internal implementation, otherwise.
  * PHP versions 4 and 5
  * If {@link Crypt_AES::setKeyLength() setKeyLength()} isn't called, it'll be calculated from
  * {@link Crypt_AES::setKey() setKey()}.  ie. if the key is 128-bits, the key length will be 128-bits.  If it's 136-bits
- * it'll be null-padded to 160-bits and 160 bits will be the key length until {@link Crypt_Rijndael::setKey() setKey()}
+ * it'll be null-padded to 192-bits and 192 bits will be the key length until {@link Crypt_AES::setKey() setKey()}
  * is called, again, at which point, it'll be recalculated.
  * Since Crypt_AES extends Crypt_Rijndael, some functions are available to be called that, in the context of AES, don't
@@ -42,10 +42,10 @@
  * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
  * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
  * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
- * 
+ *
  * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
  * all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
- * 
+ *
@@ -59,7 +59,6 @@
  * @author     Jim Wigginton <terrafrost@php.net>
  * @copyright  MMVIII Jim Wigginton
  * @license    http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html  MIT License
- * @version    $Id: AES.php,v 1.7 2010/02/09 06:10:25 terrafrost Exp $
  * @link       http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net
@@ -67,7 +66,7 @@
  * Include Crypt_Rijndael
 if (!class_exists('Crypt_Rijndael')) {
-    require_once 'Rijndael.php';
+    require_once('Rijndael.php');
@@ -82,31 +81,31 @@ if (!class_exists('Crypt_Rijndael')) {
  * @link http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Block_cipher_modes_of_operation#Counter_.28CTR.29
-define('CRYPT_AES_MODE_CTR', -1);
  * Encrypt / decrypt using the Electronic Code Book mode.
  * @link http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Block_cipher_modes_of_operation#Electronic_codebook_.28ECB.29
-define('CRYPT_AES_MODE_ECB', 1);
  * Encrypt / decrypt using the Code Book Chaining mode.
  * @link http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Block_cipher_modes_of_operation#Cipher-block_chaining_.28CBC.29
-define('CRYPT_AES_MODE_CBC', 2);
  * Encrypt / decrypt using the Cipher Feedback mode.
  * @link http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Block_cipher_modes_of_operation#Cipher_feedback_.28CFB.29
-define('CRYPT_AES_MODE_CFB', 3);
  * Encrypt / decrypt using the Cipher Feedback mode.
  * @link http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Block_cipher_modes_of_operation#Output_feedback_.28OFB.29
-define('CRYPT_AES_MODE_OFB', 4);
@@ -116,11 +115,11 @@ define('CRYPT_AES_MODE_OFB', 4);
  * Toggles the internal implementation
  * Toggles the mcrypt implementation
-define('CRYPT_AES_MODE_MCRYPT', 2);
@@ -133,195 +132,41 @@ define('CRYPT_AES_MODE_MCRYPT', 2);
 class Crypt_AES extends Crypt_Rijndael {
-     * mcrypt resource for encryption
-     *
-     * The mcrypt resource can be recreated every time something needs to be created or it can be created just once.
-     * Since mcrypt operates in continuous mode, by default, it'll need to be recreated when in non-continuous mode.
+     * The namespace used by the cipher for its constants.
-     * @see Crypt_AES::encrypt()
+     * @see Crypt_Base::const_namespace
      * @var String
      * @access private
-    var $enmcrypt;
+    var $const_namespace = 'AES';
-     * mcrypt resource for decryption
+     * Default Constructor.
-     * The mcrypt resource can be recreated every time something needs to be created or it can be created just once.
-     * Since mcrypt operates in continuous mode, by default, it'll need to be recreated when in non-continuous mode.
+     * Determines whether or not the mcrypt extension should be used.
-     * @see Crypt_AES::decrypt()
-     * @var String
-     * @access private
-     */
-    var $demcrypt;
-    /**
-     * mcrypt resource for CFB mode
+     * $mode could be:
-     * @see Crypt_AES::encrypt()
-     * @see Crypt_AES::decrypt()
-     * @var String
-     * @access private
-     */
-    var $ecb;
-    /**
-     * The SubByte S-Box
-     * @see Crypt_AES::_encryptBlock()
-     * @var Array
-     * @access intern
-     */
-    var $sbox = array(
-        0x63, 0x7C, 0x77, 0x7B, 0xF2, 0x6B, 0x6F, 0xC5, 0x30, 0x01, 0x67, 0x2B, 0xFE, 0xD7, 0xAB, 0x76,
-        0xCA, 0x82, 0xC9, 0x7D, 0xFA, 0x59, 0x47, 0xF0, 0xAD, 0xD4, 0xA2, 0xAF, 0x9C, 0xA4, 0x72, 0xC0,
-        0xB7, 0xFD, 0x93, 0x26, 0x36, 0x3F, 0xF7, 0xCC, 0x34, 0xA5, 0xE5, 0xF1, 0x71, 0xD8, 0x31, 0x15,
-        0x04, 0xC7, 0x23, 0xC3, 0x18, 0x96, 0x05, 0x9A, 0x07, 0x12, 0x80, 0xE2, 0xEB, 0x27, 0xB2, 0x75,
-        0x09, 0x83, 0x2C, 0x1A, 0x1B, 0x6E, 0x5A, 0xA0, 0x52, 0x3B, 0xD6, 0xB3, 0x29, 0xE3, 0x2F, 0x84,
-        0x53, 0xD1, 0x00, 0xED, 0x20, 0xFC, 0xB1, 0x5B, 0x6A, 0xCB, 0xBE, 0x39, 0x4A, 0x4C, 0x58, 0xCF,
-        0xD0, 0xEF, 0xAA, 0xFB, 0x43, 0x4D, 0x33, 0x85, 0x45, 0xF9, 0x02, 0x7F, 0x50, 0x3C, 0x9F, 0xA8,
-        0x51, 0xA3, 0x40, 0x8F, 0x92, 0x9D, 0x38, 0xF5, 0xBC, 0xB6, 0xDA, 0x21, 0x10, 0xFF, 0xF3, 0xD2,
-        0xCD, 0x0C, 0x13, 0xEC, 0x5F, 0x97, 0x44, 0x17, 0xC4, 0xA7, 0x7E, 0x3D, 0x64, 0x5D, 0x19, 0x73,
-        0x60, 0x81, 0x4F, 0xDC, 0x22, 0x2A, 0x90, 0x88, 0x46, 0xEE, 0xB8, 0x14, 0xDE, 0x5E, 0x0B, 0xDB,
-        0xE0, 0x32, 0x3A, 0x0A, 0x49, 0x06, 0x24, 0x5C, 0xC2, 0xD3, 0xAC, 0x62, 0x91, 0x95, 0xE4, 0x79,
-        0xE7, 0xC8, 0x37, 0x6D, 0x8D, 0xD5, 0x4E, 0xA9, 0x6C, 0x56, 0xF4, 0xEA, 0x65, 0x7A, 0xAE, 0x08,
-        0xBA, 0x78, 0x25, 0x2E, 0x1C, 0xA6, 0xB4, 0xC6, 0xE8, 0xDD, 0x74, 0x1F, 0x4B, 0xBD, 0x8B, 0x8A,
-        0x70, 0x3E, 0xB5, 0x66, 0x48, 0x03, 0xF6, 0x0E, 0x61, 0x35, 0x57, 0xB9, 0x86, 0xC1, 0x1D, 0x9E,
-        0xE1, 0xF8, 0x98, 0x11, 0x69, 0xD9, 0x8E, 0x94, 0x9B, 0x1E, 0x87, 0xE9, 0xCE, 0x55, 0x28, 0xDF,
-        0x8C, 0xA1, 0x89, 0x0D, 0xBF, 0xE6, 0x42, 0x68, 0x41, 0x99, 0x2D, 0x0F, 0xB0, 0x54, 0xBB, 0x16
-    );
-    /**
-     * The inverse SubByte S-Box
-     * @see Crypt_AES::_decryptBlock()
-     * @var Array
-     * @access intern
-     */
-    var $isbox = array(
-        0x52, 0x09, 0x6A, 0xD5, 0x30, 0x36, 0xA5, 0x38, 0xBF, 0x40, 0xA3, 0x9E, 0x81, 0xF3, 0xD7, 0xFB,
-        0x7C, 0xE3, 0x39, 0x82, 0x9B, 0x2F, 0xFF, 0x87, 0x34, 0x8E, 0x43, 0x44, 0xC4, 0xDE, 0xE9, 0xCB,
-        0x54, 0x7B, 0x94, 0x32, 0xA6, 0xC2, 0x23, 0x3D, 0xEE, 0x4C, 0x95, 0x0B, 0x42, 0xFA, 0xC3, 0x4E,
-        0x08, 0x2E, 0xA1, 0x66, 0x28, 0xD9, 0x24, 0xB2, 0x76, 0x5B, 0xA2, 0x49, 0x6D, 0x8B, 0xD1, 0x25,
-        0x72, 0xF8, 0xF6, 0x64, 0x86, 0x68, 0x98, 0x16, 0xD4, 0xA4, 0x5C, 0xCC, 0x5D, 0x65, 0xB6, 0x92,
-        0x6C, 0x70, 0x48, 0x50, 0xFD, 0xED, 0xB9, 0xDA, 0x5E, 0x15, 0x46, 0x57, 0xA7, 0x8D, 0x9D, 0x84,
-        0x90, 0xD8, 0xAB, 0x00, 0x8C, 0xBC, 0xD3, 0x0A, 0xF7, 0xE4, 0x58, 0x05, 0xB8, 0xB3, 0x45, 0x06,
-        0xD0, 0x2C, 0x1E, 0x8F, 0xCA, 0x3F, 0x0F, 0x02, 0xC1, 0xAF, 0xBD, 0x03, 0x01, 0x13, 0x8A, 0x6B,
-        0x3A, 0x91, 0x11, 0x41, 0x4F, 0x67, 0xDC, 0xEA, 0x97, 0xF2, 0xCF, 0xCE, 0xF0, 0xB4, 0xE6, 0x73,
-        0x96, 0xAC, 0x74, 0x22, 0xE7, 0xAD, 0x35, 0x85, 0xE2, 0xF9, 0x37, 0xE8, 0x1C, 0x75, 0xDF, 0x6E,
-        0x47, 0xF1, 0x1A, 0x71, 0x1D, 0x29, 0xC5, 0x89, 0x6F, 0xB7, 0x62, 0x0E, 0xAA, 0x18, 0xBE, 0x1B,
-        0xFC, 0x56, 0x3E, 0x4B, 0xC6, 0xD2, 0x79, 0x20, 0x9A, 0xDB, 0xC0, 0xFE, 0x78, 0xCD, 0x5A, 0xF4,
-        0x1F, 0xDD, 0xA8, 0x33, 0x88, 0x07, 0xC7, 0x31, 0xB1, 0x12, 0x10, 0x59, 0x27, 0x80, 0xEC, 0x5F,
-        0x60, 0x51, 0x7F, 0xA9, 0x19, 0xB5, 0x4A, 0x0D, 0x2D, 0xE5, 0x7A, 0x9F, 0x93, 0xC9, 0x9C, 0xEF,
-        0xA0, 0xE0, 0x3B, 0x4D, 0xAE, 0x2A, 0xF5, 0xB0, 0xC8, 0xEB, 0xBB, 0x3C, 0x83, 0x53, 0x99, 0x61,
-        0x17, 0x2B, 0x04, 0x7E, 0xBA, 0x77, 0xD6, 0x26, 0xE1, 0x69, 0x14, 0x63, 0x55, 0x21, 0x0C, 0x7D
-    );
-    /**
-     * Default Constructor.
+     *
+     *
-     * Determines whether or not the mcrypt extension should be used.  $mode should only, at present, be
-     * CRYPT_AES_MODE_ECB or CRYPT_AES_MODE_CBC.  If not explictly set, CRYPT_AES_MODE_CBC will be used.
+     * If not explictly set, CRYPT_AES_MODE_CBC will be used.
+     * @see Crypt_Rijndael::Crypt_Rijndael()
+     * @see Crypt_Base::Crypt_Base()
      * @param optional Integer $mode
-     * @return Crypt_AES
      * @access public
     function Crypt_AES($mode = CRYPT_AES_MODE_CBC)
-        if ( !defined('CRYPT_AES_MODE') ) {
-            switch (true) {
-                case extension_loaded('mcrypt') && in_array('rijndael-128', mcrypt_list_algorithms()):
-                    define('CRYPT_AES_MODE', CRYPT_AES_MODE_MCRYPT);
-                    break;
-                default:
-                    define('CRYPT_AES_MODE', CRYPT_AES_MODE_INTERNAL);
-            }
-        }
-        switch ( CRYPT_AES_MODE ) {
-            case CRYPT_AES_MODE_MCRYPT:
-                switch ($mode) {
-                    case CRYPT_AES_MODE_ECB:
-                        $this->paddable = true;
-                        $this->mode = MCRYPT_MODE_ECB;
-                        break;
-                    case CRYPT_AES_MODE_CTR:
-                        // ctr doesn't have a constant associated with it even though it appears to be fairly widely
-                        // supported.  in lieu of knowing just how widely supported it is, i've, for now, opted not to
-                        // include a compatibility layer.  the layer has been implemented but, for now, is commented out.
-                        $this->mode = 'ctr';
-                        //$this->mode = in_array('ctr', mcrypt_list_modes()) ? 'ctr' : CRYPT_AES_MODE_CTR;
-                        break;
-                    case CRYPT_AES_MODE_CFB:
-                        $this->mode = 'ncfb';
-                        break;
-                    case CRYPT_AES_MODE_OFB:
-                        $this->mode = MCRYPT_MODE_NOFB;
-                        break;
-                    case CRYPT_AES_MODE_CBC:
-                    default:
-                        $this->paddable = true;
-                        $this->mode = MCRYPT_MODE_CBC;
-                }
-                break;
-            default:
-                switch ($mode) {
-                    case CRYPT_AES_MODE_ECB:
-                        $this->paddable = true;
-                        $this->mode = CRYPT_RIJNDAEL_MODE_ECB;
-                        break;
-                    case CRYPT_AES_MODE_CTR:
-                        $this->mode = CRYPT_RIJNDAEL_MODE_CTR;
-                        break;
-                    case CRYPT_AES_MODE_CFB:
-                        $this->mode = CRYPT_RIJNDAEL_MODE_CFB;
-                        break;
-                    case CRYPT_AES_MODE_OFB:
-                        $this->mode = CRYPT_RIJNDAEL_MODE_OFB;
-                        break;
-                    case CRYPT_AES_MODE_CBC:
-                    default:
-                        $this->paddable = true;
-                        $this->mode = CRYPT_RIJNDAEL_MODE_CBC;
-                }
-        }
-            parent::Crypt_Rijndael($this->mode);
-        }
-    }
-    /**
-     * Extended Crypt_Rijndael::_setup() 
-     *
-     * Optimizing the key schedule arrays ($w, $dw) for _encryptBlock() and _decryptBlock() after Crypt_Rijndael::_setup()
-     *
-     * @see Crypt_Rijndael::_setup()
-     * @access private
-     */
-    function _setup() 
-    {
-        if (!$this->changed) {
-            return;
-        }
-        $this->w = $this->dw = array();
-        parent::_setup();
-        $this->dw = array_reverse($this->dw);
-        $w  = array_pop($this->w);
-        $dw = array_pop($this->dw);
-        foreach ($this->w as $r => $wr) {
-            foreach ($wr as $c => $wc) {
-                $w[]  = $wc;
-                $dw[] = $this->dw[$r][$c];
-            }
-        }
-        $this->w  = $w;
-        $this->dw = $dw;
+        parent::Crypt_Rijndael($mode);
@@ -329,6 +174,7 @@ class Crypt_AES extends Crypt_Rijndael {
      * Since Crypt_AES extends Crypt_Rijndael, this function is, technically, available, but it doesn't do anything.
+     * @see Crypt_Rijndael::setBlockLength()
      * @access public
      * @param Integer $length
@@ -336,610 +182,6 @@ class Crypt_AES extends Crypt_Rijndael {
-    /**
-     * Sets the initialization vector. (optional)
-     *
-     * SetIV is not required when CRYPT_RIJNDAEL_MODE_ECB is being used.  If not explictly set, it'll be assumed
-     * to be all zero's.
-     *
-     * @access public
-     * @param String $iv
-     */
-    function setIV($iv)
-    {
-        parent::setIV($iv);
-            $this->changed = true;
-        }
-    }
-    /**
-     * Encrypts a message.
-     *
-     * $plaintext will be padded with up to 16 additional bytes.  Other AES implementations may or may not pad in the
-     * same manner.  Other common approaches to padding and the reasons why it's necessary are discussed in the following
-     * URL:
-     *
-     * {@link http://www.di-mgt.com.au/cryptopad.html http://www.di-mgt.com.au/cryptopad.html}
-     *
-     * An alternative to padding is to, separately, send the length of the file.  This is what SSH, in fact, does.
-     * strlen($plaintext) will still need to be a multiple of 16, however, arbitrary values can be added to make it that
-     * length.
-     *
-     * @see Crypt_AES::decrypt()
-     * @access public
-     * @param String $plaintext
-     */
-    function encrypt($plaintext)
-    {
-            $this->_mcryptSetup();
-            // re: http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net/cfb-demo.phps
-            // using mcrypt's default handing of CFB the above would output two different things.  using phpseclib's
-            // rewritten CFB implementation the above outputs the same thing twice.
-            if ($this->mode == 'ncfb' && $this->continuousBuffer) {
-                $iv = &$this->encryptIV;
-                $pos = &$this->enbuffer['pos'];
-                $len = strlen($plaintext);
-                $ciphertext = '';
-                $i = 0;
-                if ($pos) {
-                    $orig_pos = $pos;
-                    $max = 16 - $pos;
-                    if ($len >= $max) {
-                        $i = $max;
-                        $len-= $max;
-                        $pos = 0;
-                    } else {
-                        $i = $len;
-                        $pos+= $len;
-                        $len = 0;
-                    }
-                    $ciphertext = substr($iv, $orig_pos) ^ $plaintext;
-                    $iv = substr_replace($iv, $ciphertext, $orig_pos, $i);
-                    $this->enbuffer['enmcrypt_init'] = true;
-                }
-                if ($len >= 16) {
-                    if ($this->enbuffer['enmcrypt_init'] === false || $len > 280) {
-                        if ($this->enbuffer['enmcrypt_init'] === true) {
-                            mcrypt_generic_init($this->enmcrypt, $this->key, $iv);
-                            $this->enbuffer['enmcrypt_init'] = false;
-                        }
-                        $ciphertext.= mcrypt_generic($this->enmcrypt, substr($plaintext, $i, $len - $len % 16));
-                        $iv = substr($ciphertext, -16);
-                        $len%= 16;
-                    } else {
-                        while ($len >= 16) {
-                            $iv = mcrypt_generic($this->ecb, $iv) ^ substr($plaintext, $i, 16);
-                            $ciphertext.= $iv;
-                            $len-= 16;
-                            $i+= 16;
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-                if ($len) {
-                    $iv = mcrypt_generic($this->ecb, $iv);
-                    $block = $iv ^ substr($plaintext, -$len);
-                    $iv = substr_replace($iv, $block, 0, $len);
-                    $ciphertext.= $block;
-                    $pos = $len;
-                }
-                return $ciphertext;
-            }
-            if ($this->paddable) {
-                $plaintext = $this->_pad($plaintext);
-            }
-            $ciphertext = mcrypt_generic($this->enmcrypt, $plaintext);
-            if (!$this->continuousBuffer) {
-                mcrypt_generic_init($this->enmcrypt, $this->key, $this->iv);
-            }
-            return $ciphertext;
-        }
-        return parent::encrypt($plaintext);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Decrypts a message.
-     *
-     * If strlen($ciphertext) is not a multiple of 16, null bytes will be added to the end of the string until it is.
-     *
-     * @see Crypt_AES::encrypt()
-     * @access public
-     * @param String $ciphertext
-     */
-    function decrypt($ciphertext)
-    {
-            $this->_mcryptSetup();
-            if ($this->mode == 'ncfb' && $this->continuousBuffer) {
-                $iv = &$this->decryptIV;
-                $pos = &$this->debuffer['pos'];
-                $len = strlen($ciphertext);
-                $plaintext = '';
-                $i = 0;
-                if ($pos) {
-                    $orig_pos = $pos;
-                    $max = 16 - $pos;
-                    if ($len >= $max) {
-                        $i = $max;
-                        $len-= $max;
-                        $pos = 0;
-                    } else {
-                        $i = $len;
-                        $pos+= $len;
-                        $len = 0;
-                    }
-                    // ie. $i = min($max, $len), $len-= $i, $pos+= $i, $pos%= $blocksize
-                    $plaintext = substr($iv, $orig_pos) ^ $ciphertext;
-                    $iv = substr_replace($iv, substr($ciphertext, 0, $i), $orig_pos, $i);
-                }
-                if ($len >= 16) {
-                    $cb = substr($ciphertext, $i, $len - $len % 16);
-                    $plaintext.= mcrypt_generic($this->ecb, $iv . $cb) ^ $cb;
-                    $iv = substr($cb, -16);
-                    $len%= 16;
-                }
-                if ($len) {
-                    $iv = mcrypt_generic($this->ecb, $iv);
-                    $plaintext.= $iv ^ substr($ciphertext, -$len);
-                    $iv = substr_replace($iv, substr($ciphertext, -$len), 0, $len);
-                    $pos = $len;
-                }
-                return $plaintext;
-            }
-            if ($this->paddable) {
-                // we pad with chr(0) since that's what mcrypt_generic does.  to quote from http://php.net/function.mcrypt-generic :
-                // "The data is padded with "\0" to make sure the length of the data is n * blocksize."
-                $ciphertext = str_pad($ciphertext, (strlen($ciphertext) + 15) & 0xFFFFFFF0, chr(0));
-            }
-            $plaintext = mdecrypt_generic($this->demcrypt, $ciphertext);
-            if (!$this->continuousBuffer) {
-                mcrypt_generic_init($this->demcrypt, $this->key, $this->iv);
-            }
-            return $this->paddable ? $this->_unpad($plaintext) : $plaintext;
-        }
-        return parent::decrypt($ciphertext);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Setup mcrypt
-     *
-     * Validates all the variables.
-     *
-     * @access private
-     */
-    function _mcryptSetup()
-    {
-        if (!$this->changed) {
-            return;
-        }
-        if (!$this->explicit_key_length) {
-            // this just copied from Crypt_Rijndael::_setup()
-            $length = strlen($this->key) >> 2;
-            if ($length > 8) {
-                $length = 8;
-            } else if ($length < 4) {
-                $length = 4;
-            }
-            $this->Nk = $length;
-            $this->key_size = $length << 2;
-        }
-        switch ($this->Nk) {
-            case 4: // 128
-                $this->key_size = 16;
-                break;
-            case 5: // 160
-            case 6: // 192
-                $this->key_size = 24;
-                break;
-            case 7: // 224
-            case 8: // 256
-                $this->key_size = 32;
-        }
-        $this->key = str_pad(substr($this->key, 0, $this->key_size), $this->key_size, chr(0));
-        $this->encryptIV = $this->decryptIV = $this->iv = str_pad(substr($this->iv, 0, 16), 16, chr(0));
-        if (!isset($this->enmcrypt)) {
-            $mode = $this->mode;
-            //$mode = $this->mode == CRYPT_AES_MODE_CTR ? MCRYPT_MODE_ECB : $this->mode;
-            $this->demcrypt = mcrypt_module_open(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_128, '', $mode, '');
-            $this->enmcrypt = mcrypt_module_open(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_128, '', $mode, '');
-            if ($mode == 'ncfb') {
-                $this->ecb = mcrypt_module_open(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_128, '', MCRYPT_MODE_ECB, '');
-            }
-        } // else should mcrypt_generic_deinit be called?
-        mcrypt_generic_init($this->demcrypt, $this->key, $this->iv);
-        mcrypt_generic_init($this->enmcrypt, $this->key, $this->iv);
-        if ($this->mode == 'ncfb') {
-            mcrypt_generic_init($this->ecb, $this->key, "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0");
-        }
-        $this->changed = false;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Encrypts a block
-     *
-     * Optimized over Crypt_Rijndael's implementation by means of loop unrolling.
-     *
-     * @see Crypt_Rijndael::_encryptBlock()
-     * @access private
-     * @param String $in
-     * @return String
-     */
-    function _encryptBlock($in)
-    {
-        $state = unpack('N*', $in);
-        $sbox = $this->sbox;
-        $w  = $this->w;
-        $t0 = $this->t0;
-        $t1 = $this->t1;
-        $t2 = $this->t2;
-        $t3 = $this->t3;
-        // addRoundKey
-        $s0 = $state[1] ^ $w[4];
-        $s1 = $state[2] ^ $w[5];
-        $s2 = $state[3] ^ $w[6];
-        $s3 = $state[4] ^ $w[7];
-        // shiftRows + subWord + mixColumns + addRoundKey
-        $e0 = $t0[($s0 >> 24) & 0xff] ^ $t1[($s1 >> 16) & 0xff] ^ $t2[($s2 >> 8) & 0xff] ^ $t3[$s3 & 0xff] ^ $w[8];
-        $e1 = $t0[($s1 >> 24) & 0xff] ^ $t1[($s2 >> 16) & 0xff] ^ $t2[($s3 >> 8) & 0xff] ^ $t3[$s0 & 0xff] ^ $w[9];
-        $e2 = $t0[($s2 >> 24) & 0xff] ^ $t1[($s3 >> 16) & 0xff] ^ $t2[($s0 >> 8) & 0xff] ^ $t3[$s1 & 0xff] ^ $w[10];
-        $e3 = $t0[($s3 >> 24) & 0xff] ^ $t1[($s0 >> 16) & 0xff] ^ $t2[($s1 >> 8) & 0xff] ^ $t3[$s2 & 0xff] ^ $w[11];
-        $s0 = $t0[($e0 >> 24) & 0xff] ^ $t1[($e1 >> 16) & 0xff] ^ $t2[($e2 >> 8) & 0xff] ^ $t3[$e3 & 0xff] ^ $w[12];
-        $s1 = $t0[($e1 >> 24) & 0xff] ^ $t1[($e2 >> 16) & 0xff] ^ $t2[($e3 >> 8) & 0xff] ^ $t3[$e0 & 0xff] ^ $w[13];
-        $s2 = $t0[($e2 >> 24) & 0xff] ^ $t1[($e3 >> 16) & 0xff] ^ $t2[($e0 >> 8) & 0xff] ^ $t3[$e1 & 0xff] ^ $w[14];
-        $s3 = $t0[($e3 >> 24) & 0xff] ^ $t1[($e0 >> 16) & 0xff] ^ $t2[($e1 >> 8) & 0xff] ^ $t3[$e2 & 0xff] ^ $w[15];
-        $e0 = $t0[($s0 >> 24) & 0xff] ^ $t1[($s1 >> 16) & 0xff] ^ $t2[($s2 >> 8) & 0xff] ^ $t3[$s3 & 0xff] ^ $w[16];
-        $e1 = $t0[($s1 >> 24) & 0xff] ^ $t1[($s2 >> 16) & 0xff] ^ $t2[($s3 >> 8) & 0xff] ^ $t3[$s0 & 0xff] ^ $w[17];
-        $e2 = $t0[($s2 >> 24) & 0xff] ^ $t1[($s3 >> 16) & 0xff] ^ $t2[($s0 >> 8) & 0xff] ^ $t3[$s1 & 0xff] ^ $w[18];
-        $e3 = $t0[($s3 >> 24) & 0xff] ^ $t1[($s0 >> 16) & 0xff] ^ $t2[($s1 >> 8) & 0xff] ^ $t3[$s2 & 0xff] ^ $w[19];
-        $s0 = $t0[($e0 >> 24) & 0xff] ^ $t1[($e1 >> 16) & 0xff] ^ $t2[($e2 >> 8) & 0xff] ^ $t3[$e3 & 0xff] ^ $w[20];
-        $s1 = $t0[($e1 >> 24) & 0xff] ^ $t1[($e2 >> 16) & 0xff] ^ $t2[($e3 >> 8) & 0xff] ^ $t3[$e0 & 0xff] ^ $w[21];
-        $s2 = $t0[($e2 >> 24) & 0xff] ^ $t1[($e3 >> 16) & 0xff] ^ $t2[($e0 >> 8) & 0xff] ^ $t3[$e1 & 0xff] ^ $w[22];
-        $s3 = $t0[($e3 >> 24) & 0xff] ^ $t1[($e0 >> 16) & 0xff] ^ $t2[($e1 >> 8) & 0xff] ^ $t3[$e2 & 0xff] ^ $w[23];
-        $e0 = $t0[($s0 >> 24) & 0xff] ^ $t1[($s1 >> 16) & 0xff] ^ $t2[($s2 >> 8) & 0xff] ^ $t3[$s3 & 0xff] ^ $w[24];
-        $e1 = $t0[($s1 >> 24) & 0xff] ^ $t1[($s2 >> 16) & 0xff] ^ $t2[($s3 >> 8) & 0xff] ^ $t3[$s0 & 0xff] ^ $w[25];
-        $e2 = $t0[($s2 >> 24) & 0xff] ^ $t1[($s3 >> 16) & 0xff] ^ $t2[($s0 >> 8) & 0xff] ^ $t3[$s1 & 0xff] ^ $w[26];
-        $e3 = $t0[($s3 >> 24) & 0xff] ^ $t1[($s0 >> 16) & 0xff] ^ $t2[($s1 >> 8) & 0xff] ^ $t3[$s2 & 0xff] ^ $w[27];
-        $s0 = $t0[($e0 >> 24) & 0xff] ^ $t1[($e1 >> 16) & 0xff] ^ $t2[($e2 >> 8) & 0xff] ^ $t3[$e3 & 0xff] ^ $w[28];
-        $s1 = $t0[($e1 >> 24) & 0xff] ^ $t1[($e2 >> 16) & 0xff] ^ $t2[($e3 >> 8) & 0xff] ^ $t3[$e0 & 0xff] ^ $w[29];
-        $s2 = $t0[($e2 >> 24) & 0xff] ^ $t1[($e3 >> 16) & 0xff] ^ $t2[($e0 >> 8) & 0xff] ^ $t3[$e1 & 0xff] ^ $w[30];
-        $s3 = $t0[($e3 >> 24) & 0xff] ^ $t1[($e0 >> 16) & 0xff] ^ $t2[($e1 >> 8) & 0xff] ^ $t3[$e2 & 0xff] ^ $w[31];
-        $e0 = $t0[($s0 >> 24) & 0xff] ^ $t1[($s1 >> 16) & 0xff] ^ $t2[($s2 >> 8) & 0xff] ^ $t3[$s3 & 0xff] ^ $w[32];
-        $e1 = $t0[($s1 >> 24) & 0xff] ^ $t1[($s2 >> 16) & 0xff] ^ $t2[($s3 >> 8) & 0xff] ^ $t3[$s0 & 0xff] ^ $w[33];
-        $e2 = $t0[($s2 >> 24) & 0xff] ^ $t1[($s3 >> 16) & 0xff] ^ $t2[($s0 >> 8) & 0xff] ^ $t3[$s1 & 0xff] ^ $w[34];
-        $e3 = $t0[($s3 >> 24) & 0xff] ^ $t1[($s0 >> 16) & 0xff] ^ $t2[($s1 >> 8) & 0xff] ^ $t3[$s2 & 0xff] ^ $w[35];
-        $s0 = $t0[($e0 >> 24) & 0xff] ^ $t1[($e1 >> 16) & 0xff] ^ $t2[($e2 >> 8) & 0xff] ^ $t3[$e3 & 0xff] ^ $w[36];
-        $s1 = $t0[($e1 >> 24) & 0xff] ^ $t1[($e2 >> 16) & 0xff] ^ $t2[($e3 >> 8) & 0xff] ^ $t3[$e0 & 0xff] ^ $w[37];
-        $s2 = $t0[($e2 >> 24) & 0xff] ^ $t1[($e3 >> 16) & 0xff] ^ $t2[($e0 >> 8) & 0xff] ^ $t3[$e1 & 0xff] ^ $w[38];
-        $s3 = $t0[($e3 >> 24) & 0xff] ^ $t1[($e0 >> 16) & 0xff] ^ $t2[($e1 >> 8) & 0xff] ^ $t3[$e2 & 0xff] ^ $w[39];
-        $e0 = $t0[($s0 >> 24) & 0xff] ^ $t1[($s1 >> 16) & 0xff] ^ $t2[($s2 >> 8) & 0xff] ^ $t3[$s3 & 0xff] ^ $w[40];
-        $e1 = $t0[($s1 >> 24) & 0xff] ^ $t1[($s2 >> 16) & 0xff] ^ $t2[($s3 >> 8) & 0xff] ^ $t3[$s0 & 0xff] ^ $w[41];
-        $e2 = $t0[($s2 >> 24) & 0xff] ^ $t1[($s3 >> 16) & 0xff] ^ $t2[($s0 >> 8) & 0xff] ^ $t3[$s1 & 0xff] ^ $w[42];
-        $e3 = $t0[($s3 >> 24) & 0xff] ^ $t1[($s0 >> 16) & 0xff] ^ $t2[($s1 >> 8) & 0xff] ^ $t3[$s2 & 0xff] ^ $w[43];
-        switch ($this->Nr) {
-            case 10:
-                break;
-            case 14:
-                $s0 = $t0[($e0 >> 24) & 0xff] ^ $t1[($e1 >> 16) & 0xff] ^ $t2[($e2 >> 8) & 0xff] ^ $t3[$e3 & 0xff] ^ $w[44];
-                $s1 = $t0[($e1 >> 24) & 0xff] ^ $t1[($e2 >> 16) & 0xff] ^ $t2[($e3 >> 8) & 0xff] ^ $t3[$e0 & 0xff] ^ $w[45];
-                $s2 = $t0[($e2 >> 24) & 0xff] ^ $t1[($e3 >> 16) & 0xff] ^ $t2[($e0 >> 8) & 0xff] ^ $t3[$e1 & 0xff] ^ $w[46];
-                $s3 = $t0[($e3 >> 24) & 0xff] ^ $t1[($e0 >> 16) & 0xff] ^ $t2[($e1 >> 8) & 0xff] ^ $t3[$e2 & 0xff] ^ $w[47];
-                $e0 = $t0[($s0 >> 24) & 0xff] ^ $t1[($s1 >> 16) & 0xff] ^ $t2[($s2 >> 8) & 0xff] ^ $t3[$s3 & 0xff] ^ $w[48];
-                $e1 = $t0[($s1 >> 24) & 0xff] ^ $t1[($s2 >> 16) & 0xff] ^ $t2[($s3 >> 8) & 0xff] ^ $t3[$s0 & 0xff] ^ $w[49];
-                $e2 = $t0[($s2 >> 24) & 0xff] ^ $t1[($s3 >> 16) & 0xff] ^ $t2[($s0 >> 8) & 0xff] ^ $t3[$s1 & 0xff] ^ $w[50];
-                $e3 = $t0[($s3 >> 24) & 0xff] ^ $t1[($s0 >> 16) & 0xff] ^ $t2[($s1 >> 8) & 0xff] ^ $t3[$s2 & 0xff] ^ $w[51];
-                $s0 = $t0[($e0 >> 24) & 0xff] ^ $t1[($e1 >> 16) & 0xff] ^ $t2[($e2 >> 8) & 0xff] ^ $t3[$e3 & 0xff] ^ $w[52];
-                $s1 = $t0[($e1 >> 24) & 0xff] ^ $t1[($e2 >> 16) & 0xff] ^ $t2[($e3 >> 8) & 0xff] ^ $t3[$e0 & 0xff] ^ $w[53];
-                $s2 = $t0[($e2 >> 24) & 0xff] ^ $t1[($e3 >> 16) & 0xff] ^ $t2[($e0 >> 8) & 0xff] ^ $t3[$e1 & 0xff] ^ $w[54];
-                $s3 = $t0[($e3 >> 24) & 0xff] ^ $t1[($e0 >> 16) & 0xff] ^ $t2[($e1 >> 8) & 0xff] ^ $t3[$e2 & 0xff] ^ $w[55];
-                $e0 = $t0[($s0 >> 24) & 0xff] ^ $t1[($s1 >> 16) & 0xff] ^ $t2[($s2 >> 8) & 0xff] ^ $t3[$s3 & 0xff] ^ $w[56];
-                $e1 = $t0[($s1 >> 24) & 0xff] ^ $t1[($s2 >> 16) & 0xff] ^ $t2[($s3 >> 8) & 0xff] ^ $t3[$s0 & 0xff] ^ $w[57];
-                $e2 = $t0[($s2 >> 24) & 0xff] ^ $t1[($s3 >> 16) & 0xff] ^ $t2[($s0 >> 8) & 0xff] ^ $t3[$s1 & 0xff] ^ $w[58];
-                $e3 = $t0[($s3 >> 24) & 0xff] ^ $t1[($s0 >> 16) & 0xff] ^ $t2[($s1 >> 8) & 0xff] ^ $t3[$s2 & 0xff] ^ $w[59];
-                break;
-            case 12:
-                $s0 = $t0[($e0 >> 24) & 0xff] ^ $t1[($e1 >> 16) & 0xff] ^ $t2[($e2 >> 8) & 0xff] ^ $t3[$e3 & 0xff] ^ $w[44];
-                $s1 = $t0[($e1 >> 24) & 0xff] ^ $t1[($e2 >> 16) & 0xff] ^ $t2[($e3 >> 8) & 0xff] ^ $t3[$e0 & 0xff] ^ $w[45];
-                $s2 = $t0[($e2 >> 24) & 0xff] ^ $t1[($e3 >> 16) & 0xff] ^ $t2[($e0 >> 8) & 0xff] ^ $t3[$e1 & 0xff] ^ $w[46];
-                $s3 = $t0[($e3 >> 24) & 0xff] ^ $t1[($e0 >> 16) & 0xff] ^ $t2[($e1 >> 8) & 0xff] ^ $t3[$e2 & 0xff] ^ $w[47];
-                $e0 = $t0[($s0 >> 24) & 0xff] ^ $t1[($s1 >> 16) & 0xff] ^ $t2[($s2 >> 8) & 0xff] ^ $t3[$s3 & 0xff] ^ $w[48];
-                $e1 = $t0[($s1 >> 24) & 0xff] ^ $t1[($s2 >> 16) & 0xff] ^ $t2[($s3 >> 8) & 0xff] ^ $t3[$s0 & 0xff] ^ $w[49];
-                $e2 = $t0[($s2 >> 24) & 0xff] ^ $t1[($s3 >> 16) & 0xff] ^ $t2[($s0 >> 8) & 0xff] ^ $t3[$s1 & 0xff] ^ $w[50];
-                $e3 = $t0[($s3 >> 24) & 0xff] ^ $t1[($s0 >> 16) & 0xff] ^ $t2[($s1 >> 8) & 0xff] ^ $t3[$s2 & 0xff] ^ $w[51];
-                break;
-            case 13:
-                $s0 = $t0[($e0 >> 24) & 0xff] ^ $t1[($e1 >> 16) & 0xff] ^ $t2[($e2 >> 8) & 0xff] ^ $t3[$e3 & 0xff] ^ $w[44];
-                $s1 = $t0[($e1 >> 24) & 0xff] ^ $t1[($e2 >> 16) & 0xff] ^ $t2[($e3 >> 8) & 0xff] ^ $t3[$e0 & 0xff] ^ $w[45];
-                $s2 = $t0[($e2 >> 24) & 0xff] ^ $t1[($e3 >> 16) & 0xff] ^ $t2[($e0 >> 8) & 0xff] ^ $t3[$e1 & 0xff] ^ $w[46];
-                $s3 = $t0[($e3 >> 24) & 0xff] ^ $t1[($e0 >> 16) & 0xff] ^ $t2[($e1 >> 8) & 0xff] ^ $t3[$e2 & 0xff] ^ $w[47];
-                $e0 = $t0[($s0 >> 24) & 0xff] ^ $t1[($s1 >> 16) & 0xff] ^ $t2[($s2 >> 8) & 0xff] ^ $t3[$s3 & 0xff] ^ $w[48];
-                $e1 = $t0[($s1 >> 24) & 0xff] ^ $t1[($s2 >> 16) & 0xff] ^ $t2[($s3 >> 8) & 0xff] ^ $t3[$s0 & 0xff] ^ $w[49];
-                $e2 = $t0[($s2 >> 24) & 0xff] ^ $t1[($s3 >> 16) & 0xff] ^ $t2[($s0 >> 8) & 0xff] ^ $t3[$s1 & 0xff] ^ $w[50];
-                $e3 = $t0[($s3 >> 24) & 0xff] ^ $t1[($s0 >> 16) & 0xff] ^ $t2[($s1 >> 8) & 0xff] ^ $t3[$s2 & 0xff] ^ $w[51];
-                $s0 = $t0[($e0 >> 24) & 0xff] ^ $t1[($e1 >> 16) & 0xff] ^ $t2[($e2 >> 8) & 0xff] ^ $t3[$e3 & 0xff] ^ $w[52];
-                $s1 = $t0[($e1 >> 24) & 0xff] ^ $t1[($e2 >> 16) & 0xff] ^ $t2[($e3 >> 8) & 0xff] ^ $t3[$e0 & 0xff] ^ $w[53];
-                $s2 = $t0[($e2 >> 24) & 0xff] ^ $t1[($e3 >> 16) & 0xff] ^ $t2[($e0 >> 8) & 0xff] ^ $t3[$e1 & 0xff] ^ $w[54];
-                $e3 = $t0[($e3 >> 24) & 0xff] ^ $t1[($e0 >> 16) & 0xff] ^ $t2[($e1 >> 8) & 0xff] ^ $t3[$e2 & 0xff] ^ $w[55];
-                // Note: Here we skip $s3 but using $e3
-                $e0 = $s0;
-                $e1 = $s1;
-                $e2 = $s2;
-                // $e3 = $s3;
-                break;
-            default: // 11
-                $s0 = $t0[($e0 >> 24) & 0xff] ^ $t1[($e1 >> 16) & 0xff] ^ $t2[($e2 >> 8) & 0xff] ^ $t3[$e3 & 0xff] ^ $w[44];
-                $s1 = $t0[($e1 >> 24) & 0xff] ^ $t1[($e2 >> 16) & 0xff] ^ $t2[($e3 >> 8) & 0xff] ^ $t3[$e0 & 0xff] ^ $w[45];
-                $s2 = $t0[($e2 >> 24) & 0xff] ^ $t1[($e3 >> 16) & 0xff] ^ $t2[($e0 >> 8) & 0xff] ^ $t3[$e1 & 0xff] ^ $w[46];
-                $e3 = $t0[($e3 >> 24) & 0xff] ^ $t1[($e0 >> 16) & 0xff] ^ $t2[($e1 >> 8) & 0xff] ^ $t3[$e2 & 0xff] ^ $w[47];
-                // Note: Here we skip $s3 but using $e3
-                $e0 = $s0;
-                $e1 = $s1;
-                $e2 = $s2;
-                // $e3 = $s3;
-        }
-        // subWord
-        $e0 = $sbox[$e0 & 0xff] | ($sbox[($e0 >> 8) & 0xff] << 8) | ($sbox[($e0 >> 16) & 0xff] << 16) | ($sbox[($e0 >> 24) & 0xff] << 24);
-        $e1 = $sbox[$e1 & 0xff] | ($sbox[($e1 >> 8) & 0xff] << 8) | ($sbox[($e1 >> 16) & 0xff] << 16) | ($sbox[($e1 >> 24) & 0xff] << 24);
-        $e2 = $sbox[$e2 & 0xff] | ($sbox[($e2 >> 8) & 0xff] << 8) | ($sbox[($e2 >> 16) & 0xff] << 16) | ($sbox[($e2 >> 24) & 0xff] << 24);
-        $e3 = $sbox[$e3 & 0xff] | ($sbox[($e3 >> 8) & 0xff] << 8) | ($sbox[($e3 >> 16) & 0xff] << 16) | ($sbox[($e3 >> 24) & 0xff] << 24);
-        // shiftRows + addRoundKey
-        return pack('N*',
-            ($e0 & 0xFF000000) ^ ($e1 & 0x00FF0000) ^ ($e2 & 0x0000FF00) ^ ($e3 & 0x000000FF) ^ $w[0],
-            ($e1 & 0xFF000000) ^ ($e2 & 0x00FF0000) ^ ($e3 & 0x0000FF00) ^ ($e0 & 0x000000FF) ^ $w[1],
-            ($e2 & 0xFF000000) ^ ($e3 & 0x00FF0000) ^ ($e0 & 0x0000FF00) ^ ($e1 & 0x000000FF) ^ $w[2],
-            ($e3 & 0xFF000000) ^ ($e0 & 0x00FF0000) ^ ($e1 & 0x0000FF00) ^ ($e2 & 0x000000FF) ^ $w[3]
-        );
-    }
-    /**
-     * Decrypts a block
-     *
-     * Optimized over Crypt_Rijndael's implementation by means of loop unrolling.
-     *
-     * @see Crypt_Rijndael::_decryptBlock()
-     * @access private
-     * @param String $in
-     * @return String
-     */
-    function _decryptBlock($in)
-    {
-        $state = unpack('N*', $in);
-        $sbox = $this->isbox;
-        $dw  = $this->dw;
-        $dt0 = $this->dt0;
-        $dt1 = $this->dt1;
-        $dt2 = $this->dt2;
-        $dt3 = $this->dt3;
-        // addRoundKey
-        $s0 = $state[1] ^ $dw[4];
-        $s1 = $state[2] ^ $dw[5];
-        $s2 = $state[3] ^ $dw[6];
-        $s3 = $state[4] ^ $dw[7];
-        // invShiftRows + invSubBytes + invMixColumns + addRoundKey
-        $e0 = $dt0[($s0 >> 24) & 0xff] ^ $dt1[($s3 >> 16) & 0xff] ^ $dt2[($s2 >> 8) & 0xff] ^ $dt3[$s1 & 0xff] ^ $dw[8];
-        $e1 = $dt0[($s1 >> 24) & 0xff] ^ $dt1[($s0 >> 16) & 0xff] ^ $dt2[($s3 >> 8) & 0xff] ^ $dt3[$s2 & 0xff] ^ $dw[9];
-        $e2 = $dt0[($s2 >> 24) & 0xff] ^ $dt1[($s1 >> 16) & 0xff] ^ $dt2[($s0 >> 8) & 0xff] ^ $dt3[$s3 & 0xff] ^ $dw[10];
-        $e3 = $dt0[($s3 >> 24) & 0xff] ^ $dt1[($s2 >> 16) & 0xff] ^ $dt2[($s1 >> 8) & 0xff] ^ $dt3[$s0 & 0xff] ^ $dw[11];
-        $s0 = $dt0[($e0 >> 24) & 0xff] ^ $dt1[($e3 >> 16) & 0xff] ^ $dt2[($e2 >> 8) & 0xff] ^ $dt3[$e1 & 0xff] ^ $dw[12];
-        $s1 = $dt0[($e1 >> 24) & 0xff] ^ $dt1[($e0 >> 16) & 0xff] ^ $dt2[($e3 >> 8) & 0xff] ^ $dt3[$e2 & 0xff] ^ $dw[13];
-        $s2 = $dt0[($e2 >> 24) & 0xff] ^ $dt1[($e1 >> 16) & 0xff] ^ $dt2[($e0 >> 8) & 0xff] ^ $dt3[$e3 & 0xff] ^ $dw[14];
-        $s3 = $dt0[($e3 >> 24) & 0xff] ^ $dt1[($e2 >> 16) & 0xff] ^ $dt2[($e1 >> 8) & 0xff] ^ $dt3[$e0 & 0xff] ^ $dw[15];
-        $e0 = $dt0[($s0 >> 24) & 0xff] ^ $dt1[($s3 >> 16) & 0xff] ^ $dt2[($s2 >> 8) & 0xff] ^ $dt3[$s1 & 0xff] ^ $dw[16];
-        $e1 = $dt0[($s1 >> 24) & 0xff] ^ $dt1[($s0 >> 16) & 0xff] ^ $dt2[($s3 >> 8) & 0xff] ^ $dt3[$s2 & 0xff] ^ $dw[17];
-        $e2 = $dt0[($s2 >> 24) & 0xff] ^ $dt1[($s1 >> 16) & 0xff] ^ $dt2[($s0 >> 8) & 0xff] ^ $dt3[$s3 & 0xff] ^ $dw[18];
-        $e3 = $dt0[($s3 >> 24) & 0xff] ^ $dt1[($s2 >> 16) & 0xff] ^ $dt2[($s1 >> 8) & 0xff] ^ $dt3[$s0 & 0xff] ^ $dw[19];
-        $s0 = $dt0[($e0 >> 24) & 0xff] ^ $dt1[($e3 >> 16) & 0xff] ^ $dt2[($e2 >> 8) & 0xff] ^ $dt3[$e1 & 0xff] ^ $dw[20];
-        $s1 = $dt0[($e1 >> 24) & 0xff] ^ $dt1[($e0 >> 16) & 0xff] ^ $dt2[($e3 >> 8) & 0xff] ^ $dt3[$e2 & 0xff] ^ $dw[21];
-        $s2 = $dt0[($e2 >> 24) & 0xff] ^ $dt1[($e1 >> 16) & 0xff] ^ $dt2[($e0 >> 8) & 0xff] ^ $dt3[$e3 & 0xff] ^ $dw[22];
-        $s3 = $dt0[($e3 >> 24) & 0xff] ^ $dt1[($e2 >> 16) & 0xff] ^ $dt2[($e1 >> 8) & 0xff] ^ $dt3[$e0 & 0xff] ^ $dw[23];
-        $e0 = $dt0[($s0 >> 24) & 0xff] ^ $dt1[($s3 >> 16) & 0xff] ^ $dt2[($s2 >> 8) & 0xff] ^ $dt3[$s1 & 0xff] ^ $dw[24];
-        $e1 = $dt0[($s1 >> 24) & 0xff] ^ $dt1[($s0 >> 16) & 0xff] ^ $dt2[($s3 >> 8) & 0xff] ^ $dt3[$s2 & 0xff] ^ $dw[25];
-        $e2 = $dt0[($s2 >> 24) & 0xff] ^ $dt1[($s1 >> 16) & 0xff] ^ $dt2[($s0 >> 8) & 0xff] ^ $dt3[$s3 & 0xff] ^ $dw[26];
-        $e3 = $dt0[($s3 >> 24) & 0xff] ^ $dt1[($s2 >> 16) & 0xff] ^ $dt2[($s1 >> 8) & 0xff] ^ $dt3[$s0 & 0xff] ^ $dw[27];
-        $s0 = $dt0[($e0 >> 24) & 0xff] ^ $dt1[($e3 >> 16) & 0xff] ^ $dt2[($e2 >> 8) & 0xff] ^ $dt3[$e1 & 0xff] ^ $dw[28];
-        $s1 = $dt0[($e1 >> 24) & 0xff] ^ $dt1[($e0 >> 16) & 0xff] ^ $dt2[($e3 >> 8) & 0xff] ^ $dt3[$e2 & 0xff] ^ $dw[29];
-        $s2 = $dt0[($e2 >> 24) & 0xff] ^ $dt1[($e1 >> 16) & 0xff] ^ $dt2[($e0 >> 8) & 0xff] ^ $dt3[$e3 & 0xff] ^ $dw[30];
-        $s3 = $dt0[($e3 >> 24) & 0xff] ^ $dt1[($e2 >> 16) & 0xff] ^ $dt2[($e1 >> 8) & 0xff] ^ $dt3[$e0 & 0xff] ^ $dw[31];
-        $e0 = $dt0[($s0 >> 24) & 0xff] ^ $dt1[($s3 >> 16) & 0xff] ^ $dt2[($s2 >> 8) & 0xff] ^ $dt3[$s1 & 0xff] ^ $dw[32];
-        $e1 = $dt0[($s1 >> 24) & 0xff] ^ $dt1[($s0 >> 16) & 0xff] ^ $dt2[($s3 >> 8) & 0xff] ^ $dt3[$s2 & 0xff] ^ $dw[33];
-        $e2 = $dt0[($s2 >> 24) & 0xff] ^ $dt1[($s1 >> 16) & 0xff] ^ $dt2[($s0 >> 8) & 0xff] ^ $dt3[$s3 & 0xff] ^ $dw[34];
-        $e3 = $dt0[($s3 >> 24) & 0xff] ^ $dt1[($s2 >> 16) & 0xff] ^ $dt2[($s1 >> 8) & 0xff] ^ $dt3[$s0 & 0xff] ^ $dw[35];
-        $s0 = $dt0[($e0 >> 24) & 0xff] ^ $dt1[($e3 >> 16) & 0xff] ^ $dt2[($e2 >> 8) & 0xff] ^ $dt3[$e1 & 0xff] ^ $dw[36];
-        $s1 = $dt0[($e1 >> 24) & 0xff] ^ $dt1[($e0 >> 16) & 0xff] ^ $dt2[($e3 >> 8) & 0xff] ^ $dt3[$e2 & 0xff] ^ $dw[37];
-        $s2 = $dt0[($e2 >> 24) & 0xff] ^ $dt1[($e1 >> 16) & 0xff] ^ $dt2[($e0 >> 8) & 0xff] ^ $dt3[$e3 & 0xff] ^ $dw[38];
-        $s3 = $dt0[($e3 >> 24) & 0xff] ^ $dt1[($e2 >> 16) & 0xff] ^ $dt2[($e1 >> 8) & 0xff] ^ $dt3[$e0 & 0xff] ^ $dw[39];
-        $e0 = $dt0[($s0 >> 24) & 0xff] ^ $dt1[($s3 >> 16) & 0xff] ^ $dt2[($s2 >> 8) & 0xff] ^ $dt3[$s1 & 0xff] ^ $dw[40];
-        $e1 = $dt0[($s1 >> 24) & 0xff] ^ $dt1[($s0 >> 16) & 0xff] ^ $dt2[($s3 >> 8) & 0xff] ^ $dt3[$s2 & 0xff] ^ $dw[41];
-        $e2 = $dt0[($s2 >> 24) & 0xff] ^ $dt1[($s1 >> 16) & 0xff] ^ $dt2[($s0 >> 8) & 0xff] ^ $dt3[$s3 & 0xff] ^ $dw[42];
-        $e3 = $dt0[($s3 >> 24) & 0xff] ^ $dt1[($s2 >> 16) & 0xff] ^ $dt2[($s1 >> 8) & 0xff] ^ $dt3[$s0 & 0xff] ^ $dw[43];
-        switch ($this->Nr) {
-            case 10:
-                break;
-            case 14:
-                $s0 = $dt0[($e0 >> 24) & 0xff] ^ $dt1[($e3 >> 16) & 0xff] ^ $dt2[($e2 >> 8) & 0xff] ^ $dt3[$e1 & 0xff] ^ $dw[44];
-                $s1 = $dt0[($e1 >> 24) & 0xff] ^ $dt1[($e0 >> 16) & 0xff] ^ $dt2[($e3 >> 8) & 0xff] ^ $dt3[$e2 & 0xff] ^ $dw[45];
-                $s2 = $dt0[($e2 >> 24) & 0xff] ^ $dt1[($e1 >> 16) & 0xff] ^ $dt2[($e0 >> 8) & 0xff] ^ $dt3[$e3 & 0xff] ^ $dw[46];
-                $s3 = $dt0[($e3 >> 24) & 0xff] ^ $dt1[($e2 >> 16) & 0xff] ^ $dt2[($e1 >> 8) & 0xff] ^ $dt3[$e0 & 0xff] ^ $dw[47];
-                $e0 = $dt0[($s0 >> 24) & 0xff] ^ $dt1[($s3 >> 16) & 0xff] ^ $dt2[($s2 >> 8) & 0xff] ^ $dt3[$s1 & 0xff] ^ $dw[48];
-                $e1 = $dt0[($s1 >> 24) & 0xff] ^ $dt1[($s0 >> 16) & 0xff] ^ $dt2[($s3 >> 8) & 0xff] ^ $dt3[$s2 & 0xff] ^ $dw[49];
-                $e2 = $dt0[($s2 >> 24) & 0xff] ^ $dt1[($s1 >> 16) & 0xff] ^ $dt2[($s0 >> 8) & 0xff] ^ $dt3[$s3 & 0xff] ^ $dw[50];
-                $e3 = $dt0[($s3 >> 24) & 0xff] ^ $dt1[($s2 >> 16) & 0xff] ^ $dt2[($s1 >> 8) & 0xff] ^ $dt3[$s0 & 0xff] ^ $dw[51];
-                $s0 = $dt0[($e0 >> 24) & 0xff] ^ $dt1[($e3 >> 16) & 0xff] ^ $dt2[($e2 >> 8) & 0xff] ^ $dt3[$e1 & 0xff] ^ $dw[52];
-                $s1 = $dt0[($e1 >> 24) & 0xff] ^ $dt1[($e0 >> 16) & 0xff] ^ $dt2[($e3 >> 8) & 0xff] ^ $dt3[$e2 & 0xff] ^ $dw[53];
-                $s2 = $dt0[($e2 >> 24) & 0xff] ^ $dt1[($e1 >> 16) & 0xff] ^ $dt2[($e0 >> 8) & 0xff] ^ $dt3[$e3 & 0xff] ^ $dw[54];
-                $s3 = $dt0[($e3 >> 24) & 0xff] ^ $dt1[($e2 >> 16) & 0xff] ^ $dt2[($e1 >> 8) & 0xff] ^ $dt3[$e0 & 0xff] ^ $dw[55];
-                $e0 = $dt0[($s0 >> 24) & 0xff] ^ $dt1[($s3 >> 16) & 0xff] ^ $dt2[($s2 >> 8) & 0xff] ^ $dt3[$s1 & 0xff] ^ $dw[56];
-                $e1 = $dt0[($s1 >> 24) & 0xff] ^ $dt1[($s0 >> 16) & 0xff] ^ $dt2[($s3 >> 8) & 0xff] ^ $dt3[$s2 & 0xff] ^ $dw[57];
-                $e2 = $dt0[($s2 >> 24) & 0xff] ^ $dt1[($s1 >> 16) & 0xff] ^ $dt2[($s0 >> 8) & 0xff] ^ $dt3[$s3 & 0xff] ^ $dw[58];
-                $e3 = $dt0[($s3 >> 24) & 0xff] ^ $dt1[($s2 >> 16) & 0xff] ^ $dt2[($s1 >> 8) & 0xff] ^ $dt3[$s0 & 0xff] ^ $dw[59];
-                break;
-            case 12:
-                $s0 = $dt0[($e0 >> 24) & 0xff] ^ $dt1[($e3 >> 16) & 0xff] ^ $dt2[($e2 >> 8) & 0xff] ^ $dt3[$e1 & 0xff] ^ $dw[44];
-                $s1 = $dt0[($e1 >> 24) & 0xff] ^ $dt1[($e0 >> 16) & 0xff] ^ $dt2[($e3 >> 8) & 0xff] ^ $dt3[$e2 & 0xff] ^ $dw[45];
-                $s2 = $dt0[($e2 >> 24) & 0xff] ^ $dt1[($e1 >> 16) & 0xff] ^ $dt2[($e0 >> 8) & 0xff] ^ $dt3[$e3 & 0xff] ^ $dw[46];
-                $s3 = $dt0[($e3 >> 24) & 0xff] ^ $dt1[($e2 >> 16) & 0xff] ^ $dt2[($e1 >> 8) & 0xff] ^ $dt3[$e0 & 0xff] ^ $dw[47];
-                $e0 = $dt0[($s0 >> 24) & 0xff] ^ $dt1[($s3 >> 16) & 0xff] ^ $dt2[($s2 >> 8) & 0xff] ^ $dt3[$s1 & 0xff] ^ $dw[48];
-                $e1 = $dt0[($s1 >> 24) & 0xff] ^ $dt1[($s0 >> 16) & 0xff] ^ $dt2[($s3 >> 8) & 0xff] ^ $dt3[$s2 & 0xff] ^ $dw[49];
-                $e2 = $dt0[($s2 >> 24) & 0xff] ^ $dt1[($s1 >> 16) & 0xff] ^ $dt2[($s0 >> 8) & 0xff] ^ $dt3[$s3 & 0xff] ^ $dw[50];
-                $e3 = $dt0[($s3 >> 24) & 0xff] ^ $dt1[($s2 >> 16) & 0xff] ^ $dt2[($s1 >> 8) & 0xff] ^ $dt3[$s0 & 0xff] ^ $dw[51];
-                break;
-            case 13:
-                $s0 = $dt0[($e0 >> 24) & 0xff] ^ $dt1[($e3 >> 16) & 0xff] ^ $dt2[($e2 >> 8) & 0xff] ^ $dt3[$e1 & 0xff] ^ $dw[44];
-                $s1 = $dt0[($e1 >> 24) & 0xff] ^ $dt1[($e0 >> 16) & 0xff] ^ $dt2[($e3 >> 8) & 0xff] ^ $dt3[$e2 & 0xff] ^ $dw[45];
-                $s2 = $dt0[($e2 >> 24) & 0xff] ^ $dt1[($e1 >> 16) & 0xff] ^ $dt2[($e0 >> 8) & 0xff] ^ $dt3[$e3 & 0xff] ^ $dw[46];
-                $s3 = $dt0[($e3 >> 24) & 0xff] ^ $dt1[($e2 >> 16) & 0xff] ^ $dt2[($e1 >> 8) & 0xff] ^ $dt3[$e0 & 0xff] ^ $dw[47];
-                $e0 = $dt0[($s0 >> 24) & 0xff] ^ $dt1[($s3 >> 16) & 0xff] ^ $dt2[($s2 >> 8) & 0xff] ^ $dt3[$s1 & 0xff] ^ $dw[48];
-                $e1 = $dt0[($s1 >> 24) & 0xff] ^ $dt1[($s0 >> 16) & 0xff] ^ $dt2[($s3 >> 8) & 0xff] ^ $dt3[$s2 & 0xff] ^ $dw[49];
-                $e2 = $dt0[($s2 >> 24) & 0xff] ^ $dt1[($s1 >> 16) & 0xff] ^ $dt2[($s0 >> 8) & 0xff] ^ $dt3[$s3 & 0xff] ^ $dw[50];
-                $e3 = $dt0[($s3 >> 24) & 0xff] ^ $dt1[($s2 >> 16) & 0xff] ^ $dt2[($s1 >> 8) & 0xff] ^ $dt3[$s0 & 0xff] ^ $dw[51];
-                $s0 = $dt0[($e0 >> 24) & 0xff] ^ $dt1[($e3 >> 16) & 0xff] ^ $dt2[($e2 >> 8) & 0xff] ^ $dt3[$e1 & 0xff] ^ $dw[52];
-                $s1 = $dt0[($e1 >> 24) & 0xff] ^ $dt1[($e0 >> 16) & 0xff] ^ $dt2[($e3 >> 8) & 0xff] ^ $dt3[$e2 & 0xff] ^ $dw[53];
-                $s2 = $dt0[($e2 >> 24) & 0xff] ^ $dt1[($e1 >> 16) & 0xff] ^ $dt2[($e0 >> 8) & 0xff] ^ $dt3[$e3 & 0xff] ^ $dw[54];
-                $e3 = $dt0[($e3 >> 24) & 0xff] ^ $dt1[($e2 >> 16) & 0xff] ^ $dt2[($e1 >> 8) & 0xff] ^ $dt3[$e0 & 0xff] ^ $dw[55];
-                // Note: Here we skip $s3 but using $e3
-                $e0 = $s0;
-                $e1 = $s1;
-                $e2 = $s2;
-                // $e3 = $s3;
-                break;
-            default: // 11
-                $s0 = $dt0[($e0 >> 24) & 0xff] ^ $dt1[($e3 >> 16) & 0xff] ^ $dt2[($e2 >> 8) & 0xff] ^ $dt3[$e1 & 0xff] ^ $dw[44];
-                $s1 = $dt0[($e1 >> 24) & 0xff] ^ $dt1[($e0 >> 16) & 0xff] ^ $dt2[($e3 >> 8) & 0xff] ^ $dt3[$e2 & 0xff] ^ $dw[45];
-                $s2 = $dt0[($e2 >> 24) & 0xff] ^ $dt1[($e1 >> 16) & 0xff] ^ $dt2[($e0 >> 8) & 0xff] ^ $dt3[$e3 & 0xff] ^ $dw[46];
-                $e3 = $dt0[($e3 >> 24) & 0xff] ^ $dt1[($e2 >> 16) & 0xff] ^ $dt2[($e1 >> 8) & 0xff] ^ $dt3[$e0 & 0xff] ^ $dw[47];
-                // Note: Here we skip $s3 but using $e3
-                $e0 = $s0;
-                $e1 = $s1;
-                $e2 = $s2;
-                // $e3 = $s3;
-        }
-        // invSubWord
-        $e0 = $sbox[$e0 & 0xff] | ($sbox[($e0 >> 8) & 0xff] << 8) | ($sbox[($e0 >> 16) & 0xff] << 16) | ($sbox[($e0 >> 24) & 0xff] << 24);
-        $e1 = $sbox[$e1 & 0xff] | ($sbox[($e1 >> 8) & 0xff] << 8) | ($sbox[($e1 >> 16) & 0xff] << 16) | ($sbox[($e1 >> 24) & 0xff] << 24);
-        $e2 = $sbox[$e2 & 0xff] | ($sbox[($e2 >> 8) & 0xff] << 8) | ($sbox[($e2 >> 16) & 0xff] << 16) | ($sbox[($e2 >> 24) & 0xff] << 24);
-        $e3 = $sbox[$e3 & 0xff] | ($sbox[($e3 >> 8) & 0xff] << 8) | ($sbox[($e3 >> 16) & 0xff] << 16) | ($sbox[($e3 >> 24) & 0xff] << 24);
-        // invShiftRows + addRoundKey
-        return pack('N*',
-            ($e0 & 0xFF000000) ^ ($e3 & 0x00FF0000) ^ ($e2 & 0x0000FF00) ^ ($e1 & 0x000000FF) ^ $dw[0],
-            ($e1 & 0xFF000000) ^ ($e0 & 0x00FF0000) ^ ($e3 & 0x0000FF00) ^ ($e2 & 0x000000FF) ^ $dw[1],
-            ($e2 & 0xFF000000) ^ ($e1 & 0x00FF0000) ^ ($e0 & 0x0000FF00) ^ ($e3 & 0x000000FF) ^ $dw[2],
-            ($e3 & 0xFF000000) ^ ($e2 & 0x00FF0000) ^ ($e1 & 0x0000FF00) ^ ($e0 & 0x000000FF) ^ $dw[3]
-        );
-    }
-    /**
-     * Treat consecutive "packets" as if they are a continuous buffer.
-     *
-     * The default behavior.
-     *
-     * @see Crypt_Rijndael::disableContinuousBuffer()
-     * @access public
-     */
-    function enableContinuousBuffer()
-    {
-        parent::enableContinuousBuffer();
-            $this->enbuffer['enmcrypt_init'] = true;
-            $this->debuffer['demcrypt_init'] = true;
-        }
-    }
-    /**
-     * Treat consecutive packets as if they are a discontinuous buffer.
-     *
-     * The default behavior.
-     *
-     * @see Crypt_Rijndael::enableContinuousBuffer()
-     * @access public
-     */
-    function disableContinuousBuffer()
-    {
-        parent::disableContinuousBuffer();
-            mcrypt_generic_init($this->enmcrypt, $this->key, $this->iv);
-            mcrypt_generic_init($this->demcrypt, $this->key, $this->iv);
-        }
-    }
 // vim: ts=4:sw=4:et:
diff --git a/apps/files_external/3rdparty/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/Base.php b/apps/files_external/3rdparty/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/Base.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7c650ca729b1d93f5aeeae621498e98713b5cde6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/files_external/3rdparty/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/Base.php
@@ -0,0 +1,1989 @@
+/* vim: set expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4: */
+ * Base Class for all Crypt_* cipher classes
+ *
+ * PHP versions 4 and 5
+ *
+ * Internally for phpseclib developers:
+ *  If you plan to add a new cipher class, please note following rules:
+ *
+ *  - The new Crypt_* cipher class should extend Crypt_Base
+ *
+ *  - Following methods are then required to be overridden/overloaded:
+ *
+ *    - _encryptBlock()
+ *
+ *    - _decryptBlock()
+ *
+ *    - _setupKey()
+ *
+ *  - All other methods are optional to be overridden/overloaded
+ *
+ *  - Look at the source code of the current ciphers how they extend Crypt_Base
+ *    and take one of them as a start up for the new cipher class.
+ *
+ *  - Please read all the other comments/notes/hints here also for each class var/method
+ *
+ * LICENSE: Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+ * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+ * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+ * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+ * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+ * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+ *
+ * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+ * all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+ *
+ *
+ * @category   Crypt
+ * @package    Crypt_Base
+ * @author     Jim Wigginton <terrafrost@php.net>
+ * @author     Hans-Juergen Petrich <petrich@tronic-media.com>
+ * @copyright  MMVII Jim Wigginton
+ * @license    http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html  MIT License
+ * @version    1.0.1
+ * @link       http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net
+ */
+ * @access public
+ * @see Crypt_Base::encrypt()
+ * @see Crypt_Base::decrypt()
+ */
+ * Encrypt / decrypt using the Counter mode.
+ *
+ * Set to -1 since that's what Crypt/Random.php uses to index the CTR mode.
+ *
+ * @link http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Block_cipher_modes_of_operation#Counter_.28CTR.29
+ */
+define('CRYPT_MODE_CTR', -1);
+ * Encrypt / decrypt using the Electronic Code Book mode.
+ *
+ * @link http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Block_cipher_modes_of_operation#Electronic_codebook_.28ECB.29
+ */
+define('CRYPT_MODE_ECB', 1);
+ * Encrypt / decrypt using the Code Book Chaining mode.
+ *
+ * @link http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Block_cipher_modes_of_operation#Cipher-block_chaining_.28CBC.29
+ */
+define('CRYPT_MODE_CBC', 2);
+ * Encrypt / decrypt using the Cipher Feedback mode.
+ *
+ * @link http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Block_cipher_modes_of_operation#Cipher_feedback_.28CFB.29
+ */
+define('CRYPT_MODE_CFB', 3);
+ * Encrypt / decrypt using the Output Feedback mode.
+ *
+ * @link http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Block_cipher_modes_of_operation#Output_feedback_.28OFB.29
+ */
+define('CRYPT_MODE_OFB', 4);
+ * Encrypt / decrypt using streaming mode.
+ *
+ */
+define('CRYPT_MODE_STREAM', 5);
+ * @access private
+ * @see Crypt_Base::Crypt_Base()
+ */
+ * Base value for the internal implementation $engine switch
+ */
+define('CRYPT_MODE_INTERNAL', 1);
+ * Base value for the mcrypt implementation $engine switch
+ */
+define('CRYPT_MODE_MCRYPT', 2);
+ * Base Class for all Crypt_* cipher classes
+ *
+ * @author  Jim Wigginton <terrafrost@php.net>
+ * @author  Hans-Juergen Petrich <petrich@tronic-media.com>
+ * @version 1.0.0
+ * @access  public
+ * @package Crypt_Base
+ */
+class Crypt_Base {
+    /**
+     * The Encryption Mode
+     *
+     * @see Crypt_Base::Crypt_Base()
+     * @var Integer
+     * @access private
+     */
+    var $mode;
+    /**
+     * The Block Length of the block cipher
+     *
+     * @var Integer
+     * @access private
+     */
+    var $block_size = 16;
+    /**
+     * The Key
+     *
+     * @see Crypt_Base::setKey()
+     * @var String
+     * @access private
+     */
+    var $key = "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0";
+    /**
+     * The Initialization Vector
+     *
+     * @see Crypt_Base::setIV()
+     * @var String
+     * @access private
+     */
+    var $iv;
+    /**
+     * A "sliding" Initialization Vector
+     *
+     * @see Crypt_Base::enableContinuousBuffer()
+     * @see Crypt_Base::_clearBuffers()
+     * @var String
+     * @access private
+     */
+    var $encryptIV;
+    /**
+     * A "sliding" Initialization Vector
+     *
+     * @see Crypt_Base::enableContinuousBuffer()
+     * @see Crypt_Base::_clearBuffers()
+     * @var String
+     * @access private
+     */
+    var $decryptIV;
+    /**
+     * Continuous Buffer status
+     *
+     * @see Crypt_Base::enableContinuousBuffer()
+     * @var Boolean
+     * @access private
+     */
+    var $continuousBuffer = false;
+    /**
+     * Encryption buffer for CTR, OFB and CFB modes
+     *
+     * @see Crypt_Base::encrypt()
+     * @see Crypt_Base::_clearBuffers()
+     * @var Array
+     * @access private
+     */
+    var $enbuffer;
+    /**
+     * Decryption buffer for CTR, OFB and CFB modes
+     *
+     * @see Crypt_Base::decrypt()
+     * @see Crypt_Base::_clearBuffers()
+     * @var Array
+     * @access private
+     */
+    var $debuffer;
+    /**
+     * mcrypt resource for encryption
+     *
+     * The mcrypt resource can be recreated every time something needs to be created or it can be created just once.
+     * Since mcrypt operates in continuous mode, by default, it'll need to be recreated when in non-continuous mode.
+     *
+     * @see Crypt_Base::encrypt()
+     * @var Resource
+     * @access private
+     */
+    var $enmcrypt;
+    /**
+     * mcrypt resource for decryption
+     *
+     * The mcrypt resource can be recreated every time something needs to be created or it can be created just once.
+     * Since mcrypt operates in continuous mode, by default, it'll need to be recreated when in non-continuous mode.
+     *
+     * @see Crypt_Base::decrypt()
+     * @var Resource
+     * @access private
+     */
+    var $demcrypt;
+    /**
+     * Does the enmcrypt resource need to be (re)initialized?
+     *
+     * @see Crypt_Twofish::setKey()
+     * @see Crypt_Twofish::setIV()
+     * @var Boolean
+     * @access private
+     */
+    var $enchanged = true;
+    /**
+     * Does the demcrypt resource need to be (re)initialized?
+     *
+     * @see Crypt_Twofish::setKey()
+     * @see Crypt_Twofish::setIV()
+     * @var Boolean
+     * @access private
+     */
+    var $dechanged = true;
+    /**
+     * mcrypt resource for CFB mode
+     *
+     * mcrypt's CFB mode, in (and only in) buffered context,
+     * is broken, so phpseclib implements the CFB mode by it self,
+     * even when the mcrypt php extension is available.
+     *
+     * In order to do the CFB-mode work (fast) phpseclib
+     * use a separate ECB-mode mcrypt resource.
+     *
+     * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net/cfb-demo.phps
+     * @see Crypt_Base::encrypt()
+     * @see Crypt_Base::decrypt()
+     * @see Crypt_Base::_setupMcrypt()
+     * @var Resource
+     * @access private
+     */
+    var $ecb;
+    /**
+     * Optimizing value while CFB-encrypting
+     *
+     * Only relevant if $continuousBuffer enabled
+     * and $engine == CRYPT_MODE_MCRYPT
+     *
+     * It's faster to re-init $enmcrypt if
+     * $buffer bytes > $cfb_init_len than
+     * using the $ecb resource furthermore.
+     *
+     * This value depends of the choosen cipher
+     * and the time it would be needed for it's
+     * initialization [by mcrypt_generic_init()]
+     * which, typically, depends on the complexity
+     * on its internaly Key-expanding algorithm.
+     *
+     * @see Crypt_Base::encrypt()
+     * @var Integer
+     * @access private
+     */
+    var $cfb_init_len = 600;
+    /**
+     * Does internal cipher state need to be (re)initialized?
+     *
+     * @see setKey()
+     * @see setIV()
+     * @see disableContinuousBuffer()
+     * @var Boolean
+     * @access private
+     */
+    var $changed = true;
+    /**
+     * Padding status
+     *
+     * @see Crypt_Base::enablePadding()
+     * @var Boolean
+     * @access private
+     */
+    var $padding = true;
+    /**
+     * Is the mode one that is paddable?
+     *
+     * @see Crypt_Base::Crypt_Base()
+     * @var Boolean
+     * @access private
+     */
+    var $paddable = false;
+    /**
+     * Holds which crypt engine internaly should be use,
+     * which will be determined automatically on __construct()
+     *
+     * Currently available $engines are:
+     * - CRYPT_MODE_MCRYPT   (fast, php-extension: mcrypt, extension_loaded('mcrypt') required)
+     * - CRYPT_MODE_INTERNAL (slower, pure php-engine, no php-extension required)
+     *
+     * In the pipeline... maybe. But currently not available:
+     * - CRYPT_MODE_OPENSSL  (very fast, php-extension: openssl, extension_loaded('openssl') required)
+     *
+     * If possible, CRYPT_MODE_MCRYPT will be used for each cipher.
+     * Otherwise CRYPT_MODE_INTERNAL
+     *
+     * @see Crypt_Base::encrypt()
+     * @see Crypt_Base::decrypt()
+     * @var Integer
+     * @access private
+     */
+    var $engine;
+    /**
+     * The mcrypt specific name of the cipher
+     *
+     * Only used if $engine == CRYPT_MODE_MCRYPT
+     *
+     * @link http://www.php.net/mcrypt_module_open
+     * @link http://www.php.net/mcrypt_list_algorithms
+     * @see Crypt_Base::_setupMcrypt()
+     * @var String
+     * @access private
+     */
+    var $cipher_name_mcrypt;
+    /**
+     * The default password key_size used by setPassword()
+     *
+     * @see Crypt_Base::setPassword()
+     * @var Integer
+     * @access private
+     */
+    var $password_key_size = 32;
+    /**
+     * The default salt used by setPassword()
+     *
+     * @see Crypt_Base::setPassword()
+     * @var String
+     * @access private
+     */
+    var $password_default_salt = 'phpseclib/salt';
+    /**
+     * The namespace used by the cipher for its constants.
+     *
+     * ie: AES.php is using CRYPT_AES_MODE_* for its constants
+     *     so $const_namespace is AES
+     *
+     *     DES.php is using CRYPT_DES_MODE_* for its constants
+     *     so $const_namespace is DES... and so on
+     *
+     * All CRYPT_<$const_namespace>_MODE_* are aliases of
+     * the generic CRYPT_MODE_* constants, so both could be used
+     * for each cipher.
+     *
+     * Example:
+     * $aes = new Crypt_AES(CRYPT_AES_MODE_CFB); // $aes will operate in cfb mode
+     * $aes = new Crypt_AES(CRYPT_MODE_CFB);     // identical
+     *
+     * @see Crypt_Base::Crypt_Base()
+     * @var String
+     * @access private
+     */
+    var $const_namespace;
+    /**
+     * The name of the performance-optimized callback function
+     *
+     * Used by encrypt() / decrypt()
+     * only if $engine == CRYPT_MODE_INTERNAL
+     *
+     * @see Crypt_Base::encrypt()
+     * @see Crypt_Base::decrypt()
+     * @see Crypt_Base::_setupInlineCrypt()
+     * @see Crypt_Base::$use_inline_crypt
+     * @var Callback
+     * @access private
+     */
+    var $inline_crypt;
+    /**
+     * Holds whether performance-optimized $inline_crypt() can/should be used.
+     *
+     * @see Crypt_Base::encrypt()
+     * @see Crypt_Base::decrypt()
+     * @see Crypt_Base::inline_crypt
+     * @var mixed
+     * @access private
+     */
+    var $use_inline_crypt;
+    /**
+     * Default Constructor.
+     *
+     * Determines whether or not the mcrypt extension should be used.
+     *
+     * $mode could be:
+     *
+     * - CRYPT_MODE_ECB
+     *
+     * - CRYPT_MODE_CBC
+     *
+     * - CRYPT_MODE_CTR
+     *
+     * - CRYPT_MODE_CFB
+     *
+     * - CRYPT_MODE_OFB
+     *
+     * (or the alias constants of the choosen cipher, for example for AES: CRYPT_AES_MODE_ECB or CRYPT_AES_MODE_CBC ...)
+     *
+     * If not explictly set, CRYPT_MODE_CBC will be used.
+     *
+     * @param optional Integer $mode
+     * @access public
+     */
+    function Crypt_Base($mode = CRYPT_MODE_CBC)
+    {
+        $const_crypt_mode = 'CRYPT_' . $this->const_namespace . '_MODE';
+        // Determining the availibility of mcrypt support for the cipher
+        if (!defined($const_crypt_mode)) {
+            switch (true) {
+                case extension_loaded('mcrypt') && in_array($this->cipher_name_mcrypt, mcrypt_list_algorithms()):
+                    define($const_crypt_mode, CRYPT_MODE_MCRYPT);
+                    break;
+                default:
+                    define($const_crypt_mode, CRYPT_MODE_INTERNAL);
+            }
+        }
+        // Determining which internal $engine should be used.
+        // The fastes possible first.
+        switch (true) {
+            case empty($this->cipher_name_mcrypt): // The cipher module has no mcrypt-engine support at all so we force CRYPT_MODE_INTERNAL
+                $this->engine = CRYPT_MODE_INTERNAL;
+                break;
+            case constant($const_crypt_mode) == CRYPT_MODE_MCRYPT:
+                $this->engine = CRYPT_MODE_MCRYPT;
+                break;
+            default:
+                $this->engine = CRYPT_MODE_INTERNAL;
+        }
+        // $mode dependent settings
+        switch ($mode) {
+            case CRYPT_MODE_ECB:
+                $this->paddable = true;
+                $this->mode = $mode;
+                break;
+            case CRYPT_MODE_CTR:
+            case CRYPT_MODE_CFB:
+            case CRYPT_MODE_OFB:
+            case CRYPT_MODE_STREAM:
+                $this->mode = $mode;
+                break;
+            case CRYPT_MODE_CBC:
+            default:
+                $this->paddable = true;
+                $this->mode = CRYPT_MODE_CBC;
+        }
+        // Determining whether inline crypting can be used by the cipher
+        if ($this->use_inline_crypt !== false && function_exists('create_function')) {
+            $this->use_inline_crypt = true;
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Sets the initialization vector. (optional)
+     *
+     * SetIV is not required when CRYPT_MODE_ECB (or ie for AES: CRYPT_AES_MODE_ECB) is being used.  If not explictly set, it'll be assumed
+     * to be all zero's.
+     *
+     * Note: Could, but not must, extend by the child Crypt_* class
+     *
+     * @access public
+     * @param String $iv
+     */
+    function setIV($iv)
+    {
+        if ($this->mode == CRYPT_MODE_ECB) {
+            return;
+        }
+        $this->iv = $iv;
+        $this->changed = true;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Sets the key.
+     *
+     * The min/max length(s) of the key depends on the cipher which is used.
+     * If the key not fits the length(s) of the cipher it will paded with null bytes
+     * up to the closest valid key length.  If the key is more than max length,
+     * we trim the excess bits.
+     *
+     * If the key is not explicitly set, it'll be assumed to be all null bytes.
+     *
+     * Note: Could, but not must, extend by the child Crypt_* class
+     *
+     * @access public
+     * @param String $key
+     */
+    function setKey($key)
+    {
+        $this->key = $key;
+        $this->changed = true;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Sets the password.
+     *
+     * Depending on what $method is set to, setPassword()'s (optional) parameters are as follows:
+     *     {@link http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PBKDF2 pbkdf2}:
+     *         $hash, $salt, $count, $dkLen
+     *
+     *         Where $hash (default = sha1) currently supports the following hashes: see: Crypt/Hash.php
+     *
+     * Note: Could, but not must, extend by the child Crypt_* class
+     *
+     * @see Crypt/Hash.php
+     * @param String $password
+     * @param optional String $method
+     * @access public
+     */
+    function setPassword($password, $method = 'pbkdf2')
+    {
+        $key = '';
+        switch ($method) {
+            default: // 'pbkdf2'
+                $func_args = func_get_args();
+                // Hash function
+                $hash = isset($func_args[2]) ? $func_args[2] : 'sha1';
+                // WPA and WPA2 use the SSID as the salt
+                $salt = isset($func_args[3]) ? $func_args[3] : $this->password_default_salt;
+                // RFC2898#section-4.2 uses 1,000 iterations by default
+                // WPA and WPA2 use 4,096.
+                $count = isset($func_args[4]) ? $func_args[4] : 1000;
+                // Keylength
+                $dkLen = isset($func_args[5]) ? $func_args[5] : $this->password_key_size;
+                // Determining if php[>=5.5.0]'s hash_pbkdf2() function avail- and useable
+                switch (true) {
+                    case !function_exists('hash_pbkdf2'):
+                    case !function_exists('hash_algos'):
+                    case !in_array($hash, hash_algos()):
+                        if (!class_exists('Crypt_Hash')) {
+                            require_once('Crypt/Hash.php');
+                        }
+                        $i = 1;
+                        while (strlen($key) < $dkLen) {
+                            $hmac = new Crypt_Hash();
+                            $hmac->setHash($hash);
+                            $hmac->setKey($password);
+                            $f = $u = $hmac->hash($salt . pack('N', $i++));
+                            for ($j = 2; $j <= $count; ++$j) {
+                                $u = $hmac->hash($u);
+                                $f^= $u;
+                            }
+                            $key.= $f;
+                        }
+                        $key = substr($key, 0, $dkLen);
+                        break;
+                    default:
+                        $key = hash_pbkdf2($hash, $password, $salt, $count, $dkLen, true);
+                }
+        }
+        $this->setKey($key);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Encrypts a message.
+     *
+     * $plaintext will be padded with additional bytes such that it's length is a multiple of the block size. Other cipher
+     * implementations may or may not pad in the same manner.  Other common approaches to padding and the reasons why it's
+     * necessary are discussed in the following
+     * URL:
+     *
+     * {@link http://www.di-mgt.com.au/cryptopad.html http://www.di-mgt.com.au/cryptopad.html}
+     *
+     * An alternative to padding is to, separately, send the length of the file.  This is what SSH, in fact, does.
+     * strlen($plaintext) will still need to be a multiple of the block size, however, arbitrary values can be added to make it that
+     * length.
+     *
+     * Note: Could, but not must, extend by the child Crypt_* class
+     *
+     * @see Crypt_Base::decrypt()
+     * @access public
+     * @param String $plaintext
+     * @return String $cipertext
+     */
+    function encrypt($plaintext)
+    {
+        if ($this->engine == CRYPT_MODE_MCRYPT) {
+            if ($this->changed) {
+                $this->_setupMcrypt();
+                $this->changed = false;
+            }
+            if ($this->enchanged) {
+                mcrypt_generic_init($this->enmcrypt, $this->key, $this->encryptIV);
+                $this->enchanged = false;
+            }
+            // re: {@link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net/cfb-demo.phps}
+            // using mcrypt's default handing of CFB the above would output two different things.  using phpseclib's
+            // rewritten CFB implementation the above outputs the same thing twice.
+            if ($this->mode == CRYPT_MODE_CFB && $this->continuousBuffer) {
+                $block_size = $this->block_size;
+                $iv = &$this->encryptIV;
+                $pos = &$this->enbuffer['pos'];
+                $len = strlen($plaintext);
+                $ciphertext = '';
+                $i = 0;
+                if ($pos) {
+                    $orig_pos = $pos;
+                    $max = $block_size - $pos;
+                    if ($len >= $max) {
+                        $i = $max;
+                        $len-= $max;
+                        $pos = 0;
+                    } else {
+                        $i = $len;
+                        $pos+= $len;
+                        $len = 0;
+                    }
+                    $ciphertext = substr($iv, $orig_pos) ^ $plaintext;
+                    $iv = substr_replace($iv, $ciphertext, $orig_pos, $i);
+                    $this->enbuffer['enmcrypt_init'] = true;
+                }
+                if ($len >= $block_size) {
+                    if ($this->enbuffer['enmcrypt_init'] === false || $len > $this->cfb_init_len) {
+                        if ($this->enbuffer['enmcrypt_init'] === true) {
+                            mcrypt_generic_init($this->enmcrypt, $this->key, $iv);
+                            $this->enbuffer['enmcrypt_init'] = false;
+                        }
+                        $ciphertext.= mcrypt_generic($this->enmcrypt, substr($plaintext, $i, $len - $len % $block_size));
+                        $iv = substr($ciphertext, -$block_size);
+                        $len%= $block_size;
+                    } else {
+                        while ($len >= $block_size) {
+                            $iv = mcrypt_generic($this->ecb, $iv) ^ substr($plaintext, $i, $block_size);
+                            $ciphertext.= $iv;
+                            $len-= $block_size;
+                            $i+= $block_size;
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+                if ($len) {
+                    $iv = mcrypt_generic($this->ecb, $iv);
+                    $block = $iv ^ substr($plaintext, -$len);
+                    $iv = substr_replace($iv, $block, 0, $len);
+                    $ciphertext.= $block;
+                    $pos = $len;
+                }
+                return $ciphertext;
+            }
+            if ($this->paddable) {
+                $plaintext = $this->_pad($plaintext);
+            }
+            $ciphertext = mcrypt_generic($this->enmcrypt, $plaintext);
+            if (!$this->continuousBuffer) {
+                mcrypt_generic_init($this->enmcrypt, $this->key, $this->encryptIV);
+            }
+            return $ciphertext;
+        }
+        if ($this->changed) {
+            $this->_setup();
+            $this->changed = false;
+        }
+        if ($this->use_inline_crypt) {
+            $inline = $this->inline_crypt;
+            return $inline('encrypt', $this, $plaintext);
+        }
+        if ($this->paddable) {
+            $plaintext = $this->_pad($plaintext);
+        }
+        $buffer = &$this->enbuffer;
+        $block_size = $this->block_size;
+        $ciphertext = '';
+        switch ($this->mode) {
+            case CRYPT_MODE_ECB:
+                for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($plaintext); $i+=$block_size) {
+                    $ciphertext.= $this->_encryptBlock(substr($plaintext, $i, $block_size));
+                }
+                break;
+            case CRYPT_MODE_CBC:
+                $xor = $this->encryptIV;
+                for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($plaintext); $i+=$block_size) {
+                    $block = substr($plaintext, $i, $block_size);
+                    $block = $this->_encryptBlock($block ^ $xor);
+                    $xor = $block;
+                    $ciphertext.= $block;
+                }
+                if ($this->continuousBuffer) {
+                    $this->encryptIV = $xor;
+                }
+                break;
+            case CRYPT_MODE_CTR:
+                $xor = $this->encryptIV;
+                if (strlen($buffer['encrypted'])) {
+                    for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($plaintext); $i+=$block_size) {
+                        $block = substr($plaintext, $i, $block_size);
+                        if (strlen($block) > strlen($buffer['encrypted'])) {
+                            $buffer['encrypted'].= $this->_encryptBlock($this->_generateXor($xor, $block_size));
+                        }
+                        $key = $this->_stringShift($buffer['encrypted'], $block_size);
+                        $ciphertext.= $block ^ $key;
+                    }
+                } else {
+                    for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($plaintext); $i+=$block_size) {
+                        $block = substr($plaintext, $i, $block_size);
+                        $key = $this->_encryptBlock($this->_generateXor($xor, $block_size));
+                        $ciphertext.= $block ^ $key;
+                    }
+                }
+                if ($this->continuousBuffer) {
+                    $this->encryptIV = $xor;
+                    if ($start = strlen($plaintext) % $block_size) {
+                        $buffer['encrypted'] = substr($key, $start) . $buffer['encrypted'];
+                    }
+                }
+                break;
+            case CRYPT_MODE_CFB:
+                // cfb loosely routines inspired by openssl's:
+                // {@link http://cvs.openssl.org/fileview?f=openssl/crypto/modes/cfb128.c&v=}
+                if ($this->continuousBuffer) {
+                    $iv = &$this->encryptIV;
+                    $pos = &$buffer['pos'];
+                } else {
+                    $iv = $this->encryptIV;
+                    $pos = 0;
+                }
+                $len = strlen($plaintext);
+                $i = 0;
+                if ($pos) {
+                    $orig_pos = $pos;
+                    $max = $block_size - $pos;
+                    if ($len >= $max) {
+                        $i = $max;
+                        $len-= $max;
+                        $pos = 0;
+                    } else {
+                        $i = $len;
+                        $pos+= $len;
+                        $len = 0;
+                    }
+                    // ie. $i = min($max, $len), $len-= $i, $pos+= $i, $pos%= $blocksize
+                    $ciphertext = substr($iv, $orig_pos) ^ $plaintext;
+                    $iv = substr_replace($iv, $ciphertext, $orig_pos, $i);
+                }
+                while ($len >= $block_size) {
+                    $iv = $this->_encryptBlock($iv) ^ substr($plaintext, $i, $block_size);
+                    $ciphertext.= $iv;
+                    $len-= $block_size;
+                    $i+= $block_size;
+                }
+                if ($len) {
+                    $iv = $this->_encryptBlock($iv);
+                    $block = $iv ^ substr($plaintext, $i);
+                    $iv = substr_replace($iv, $block, 0, $len);
+                    $ciphertext.= $block;
+                    $pos = $len;
+                }
+                break;
+            case CRYPT_MODE_OFB:
+                $xor = $this->encryptIV;
+                if (strlen($buffer['xor'])) {
+                    for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($plaintext); $i+=$block_size) {
+                        $block = substr($plaintext, $i, $block_size);
+                        if (strlen($block) > strlen($buffer['xor'])) {
+                            $xor = $this->_encryptBlock($xor);
+                            $buffer['xor'].= $xor;
+                        }
+                        $key = $this->_stringShift($buffer['xor'], $block_size);
+                        $ciphertext.= $block ^ $key;
+                    }
+                } else {
+                    for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($plaintext); $i+=$block_size) {
+                        $xor = $this->_encryptBlock($xor);
+                        $ciphertext.= substr($plaintext, $i, $block_size) ^ $xor;
+                    }
+                    $key = $xor;
+                }
+                if ($this->continuousBuffer) {
+                    $this->encryptIV = $xor;
+                    if ($start = strlen($plaintext) % $block_size) {
+                         $buffer['xor'] = substr($key, $start) . $buffer['xor'];
+                    }
+                }
+                break;
+            case CRYPT_MODE_STREAM:
+                $ciphertext = $this->_encryptBlock($plaintext);
+                break;
+        }
+        return $ciphertext;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Decrypts a message.
+     *
+     * If strlen($ciphertext) is not a multiple of the block size, null bytes will be added to the end of the string until
+     * it is.
+     *
+     * Note: Could, but not must, extend by the child Crypt_* class
+     *
+     * @see Crypt_Base::encrypt()
+     * @access public
+     * @param String $ciphertext
+     * @return String $plaintext
+     */
+    function decrypt($ciphertext)
+    {
+        if ($this->engine == CRYPT_MODE_MCRYPT) {
+            $block_size = $this->block_size;
+            if ($this->changed) {
+                $this->_setupMcrypt();
+                $this->changed = false;
+            }
+            if ($this->dechanged) {
+                mcrypt_generic_init($this->demcrypt, $this->key, $this->decryptIV);
+                $this->dechanged = false;
+            }
+            if ($this->mode == CRYPT_MODE_CFB && $this->continuousBuffer) {
+                $iv = &$this->decryptIV;
+                $pos = &$this->debuffer['pos'];
+                $len = strlen($ciphertext);
+                $plaintext = '';
+                $i = 0;
+                if ($pos) {
+                    $orig_pos = $pos;
+                    $max = $block_size - $pos;
+                    if ($len >= $max) {
+                        $i = $max;
+                        $len-= $max;
+                        $pos = 0;
+                    } else {
+                        $i = $len;
+                        $pos+= $len;
+                        $len = 0;
+                    }
+                    // ie. $i = min($max, $len), $len-= $i, $pos+= $i, $pos%= $blocksize
+                    $plaintext = substr($iv, $orig_pos) ^ $ciphertext;
+                    $iv = substr_replace($iv, substr($ciphertext, 0, $i), $orig_pos, $i);
+                }
+                if ($len >= $block_size) {
+                    $cb = substr($ciphertext, $i, $len - $len % $block_size);
+                    $plaintext.= mcrypt_generic($this->ecb, $iv . $cb) ^ $cb;
+                    $iv = substr($cb, -$block_size);
+                    $len%= $block_size;
+                }
+                if ($len) {
+                    $iv = mcrypt_generic($this->ecb, $iv);
+                    $plaintext.= $iv ^ substr($ciphertext, -$len);
+                    $iv = substr_replace($iv, substr($ciphertext, -$len), 0, $len);
+                    $pos = $len;
+                }
+                return $plaintext;
+            }
+            if ($this->paddable) {
+                // we pad with chr(0) since that's what mcrypt_generic does.  to quote from {@link http://www.php.net/function.mcrypt-generic}:
+                // "The data is padded with "\0" to make sure the length of the data is n * blocksize."
+                $ciphertext = str_pad($ciphertext, strlen($ciphertext) + ($block_size - strlen($ciphertext) % $block_size) % $block_size, chr(0));
+            }
+            $plaintext = mdecrypt_generic($this->demcrypt, $ciphertext);
+            if (!$this->continuousBuffer) {
+                mcrypt_generic_init($this->demcrypt, $this->key, $this->decryptIV);
+            }
+            return $this->paddable ? $this->_unpad($plaintext) : $plaintext;
+        }
+        if ($this->changed) {
+            $this->_setup();
+            $this->changed = false;
+        }
+        if ($this->use_inline_crypt) {
+            $inline = $this->inline_crypt;
+            return $inline('decrypt', $this, $ciphertext);
+        }
+        $block_size = $this->block_size;
+        if ($this->paddable) {
+            // we pad with chr(0) since that's what mcrypt_generic does [...]
+            $ciphertext = str_pad($ciphertext, strlen($ciphertext) + ($block_size - strlen($ciphertext) % $block_size) % $block_size, chr(0));
+        }
+        $buffer = &$this->debuffer;
+        $plaintext = '';
+        switch ($this->mode) {
+            case CRYPT_MODE_ECB:
+                for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($ciphertext); $i+=$block_size) {
+                    $plaintext.= $this->_decryptBlock(substr($ciphertext, $i, $block_size));
+                }
+                break;
+            case CRYPT_MODE_CBC:
+                $xor = $this->decryptIV;
+                for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($ciphertext); $i+=$block_size) {
+                    $block = substr($ciphertext, $i, $block_size);
+                    $plaintext.= $this->_decryptBlock($block) ^ $xor;
+                    $xor = $block;
+                }
+                if ($this->continuousBuffer) {
+                    $this->decryptIV = $xor;
+                }
+                break;
+            case CRYPT_MODE_CTR:
+                $xor = $this->decryptIV;
+                if (strlen($buffer['ciphertext'])) {
+                    for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($ciphertext); $i+=$block_size) {
+                        $block = substr($ciphertext, $i, $block_size);
+                        if (strlen($block) > strlen($buffer['ciphertext'])) {
+                            $buffer['ciphertext'].= $this->_encryptBlock($this->_generateXor($xor, $block_size));
+                        }
+                        $key = $this->_stringShift($buffer['ciphertext'], $block_size);
+                        $plaintext.= $block ^ $key;
+                    }
+                } else {
+                    for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($ciphertext); $i+=$block_size) {
+                        $block = substr($ciphertext, $i, $block_size);
+                        $key = $this->_encryptBlock($this->_generateXor($xor, $block_size));
+                        $plaintext.= $block ^ $key;
+                    }
+                }
+                if ($this->continuousBuffer) {
+                    $this->decryptIV = $xor;
+                    if ($start = strlen($ciphertext) % $block_size) {
+                        $buffer['ciphertext'] = substr($key, $start) . $buffer['ciphertext'];
+                    }
+                }
+                break;
+            case CRYPT_MODE_CFB:
+                if ($this->continuousBuffer) {
+                    $iv = &$this->decryptIV;
+                    $pos = &$buffer['pos'];
+                } else {
+                    $iv = $this->decryptIV;
+                    $pos = 0;
+                }
+                $len = strlen($ciphertext);
+                $i = 0;
+                if ($pos) {
+                    $orig_pos = $pos;
+                    $max = $block_size - $pos;
+                    if ($len >= $max) {
+                        $i = $max;
+                        $len-= $max;
+                        $pos = 0;
+                    } else {
+                        $i = $len;
+                        $pos+= $len;
+                        $len = 0;
+                    }
+                    // ie. $i = min($max, $len), $len-= $i, $pos+= $i, $pos%= $blocksize
+                    $plaintext = substr($iv, $orig_pos) ^ $ciphertext;
+                    $iv = substr_replace($iv, substr($ciphertext, 0, $i), $orig_pos, $i);
+                }
+                while ($len >= $block_size) {
+                    $iv = $this->_encryptBlock($iv);
+                    $cb = substr($ciphertext, $i, $block_size);
+                    $plaintext.= $iv ^ $cb;
+                    $iv = $cb;
+                    $len-= $block_size;
+                    $i+= $block_size;
+                }
+                if ($len) {
+                    $iv = $this->_encryptBlock($iv);
+                    $plaintext.= $iv ^ substr($ciphertext, $i);
+                    $iv = substr_replace($iv, substr($ciphertext, $i), 0, $len);
+                    $pos = $len;
+                }
+                break;
+            case CRYPT_MODE_OFB:
+                $xor = $this->decryptIV;
+                if (strlen($buffer['xor'])) {
+                    for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($ciphertext); $i+=$block_size) {
+                        $block = substr($ciphertext, $i, $block_size);
+                        if (strlen($block) > strlen($buffer['xor'])) {
+                            $xor = $this->_encryptBlock($xor);
+                            $buffer['xor'].= $xor;
+                        }
+                        $key = $this->_stringShift($buffer['xor'], $block_size);
+                        $plaintext.= $block ^ $key;
+                    }
+                } else {
+                    for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($ciphertext); $i+=$block_size) {
+                        $xor = $this->_encryptBlock($xor);
+                        $plaintext.= substr($ciphertext, $i, $block_size) ^ $xor;
+                    }
+                    $key = $xor;
+                }
+                if ($this->continuousBuffer) {
+                    $this->decryptIV = $xor;
+                    if ($start = strlen($ciphertext) % $block_size) {
+                         $buffer['xor'] = substr($key, $start) . $buffer['xor'];
+                    }
+                }
+                break;
+            case CRYPT_MODE_STREAM:
+                $plaintext = $this->_decryptBlock($ciphertext);
+                break;
+        }
+        return $this->paddable ? $this->_unpad($plaintext) : $plaintext;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Pad "packets".
+     *
+     * Block ciphers working by encrypting between their specified [$this->]block_size at a time
+     * If you ever need to encrypt or decrypt something that isn't of the proper length, it becomes necessary to
+     * pad the input so that it is of the proper length.
+     *
+     * Padding is enabled by default.  Sometimes, however, it is undesirable to pad strings.  Such is the case in SSH,
+     * where "packets" are padded with random bytes before being encrypted.  Unpad these packets and you risk stripping
+     * away characters that shouldn't be stripped away. (SSH knows how many bytes are added because the length is
+     * transmitted separately)
+     *
+     * @see Crypt_Base::disablePadding()
+     * @access public
+     */
+    function enablePadding()
+    {
+        $this->padding = true;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Do not pad packets.
+     *
+     * @see Crypt_Base::enablePadding()
+     * @access public
+     */
+    function disablePadding()
+    {
+        $this->padding = false;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Treat consecutive "packets" as if they are a continuous buffer.
+     *
+     * Say you have a 32-byte plaintext $plaintext.  Using the default behavior, the two following code snippets
+     * will yield different outputs:
+     *
+     * <code>
+     *    echo $rijndael->encrypt(substr($plaintext,  0, 16));
+     *    echo $rijndael->encrypt(substr($plaintext, 16, 16));
+     * </code>
+     * <code>
+     *    echo $rijndael->encrypt($plaintext);
+     * </code>
+     *
+     * The solution is to enable the continuous buffer.  Although this will resolve the above discrepancy, it creates
+     * another, as demonstrated with the following:
+     *
+     * <code>
+     *    $rijndael->encrypt(substr($plaintext, 0, 16));
+     *    echo $rijndael->decrypt($rijndael->encrypt(substr($plaintext, 16, 16)));
+     * </code>
+     * <code>
+     *    echo $rijndael->decrypt($rijndael->encrypt(substr($plaintext, 16, 16)));
+     * </code>
+     *
+     * With the continuous buffer disabled, these would yield the same output.  With it enabled, they yield different
+     * outputs.  The reason is due to the fact that the initialization vector's change after every encryption /
+     * decryption round when the continuous buffer is enabled.  When it's disabled, they remain constant.
+     *
+     * Put another way, when the continuous buffer is enabled, the state of the Crypt_*() object changes after each
+     * encryption / decryption round, whereas otherwise, it'd remain constant.  For this reason, it's recommended that
+     * continuous buffers not be used.  They do offer better security and are, in fact, sometimes required (SSH uses them),
+     * however, they are also less intuitive and more likely to cause you problems.
+     *
+     * Note: Could, but not must, extend by the child Crypt_* class
+     *
+     * @see Crypt_Base::disableContinuousBuffer()
+     * @access public
+     */
+    function enableContinuousBuffer()
+    {
+        if ($this->mode == CRYPT_MODE_ECB) {
+            return;
+        }
+        $this->continuousBuffer = true;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Treat consecutive packets as if they are a discontinuous buffer.
+     *
+     * The default behavior.
+     *
+     * Note: Could, but not must, extend by the child Crypt_* class
+     *
+     * @see Crypt_Base::enableContinuousBuffer()
+     * @access public
+     */
+    function disableContinuousBuffer()
+    {
+        if ($this->mode == CRYPT_MODE_ECB) {
+            return;
+        }
+        if (!$this->continuousBuffer) {
+            return;
+        }
+        $this->continuousBuffer = false;
+        $this->changed = true;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Encrypts a block
+     *
+     * Note: Must extend by the child Crypt_* class
+     *
+     * @access private
+     * @param String $in
+     * @return String
+     */
+    function _encryptBlock($in)
+    {
+        user_error((version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.0.0', '>=')  ? __METHOD__ : __FUNCTION__)  . '() must extend by class ' . get_class($this), E_USER_ERROR);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Decrypts a block
+     *
+     * Note: Must extend by the child Crypt_* class
+     *
+     * @access private
+     * @param String $in
+     * @return String
+     */
+    function _decryptBlock($in)
+    {
+        user_error((version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.0.0', '>=')  ? __METHOD__ : __FUNCTION__)  . '() must extend by class ' . get_class($this), E_USER_ERROR);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Setup the key (expansion)
+     *
+     * Only used if $engine == CRYPT_MODE_INTERNAL
+     *
+     * Note: Must extend by the child Crypt_* class
+     *
+     * @see Crypt_Base::_setup()
+     * @access private
+     */
+    function _setupKey()
+    {
+        user_error((version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.0.0', '>=')  ? __METHOD__ : __FUNCTION__)  . '() must extend by class ' . get_class($this), E_USER_ERROR);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Setup the CRYPT_MODE_INTERNAL $engine
+     *
+     * (re)init, if necessary, the internal cipher $engine and flush all $buffers
+     * Used (only) if $engine == CRYPT_MODE_INTERNAL
+     *
+     * _setup() will be called each time if $changed === true
+     * typically this happens when using one or more of following public methods:
+     *
+     * - setKey()
+     *
+     * - setIV()
+     *
+     * - disableContinuousBuffer()
+     *
+     * - First run of encrypt() / decrypt() with no init-settings
+     *
+     * Internally: _setup() is called always before(!) en/decryption.
+     *
+     * Note: Could, but not must, extend by the child Crypt_* class
+     *
+     * @see setKey()
+     * @see setIV()
+     * @see disableContinuousBuffer()
+     * @access private
+     */
+    function _setup()
+    {
+        $this->_clearBuffers();
+        $this->_setupKey();
+        if ($this->use_inline_crypt) {
+            $this->_setupInlineCrypt();
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Setup the CRYPT_MODE_MCRYPT $engine
+     *
+     * (re)init, if necessary, the (ext)mcrypt resources and flush all $buffers
+     * Used (only) if $engine = CRYPT_MODE_MCRYPT
+     *
+     * _setupMcrypt() will be called each time if $changed === true
+     * typically this happens when using one or more of following public methods:
+     *
+     * - setKey()
+     *
+     * - setIV()
+     *
+     * - disableContinuousBuffer()
+     *
+     * - First run of encrypt() / decrypt()
+     *
+     *
+     * Note: Could, but not must, extend by the child Crypt_* class
+     *
+     * @see setKey()
+     * @see setIV()
+     * @see disableContinuousBuffer()
+     * @access private
+     */
+    function _setupMcrypt()
+    {
+        $this->_clearBuffers();
+        $this->enchanged = $this->dechanged = true;
+        if (!isset($this->enmcrypt)) {
+            static $mcrypt_modes = array(
+                CRYPT_MODE_CTR    => 'ctr',
+                CRYPT_MODE_ECB    => MCRYPT_MODE_ECB,
+                CRYPT_MODE_CBC    => MCRYPT_MODE_CBC,
+                CRYPT_MODE_CFB    => 'ncfb',
+                CRYPT_MODE_OFB    => MCRYPT_MODE_NOFB,
+            );
+            $this->demcrypt = mcrypt_module_open($this->cipher_name_mcrypt, '', $mcrypt_modes[$this->mode], '');
+            $this->enmcrypt = mcrypt_module_open($this->cipher_name_mcrypt, '', $mcrypt_modes[$this->mode], '');
+            // we need the $ecb mcrypt resource (only) in MODE_CFB with enableContinuousBuffer()
+            // to workaround mcrypt's broken ncfb implementation in buffered mode
+            // see: {@link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net/cfb-demo.phps}
+            if ($this->mode == CRYPT_MODE_CFB) {
+                $this->ecb = mcrypt_module_open($this->cipher_name_mcrypt, '', MCRYPT_MODE_ECB, '');
+            }
+        } // else should mcrypt_generic_deinit be called?
+        if ($this->mode == CRYPT_MODE_CFB) {
+            mcrypt_generic_init($this->ecb, $this->key, str_repeat("\0", $this->block_size));
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Pads a string
+     *
+     * Pads a string using the RSA PKCS padding standards so that its length is a multiple of the blocksize.
+     * $this->block_size - (strlen($text) % $this->block_size) bytes are added, each of which is equal to
+     * chr($this->block_size - (strlen($text) % $this->block_size)
+     *
+     * If padding is disabled and $text is not a multiple of the blocksize, the string will be padded regardless
+     * and padding will, hence forth, be enabled.
+     *
+     * @see Crypt_Base::_unpad()
+     * @param String $text
+     * @access private
+     * @return String
+     */
+    function _pad($text)
+    {
+        $length = strlen($text);
+        if (!$this->padding) {
+            if ($length % $this->block_size == 0) {
+                return $text;
+            } else {
+                user_error("The plaintext's length ($length) is not a multiple of the block size ({$this->block_size})");
+                $this->padding = true;
+            }
+        }
+        $pad = $this->block_size - ($length % $this->block_size);
+        return str_pad($text, $length + $pad, chr($pad));
+    }
+    /**
+     * Unpads a string.
+     *
+     * If padding is enabled and the reported padding length is invalid the encryption key will be assumed to be wrong
+     * and false will be returned.
+     *
+     * @see Crypt_Base::_pad()
+     * @param String $text
+     * @access private
+     * @return String
+     */
+    function _unpad($text)
+    {
+        if (!$this->padding) {
+            return $text;
+        }
+        $length = ord($text[strlen($text) - 1]);
+        if (!$length || $length > $this->block_size) {
+            return false;
+        }
+        return substr($text, 0, -$length);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Clears internal buffers
+     *
+     * Clearing/resetting the internal buffers is done everytime
+     * after disableContinuousBuffer() or on cipher $engine (re)init
+     * ie after setKey() or setIV()
+     *
+     * Note: Could, but not must, extend by the child Crypt_* class
+     *
+     * @access public
+     */
+    function _clearBuffers()
+    {
+        $this->enbuffer = array('encrypted'  => '', 'xor' => '', 'pos' => 0, 'enmcrypt_init' => true);
+        $this->debuffer = array('ciphertext' => '', 'xor' => '', 'pos' => 0, 'demcrypt_init' => true);
+        // mcrypt's handling of invalid's $iv:
+        // $this->encryptIV = $this->decryptIV = strlen($this->iv) == $this->block_size ? $this->iv : str_repeat("\0", $this->block_size);
+        $this->encryptIV = $this->decryptIV = str_pad(substr($this->iv, 0, $this->block_size), $this->block_size, "\0");
+    }
+    /**
+     * String Shift
+     *
+     * Inspired by array_shift
+     *
+     * @param String $string
+     * @param optional Integer $index
+     * @access private
+     * @return String
+     */
+    function _stringShift(&$string, $index = 1)
+    {
+        $substr = substr($string, 0, $index);
+        $string = substr($string, $index);
+        return $substr;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Generate CTR XOR encryption key
+     *
+     * Encrypt the output of this and XOR it against the ciphertext / plaintext to get the
+     * plaintext / ciphertext in CTR mode.
+     *
+     * @see Crypt_Base::decrypt()
+     * @see Crypt_Base::encrypt()
+     * @param String $iv
+     * @param Integer $length
+     * @access private
+     * @return String $xor
+     */
+    function _generateXor(&$iv, $length)
+    {
+        $xor = '';
+        $block_size = $this->block_size;
+        $num_blocks = floor(($length + ($block_size - 1)) / $block_size);
+        for ($i = 0; $i < $num_blocks; $i++) {
+            $xor.= $iv;
+            for ($j = 4; $j <= $block_size; $j+= 4) {
+                $temp = substr($iv, -$j, 4);
+                switch ($temp) {
+                    case "\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF":
+                        $iv = substr_replace($iv, "\x00\x00\x00\x00", -$j, 4);
+                        break;
+                    case "\x7F\xFF\xFF\xFF":
+                        $iv = substr_replace($iv, "\x80\x00\x00\x00", -$j, 4);
+                        break 2;
+                    default:
+                        extract(unpack('Ncount', $temp));
+                        $iv = substr_replace($iv, pack('N', $count + 1), -$j, 4);
+                        break 2;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        return $xor;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Setup the performance-optimized function for de/encrypt()
+     *
+     * Stores the created (or existing) callback function-name
+     * in $this->inline_crypt
+     *
+     * Internally for phpseclib developers:
+     *
+     *     _setupInlineCrypt() would be called only if:
+     *
+     *     - $engine == CRYPT_MODE_INTERNAL and
+     *
+     *     - $use_inline_crypt === true
+     *
+     *     - each time on _setup(), after(!) _setupKey()
+     *
+     *
+     *     This ensures that _setupInlineCrypt() has allways a
+     *     full ready2go initializated internal cipher $engine state
+     *     where, for example, the keys allready expanded,
+     *     keys/block_size calculated and such.
+     *
+     *     It is, each time if called, the responsibility of _setupInlineCrypt():
+     *
+     *     - to set $this->inline_crypt to a valid and fully working callback function
+     *       as a (faster) replacement for encrypt() / decrypt()
+     *
+     *     - NOT to create unlimited callback functions (for memory reasons!)
+     *       no matter how often _setupInlineCrypt() would be called. At some
+     *       point of amount they must be generic re-useable.
+     *
+     *     - the code of _setupInlineCrypt() it self,
+     *       and the generated callback code,
+     *       must be, in following order:
+     *       - 100% safe
+     *       - 100% compatible to encrypt()/decrypt()
+     *       - using only php5+ features/lang-constructs/php-extensions if
+     *         compatibility (down to php4) or fallback is provided
+     *       - readable/maintainable/understandable/commented and... not-cryptic-styled-code :-)
+     *       - >= 10% faster than encrypt()/decrypt() [which is, by the way,
+     *         the reason for the existence of _setupInlineCrypt() :-)]
+     *       - memory-nice
+     *       - short (as good as possible)
+     *
+     * Note: - _setupInlineCrypt() is using _createInlineCryptFunction() to create the full callback function code.
+     *       - In case of using inline crypting, _setupInlineCrypt() must extend by the child Crypt_* class.
+     *       - The following variable names are reserved:
+     *         - $_*  (all variable names prefixed with an underscore)
+     *         - $self (object reference to it self. Do not use $this, but $self instead)
+     *         - $in (the content of $in has to en/decrypt by the generated code)
+     *       - The callback function should not use the 'return' statement, but en/decrypt'ing the content of $in only
+     *
+     *
+     * @see Crypt_Base::_setup()
+     * @see Crypt_Base::_createInlineCryptFunction()
+     * @see Crypt_Base::encrypt()
+     * @see Crypt_Base::decrypt()
+     * @access private
+     */
+    function _setupInlineCrypt()
+    {
+        // If a Crypt_* class providing inline crypting it must extend _setupInlineCrypt()
+        // If, for any reason, an extending Crypt_Base() Crypt_* class
+        // not using inline crypting then it must be ensured that: $this->use_inline_crypt = false
+        // ie in the class var declaration of $use_inline_crypt in general for the Crypt_* class,
+        // in the constructor at object instance-time
+        // or, if it's runtime-specific, at runtime
+        $this->use_inline_crypt = false;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Creates the performance-optimized function for en/decrypt()
+     *
+     * Internally for phpseclib developers:
+     *
+     *    _createInlineCryptFunction():
+     *
+     *    - merge the $cipher_code [setup'ed by _setupInlineCrypt()]
+     *      with the current [$this->]mode of operation code
+     *
+     *    - create the $inline function, which called by encrypt() / decrypt()
+     *      as its replacement to speed up the en/decryption operations.
+     *
+     *    - return the name of the created $inline callback function
+     *
+     *    - used to speed up en/decryption
+     *
+     *
+     *
+     *    The main reason why can speed up things [up to 50%] this way are:
+     *
+     *    - using variables more effective then regular.
+     *      (ie no use of expensive arrays but integers $k_0, $k_1 ...
+     *      or even, for example, the pure $key[] values hardcoded)
+     *
+     *    - avoiding 1000's of function calls of ie _encryptBlock()
+     *      but inlining the crypt operations.
+     *      in the mode of operation for() loop.
+     *
+     *    - full loop unroll the (sometimes key-dependent) rounds
+     *      avoiding this way ++$i counters and runtime-if's etc...
+     *
+     *    The basic code architectur of the generated $inline en/decrypt()
+     *    lambda function, in pseudo php, is:
+     *
+     *    <code>
+     *    +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+     *    | callback $inline = create_function:                                                          |
+     *    | lambda_function_0001_crypt_ECB($action, $text)                                               |
+     *    | {                                                                                            |
+     *    |     INSERT PHP CODE OF:                                                                      |
+     *    |     $cipher_code['init_crypt'];                  // general init code.                       |
+     *    |                                                  // ie: $sbox'es declarations used for       |
+     *    |                                                  //     encrypt and decrypt'ing.             |
+     *    |                                                                                              |
+     *    |     switch ($action) {                                                                       |
+     *    |         case 'encrypt':                                                                      |
+     *    |             INSERT PHP CODE OF:                                                              |
+     *    |             $cipher_code['init_encrypt'];       // encrypt sepcific init code.               |
+     *    |                                                    ie: specified $key or $box                |
+     *    |                                                        declarations for encrypt'ing.         |
+     *    |                                                                                              |
+     *    |             foreach ($ciphertext) {                                                          |
+     *    |                 $in = $block_size of $ciphertext;                                            |
+     *    |                                                                                              |
+     *    |                 INSERT PHP CODE OF:                                                          |
+     *    |                 $cipher_code['encrypt_block'];  // encrypt's (string) $in, which is always:  |
+     *    |                                                 // strlen($in) == $this->block_size          |
+     *    |                                                 // here comes the cipher algorithm in action |
+     *    |                                                 // for encryption.                           |
+     *    |                                                 // $cipher_code['encrypt_block'] has to      |
+     *    |                                                 // encrypt the content of the $in variable   |
+     *    |                                                                                              |
+     *    |                 $plaintext .= $in;                                                           |
+     *    |             }                                                                                |
+     *    |             return $plaintext;                                                               |
+     *    |                                                                                              |
+     *    |         case 'decrypt':                                                                      |
+     *    |             INSERT PHP CODE OF:                                                              |
+     *    |             $cipher_code['init_decrypt'];       // decrypt sepcific init code                |
+     *    |                                                    ie: specified $key or $box                |
+     *    |                                                        declarations for decrypt'ing.         |
+     *    |             foreach ($plaintext) {                                                           |
+     *    |                 $in = $block_size of $plaintext;                                             |
+     *    |                                                                                              |
+     *    |                 INSERT PHP CODE OF:                                                          |
+     *    |                 $cipher_code['decrypt_block'];  // decrypt's (string) $in, which is always   |
+     *    |                                                 // strlen($in) == $this->block_size          |
+     *    |                                                 // here comes the cipher algorithm in action |
+     *    |                                                 // for decryption.                           |
+     *    |                                                 // $cipher_code['decrypt_block'] has to      |
+     *    |                                                 // decrypt the content of the $in variable   |
+     *    |                 $ciphertext .= $in;                                                          |
+     *    |             }                                                                                |
+     *    |             return $ciphertext;                                                              |
+     *    |     }                                                                                        |
+     *    | }                                                                                            |
+     *    +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+     *    </code>
+     *
+     *    See also the Crypt_*::_setupInlineCrypt()'s for
+     *    productive inline $cipher_code's how they works.
+     *
+     *    Structure of:
+     *    <code>
+     *    $cipher_code = array(
+     *        'init_crypt'    => (string) '', // optional
+     *        'init_encrypt'  => (string) '', // optional
+     *        'init_decrypt'  => (string) '', // optional
+     *        'encrypt_block' => (string) '', // required
+     *        'decrypt_block' => (string) ''  // required
+     *    );
+     *    </code>
+     *
+     * @see Crypt_Base::_setupInlineCrypt()
+     * @see Crypt_Base::encrypt()
+     * @see Crypt_Base::decrypt()
+     * @param Array $cipher_code
+     * @access private
+     * @return String (the name of the created callback function)
+     */
+    function _createInlineCryptFunction($cipher_code)
+    {
+        $block_size = $this->block_size;
+        // optional
+        $init_crypt    = isset($cipher_code['init_crypt'])    ? $cipher_code['init_crypt']    : '';
+        $init_encrypt  = isset($cipher_code['init_encrypt'])  ? $cipher_code['init_encrypt']  : '';
+        $init_decrypt  = isset($cipher_code['init_decrypt'])  ? $cipher_code['init_decrypt']  : '';
+        // required
+        $encrypt_block = $cipher_code['encrypt_block'];
+        $decrypt_block = $cipher_code['decrypt_block'];
+        // Generating mode of operation inline code,
+        // merged with the $cipher_code algorithm
+        // for encrypt- and decryption.
+        switch ($this->mode) {
+            case CRYPT_MODE_ECB:
+                $encrypt = $init_encrypt . '
+                    $_ciphertext = "";
+                    $_text = $self->_pad($_text);
+                    $_plaintext_len = strlen($_text);
+                    for ($_i = 0; $_i < $_plaintext_len; $_i+= '.$block_size.') {
+                        $in = substr($_text, $_i, '.$block_size.');
+                        '.$encrypt_block.'
+                        $_ciphertext.= $in;
+                    }
+                    return $_ciphertext;
+                    ';
+                $decrypt = $init_decrypt . '
+                    $_plaintext = "";
+                    $_text = str_pad($_text, strlen($_text) + ('.$block_size.' - strlen($_text) % '.$block_size.') % '.$block_size.', chr(0));
+                    $_ciphertext_len = strlen($_text);
+                    for ($_i = 0; $_i < $_ciphertext_len; $_i+= '.$block_size.') {
+                        $in = substr($_text, $_i, '.$block_size.');
+                        '.$decrypt_block.'
+                        $_plaintext.= $in;
+                    }
+                    return $self->_unpad($_plaintext);
+                    ';
+                break;
+            case CRYPT_MODE_CTR:
+                $encrypt = $init_encrypt . '
+                    $_ciphertext = "";
+                    $_plaintext_len = strlen($_text);
+                    $_xor = $self->encryptIV;
+                    $_buffer = &$self->enbuffer;
+                    if (strlen($_buffer["encrypted"])) {
+                        for ($_i = 0; $_i < $_plaintext_len; $_i+= '.$block_size.') {
+                            $_block = substr($_text, $_i, '.$block_size.');
+                            if (strlen($_block) > strlen($_buffer["encrypted"])) {
+                                $in = $self->_generateXor($_xor, '.$block_size.');
+                                '.$encrypt_block.'
+                                $_buffer["encrypted"].= $in;
+                            }
+                            $_key = $self->_stringShift($_buffer["encrypted"], '.$block_size.');
+                            $_ciphertext.= $_block ^ $_key;
+                        }
+                    } else {
+                        for ($_i = 0; $_i < $_plaintext_len; $_i+= '.$block_size.') {
+                            $_block = substr($_text, $_i, '.$block_size.');
+                            $in = $self->_generateXor($_xor, '.$block_size.');
+                            '.$encrypt_block.'
+                            $_key = $in;
+                            $_ciphertext.= $_block ^ $_key;
+                        }
+                    }
+                    if ($self->continuousBuffer) {
+                        $self->encryptIV = $_xor;
+                        if ($_start = $_plaintext_len % '.$block_size.') {
+                            $_buffer["encrypted"] = substr($_key, $_start) . $_buffer["encrypted"];
+                        }
+                    }
+                    return $_ciphertext;
+                ';
+                $decrypt = $init_encrypt . '
+                    $_plaintext = "";
+                    $_ciphertext_len = strlen($_text);
+                    $_xor = $self->decryptIV;
+                    $_buffer = &$self->debuffer;
+                    if (strlen($_buffer["ciphertext"])) {
+                        for ($_i = 0; $_i < $_ciphertext_len; $_i+= '.$block_size.') {
+                            $_block = substr($_text, $_i, '.$block_size.');
+                            if (strlen($_block) > strlen($_buffer["ciphertext"])) {
+                                $in = $self->_generateXor($_xor, '.$block_size.');
+                                '.$encrypt_block.'
+                                $_buffer["ciphertext"].= $in;
+                            }
+                            $_key = $self->_stringShift($_buffer["ciphertext"], '.$block_size.');
+                            $_plaintext.= $_block ^ $_key;
+                        }
+                    } else {
+                        for ($_i = 0; $_i < $_ciphertext_len; $_i+= '.$block_size.') {
+                            $_block = substr($_text, $_i, '.$block_size.');
+                            $in = $self->_generateXor($_xor, '.$block_size.');
+                            '.$encrypt_block.'
+                            $_key = $in;
+                            $_plaintext.= $_block ^ $_key;
+                        }
+                    }
+                    if ($self->continuousBuffer) {
+                        $self->decryptIV = $_xor;
+                        if ($_start = $_ciphertext_len % '.$block_size.') {
+                            $_buffer["ciphertext"] = substr($_key, $_start) . $_buffer["ciphertext"];
+                        }
+                    }
+                    return $_plaintext;
+                    ';
+                break;
+            case CRYPT_MODE_CFB:
+                $encrypt = $init_encrypt . '
+                    $_ciphertext = "";
+                    $_buffer = &$self->enbuffer;
+                    if ($self->continuousBuffer) {
+                        $_iv = &$self->encryptIV;
+                        $_pos = &$_buffer["pos"];
+                    } else {
+                        $_iv = $self->encryptIV;
+                        $_pos = 0;
+                    }
+                    $_len = strlen($_text);
+                    $_i = 0;
+                    if ($_pos) {
+                        $_orig_pos = $_pos;
+                        $_max = '.$block_size.' - $_pos;
+                        if ($_len >= $_max) {
+                            $_i = $_max;
+                            $_len-= $_max;
+                            $_pos = 0;
+                        } else {
+                            $_i = $_len;
+                            $_pos+= $_len;
+                            $_len = 0;
+                        }
+                        $_ciphertext = substr($_iv, $_orig_pos) ^ $_text;
+                        $_iv = substr_replace($_iv, $_ciphertext, $_orig_pos, $_i);
+                    }
+                    while ($_len >= '.$block_size.') {
+                        $in = $_iv;
+                        '.$encrypt_block.';
+                        $_iv = $in ^ substr($_text, $_i, '.$block_size.');
+                        $_ciphertext.= $_iv;
+                        $_len-= '.$block_size.';
+                        $_i+= '.$block_size.';
+                    }
+                    if ($_len) {
+                        $in = $_iv;
+                        '.$encrypt_block.'
+                        $_iv = $in;
+                        $_block = $_iv ^ substr($_text, $_i);
+                        $_iv = substr_replace($_iv, $_block, 0, $_len);
+                        $_ciphertext.= $_block;
+                        $_pos = $_len;
+                    }
+                    return $_ciphertext;
+                ';
+                $decrypt = $init_encrypt . '
+                    $_plaintext = "";
+                    $_buffer = &$self->debuffer;
+                    if ($self->continuousBuffer) {
+                        $_iv = &$self->decryptIV;
+                        $_pos = &$_buffer["pos"];
+                    } else {
+                        $_iv = $self->decryptIV;
+                        $_pos = 0;
+                    }
+                    $_len = strlen($_text);
+                    $_i = 0;
+                    if ($_pos) {
+                        $_orig_pos = $_pos;
+                        $_max = '.$block_size.' - $_pos;
+                        if ($_len >= $_max) {
+                            $_i = $_max;
+                            $_len-= $_max;
+                            $_pos = 0;
+                        } else {
+                            $_i = $_len;
+                            $_pos+= $_len;
+                            $_len = 0;
+                        }
+                        $_plaintext = substr($_iv, $_orig_pos) ^ $_text;
+                        $_iv = substr_replace($_iv, substr($_text, 0, $_i), $_orig_pos, $_i);
+                    }
+                    while ($_len >= '.$block_size.') {
+                        $in = $_iv;
+                        '.$encrypt_block.'
+                        $_iv = $in;
+                        $cb = substr($_text, $_i, '.$block_size.');
+                        $_plaintext.= $_iv ^ $cb;
+                        $_iv = $cb;
+                        $_len-= '.$block_size.';
+                        $_i+= '.$block_size.';
+                    }
+                    if ($_len) {
+                        $in = $_iv;
+                        '.$encrypt_block.'
+                        $_iv = $in;
+                        $_plaintext.= $_iv ^ substr($_text, $_i);
+                        $_iv = substr_replace($_iv, substr($_text, $_i), 0, $_len);
+                        $_pos = $_len;
+                    }
+                    return $_plaintext;
+                    ';
+                break;
+            case CRYPT_MODE_OFB:
+                $encrypt = $init_encrypt . '
+                    $_ciphertext = "";
+                    $_plaintext_len = strlen($_text);
+                    $_xor = $self->encryptIV;
+                    $_buffer = &$self->enbuffer;
+                    if (strlen($_buffer["xor"])) {
+                        for ($_i = 0; $_i < $_plaintext_len; $_i+= '.$block_size.') {
+                            $_block = substr($_text, $_i, '.$block_size.');
+                            if (strlen($_block) > strlen($_buffer["xor"])) {
+                                $in = $_xor;
+                                '.$encrypt_block.'
+                                $_xor = $in;
+                                $_buffer["xor"].= $_xor;
+                            }
+                            $_key = $self->_stringShift($_buffer["xor"], '.$block_size.');
+                            $_ciphertext.= $_block ^ $_key;
+                        }
+                    } else {
+                        for ($_i = 0; $_i < $_plaintext_len; $_i+= '.$block_size.') {
+                            $in = $_xor;
+                            '.$encrypt_block.'
+                            $_xor = $in;
+                            $_ciphertext.= substr($_text, $_i, '.$block_size.') ^ $_xor;
+                        }
+                        $_key = $_xor;
+                    }
+                    if ($self->continuousBuffer) {
+                        $self->encryptIV = $_xor;
+                        if ($_start = $_plaintext_len % '.$block_size.') {
+                             $_buffer["xor"] = substr($_key, $_start) . $_buffer["xor"];
+                        }
+                    }
+                    return $_ciphertext;
+                    ';
+                $decrypt = $init_encrypt . '
+                    $_plaintext = "";
+                    $_ciphertext_len = strlen($_text);
+                    $_xor = $self->decryptIV;
+                    $_buffer = &$self->debuffer;
+                    if (strlen($_buffer["xor"])) {
+                        for ($_i = 0; $_i < $_ciphertext_len; $_i+= '.$block_size.') {
+                            $_block = substr($_text, $_i, '.$block_size.');
+                            if (strlen($_block) > strlen($_buffer["xor"])) {
+                                $in = $_xor;
+                                '.$encrypt_block.'
+                                $_xor = $in;
+                                $_buffer["xor"].= $_xor;
+                            }
+                            $_key = $self->_stringShift($_buffer["xor"], '.$block_size.');
+                            $_plaintext.= $_block ^ $_key;
+                        }
+                    } else {
+                        for ($_i = 0; $_i < $_ciphertext_len; $_i+= '.$block_size.') {
+                            $in = $_xor;
+                            '.$encrypt_block.'
+                            $_xor = $in;
+                            $_plaintext.= substr($_text, $_i, '.$block_size.') ^ $_xor;
+                        }
+                        $_key = $_xor;
+                    }
+                    if ($self->continuousBuffer) {
+                        $self->decryptIV = $_xor;
+                        if ($_start = $_ciphertext_len % '.$block_size.') {
+                             $_buffer["xor"] = substr($_key, $_start) . $_buffer["xor"];
+                        }
+                    }
+                    return $_plaintext;
+                    ';
+                break;
+            case CRYPT_MODE_STREAM:
+                $encrypt = $init_encrypt . '
+                    $_ciphertext = "";
+                    '.$encrypt_block.'
+                    return $_ciphertext;
+                    ';
+                $decrypt = $init_decrypt . '
+                    $_plaintext = "";
+                    '.$decrypt_block.'
+                    return $_plaintext;
+                    ';
+                break;
+            // case CRYPT_MODE_CBC:
+            default:
+                $encrypt = $init_encrypt . '
+                    $_ciphertext = "";
+                    $_text = $self->_pad($_text);
+                    $_plaintext_len = strlen($_text);
+                    $in = $self->encryptIV;
+                    for ($_i = 0; $_i < $_plaintext_len; $_i+= '.$block_size.') {
+                        $in = substr($_text, $_i, '.$block_size.') ^ $in;
+                        '.$encrypt_block.'
+                        $_ciphertext.= $in;
+                    }
+                    if ($self->continuousBuffer) {
+                        $self->encryptIV = $in;
+                    }
+                    return $_ciphertext;
+                    ';
+                $decrypt = $init_decrypt . '
+                    $_plaintext = "";
+                    $_text = str_pad($_text, strlen($_text) + ('.$block_size.' - strlen($_text) % '.$block_size.') % '.$block_size.', chr(0));
+                    $_ciphertext_len = strlen($_text);
+                    $_iv = $self->decryptIV;
+                    for ($_i = 0; $_i < $_ciphertext_len; $_i+= '.$block_size.') {
+                        $in = $_block = substr($_text, $_i, '.$block_size.');
+                        '.$decrypt_block.'
+                        $_plaintext.= $in ^ $_iv;
+                        $_iv = $_block;
+                    }
+                    if ($self->continuousBuffer) {
+                        $self->decryptIV = $_iv;
+                    }
+                    return $self->_unpad($_plaintext);
+                    ';
+                break;
+        }
+        // Create the $inline function and return its name as string. Ready to run!
+        return create_function('$_action, &$self, $_text', $init_crypt . 'if ($_action == "encrypt") { ' . $encrypt . ' } else { ' . $decrypt . ' }');
+    }
+    /**
+     * Holds the lambda_functions table (classwide)
+     *
+     * Each name of the lambda function, created from
+     * _setupInlineCrypt() && _createInlineCryptFunction()
+     * is stored, classwide (!), here for reusing.
+     *
+     * The string-based index of $function is a classwide
+     * uniqe value representing, at least, the $mode of
+     * operation (or more... depends of the optimizing level)
+     * for which $mode the lambda function was created.
+     *
+     * @access private
+     * @return &Array
+     */
+    function &_getLambdaFunctions()
+    {
+        static $functions = array();
+        return $functions;
+    }
+// vim: ts=4:sw=4:et:
+// vim6: fdl=1:
diff --git a/apps/files_external/3rdparty/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/Blowfish.php b/apps/files_external/3rdparty/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/Blowfish.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c8ef67e8f7cacb9c790319cfdda36f093046ed9b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/files_external/3rdparty/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/Blowfish.php
@@ -0,0 +1,678 @@
+/* vim: set expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4: */
+ * Pure-PHP implementation of Blowfish.
+ *
+ * Uses mcrypt, if available, and an internal implementation, otherwise.
+ *
+ * PHP versions 4 and 5
+ *
+ * Useful resources are as follows:
+ *
+ *  - {@link http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blowfish_(cipher) Wikipedia description of Blowfish}
+ *
+ * Here's a short example of how to use this library:
+ * <code>
+ * <?php
+ *    include('Crypt/Blowfish.php');
+ *
+ *    $blowfish = new Crypt_Blowfish();
+ *
+ *    $blowfish->setKey('12345678901234567890123456789012');
+ *
+ *    $plaintext = str_repeat('a', 1024);
+ *
+ *    echo $blowfish->decrypt($blowfish->encrypt($plaintext));
+ * ?>
+ * </code>
+ *
+ * LICENSE: Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+ * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+ * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+ * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+ * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+ * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+ *
+ * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+ * all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+ *
+ *
+ * @category   Crypt
+ * @package    Crypt_Blowfish
+ * @author     Jim Wigginton <terrafrost@php.net>
+ * @author     Hans-Juergen Petrich <petrich@tronic-media.com>
+ * @copyright  MMVII Jim Wigginton
+ * @license    http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html  MIT License
+ * @version    1.0
+ * @link       http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net
+ */
+ * Include Crypt_Base
+ *
+ * Base cipher class
+ */
+if (!class_exists('Crypt_Base')) {
+    require_once('Base.php');
+ * @access public
+ * @see Crypt_Blowfish::encrypt()
+ * @see Crypt_Blowfish::decrypt()
+ */
+ * Encrypt / decrypt using the Counter mode.
+ *
+ * Set to -1 since that's what Crypt/Random.php uses to index the CTR mode.
+ *
+ * @link http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Block_cipher_modes_of_operation#Counter_.28CTR.29
+ */
+ * Encrypt / decrypt using the Electronic Code Book mode.
+ *
+ * @link http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Block_cipher_modes_of_operation#Electronic_codebook_.28ECB.29
+ */
+ * Encrypt / decrypt using the Code Book Chaining mode.
+ *
+ * @link http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Block_cipher_modes_of_operation#Cipher-block_chaining_.28CBC.29
+ */
+ * Encrypt / decrypt using the Cipher Feedback mode.
+ *
+ * @link http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Block_cipher_modes_of_operation#Cipher_feedback_.28CFB.29
+ */
+ * Encrypt / decrypt using the Cipher Feedback mode.
+ *
+ * @link http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Block_cipher_modes_of_operation#Output_feedback_.28OFB.29
+ */
+ * @access private
+ * @see Crypt_Blowfish::Crypt_Blowfish()
+ */
+ * Toggles the internal implementation
+ */
+ * Toggles the mcrypt implementation
+ */
+ * Pure-PHP implementation of Blowfish.
+ *
+ * @author  Jim Wigginton <terrafrost@php.net>
+ * @author  Hans-Juergen Petrich <petrich@tronic-media.com>
+ * @version 1.0
+ * @access  public
+ * @package Crypt_Blowfish
+ */
+class Crypt_Blowfish extends Crypt_Base {
+    /**
+     * Block Length of the cipher
+     *
+     * @see Crypt_Base::block_size
+     * @var Integer
+     * @access private
+     */
+    var $block_size = 8;
+    /**
+     * The default password key_size used by setPassword()
+     *
+     * @see Crypt_Base::password_key_size
+     * @see Crypt_Base::setPassword()
+     * @var Integer
+     * @access private
+     */
+    var $password_key_size = 56;
+    /**
+     * The namespace used by the cipher for its constants.
+     *
+     * @see Crypt_Base::const_namespace
+     * @var String
+     * @access private
+     */
+    var $const_namespace = 'BLOWFISH';
+    /**
+     * The mcrypt specific name of the cipher
+     *
+     * @see Crypt_Base::cipher_name_mcrypt
+     * @var String
+     * @access private
+     */
+    var $cipher_name_mcrypt = 'blowfish';
+    /**
+     * Optimizing value while CFB-encrypting
+     *
+     * @see Crypt_Base::cfb_init_len
+     * @var Integer
+     * @access private
+     */
+    var $cfb_init_len = 500;
+    /**
+     * The fixed subkeys boxes ($sbox0 - $sbox3) with 256 entries each
+     *
+     * S-Box 1
+     *
+     * @access private
+     * @var    array
+     */
+    var $sbox0 = array (
+        0xd1310ba6, 0x98dfb5ac, 0x2ffd72db, 0xd01adfb7, 0xb8e1afed, 0x6a267e96, 0xba7c9045, 0xf12c7f99,
+        0x24a19947, 0xb3916cf7, 0x0801f2e2, 0x858efc16, 0x636920d8, 0x71574e69, 0xa458fea3, 0xf4933d7e,
+        0x0d95748f, 0x728eb658, 0x718bcd58, 0x82154aee, 0x7b54a41d, 0xc25a59b5, 0x9c30d539, 0x2af26013,
+        0xc5d1b023, 0x286085f0, 0xca417918, 0xb8db38ef, 0x8e79dcb0, 0x603a180e, 0x6c9e0e8b, 0xb01e8a3e,
+        0xd71577c1, 0xbd314b27, 0x78af2fda, 0x55605c60, 0xe65525f3, 0xaa55ab94, 0x57489862, 0x63e81440,
+        0x55ca396a, 0x2aab10b6, 0xb4cc5c34, 0x1141e8ce, 0xa15486af, 0x7c72e993, 0xb3ee1411, 0x636fbc2a,
+        0x2ba9c55d, 0x741831f6, 0xce5c3e16, 0x9b87931e, 0xafd6ba33, 0x6c24cf5c, 0x7a325381, 0x28958677,
+        0x3b8f4898, 0x6b4bb9af, 0xc4bfe81b, 0x66282193, 0x61d809cc, 0xfb21a991, 0x487cac60, 0x5dec8032,
+        0xef845d5d, 0xe98575b1, 0xdc262302, 0xeb651b88, 0x23893e81, 0xd396acc5, 0x0f6d6ff3, 0x83f44239,
+        0x2e0b4482, 0xa4842004, 0x69c8f04a, 0x9e1f9b5e, 0x21c66842, 0xf6e96c9a, 0x670c9c61, 0xabd388f0,
+        0x6a51a0d2, 0xd8542f68, 0x960fa728, 0xab5133a3, 0x6eef0b6c, 0x137a3be4, 0xba3bf050, 0x7efb2a98,
+        0xa1f1651d, 0x39af0176, 0x66ca593e, 0x82430e88, 0x8cee8619, 0x456f9fb4, 0x7d84a5c3, 0x3b8b5ebe,
+        0xe06f75d8, 0x85c12073, 0x401a449f, 0x56c16aa6, 0x4ed3aa62, 0x363f7706, 0x1bfedf72, 0x429b023d,
+        0x37d0d724, 0xd00a1248, 0xdb0fead3, 0x49f1c09b, 0x075372c9, 0x80991b7b, 0x25d479d8, 0xf6e8def7,
+        0xe3fe501a, 0xb6794c3b, 0x976ce0bd, 0x04c006ba, 0xc1a94fb6, 0x409f60c4, 0x5e5c9ec2, 0x196a2463,
+        0x68fb6faf, 0x3e6c53b5, 0x1339b2eb, 0x3b52ec6f, 0x6dfc511f, 0x9b30952c, 0xcc814544, 0xaf5ebd09,
+        0xbee3d004, 0xde334afd, 0x660f2807, 0x192e4bb3, 0xc0cba857, 0x45c8740f, 0xd20b5f39, 0xb9d3fbdb,
+        0x5579c0bd, 0x1a60320a, 0xd6a100c6, 0x402c7279, 0x679f25fe, 0xfb1fa3cc, 0x8ea5e9f8, 0xdb3222f8,
+        0x3c7516df, 0xfd616b15, 0x2f501ec8, 0xad0552ab, 0x323db5fa, 0xfd238760, 0x53317b48, 0x3e00df82,
+        0x9e5c57bb, 0xca6f8ca0, 0x1a87562e, 0xdf1769db, 0xd542a8f6, 0x287effc3, 0xac6732c6, 0x8c4f5573,
+        0x695b27b0, 0xbbca58c8, 0xe1ffa35d, 0xb8f011a0, 0x10fa3d98, 0xfd2183b8, 0x4afcb56c, 0x2dd1d35b,
+        0x9a53e479, 0xb6f84565, 0xd28e49bc, 0x4bfb9790, 0xe1ddf2da, 0xa4cb7e33, 0x62fb1341, 0xcee4c6e8,
+        0xef20cada, 0x36774c01, 0xd07e9efe, 0x2bf11fb4, 0x95dbda4d, 0xae909198, 0xeaad8e71, 0x6b93d5a0,
+        0xd08ed1d0, 0xafc725e0, 0x8e3c5b2f, 0x8e7594b7, 0x8ff6e2fb, 0xf2122b64, 0x8888b812, 0x900df01c,
+        0x4fad5ea0, 0x688fc31c, 0xd1cff191, 0xb3a8c1ad, 0x2f2f2218, 0xbe0e1777, 0xea752dfe, 0x8b021fa1,
+        0xe5a0cc0f, 0xb56f74e8, 0x18acf3d6, 0xce89e299, 0xb4a84fe0, 0xfd13e0b7, 0x7cc43b81, 0xd2ada8d9,
+        0x165fa266, 0x80957705, 0x93cc7314, 0x211a1477, 0xe6ad2065, 0x77b5fa86, 0xc75442f5, 0xfb9d35cf,
+        0xebcdaf0c, 0x7b3e89a0, 0xd6411bd3, 0xae1e7e49, 0x00250e2d, 0x2071b35e, 0x226800bb, 0x57b8e0af,
+        0x2464369b, 0xf009b91e, 0x5563911d, 0x59dfa6aa, 0x78c14389, 0xd95a537f, 0x207d5ba2, 0x02e5b9c5,
+        0x83260376, 0x6295cfa9, 0x11c81968, 0x4e734a41, 0xb3472dca, 0x7b14a94a, 0x1b510052, 0x9a532915,
+        0xd60f573f, 0xbc9bc6e4, 0x2b60a476, 0x81e67400, 0x08ba6fb5, 0x571be91f, 0xf296ec6b, 0x2a0dd915,
+        0xb6636521, 0xe7b9f9b6, 0xff34052e, 0xc5855664, 0x53b02d5d, 0xa99f8fa1, 0x08ba4799, 0x6e85076a
+    );
+    /**
+     * S-Box 1
+     *
+     * @access private
+     * @var    array
+     */
+    var $sbox1 = array(
+        0x4b7a70e9, 0xb5b32944, 0xdb75092e, 0xc4192623, 0xad6ea6b0, 0x49a7df7d, 0x9cee60b8, 0x8fedb266,
+        0xecaa8c71, 0x699a17ff, 0x5664526c, 0xc2b19ee1, 0x193602a5, 0x75094c29, 0xa0591340, 0xe4183a3e,
+        0x3f54989a, 0x5b429d65, 0x6b8fe4d6, 0x99f73fd6, 0xa1d29c07, 0xefe830f5, 0x4d2d38e6, 0xf0255dc1,
+        0x4cdd2086, 0x8470eb26, 0x6382e9c6, 0x021ecc5e, 0x09686b3f, 0x3ebaefc9, 0x3c971814, 0x6b6a70a1,
+        0x687f3584, 0x52a0e286, 0xb79c5305, 0xaa500737, 0x3e07841c, 0x7fdeae5c, 0x8e7d44ec, 0x5716f2b8,
+        0xb03ada37, 0xf0500c0d, 0xf01c1f04, 0x0200b3ff, 0xae0cf51a, 0x3cb574b2, 0x25837a58, 0xdc0921bd,
+        0xd19113f9, 0x7ca92ff6, 0x94324773, 0x22f54701, 0x3ae5e581, 0x37c2dadc, 0xc8b57634, 0x9af3dda7,
+        0xa9446146, 0x0fd0030e, 0xecc8c73e, 0xa4751e41, 0xe238cd99, 0x3bea0e2f, 0x3280bba1, 0x183eb331,
+        0x4e548b38, 0x4f6db908, 0x6f420d03, 0xf60a04bf, 0x2cb81290, 0x24977c79, 0x5679b072, 0xbcaf89af,
+        0xde9a771f, 0xd9930810, 0xb38bae12, 0xdccf3f2e, 0x5512721f, 0x2e6b7124, 0x501adde6, 0x9f84cd87,
+        0x7a584718, 0x7408da17, 0xbc9f9abc, 0xe94b7d8c, 0xec7aec3a, 0xdb851dfa, 0x63094366, 0xc464c3d2,
+        0xef1c1847, 0x3215d908, 0xdd433b37, 0x24c2ba16, 0x12a14d43, 0x2a65c451, 0x50940002, 0x133ae4dd,
+        0x71dff89e, 0x10314e55, 0x81ac77d6, 0x5f11199b, 0x043556f1, 0xd7a3c76b, 0x3c11183b, 0x5924a509,
+        0xf28fe6ed, 0x97f1fbfa, 0x9ebabf2c, 0x1e153c6e, 0x86e34570, 0xeae96fb1, 0x860e5e0a, 0x5a3e2ab3,
+        0x771fe71c, 0x4e3d06fa, 0x2965dcb9, 0x99e71d0f, 0x803e89d6, 0x5266c825, 0x2e4cc978, 0x9c10b36a,
+        0xc6150eba, 0x94e2ea78, 0xa5fc3c53, 0x1e0a2df4, 0xf2f74ea7, 0x361d2b3d, 0x1939260f, 0x19c27960,
+        0x5223a708, 0xf71312b6, 0xebadfe6e, 0xeac31f66, 0xe3bc4595, 0xa67bc883, 0xb17f37d1, 0x018cff28,
+        0xc332ddef, 0xbe6c5aa5, 0x65582185, 0x68ab9802, 0xeecea50f, 0xdb2f953b, 0x2aef7dad, 0x5b6e2f84,
+        0x1521b628, 0x29076170, 0xecdd4775, 0x619f1510, 0x13cca830, 0xeb61bd96, 0x0334fe1e, 0xaa0363cf,
+        0xb5735c90, 0x4c70a239, 0xd59e9e0b, 0xcbaade14, 0xeecc86bc, 0x60622ca7, 0x9cab5cab, 0xb2f3846e,
+        0x648b1eaf, 0x19bdf0ca, 0xa02369b9, 0x655abb50, 0x40685a32, 0x3c2ab4b3, 0x319ee9d5, 0xc021b8f7,
+        0x9b540b19, 0x875fa099, 0x95f7997e, 0x623d7da8, 0xf837889a, 0x97e32d77, 0x11ed935f, 0x16681281,
+        0x0e358829, 0xc7e61fd6, 0x96dedfa1, 0x7858ba99, 0x57f584a5, 0x1b227263, 0x9b83c3ff, 0x1ac24696,
+        0xcdb30aeb, 0x532e3054, 0x8fd948e4, 0x6dbc3128, 0x58ebf2ef, 0x34c6ffea, 0xfe28ed61, 0xee7c3c73,
+        0x5d4a14d9, 0xe864b7e3, 0x42105d14, 0x203e13e0, 0x45eee2b6, 0xa3aaabea, 0xdb6c4f15, 0xfacb4fd0,
+        0xc742f442, 0xef6abbb5, 0x654f3b1d, 0x41cd2105, 0xd81e799e, 0x86854dc7, 0xe44b476a, 0x3d816250,
+        0xcf62a1f2, 0x5b8d2646, 0xfc8883a0, 0xc1c7b6a3, 0x7f1524c3, 0x69cb7492, 0x47848a0b, 0x5692b285,
+        0x095bbf00, 0xad19489d, 0x1462b174, 0x23820e00, 0x58428d2a, 0x0c55f5ea, 0x1dadf43e, 0x233f7061,
+        0x3372f092, 0x8d937e41, 0xd65fecf1, 0x6c223bdb, 0x7cde3759, 0xcbee7460, 0x4085f2a7, 0xce77326e,
+        0xa6078084, 0x19f8509e, 0xe8efd855, 0x61d99735, 0xa969a7aa, 0xc50c06c2, 0x5a04abfc, 0x800bcadc,
+        0x9e447a2e, 0xc3453484, 0xfdd56705, 0x0e1e9ec9, 0xdb73dbd3, 0x105588cd, 0x675fda79, 0xe3674340,
+        0xc5c43465, 0x713e38d8, 0x3d28f89e, 0xf16dff20, 0x153e21e7, 0x8fb03d4a, 0xe6e39f2b, 0xdb83adf7
+    );
+    /**
+     * S-Box 2
+     *
+     * @access private
+     * @var    array
+     */
+    var $sbox2 = array(
+        0xe93d5a68, 0x948140f7, 0xf64c261c, 0x94692934, 0x411520f7, 0x7602d4f7, 0xbcf46b2e, 0xd4a20068,
+        0xd4082471, 0x3320f46a, 0x43b7d4b7, 0x500061af, 0x1e39f62e, 0x97244546, 0x14214f74, 0xbf8b8840,
+        0x4d95fc1d, 0x96b591af, 0x70f4ddd3, 0x66a02f45, 0xbfbc09ec, 0x03bd9785, 0x7fac6dd0, 0x31cb8504,
+        0x96eb27b3, 0x55fd3941, 0xda2547e6, 0xabca0a9a, 0x28507825, 0x530429f4, 0x0a2c86da, 0xe9b66dfb,
+        0x68dc1462, 0xd7486900, 0x680ec0a4, 0x27a18dee, 0x4f3ffea2, 0xe887ad8c, 0xb58ce006, 0x7af4d6b6,
+        0xaace1e7c, 0xd3375fec, 0xce78a399, 0x406b2a42, 0x20fe9e35, 0xd9f385b9, 0xee39d7ab, 0x3b124e8b,
+        0x1dc9faf7, 0x4b6d1856, 0x26a36631, 0xeae397b2, 0x3a6efa74, 0xdd5b4332, 0x6841e7f7, 0xca7820fb,
+        0xfb0af54e, 0xd8feb397, 0x454056ac, 0xba489527, 0x55533a3a, 0x20838d87, 0xfe6ba9b7, 0xd096954b,
+        0x55a867bc, 0xa1159a58, 0xcca92963, 0x99e1db33, 0xa62a4a56, 0x3f3125f9, 0x5ef47e1c, 0x9029317c,
+        0xfdf8e802, 0x04272f70, 0x80bb155c, 0x05282ce3, 0x95c11548, 0xe4c66d22, 0x48c1133f, 0xc70f86dc,
+        0x07f9c9ee, 0x41041f0f, 0x404779a4, 0x5d886e17, 0x325f51eb, 0xd59bc0d1, 0xf2bcc18f, 0x41113564,
+        0x257b7834, 0x602a9c60, 0xdff8e8a3, 0x1f636c1b, 0x0e12b4c2, 0x02e1329e, 0xaf664fd1, 0xcad18115,
+        0x6b2395e0, 0x333e92e1, 0x3b240b62, 0xeebeb922, 0x85b2a20e, 0xe6ba0d99, 0xde720c8c, 0x2da2f728,
+        0xd0127845, 0x95b794fd, 0x647d0862, 0xe7ccf5f0, 0x5449a36f, 0x877d48fa, 0xc39dfd27, 0xf33e8d1e,
+        0x0a476341, 0x992eff74, 0x3a6f6eab, 0xf4f8fd37, 0xa812dc60, 0xa1ebddf8, 0x991be14c, 0xdb6e6b0d,
+        0xc67b5510, 0x6d672c37, 0x2765d43b, 0xdcd0e804, 0xf1290dc7, 0xcc00ffa3, 0xb5390f92, 0x690fed0b,
+        0x667b9ffb, 0xcedb7d9c, 0xa091cf0b, 0xd9155ea3, 0xbb132f88, 0x515bad24, 0x7b9479bf, 0x763bd6eb,
+        0x37392eb3, 0xcc115979, 0x8026e297, 0xf42e312d, 0x6842ada7, 0xc66a2b3b, 0x12754ccc, 0x782ef11c,
+        0x6a124237, 0xb79251e7, 0x06a1bbe6, 0x4bfb6350, 0x1a6b1018, 0x11caedfa, 0x3d25bdd8, 0xe2e1c3c9,
+        0x44421659, 0x0a121386, 0xd90cec6e, 0xd5abea2a, 0x64af674e, 0xda86a85f, 0xbebfe988, 0x64e4c3fe,
+        0x9dbc8057, 0xf0f7c086, 0x60787bf8, 0x6003604d, 0xd1fd8346, 0xf6381fb0, 0x7745ae04, 0xd736fccc,
+        0x83426b33, 0xf01eab71, 0xb0804187, 0x3c005e5f, 0x77a057be, 0xbde8ae24, 0x55464299, 0xbf582e61,
+        0x4e58f48f, 0xf2ddfda2, 0xf474ef38, 0x8789bdc2, 0x5366f9c3, 0xc8b38e74, 0xb475f255, 0x46fcd9b9,
+        0x7aeb2661, 0x8b1ddf84, 0x846a0e79, 0x915f95e2, 0x466e598e, 0x20b45770, 0x8cd55591, 0xc902de4c,
+        0xb90bace1, 0xbb8205d0, 0x11a86248, 0x7574a99e, 0xb77f19b6, 0xe0a9dc09, 0x662d09a1, 0xc4324633,
+        0xe85a1f02, 0x09f0be8c, 0x4a99a025, 0x1d6efe10, 0x1ab93d1d, 0x0ba5a4df, 0xa186f20f, 0x2868f169,
+        0xdcb7da83, 0x573906fe, 0xa1e2ce9b, 0x4fcd7f52, 0x50115e01, 0xa70683fa, 0xa002b5c4, 0x0de6d027,
+        0x9af88c27, 0x773f8641, 0xc3604c06, 0x61a806b5, 0xf0177a28, 0xc0f586e0, 0x006058aa, 0x30dc7d62,
+        0x11e69ed7, 0x2338ea63, 0x53c2dd94, 0xc2c21634, 0xbbcbee56, 0x90bcb6de, 0xebfc7da1, 0xce591d76,
+        0x6f05e409, 0x4b7c0188, 0x39720a3d, 0x7c927c24, 0x86e3725f, 0x724d9db9, 0x1ac15bb4, 0xd39eb8fc,
+        0xed545578, 0x08fca5b5, 0xd83d7cd3, 0x4dad0fc4, 0x1e50ef5e, 0xb161e6f8, 0xa28514d9, 0x6c51133c,
+        0x6fd5c7e7, 0x56e14ec4, 0x362abfce, 0xddc6c837, 0xd79a3234, 0x92638212, 0x670efa8e, 0x406000e0
+    );
+    /**
+     * S-Box 3
+     *
+     * @access private
+     * @var    array
+     */
+    var $sbox3 = array(
+        0x3a39ce37, 0xd3faf5cf, 0xabc27737, 0x5ac52d1b, 0x5cb0679e, 0x4fa33742, 0xd3822740, 0x99bc9bbe,
+        0xd5118e9d, 0xbf0f7315, 0xd62d1c7e, 0xc700c47b, 0xb78c1b6b, 0x21a19045, 0xb26eb1be, 0x6a366eb4,
+        0x5748ab2f, 0xbc946e79, 0xc6a376d2, 0x6549c2c8, 0x530ff8ee, 0x468dde7d, 0xd5730a1d, 0x4cd04dc6,
+        0x2939bbdb, 0xa9ba4650, 0xac9526e8, 0xbe5ee304, 0xa1fad5f0, 0x6a2d519a, 0x63ef8ce2, 0x9a86ee22,
+        0xc089c2b8, 0x43242ef6, 0xa51e03aa, 0x9cf2d0a4, 0x83c061ba, 0x9be96a4d, 0x8fe51550, 0xba645bd6,
+        0x2826a2f9, 0xa73a3ae1, 0x4ba99586, 0xef5562e9, 0xc72fefd3, 0xf752f7da, 0x3f046f69, 0x77fa0a59,
+        0x80e4a915, 0x87b08601, 0x9b09e6ad, 0x3b3ee593, 0xe990fd5a, 0x9e34d797, 0x2cf0b7d9, 0x022b8b51,
+        0x96d5ac3a, 0x017da67d, 0xd1cf3ed6, 0x7c7d2d28, 0x1f9f25cf, 0xadf2b89b, 0x5ad6b472, 0x5a88f54c,
+        0xe029ac71, 0xe019a5e6, 0x47b0acfd, 0xed93fa9b, 0xe8d3c48d, 0x283b57cc, 0xf8d56629, 0x79132e28,
+        0x785f0191, 0xed756055, 0xf7960e44, 0xe3d35e8c, 0x15056dd4, 0x88f46dba, 0x03a16125, 0x0564f0bd,
+        0xc3eb9e15, 0x3c9057a2, 0x97271aec, 0xa93a072a, 0x1b3f6d9b, 0x1e6321f5, 0xf59c66fb, 0x26dcf319,
+        0x7533d928, 0xb155fdf5, 0x03563482, 0x8aba3cbb, 0x28517711, 0xc20ad9f8, 0xabcc5167, 0xccad925f,
+        0x4de81751, 0x3830dc8e, 0x379d5862, 0x9320f991, 0xea7a90c2, 0xfb3e7bce, 0x5121ce64, 0x774fbe32,
+        0xa8b6e37e, 0xc3293d46, 0x48de5369, 0x6413e680, 0xa2ae0810, 0xdd6db224, 0x69852dfd, 0x09072166,
+        0xb39a460a, 0x6445c0dd, 0x586cdecf, 0x1c20c8ae, 0x5bbef7dd, 0x1b588d40, 0xccd2017f, 0x6bb4e3bb,
+        0xdda26a7e, 0x3a59ff45, 0x3e350a44, 0xbcb4cdd5, 0x72eacea8, 0xfa6484bb, 0x8d6612ae, 0xbf3c6f47,
+        0xd29be463, 0x542f5d9e, 0xaec2771b, 0xf64e6370, 0x740e0d8d, 0xe75b1357, 0xf8721671, 0xaf537d5d,
+        0x4040cb08, 0x4eb4e2cc, 0x34d2466a, 0x0115af84, 0xe1b00428, 0x95983a1d, 0x06b89fb4, 0xce6ea048,
+        0x6f3f3b82, 0x3520ab82, 0x011a1d4b, 0x277227f8, 0x611560b1, 0xe7933fdc, 0xbb3a792b, 0x344525bd,
+        0xa08839e1, 0x51ce794b, 0x2f32c9b7, 0xa01fbac9, 0xe01cc87e, 0xbcc7d1f6, 0xcf0111c3, 0xa1e8aac7,
+        0x1a908749, 0xd44fbd9a, 0xd0dadecb, 0xd50ada38, 0x0339c32a, 0xc6913667, 0x8df9317c, 0xe0b12b4f,
+        0xf79e59b7, 0x43f5bb3a, 0xf2d519ff, 0x27d9459c, 0xbf97222c, 0x15e6fc2a, 0x0f91fc71, 0x9b941525,
+        0xfae59361, 0xceb69ceb, 0xc2a86459, 0x12baa8d1, 0xb6c1075e, 0xe3056a0c, 0x10d25065, 0xcb03a442,
+        0xe0ec6e0e, 0x1698db3b, 0x4c98a0be, 0x3278e964, 0x9f1f9532, 0xe0d392df, 0xd3a0342b, 0x8971f21e,
+        0x1b0a7441, 0x4ba3348c, 0xc5be7120, 0xc37632d8, 0xdf359f8d, 0x9b992f2e, 0xe60b6f47, 0x0fe3f11d,
+        0xe54cda54, 0x1edad891, 0xce6279cf, 0xcd3e7e6f, 0x1618b166, 0xfd2c1d05, 0x848fd2c5, 0xf6fb2299,
+        0xf523f357, 0xa6327623, 0x93a83531, 0x56cccd02, 0xacf08162, 0x5a75ebb5, 0x6e163697, 0x88d273cc,
+        0xde966292, 0x81b949d0, 0x4c50901b, 0x71c65614, 0xe6c6c7bd, 0x327a140a, 0x45e1d006, 0xc3f27b9a,
+        0xc9aa53fd, 0x62a80f00, 0xbb25bfe2, 0x35bdd2f6, 0x71126905, 0xb2040222, 0xb6cbcf7c, 0xcd769c2b,
+        0x53113ec0, 0x1640e3d3, 0x38abbd60, 0x2547adf0, 0xba38209c, 0xf746ce76, 0x77afa1c5, 0x20756060,
+        0x85cbfe4e, 0x8ae88dd8, 0x7aaaf9b0, 0x4cf9aa7e, 0x1948c25c, 0x02fb8a8c, 0x01c36ae4, 0xd6ebe1f9,
+        0x90d4f869, 0xa65cdea0, 0x3f09252d, 0xc208e69f, 0xb74e6132, 0xce77e25b, 0x578fdfe3, 0x3ac372e6
+    );
+    /**
+     * P-Array consists of 18 32-bit subkeys
+     *
+     * @var array $parray
+     * @access private
+     */
+    var $parray = array(
+        0x243f6a88, 0x85a308d3, 0x13198a2e, 0x03707344, 0xa4093822, 0x299f31d0,
+        0x082efa98, 0xec4e6c89, 0x452821e6, 0x38d01377, 0xbe5466cf, 0x34e90c6c,
+        0xc0ac29b7, 0xc97c50dd, 0x3f84d5b5, 0xb5470917, 0x9216d5d9, 0x8979fb1b
+    );
+    /**
+     * The BCTX-working Array
+     *
+     * Holds the expanded key [p] and the key-depended s-boxes [sb]
+     *
+     * @var array $bctx
+     * @access private
+     */
+    var $bctx;
+    /**
+     * Holds the last used key
+     *
+     * @var Array
+     * @access private
+     */
+    var $kl;
+    /**
+     * Default Constructor.
+     *
+     * Determines whether or not the mcrypt extension should be used.
+     *
+     * $mode could be:
+     *
+     *
+     *
+     *
+     *
+     *
+     * If not explictly set, CRYPT_BLOWFISH_MODE_CBC will be used.
+     *
+     * @see Crypt_Base::Crypt_Base()
+     * @param optional Integer $mode
+     * @access public
+     */
+    function Crypt_Blowfish($mode = CRYPT_BLOWFISH_MODE_CBC)
+    {
+        parent::Crypt_Base($mode);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Sets the key.
+     *
+     * Keys can be of any length.  Blowfish, itself, requires the use of a key between 32 and max. 448-bits long.
+     * If the key is less than 32-bits we NOT fill the key to 32bit but let the key as it is to be compatible
+     * with mcrypt because mcrypt act this way with blowfish key's < 32 bits.
+     *
+     * If the key is more than 448-bits, we trim the excess bits.
+     *
+     * If the key is not explicitly set, or empty, it'll be assumed a 128 bits key to be all null bytes.
+     *
+     * @access public
+     * @see Crypt_Base::setKey()
+     * @param String $key
+     */
+    function setKey($key)
+    {
+        $keylength = strlen($key);
+        if (!$keylength) {
+            $key = "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0";
+        }
+        elseif ($keylength > 56) {
+            $key = substr($key, 0, 56);
+        }
+        parent::setKey($key);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Setup the key (expansion)
+     *
+     * @see Crypt_Base::_setupKey()
+     * @access private
+     */
+    function _setupKey()
+    {
+        if (isset($this->kl['key']) && $this->key === $this->kl['key']) {
+            // already expanded
+            return;
+        }
+        $this->kl = array('key' => $this->key);
+        /* key-expanding p[] and S-Box building sb[] */
+        $this->bctx = array(
+            'p'  => array(),
+            'sb' => array(
+                $this->sbox0,
+                $this->sbox1,
+                $this->sbox2,
+                $this->sbox3
+            )
+        );
+        // unpack binary string in unsigned chars
+        $key  = array_values(unpack('C*', $this->key));
+        $keyl = count($key);
+        for ($j = 0, $i = 0; $i < 18; ++$i) {
+            // xor P1 with the first 32-bits of the key, xor P2 with the second 32-bits ...
+            for ($data = 0, $k = 0; $k < 4; ++$k) {
+                $data = ($data << 8) | $key[$j];
+                if (++$j >= $keyl) {
+                    $j = 0;
+                }
+            }
+            $this->bctx['p'][] = $this->parray[$i] ^ $data;
+        }
+        // encrypt the zero-string, replace P1 and P2 with the encrypted data,
+        // encrypt P3 and P4 with the new P1 and P2, do it with all P-array and subkeys
+        $data = "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0";
+        for ($i = 0; $i < 18; $i += 2) {
+            list($l, $r) = array_values(unpack('N*', $data = $this->_encryptBlock($data)));
+            $this->bctx['p'][$i    ] = $l;
+            $this->bctx['p'][$i + 1] = $r;
+        }
+        for ($i = 0; $i < 4; ++$i) {
+            for ($j = 0; $j < 256; $j += 2) {
+                list($l, $r) = array_values(unpack('N*', $data = $this->_encryptBlock($data)));
+                $this->bctx['sb'][$i][$j    ] = $l;
+                $this->bctx['sb'][$i][$j + 1] = $r;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Encrypts a block
+     *
+     * @access private
+     * @param String $in
+     * @return String
+     */
+    function _encryptBlock($in)
+    {
+        $p = $this->bctx["p"];
+        // extract($this->bctx["sb"], EXTR_PREFIX_ALL, "sb"); // slower
+        $sb_0 = $this->bctx["sb"][0];
+        $sb_1 = $this->bctx["sb"][1];
+        $sb_2 = $this->bctx["sb"][2];
+        $sb_3 = $this->bctx["sb"][3];
+        $in = unpack("N*", $in);
+        $l = $in[1];
+        $r = $in[2];
+        for ($i = 0; $i < 16; $i+= 2) {
+                $l^= $p[$i];
+                $r^= ($sb_0[$l >> 24 & 0xff]  +
+                      $sb_1[$l >> 16 & 0xff]  ^
+                      $sb_2[$l >>  8 & 0xff]) +
+                      $sb_3[$l       & 0xff];
+                $r^= $p[$i + 1];
+                $l^= ($sb_0[$r >> 24 & 0xff]  +
+                      $sb_1[$r >> 16 & 0xff]  ^
+                      $sb_2[$r >>  8 & 0xff]) +
+                      $sb_3[$r       & 0xff];
+        }
+        return pack("N*", $r ^ $p[17], $l ^ $p[16]);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Decrypts a block
+     *
+     * @access private
+     * @param String $in
+     * @return String
+     */
+    function _decryptBlock($in)
+    {
+        $p = $this->bctx["p"];
+        $sb_0 = $this->bctx["sb"][0];
+        $sb_1 = $this->bctx["sb"][1];
+        $sb_2 = $this->bctx["sb"][2];
+        $sb_3 = $this->bctx["sb"][3];
+        $in = unpack("N*", $in);
+        $l = $in[1];
+        $r = $in[2];
+        for ($i = 17; $i > 2; $i-= 2) {
+            $l^= $p[$i];
+            $r^= ($sb_0[$l >> 24 & 0xff]  +
+                  $sb_1[$l >> 16 & 0xff]  ^
+                  $sb_2[$l >>  8 & 0xff]) +
+                  $sb_3[$l       & 0xff];
+            $r^= $p[$i - 1];
+            $l^= ($sb_0[$r >> 24 & 0xff]  +
+                  $sb_1[$r >> 16 & 0xff]  ^
+                  $sb_2[$r >>  8 & 0xff]) +
+                  $sb_3[$r       & 0xff];
+        }
+        return pack("N*", $r ^ $p[0], $l ^ $p[1]);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Setup the performance-optimized function for de/encrypt()
+     *
+     * @see Crypt_Base::_setupInlineCrypt()
+     * @access private
+     */
+    function _setupInlineCrypt()
+    {
+        $lambda_functions =& Crypt_Blowfish::_getLambdaFunctions();
+        // We create max. 10 hi-optimized code for memory reason. Means: For each $key one ultra fast inline-crypt function.
+        // After that, we'll still create very fast optimized code but not the hi-ultimative code, for each $mode one.
+        $gen_hi_opt_code = (bool)( count($lambda_functions) < 10);
+        switch (true) {
+            case $gen_hi_opt_code:
+                $code_hash = md5(str_pad("Crypt_Blowfish, {$this->mode}, ", 32, "\0") . $this->key);
+                break;
+            default:
+                $code_hash = "Crypt_Blowfish, {$this->mode}";
+        }
+        if (!isset($lambda_functions[$code_hash])) {
+            switch (true) {
+                case $gen_hi_opt_code:
+                    $p = $this->bctx['p'];
+                    $init_crypt = '
+                        static $sb_0, $sb_1, $sb_2, $sb_3;
+                        if (!$sb_0) {
+                            $sb_0 = $self->bctx["sb"][0];
+                            $sb_1 = $self->bctx["sb"][1];
+                            $sb_2 = $self->bctx["sb"][2];
+                            $sb_3 = $self->bctx["sb"][3];
+                        }
+                    ';
+                    break;
+                default:
+                    $p   = array();
+                    for ($i = 0; $i < 18; ++$i) {
+                        $p[] = '$p_' . $i;
+                    }
+                    $init_crypt = '
+                        list($sb_0, $sb_1, $sb_2, $sb_3) = $self->bctx["sb"];
+                        list(' . implode(',', $p) . ') = $self->bctx["p"];
+                    ';
+            }
+            // Generating encrypt code:
+            $encrypt_block = '
+                $in = unpack("N*", $in);
+                $l = $in[1];
+                $r = $in[2];
+            ';
+            for ($i = 0; $i < 16; $i+= 2) {
+                $encrypt_block.= '
+                    $l^= ' . $p[$i] . ';
+                    $r^= ($sb_0[$l >> 24 & 0xff]  +
+                          $sb_1[$l >> 16 & 0xff]  ^
+                          $sb_2[$l >>  8 & 0xff]) +
+                          $sb_3[$l       & 0xff];
+                    $r^= ' . $p[$i + 1] . ';
+                    $l^= ($sb_0[$r >> 24 & 0xff]  +
+                          $sb_1[$r >> 16 & 0xff]  ^
+                          $sb_2[$r >>  8 & 0xff]) +
+                          $sb_3[$r       & 0xff];
+                ';
+            }
+            $encrypt_block.= '
+                $in = pack("N*",
+                    $r ^ ' . $p[17] . ',
+                    $l ^ ' . $p[16] . '
+                );
+            ';
+            // Generating decrypt code:
+            $decrypt_block = '
+                $in = unpack("N*", $in);
+                $l = $in[1];
+                $r = $in[2];
+            ';
+            for ($i = 17; $i > 2; $i-= 2) {
+                $decrypt_block.= '
+                    $l^= ' . $p[$i] . ';
+                    $r^= ($sb_0[$l >> 24 & 0xff]  +
+                          $sb_1[$l >> 16 & 0xff]  ^
+                          $sb_2[$l >>  8 & 0xff]) +
+                          $sb_3[$l       & 0xff];
+                    $r^= ' . $p[$i - 1] . ';
+                    $l^= ($sb_0[$r >> 24 & 0xff]  +
+                          $sb_1[$r >> 16 & 0xff]  ^
+                          $sb_2[$r >>  8 & 0xff]) +
+                          $sb_3[$r       & 0xff];
+                ';
+            }
+            $decrypt_block.= '
+                $in = pack("N*",
+                    $r ^ ' . $p[0] . ',
+                    $l ^ ' . $p[1] . '
+                );
+            ';
+            $lambda_functions[$code_hash] = $this->_createInlineCryptFunction(
+                array(
+                   'init_crypt'    => $init_crypt,
+                   'init_encrypt'  => '',
+                   'init_decrypt'  => '',
+                   'encrypt_block' => $encrypt_block,
+                   'decrypt_block' => $decrypt_block
+                )
+            );
+        }
+        $this->inline_crypt = $lambda_functions[$code_hash];
+    }
+// vim: ts=4:sw=4:et:
+// vim6: fdl=1:
diff --git a/apps/files_external/3rdparty/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/DES.php b/apps/files_external/3rdparty/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/DES.php
index 1197a50ab72df4c032eb87a1168ce77458452f85..8b04210659d8ea8018940cef35b33b41b0702b3e 100644
--- a/apps/files_external/3rdparty/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/DES.php
+++ b/apps/files_external/3rdparty/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/DES.php
@@ -39,10 +39,10 @@
  * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
  * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
  * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
- * 
+ *
  * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
  * all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
- * 
+ *
@@ -56,21 +56,29 @@
  * @author     Jim Wigginton <terrafrost@php.net>
  * @copyright  MMVII Jim Wigginton
  * @license    http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html  MIT License
- * @version    $Id: DES.php,v 1.12 2010/02/09 06:10:26 terrafrost Exp $
  * @link       http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net
+ * Include Crypt_Base
+ *
+ * Base cipher class
+ */
+if (!class_exists('Crypt_Base')) {
+    require_once('Base.php');
  * @access private
- * @see Crypt_DES::_prepareKey()
+ * @see Crypt_DES::_setupKey()
  * @see Crypt_DES::_processBlock()
- * Contains array_reverse($keys[CRYPT_DES_DECRYPT])
+ * Contains $keys[CRYPT_DES_ENCRYPT]
 define('CRYPT_DES_ENCRYPT', 0);
- * Contains array_reverse($keys[CRYPT_DES_ENCRYPT])
+ * Contains $keys[CRYPT_DES_DECRYPT]
 define('CRYPT_DES_DECRYPT', 1);
@@ -87,31 +95,31 @@ define('CRYPT_DES_DECRYPT', 1);
  * @link http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Block_cipher_modes_of_operation#Counter_.28CTR.29
-define('CRYPT_DES_MODE_CTR', -1);
  * Encrypt / decrypt using the Electronic Code Book mode.
  * @link http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Block_cipher_modes_of_operation#Electronic_codebook_.28ECB.29
-define('CRYPT_DES_MODE_ECB', 1);
  * Encrypt / decrypt using the Code Book Chaining mode.
  * @link http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Block_cipher_modes_of_operation#Cipher-block_chaining_.28CBC.29
-define('CRYPT_DES_MODE_CBC', 2);
  * Encrypt / decrypt using the Cipher Feedback mode.
  * @link http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Block_cipher_modes_of_operation#Cipher_feedback_.28CFB.29
-define('CRYPT_DES_MODE_CFB', 3);
  * Encrypt / decrypt using the Cipher Feedback mode.
  * @link http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Block_cipher_modes_of_operation#Output_feedback_.28OFB.29
-define('CRYPT_DES_MODE_OFB', 4);
@@ -121,11 +129,11 @@ define('CRYPT_DES_MODE_OFB', 4);
  * Toggles the internal implementation
  * Toggles the mcrypt implementation
-define('CRYPT_DES_MODE_MCRYPT', 2);
@@ -136,877 +144,607 @@ define('CRYPT_DES_MODE_MCRYPT', 2);
  * @access  public
  * @package Crypt_DES
-class Crypt_DES {
+class Crypt_DES extends Crypt_Base {
-     * The Key Schedule
+     * Block Length of the cipher
-     * @see Crypt_DES::setKey()
-     * @var Array
-     * @access private
-     */
-    var $keys = "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0";
-    /**
-     * The Encryption Mode
-     *
-     * @see Crypt_DES::Crypt_DES()
+     * @see Crypt_Base::block_size
      * @var Integer
      * @access private
-    var $mode;
+    var $block_size = 8;
-     * Continuous Buffer status
+     * The Key
-     * @see Crypt_DES::enableContinuousBuffer()
-     * @var Boolean
+     * @see Crypt_Base::key
+     * @see setKey()
+     * @var String
      * @access private
-    var $continuousBuffer = false;
+    var $key = "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0";
-     * Padding status
+     * The default password key_size used by setPassword()
-     * @see Crypt_DES::enablePadding()
-     * @var Boolean
+     * @see Crypt_Base::password_key_size
+     * @see Crypt_Base::setPassword()
+     * @var Integer
      * @access private
-    var $padding = true;
+    var $password_key_size = 8;
-     * The Initialization Vector
+     * The namespace used by the cipher for its constants.
-     * @see Crypt_DES::setIV()
+     * @see Crypt_Base::const_namespace
      * @var String
      * @access private
-    var $iv = "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0";
+    var $const_namespace = 'DES';
-     * A "sliding" Initialization Vector
+     * The mcrypt specific name of the cipher
-     * @see Crypt_DES::enableContinuousBuffer()
+     * @see Crypt_Base::cipher_name_mcrypt
      * @var String
      * @access private
-    var $encryptIV = "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0";
+    var $cipher_name_mcrypt = 'des';
-     * A "sliding" Initialization Vector
+     * Optimizing value while CFB-encrypting
-     * @see Crypt_DES::enableContinuousBuffer()
-     * @var String
+     * @see Crypt_Base::cfb_init_len
+     * @var Integer
      * @access private
-    var $decryptIV = "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0";
+    var $cfb_init_len = 500;
-     * mcrypt resource for encryption
+     * Switch for DES/3DES encryption
-     * The mcrypt resource can be recreated every time something needs to be created or it can be created just once.
-     * Since mcrypt operates in continuous mode, by default, it'll need to be recreated when in non-continuous mode.
+     * Used only if $engine == CRYPT_DES_MODE_INTERNAL
-     * @see Crypt_DES::encrypt()
-     * @var String
+     * @see Crypt_DES::_setupKey()
+     * @see Crypt_DES::_processBlock()
+     * @var Integer
      * @access private
-    var $enmcrypt;
+    var $des_rounds = 1;
-     * mcrypt resource for decryption
+     * max possible size of $key
-     * The mcrypt resource can be recreated every time something needs to be created or it can be created just once.
-     * Since mcrypt operates in continuous mode, by default, it'll need to be recreated when in non-continuous mode.
-     *
-     * @see Crypt_DES::decrypt()
+     * @see Crypt_DES::setKey()
      * @var String
      * @access private
-    var $demcrypt;
+    var $key_size_max = 8;
-     * Does the enmcrypt resource need to be (re)initialized?
+     * The Key Schedule
-     * @see Crypt_DES::setKey()
-     * @see Crypt_DES::setIV()
-     * @var Boolean
+     * @see Crypt_DES::_setupKey()
+     * @var Array
      * @access private
-    var $enchanged = true;
+    var $keys;
-     * Does the demcrypt resource need to be (re)initialized?
+     * Shuffle table.
-     * @see Crypt_DES::setKey()
-     * @see Crypt_DES::setIV()
-     * @var Boolean
+     * For each byte value index, the entry holds an 8-byte string
+     * with each byte containing all bits in the same state as the
+     * corresponding bit in the index value.
+     *
+     * @see Crypt_DES::_processBlock()
+     * @see Crypt_DES::_setupKey()
+     * @var Array
      * @access private
-    var $dechanged = true;
+    var $shuffle = array(
+        "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00", "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\xFF",
+        "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\xFF\x00", "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\xFF\xFF",
+        "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\xFF\x00\x00", "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\xFF\x00\xFF",
+        "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\xFF\xFF\x00", "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\xFF\xFF\xFF",
+        "\x00\x00\x00\x00\xFF\x00\x00\x00", "\x00\x00\x00\x00\xFF\x00\x00\xFF",
+        "\x00\x00\x00\x00\xFF\x00\xFF\x00", "\x00\x00\x00\x00\xFF\x00\xFF\xFF",
+        "\x00\x00\x00\x00\xFF\xFF\x00\x00", "\x00\x00\x00\x00\xFF\xFF\x00\xFF",
+        "\x00\x00\x00\x00\xFF\xFF\xFF\x00", "\x00\x00\x00\x00\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF",
+        "\x00\x00\x00\xFF\x00\x00\x00\x00", "\x00\x00\x00\xFF\x00\x00\x00\xFF",
+        "\x00\x00\x00\xFF\x00\x00\xFF\x00", "\x00\x00\x00\xFF\x00\x00\xFF\xFF",
+        "\x00\x00\x00\xFF\x00\xFF\x00\x00", "\x00\x00\x00\xFF\x00\xFF\x00\xFF",
+        "\x00\x00\x00\xFF\x00\xFF\xFF\x00", "\x00\x00\x00\xFF\x00\xFF\xFF\xFF",
+        "\x00\x00\x00\xFF\xFF\x00\x00\x00", "\x00\x00\x00\xFF\xFF\x00\x00\xFF",
+        "\x00\x00\x00\xFF\xFF\x00\xFF\x00", "\x00\x00\x00\xFF\xFF\x00\xFF\xFF",
+        "\x00\x00\x00\xFF\xFF\xFF\x00\x00", "\x00\x00\x00\xFF\xFF\xFF\x00\xFF",
+        "\x00\x00\x00\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\x00", "\x00\x00\x00\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF",
+        "\x00\x00\xFF\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00", "\x00\x00\xFF\x00\x00\x00\x00\xFF",
+        "\x00\x00\xFF\x00\x00\x00\xFF\x00", "\x00\x00\xFF\x00\x00\x00\xFF\xFF",
+        "\x00\x00\xFF\x00\x00\xFF\x00\x00", "\x00\x00\xFF\x00\x00\xFF\x00\xFF",
+        "\x00\x00\xFF\x00\x00\xFF\xFF\x00", "\x00\x00\xFF\x00\x00\xFF\xFF\xFF",
+        "\x00\x00\xFF\x00\xFF\x00\x00\x00", "\x00\x00\xFF\x00\xFF\x00\x00\xFF",
+        "\x00\x00\xFF\x00\xFF\x00\xFF\x00", "\x00\x00\xFF\x00\xFF\x00\xFF\xFF",
+        "\x00\x00\xFF\x00\xFF\xFF\x00\x00", "\x00\x00\xFF\x00\xFF\xFF\x00\xFF",
+        "\x00\x00\xFF\x00\xFF\xFF\xFF\x00", "\x00\x00\xFF\x00\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF",
+        "\x00\x00\xFF\xFF\x00\x00\x00\x00", "\x00\x00\xFF\xFF\x00\x00\x00\xFF",
+        "\x00\x00\xFF\xFF\x00\x00\xFF\x00", "\x00\x00\xFF\xFF\x00\x00\xFF\xFF",
+        "\x00\x00\xFF\xFF\x00\xFF\x00\x00", "\x00\x00\xFF\xFF\x00\xFF\x00\xFF",
+        "\x00\x00\xFF\xFF\x00\xFF\xFF\x00", "\x00\x00\xFF\xFF\x00\xFF\xFF\xFF",
+        "\x00\x00\xFF\xFF\xFF\x00\x00\x00", "\x00\x00\xFF\xFF\xFF\x00\x00\xFF",
+        "\x00\x00\xFF\xFF\xFF\x00\xFF\x00", "\x00\x00\xFF\xFF\xFF\x00\xFF\xFF",
+        "\x00\x00\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\x00\x00", "\x00\x00\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\x00\xFF",
+        "\x00\x00\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\x00", "\x00\x00\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF",
+        "\x00\xFF\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00", "\x00\xFF\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\xFF",
+        "\x00\xFF\x00\x00\x00\x00\xFF\x00", "\x00\xFF\x00\x00\x00\x00\xFF\xFF",
+        "\x00\xFF\x00\x00\x00\xFF\x00\x00", "\x00\xFF\x00\x00\x00\xFF\x00\xFF",
+        "\x00\xFF\x00\x00\x00\xFF\xFF\x00", "\x00\xFF\x00\x00\x00\xFF\xFF\xFF",
+        "\x00\xFF\x00\x00\xFF\x00\x00\x00", "\x00\xFF\x00\x00\xFF\x00\x00\xFF",
+        "\x00\xFF\x00\x00\xFF\x00\xFF\x00", "\x00\xFF\x00\x00\xFF\x00\xFF\xFF",
+        "\x00\xFF\x00\x00\xFF\xFF\x00\x00", "\x00\xFF\x00\x00\xFF\xFF\x00\xFF",
+        "\x00\xFF\x00\x00\xFF\xFF\xFF\x00", "\x00\xFF\x00\x00\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF",
+        "\x00\xFF\x00\xFF\x00\x00\x00\x00", "\x00\xFF\x00\xFF\x00\x00\x00\xFF",
+        "\x00\xFF\x00\xFF\x00\x00\xFF\x00", "\x00\xFF\x00\xFF\x00\x00\xFF\xFF",
+        "\x00\xFF\x00\xFF\x00\xFF\x00\x00", "\x00\xFF\x00\xFF\x00\xFF\x00\xFF",
+        "\x00\xFF\x00\xFF\x00\xFF\xFF\x00", "\x00\xFF\x00\xFF\x00\xFF\xFF\xFF",
+        "\x00\xFF\x00\xFF\xFF\x00\x00\x00", "\x00\xFF\x00\xFF\xFF\x00\x00\xFF",
+        "\x00\xFF\x00\xFF\xFF\x00\xFF\x00", "\x00\xFF\x00\xFF\xFF\x00\xFF\xFF",
+        "\x00\xFF\x00\xFF\xFF\xFF\x00\x00", "\x00\xFF\x00\xFF\xFF\xFF\x00\xFF",
+        "\x00\xFF\x00\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\x00", "\x00\xFF\x00\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF",
+        "\x00\xFF\xFF\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00", "\x00\xFF\xFF\x00\x00\x00\x00\xFF",
+        "\x00\xFF\xFF\x00\x00\x00\xFF\x00", "\x00\xFF\xFF\x00\x00\x00\xFF\xFF",
+        "\x00\xFF\xFF\x00\x00\xFF\x00\x00", "\x00\xFF\xFF\x00\x00\xFF\x00\xFF",
+        "\x00\xFF\xFF\x00\x00\xFF\xFF\x00", "\x00\xFF\xFF\x00\x00\xFF\xFF\xFF",
+        "\x00\xFF\xFF\x00\xFF\x00\x00\x00", "\x00\xFF\xFF\x00\xFF\x00\x00\xFF",
+        "\x00\xFF\xFF\x00\xFF\x00\xFF\x00", "\x00\xFF\xFF\x00\xFF\x00\xFF\xFF",
+        "\x00\xFF\xFF\x00\xFF\xFF\x00\x00", "\x00\xFF\xFF\x00\xFF\xFF\x00\xFF",
+        "\x00\xFF\xFF\x00\xFF\xFF\xFF\x00", "\x00\xFF\xFF\x00\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF",
+        "\x00\xFF\xFF\xFF\x00\x00\x00\x00", "\x00\xFF\xFF\xFF\x00\x00\x00\xFF",
+        "\x00\xFF\xFF\xFF\x00\x00\xFF\x00", "\x00\xFF\xFF\xFF\x00\x00\xFF\xFF",
+        "\x00\xFF\xFF\xFF\x00\xFF\x00\x00", "\x00\xFF\xFF\xFF\x00\xFF\x00\xFF",
+        "\x00\xFF\xFF\xFF\x00\xFF\xFF\x00", "\x00\xFF\xFF\xFF\x00\xFF\xFF\xFF",
+        "\x00\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\x00\x00\x00", "\x00\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\x00\x00\xFF",
+        "\x00\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\x00\xFF\x00", "\x00\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\x00\xFF\xFF",
+        "\x00\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\x00\x00", "\x00\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\x00\xFF",
+        "\x00\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\x00", "\x00\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF",
+        "\xFF\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00", "\xFF\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\xFF",
+        "\xFF\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\xFF\x00", "\xFF\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\xFF\xFF",
+        "\xFF\x00\x00\x00\x00\xFF\x00\x00", "\xFF\x00\x00\x00\x00\xFF\x00\xFF",
+        "\xFF\x00\x00\x00\x00\xFF\xFF\x00", "\xFF\x00\x00\x00\x00\xFF\xFF\xFF",
+        "\xFF\x00\x00\x00\xFF\x00\x00\x00", "\xFF\x00\x00\x00\xFF\x00\x00\xFF",
+        "\xFF\x00\x00\x00\xFF\x00\xFF\x00", "\xFF\x00\x00\x00\xFF\x00\xFF\xFF",
+        "\xFF\x00\x00\x00\xFF\xFF\x00\x00", "\xFF\x00\x00\x00\xFF\xFF\x00\xFF",
+        "\xFF\x00\x00\x00\xFF\xFF\xFF\x00", "\xFF\x00\x00\x00\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF",
+        "\xFF\x00\x00\xFF\x00\x00\x00\x00", "\xFF\x00\x00\xFF\x00\x00\x00\xFF",
+        "\xFF\x00\x00\xFF\x00\x00\xFF\x00", "\xFF\x00\x00\xFF\x00\x00\xFF\xFF",
+        "\xFF\x00\x00\xFF\x00\xFF\x00\x00", "\xFF\x00\x00\xFF\x00\xFF\x00\xFF",
+        "\xFF\x00\x00\xFF\x00\xFF\xFF\x00", "\xFF\x00\x00\xFF\x00\xFF\xFF\xFF",
+        "\xFF\x00\x00\xFF\xFF\x00\x00\x00", "\xFF\x00\x00\xFF\xFF\x00\x00\xFF",
+        "\xFF\x00\x00\xFF\xFF\x00\xFF\x00", "\xFF\x00\x00\xFF\xFF\x00\xFF\xFF",
+        "\xFF\x00\x00\xFF\xFF\xFF\x00\x00", "\xFF\x00\x00\xFF\xFF\xFF\x00\xFF",
+        "\xFF\x00\x00\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\x00", "\xFF\x00\x00\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF",
+        "\xFF\x00\xFF\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00", "\xFF\x00\xFF\x00\x00\x00\x00\xFF",
+        "\xFF\x00\xFF\x00\x00\x00\xFF\x00", "\xFF\x00\xFF\x00\x00\x00\xFF\xFF",
+        "\xFF\x00\xFF\x00\x00\xFF\x00\x00", "\xFF\x00\xFF\x00\x00\xFF\x00\xFF",
+        "\xFF\x00\xFF\x00\x00\xFF\xFF\x00", "\xFF\x00\xFF\x00\x00\xFF\xFF\xFF",
+        "\xFF\x00\xFF\x00\xFF\x00\x00\x00", "\xFF\x00\xFF\x00\xFF\x00\x00\xFF",
+        "\xFF\x00\xFF\x00\xFF\x00\xFF\x00", "\xFF\x00\xFF\x00\xFF\x00\xFF\xFF",
+        "\xFF\x00\xFF\x00\xFF\xFF\x00\x00", "\xFF\x00\xFF\x00\xFF\xFF\x00\xFF",
+        "\xFF\x00\xFF\x00\xFF\xFF\xFF\x00", "\xFF\x00\xFF\x00\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF",
+        "\xFF\x00\xFF\xFF\x00\x00\x00\x00", "\xFF\x00\xFF\xFF\x00\x00\x00\xFF",
+        "\xFF\x00\xFF\xFF\x00\x00\xFF\x00", "\xFF\x00\xFF\xFF\x00\x00\xFF\xFF",
+        "\xFF\x00\xFF\xFF\x00\xFF\x00\x00", "\xFF\x00\xFF\xFF\x00\xFF\x00\xFF",
+        "\xFF\x00\xFF\xFF\x00\xFF\xFF\x00", "\xFF\x00\xFF\xFF\x00\xFF\xFF\xFF",
+        "\xFF\x00\xFF\xFF\xFF\x00\x00\x00", "\xFF\x00\xFF\xFF\xFF\x00\x00\xFF",
+        "\xFF\x00\xFF\xFF\xFF\x00\xFF\x00", "\xFF\x00\xFF\xFF\xFF\x00\xFF\xFF",
+        "\xFF\x00\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\x00\x00", "\xFF\x00\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\x00\xFF",
+        "\xFF\x00\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\x00", "\xFF\x00\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF",
+        "\xFF\xFF\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00", "\xFF\xFF\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\xFF",
+        "\xFF\xFF\x00\x00\x00\x00\xFF\x00", "\xFF\xFF\x00\x00\x00\x00\xFF\xFF",
+        "\xFF\xFF\x00\x00\x00\xFF\x00\x00", "\xFF\xFF\x00\x00\x00\xFF\x00\xFF",
+        "\xFF\xFF\x00\x00\x00\xFF\xFF\x00", "\xFF\xFF\x00\x00\x00\xFF\xFF\xFF",
+        "\xFF\xFF\x00\x00\xFF\x00\x00\x00", "\xFF\xFF\x00\x00\xFF\x00\x00\xFF",
+        "\xFF\xFF\x00\x00\xFF\x00\xFF\x00", "\xFF\xFF\x00\x00\xFF\x00\xFF\xFF",
+        "\xFF\xFF\x00\x00\xFF\xFF\x00\x00", "\xFF\xFF\x00\x00\xFF\xFF\x00\xFF",
+        "\xFF\xFF\x00\x00\xFF\xFF\xFF\x00", "\xFF\xFF\x00\x00\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF",
+        "\xFF\xFF\x00\xFF\x00\x00\x00\x00", "\xFF\xFF\x00\xFF\x00\x00\x00\xFF",
+        "\xFF\xFF\x00\xFF\x00\x00\xFF\x00", "\xFF\xFF\x00\xFF\x00\x00\xFF\xFF",
+        "\xFF\xFF\x00\xFF\x00\xFF\x00\x00", "\xFF\xFF\x00\xFF\x00\xFF\x00\xFF",
+        "\xFF\xFF\x00\xFF\x00\xFF\xFF\x00", "\xFF\xFF\x00\xFF\x00\xFF\xFF\xFF",
+        "\xFF\xFF\x00\xFF\xFF\x00\x00\x00", "\xFF\xFF\x00\xFF\xFF\x00\x00\xFF",
+        "\xFF\xFF\x00\xFF\xFF\x00\xFF\x00", "\xFF\xFF\x00\xFF\xFF\x00\xFF\xFF",
+        "\xFF\xFF\x00\xFF\xFF\xFF\x00\x00", "\xFF\xFF\x00\xFF\xFF\xFF\x00\xFF",
+        "\xFF\xFF\x00\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\x00", "\xFF\xFF\x00\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF",
+        "\xFF\xFF\xFF\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00", "\xFF\xFF\xFF\x00\x00\x00\x00\xFF",
+        "\xFF\xFF\xFF\x00\x00\x00\xFF\x00", "\xFF\xFF\xFF\x00\x00\x00\xFF\xFF",
+        "\xFF\xFF\xFF\x00\x00\xFF\x00\x00", "\xFF\xFF\xFF\x00\x00\xFF\x00\xFF",
+        "\xFF\xFF\xFF\x00\x00\xFF\xFF\x00", "\xFF\xFF\xFF\x00\x00\xFF\xFF\xFF",
+        "\xFF\xFF\xFF\x00\xFF\x00\x00\x00", "\xFF\xFF\xFF\x00\xFF\x00\x00\xFF",
+        "\xFF\xFF\xFF\x00\xFF\x00\xFF\x00", "\xFF\xFF\xFF\x00\xFF\x00\xFF\xFF",
+        "\xFF\xFF\xFF\x00\xFF\xFF\x00\x00", "\xFF\xFF\xFF\x00\xFF\xFF\x00\xFF",
+        "\xFF\xFF\xFF\x00\xFF\xFF\xFF\x00", "\xFF\xFF\xFF\x00\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF",
+        "\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\x00\x00\x00\x00", "\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\x00\x00\x00\xFF",
+        "\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\x00\x00\xFF\x00", "\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\x00\x00\xFF\xFF",
+        "\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\x00\xFF\x00\x00", "\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\x00\xFF\x00\xFF",
+        "\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\x00\xFF\xFF\x00", "\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\x00\xFF\xFF\xFF",
+        "\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\x00\x00\x00", "\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\x00\x00\xFF",
+        "\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\x00\xFF\x00", "\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\x00\xFF\xFF",
+        "\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\x00\x00", "\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\x00\xFF",
+        "\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\x00", "\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF"
+    );
-     * Is the mode one that is paddable?
+     * IP mapping helper table.
+     *
+     * Indexing this table with each source byte performs the initial bit permutation.
-     * @see Crypt_DES::Crypt_DES()
-     * @var Boolean
+     * @var Array
      * @access private
-    var $paddable = false;
+    var $ipmap = array(
+        0x00, 0x10, 0x01, 0x11, 0x20, 0x30, 0x21, 0x31,
+        0x02, 0x12, 0x03, 0x13, 0x22, 0x32, 0x23, 0x33,
+        0x40, 0x50, 0x41, 0x51, 0x60, 0x70, 0x61, 0x71,
+        0x42, 0x52, 0x43, 0x53, 0x62, 0x72, 0x63, 0x73,
+        0x04, 0x14, 0x05, 0x15, 0x24, 0x34, 0x25, 0x35,
+        0x06, 0x16, 0x07, 0x17, 0x26, 0x36, 0x27, 0x37,
+        0x44, 0x54, 0x45, 0x55, 0x64, 0x74, 0x65, 0x75,
+        0x46, 0x56, 0x47, 0x57, 0x66, 0x76, 0x67, 0x77,
+        0x80, 0x90, 0x81, 0x91, 0xA0, 0xB0, 0xA1, 0xB1,
+        0x82, 0x92, 0x83, 0x93, 0xA2, 0xB2, 0xA3, 0xB3,
+        0xC0, 0xD0, 0xC1, 0xD1, 0xE0, 0xF0, 0xE1, 0xF1,
+        0xC2, 0xD2, 0xC3, 0xD3, 0xE2, 0xF2, 0xE3, 0xF3,
+        0x84, 0x94, 0x85, 0x95, 0xA4, 0xB4, 0xA5, 0xB5,
+        0x86, 0x96, 0x87, 0x97, 0xA6, 0xB6, 0xA7, 0xB7,
+        0xC4, 0xD4, 0xC5, 0xD5, 0xE4, 0xF4, 0xE5, 0xF5,
+        0xC6, 0xD6, 0xC7, 0xD7, 0xE6, 0xF6, 0xE7, 0xF7,
+        0x08, 0x18, 0x09, 0x19, 0x28, 0x38, 0x29, 0x39,
+        0x0A, 0x1A, 0x0B, 0x1B, 0x2A, 0x3A, 0x2B, 0x3B,
+        0x48, 0x58, 0x49, 0x59, 0x68, 0x78, 0x69, 0x79,
+        0x4A, 0x5A, 0x4B, 0x5B, 0x6A, 0x7A, 0x6B, 0x7B,
+        0x0C, 0x1C, 0x0D, 0x1D, 0x2C, 0x3C, 0x2D, 0x3D,
+        0x0E, 0x1E, 0x0F, 0x1F, 0x2E, 0x3E, 0x2F, 0x3F,
+        0x4C, 0x5C, 0x4D, 0x5D, 0x6C, 0x7C, 0x6D, 0x7D,
+        0x4E, 0x5E, 0x4F, 0x5F, 0x6E, 0x7E, 0x6F, 0x7F,
+        0x88, 0x98, 0x89, 0x99, 0xA8, 0xB8, 0xA9, 0xB9,
+        0x8A, 0x9A, 0x8B, 0x9B, 0xAA, 0xBA, 0xAB, 0xBB,
+        0xC8, 0xD8, 0xC9, 0xD9, 0xE8, 0xF8, 0xE9, 0xF9,
+        0xCA, 0xDA, 0xCB, 0xDB, 0xEA, 0xFA, 0xEB, 0xFB,
+        0x8C, 0x9C, 0x8D, 0x9D, 0xAC, 0xBC, 0xAD, 0xBD,
+        0x8E, 0x9E, 0x8F, 0x9F, 0xAE, 0xBE, 0xAF, 0xBF,
+        0xCC, 0xDC, 0xCD, 0xDD, 0xEC, 0xFC, 0xED, 0xFD,
+        0xCE, 0xDE, 0xCF, 0xDF, 0xEE, 0xFE, 0xEF, 0xFF
+    );
-     * Encryption buffer for CTR, OFB and CFB modes
+     * Inverse IP mapping helper table.
+     * Indexing this table with a byte value reverses the bit order.
-     * @see Crypt_DES::encrypt()
      * @var Array
      * @access private
-    var $enbuffer = array('encrypted' => '', 'xor' => '', 'pos' => 0, 'enmcrypt_init' => true);
+    var $invipmap = array(
+        0x00, 0x80, 0x40, 0xC0, 0x20, 0xA0, 0x60, 0xE0,
+        0x10, 0x90, 0x50, 0xD0, 0x30, 0xB0, 0x70, 0xF0,
+        0x08, 0x88, 0x48, 0xC8, 0x28, 0xA8, 0x68, 0xE8,
+        0x18, 0x98, 0x58, 0xD8, 0x38, 0xB8, 0x78, 0xF8,
+        0x04, 0x84, 0x44, 0xC4, 0x24, 0xA4, 0x64, 0xE4,
+        0x14, 0x94, 0x54, 0xD4, 0x34, 0xB4, 0x74, 0xF4,
+        0x0C, 0x8C, 0x4C, 0xCC, 0x2C, 0xAC, 0x6C, 0xEC,
+        0x1C, 0x9C, 0x5C, 0xDC, 0x3C, 0xBC, 0x7C, 0xFC,
+        0x02, 0x82, 0x42, 0xC2, 0x22, 0xA2, 0x62, 0xE2,
+        0x12, 0x92, 0x52, 0xD2, 0x32, 0xB2, 0x72, 0xF2,
+        0x0A, 0x8A, 0x4A, 0xCA, 0x2A, 0xAA, 0x6A, 0xEA,
+        0x1A, 0x9A, 0x5A, 0xDA, 0x3A, 0xBA, 0x7A, 0xFA,
+        0x06, 0x86, 0x46, 0xC6, 0x26, 0xA6, 0x66, 0xE6,
+        0x16, 0x96, 0x56, 0xD6, 0x36, 0xB6, 0x76, 0xF6,
+        0x0E, 0x8E, 0x4E, 0xCE, 0x2E, 0xAE, 0x6E, 0xEE,
+        0x1E, 0x9E, 0x5E, 0xDE, 0x3E, 0xBE, 0x7E, 0xFE,
+        0x01, 0x81, 0x41, 0xC1, 0x21, 0xA1, 0x61, 0xE1,
+        0x11, 0x91, 0x51, 0xD1, 0x31, 0xB1, 0x71, 0xF1,
+        0x09, 0x89, 0x49, 0xC9, 0x29, 0xA9, 0x69, 0xE9,
+        0x19, 0x99, 0x59, 0xD9, 0x39, 0xB9, 0x79, 0xF9,
+        0x05, 0x85, 0x45, 0xC5, 0x25, 0xA5, 0x65, 0xE5,
+        0x15, 0x95, 0x55, 0xD5, 0x35, 0xB5, 0x75, 0xF5,
+        0x0D, 0x8D, 0x4D, 0xCD, 0x2D, 0xAD, 0x6D, 0xED,
+        0x1D, 0x9D, 0x5D, 0xDD, 0x3D, 0xBD, 0x7D, 0xFD,
+        0x03, 0x83, 0x43, 0xC3, 0x23, 0xA3, 0x63, 0xE3,
+        0x13, 0x93, 0x53, 0xD3, 0x33, 0xB3, 0x73, 0xF3,
+        0x0B, 0x8B, 0x4B, 0xCB, 0x2B, 0xAB, 0x6B, 0xEB,
+        0x1B, 0x9B, 0x5B, 0xDB, 0x3B, 0xBB, 0x7B, 0xFB,
+        0x07, 0x87, 0x47, 0xC7, 0x27, 0xA7, 0x67, 0xE7,
+        0x17, 0x97, 0x57, 0xD7, 0x37, 0xB7, 0x77, 0xF7,
+        0x0F, 0x8F, 0x4F, 0xCF, 0x2F, 0xAF, 0x6F, 0xEF,
+        0x1F, 0x9F, 0x5F, 0xDF, 0x3F, 0xBF, 0x7F, 0xFF
+    );
-     * Decryption buffer for CTR, OFB and CFB modes
+     * Pre-permuted S-box1
+     *
+     * Each box ($sbox1-$sbox8) has been vectorized, then each value pre-permuted using the
+     * P table: concatenation can then be replaced by exclusive ORs.
-     * @see Crypt_DES::decrypt()
      * @var Array
      * @access private
-    var $debuffer = array('ciphertext' => '', 'xor' => '', 'pos' => 0, 'demcrypt_init' => true);
+    var $sbox1 = array(
+        0x00808200, 0x00000000, 0x00008000, 0x00808202,
+        0x00808002, 0x00008202, 0x00000002, 0x00008000,
+        0x00000200, 0x00808200, 0x00808202, 0x00000200,
+        0x00800202, 0x00808002, 0x00800000, 0x00000002,
+        0x00000202, 0x00800200, 0x00800200, 0x00008200,
+        0x00008200, 0x00808000, 0x00808000, 0x00800202,
+        0x00008002, 0x00800002, 0x00800002, 0x00008002,
+        0x00000000, 0x00000202, 0x00008202, 0x00800000,
+        0x00008000, 0x00808202, 0x00000002, 0x00808000,
+        0x00808200, 0x00800000, 0x00800000, 0x00000200,
+        0x00808002, 0x00008000, 0x00008200, 0x00800002,
+        0x00000200, 0x00000002, 0x00800202, 0x00008202,
+        0x00808202, 0x00008002, 0x00808000, 0x00800202,
+        0x00800002, 0x00000202, 0x00008202, 0x00808200,
+        0x00000202, 0x00800200, 0x00800200, 0x00000000,
+        0x00008002, 0x00008200, 0x00000000, 0x00808002
+    );
-     * mcrypt resource for CFB mode
+     * Pre-permuted S-box2
-     * @see Crypt_DES::encrypt()
-     * @see Crypt_DES::decrypt()
-     * @var String
+     * @var Array
      * @access private
-    var $ecb;
+    var $sbox2 = array(
+        0x40084010, 0x40004000, 0x00004000, 0x00084010,
+        0x00080000, 0x00000010, 0x40080010, 0x40004010,
+        0x40000010, 0x40084010, 0x40084000, 0x40000000,
+        0x40004000, 0x00080000, 0x00000010, 0x40080010,
+        0x00084000, 0x00080010, 0x40004010, 0x00000000,
+        0x40000000, 0x00004000, 0x00084010, 0x40080000,
+        0x00080010, 0x40000010, 0x00000000, 0x00084000,
+        0x00004010, 0x40084000, 0x40080000, 0x00004010,
+        0x00000000, 0x00084010, 0x40080010, 0x00080000,
+        0x40004010, 0x40080000, 0x40084000, 0x00004000,
+        0x40080000, 0x40004000, 0x00000010, 0x40084010,
+        0x00084010, 0x00000010, 0x00004000, 0x40000000,
+        0x00004010, 0x40084000, 0x00080000, 0x40000010,
+        0x00080010, 0x40004010, 0x40000010, 0x00080010,
+        0x00084000, 0x00000000, 0x40004000, 0x00004010,
+        0x40000000, 0x40080010, 0x40084010, 0x00084000
+    );
-     * Default Constructor.
+     * Pre-permuted S-box3
-     * Determines whether or not the mcrypt extension should be used.  $mode should only, at present, be
-     * CRYPT_DES_MODE_ECB or CRYPT_DES_MODE_CBC.  If not explictly set, CRYPT_DES_MODE_CBC will be used.
-     *
-     * @param optional Integer $mode
-     * @return Crypt_DES
-     * @access public
+     * @var Array
+     * @access private
-    function Crypt_DES($mode = CRYPT_DES_MODE_CBC)
-    {
-        if ( !defined('CRYPT_DES_MODE') ) {
-            switch (true) {
-                case extension_loaded('mcrypt') && in_array('des', mcrypt_list_algorithms()):
-                    define('CRYPT_DES_MODE', CRYPT_DES_MODE_MCRYPT);
-                    break;
-                default:
-                    define('CRYPT_DES_MODE', CRYPT_DES_MODE_INTERNAL);
-            }
-        }
-        switch ( CRYPT_DES_MODE ) {
-            case CRYPT_DES_MODE_MCRYPT:
-                switch ($mode) {
-                    case CRYPT_DES_MODE_ECB:
-                        $this->paddable = true;
-                        $this->mode = MCRYPT_MODE_ECB;
-                        break;
-                    case CRYPT_DES_MODE_CTR:
-                        $this->mode = 'ctr';
-                        //$this->mode = in_array('ctr', mcrypt_list_modes()) ? 'ctr' : CRYPT_DES_MODE_CTR;
-                        break;
-                    case CRYPT_DES_MODE_CFB:
-                        $this->mode = 'ncfb';
-                        $this->ecb = mcrypt_module_open(MCRYPT_DES, '', MCRYPT_MODE_ECB, '');
-                        break;
-                    case CRYPT_DES_MODE_OFB:
-                        $this->mode = MCRYPT_MODE_NOFB;
-                        break;
-                    case CRYPT_DES_MODE_CBC:
-                    default:
-                        $this->paddable = true;
-                        $this->mode = MCRYPT_MODE_CBC;
-                }
-                $this->enmcrypt = mcrypt_module_open(MCRYPT_DES, '', $this->mode, '');
-                $this->demcrypt = mcrypt_module_open(MCRYPT_DES, '', $this->mode, '');
-                break;
-            default:
-                switch ($mode) {
-                    case CRYPT_DES_MODE_ECB:
-                    case CRYPT_DES_MODE_CBC:
-                        $this->paddable = true;
-                        $this->mode = $mode;
-                        break;
-                    case CRYPT_DES_MODE_CTR:
-                    case CRYPT_DES_MODE_CFB:
-                    case CRYPT_DES_MODE_OFB:
-                        $this->mode = $mode;
-                        break;
-                    default:
-                        $this->paddable = true;
-                        $this->mode = CRYPT_DES_MODE_CBC;
-                }
-        }
-    }
+    var $sbox3 = array(
+        0x00000104, 0x04010100, 0x00000000, 0x04010004,
+        0x04000100, 0x00000000, 0x00010104, 0x04000100,
+        0x00010004, 0x04000004, 0x04000004, 0x00010000,
+        0x04010104, 0x00010004, 0x04010000, 0x00000104,
+        0x04000000, 0x00000004, 0x04010100, 0x00000100,
+        0x00010100, 0x04010000, 0x04010004, 0x00010104,
+        0x04000104, 0x00010100, 0x00010000, 0x04000104,
+        0x00000004, 0x04010104, 0x00000100, 0x04000000,
+        0x04010100, 0x04000000, 0x00010004, 0x00000104,
+        0x00010000, 0x04010100, 0x04000100, 0x00000000,
+        0x00000100, 0x00010004, 0x04010104, 0x04000100,
+        0x04000004, 0x00000100, 0x00000000, 0x04010004,
+        0x04000104, 0x00010000, 0x04000000, 0x04010104,
+        0x00000004, 0x00010104, 0x00010100, 0x04000004,
+        0x04010000, 0x04000104, 0x00000104, 0x04010000,
+        0x00010104, 0x00000004, 0x04010004, 0x00010100
+    );
-     * Sets the key.
+     * Pre-permuted S-box4
-     * Keys can be of any length.  DES, itself, uses 64-bit keys (eg. strlen($key) == 8), however, we
-     * only use the first eight, if $key has more then eight characters in it, and pad $key with the
-     * null byte if it is less then eight characters long.
-     *
-     * DES also requires that every eighth bit be a parity bit, however, we'll ignore that.
-     *
-     * If the key is not explicitly set, it'll be assumed to be all zero's.
-     *
-     * @access public
-     * @param String $key
+     * @var Array
+     * @access private
-    function setKey($key)
-    {
-        $this->keys = ( CRYPT_DES_MODE == CRYPT_DES_MODE_MCRYPT ) ? str_pad(substr($key, 0, 8), 8, chr(0)) : $this->_prepareKey($key);
-        $this->enchanged = true;
-        $this->dechanged = true;
-    }
+    var $sbox4 = array(
+        0x80401000, 0x80001040, 0x80001040, 0x00000040,
+        0x00401040, 0x80400040, 0x80400000, 0x80001000,
+        0x00000000, 0x00401000, 0x00401000, 0x80401040,
+        0x80000040, 0x00000000, 0x00400040, 0x80400000,
+        0x80000000, 0x00001000, 0x00400000, 0x80401000,
+        0x00000040, 0x00400000, 0x80001000, 0x00001040,
+        0x80400040, 0x80000000, 0x00001040, 0x00400040,
+        0x00001000, 0x00401040, 0x80401040, 0x80000040,
+        0x00400040, 0x80400000, 0x00401000, 0x80401040,
+        0x80000040, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00401000,
+        0x00001040, 0x00400040, 0x80400040, 0x80000000,
+        0x80401000, 0x80001040, 0x80001040, 0x00000040,
+        0x80401040, 0x80000040, 0x80000000, 0x00001000,
+        0x80400000, 0x80001000, 0x00401040, 0x80400040,
+        0x80001000, 0x00001040, 0x00400000, 0x80401000,
+        0x00000040, 0x00400000, 0x00001000, 0x00401040
+    );
-     * Sets the password.
-     *
-     * Depending on what $method is set to, setPassword()'s (optional) parameters are as follows:
-     *     {@link http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PBKDF2 pbkdf2}:
-     *         $hash, $salt, $count
+     * Pre-permuted S-box5
-     * @param String $password
-     * @param optional String $method
-     * @access public
+     * @var Array
+     * @access private
-    function setPassword($password, $method = 'pbkdf2')
-    {
-        $key = '';
-        switch ($method) {
-            default: // 'pbkdf2'
-                list(, , $hash, $salt, $count) = func_get_args();
-                if (!isset($hash)) {
-                    $hash = 'sha1';
-                }
-                // WPA and WPA2 use the SSID as the salt
-                if (!isset($salt)) {
-                    $salt = 'phpseclib/salt';
-                }
-                // RFC2898#section-4.2 uses 1,000 iterations by default
-                // WPA and WPA2 use 4,096.
-                if (!isset($count)) {
-                    $count = 1000;
-                }
-                if (!class_exists('Crypt_Hash')) {
-                    require_once('Crypt/Hash.php');
-                }
-                $i = 1;
-                while (strlen($key) < 8) { // $dkLen == 8
-                    //$dk.= $this->_pbkdf($password, $salt, $count, $i++);
-                    $hmac = new Crypt_Hash();
-                    $hmac->setHash($hash);
-                    $hmac->setKey($password);
-                    $f = $u = $hmac->hash($salt . pack('N', $i++));
-                    for ($j = 2; $j <= $count; $j++) {
-                        $u = $hmac->hash($u);
-                        $f^= $u;
-                    }
-                    $key.= $f;
-                }
-        }
-        $this->setKey($key);
-    }
+    var $sbox5 = array(
+        0x00000080, 0x01040080, 0x01040000, 0x21000080,
+        0x00040000, 0x00000080, 0x20000000, 0x01040000,
+        0x20040080, 0x00040000, 0x01000080, 0x20040080,
+        0x21000080, 0x21040000, 0x00040080, 0x20000000,
+        0x01000000, 0x20040000, 0x20040000, 0x00000000,
+        0x20000080, 0x21040080, 0x21040080, 0x01000080,
+        0x21040000, 0x20000080, 0x00000000, 0x21000000,
+        0x01040080, 0x01000000, 0x21000000, 0x00040080,
+        0x00040000, 0x21000080, 0x00000080, 0x01000000,
+        0x20000000, 0x01040000, 0x21000080, 0x20040080,
+        0x01000080, 0x20000000, 0x21040000, 0x01040080,
+        0x20040080, 0x00000080, 0x01000000, 0x21040000,
+        0x21040080, 0x00040080, 0x21000000, 0x21040080,
+        0x01040000, 0x00000000, 0x20040000, 0x21000000,
+        0x00040080, 0x01000080, 0x20000080, 0x00040000,
+        0x00000000, 0x20040000, 0x01040080, 0x20000080
+    );
-     * Sets the initialization vector. (optional)
-     *
-     * SetIV is not required when CRYPT_DES_MODE_ECB is being used.  If not explictly set, it'll be assumed
-     * to be all zero's.
+     * Pre-permuted S-box6
-     * @access public
-     * @param String $iv
+     * @var Array
+     * @access private
-    function setIV($iv)
-    {
-        $this->encryptIV = $this->decryptIV = $this->iv = str_pad(substr($iv, 0, 8), 8, chr(0));
-        $this->enchanged = true;
-        $this->dechanged = true;
-    }
+    var $sbox6 = array(
+        0x10000008, 0x10200000, 0x00002000, 0x10202008,
+        0x10200000, 0x00000008, 0x10202008, 0x00200000,
+        0x10002000, 0x00202008, 0x00200000, 0x10000008,
+        0x00200008, 0x10002000, 0x10000000, 0x00002008,
+        0x00000000, 0x00200008, 0x10002008, 0x00002000,
+        0x00202000, 0x10002008, 0x00000008, 0x10200008,
+        0x10200008, 0x00000000, 0x00202008, 0x10202000,
+        0x00002008, 0x00202000, 0x10202000, 0x10000000,
+        0x10002000, 0x00000008, 0x10200008, 0x00202000,
+        0x10202008, 0x00200000, 0x00002008, 0x10000008,
+        0x00200000, 0x10002000, 0x10000000, 0x00002008,
+        0x10000008, 0x10202008, 0x00202000, 0x10200000,
+        0x00202008, 0x10202000, 0x00000000, 0x10200008,
+        0x00000008, 0x00002000, 0x10200000, 0x00202008,
+        0x00002000, 0x00200008, 0x10002008, 0x00000000,
+        0x10202000, 0x10000000, 0x00200008, 0x10002008
+    );
-     * Generate CTR XOR encryption key
+     * Pre-permuted S-box7
-     * Encrypt the output of this and XOR it against the ciphertext / plaintext to get the
-     * plaintext / ciphertext in CTR mode.
-     *
-     * @see Crypt_DES::decrypt()
-     * @see Crypt_DES::encrypt()
-     * @access public
-     * @param String $iv
+     * @var Array
+     * @access private
-    function _generate_xor(&$iv)
-    {
-        $xor = $iv;
-        for ($j = 4; $j <= 8; $j+=4) {
-            $temp = substr($iv, -$j, 4);
-            switch ($temp) {
-                case "\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF":
-                    $iv = substr_replace($iv, "\x00\x00\x00\x00", -$j, 4);
-                    break;
-                case "\x7F\xFF\xFF\xFF":
-                    $iv = substr_replace($iv, "\x80\x00\x00\x00", -$j, 4);
-                    break 2;
-                default:
-                    extract(unpack('Ncount', $temp));
-                    $iv = substr_replace($iv, pack('N', $count + 1), -$j, 4);
-                    break 2;
-            }
-        }
-        return $xor;
-    }
+    var $sbox7 = array(
+        0x00100000, 0x02100001, 0x02000401, 0x00000000,
+        0x00000400, 0x02000401, 0x00100401, 0x02100400,
+        0x02100401, 0x00100000, 0x00000000, 0x02000001,
+        0x00000001, 0x02000000, 0x02100001, 0x00000401,
+        0x02000400, 0x00100401, 0x00100001, 0x02000400,
+        0x02000001, 0x02100000, 0x02100400, 0x00100001,
+        0x02100000, 0x00000400, 0x00000401, 0x02100401,
+        0x00100400, 0x00000001, 0x02000000, 0x00100400,
+        0x02000000, 0x00100400, 0x00100000, 0x02000401,
+        0x02000401, 0x02100001, 0x02100001, 0x00000001,
+        0x00100001, 0x02000000, 0x02000400, 0x00100000,
+        0x02100400, 0x00000401, 0x00100401, 0x02100400,
+        0x00000401, 0x02000001, 0x02100401, 0x02100000,
+        0x00100400, 0x00000000, 0x00000001, 0x02100401,
+        0x00000000, 0x00100401, 0x02100000, 0x00000400,
+        0x02000001, 0x02000400, 0x00000400, 0x00100001
+    );
-     * Encrypts a message.
-     *
-     * $plaintext will be padded with up to 8 additional bytes.  Other DES implementations may or may not pad in the
-     * same manner.  Other common approaches to padding and the reasons why it's necessary are discussed in the following
-     * URL:
+     * Pre-permuted S-box8
-     * {@link http://www.di-mgt.com.au/cryptopad.html http://www.di-mgt.com.au/cryptopad.html}
-     *
-     * An alternative to padding is to, separately, send the length of the file.  This is what SSH, in fact, does.
-     * strlen($plaintext) will still need to be a multiple of 8, however, arbitrary values can be added to make it that
-     * length.
-     *
-     * @see Crypt_DES::decrypt()
-     * @access public
-     * @param String $plaintext
+     * @var Array
+     * @access private
-    function encrypt($plaintext)
-    {
-        if ($this->paddable) {
-            $plaintext = $this->_pad($plaintext);
-        }
-            if ($this->enchanged) {
-                mcrypt_generic_init($this->enmcrypt, $this->keys, $this->encryptIV);
-                if ($this->mode == 'ncfb') {
-                    mcrypt_generic_init($this->ecb, $this->keys, "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0");
-                }
-                $this->enchanged = false;
-            }
-            if ($this->mode != 'ncfb' || !$this->continuousBuffer) {
-                $ciphertext = mcrypt_generic($this->enmcrypt, $plaintext);
-            } else {
-                $iv = &$this->encryptIV;
-                $pos = &$this->enbuffer['pos'];
-                $len = strlen($plaintext);
-                $ciphertext = '';
-                $i = 0;
-                if ($pos) {
-                    $orig_pos = $pos;
-                    $max = 8 - $pos;
-                    if ($len >= $max) {
-                        $i = $max;
-                        $len-= $max;
-                        $pos = 0;
-                    } else {
-                        $i = $len;
-                        $pos+= $len;
-                        $len = 0;
-                    }
-                    $ciphertext = substr($iv, $orig_pos) ^ $plaintext;
-                    $iv = substr_replace($iv, $ciphertext, $orig_pos, $i);
-                    $this->enbuffer['enmcrypt_init'] = true;
-                }
-                if ($len >= 8) {
-                    if ($this->enbuffer['enmcrypt_init'] === false || $len > 600) {
-                        if ($this->enbuffer['enmcrypt_init'] === true) {
-                            mcrypt_generic_init($this->enmcrypt, $this->keys, $iv);
-                            $this->enbuffer['enmcrypt_init'] = false;
-                        }
-                        $ciphertext.= mcrypt_generic($this->enmcrypt, substr($plaintext, $i, $len - $len % 8));
-                        $iv = substr($ciphertext, -8);
-                        $len%= 8;
-                    } else {
-                        while ($len >= 8) {
-                            $iv = mcrypt_generic($this->ecb, $iv) ^ substr($plaintext, $i, 8);
-                            $ciphertext.= $iv;
-                            $len-= 8;
-                            $i+= 8;
-                        }
-                    }
-                } 
-                if ($len) {
-                    $iv = mcrypt_generic($this->ecb, $iv);
-                    $block = $iv ^ substr($plaintext, -$len);
-                    $iv = substr_replace($iv, $block, 0, $len);
-                    $ciphertext.= $block;
-                    $pos = $len;
-                }
-                return $ciphertext;
-            }
-            if (!$this->continuousBuffer) {
-                mcrypt_generic_init($this->enmcrypt, $this->keys, $this->encryptIV);
-            }
-            return $ciphertext;
-        }
-        if (!is_array($this->keys)) {
-            $this->keys = $this->_prepareKey("\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0");
-        }
-        $buffer = &$this->enbuffer;
-        $continuousBuffer = $this->continuousBuffer;
-        $ciphertext = '';
-        switch ($this->mode) {
-            case CRYPT_DES_MODE_ECB:
-                for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($plaintext); $i+=8) {
-                    $ciphertext.= $this->_processBlock(substr($plaintext, $i, 8), CRYPT_DES_ENCRYPT);
-                }
-                break;
-            case CRYPT_DES_MODE_CBC:
-                $xor = $this->encryptIV;
-                for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($plaintext); $i+=8) {
-                    $block = substr($plaintext, $i, 8);
-                    $block = $this->_processBlock($block ^ $xor, CRYPT_DES_ENCRYPT);
-                    $xor = $block;
-                    $ciphertext.= $block;
-                }
-                if ($this->continuousBuffer) {
-                    $this->encryptIV = $xor;
-                }
-                break;
-            case CRYPT_DES_MODE_CTR:
-                $xor = $this->encryptIV;
-                if (strlen($buffer['encrypted'])) {
-                    for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($plaintext); $i+=8) {
-                        $block = substr($plaintext, $i, 8);
-                        $buffer['encrypted'].= $this->_processBlock($this->_generate_xor($xor), CRYPT_DES_ENCRYPT);
-                        $key = $this->_string_shift($buffer['encrypted'], 8);
-                        $ciphertext.= $block ^ $key;
-                    }
-                } else {
-                    for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($plaintext); $i+=8) {
-                        $block = substr($plaintext, $i, 8);
-                        $key = $this->_processBlock($this->_generate_xor($xor), CRYPT_DES_ENCRYPT);
-                        $ciphertext.= $block ^ $key;
-                    }
-                }
-                if ($this->continuousBuffer) {
-                    $this->encryptIV = $xor;
-                    if ($start = strlen($plaintext) & 7) {
-                        $buffer['encrypted'] = substr($key, $start) . $buffer['encrypted'];
-                    }
-                }
-                break;
-            case CRYPT_DES_MODE_CFB:
-                if ($this->continuousBuffer) {
-                    $iv = &$this->encryptIV;
-                    $pos = &$buffer['pos'];
-                } else {
-                    $iv = $this->encryptIV;
-                    $pos = 0;
-                }
-                $len = strlen($plaintext);
-                $i = 0;
-                if ($pos) {
-                    $orig_pos = $pos;
-                    $max = 8 - $pos;
-                    if ($len >= $max) {
-                        $i = $max;
-                        $len-= $max;
-                        $pos = 0;
-                    } else {
-                        $i = $len;
-                        $pos+= $len;
-                        $len = 0;
-                    }
-                    $ciphertext = substr($iv, $orig_pos) ^ $plaintext;
-                    $iv = substr_replace($iv, $ciphertext, $orig_pos, $i);
-                }
-                while ($len >= 8) {
-                    $iv = $this->_processBlock($iv, CRYPT_DES_ENCRYPT) ^ substr($plaintext, $i, 8);
-                    $ciphertext.= $iv;
-                    $len-= 8;
-                    $i+= 8;
-                }
-                if ($len) {
-                    $iv = $this->_processBlock($iv, CRYPT_DES_ENCRYPT);
-                    $block = $iv ^ substr($plaintext, $i);
-                    $iv = substr_replace($iv, $block, 0, $len);
-                    $ciphertext.= $block;
-                    $pos = $len;
-                }
-                return $ciphertext;
-            case CRYPT_DES_MODE_OFB:
-                $xor = $this->encryptIV;
-                if (strlen($buffer['xor'])) {
-                    for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($plaintext); $i+=8) {
-                        $xor = $this->_processBlock($xor, CRYPT_DES_ENCRYPT);
-                        $buffer['xor'].= $xor;
-                        $key = $this->_string_shift($buffer['xor'], 8);
-                        $ciphertext.= substr($plaintext, $i, 8) ^ $key;
-                    }
-                } else {
-                    for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($plaintext); $i+=8) {
-                        $xor = $this->_processBlock($xor, CRYPT_DES_ENCRYPT);
-                        $ciphertext.= substr($plaintext, $i, 8) ^ $xor;
-                    }
-                    $key = $xor;
-                }
-                if ($this->continuousBuffer) {
-                    $this->encryptIV = $xor;
-                    if ($start = strlen($plaintext) & 7) {
-                         $buffer['xor'] = substr($key, $start) . $buffer['xor'];
-                    }
-                }
-        }
-        return $ciphertext;
-    }
+    var $sbox8 = array(
+        0x08000820, 0x00000800, 0x00020000, 0x08020820,
+        0x08000000, 0x08000820, 0x00000020, 0x08000000,
+        0x00020020, 0x08020000, 0x08020820, 0x00020800,
+        0x08020800, 0x00020820, 0x00000800, 0x00000020,
+        0x08020000, 0x08000020, 0x08000800, 0x00000820,
+        0x00020800, 0x00020020, 0x08020020, 0x08020800,
+        0x00000820, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x08020020,
+        0x08000020, 0x08000800, 0x00020820, 0x00020000,
+        0x00020820, 0x00020000, 0x08020800, 0x00000800,
+        0x00000020, 0x08020020, 0x00000800, 0x00020820,
+        0x08000800, 0x00000020, 0x08000020, 0x08020000,
+        0x08020020, 0x08000000, 0x00020000, 0x08000820,
+        0x00000000, 0x08020820, 0x00020020, 0x08000020,
+        0x08020000, 0x08000800, 0x08000820, 0x00000000,
+        0x08020820, 0x00020800, 0x00020800, 0x00000820,
+        0x00000820, 0x00020020, 0x08000000, 0x08020800
+    );
-     * Decrypts a message.
+     * Default Constructor.
-     * If strlen($ciphertext) is not a multiple of 8, null bytes will be added to the end of the string until it is.
+     * Determines whether or not the mcrypt extension should be used.
-     * @see Crypt_DES::encrypt()
-     * @access public
-     * @param String $ciphertext
-     */
-    function decrypt($ciphertext)
-    {
-        if ($this->paddable) {
-            // we pad with chr(0) since that's what mcrypt_generic does.  to quote from http://php.net/function.mcrypt-generic :
-            // "The data is padded with "\0" to make sure the length of the data is n * blocksize."
-            $ciphertext = str_pad($ciphertext, (strlen($ciphertext) + 7) & 0xFFFFFFF8, chr(0));
-        }
-            if ($this->dechanged) {
-                mcrypt_generic_init($this->demcrypt, $this->keys, $this->decryptIV);
-                if ($this->mode == 'ncfb') {
-                    mcrypt_generic_init($this->ecb, $this->keys, "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0");
-                }
-                $this->dechanged = false;
-            }
-            if ($this->mode != 'ncfb' || !$this->continuousBuffer) {
-                $plaintext = mdecrypt_generic($this->demcrypt, $ciphertext);
-            } else {
-                $iv = &$this->decryptIV;
-                $pos = &$this->debuffer['pos'];
-                $len = strlen($ciphertext);
-                $plaintext = '';
-                $i = 0;
-                if ($pos) {
-                    $orig_pos = $pos;
-                    $max = 8 - $pos;
-                    if ($len >= $max) {
-                        $i = $max;
-                        $len-= $max;
-                        $pos = 0;
-                    } else {
-                        $i = $len;
-                        $pos+= $len;
-                        $len = 0;
-                    }
-                    $plaintext = substr($iv, $orig_pos) ^ $ciphertext;
-                    $iv = substr_replace($iv, substr($ciphertext, 0, $i), $orig_pos, $i);
-                }
-                if ($len >= 8) {
-                    $cb = substr($ciphertext, $i, $len - $len % 8);
-                    $plaintext.= mcrypt_generic($this->ecb, $iv . $cb) ^ $cb;
-                    $iv = substr($cb, -8);
-                    $len%= 8;
-                }
-                if ($len) {
-                    $iv = mcrypt_generic($this->ecb, $iv);
-                    $plaintext.= $iv ^ substr($ciphertext, -$len);
-                    $iv = substr_replace($iv, substr($ciphertext, -$len), 0, $len);
-                    $pos = $len;
-                }
-                return $plaintext;
-            }
-            if (!$this->continuousBuffer) {
-                mcrypt_generic_init($this->demcrypt, $this->keys, $this->decryptIV);
-            }
-            return $this->paddable ? $this->_unpad($plaintext) : $plaintext;
-        }
-        if (!is_array($this->keys)) {
-            $this->keys = $this->_prepareKey("\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0");
-        }
-        $buffer = &$this->debuffer;
-        $continuousBuffer = $this->continuousBuffer;
-        $plaintext = '';
-        switch ($this->mode) {
-            case CRYPT_DES_MODE_ECB:
-                for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($ciphertext); $i+=8) {
-                    $plaintext.= $this->_processBlock(substr($ciphertext, $i, 8), CRYPT_DES_DECRYPT);
-                }
-                break;
-            case CRYPT_DES_MODE_CBC:
-                $xor = $this->decryptIV;
-                for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($ciphertext); $i+=8) {
-                    $block = substr($ciphertext, $i, 8);
-                    $plaintext.= $this->_processBlock($block, CRYPT_DES_DECRYPT) ^ $xor;
-                    $xor = $block;
-                }
-                if ($this->continuousBuffer) {
-                    $this->decryptIV = $xor;
-                }
-                break;
-            case CRYPT_DES_MODE_CTR:
-                $xor = $this->decryptIV;
-                if (strlen($buffer['ciphertext'])) {
-                    for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($ciphertext); $i+=8) {
-                        $block = substr($ciphertext, $i, 8);
-                        $buffer['ciphertext'].= $this->_processBlock($this->_generate_xor($xor), CRYPT_DES_ENCRYPT);
-                        $key = $this->_string_shift($buffer['ciphertext'], 8);
-                        $plaintext.= $block ^ $key;
-                    }
-                } else {
-                    for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($ciphertext); $i+=8) {
-                        $block = substr($ciphertext, $i, 8);
-                        $key = $this->_processBlock($this->_generate_xor($xor), CRYPT_DES_ENCRYPT);
-                        $plaintext.= $block ^ $key;
-                    }
-                }
-                if ($this->continuousBuffer) {
-                    $this->decryptIV = $xor;
-                    if ($start = strlen($ciphertext) % 8) {
-                        $buffer['ciphertext'] = substr($key, $start) . $buffer['ciphertext'];
-                    }
-                }
-                break;
-            case CRYPT_DES_MODE_CFB:
-                if ($this->continuousBuffer) {
-                    $iv = &$this->decryptIV;
-                    $pos = &$buffer['pos'];
-                } else {
-                    $iv = $this->decryptIV;
-                    $pos = 0;
-                }
-                $len = strlen($ciphertext);
-                $i = 0;
-                if ($pos) {
-                    $orig_pos = $pos;
-                    $max = 8 - $pos;
-                    if ($len >= $max) {
-                        $i = $max;
-                        $len-= $max;
-                        $pos = 0;
-                    } else {
-                        $i = $len;
-                        $pos+= $len;
-                        $len = 0;
-                    }
-                    $plaintext = substr($iv, $orig_pos) ^ $ciphertext;
-                    $iv = substr_replace($iv, substr($ciphertext, 0, $i), $orig_pos, $i);
-                }
-                while ($len >= 8) {
-                    $iv = $this->_processBlock($iv, CRYPT_DES_ENCRYPT);
-                    $cb = substr($ciphertext, $i, 8);
-                    $plaintext.= $iv ^ $cb;
-                    $iv = $cb;
-                    $len-= 8;
-                    $i+= 8;
-                }
-                if ($len) {
-                    $iv = $this->_processBlock($iv, CRYPT_DES_ENCRYPT);
-                    $plaintext.= $iv ^ substr($ciphertext, $i);
-                    $iv = substr_replace($iv, substr($ciphertext, $i), 0, $len);
-                    $pos = $len;
-                }
-                return $plaintext;
-            case CRYPT_DES_MODE_OFB:
-                $xor = $this->decryptIV;
-                if (strlen($buffer['xor'])) {
-                    for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($ciphertext); $i+=8) {
-                        $xor = $this->_processBlock($xor, CRYPT_DES_ENCRYPT);
-                        $buffer['xor'].= $xor;
-                        $key = $this->_string_shift($buffer['xor'], 8);
-                        $plaintext.= substr($ciphertext, $i, 8) ^ $key;
-                    }
-                } else {
-                    for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($ciphertext); $i+=8) {
-                        $xor = $this->_processBlock($xor, CRYPT_DES_ENCRYPT);
-                        $plaintext.= substr($ciphertext, $i, 8) ^ $xor;
-                    }
-                    $key = $xor;
-                }
-                if ($this->continuousBuffer) {
-                    $this->decryptIV = $xor;
-                    if ($start = strlen($ciphertext) % 8) {
-                         $buffer['xor'] = substr($key, $start) . $buffer['xor'];
-                    }
-                }
-        }
-        return $this->paddable ? $this->_unpad($plaintext) : $plaintext;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Treat consecutive "packets" as if they are a continuous buffer.
+     * $mode could be:
-     * Say you have a 16-byte plaintext $plaintext.  Using the default behavior, the two following code snippets
-     * will yield different outputs:
-     * <code>
-     *    echo $des->encrypt(substr($plaintext, 0, 8));
-     *    echo $des->encrypt(substr($plaintext, 8, 8));
-     * </code>
-     * <code>
-     *    echo $des->encrypt($plaintext);
-     * </code>
-     * The solution is to enable the continuous buffer.  Although this will resolve the above discrepancy, it creates
-     * another, as demonstrated with the following:
-     * <code>
-     *    $des->encrypt(substr($plaintext, 0, 8));
-     *    echo $des->decrypt($des->encrypt(substr($plaintext, 8, 8)));
-     * </code>
-     * <code>
-     *    echo $des->decrypt($des->encrypt(substr($plaintext, 8, 8)));
-     * </code>
-     * With the continuous buffer disabled, these would yield the same output.  With it enabled, they yield different
-     * outputs.  The reason is due to the fact that the initialization vector's change after every encryption /
-     * decryption round when the continuous buffer is enabled.  When it's disabled, they remain constant.
-     * Put another way, when the continuous buffer is enabled, the state of the Crypt_DES() object changes after each
-     * encryption / decryption round, whereas otherwise, it'd remain constant.  For this reason, it's recommended that
-     * continuous buffers not be used.  They do offer better security and are, in fact, sometimes required (SSH uses them),
-     * however, they are also less intuitive and more likely to cause you problems.
+     * If not explictly set, CRYPT_DES_MODE_CBC will be used.
-     * @see Crypt_DES::disableContinuousBuffer()
+     * @see Crypt_Base::Crypt_Base()
+     * @param optional Integer $mode
      * @access public
-    function enableContinuousBuffer()
+    function Crypt_DES($mode = CRYPT_DES_MODE_CBC)
-        $this->continuousBuffer = true;
+        parent::Crypt_Base($mode);
-     * Treat consecutive packets as if they are a discontinuous buffer.
-     *
-     * The default behavior.
+     * Sets the key.
-     * @see Crypt_DES::enableContinuousBuffer()
-     * @access public
-     */
-    function disableContinuousBuffer()
-    {
-        $this->continuousBuffer = false;
-        $this->encryptIV = $this->iv;
-        $this->decryptIV = $this->iv;
-        $this->enbuffer = array('encrypted' => '', 'xor' => '', 'pos' => 0, 'enmcrypt_init' => true);
-        $this->debuffer = array('ciphertext' => '', 'xor' => '', 'pos' => 0, 'demcrypt_init' => true);
-            mcrypt_generic_init($this->enmcrypt, $this->keys, $this->iv);
-            mcrypt_generic_init($this->demcrypt, $this->keys, $this->iv);
-        }
-    }
-    /**
-     * Pad "packets".
+     * Keys can be of any length.  DES, itself, uses 64-bit keys (eg. strlen($key) == 8), however, we
+     * only use the first eight, if $key has more then eight characters in it, and pad $key with the
+     * null byte if it is less then eight characters long.
-     * DES works by encrypting eight bytes at a time.  If you ever need to encrypt or decrypt something that's not
-     * a multiple of eight, it becomes necessary to pad the input so that it's length is a multiple of eight.
+     * DES also requires that every eighth bit be a parity bit, however, we'll ignore that.
-     * Padding is enabled by default.  Sometimes, however, it is undesirable to pad strings.  Such is the case in SSH1,
-     * where "packets" are padded with random bytes before being encrypted.  Unpad these packets and you risk stripping
-     * away characters that shouldn't be stripped away. (SSH knows how many bytes are added because the length is
-     * transmitted separately)
+     * If the key is not explicitly set, it'll be assumed to be all zero's.
-     * @see Crypt_DES::disablePadding()
+     * @see Crypt_Base::setKey()
      * @access public
+     * @param String $key
-    function enablePadding()
+    function setKey($key)
-        $this->padding = true;
-    }
+        // We check/cut here only up to max length of the key.
+        // Key padding to the proper length will be done in _setupKey()
+        if (strlen($key) > $this->key_size_max) {
+            $key = substr($key, 0, $this->key_size_max);
+        }
-    /**
-     * Do not pad packets.
-     *
-     * @see Crypt_DES::enablePadding()
-     * @access public
-     */
-    function disablePadding()
-    {
-        $this->padding = false;
+        // Sets the key
+        parent::setKey($key);
-     * Pads a string
-     *
-     * Pads a string using the RSA PKCS padding standards so that its length is a multiple of the blocksize (8).
-     * 8 - (strlen($text) & 7) bytes are added, each of which is equal to chr(8 - (strlen($text) & 7)
+     * Encrypts a block
-     * If padding is disabled and $text is not a multiple of the blocksize, the string will be padded regardless
-     * and padding will, hence forth, be enabled.
-     *
-     * @see Crypt_DES::_unpad()
+     * @see Crypt_Base::_encryptBlock()
+     * @see Crypt_Base::encrypt()
+     * @see Crypt_DES::encrypt()
      * @access private
+     * @param String $in
+     * @return String
-    function _pad($text)
+    function _encryptBlock($in)
-        $length = strlen($text);
-        if (!$this->padding) {
-            if (($length & 7) == 0) {
-                return $text;
-            } else {
-                user_error("The plaintext's length ($length) is not a multiple of the block size (8)");
-                $this->padding = true;
-            }
-        }
-        $pad = 8 - ($length & 7);
-        return str_pad($text, $length + $pad, chr($pad));
+        return $this->_processBlock($in, CRYPT_DES_ENCRYPT);
-     * Unpads a string
-     *
-     * If padding is enabled and the reported padding length is invalid the encryption key will be assumed to be wrong
-     * and false will be returned.
+     * Decrypts a block
-     * @see Crypt_DES::_pad()
+     * @see Crypt_Base::_decryptBlock()
+     * @see Crypt_Base::decrypt()
+     * @see Crypt_DES::decrypt()
      * @access private
+     * @param String $in
+     * @return String
-    function _unpad($text)
+    function _decryptBlock($in)
-        if (!$this->padding) {
-            return $text;
-        }
-        $length = ord($text[strlen($text) - 1]);
-        if (!$length || $length > 8) {
-            return false;
-        }
-        return substr($text, 0, -$length);
+        return $this->_processBlock($in, CRYPT_DES_DECRYPT);
@@ -1016,6 +754,8 @@ class Crypt_DES {
      * {@link http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Feistel.png Feistel.png} to get a general
      * idea of what this function does.
+     * @see Crypt_DES::_encryptBlock()
+     * @see Crypt_DES::_decryptBlock()
      * @access private
      * @param String $block
      * @param Integer $mode
@@ -1023,310 +763,772 @@ class Crypt_DES {
     function _processBlock($block, $mode)
-        // s-boxes.  in the official DES docs, they're described as being matrices that
-        // one accesses by using the first and last bits to determine the row and the
-        // middle four bits to determine the column.  in this implementation, they've
-        // been converted to vectors
-        static $sbox = array(
-            array(
-                14,  0,  4, 15, 13,  7,  1,  4,  2, 14, 15,  2, 11, 13,  8,  1,
-                 3, 10 ,10,  6,  6, 12, 12, 11,  5,  9,  9,  5,  0,  3,  7,  8,
-                 4, 15,  1, 12, 14,  8,  8,  2, 13,  4,  6,  9,  2,  1, 11,  7,
-                15,  5, 12, 11,  9,  3,  7, 14,  3, 10, 10,  0,  5,  6,  0, 13
-            ),
-            array(
-                15,  3,  1, 13,  8,  4, 14,  7,  6, 15, 11,  2,  3,  8,  4, 14,
-                 9, 12,  7,  0,  2,  1, 13, 10, 12,  6,  0,  9,  5, 11, 10,  5,
-                 0, 13, 14,  8,  7, 10, 11,  1, 10,  3,  4, 15, 13,  4,  1,  2,
-                 5, 11,  8,  6, 12,  7,  6, 12,  9,  0,  3,  5,  2, 14, 15,  9
-            ),
-            array(
-                10, 13,  0,  7,  9,  0, 14,  9,  6,  3,  3,  4, 15,  6,  5, 10,
-                 1,  2, 13,  8, 12,  5,  7, 14, 11, 12,  4, 11,  2, 15,  8,  1,
-                13,  1,  6, 10,  4, 13,  9,  0,  8,  6, 15,  9,  3,  8,  0,  7,
-                11,  4,  1, 15,  2, 14, 12,  3,  5, 11, 10,  5, 14,  2,  7, 12
-            ),
-            array(
-                 7, 13, 13,  8, 14, 11,  3,  5,  0,  6,  6, 15,  9,  0, 10,  3,
-                 1,  4,  2,  7,  8,  2,  5, 12, 11,  1, 12, 10,  4, 14, 15,  9,
-                10,  3,  6, 15,  9,  0,  0,  6, 12, 10, 11,  1,  7, 13, 13,  8,
-                15,  9,  1,  4,  3,  5, 14, 11,  5, 12,  2,  7,  8,  2,  4, 14
-            ),
-            array(
-                 2, 14, 12, 11,  4,  2,  1, 12,  7,  4, 10,  7, 11, 13,  6,  1,
-                 8,  5,  5,  0,  3, 15, 15, 10, 13,  3,  0,  9, 14,  8,  9,  6,
-                 4, 11,  2,  8,  1, 12, 11,  7, 10,  1, 13, 14,  7,  2,  8, 13,
-                15,  6,  9, 15, 12,  0,  5,  9,  6, 10,  3,  4,  0,  5, 14,  3
-            ),
-            array(
-                12, 10,  1, 15, 10,  4, 15,  2,  9,  7,  2, 12,  6,  9,  8,  5,
-                 0,  6, 13,  1,  3, 13,  4, 14, 14,  0,  7, 11,  5,  3, 11,  8,
-                 9,  4, 14,  3, 15,  2,  5, 12,  2,  9,  8,  5, 12, 15,  3, 10,
-                 7, 11,  0, 14,  4,  1, 10,  7,  1,  6, 13,  0, 11,  8,  6, 13
-            ),
-            array(
-                 4, 13, 11,  0,  2, 11, 14,  7, 15,  4,  0,  9,  8,  1, 13, 10,
-                 3, 14, 12,  3,  9,  5,  7, 12,  5,  2, 10, 15,  6,  8,  1,  6,
-                 1,  6,  4, 11, 11, 13, 13,  8, 12,  1,  3,  4,  7, 10, 14,  7,
-                10,  9, 15,  5,  6,  0,  8, 15,  0, 14,  5,  2,  9,  3,  2, 12
-            ),
-            array(
-                13,  1,  2, 15,  8, 13,  4,  8,  6, 10, 15,  3, 11,  7,  1,  4,
-                10, 12,  9,  5,  3,  6, 14, 11,  5,  0,  0, 14, 12,  9,  7,  2,
-                 7,  2, 11,  1,  4, 14,  1,  7,  9,  4, 12, 10, 14,  8,  2, 13,
-                 0, 15,  6, 12, 10,  9, 13,  0, 15,  3,  3,  5,  5,  6,  8, 11
-            )
-        );
-        $keys = $this->keys;
-        $temp = unpack('Na/Nb', $block);
-        $block = array($temp['a'], $temp['b']);
+        static $sbox1, $sbox2, $sbox3, $sbox4, $sbox5, $sbox6, $sbox7, $sbox8, $shuffleip, $shuffleinvip;
+        if (!$sbox1) {
+            $sbox1 = array_map("intval", $this->sbox1);
+            $sbox2 = array_map("intval", $this->sbox2);
+            $sbox3 = array_map("intval", $this->sbox3);
+            $sbox4 = array_map("intval", $this->sbox4);
+            $sbox5 = array_map("intval", $this->sbox5);
+            $sbox6 = array_map("intval", $this->sbox6);
+            $sbox7 = array_map("intval", $this->sbox7);
+            $sbox8 = array_map("intval", $this->sbox8);
+            /* Merge $shuffle with $[inv]ipmap */
+            for ($i = 0; $i < 256; ++$i) {
+                $shuffleip[]    =  $this->shuffle[$this->ipmap[$i]];
+                $shuffleinvip[] =  $this->shuffle[$this->invipmap[$i]];
+            }
+        }
-        // because php does arithmetic right shifts, if the most significant bits are set, right
-        // shifting those into the correct position will add 1's - not 0's.  this will intefere
-        // with the | operation unless a second & is done.  so we isolate these bits and left shift
-        // them into place.  we then & each block with 0x7FFFFFFF to prevennt 1's from being added
-        // for any other shifts.
-        $msb = array(
-            ($block[0] >> 31) & 1,
-            ($block[1] >> 31) & 1
-        );
-        $block[0] &= 0x7FFFFFFF;
-        $block[1] &= 0x7FFFFFFF;
-        // we isolate the appropriate bit in the appropriate integer and shift as appropriate.  in
-        // some cases, there are going to be multiple bits in the same integer that need to be shifted
-        // in the same way.  we combine those into one shift operation.
-        $block = array(
-            (($block[1] & 0x00000040) << 25) | (($block[1] & 0x00004000) << 16) |
-            (($block[1] & 0x00400001) <<  7) | (($block[1] & 0x40000100) >>  2) |
-            (($block[0] & 0x00000040) << 21) | (($block[0] & 0x00004000) << 12) |
-            (($block[0] & 0x00400001) <<  3) | (($block[0] & 0x40000100) >>  6) |
-            (($block[1] & 0x00000010) << 19) | (($block[1] & 0x00001000) << 10) |
-            (($block[1] & 0x00100000) <<  1) | (($block[1] & 0x10000000) >>  8) |
-            (($block[0] & 0x00000010) << 15) | (($block[0] & 0x00001000) <<  6) |
-            (($block[0] & 0x00100000) >>  3) | (($block[0] & 0x10000000) >> 12) |
-            (($block[1] & 0x00000004) << 13) | (($block[1] & 0x00000400) <<  4) |
-            (($block[1] & 0x00040000) >>  5) | (($block[1] & 0x04000000) >> 14) |
-            (($block[0] & 0x00000004) <<  9) | ( $block[0] & 0x00000400       ) |
-            (($block[0] & 0x00040000) >>  9) | (($block[0] & 0x04000000) >> 18) |
-            (($block[1] & 0x00010000) >> 11) | (($block[1] & 0x01000000) >> 20) |
-            (($block[0] & 0x00010000) >> 15) | (($block[0] & 0x01000000) >> 24)
-        ,
-            (($block[1] & 0x00000080) << 24) | (($block[1] & 0x00008000) << 15) |
-            (($block[1] & 0x00800002) <<  6) | (($block[0] & 0x00000080) << 20) |
-            (($block[0] & 0x00008000) << 11) | (($block[0] & 0x00800002) <<  2) |
-            (($block[1] & 0x00000020) << 18) | (($block[1] & 0x00002000) <<  9) |
-            ( $block[1] & 0x00200000       ) | (($block[1] & 0x20000000) >>  9) |
-            (($block[0] & 0x00000020) << 14) | (($block[0] & 0x00002000) <<  5) |
-            (($block[0] & 0x00200000) >>  4) | (($block[0] & 0x20000000) >> 13) |
-            (($block[1] & 0x00000008) << 12) | (($block[1] & 0x00000800) <<  3) |
-            (($block[1] & 0x00080000) >>  6) | (($block[1] & 0x08000000) >> 15) |
-            (($block[0] & 0x00000008) <<  8) | (($block[0] & 0x00000800) >>  1) |
-            (($block[0] & 0x00080000) >> 10) | (($block[0] & 0x08000000) >> 19) |
-            (($block[1] & 0x00000200) >>  3) | (($block[0] & 0x00000200) >>  7) |
-            (($block[1] & 0x00020000) >> 12) | (($block[1] & 0x02000000) >> 21) |
-            (($block[0] & 0x00020000) >> 16) | (($block[0] & 0x02000000) >> 25) |
-            ($msb[1] << 28) | ($msb[0] << 24)
-        );
+        $keys  = $this->keys[$mode];
+        $ki    = -1;
+        // Do the initial IP permutation.
+        $t = unpack('Nl/Nr', $block);
+        list($l, $r) = array($t['l'], $t['r']);
+        $block = ($shuffleip[ $r        & 0xFF] & "\x80\x80\x80\x80\x80\x80\x80\x80") |
+                 ($shuffleip[($r >>  8) & 0xFF] & "\x40\x40\x40\x40\x40\x40\x40\x40") |
+                 ($shuffleip[($r >> 16) & 0xFF] & "\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20") |
+                 ($shuffleip[($r >> 24) & 0xFF] & "\x10\x10\x10\x10\x10\x10\x10\x10") |
+                 ($shuffleip[ $l        & 0xFF] & "\x08\x08\x08\x08\x08\x08\x08\x08") |
+                 ($shuffleip[($l >>  8) & 0xFF] & "\x04\x04\x04\x04\x04\x04\x04\x04") |
+                 ($shuffleip[($l >> 16) & 0xFF] & "\x02\x02\x02\x02\x02\x02\x02\x02") |
+                 ($shuffleip[($l >> 24) & 0xFF] & "\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01");
+        // Extract L0 and R0.
+        $t = unpack('Nl/Nr', $block);
+        list($l, $r) = array($t['l'], $t['r']);
+        for ($des_round = 0; $des_round < $this->des_rounds; ++$des_round) {
+            // Perform the 16 steps.
+            for ($i = 0; $i < 16; $i++) {
+                // start of "the Feistel (F) function" - see the following URL:
+                // http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Data_Encryption_Standard_InfoBox_Diagram.png
+                // Merge key schedule.
+                $b1 = (($r >>  3) & 0x1FFFFFFF) ^ ($r << 29) ^ $keys[++$ki];
+                $b2 = (($r >> 31) & 0x00000001) ^ ($r <<  1) ^ $keys[++$ki];
+                // S-box indexing.
+                $t = $sbox1[($b1 >> 24) & 0x3F] ^ $sbox2[($b2 >> 24) & 0x3F] ^
+                     $sbox3[($b1 >> 16) & 0x3F] ^ $sbox4[($b2 >> 16) & 0x3F] ^
+                     $sbox5[($b1 >>  8) & 0x3F] ^ $sbox6[($b2 >>  8) & 0x3F] ^
+                     $sbox7[ $b1        & 0x3F] ^ $sbox8[ $b2        & 0x3F] ^ $l;
+                // end of "the Feistel (F) function"
+                $l = $r;
+                $r = $t;
+            }
-        for ($i = 0; $i < 16; $i++) {
-            // start of "the Feistel (F) function" - see the following URL:
-            // http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Data_Encryption_Standard_InfoBox_Diagram.png
-            $temp = (($sbox[0][((($block[1] >> 27) & 0x1F) | (($block[1] & 1) << 5)) ^ $keys[$mode][$i][0]]) << 28)
-                  | (($sbox[1][(($block[1] & 0x1F800000) >> 23) ^ $keys[$mode][$i][1]]) << 24)
-                  | (($sbox[2][(($block[1] & 0x01F80000) >> 19) ^ $keys[$mode][$i][2]]) << 20)
-                  | (($sbox[3][(($block[1] & 0x001F8000) >> 15) ^ $keys[$mode][$i][3]]) << 16)
-                  | (($sbox[4][(($block[1] & 0x0001F800) >> 11) ^ $keys[$mode][$i][4]]) << 12)
-                  | (($sbox[5][(($block[1] & 0x00001F80) >>  7) ^ $keys[$mode][$i][5]]) <<  8)
-                  | (($sbox[6][(($block[1] & 0x000001F8) >>  3) ^ $keys[$mode][$i][6]]) <<  4)
-                  | ( $sbox[7][((($block[1] & 0x1F) << 1) | (($block[1] >> 31) & 1)) ^ $keys[$mode][$i][7]]);
-            $msb = ($temp >> 31) & 1;
-            $temp &= 0x7FFFFFFF;
-            $newBlock = (($temp & 0x00010000) << 15) | (($temp & 0x02020120) <<  5)
-                      | (($temp & 0x00001800) << 17) | (($temp & 0x01000000) >> 10)
-                      | (($temp & 0x00000008) << 24) | (($temp & 0x00100000) <<  6)
-                      | (($temp & 0x00000010) << 21) | (($temp & 0x00008000) <<  9)
-                      | (($temp & 0x00000200) << 12) | (($temp & 0x10000000) >> 27)
-                      | (($temp & 0x00000040) << 14) | (($temp & 0x08000000) >>  8)
-                      | (($temp & 0x00004000) <<  4) | (($temp & 0x00000002) << 16)
-                      | (($temp & 0x00442000) >>  6) | (($temp & 0x40800000) >> 15)
-                      | (($temp & 0x00000001) << 11) | (($temp & 0x20000000) >> 20)
-                      | (($temp & 0x00080000) >> 13) | (($temp & 0x00000004) <<  3)
-                      | (($temp & 0x04000000) >> 22) | (($temp & 0x00000480) >>  7)
-                      | (($temp & 0x00200000) >> 19) | ($msb << 23);
-            // end of "the Feistel (F) function" - $newBlock is F's output
-            $temp = $block[1];
-            $block[1] = $block[0] ^ $newBlock;
-            $block[0] = $temp;
+            // Last step should not permute L & R.
+            $t = $l;
+            $l = $r;
+            $r = $t;
-        $msb = array(
-            ($block[0] >> 31) & 1,
-            ($block[1] >> 31) & 1
-        );
-        $block[0] &= 0x7FFFFFFF;
-        $block[1] &= 0x7FFFFFFF;
-        $block = array(
-            (($block[0] & 0x01000004) <<  7) | (($block[1] & 0x01000004) <<  6) |
-            (($block[0] & 0x00010000) << 13) | (($block[1] & 0x00010000) << 12) |
-            (($block[0] & 0x00000100) << 19) | (($block[1] & 0x00000100) << 18) |
-            (($block[0] & 0x00000001) << 25) | (($block[1] & 0x00000001) << 24) |
-            (($block[0] & 0x02000008) >>  2) | (($block[1] & 0x02000008) >>  3) |
-            (($block[0] & 0x00020000) <<  4) | (($block[1] & 0x00020000) <<  3) |
-            (($block[0] & 0x00000200) << 10) | (($block[1] & 0x00000200) <<  9) |
-            (($block[0] & 0x00000002) << 16) | (($block[1] & 0x00000002) << 15) |
-            (($block[0] & 0x04000000) >> 11) | (($block[1] & 0x04000000) >> 12) |
-            (($block[0] & 0x00040000) >>  5) | (($block[1] & 0x00040000) >>  6) |
-            (($block[0] & 0x00000400) <<  1) | ( $block[1] & 0x00000400       ) |
-            (($block[0] & 0x08000000) >> 20) | (($block[1] & 0x08000000) >> 21) |
-            (($block[0] & 0x00080000) >> 14) | (($block[1] & 0x00080000) >> 15) |
-            (($block[0] & 0x00000800) >>  8) | (($block[1] & 0x00000800) >>  9)
-        ,
-            (($block[0] & 0x10000040) <<  3) | (($block[1] & 0x10000040) <<  2) |
-            (($block[0] & 0x00100000) <<  9) | (($block[1] & 0x00100000) <<  8) |
-            (($block[0] & 0x00001000) << 15) | (($block[1] & 0x00001000) << 14) |
-            (($block[0] & 0x00000010) << 21) | (($block[1] & 0x00000010) << 20) |
-            (($block[0] & 0x20000080) >>  6) | (($block[1] & 0x20000080) >>  7) |
-            ( $block[0] & 0x00200000       ) | (($block[1] & 0x00200000) >>  1) |
-            (($block[0] & 0x00002000) <<  6) | (($block[1] & 0x00002000) <<  5) |
-            (($block[0] & 0x00000020) << 12) | (($block[1] & 0x00000020) << 11) |
-            (($block[0] & 0x40000000) >> 15) | (($block[1] & 0x40000000) >> 16) |
-            (($block[0] & 0x00400000) >>  9) | (($block[1] & 0x00400000) >> 10) |
-            (($block[0] & 0x00004000) >>  3) | (($block[1] & 0x00004000) >>  4) |
-            (($block[0] & 0x00800000) >> 18) | (($block[1] & 0x00800000) >> 19) |
-            (($block[0] & 0x00008000) >> 12) | (($block[1] & 0x00008000) >> 13) |
-            ($msb[0] <<  7) | ($msb[1] <<  6)
-        );
-        return pack('NN', $block[0], $block[1]);
+        // Perform the inverse IP permutation.
+        return ($shuffleinvip[($r >> 24) & 0xFF] & "\x80\x80\x80\x80\x80\x80\x80\x80") |
+               ($shuffleinvip[($l >> 24) & 0xFF] & "\x40\x40\x40\x40\x40\x40\x40\x40") |
+               ($shuffleinvip[($r >> 16) & 0xFF] & "\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20") |
+               ($shuffleinvip[($l >> 16) & 0xFF] & "\x10\x10\x10\x10\x10\x10\x10\x10") |
+               ($shuffleinvip[($r >>  8) & 0xFF] & "\x08\x08\x08\x08\x08\x08\x08\x08") |
+               ($shuffleinvip[($l >>  8) & 0xFF] & "\x04\x04\x04\x04\x04\x04\x04\x04") |
+               ($shuffleinvip[ $r        & 0xFF] & "\x02\x02\x02\x02\x02\x02\x02\x02") |
+               ($shuffleinvip[ $l        & 0xFF] & "\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01");
-     * Creates the key schedule.
+     * Creates the key schedule
+     * @see Crypt_Base::_setupKey()
      * @access private
-     * @param String $key
-     * @return Array
-    function _prepareKey($key)
+    function _setupKey()
+        if (isset($this->kl['key']) && $this->key === $this->kl['key'] && $this->des_rounds === $this->kl['des_rounds']) {
+            // already expanded
+            return;
+        }
+        $this->kl = array('key' => $this->key, 'des_rounds' => $this->des_rounds);
         static $shifts = array( // number of key bits shifted per round
             1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1
-        // pad the key and remove extra characters as appropriate.
-        $key = str_pad(substr($key, 0, 8), 8, chr(0));
+        static $pc1map = array(
+            0x00, 0x00, 0x08, 0x08, 0x04, 0x04, 0x0C, 0x0C,
+            0x02, 0x02, 0x0A, 0x0A, 0x06, 0x06, 0x0E, 0x0E,
+            0x10, 0x10, 0x18, 0x18, 0x14, 0x14, 0x1C, 0x1C,
+            0x12, 0x12, 0x1A, 0x1A, 0x16, 0x16, 0x1E, 0x1E,
+            0x20, 0x20, 0x28, 0x28, 0x24, 0x24, 0x2C, 0x2C,
+            0x22, 0x22, 0x2A, 0x2A, 0x26, 0x26, 0x2E, 0x2E,
+            0x30, 0x30, 0x38, 0x38, 0x34, 0x34, 0x3C, 0x3C,
+            0x32, 0x32, 0x3A, 0x3A, 0x36, 0x36, 0x3E, 0x3E,
+            0x40, 0x40, 0x48, 0x48, 0x44, 0x44, 0x4C, 0x4C,
+            0x42, 0x42, 0x4A, 0x4A, 0x46, 0x46, 0x4E, 0x4E,
+            0x50, 0x50, 0x58, 0x58, 0x54, 0x54, 0x5C, 0x5C,
+            0x52, 0x52, 0x5A, 0x5A, 0x56, 0x56, 0x5E, 0x5E,
+            0x60, 0x60, 0x68, 0x68, 0x64, 0x64, 0x6C, 0x6C,
+            0x62, 0x62, 0x6A, 0x6A, 0x66, 0x66, 0x6E, 0x6E,
+            0x70, 0x70, 0x78, 0x78, 0x74, 0x74, 0x7C, 0x7C,
+            0x72, 0x72, 0x7A, 0x7A, 0x76, 0x76, 0x7E, 0x7E,
+            0x80, 0x80, 0x88, 0x88, 0x84, 0x84, 0x8C, 0x8C,
+            0x82, 0x82, 0x8A, 0x8A, 0x86, 0x86, 0x8E, 0x8E,
+            0x90, 0x90, 0x98, 0x98, 0x94, 0x94, 0x9C, 0x9C,
+            0x92, 0x92, 0x9A, 0x9A, 0x96, 0x96, 0x9E, 0x9E,
+            0xA0, 0xA0, 0xA8, 0xA8, 0xA4, 0xA4, 0xAC, 0xAC,
+            0xA2, 0xA2, 0xAA, 0xAA, 0xA6, 0xA6, 0xAE, 0xAE,
+            0xB0, 0xB0, 0xB8, 0xB8, 0xB4, 0xB4, 0xBC, 0xBC,
+            0xB2, 0xB2, 0xBA, 0xBA, 0xB6, 0xB6, 0xBE, 0xBE,
+            0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC8, 0xC8, 0xC4, 0xC4, 0xCC, 0xCC,
+            0xC2, 0xC2, 0xCA, 0xCA, 0xC6, 0xC6, 0xCE, 0xCE,
+            0xD0, 0xD0, 0xD8, 0xD8, 0xD4, 0xD4, 0xDC, 0xDC,
+            0xD2, 0xD2, 0xDA, 0xDA, 0xD6, 0xD6, 0xDE, 0xDE,
+            0xE0, 0xE0, 0xE8, 0xE8, 0xE4, 0xE4, 0xEC, 0xEC,
+            0xE2, 0xE2, 0xEA, 0xEA, 0xE6, 0xE6, 0xEE, 0xEE,
+            0xF0, 0xF0, 0xF8, 0xF8, 0xF4, 0xF4, 0xFC, 0xFC,
+            0xF2, 0xF2, 0xFA, 0xFA, 0xF6, 0xF6, 0xFE, 0xFE
+        );
-        $temp = unpack('Na/Nb', $key);
-        $key = array($temp['a'], $temp['b']);
-        $msb = array(
-            ($key[0] >> 31) & 1,
-            ($key[1] >> 31) & 1
+        // Mapping tables for the PC-2 transformation.
+        static $pc2mapc1 = array(
+            0x00000000, 0x00000400, 0x00200000, 0x00200400,
+            0x00000001, 0x00000401, 0x00200001, 0x00200401,
+            0x02000000, 0x02000400, 0x02200000, 0x02200400,
+            0x02000001, 0x02000401, 0x02200001, 0x02200401
+        );
+        static $pc2mapc2 = array(
+            0x00000000, 0x00000800, 0x08000000, 0x08000800,
+            0x00010000, 0x00010800, 0x08010000, 0x08010800,
+            0x00000000, 0x00000800, 0x08000000, 0x08000800,
+            0x00010000, 0x00010800, 0x08010000, 0x08010800,
+            0x00000100, 0x00000900, 0x08000100, 0x08000900,
+            0x00010100, 0x00010900, 0x08010100, 0x08010900,
+            0x00000100, 0x00000900, 0x08000100, 0x08000900,
+            0x00010100, 0x00010900, 0x08010100, 0x08010900,
+            0x00000010, 0x00000810, 0x08000010, 0x08000810,
+            0x00010010, 0x00010810, 0x08010010, 0x08010810,
+            0x00000010, 0x00000810, 0x08000010, 0x08000810,
+            0x00010010, 0x00010810, 0x08010010, 0x08010810,
+            0x00000110, 0x00000910, 0x08000110, 0x08000910,
+            0x00010110, 0x00010910, 0x08010110, 0x08010910,
+            0x00000110, 0x00000910, 0x08000110, 0x08000910,
+            0x00010110, 0x00010910, 0x08010110, 0x08010910,
+            0x00040000, 0x00040800, 0x08040000, 0x08040800,
+            0x00050000, 0x00050800, 0x08050000, 0x08050800,
+            0x00040000, 0x00040800, 0x08040000, 0x08040800,
+            0x00050000, 0x00050800, 0x08050000, 0x08050800,
+            0x00040100, 0x00040900, 0x08040100, 0x08040900,
+            0x00050100, 0x00050900, 0x08050100, 0x08050900,
+            0x00040100, 0x00040900, 0x08040100, 0x08040900,
+            0x00050100, 0x00050900, 0x08050100, 0x08050900,
+            0x00040010, 0x00040810, 0x08040010, 0x08040810,
+            0x00050010, 0x00050810, 0x08050010, 0x08050810,
+            0x00040010, 0x00040810, 0x08040010, 0x08040810,
+            0x00050010, 0x00050810, 0x08050010, 0x08050810,
+            0x00040110, 0x00040910, 0x08040110, 0x08040910,
+            0x00050110, 0x00050910, 0x08050110, 0x08050910,
+            0x00040110, 0x00040910, 0x08040110, 0x08040910,
+            0x00050110, 0x00050910, 0x08050110, 0x08050910,
+            0x01000000, 0x01000800, 0x09000000, 0x09000800,
+            0x01010000, 0x01010800, 0x09010000, 0x09010800,
+            0x01000000, 0x01000800, 0x09000000, 0x09000800,
+            0x01010000, 0x01010800, 0x09010000, 0x09010800,
+            0x01000100, 0x01000900, 0x09000100, 0x09000900,
+            0x01010100, 0x01010900, 0x09010100, 0x09010900,
+            0x01000100, 0x01000900, 0x09000100, 0x09000900,
+            0x01010100, 0x01010900, 0x09010100, 0x09010900,
+            0x01000010, 0x01000810, 0x09000010, 0x09000810,
+            0x01010010, 0x01010810, 0x09010010, 0x09010810,
+            0x01000010, 0x01000810, 0x09000010, 0x09000810,
+            0x01010010, 0x01010810, 0x09010010, 0x09010810,
+            0x01000110, 0x01000910, 0x09000110, 0x09000910,
+            0x01010110, 0x01010910, 0x09010110, 0x09010910,
+            0x01000110, 0x01000910, 0x09000110, 0x09000910,
+            0x01010110, 0x01010910, 0x09010110, 0x09010910,
+            0x01040000, 0x01040800, 0x09040000, 0x09040800,
+            0x01050000, 0x01050800, 0x09050000, 0x09050800,
+            0x01040000, 0x01040800, 0x09040000, 0x09040800,
+            0x01050000, 0x01050800, 0x09050000, 0x09050800,
+            0x01040100, 0x01040900, 0x09040100, 0x09040900,
+            0x01050100, 0x01050900, 0x09050100, 0x09050900,
+            0x01040100, 0x01040900, 0x09040100, 0x09040900,
+            0x01050100, 0x01050900, 0x09050100, 0x09050900,
+            0x01040010, 0x01040810, 0x09040010, 0x09040810,
+            0x01050010, 0x01050810, 0x09050010, 0x09050810,
+            0x01040010, 0x01040810, 0x09040010, 0x09040810,
+            0x01050010, 0x01050810, 0x09050010, 0x09050810,
+            0x01040110, 0x01040910, 0x09040110, 0x09040910,
+            0x01050110, 0x01050910, 0x09050110, 0x09050910,
+            0x01040110, 0x01040910, 0x09040110, 0x09040910,
+            0x01050110, 0x01050910, 0x09050110, 0x09050910
+        );
+        static $pc2mapc3 = array(
+            0x00000000, 0x00000004, 0x00001000, 0x00001004,
+            0x00000000, 0x00000004, 0x00001000, 0x00001004,
+            0x10000000, 0x10000004, 0x10001000, 0x10001004,
+            0x10000000, 0x10000004, 0x10001000, 0x10001004,
+            0x00000020, 0x00000024, 0x00001020, 0x00001024,
+            0x00000020, 0x00000024, 0x00001020, 0x00001024,
+            0x10000020, 0x10000024, 0x10001020, 0x10001024,
+            0x10000020, 0x10000024, 0x10001020, 0x10001024,
+            0x00080000, 0x00080004, 0x00081000, 0x00081004,
+            0x00080000, 0x00080004, 0x00081000, 0x00081004,
+            0x10080000, 0x10080004, 0x10081000, 0x10081004,
+            0x10080000, 0x10080004, 0x10081000, 0x10081004,
+            0x00080020, 0x00080024, 0x00081020, 0x00081024,
+            0x00080020, 0x00080024, 0x00081020, 0x00081024,
+            0x10080020, 0x10080024, 0x10081020, 0x10081024,
+            0x10080020, 0x10080024, 0x10081020, 0x10081024,
+            0x20000000, 0x20000004, 0x20001000, 0x20001004,
+            0x20000000, 0x20000004, 0x20001000, 0x20001004,
+            0x30000000, 0x30000004, 0x30001000, 0x30001004,
+            0x30000000, 0x30000004, 0x30001000, 0x30001004,
+            0x20000020, 0x20000024, 0x20001020, 0x20001024,
+            0x20000020, 0x20000024, 0x20001020, 0x20001024,
+            0x30000020, 0x30000024, 0x30001020, 0x30001024,
+            0x30000020, 0x30000024, 0x30001020, 0x30001024,
+            0x20080000, 0x20080004, 0x20081000, 0x20081004,
+            0x20080000, 0x20080004, 0x20081000, 0x20081004,
+            0x30080000, 0x30080004, 0x30081000, 0x30081004,
+            0x30080000, 0x30080004, 0x30081000, 0x30081004,
+            0x20080020, 0x20080024, 0x20081020, 0x20081024,
+            0x20080020, 0x20080024, 0x20081020, 0x20081024,
+            0x30080020, 0x30080024, 0x30081020, 0x30081024,
+            0x30080020, 0x30080024, 0x30081020, 0x30081024,
+            0x00000002, 0x00000006, 0x00001002, 0x00001006,
+            0x00000002, 0x00000006, 0x00001002, 0x00001006,
+            0x10000002, 0x10000006, 0x10001002, 0x10001006,
+            0x10000002, 0x10000006, 0x10001002, 0x10001006,
+            0x00000022, 0x00000026, 0x00001022, 0x00001026,
+            0x00000022, 0x00000026, 0x00001022, 0x00001026,
+            0x10000022, 0x10000026, 0x10001022, 0x10001026,
+            0x10000022, 0x10000026, 0x10001022, 0x10001026,
+            0x00080002, 0x00080006, 0x00081002, 0x00081006,
+            0x00080002, 0x00080006, 0x00081002, 0x00081006,
+            0x10080002, 0x10080006, 0x10081002, 0x10081006,
+            0x10080002, 0x10080006, 0x10081002, 0x10081006,
+            0x00080022, 0x00080026, 0x00081022, 0x00081026,
+            0x00080022, 0x00080026, 0x00081022, 0x00081026,
+            0x10080022, 0x10080026, 0x10081022, 0x10081026,
+            0x10080022, 0x10080026, 0x10081022, 0x10081026,
+            0x20000002, 0x20000006, 0x20001002, 0x20001006,
+            0x20000002, 0x20000006, 0x20001002, 0x20001006,
+            0x30000002, 0x30000006, 0x30001002, 0x30001006,
+            0x30000002, 0x30000006, 0x30001002, 0x30001006,
+            0x20000022, 0x20000026, 0x20001022, 0x20001026,
+            0x20000022, 0x20000026, 0x20001022, 0x20001026,
+            0x30000022, 0x30000026, 0x30001022, 0x30001026,
+            0x30000022, 0x30000026, 0x30001022, 0x30001026,
+            0x20080002, 0x20080006, 0x20081002, 0x20081006,
+            0x20080002, 0x20080006, 0x20081002, 0x20081006,
+            0x30080002, 0x30080006, 0x30081002, 0x30081006,
+            0x30080002, 0x30080006, 0x30081002, 0x30081006,
+            0x20080022, 0x20080026, 0x20081022, 0x20081026,
+            0x20080022, 0x20080026, 0x20081022, 0x20081026,
+            0x30080022, 0x30080026, 0x30081022, 0x30081026,
+            0x30080022, 0x30080026, 0x30081022, 0x30081026
+        );
+        static $pc2mapc4 = array(
+            0x00000000, 0x00100000, 0x00000008, 0x00100008,
+            0x00000200, 0x00100200, 0x00000208, 0x00100208,
+            0x00000000, 0x00100000, 0x00000008, 0x00100008,
+            0x00000200, 0x00100200, 0x00000208, 0x00100208,
+            0x04000000, 0x04100000, 0x04000008, 0x04100008,
+            0x04000200, 0x04100200, 0x04000208, 0x04100208,
+            0x04000000, 0x04100000, 0x04000008, 0x04100008,
+            0x04000200, 0x04100200, 0x04000208, 0x04100208,
+            0x00002000, 0x00102000, 0x00002008, 0x00102008,
+            0x00002200, 0x00102200, 0x00002208, 0x00102208,
+            0x00002000, 0x00102000, 0x00002008, 0x00102008,
+            0x00002200, 0x00102200, 0x00002208, 0x00102208,
+            0x04002000, 0x04102000, 0x04002008, 0x04102008,
+            0x04002200, 0x04102200, 0x04002208, 0x04102208,
+            0x04002000, 0x04102000, 0x04002008, 0x04102008,
+            0x04002200, 0x04102200, 0x04002208, 0x04102208,
+            0x00000000, 0x00100000, 0x00000008, 0x00100008,
+            0x00000200, 0x00100200, 0x00000208, 0x00100208,
+            0x00000000, 0x00100000, 0x00000008, 0x00100008,
+            0x00000200, 0x00100200, 0x00000208, 0x00100208,
+            0x04000000, 0x04100000, 0x04000008, 0x04100008,
+            0x04000200, 0x04100200, 0x04000208, 0x04100208,
+            0x04000000, 0x04100000, 0x04000008, 0x04100008,
+            0x04000200, 0x04100200, 0x04000208, 0x04100208,
+            0x00002000, 0x00102000, 0x00002008, 0x00102008,
+            0x00002200, 0x00102200, 0x00002208, 0x00102208,
+            0x00002000, 0x00102000, 0x00002008, 0x00102008,
+            0x00002200, 0x00102200, 0x00002208, 0x00102208,
+            0x04002000, 0x04102000, 0x04002008, 0x04102008,
+            0x04002200, 0x04102200, 0x04002208, 0x04102208,
+            0x04002000, 0x04102000, 0x04002008, 0x04102008,
+            0x04002200, 0x04102200, 0x04002208, 0x04102208,
+            0x00020000, 0x00120000, 0x00020008, 0x00120008,
+            0x00020200, 0x00120200, 0x00020208, 0x00120208,
+            0x00020000, 0x00120000, 0x00020008, 0x00120008,
+            0x00020200, 0x00120200, 0x00020208, 0x00120208,
+            0x04020000, 0x04120000, 0x04020008, 0x04120008,
+            0x04020200, 0x04120200, 0x04020208, 0x04120208,
+            0x04020000, 0x04120000, 0x04020008, 0x04120008,
+            0x04020200, 0x04120200, 0x04020208, 0x04120208,
+            0x00022000, 0x00122000, 0x00022008, 0x00122008,
+            0x00022200, 0x00122200, 0x00022208, 0x00122208,
+            0x00022000, 0x00122000, 0x00022008, 0x00122008,
+            0x00022200, 0x00122200, 0x00022208, 0x00122208,
+            0x04022000, 0x04122000, 0x04022008, 0x04122008,
+            0x04022200, 0x04122200, 0x04022208, 0x04122208,
+            0x04022000, 0x04122000, 0x04022008, 0x04122008,
+            0x04022200, 0x04122200, 0x04022208, 0x04122208,
+            0x00020000, 0x00120000, 0x00020008, 0x00120008,
+            0x00020200, 0x00120200, 0x00020208, 0x00120208,
+            0x00020000, 0x00120000, 0x00020008, 0x00120008,
+            0x00020200, 0x00120200, 0x00020208, 0x00120208,
+            0x04020000, 0x04120000, 0x04020008, 0x04120008,
+            0x04020200, 0x04120200, 0x04020208, 0x04120208,
+            0x04020000, 0x04120000, 0x04020008, 0x04120008,
+            0x04020200, 0x04120200, 0x04020208, 0x04120208,
+            0x00022000, 0x00122000, 0x00022008, 0x00122008,
+            0x00022200, 0x00122200, 0x00022208, 0x00122208,
+            0x00022000, 0x00122000, 0x00022008, 0x00122008,
+            0x00022200, 0x00122200, 0x00022208, 0x00122208,
+            0x04022000, 0x04122000, 0x04022008, 0x04122008,
+            0x04022200, 0x04122200, 0x04022208, 0x04122208,
+            0x04022000, 0x04122000, 0x04022008, 0x04122008,
+            0x04022200, 0x04122200, 0x04022208, 0x04122208
+        );
+        static $pc2mapd1 = array(
+            0x00000000, 0x00000001, 0x08000000, 0x08000001,
+            0x00200000, 0x00200001, 0x08200000, 0x08200001,
+            0x00000002, 0x00000003, 0x08000002, 0x08000003,
+            0x00200002, 0x00200003, 0x08200002, 0x08200003
+        );
+        static $pc2mapd2 = array(
+            0x00000000, 0x00100000, 0x00000800, 0x00100800,
+            0x00000000, 0x00100000, 0x00000800, 0x00100800,
+            0x04000000, 0x04100000, 0x04000800, 0x04100800,
+            0x04000000, 0x04100000, 0x04000800, 0x04100800,
+            0x00000004, 0x00100004, 0x00000804, 0x00100804,
+            0x00000004, 0x00100004, 0x00000804, 0x00100804,
+            0x04000004, 0x04100004, 0x04000804, 0x04100804,
+            0x04000004, 0x04100004, 0x04000804, 0x04100804,
+            0x00000000, 0x00100000, 0x00000800, 0x00100800,
+            0x00000000, 0x00100000, 0x00000800, 0x00100800,
+            0x04000000, 0x04100000, 0x04000800, 0x04100800,
+            0x04000000, 0x04100000, 0x04000800, 0x04100800,
+            0x00000004, 0x00100004, 0x00000804, 0x00100804,
+            0x00000004, 0x00100004, 0x00000804, 0x00100804,
+            0x04000004, 0x04100004, 0x04000804, 0x04100804,
+            0x04000004, 0x04100004, 0x04000804, 0x04100804,
+            0x00000200, 0x00100200, 0x00000A00, 0x00100A00,
+            0x00000200, 0x00100200, 0x00000A00, 0x00100A00,
+            0x04000200, 0x04100200, 0x04000A00, 0x04100A00,
+            0x04000200, 0x04100200, 0x04000A00, 0x04100A00,
+            0x00000204, 0x00100204, 0x00000A04, 0x00100A04,
+            0x00000204, 0x00100204, 0x00000A04, 0x00100A04,
+            0x04000204, 0x04100204, 0x04000A04, 0x04100A04,
+            0x04000204, 0x04100204, 0x04000A04, 0x04100A04,
+            0x00000200, 0x00100200, 0x00000A00, 0x00100A00,
+            0x00000200, 0x00100200, 0x00000A00, 0x00100A00,
+            0x04000200, 0x04100200, 0x04000A00, 0x04100A00,
+            0x04000200, 0x04100200, 0x04000A00, 0x04100A00,
+            0x00000204, 0x00100204, 0x00000A04, 0x00100A04,
+            0x00000204, 0x00100204, 0x00000A04, 0x00100A04,
+            0x04000204, 0x04100204, 0x04000A04, 0x04100A04,
+            0x04000204, 0x04100204, 0x04000A04, 0x04100A04,
+            0x00020000, 0x00120000, 0x00020800, 0x00120800,
+            0x00020000, 0x00120000, 0x00020800, 0x00120800,
+            0x04020000, 0x04120000, 0x04020800, 0x04120800,
+            0x04020000, 0x04120000, 0x04020800, 0x04120800,
+            0x00020004, 0x00120004, 0x00020804, 0x00120804,
+            0x00020004, 0x00120004, 0x00020804, 0x00120804,
+            0x04020004, 0x04120004, 0x04020804, 0x04120804,
+            0x04020004, 0x04120004, 0x04020804, 0x04120804,
+            0x00020000, 0x00120000, 0x00020800, 0x00120800,
+            0x00020000, 0x00120000, 0x00020800, 0x00120800,
+            0x04020000, 0x04120000, 0x04020800, 0x04120800,
+            0x04020000, 0x04120000, 0x04020800, 0x04120800,
+            0x00020004, 0x00120004, 0x00020804, 0x00120804,
+            0x00020004, 0x00120004, 0x00020804, 0x00120804,
+            0x04020004, 0x04120004, 0x04020804, 0x04120804,
+            0x04020004, 0x04120004, 0x04020804, 0x04120804,
+            0x00020200, 0x00120200, 0x00020A00, 0x00120A00,
+            0x00020200, 0x00120200, 0x00020A00, 0x00120A00,
+            0x04020200, 0x04120200, 0x04020A00, 0x04120A00,
+            0x04020200, 0x04120200, 0x04020A00, 0x04120A00,
+            0x00020204, 0x00120204, 0x00020A04, 0x00120A04,
+            0x00020204, 0x00120204, 0x00020A04, 0x00120A04,
+            0x04020204, 0x04120204, 0x04020A04, 0x04120A04,
+            0x04020204, 0x04120204, 0x04020A04, 0x04120A04,
+            0x00020200, 0x00120200, 0x00020A00, 0x00120A00,
+            0x00020200, 0x00120200, 0x00020A00, 0x00120A00,
+            0x04020200, 0x04120200, 0x04020A00, 0x04120A00,
+            0x04020200, 0x04120200, 0x04020A00, 0x04120A00,
+            0x00020204, 0x00120204, 0x00020A04, 0x00120A04,
+            0x00020204, 0x00120204, 0x00020A04, 0x00120A04,
+            0x04020204, 0x04120204, 0x04020A04, 0x04120A04,
+            0x04020204, 0x04120204, 0x04020A04, 0x04120A04
+        );
+        static $pc2mapd3 = array(
+            0x00000000, 0x00010000, 0x02000000, 0x02010000,
+            0x00000020, 0x00010020, 0x02000020, 0x02010020,
+            0x00040000, 0x00050000, 0x02040000, 0x02050000,
+            0x00040020, 0x00050020, 0x02040020, 0x02050020,
+            0x00002000, 0x00012000, 0x02002000, 0x02012000,
+            0x00002020, 0x00012020, 0x02002020, 0x02012020,
+            0x00042000, 0x00052000, 0x02042000, 0x02052000,
+            0x00042020, 0x00052020, 0x02042020, 0x02052020,
+            0x00000000, 0x00010000, 0x02000000, 0x02010000,
+            0x00000020, 0x00010020, 0x02000020, 0x02010020,
+            0x00040000, 0x00050000, 0x02040000, 0x02050000,
+            0x00040020, 0x00050020, 0x02040020, 0x02050020,
+            0x00002000, 0x00012000, 0x02002000, 0x02012000,
+            0x00002020, 0x00012020, 0x02002020, 0x02012020,
+            0x00042000, 0x00052000, 0x02042000, 0x02052000,
+            0x00042020, 0x00052020, 0x02042020, 0x02052020,
+            0x00000010, 0x00010010, 0x02000010, 0x02010010,
+            0x00000030, 0x00010030, 0x02000030, 0x02010030,
+            0x00040010, 0x00050010, 0x02040010, 0x02050010,
+            0x00040030, 0x00050030, 0x02040030, 0x02050030,
+            0x00002010, 0x00012010, 0x02002010, 0x02012010,
+            0x00002030, 0x00012030, 0x02002030, 0x02012030,
+            0x00042010, 0x00052010, 0x02042010, 0x02052010,
+            0x00042030, 0x00052030, 0x02042030, 0x02052030,
+            0x00000010, 0x00010010, 0x02000010, 0x02010010,
+            0x00000030, 0x00010030, 0x02000030, 0x02010030,
+            0x00040010, 0x00050010, 0x02040010, 0x02050010,
+            0x00040030, 0x00050030, 0x02040030, 0x02050030,
+            0x00002010, 0x00012010, 0x02002010, 0x02012010,
+            0x00002030, 0x00012030, 0x02002030, 0x02012030,
+            0x00042010, 0x00052010, 0x02042010, 0x02052010,
+            0x00042030, 0x00052030, 0x02042030, 0x02052030,
+            0x20000000, 0x20010000, 0x22000000, 0x22010000,
+            0x20000020, 0x20010020, 0x22000020, 0x22010020,
+            0x20040000, 0x20050000, 0x22040000, 0x22050000,
+            0x20040020, 0x20050020, 0x22040020, 0x22050020,
+            0x20002000, 0x20012000, 0x22002000, 0x22012000,
+            0x20002020, 0x20012020, 0x22002020, 0x22012020,
+            0x20042000, 0x20052000, 0x22042000, 0x22052000,
+            0x20042020, 0x20052020, 0x22042020, 0x22052020,
+            0x20000000, 0x20010000, 0x22000000, 0x22010000,
+            0x20000020, 0x20010020, 0x22000020, 0x22010020,
+            0x20040000, 0x20050000, 0x22040000, 0x22050000,
+            0x20040020, 0x20050020, 0x22040020, 0x22050020,
+            0x20002000, 0x20012000, 0x22002000, 0x22012000,
+            0x20002020, 0x20012020, 0x22002020, 0x22012020,
+            0x20042000, 0x20052000, 0x22042000, 0x22052000,
+            0x20042020, 0x20052020, 0x22042020, 0x22052020,
+            0x20000010, 0x20010010, 0x22000010, 0x22010010,
+            0x20000030, 0x20010030, 0x22000030, 0x22010030,
+            0x20040010, 0x20050010, 0x22040010, 0x22050010,
+            0x20040030, 0x20050030, 0x22040030, 0x22050030,
+            0x20002010, 0x20012010, 0x22002010, 0x22012010,
+            0x20002030, 0x20012030, 0x22002030, 0x22012030,
+            0x20042010, 0x20052010, 0x22042010, 0x22052010,
+            0x20042030, 0x20052030, 0x22042030, 0x22052030,
+            0x20000010, 0x20010010, 0x22000010, 0x22010010,
+            0x20000030, 0x20010030, 0x22000030, 0x22010030,
+            0x20040010, 0x20050010, 0x22040010, 0x22050010,
+            0x20040030, 0x20050030, 0x22040030, 0x22050030,
+            0x20002010, 0x20012010, 0x22002010, 0x22012010,
+            0x20002030, 0x20012030, 0x22002030, 0x22012030,
+            0x20042010, 0x20052010, 0x22042010, 0x22052010,
+            0x20042030, 0x20052030, 0x22042030, 0x22052030
+        );
+        static $pc2mapd4 = array(
+            0x00000000, 0x00000400, 0x01000000, 0x01000400,
+            0x00000000, 0x00000400, 0x01000000, 0x01000400,
+            0x00000100, 0x00000500, 0x01000100, 0x01000500,
+            0x00000100, 0x00000500, 0x01000100, 0x01000500,
+            0x10000000, 0x10000400, 0x11000000, 0x11000400,
+            0x10000000, 0x10000400, 0x11000000, 0x11000400,
+            0x10000100, 0x10000500, 0x11000100, 0x11000500,
+            0x10000100, 0x10000500, 0x11000100, 0x11000500,
+            0x00080000, 0x00080400, 0x01080000, 0x01080400,
+            0x00080000, 0x00080400, 0x01080000, 0x01080400,
+            0x00080100, 0x00080500, 0x01080100, 0x01080500,
+            0x00080100, 0x00080500, 0x01080100, 0x01080500,
+            0x10080000, 0x10080400, 0x11080000, 0x11080400,
+            0x10080000, 0x10080400, 0x11080000, 0x11080400,
+            0x10080100, 0x10080500, 0x11080100, 0x11080500,
+            0x10080100, 0x10080500, 0x11080100, 0x11080500,
+            0x00000008, 0x00000408, 0x01000008, 0x01000408,
+            0x00000008, 0x00000408, 0x01000008, 0x01000408,
+            0x00000108, 0x00000508, 0x01000108, 0x01000508,
+            0x00000108, 0x00000508, 0x01000108, 0x01000508,
+            0x10000008, 0x10000408, 0x11000008, 0x11000408,
+            0x10000008, 0x10000408, 0x11000008, 0x11000408,
+            0x10000108, 0x10000508, 0x11000108, 0x11000508,
+            0x10000108, 0x10000508, 0x11000108, 0x11000508,
+            0x00080008, 0x00080408, 0x01080008, 0x01080408,
+            0x00080008, 0x00080408, 0x01080008, 0x01080408,
+            0x00080108, 0x00080508, 0x01080108, 0x01080508,
+            0x00080108, 0x00080508, 0x01080108, 0x01080508,
+            0x10080008, 0x10080408, 0x11080008, 0x11080408,
+            0x10080008, 0x10080408, 0x11080008, 0x11080408,
+            0x10080108, 0x10080508, 0x11080108, 0x11080508,
+            0x10080108, 0x10080508, 0x11080108, 0x11080508,
+            0x00001000, 0x00001400, 0x01001000, 0x01001400,
+            0x00001000, 0x00001400, 0x01001000, 0x01001400,
+            0x00001100, 0x00001500, 0x01001100, 0x01001500,
+            0x00001100, 0x00001500, 0x01001100, 0x01001500,
+            0x10001000, 0x10001400, 0x11001000, 0x11001400,
+            0x10001000, 0x10001400, 0x11001000, 0x11001400,
+            0x10001100, 0x10001500, 0x11001100, 0x11001500,
+            0x10001100, 0x10001500, 0x11001100, 0x11001500,
+            0x00081000, 0x00081400, 0x01081000, 0x01081400,
+            0x00081000, 0x00081400, 0x01081000, 0x01081400,
+            0x00081100, 0x00081500, 0x01081100, 0x01081500,
+            0x00081100, 0x00081500, 0x01081100, 0x01081500,
+            0x10081000, 0x10081400, 0x11081000, 0x11081400,
+            0x10081000, 0x10081400, 0x11081000, 0x11081400,
+            0x10081100, 0x10081500, 0x11081100, 0x11081500,
+            0x10081100, 0x10081500, 0x11081100, 0x11081500,
+            0x00001008, 0x00001408, 0x01001008, 0x01001408,
+            0x00001008, 0x00001408, 0x01001008, 0x01001408,
+            0x00001108, 0x00001508, 0x01001108, 0x01001508,
+            0x00001108, 0x00001508, 0x01001108, 0x01001508,
+            0x10001008, 0x10001408, 0x11001008, 0x11001408,
+            0x10001008, 0x10001408, 0x11001008, 0x11001408,
+            0x10001108, 0x10001508, 0x11001108, 0x11001508,
+            0x10001108, 0x10001508, 0x11001108, 0x11001508,
+            0x00081008, 0x00081408, 0x01081008, 0x01081408,
+            0x00081008, 0x00081408, 0x01081008, 0x01081408,
+            0x00081108, 0x00081508, 0x01081108, 0x01081508,
+            0x00081108, 0x00081508, 0x01081108, 0x01081508,
+            0x10081008, 0x10081408, 0x11081008, 0x11081408,
+            0x10081008, 0x10081408, 0x11081008, 0x11081408,
+            0x10081108, 0x10081508, 0x11081108, 0x11081508,
+            0x10081108, 0x10081508, 0x11081108, 0x11081508
-        $key[0] &= 0x7FFFFFFF;
-        $key[1] &= 0x7FFFFFFF;
-        $key = array(
-            (($key[1] & 0x00000002) << 26) | (($key[1] & 0x00000204) << 17) |
-            (($key[1] & 0x00020408) <<  8) | (($key[1] & 0x02040800) >>  1) |
-            (($key[0] & 0x00000002) << 22) | (($key[0] & 0x00000204) << 13) |
-            (($key[0] & 0x00020408) <<  4) | (($key[0] & 0x02040800) >>  5) |
-            (($key[1] & 0x04080000) >> 10) | (($key[0] & 0x04080000) >> 14) |
-            (($key[1] & 0x08000000) >> 19) | (($key[0] & 0x08000000) >> 23) |
-            (($key[0] & 0x00000010) >>  1) | (($key[0] & 0x00001000) >> 10) |
-            (($key[0] & 0x00100000) >> 19) | (($key[0] & 0x10000000) >> 28)
-        ,
-            (($key[1] & 0x00000080) << 20) | (($key[1] & 0x00008000) << 11) |
-            (($key[1] & 0x00800000) <<  2) | (($key[0] & 0x00000080) << 16) |
-            (($key[0] & 0x00008000) <<  7) | (($key[0] & 0x00800000) >>  2) |
-            (($key[1] & 0x00000040) << 13) | (($key[1] & 0x00004000) <<  4) |
-            (($key[1] & 0x00400000) >>  5) | (($key[1] & 0x40000000) >> 14) |
-            (($key[0] & 0x00000040) <<  9) | ( $key[0] & 0x00004000       ) |
-            (($key[0] & 0x00400000) >>  9) | (($key[0] & 0x40000000) >> 18) |
-            (($key[1] & 0x00000020) <<  6) | (($key[1] & 0x00002000) >>  3) |
-            (($key[1] & 0x00200000) >> 12) | (($key[1] & 0x20000000) >> 21) |
-            (($key[0] & 0x00000020) <<  2) | (($key[0] & 0x00002000) >>  7) |
-            (($key[0] & 0x00200000) >> 16) | (($key[0] & 0x20000000) >> 25) |
-            (($key[1] & 0x00000010) >>  1) | (($key[1] & 0x00001000) >> 10) |
-            (($key[1] & 0x00100000) >> 19) | (($key[1] & 0x10000000) >> 28) |
-            ($msb[1] << 24) | ($msb[0] << 20)
-        ); 
         $keys = array();
-        for ($i = 0; $i < 16; $i++) {
-            $key[0] <<= $shifts[$i];
-            $temp = ($key[0] & 0xF0000000) >> 28;
-            $key[0] = ($key[0] | $temp) & 0x0FFFFFFF;
-            $key[1] <<= $shifts[$i];
-            $temp = ($key[1] & 0xF0000000) >> 28;
-            $key[1] = ($key[1] | $temp) & 0x0FFFFFFF;
-            $temp = array(
-                (($key[1] & 0x00004000) >>  9) | (($key[1] & 0x00000800) >>  7) |
-                (($key[1] & 0x00020000) >> 14) | (($key[1] & 0x00000010) >>  2) |
-                (($key[1] & 0x08000000) >> 26) | (($key[1] & 0x00800000) >> 23)
-            ,
-                (($key[1] & 0x02400000) >> 20) | (($key[1] & 0x00000001) <<  4) |
-                (($key[1] & 0x00002000) >> 10) | (($key[1] & 0x00040000) >> 18) |
-                (($key[1] & 0x00000080) >>  6)
-            ,
-                ( $key[1] & 0x00000020       ) | (($key[1] & 0x00000200) >>  5) |
-                (($key[1] & 0x00010000) >> 13) | (($key[1] & 0x01000000) >> 22) |
-                (($key[1] & 0x00000004) >>  1) | (($key[1] & 0x00100000) >> 20)
-            ,
-                (($key[1] & 0x00001000) >>  7) | (($key[1] & 0x00200000) >> 17) |
-                (($key[1] & 0x00000002) <<  2) | (($key[1] & 0x00000100) >>  6) |
-                (($key[1] & 0x00008000) >> 14) | (($key[1] & 0x04000000) >> 26)
-            ,
-                (($key[0] & 0x00008000) >> 10) | ( $key[0] & 0x00000010       ) |
-                (($key[0] & 0x02000000) >> 22) | (($key[0] & 0x00080000) >> 17) |
-                (($key[0] & 0x00000200) >>  8) | (($key[0] & 0x00000002) >>  1)
-            ,
-                (($key[0] & 0x04000000) >> 21) | (($key[0] & 0x00010000) >> 12) |
-                (($key[0] & 0x00000020) >>  2) | (($key[0] & 0x00000800) >>  9) |
-                (($key[0] & 0x00800000) >> 22) | (($key[0] & 0x00000100) >>  8)
-            ,
-                (($key[0] & 0x00001000) >>  7) | (($key[0] & 0x00000088) >>  3) |
-                (($key[0] & 0x00020000) >> 14) | (($key[0] & 0x00000001) <<  2) |
-                (($key[0] & 0x00400000) >> 21)
-            ,
-                (($key[0] & 0x00000400) >>  5) | (($key[0] & 0x00004000) >> 10) |
-                (($key[0] & 0x00000040) >>  3) | (($key[0] & 0x00100000) >> 18) |
-                (($key[0] & 0x08000000) >> 26) | (($key[0] & 0x01000000) >> 24)
+        for ($des_round = 0; $des_round < $this->des_rounds; ++$des_round) {
+            // pad the key and remove extra characters as appropriate.
+            $key = str_pad(substr($this->key, $des_round * 8, 8), 8, "\0");
+            // Perform the PC/1 transformation and compute C and D.
+            $t = unpack('Nl/Nr', $key);
+            list($l, $r) = array($t['l'], $t['r']);
+            $key = ($this->shuffle[$pc1map[ $r        & 0xFF]] & "\x80\x80\x80\x80\x80\x80\x80\x00") |
+                   ($this->shuffle[$pc1map[($r >>  8) & 0xFF]] & "\x40\x40\x40\x40\x40\x40\x40\x00") |
+                   ($this->shuffle[$pc1map[($r >> 16) & 0xFF]] & "\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x00") |
+                   ($this->shuffle[$pc1map[($r >> 24) & 0xFF]] & "\x10\x10\x10\x10\x10\x10\x10\x00") |
+                   ($this->shuffle[$pc1map[ $l        & 0xFF]] & "\x08\x08\x08\x08\x08\x08\x08\x00") |
+                   ($this->shuffle[$pc1map[($l >>  8) & 0xFF]] & "\x04\x04\x04\x04\x04\x04\x04\x00") |
+                   ($this->shuffle[$pc1map[($l >> 16) & 0xFF]] & "\x02\x02\x02\x02\x02\x02\x02\x00") |
+                   ($this->shuffle[$pc1map[($l >> 24) & 0xFF]] & "\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x00");
+            $key = unpack('Nc/Nd', $key);
+            $c = ( $key['c'] >> 4) & 0x0FFFFFFF;
+            $d = (($key['d'] >> 4) & 0x0FFFFFF0) | ($key['c'] & 0x0F);
+            $keys[$des_round] = array(
+                CRYPT_DES_ENCRYPT => array(),
+                CRYPT_DES_DECRYPT => array_fill(0, 32, 0)
-            $keys[] = $temp;
+            for ($i = 0, $ki = 31; $i < 16; ++$i, $ki-= 2) {
+                $c <<= $shifts[$i];
+                $c = ($c | ($c >> 28)) & 0x0FFFFFFF;
+                $d <<= $shifts[$i];
+                $d = ($d | ($d >> 28)) & 0x0FFFFFFF;
+                // Perform the PC-2 transformation.
+                $cp = $pc2mapc1[ $c >> 24        ] | $pc2mapc2[($c >> 16) & 0xFF] |
+                      $pc2mapc3[($c >>  8) & 0xFF] | $pc2mapc4[ $c        & 0xFF];
+                $dp = $pc2mapd1[ $d >> 24        ] | $pc2mapd2[($d >> 16) & 0xFF] |
+                      $pc2mapd3[($d >>  8) & 0xFF] | $pc2mapd4[ $d        & 0xFF];
+                // Reorder: odd bytes/even bytes. Push the result in key schedule.
+                $keys[$des_round][CRYPT_DES_ENCRYPT][       ] =
+                $keys[$des_round][CRYPT_DES_DECRYPT][$ki - 1] = ( $cp        & 0xFF000000) | (($cp <<  8) & 0x00FF0000) |
+                                                                (($dp >> 16) & 0x0000FF00) | (($dp >>  8) & 0x000000FF);
+                $keys[$des_round][CRYPT_DES_ENCRYPT][       ] =
+                $keys[$des_round][CRYPT_DES_DECRYPT][$ki    ] = (($cp <<  8) & 0xFF000000) | (($cp << 16) & 0x00FF0000) |
+                                                                (($dp >>  8) & 0x0000FF00) | ( $dp        & 0x000000FF);
+            }
-        $temp = array(
-            CRYPT_DES_ENCRYPT => $keys,
-            CRYPT_DES_DECRYPT => array_reverse($keys)
-        );
-        return $temp;
+        switch ($this->des_rounds) {
+            case 3: // 3DES keys
+                $this->keys = array(
+                    CRYPT_DES_ENCRYPT => array_merge(
+                        $keys[0][CRYPT_DES_ENCRYPT],
+                        $keys[1][CRYPT_DES_DECRYPT],
+                        $keys[2][CRYPT_DES_ENCRYPT]
+                    ),
+                    CRYPT_DES_DECRYPT => array_merge(
+                        $keys[2][CRYPT_DES_DECRYPT],
+                        $keys[1][CRYPT_DES_ENCRYPT],
+                        $keys[0][CRYPT_DES_DECRYPT]
+                    )
+                );
+                break;
+            // case 1: // DES keys
+            default:
+                $this->keys = array(
+                    CRYPT_DES_ENCRYPT => $keys[0][CRYPT_DES_ENCRYPT],
+                    CRYPT_DES_DECRYPT => $keys[0][CRYPT_DES_DECRYPT]
+                );
+        }
-     * String Shift
+     * Setup the performance-optimized function for de/encrypt()
-     * Inspired by array_shift
-     *
-     * @param String $string
-     * @param optional Integer $index
-     * @return String
+     * @see Crypt_Base::_setupInlineCrypt()
      * @access private
-    function _string_shift(&$string, $index = 1)
+    function _setupInlineCrypt()
-        $substr = substr($string, 0, $index);
-        $string = substr($string, $index);
-        return $substr;
+        $lambda_functions =& Crypt_DES::_getLambdaFunctions();
+        // Engine configuration for:
+        // -  DES ($des_rounds == 1) or
+        // - 3DES ($des_rounds == 3)
+        $des_rounds = $this->des_rounds;
+        // We create max. 10 hi-optimized code for memory reason. Means: For each $key one ultra fast inline-crypt function.
+        // After that, we'll still create very fast optimized code but not the hi-ultimative code, for each $mode one
+        $gen_hi_opt_code = (bool)( count($lambda_functions) < 10 );
+        // Generation of a uniqe hash for our generated code
+        switch (true) {
+            case $gen_hi_opt_code:
+                // For hi-optimized code, we create for each combination of
+                // $mode, $des_rounds and $this->key its own encrypt/decrypt function.
+                $code_hash = md5(str_pad("Crypt_DES, $des_rounds, {$this->mode}, ", 32, "\0") . $this->key);
+                break;
+            default:
+                // After max 10 hi-optimized functions, we create generic
+                // (still very fast.. but not ultra) functions for each $mode/$des_rounds
+                // Currently 2 * 5 generic functions will be then max. possible.
+                $code_hash = "Crypt_DES, $des_rounds, {$this->mode}";
+        }
+        // Is there a re-usable $lambda_functions in there? If not, we have to create it.
+        if (!isset($lambda_functions[$code_hash])) {
+            // Init code for both, encrypt and decrypt.
+            $init_crypt = 'static $sbox1, $sbox2, $sbox3, $sbox4, $sbox5, $sbox6, $sbox7, $sbox8, $shuffleip, $shuffleinvip;
+                if (!$sbox1) {
+                    $sbox1 = array_map("intval", $self->sbox1);
+                    $sbox2 = array_map("intval", $self->sbox2);
+                    $sbox3 = array_map("intval", $self->sbox3);
+                    $sbox4 = array_map("intval", $self->sbox4);
+                    $sbox5 = array_map("intval", $self->sbox5);
+                    $sbox6 = array_map("intval", $self->sbox6);
+                    $sbox7 = array_map("intval", $self->sbox7);
+                    $sbox8 = array_map("intval", $self->sbox8);'
+                    /* Merge $shuffle with $[inv]ipmap */ . '
+                    for ($i = 0; $i < 256; ++$i) {
+                        $shuffleip[]    =  $self->shuffle[$self->ipmap[$i]];
+                        $shuffleinvip[] =  $self->shuffle[$self->invipmap[$i]];
+                    }
+                }
+            ';
+            switch (true) {
+                case $gen_hi_opt_code:
+                    // In Hi-optimized code mode, we use our [3]DES key schedule as hardcoded integers.
+                    // No futher initialisation of the $keys schedule is necessary.
+                    // That is the extra performance boost.
+                    $k = array(
+                        CRYPT_DES_ENCRYPT => $this->keys[CRYPT_DES_ENCRYPT],
+                        CRYPT_DES_DECRYPT => $this->keys[CRYPT_DES_DECRYPT]
+                    );
+                    $init_encrypt = '';
+                    $init_decrypt = '';
+                    break;
+                default:
+                    // In generic optimized code mode, we have to use, as the best compromise [currently],
+                    // our key schedule as $ke/$kd arrays. (with hardcoded indexes...)
+                    $k = array(
+                        CRYPT_DES_ENCRYPT => array(),
+                        CRYPT_DES_DECRYPT => array()
+                    );
+                    for ($i = 0, $c = count($this->keys[CRYPT_DES_ENCRYPT]); $i < $c; ++$i) {
+                        $k[CRYPT_DES_ENCRYPT][$i] = '$ke[' . $i . ']';
+                        $k[CRYPT_DES_DECRYPT][$i] = '$kd[' . $i . ']';
+                    }
+                    $init_encrypt = '$ke = $self->keys[CRYPT_DES_ENCRYPT];';
+                    $init_decrypt = '$kd = $self->keys[CRYPT_DES_DECRYPT];';
+                    break;
+            }
+            // Creating code for en- and decryption.
+            $crypt_block = array();
+            foreach (array(CRYPT_DES_ENCRYPT, CRYPT_DES_DECRYPT) as $c) {
+                /* Do the initial IP permutation. */
+                $crypt_block[$c] = '
+                    $in = unpack("N*", $in);
+                    $l  = $in[1];
+                    $r  = $in[2];
+                    $in = unpack("N*",
+                        ($shuffleip[ $r        & 0xFF] & "\x80\x80\x80\x80\x80\x80\x80\x80") |
+                        ($shuffleip[($r >>  8) & 0xFF] & "\x40\x40\x40\x40\x40\x40\x40\x40") |
+                        ($shuffleip[($r >> 16) & 0xFF] & "\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20") |
+                        ($shuffleip[($r >> 24) & 0xFF] & "\x10\x10\x10\x10\x10\x10\x10\x10") |
+                        ($shuffleip[ $l        & 0xFF] & "\x08\x08\x08\x08\x08\x08\x08\x08") |
+                        ($shuffleip[($l >>  8) & 0xFF] & "\x04\x04\x04\x04\x04\x04\x04\x04") |
+                        ($shuffleip[($l >> 16) & 0xFF] & "\x02\x02\x02\x02\x02\x02\x02\x02") |
+                        ($shuffleip[($l >> 24) & 0xFF] & "\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01")
+                    );
+                    ' . /* Extract L0 and R0 */ '
+                    $l = $in[1];
+                    $r = $in[2];
+                ';
+                $l = '$l';
+                $r = '$r';
+                // Perform DES or 3DES.
+                for ($ki = -1, $des_round = 0; $des_round < $des_rounds; ++$des_round) {
+                    // Perform the 16 steps.
+                    for ($i = 0; $i < 16; ++$i) {
+                        // start of "the Feistel (F) function" - see the following URL:
+                        // http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Data_Encryption_Standard_InfoBox_Diagram.png
+                        // Merge key schedule.
+                        $crypt_block[$c].= '
+                            $b1 = ((' . $r . ' >>  3) & 0x1FFFFFFF)  ^ (' . $r . ' << 29) ^ ' . $k[$c][++$ki] . ';
+                            $b2 = ((' . $r . ' >> 31) & 0x00000001)  ^ (' . $r . ' <<  1) ^ ' . $k[$c][++$ki] . ';' .
+                            /* S-box indexing. */
+                            $l . ' = $sbox1[($b1 >> 24) & 0x3F] ^ $sbox2[($b2 >> 24) & 0x3F] ^
+                                     $sbox3[($b1 >> 16) & 0x3F] ^ $sbox4[($b2 >> 16) & 0x3F] ^
+                                     $sbox5[($b1 >>  8) & 0x3F] ^ $sbox6[($b2 >>  8) & 0x3F] ^
+                                     $sbox7[ $b1        & 0x3F] ^ $sbox8[ $b2        & 0x3F] ^ ' . $l . ';
+                        ';
+                        // end of "the Feistel (F) function"
+                        // swap L & R
+                        list($l, $r) = array($r, $l);
+                    }
+                    list($l, $r) = array($r, $l);
+                }
+                // Perform the inverse IP permutation.
+                $crypt_block[$c].= '$in =
+                    ($shuffleinvip[($l >> 24) & 0xFF] & "\x80\x80\x80\x80\x80\x80\x80\x80") |
+                    ($shuffleinvip[($r >> 24) & 0xFF] & "\x40\x40\x40\x40\x40\x40\x40\x40") |
+                    ($shuffleinvip[($l >> 16) & 0xFF] & "\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20") |
+                    ($shuffleinvip[($r >> 16) & 0xFF] & "\x10\x10\x10\x10\x10\x10\x10\x10") |
+                    ($shuffleinvip[($l >>  8) & 0xFF] & "\x08\x08\x08\x08\x08\x08\x08\x08") |
+                    ($shuffleinvip[($r >>  8) & 0xFF] & "\x04\x04\x04\x04\x04\x04\x04\x04") |
+                    ($shuffleinvip[ $l        & 0xFF] & "\x02\x02\x02\x02\x02\x02\x02\x02") |
+                    ($shuffleinvip[ $r        & 0xFF] & "\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01");
+                ';
+            }
+            // Creates the inline-crypt function
+            $lambda_functions[$code_hash] = $this->_createInlineCryptFunction(
+                array(
+                   'init_crypt'    => $init_crypt,
+                   'init_encrypt'  => $init_encrypt,
+                   'init_decrypt'  => $init_decrypt,
+                   'encrypt_block' => $crypt_block[CRYPT_DES_ENCRYPT],
+                   'decrypt_block' => $crypt_block[CRYPT_DES_DECRYPT]
+                )
+            );
+        }
+        // Set the inline-crypt function as callback in: $this->inline_crypt
+        $this->inline_crypt = $lambda_functions[$code_hash];
diff --git a/apps/files_external/3rdparty/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/Hash.php b/apps/files_external/3rdparty/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/Hash.php
index c5d314f009f87ab00cc283d629a9f52ad4572764..21897241989e6be02a4c5af5a6b5da3ab23937f3 100644
--- a/apps/files_external/3rdparty/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/Hash.php
+++ b/apps/files_external/3rdparty/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/Hash.php
@@ -52,7 +52,6 @@
  * @author     Jim Wigginton <terrafrost@php.net>
  * @copyright  MMVII Jim Wigginton
  * @license    http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html  MIT License
- * @version    $Id: Hash.php,v 1.6 2009/11/23 23:37:07 terrafrost Exp $
  * @link       http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net
@@ -83,6 +82,15 @@ define('CRYPT_HASH_MODE_HASH',     3);
  * @package Crypt_Hash
 class Crypt_Hash {
+    /**
+     * Hash Parameter
+     *
+     * @see Crypt_Hash::setHash()
+     * @var Integer
+     * @access private
+     */
+    var $hashParam;
      * Byte-length of compression blocks / key (Internal HMAC)
@@ -168,13 +176,26 @@ class Crypt_Hash {
      * Keys can be of any length.
      * @access public
-     * @param String $key
+     * @param optional String $key
     function setKey($key = false)
         $this->key = $key;
+    /**
+     * Gets the hash function.
+     *
+     * As set by the constructor or by the setHash() method.
+     *
+     * @access public
+     * @return String
+     */
+    function getHash()
+    {
+        return $this->hashParam;
+    }
      * Sets the hash function.
@@ -183,7 +204,7 @@ class Crypt_Hash {
     function setHash($hash)
-        $hash = strtolower($hash);
+        $this->hashParam = $hash = strtolower($hash);
         switch ($hash) {
             case 'md5-96':
             case 'sha1-96':
@@ -350,7 +371,7 @@ class Crypt_Hash {
      * Wrapper for MD5
      * @access private
-     * @param String $text
+     * @param String $m
     function _md5($m)
@@ -361,7 +382,7 @@ class Crypt_Hash {
      * Wrapper for SHA1
      * @access private
-     * @param String $text
+     * @param String $m
     function _sha1($m)
@@ -374,7 +395,7 @@ class Crypt_Hash {
      * See {@link http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1319 RFC1319}.
      * @access private
-     * @param String $text
+     * @param String $m
     function _md2($m)
@@ -450,7 +471,7 @@ class Crypt_Hash {
      * See {@link http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SHA_hash_functions#SHA-256_.28a_SHA-2_variant.29_pseudocode SHA-256 (a SHA-2 variant) pseudocode - Wikipedia}.
      * @access private
-     * @param String $text
+     * @param String $m
     function _sha256($m)
@@ -555,7 +576,7 @@ class Crypt_Hash {
      * Pure-PHP implementation of SHA384 and SHA512
      * @access private
-     * @param String $text
+     * @param String $m
     function _sha512($m)
@@ -784,9 +805,8 @@ class Crypt_Hash {
      * _sha256() adds multiple unsigned 32-bit integers.  Since PHP doesn't support unsigned integers and since the
      * possibility of overflow exists, care has to be taken.  Math_BigInteger() could be used but this should be faster.
-     * @param String $string
-     * @param optional Integer $index
-     * @return String
+     * @param Integer $...
+     * @return Integer
      * @see _sha256()
      * @access private
diff --git a/apps/files_external/3rdparty/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/RC2.php b/apps/files_external/3rdparty/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/RC2.php
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5e0ca88c8fc160c6df5ff59e5bccb9db8ee44a6e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/files_external/3rdparty/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/RC2.php
@@ -0,0 +1,656 @@
+/* vim: set expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4: */
+ * Pure-PHP implementation of RC2.
+ *
+ * Uses mcrypt, if available, and an internal implementation, otherwise.
+ *
+ * PHP versions 4 and 5
+ *
+ * Useful resources are as follows:
+ *
+ *  - {@link http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2268}
+ *
+ * Here's a short example of how to use this library:
+ * <code>
+ * <?php
+ *    include('Crypt/RC2.php');
+ *
+ *    $rc2 = new Crypt_RC2();
+ *
+ *    $rc2->setKey('abcdefgh');
+ *
+ *    $plaintext = str_repeat('a', 1024);
+ *
+ *    echo $rc2->decrypt($rc2->encrypt($plaintext));
+ * ?>
+ * </code>
+ *
+ * LICENSE: Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+ * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+ * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+ * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+ * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+ * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+ *
+ * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+ * all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+ *
+ *
+ * @category   Crypt
+ * @package    Crypt_RC2
+ * @author     Patrick Monnerat <pm@datasphere.ch>
+ * @license    http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html  MIT License
+ * @link       http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net
+ */
+ * Include Crypt_Base
+ *
+ * Base cipher class
+ */
+if (!class_exists('Crypt_Base')) {
+    require_once('Base.php');
+ * @access public
+ * @see Crypt_RC2::encrypt()
+ * @see Crypt_RC2::decrypt()
+ */
+ * Encrypt / decrypt using the Counter mode.
+ *
+ * Set to -1 since that's what Crypt/Random.php uses to index the CTR mode.
+ *
+ * @link http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Block_cipher_modes_of_operation#Counter_.28CTR.29
+ */
+ * Encrypt / decrypt using the Electronic Code Book mode.
+ *
+ * @link http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Block_cipher_modes_of_operation#Electronic_codebook_.28ECB.29
+ */
+ * Encrypt / decrypt using the Code Book Chaining mode.
+ *
+ * @link http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Block_cipher_modes_of_operation#Cipher-block_chaining_.28CBC.29
+ */
+ * Encrypt / decrypt using the Cipher Feedback mode.
+ *
+ * @link http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Block_cipher_modes_of_operation#Cipher_feedback_.28CFB.29
+ */
+ * Encrypt / decrypt using the Cipher Feedback mode.
+ *
+ * @link http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Block_cipher_modes_of_operation#Output_feedback_.28OFB.29
+ */
+ * @access private
+ * @see Crypt_RC2::Crypt_RC2()
+ */
+ * Toggles the internal implementation
+ */
+ * Toggles the mcrypt implementation
+ */
+ * Pure-PHP implementation of RC2.
+ *
+ * @version 0.1.1
+ * @access  public
+ * @package Crypt_RC2
+ */
+class Crypt_RC2 extends Crypt_Base {
+    /**
+     * Block Length of the cipher
+     *
+     * @see Crypt_Base::block_size
+     * @var Integer
+     * @access private
+     */
+    var $block_size = 8;
+    /**
+     * The Key
+     *
+     * @see Crypt_Base::key
+     * @see setKey()
+     * @var String
+     * @access private
+     */
+    var $key = "\0";
+    /**
+     * The default password key_size used by setPassword()
+     *
+     * @see Crypt_Base::password_key_size
+     * @see Crypt_Base::setPassword()
+     * @var Integer
+     * @access private
+     */
+    var $password_key_size = 16; // = 128 bits
+    /**
+     * The namespace used by the cipher for its constants.
+     *
+     * @see Crypt_Base::const_namespace
+     * @var String
+     * @access private
+     */
+    var $const_namespace = 'RC2';
+    /**
+     * The mcrypt specific name of the cipher
+     *
+     * @see Crypt_Base::cipher_name_mcrypt
+     * @var String
+     * @access private
+     */
+    var $cipher_name_mcrypt = 'rc2';
+    /**
+     * Optimizing value while CFB-encrypting
+     *
+     * @see Crypt_Base::cfb_init_len
+     * @var Integer
+     * @access private
+     */
+    var $cfb_init_len = 500;
+     * The key length in bits.
+     *
+     * @see Crypt_RC2::setKeyLength()
+     * @see Crypt_RC2::setKey()
+     * @var Integer
+     * @access private
+     * @internal Should be in range [1..1024].
+     * @internal Changing this value after setting the key has no effect.
+     */
+    var $default_key_length = 1024;
+    /**
+     * The Key Schedule
+     *
+     * @see Crypt_RC2::_setupKey()
+     * @var Array
+     * @access private
+     */
+    var $keys;
+    /**
+     * Key expansion randomization table.
+     * Twice the same 256-value sequence to save a modulus in key expansion.
+     *
+     * @see Crypt_RC2::setKey()
+     * @var Array
+     * @access private
+     */
+    var $pitable = array(
+        0xD9, 0x78, 0xF9, 0xC4, 0x19, 0xDD, 0xB5, 0xED,
+        0x28, 0xE9, 0xFD, 0x79, 0x4A, 0xA0, 0xD8, 0x9D,
+        0xC6, 0x7E, 0x37, 0x83, 0x2B, 0x76, 0x53, 0x8E,
+        0x62, 0x4C, 0x64, 0x88, 0x44, 0x8B, 0xFB, 0xA2,
+        0x17, 0x9A, 0x59, 0xF5, 0x87, 0xB3, 0x4F, 0x13,
+        0x61, 0x45, 0x6D, 0x8D, 0x09, 0x81, 0x7D, 0x32,
+        0xBD, 0x8F, 0x40, 0xEB, 0x86, 0xB7, 0x7B, 0x0B,
+        0xF0, 0x95, 0x21, 0x22, 0x5C, 0x6B, 0x4E, 0x82,
+        0x54, 0xD6, 0x65, 0x93, 0xCE, 0x60, 0xB2, 0x1C,
+        0x73, 0x56, 0xC0, 0x14, 0xA7, 0x8C, 0xF1, 0xDC,
+        0x12, 0x75, 0xCA, 0x1F, 0x3B, 0xBE, 0xE4, 0xD1,
+        0x42, 0x3D, 0xD4, 0x30, 0xA3, 0x3C, 0xB6, 0x26,
+        0x6F, 0xBF, 0x0E, 0xDA, 0x46, 0x69, 0x07, 0x57,
+        0x27, 0xF2, 0x1D, 0x9B, 0xBC, 0x94, 0x43, 0x03,
+        0xF8, 0x11, 0xC7, 0xF6, 0x90, 0xEF, 0x3E, 0xE7,
+        0x06, 0xC3, 0xD5, 0x2F, 0xC8, 0x66, 0x1E, 0xD7,
+        0x08, 0xE8, 0xEA, 0xDE, 0x80, 0x52, 0xEE, 0xF7,
+        0x84, 0xAA, 0x72, 0xAC, 0x35, 0x4D, 0x6A, 0x2A,
+        0x96, 0x1A, 0xD2, 0x71, 0x5A, 0x15, 0x49, 0x74,
+        0x4B, 0x9F, 0xD0, 0x5E, 0x04, 0x18, 0xA4, 0xEC,
+        0xC2, 0xE0, 0x41, 0x6E, 0x0F, 0x51, 0xCB, 0xCC,
+        0x24, 0x91, 0xAF, 0x50, 0xA1, 0xF4, 0x70, 0x39,
+        0x99, 0x7C, 0x3A, 0x85, 0x23, 0xB8, 0xB4, 0x7A,
+        0xFC, 0x02, 0x36, 0x5B, 0x25, 0x55, 0x97, 0x31,
+        0x2D, 0x5D, 0xFA, 0x98, 0xE3, 0x8A, 0x92, 0xAE,
+        0x05, 0xDF, 0x29, 0x10, 0x67, 0x6C, 0xBA, 0xC9,
+        0xD3, 0x00, 0xE6, 0xCF, 0xE1, 0x9E, 0xA8, 0x2C,
+        0x63, 0x16, 0x01, 0x3F, 0x58, 0xE2, 0x89, 0xA9,
+        0x0D, 0x38, 0x34, 0x1B, 0xAB, 0x33, 0xFF, 0xB0,
+        0xBB, 0x48, 0x0C, 0x5F, 0xB9, 0xB1, 0xCD, 0x2E,
+        0xC5, 0xF3, 0xDB, 0x47, 0xE5, 0xA5, 0x9C, 0x77,
+        0x0A, 0xA6, 0x20, 0x68, 0xFE, 0x7F, 0xC1, 0xAD,
+        0xD9, 0x78, 0xF9, 0xC4, 0x19, 0xDD, 0xB5, 0xED,
+        0x28, 0xE9, 0xFD, 0x79, 0x4A, 0xA0, 0xD8, 0x9D,
+        0xC6, 0x7E, 0x37, 0x83, 0x2B, 0x76, 0x53, 0x8E,
+        0x62, 0x4C, 0x64, 0x88, 0x44, 0x8B, 0xFB, 0xA2,
+        0x17, 0x9A, 0x59, 0xF5, 0x87, 0xB3, 0x4F, 0x13,
+        0x61, 0x45, 0x6D, 0x8D, 0x09, 0x81, 0x7D, 0x32,
+        0xBD, 0x8F, 0x40, 0xEB, 0x86, 0xB7, 0x7B, 0x0B,
+        0xF0, 0x95, 0x21, 0x22, 0x5C, 0x6B, 0x4E, 0x82,
+        0x54, 0xD6, 0x65, 0x93, 0xCE, 0x60, 0xB2, 0x1C,
+        0x73, 0x56, 0xC0, 0x14, 0xA7, 0x8C, 0xF1, 0xDC,
+        0x12, 0x75, 0xCA, 0x1F, 0x3B, 0xBE, 0xE4, 0xD1,
+        0x42, 0x3D, 0xD4, 0x30, 0xA3, 0x3C, 0xB6, 0x26,
+        0x6F, 0xBF, 0x0E, 0xDA, 0x46, 0x69, 0x07, 0x57,
+        0x27, 0xF2, 0x1D, 0x9B, 0xBC, 0x94, 0x43, 0x03,
+        0xF8, 0x11, 0xC7, 0xF6, 0x90, 0xEF, 0x3E, 0xE7,
+        0x06, 0xC3, 0xD5, 0x2F, 0xC8, 0x66, 0x1E, 0xD7,
+        0x08, 0xE8, 0xEA, 0xDE, 0x80, 0x52, 0xEE, 0xF7,
+        0x84, 0xAA, 0x72, 0xAC, 0x35, 0x4D, 0x6A, 0x2A,
+        0x96, 0x1A, 0xD2, 0x71, 0x5A, 0x15, 0x49, 0x74,
+        0x4B, 0x9F, 0xD0, 0x5E, 0x04, 0x18, 0xA4, 0xEC,
+        0xC2, 0xE0, 0x41, 0x6E, 0x0F, 0x51, 0xCB, 0xCC,
+        0x24, 0x91, 0xAF, 0x50, 0xA1, 0xF4, 0x70, 0x39,
+        0x99, 0x7C, 0x3A, 0x85, 0x23, 0xB8, 0xB4, 0x7A,
+        0xFC, 0x02, 0x36, 0x5B, 0x25, 0x55, 0x97, 0x31,
+        0x2D, 0x5D, 0xFA, 0x98, 0xE3, 0x8A, 0x92, 0xAE,
+        0x05, 0xDF, 0x29, 0x10, 0x67, 0x6C, 0xBA, 0xC9,
+        0xD3, 0x00, 0xE6, 0xCF, 0xE1, 0x9E, 0xA8, 0x2C,
+        0x63, 0x16, 0x01, 0x3F, 0x58, 0xE2, 0x89, 0xA9,
+        0x0D, 0x38, 0x34, 0x1B, 0xAB, 0x33, 0xFF, 0xB0,
+        0xBB, 0x48, 0x0C, 0x5F, 0xB9, 0xB1, 0xCD, 0x2E,
+        0xC5, 0xF3, 0xDB, 0x47, 0xE5, 0xA5, 0x9C, 0x77,
+        0x0A, 0xA6, 0x20, 0x68, 0xFE, 0x7F, 0xC1, 0xAD
+    );
+    /**
+     * Inverse key expansion randomization table.
+     *
+     * @see Crypt_RC2::setKey()
+     * @var Array
+     * @access private
+     */
+    var $invpitable = array(
+        0xD1, 0xDA, 0xB9, 0x6F, 0x9C, 0xC8, 0x78, 0x66,
+        0x80, 0x2C, 0xF8, 0x37, 0xEA, 0xE0, 0x62, 0xA4,
+        0xCB, 0x71, 0x50, 0x27, 0x4B, 0x95, 0xD9, 0x20,
+        0x9D, 0x04, 0x91, 0xE3, 0x47, 0x6A, 0x7E, 0x53,
+        0xFA, 0x3A, 0x3B, 0xB4, 0xA8, 0xBC, 0x5F, 0x68,
+        0x08, 0xCA, 0x8F, 0x14, 0xD7, 0xC0, 0xEF, 0x7B,
+        0x5B, 0xBF, 0x2F, 0xE5, 0xE2, 0x8C, 0xBA, 0x12,
+        0xE1, 0xAF, 0xB2, 0x54, 0x5D, 0x59, 0x76, 0xDB,
+        0x32, 0xA2, 0x58, 0x6E, 0x1C, 0x29, 0x64, 0xF3,
+        0xE9, 0x96, 0x0C, 0x98, 0x19, 0x8D, 0x3E, 0x26,
+        0xAB, 0xA5, 0x85, 0x16, 0x40, 0xBD, 0x49, 0x67,
+        0xDC, 0x22, 0x94, 0xBB, 0x3C, 0xC1, 0x9B, 0xEB,
+        0x45, 0x28, 0x18, 0xD8, 0x1A, 0x42, 0x7D, 0xCC,
+        0xFB, 0x65, 0x8E, 0x3D, 0xCD, 0x2A, 0xA3, 0x60,
+        0xAE, 0x93, 0x8A, 0x48, 0x97, 0x51, 0x15, 0xF7,
+        0x01, 0x0B, 0xB7, 0x36, 0xB1, 0x2E, 0x11, 0xFD,
+        0x84, 0x2D, 0x3F, 0x13, 0x88, 0xB3, 0x34, 0x24,
+        0x1B, 0xDE, 0xC5, 0x1D, 0x4D, 0x2B, 0x17, 0x31,
+        0x74, 0xA9, 0xC6, 0x43, 0x6D, 0x39, 0x90, 0xBE,
+        0xC3, 0xB0, 0x21, 0x6B, 0xF6, 0x0F, 0xD5, 0x99,
+        0x0D, 0xAC, 0x1F, 0x5C, 0x9E, 0xF5, 0xF9, 0x4C,
+        0xD6, 0xDF, 0x89, 0xE4, 0x8B, 0xFF, 0xC7, 0xAA,
+        0xE7, 0xED, 0x46, 0x25, 0xB6, 0x06, 0x5E, 0x35,
+        0xB5, 0xEC, 0xCE, 0xE8, 0x6C, 0x30, 0x55, 0x61,
+        0x4A, 0xFE, 0xA0, 0x79, 0x03, 0xF0, 0x10, 0x72,
+        0x7C, 0xCF, 0x52, 0xA6, 0xA7, 0xEE, 0x44, 0xD3,
+        0x9A, 0x57, 0x92, 0xD0, 0x5A, 0x7A, 0x41, 0x7F,
+        0x0E, 0x00, 0x63, 0xF2, 0x4F, 0x05, 0x83, 0xC9,
+        0xA1, 0xD4, 0xDD, 0xC4, 0x56, 0xF4, 0xD2, 0x77,
+        0x81, 0x09, 0x82, 0x33, 0x9F, 0x07, 0x86, 0x75,
+        0x38, 0x4E, 0x69, 0xF1, 0xAD, 0x23, 0x73, 0x87,
+        0x70, 0x02, 0xC2, 0x1E, 0xB8, 0x0A, 0xFC, 0xE6
+    );
+    /**
+     * Default Constructor.
+     *
+     * Determines whether or not the mcrypt extension should be used.
+     *
+     * $mode could be:
+     *
+     * - CRYPT_RC2_MODE_ECB
+     *
+     * - CRYPT_RC2_MODE_CBC
+     *
+     * - CRYPT_RC2_MODE_CTR
+     *
+     * - CRYPT_RC2_MODE_CFB
+     *
+     * - CRYPT_RC2_MODE_OFB
+     *
+     * If not explictly set, CRYPT_RC2_MODE_CBC will be used.
+     *
+     * @see Crypt_Base::Crypt_Base()
+     * @param optional Integer $mode
+     * @access public
+     */
+    function Crypt_RC2($mode = CRYPT_RC2_MODE_CBC)
+    {
+        parent::Crypt_Base($mode);
+        $this->setKey('');
+    }
+    /**
+     * Sets the key length
+     *
+     * Valid key lengths are 1 to 1024.
+     * Calling this function after setting the key has no effect until the next
+     *  Crypt_RC2::setKey() call.
+     *
+     * @access public
+     * @param Integer $length in bits
+     */
+    function setKeyLength($length)
+    {
+        if ($length >= 1 && $length <= 1024) {
+            $this->default_key_length = $length;
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Sets the key.
+     *
+     * Keys can be of any length. RC2, itself, uses 1 to 1024 bit keys (eg.
+     * strlen($key) <= 128), however, we only use the first 128 bytes if $key
+     * has more then 128 bytes in it, and set $key to a single null byte if
+     * it is empty.
+     *
+     * If the key is not explicitly set, it'll be assumed to be a single
+     * null byte.
+     *
+     * @see Crypt_Base::setKey()
+     * @access public
+     * @param String $key
+     * @param Integer $t1 optional          Effective key length in bits.
+     */
+    function setKey($key, $t1 = 0)
+    {
+        if ($t1 <= 0) {
+            $t1 = $this->default_key_length;
+        } else if ($t1 > 1024) {
+            $t1 = 1024;
+        }
+        // Key byte count should be 1..128.
+        $key = strlen($key) ? substr($key, 0, 128): "\x00";
+        $t = strlen($key);
+        // The mcrypt RC2 implementation only supports effective key length
+        // of 1024 bits. It is however possible to handle effective key
+        // lengths in range 1..1024 by expanding the key and applying
+        // inverse pitable mapping to the first byte before submitting it
+        // to mcrypt.
+        // Key expansion.
+        $l = array_values(unpack('C*', $key));
+        $t8 = ($t1 + 7) >> 3;
+        $tm = 0xFF >> (8 * $t8 - $t1);
+        // Expand key.
+        $pitable = $this->pitable;
+        for ($i = $t; $i < 128; $i++) {
+            $l[$i] = $pitable[$l[$i - 1] + $l[$i - $t]];
+        }
+        $i = 128 - $t8;
+        $l[$i] = $pitable[$l[$i] & $tm];
+        while ($i--) {
+            $l[$i] = $pitable[$l[$i + 1] ^ $l[$i + $t8]];
+        }
+        // Prepare the key for mcrypt.
+        $l[0] = $this->invpitable[$l[0]];
+        array_unshift($l, 'C*');
+        parent::setKey(call_user_func_array('pack', $l));
+    }
+    /**
+     * Encrypts a block
+     *
+     * @see Crypt_Base::_encryptBlock()
+     * @see Crypt_Base::encrypt()
+     * @access private
+     * @param String $in
+     * @return String
+     */
+    function _encryptBlock($in)
+    {
+        list($r0, $r1, $r2, $r3) = array_values(unpack('v*', $in));
+        $keys = $this->keys;
+        $limit = 20;
+        $actions = array($limit => 44, 44 => 64);
+        $j = 0;
+        for (;;) {
+            // Mixing round.
+            $r0 = (($r0 + $keys[$j++] + ((($r1 ^ $r2) & $r3) ^ $r1)) & 0xFFFF) << 1;
+            $r0 |= $r0 >> 16;
+            $r1 = (($r1 + $keys[$j++] + ((($r2 ^ $r3) & $r0) ^ $r2)) & 0xFFFF) << 2;
+            $r1 |= $r1 >> 16;
+            $r2 = (($r2 + $keys[$j++] + ((($r3 ^ $r0) & $r1) ^ $r3)) & 0xFFFF) << 3;
+            $r2 |= $r2 >> 16;
+            $r3 = (($r3 + $keys[$j++] + ((($r0 ^ $r1) & $r2) ^ $r0)) & 0xFFFF) << 5;
+            $r3 |= $r3 >> 16;
+            if ($j == $limit) {
+                if ($limit == 64) {
+                    break;
+                }
+                // Mashing round.
+                $r0 += $keys[$r3 & 0x3F];
+                $r1 += $keys[$r0 & 0x3F];
+                $r2 += $keys[$r1 & 0x3F];
+                $r3 += $keys[$r2 & 0x3F];
+                $limit = $actions[$limit];
+            }
+        }
+        return pack('vvvv', $r0, $r1, $r2, $r3);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Decrypts a block
+     *
+     * @see Crypt_Base::_decryptBlock()
+     * @see Crypt_Base::decrypt()
+     * @access private
+     * @param String $in
+     * @return String
+     */
+    function _decryptBlock($in)
+    {
+        list($r0, $r1, $r2, $r3) = array_values(unpack('v*', $in));
+        $keys = $this->keys;
+        $limit = 44;
+        $actions = array($limit => 20, 20 => 0);
+        $j = 64;
+        for (;;) {
+            // R-mixing round.
+            $r3 = ($r3 | ($r3 << 16)) >> 5;
+            $r3 = ($r3 - $keys[--$j] - ((($r0 ^ $r1) & $r2) ^ $r0)) & 0xFFFF;
+            $r2 = ($r2 | ($r2 << 16)) >> 3;
+            $r2 = ($r2 - $keys[--$j] - ((($r3 ^ $r0) & $r1) ^ $r3)) & 0xFFFF;
+            $r1 = ($r1 | ($r1 << 16)) >> 2;
+            $r1 = ($r1 - $keys[--$j] - ((($r2 ^ $r3) & $r0) ^ $r2)) & 0xFFFF;
+            $r0 = ($r0 | ($r0 << 16)) >> 1;
+            $r0 = ($r0 - $keys[--$j] - ((($r1 ^ $r2) & $r3) ^ $r1)) & 0xFFFF;
+            if ($j == $limit) {
+                if (!$limit) {
+                    break;
+                }
+                // R-mashing round.
+                $r3 = ($r3 - $keys[$r2 & 0x3F]) & 0xFFFF;
+                $r2 = ($r2 - $keys[$r1 & 0x3F]) & 0xFFFF;
+                $r1 = ($r1 - $keys[$r0 & 0x3F]) & 0xFFFF;
+                $r0 = ($r0 - $keys[$r3 & 0x3F]) & 0xFFFF;
+                $limit = $actions[$limit];
+            }
+        }
+        return pack('vvvv', $r0, $r1, $r2, $r3);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Creates the key schedule
+     *
+     * @see Crypt_Base::_setupKey()
+     * @access private
+     */
+    function _setupKey()
+    {
+        // Key has already been expanded in Crypt_RC2::setKey():
+        // Only the first value must be altered.
+        $l = unpack('Ca/Cb/v*', $this->key);
+        array_unshift($l, $this->pitable[$l['a']] | ($l['b'] << 8));
+        unset($l['a']);
+        unset($l['b']);
+        $this->keys = $l;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Setup the performance-optimized function for de/encrypt()
+     *
+     * @see Crypt_Base::_setupInlineCrypt()
+     * @access private
+     */
+    function _setupInlineCrypt()
+    {
+        $lambda_functions = &Crypt_RC2::_getLambdaFunctions();
+        // The first 10 generated $lambda_functions will use the $keys hardcoded as integers
+        // for the mixing rounds, for better inline crypt performance [~20% faster].
+        // But for memory reason we have to limit those ultra-optimized $lambda_functions to an amount of 10.
+        $keys = $this->keys;
+        if (count($lambda_functions) >= 10) {
+            foreach ($this->keys as $k => $v) {
+                $keys[$k] = '$keys[' . $k . ']';
+            }
+        }
+        $code_hash = md5(str_pad("Crypt_RC2, {$this->mode}, ", 32, "\0") . implode(',', $keys));
+        // Is there a re-usable $lambda_functions in there?
+        // If not, we have to create it.
+        if (!isset($lambda_functions[$code_hash])) {
+            // Init code for both, encrypt and decrypt.
+            $init_crypt = '$keys = $self->keys;';
+            // $in is the current 8 bytes block which has to be en/decrypt
+            $encrypt_block = $decrypt_block = '
+                $in = unpack("v4", $in);
+                $r0 = $in[1];
+                $r1 = $in[2];
+                $r2 = $in[3];
+                $r3 = $in[4];
+            ';
+            // Create code for encryption.
+            $limit = 20;
+            $actions = array($limit => 44, 44 => 64);
+            $j = 0;
+            for (;;) {
+                // Mixing round.
+                $encrypt_block .= '
+                    $r0 = (($r0 + ' . $keys[$j++] . ' +
+                           ((($r1 ^ $r2) & $r3) ^ $r1)) & 0xFFFF) << 1;
+                    $r0 |= $r0 >> 16;
+                    $r1 = (($r1 + ' . $keys[$j++] . ' +
+                           ((($r2 ^ $r3) & $r0) ^ $r2)) & 0xFFFF) << 2;
+                    $r1 |= $r1 >> 16;
+                    $r2 = (($r2 + ' . $keys[$j++] . ' +
+                           ((($r3 ^ $r0) & $r1) ^ $r3)) & 0xFFFF) << 3;
+                    $r2 |= $r2 >> 16;
+                    $r3 = (($r3 + ' . $keys[$j++] . ' +
+                           ((($r0 ^ $r1) & $r2) ^ $r0)) & 0xFFFF) << 5;
+                    $r3 |= $r3 >> 16;';
+                if ($j == $limit) {
+                    if ($limit == 64) {
+                        break;
+                    }
+                    // Mashing round.
+                    $encrypt_block .= '
+                        $r0 += $keys[$r3 & 0x3F];
+                        $r1 += $keys[$r0 & 0x3F];
+                        $r2 += $keys[$r1 & 0x3F];
+                        $r3 += $keys[$r2 & 0x3F];';
+                    $limit = $actions[$limit];
+                }
+            }
+            $encrypt_block .= '$in = pack("v4", $r0, $r1, $r2, $r3);';
+            // Create code for decryption.
+            $limit = 44;
+            $actions = array($limit => 20, 20 => 0);
+            $j = 64;
+            for (;;) {
+                // R-mixing round.
+                $decrypt_block .= '
+                    $r3 = ($r3 | ($r3 << 16)) >> 5;
+                    $r3 = ($r3 - ' . $keys[--$j] . ' -
+                           ((($r0 ^ $r1) & $r2) ^ $r0)) & 0xFFFF;
+                    $r2 = ($r2 | ($r2 << 16)) >> 3;
+                    $r2 = ($r2 - ' . $keys[--$j] . ' -
+                           ((($r3 ^ $r0) & $r1) ^ $r3)) & 0xFFFF;
+                    $r1 = ($r1 | ($r1 << 16)) >> 2;
+                    $r1 = ($r1 - ' . $keys[--$j] . ' -
+                           ((($r2 ^ $r3) & $r0) ^ $r2)) & 0xFFFF;
+                    $r0 = ($r0 | ($r0 << 16)) >> 1;
+                    $r0 = ($r0 - ' . $keys[--$j] . ' -
+                           ((($r1 ^ $r2) & $r3) ^ $r1)) & 0xFFFF;';
+                if ($j == $limit) {
+                    if (!$limit) {
+                        break;
+                    }
+                    // R-mashing round.
+                    $decrypt_block .= '
+                        $r3 = ($r3 - $keys[$r2 & 0x3F]) & 0xFFFF;
+                        $r2 = ($r2 - $keys[$r1 & 0x3F]) & 0xFFFF;
+                        $r1 = ($r1 - $keys[$r0 & 0x3F]) & 0xFFFF;
+                        $r0 = ($r0 - $keys[$r3 & 0x3F]) & 0xFFFF;';
+                    $limit = $actions[$limit];
+                }
+            }
+            $decrypt_block .= '$in = pack("v4", $r0, $r1, $r2, $r3);';
+            // Creates the inline-crypt function
+            $lambda_functions[$code_hash] = $this->_createInlineCryptFunction(
+                array(
+                   'init_crypt'    => $init_crypt,
+                   'encrypt_block' => $encrypt_block,
+                   'decrypt_block' => $decrypt_block
+                )
+            );
+        }
+        // Set the inline-crypt function as callback in: $this->inline_crypt
+        $this->inline_crypt = $lambda_functions[$code_hash];
+    }
+// vim: ts=4:sw=4:et:
+// vim6: fdl=1:
diff --git a/apps/files_external/3rdparty/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/RC4.php b/apps/files_external/3rdparty/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/RC4.php
index 390108e04800c99bde2053ec924cb7a53fd8459e..f6a9eae2fb72a129b4f018712a8b5f5a59d0c2f7 100644
--- a/apps/files_external/3rdparty/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/RC4.php
+++ b/apps/files_external/3rdparty/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/RC4.php
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
  *  - {@link http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RC4 - Wikipedia: RC4}
  * RC4 is also known as ARCFOUR or ARC4.  The reason is elaborated upon at Wikipedia.  This class is named RC4 and not
- * ARCFOUR or ARC4 because RC4 is how it is refered to in the SSH1 specification.
+ * ARCFOUR or ARC4 because RC4 is how it is referred to in the SSH1 specification.
  * Here's a short example of how to use this library:
  * <code>
@@ -41,10 +41,10 @@
  * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
  * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
  * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
- * 
+ *
  * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
  * all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
- * 
+ *
@@ -58,10 +58,18 @@
  * @author     Jim Wigginton <terrafrost@php.net>
  * @copyright  MMVII Jim Wigginton
  * @license    http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html  MIT License
- * @version    $Id: RC4.php,v 1.8 2009/06/09 04:00:38 terrafrost Exp $
  * @link       http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net
+ * Include Crypt_Base
+ *
+ * Base cipher class
+ */
+if (!class_exists('Crypt_Base')) {
+    require_once('Base.php');
  * @access private
  * @see Crypt_RC4::Crypt_RC4()
@@ -69,11 +77,11 @@
  * Toggles the internal implementation
-define('CRYPT_RC4_MODE_INTERNAL', 1);
  * Toggles the mcrypt implementation
-define('CRYPT_RC4_MODE_MCRYPT', 2);
@@ -92,201 +100,87 @@ define('CRYPT_RC4_DECRYPT', 1);
  * @access  public
  * @package Crypt_RC4
-class Crypt_RC4 {
+class Crypt_RC4 extends Crypt_Base {
-     * The Key
+     * Block Length of the cipher
-     * @see Crypt_RC4::setKey()
-     * @var String
+     * RC4 is a stream cipher 
+     * so we the block_size to 0
+     *
+     * @see Crypt_Base::block_size
+     * @var Integer 
      * @access private
-    var $key = "\0";
+    var $block_size = 0;
-     * The Key Stream for encryption
-     *
-     * If CRYPT_RC4_MODE == CRYPT_RC4_MODE_MCRYPT, this will be equal to the mcrypt object
+     * The default password key_size used by setPassword()
-     * @see Crypt_RC4::setKey()
-     * @var Array
+     * @see Crypt_Base::password_key_size
+     * @see Crypt_Base::setPassword()
+     * @var Integer
      * @access private
-    var $encryptStream = false;
+    var $password_key_size = 128; // = 1024 bits
-     * The Key Stream for decryption
-     *
-     * If CRYPT_RC4_MODE == CRYPT_RC4_MODE_MCRYPT, this will be equal to the mcrypt object
+     * The namespace used by the cipher for its constants.
-     * @see Crypt_RC4::setKey()
-     * @var Array
+     * @see Crypt_Base::const_namespace
+     * @var String
      * @access private
-    var $decryptStream = false;
+    var $const_namespace = 'RC4';
-     * The $i and $j indexes for encryption
+     * The mcrypt specific name of the cipher
-     * @see Crypt_RC4::_crypt()
-     * @var Integer
+     * @see Crypt_Base::cipher_name_mcrypt
+     * @var String
      * @access private
-    var $encryptIndex = 0;
+    var $cipher_name_mcrypt = 'arcfour';
-     * The $i and $j indexes for decryption
+     * Holds whether performance-optimized $inline_crypt() can/should be used.
-     * @see Crypt_RC4::_crypt()
-     * @var Integer
+     * @see Crypt_Base::inline_crypt
+     * @var mixed
      * @access private
-    var $decryptIndex = 0;
+    var $use_inline_crypt = false; // currently not available
-     * The Encryption Algorithm
-     *
-     * Only used if CRYPT_RC4_MODE == CRYPT_RC4_MODE_MCRYPT.  Only possible values are MCRYPT_RC4 or MCRYPT_ARCFOUR.
+     * The Key
-     * @see Crypt_RC4::Crypt_RC4()
-     * @var Integer
+     * @see Crypt_RC4::setKey()
+     * @var String
      * @access private
-    var $mode;
+    var $key = "\0";
-     * Continuous Buffer status
+     * The Key Stream for decryption and encryption
-     * @see Crypt_RC4::enableContinuousBuffer()
-     * @var Boolean
+     * @see Crypt_RC4::setKey()
+     * @var Array
      * @access private
-    var $continuousBuffer = false;
+    var $stream;
      * Default Constructor.
      * Determines whether or not the mcrypt extension should be used.
+     * @see Crypt_Base::Crypt_Base()
      * @return Crypt_RC4
      * @access public
     function Crypt_RC4()
-        if ( !defined('CRYPT_RC4_MODE') ) {
-            switch (true) {
-                case extension_loaded('mcrypt') && (defined('MCRYPT_ARCFOUR') || defined('MCRYPT_RC4')) && in_array('arcfour', mcrypt_list_algorithms()):
-                    define('CRYPT_RC4_MODE', CRYPT_RC4_MODE_MCRYPT);
-                    break;
-                default:
-                    define('CRYPT_RC4_MODE', CRYPT_RC4_MODE_INTERNAL);
-            }
-        }
-        switch ( CRYPT_RC4_MODE ) {
-            case CRYPT_RC4_MODE_MCRYPT:
-                switch (true) {
-                    case defined('MCRYPT_ARCFOUR'):
-                        $this->mode = MCRYPT_ARCFOUR;
-                        break;
-                    case defined('MCRYPT_RC4');
-                        $this->mode = MCRYPT_RC4;
-                }
-                $this->encryptStream = mcrypt_module_open($this->mode, '', MCRYPT_MODE_STREAM, '');
-                $this->decryptStream = mcrypt_module_open($this->mode, '', MCRYPT_MODE_STREAM, '');
-        }
-    }
-    /**
-     * Sets the key.
-     *
-     * Keys can be between 1 and 256 bytes long.  If they are longer then 256 bytes, the first 256 bytes will
-     * be used.  If no key is explicitly set, it'll be assumed to be a single null byte.
-     *
-     * @access public
-     * @param String $key
-     */
-    function setKey($key)
-    {
-        $this->key = $key;
-        if ( CRYPT_RC4_MODE == CRYPT_RC4_MODE_MCRYPT ) {
-            mcrypt_generic_init($this->encryptStream, $this->key, '');
-            mcrypt_generic_init($this->decryptStream, $this->key, '');
-            return;
-        }
-        $keyLength = strlen($key);
-        $keyStream = array();
-        for ($i = 0; $i < 256; $i++) {
-            $keyStream[$i] = $i;
-        }
-        $j = 0;
-        for ($i = 0; $i < 256; $i++) {
-            $j = ($j + $keyStream[$i] + ord($key[$i % $keyLength])) & 255;
-            $temp = $keyStream[$i];
-            $keyStream[$i] = $keyStream[$j];
-            $keyStream[$j] = $temp;
-        }
-        $this->encryptIndex = $this->decryptIndex = array(0, 0);
-        $this->encryptStream = $this->decryptStream = $keyStream;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Sets the password.
-     *
-     * Depending on what $method is set to, setPassword()'s (optional) parameters are as follows:
-     *     {@link http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PBKDF2 pbkdf2}:
-     *         $hash, $salt, $count, $dkLen
-     *
-     * @param String $password
-     * @param optional String $method
-     * @access public
-     */
-    function setPassword($password, $method = 'pbkdf2')
-    {
-        $key = '';
-        switch ($method) {
-            default: // 'pbkdf2'
-                list(, , $hash, $salt, $count) = func_get_args();
-                if (!isset($hash)) {
-                    $hash = 'sha1';
-                }
-                // WPA and WPA2 use the SSID as the salt
-                if (!isset($salt)) {
-                    $salt = 'phpseclib/salt';
-                }
-                // RFC2898#section-4.2 uses 1,000 iterations by default
-                // WPA and WPA2 use 4,096.
-                if (!isset($count)) {
-                    $count = 1000;
-                }
-                if (!isset($dkLen)) {
-                    $dkLen = 128;
-                }
-                if (!class_exists('Crypt_Hash')) {
-                    require_once('Crypt/Hash.php');
-                }
-                $i = 1;
-                while (strlen($key) < $dkLen) {
-                    //$dk.= $this->_pbkdf($password, $salt, $count, $i++);
-                    $hmac = new Crypt_Hash();
-                    $hmac->setHash($hash);
-                    $hmac->setKey($password);
-                    $f = $u = $hmac->hash($salt . pack('N', $i++));
-                    for ($j = 2; $j <= $count; $j++) {
-                        $u = $hmac->hash($u);
-                        $f^= $u;
-                    }
-                    $key.= $f;
-                }
-        }
-        $this->setKey(substr($key, 0, $dkLen));
+        parent::Crypt_Base(CRYPT_MODE_STREAM);
@@ -312,15 +206,35 @@ class Crypt_RC4 {
+    /**
+     * Sets the key.
+     *
+     * Keys can be between 1 and 256 bytes long.  If they are longer then 256 bytes, the first 256 bytes will
+     * be used.  If no key is explicitly set, it'll be assumed to be a single null byte.
+     *
+     * @access public
+     * @see Crypt_Base::setKey()
+     * @param String $key
+     */
+    function setKey($key)
+    {
+        parent::setKey(substr($key, 0, 256));
+    }
      * Encrypts a message.
+     * @see Crypt_Base::decrypt()
      * @see Crypt_RC4::_crypt()
      * @access public
      * @param String $plaintext
+     * @return String $ciphertext
     function encrypt($plaintext)
+        if ($this->engine == CRYPT_MODE_MCRYPT) {
+            return parent::encrypt($plaintext);
+        }
         return $this->_crypt($plaintext, CRYPT_RC4_ENCRYPT);
@@ -330,190 +244,94 @@ class Crypt_RC4 {
      * $this->decrypt($this->encrypt($plaintext)) == $this->encrypt($this->encrypt($plaintext)).
      * Atleast if the continuous buffer is disabled.
+     * @see Crypt_Base::encrypt()
      * @see Crypt_RC4::_crypt()
      * @access public
      * @param String $ciphertext
+     * @return String $plaintext
     function decrypt($ciphertext)
+        if ($this->engine == CRYPT_MODE_MCRYPT) {
+            return parent::decrypt($ciphertext);
+        }
         return $this->_crypt($ciphertext, CRYPT_RC4_DECRYPT);
-     * Encrypts or decrypts a message.
+     * Setup the key (expansion)
-     * @see Crypt_RC4::encrypt()
-     * @see Crypt_RC4::decrypt()
+     * @see Crypt_Base::_setupKey()
      * @access private
-     * @param String $text
-     * @param Integer $mode
-    function _crypt($text, $mode)
+    function _setupKey()
-        if ( CRYPT_RC4_MODE == CRYPT_RC4_MODE_MCRYPT ) {
-            $keyStream = $mode == CRYPT_RC4_ENCRYPT ? 'encryptStream' : 'decryptStream';
-            if (!$this->continuousBuffer) {
-                mcrypt_generic_init($this->$keyStream, $this->key, '');
-            }
-            return mcrypt_generic($this->$keyStream, $text);
-        }
-        if ($this->encryptStream === false) {
-            $this->setKey($this->key);
-        }
-        switch ($mode) {
-            case CRYPT_RC4_ENCRYPT:
-                $keyStream = $this->encryptStream;
-                list($i, $j) = $this->encryptIndex;
-                break;
-            case CRYPT_RC4_DECRYPT:
-                $keyStream = $this->decryptStream;
-                list($i, $j) = $this->decryptIndex;
+        $key = $this->key;
+        $keyLength = strlen($key);
+        $keyStream = array();
+        for ($i = 0; $i < 256; $i++) {
+            $keyStream[$i] = $i;
-        $newText = '';
-        for ($k = 0; $k < strlen($text); $k++) {
-            $i = ($i + 1) & 255;
-            $j = ($j + $keyStream[$i]) & 255;
+        $j = 0;
+        for ($i = 0; $i < 256; $i++) {
+            $j = ($j + $keyStream[$i] + ord($key[$i % $keyLength])) & 255;
             $temp = $keyStream[$i];
             $keyStream[$i] = $keyStream[$j];
             $keyStream[$j] = $temp;
-            $temp = $keyStream[($keyStream[$i] + $keyStream[$j]) & 255];
-            $newText.= chr(ord($text[$k]) ^ $temp);
-        }
-        if ($this->continuousBuffer) {
-            switch ($mode) {
-                case CRYPT_RC4_ENCRYPT:
-                    $this->encryptStream = $keyStream;
-                    $this->encryptIndex = array($i, $j);
-                    break;
-                case CRYPT_RC4_DECRYPT:
-                    $this->decryptStream = $keyStream;
-                    $this->decryptIndex = array($i, $j);
-            }
-        return $newText;
+        $this->stream = array();
+        $this->stream[CRYPT_RC4_DECRYPT] = $this->stream[CRYPT_RC4_ENCRYPT] = array(
+            0, // index $i
+            0, // index $j
+            $keyStream
+        );
-     * Treat consecutive "packets" as if they are a continuous buffer.
-     *
-     * Say you have a 16-byte plaintext $plaintext.  Using the default behavior, the two following code snippets
-     * will yield different outputs:
-     *
-     * <code>
-     *    echo $rc4->encrypt(substr($plaintext, 0, 8));
-     *    echo $rc4->encrypt(substr($plaintext, 8, 8));
-     * </code>
-     * <code>
-     *    echo $rc4->encrypt($plaintext);
-     * </code>
-     *
-     * The solution is to enable the continuous buffer.  Although this will resolve the above discrepancy, it creates
-     * another, as demonstrated with the following:
-     *
-     * <code>
-     *    $rc4->encrypt(substr($plaintext, 0, 8));
-     *    echo $rc4->decrypt($des->encrypt(substr($plaintext, 8, 8)));
-     * </code>
-     * <code>
-     *    echo $rc4->decrypt($des->encrypt(substr($plaintext, 8, 8)));
-     * </code>
-     *
-     * With the continuous buffer disabled, these would yield the same output.  With it enabled, they yield different
-     * outputs.  The reason is due to the fact that the initialization vector's change after every encryption /
-     * decryption round when the continuous buffer is enabled.  When it's disabled, they remain constant.
-     *
-     * Put another way, when the continuous buffer is enabled, the state of the Crypt_DES() object changes after each
-     * encryption / decryption round, whereas otherwise, it'd remain constant.  For this reason, it's recommended that
-     * continuous buffers not be used.  They do offer better security and are, in fact, sometimes required (SSH uses them),
-     * however, they are also less intuitive and more likely to cause you problems.
+     * Encrypts or decrypts a message.
-     * @see Crypt_RC4::disableContinuousBuffer()
-     * @access public
+     * @see Crypt_RC4::encrypt()
+     * @see Crypt_RC4::decrypt()
+     * @access private
+     * @param String $text
+     * @param Integer $mode
+     * @return String $text
-    function enableContinuousBuffer()
+    function _crypt($text, $mode)
-        if ( CRYPT_RC4_MODE == CRYPT_RC4_MODE_MCRYPT ) {
-            mcrypt_generic_init($this->encryptStream, $this->key, '');
-            mcrypt_generic_init($this->decryptStream, $this->key, '');
+        if ($this->changed) {
+            $this->_setup();
+            $this->changed = false;
-        $this->continuousBuffer = true;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Treat consecutive packets as if they are a discontinuous buffer.
-     *
-     * The default behavior.
-     *
-     * @see Crypt_RC4::enableContinuousBuffer()
-     * @access public
-     */
-    function disableContinuousBuffer()
-    {
-            $this->encryptIndex = $this->decryptIndex = array(0, 0);
-            $this->encryptStream = $this->decryptStream = false;
+        $stream = &$this->stream[$mode];
+        if ($this->continuousBuffer) {
+            $i = &$stream[0];
+            $j = &$stream[1];
+            $keyStream = &$stream[2];
+        } else {
+            $i = $stream[0];
+            $j = $stream[1];
+            $keyStream = $stream[2];
-        $this->continuousBuffer = false;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Dummy function.
-     *
-     * Since RC4 is a stream cipher and not a block cipher, no padding is necessary.  The only reason this function is
-     * included is so that you can switch between a block cipher and a stream cipher transparently.
-     *
-     * @see Crypt_RC4::disablePadding()
-     * @access public
-     */
-    function enablePadding()
-    {
-    }
-    /**
-     * Dummy function.
-     *
-     * @see Crypt_RC4::enablePadding()
-     * @access public
-     */
-    function disablePadding()
-    {
-    }
+        $len = strlen($text);
+        for ($k = 0; $k < $len; ++$k) {
+            $i = ($i + 1) & 255;
+            $ksi = $keyStream[$i];
+            $j = ($j + $ksi) & 255;
+            $ksj = $keyStream[$j];
-    /**
-     * Class destructor.
-     *
-     * Will be called, automatically, if you're using PHP5.  If you're using PHP4, call it yourself.  Only really
-     * needs to be called if mcrypt is being used.
-     *
-     * @access public
-     */
-    function __destruct()
-    {
-        if ( CRYPT_RC4_MODE == CRYPT_RC4_MODE_MCRYPT ) {
-            $this->_closeMCrypt();
+            $keyStream[$i] = $ksj;
+            $keyStream[$j] = $ksi;
+            $text[$k] = chr(ord($text[$k]) ^ $keyStream[($ksj + $ksi) & 255]);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Properly close the MCrypt objects.
-     *
-     * @access prviate
-     */
-    function _closeMCrypt()
-    {
-        mcrypt_module_close($this->encryptStream);
-        mcrypt_module_close($this->decryptStream);
+        return $text;
 // vim: ts=4:sw=4:et:
-// vim6: fdl=1:
\ No newline at end of file
+// vim6: fdl=1:
diff --git a/apps/files_external/3rdparty/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/RSA.php b/apps/files_external/3rdparty/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/RSA.php
index db1ba1581b684001eaadad51f2bc086171036746..92ebfdf7236d22e75197c14a8371b2526c401c31 100644
--- a/apps/files_external/3rdparty/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/RSA.php
+++ b/apps/files_external/3rdparty/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/RSA.php
@@ -65,17 +65,9 @@
  * @author     Jim Wigginton <terrafrost@php.net>
  * @copyright  MMIX Jim Wigginton
  * @license    http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html  MIT License
- * @version    $Id: RSA.php,v 1.19 2010/09/12 21:58:54 terrafrost Exp $
  * @link       http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net
- * Include Math_BigInteger
- */
-if (!class_exists('Math_BigInteger')) {
-    require_once('Math/BigInteger.php');
  * Include Crypt_Random
@@ -83,15 +75,15 @@ if (!class_exists('Math_BigInteger')) {
 // will trigger a call to __autoload() if you're wanting to auto-load classes
 // call function_exists() a second time to stop the require_once from being called outside
 // of the auto loader
-if (!function_exists('crypt_random_string') && !class_exists('Crypt_Random') && !function_exists('crypt_random_string')) {
-    require_once('Crypt/Random.php');
+if (!function_exists('crypt_random_string')) {
+    require_once('Random.php');
  * Include Crypt_Hash
 if (!class_exists('Crypt_Hash')) {
-    require_once('Crypt/Hash.php');
+    require_once('Hash.php');
@@ -181,7 +173,6 @@ define('CRYPT_RSA_MODE_OPENSSL', 2);
 define('CRYPT_RSA_OPENSSL_CONFIG', dirname(__FILE__) . '/../openssl.cnf');
  * @access public
  * @see Crypt_RSA::createKey()
@@ -449,6 +440,14 @@ class Crypt_RSA {
     var $configFile;
+    /**
+     * Public key comment field.
+     *
+     * @var String
+     * @access private
+     */
+    var $comment = 'phpseclib-generated-key';
      * The constructor
@@ -461,22 +460,54 @@ class Crypt_RSA {
     function Crypt_RSA()
+        if (!class_exists('Math_BigInteger')) {
+            require_once('Math/BigInteger.php');
+        }
         $this->configFile = CRYPT_RSA_OPENSSL_CONFIG;
         if ( !defined('CRYPT_RSA_MODE') ) {
-            switch (true) {
-                case extension_loaded('openssl') && version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '4.2.0', '>='):
-                    define('CRYPT_RSA_MODE', CRYPT_RSA_MODE_OPENSSL);
+            // Math/BigInteger's openssl requirements are a little less stringent than Crypt/RSA's. in particular,
+            // Math/BigInteger doesn't require an openssl.cfg file whereas Crypt/RSA does. so if Math/BigInteger
+            // can't use OpenSSL it can be pretty trivially assumed, then, that Crypt/RSA can't either.
+            if ( defined('MATH_BIGINTEGER_OPENSSL_DISABLE') ) {
+                define('CRYPT_RSA_MODE', CRYPT_RSA_MODE_INTERNAL);
+            }
+            switch ( !defined('CRYPT_RSA_MODE') ) { // ie. only run this if the above didn't set CRYPT_RSA_MODE already
+                case extension_loaded('openssl') && version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '4.2.0', '>=') && file_exists($this->configFile):
+                    // some versions of XAMPP have mismatched versions of OpenSSL which causes it not to work
+                    ob_start();
+                    phpinfo();
+                    $content = ob_get_contents();
+                    ob_end_clean();
+                    preg_match_all('#OpenSSL (Header|Library) Version(.*)#im', $content, $matches);
+                    $versions = array();
+                    if (!empty($matches[1])) {
+                       for ($i = 0; $i < count($matches[1]); $i++) {
+                          $versions[$matches[1][$i]] = trim(str_replace('=>', '', strip_tags($matches[2][$i])));
+                       }
+                    }
+                    // it doesn't appear that OpenSSL versions were reported upon until PHP 5.3+
+                    switch (true) {
+                        case !isset($versions['Header']):
+                        case !isset($versions['Library']):
+                        case $versions['Header'] == $versions['Library']:
+                            define('CRYPT_RSA_MODE', CRYPT_RSA_MODE_OPENSSL);
+                            break;
+                        default:
+                            define('CRYPT_RSA_MODE', CRYPT_RSA_MODE_INTERNAL);
+                            define('MATH_BIGINTEGER_OPENSSL_DISABLE', true);
+                    }
-                default:
+                case true:
                     define('CRYPT_RSA_MODE', CRYPT_RSA_MODE_INTERNAL);
-        if (!defined('CRYPT_RSA_COMMENT')) {
-            define('CRYPT_RSA_COMMENT', 'phpseclib-generated-key');
-        }
         $this->zero = new Math_BigInteger();
         $this->one = new Math_BigInteger(1);
@@ -642,12 +673,12 @@ class Crypt_RSA {
                 $exponents[$i] = $e->modInverse($temp);
-            list($lcm) = $lcm['top']->divide($lcm['bottom']);
-            $gcd = $lcm->gcd($e);
+            list($temp) = $lcm['top']->divide($lcm['bottom']);
+            $gcd = $temp->gcd($e);
             $i0 = 1;
         } while (!$gcd->equals($this->one));
-        $d = $e->modInverse($lcm);
+        $d = $e->modInverse($temp);
         $coefficients[2] = $primes[2]->modInverse($primes[1]);
@@ -720,16 +751,16 @@ class Crypt_RSA {
                 $key = "PuTTY-User-Key-File-2: ssh-rsa\r\nEncryption: ";
                 $encryption = (!empty($this->password) || is_string($this->password)) ? 'aes256-cbc' : 'none';
                 $key.= $encryption;
-                $key.= "\r\nComment: " . CRYPT_RSA_COMMENT . "\r\n";
+                $key.= "\r\nComment: " . $this->comment . "\r\n";
                 $public = pack('Na*Na*Na*',
                     strlen('ssh-rsa'), 'ssh-rsa', strlen($raw['publicExponent']), $raw['publicExponent'], strlen($raw['modulus']), $raw['modulus']
                 $source = pack('Na*Na*Na*Na*',
                               strlen('ssh-rsa'), 'ssh-rsa', strlen($encryption), $encryption,
-                              strlen(CRYPT_RSA_COMMENT), CRYPT_RSA_COMMENT, strlen($public), $public
+                              strlen($this->comment), $this->comment, strlen($public), $public
                 $public = base64_encode($public);
-                $key.= "Public-Lines: " . ((strlen($public) + 32) >> 6) . "\r\n";
+                $key.= "Public-Lines: " . ((strlen($public) + 63) >> 6) . "\r\n";
                 $key.= chunk_split($public, 64);
                 $private = pack('Na*Na*Na*Na*',
                     strlen($raw['privateExponent']), $raw['privateExponent'], strlen($raw['prime1']), $raw['prime1'],
@@ -760,7 +791,7 @@ class Crypt_RSA {
                 $private = base64_encode($private);
-                $key.= 'Private-Lines: ' . ((strlen($private) + 32) >> 6) . "\r\n";
+                $key.= 'Private-Lines: ' . ((strlen($private) + 63) >> 6) . "\r\n";
                 $key.= chunk_split($private, 64);
                 if (!class_exists('Crypt_Hash')) {
@@ -853,7 +884,7 @@ class Crypt_RSA {
                 // mpint     e
                 // mpint     n
                 $RSAPublicKey = pack('Na*Na*Na*', strlen('ssh-rsa'), 'ssh-rsa', strlen($publicExponent), $publicExponent, strlen($modulus), $modulus);
-                $RSAPublicKey = 'ssh-rsa ' . base64_encode($RSAPublicKey) . ' ' . CRYPT_RSA_COMMENT;
+                $RSAPublicKey = 'ssh-rsa ' . base64_encode($RSAPublicKey) . ' ' . $this->comment;
                 return $RSAPublicKey;
@@ -960,13 +991,19 @@ class Crypt_RSA {
                 if (preg_match('#DEK-Info: (.+),(.+)#', $key, $matches)) {
                     $iv = pack('H*', trim($matches[2]));
                     $symkey = pack('H*', md5($this->password . substr($iv, 0, 8))); // symkey is short for symmetric key
-                    $symkey.= substr(pack('H*', md5($symkey . $this->password . $iv)), 0, 8);
+                    $symkey.= pack('H*', md5($symkey . $this->password . substr($iv, 0, 8)));
                     $ciphertext = preg_replace('#.+(\r|\n|\r\n)\1|[\r\n]|-.+-| #s', '', $key);
                     $ciphertext = preg_match('#^[a-zA-Z\d/+]*={0,2}$#', $ciphertext) ? base64_decode($ciphertext) : false;
                     if ($ciphertext === false) {
                         $ciphertext = $key;
                     switch ($matches[1]) {
+                        case 'AES-256-CBC':
+                            if (!class_exists('Crypt_AES')) {
+                                require_once('Crypt/AES.php');
+                            }
+                            $crypto = new Crypt_AES();
+                            break;
                         case 'AES-128-CBC':
                             if (!class_exists('Crypt_AES')) {
@@ -984,6 +1021,7 @@ class Crypt_RSA {
                             if (!class_exists('Crypt_TripleDES')) {
+                            $symkey = substr($symkey, 0, 24);
                             $crypto = new Crypt_TripleDES();
                         case 'DES-CBC':
@@ -1121,11 +1159,15 @@ class Crypt_RSA {
                 return $components;
-                $key = base64_decode(preg_replace('#^ssh-rsa | .+$#', '', $key));
+                $parts = explode(' ', $key, 3);
+                $key = isset($parts[1]) ? base64_decode($parts[1]) : false;
                 if ($key === false) {
                     return false;
+                $comment = isset($parts[2]) ? $parts[2] : false;
                 $cleanup = substr($key, 0, 11) == "\0\0\0\7ssh-rsa";
                 if (strlen($key) <= 4) {
@@ -1147,12 +1189,14 @@ class Crypt_RSA {
                     $realModulus = new Math_BigInteger($this->_string_shift($key, $length), -256);
                     return strlen($key) ? false : array(
                         'modulus' => $realModulus,
-                        'publicExponent' => $modulus
+                        'publicExponent' => $modulus,
+                        'comment' => $comment
                 } else {
                     return strlen($key) ? false : array(
                         'modulus' => $modulus,
-                        'publicExponent' => $publicExponent
+                        'publicExponent' => $publicExponent,
+                        'comment' => $comment
             // http://www.w3.org/TR/xmldsig-core/#sec-RSAKeyValue
@@ -1180,6 +1224,7 @@ class Crypt_RSA {
                     return false;
                 $encryption = trim(preg_replace('#Encryption: (.+)#', '$1', $key[1]));
+                $comment = trim(preg_replace('#Comment: (.+)#', '$1', $key[2]));
                 $publicLength = trim(preg_replace('#Public-Lines: (\d+)#', '$1', $key[3]));
                 $public = base64_decode(implode('', array_map('trim', array_slice($key, 4, $publicLength))));
@@ -1297,9 +1342,6 @@ class Crypt_RSA {
             case 'D':
                 $this->current = &$this->components['privateExponent'];
-                break;
-            default:
-                unset($this->current);
         $this->current = '';
@@ -1315,11 +1357,10 @@ class Crypt_RSA {
     function _stop_element_handler($parser, $name)
-        //$name = strtoupper($name);
-        if ($name == 'RSAKEYVALUE') {
-            return;
+        if (isset($this->current)) {
+            $this->current = new Math_BigInteger(base64_decode($this->current), 256);
+            unset($this->current);
-        $this->current = new Math_BigInteger(base64_decode($this->current), 256);
@@ -1350,6 +1391,53 @@ class Crypt_RSA {
     function loadKey($key, $type = false)
+        if (is_object($key) && strtolower(get_class($key)) == 'crypt_rsa') {
+            $this->privateKeyFormat = $key->privateKeyFormat;
+            $this->publicKeyFormat = $key->publicKeyFormat;
+            $this->k = $key->k;
+            $this->hLen = $key->hLen;
+            $this->sLen = $key->sLen;
+            $this->mgfHLen = $key->mgfHLen;
+            $this->encryptionMode = $key->encryptionMode;
+            $this->signatureMode = $key->signatureMode;
+            $this->password = $key->password;
+            $this->configFile = $key->configFile;
+            $this->comment = $key->comment;
+            if (is_object($key->hash)) {
+                $this->hash = new Crypt_Hash($key->hash->getHash());
+            }
+            if (is_object($key->mgfHash)) {
+                $this->mgfHash = new Crypt_Hash($key->mgfHash->getHash());
+            }
+            if (is_object($key->modulus)) {
+                $this->modulus = $key->modulus->copy();
+            }
+            if (is_object($key->exponent)) {
+                $this->exponent = $key->exponent->copy();
+            }
+            if (is_object($key->publicExponent)) {
+                $this->publicExponent = $key->publicExponent->copy();
+            }
+            $this->primes = array();
+            $this->exponents = array();
+            $this->coefficients = array();
+            foreach ($this->primes as $prime) {
+                $this->primes[] = $prime->copy();
+            }
+            foreach ($this->exponents as $exponent) {
+                $this->exponents[] = $exponent->copy();
+            }
+            foreach ($this->coefficients as $coefficient) {
+                $this->coefficients[] = $coefficient->copy();
+            }
+            return true;
+        }
         if ($type === false) {
             $types = array(
@@ -1373,6 +1461,9 @@ class Crypt_RSA {
             return false;
+        if (isset($components['comment']) && $components['comment'] !== false) {
+            $this->comment = $components['comment'];
+        }
         $this->modulus = $components['modulus'];
         $this->k = strlen($this->modulus->toBytes());
         $this->exponent = isset($components['privateExponent']) ? $components['privateExponent'] : $components['publicExponent'];
@@ -1428,6 +1519,11 @@ class Crypt_RSA {
     function setPublicKey($key = false, $type = false)
+        // if a public key has already been loaded return false
+        if (!empty($this->publicExponent)) {
+            return false;
+        }
         if ($key === false && !empty($this->modulus)) {
             $this->publicExponent = $this->exponent;
             return true;
@@ -1552,6 +1648,18 @@ class Crypt_RSA {
         return $key !== false ? $key : '';
+    /**
+     *  __clone() magic method
+     *
+     * @access public
+     */
+    function __clone()
+    {
+        $key = new Crypt_RSA();
+        $key->loadKey($this);
+        return $key;
+    }
      * Generates the smallest and largest numbers requiring $bits bits
@@ -1582,7 +1690,7 @@ class Crypt_RSA {
      * DER-decode the length
      * DER supports lengths up to (2**8)**127, however, we'll only support lengths up to (2**8)**4.  See
-     * {@link http://itu.int/ITU-T/studygroups/com17/languages/X.690-0207.pdf#p=13 X.690 § 8.1.3} for more information.
+     * {@link http://itu.int/ITU-T/studygroups/com17/languages/X.690-0207.pdf#p=13 X.690 paragraph 8.1.3} for more information.
      * @access private
      * @param String $string
@@ -1603,7 +1711,7 @@ class Crypt_RSA {
      * DER-encode the length
      * DER supports lengths up to (2**8)**127, however, we'll only support lengths up to (2**8)**4.  See
-     * {@link http://itu.int/ITU-T/studygroups/com17/languages/X.690-0207.pdf#p=13 X.690 § 8.1.3} for more information.
+     * {@link http://itu.int/ITU-T/studygroups/com17/languages/X.690-0207.pdf#p=13 X.690 paragraph 8.1.3} for more information.
      * @access private
      * @param Integer $length
@@ -1872,7 +1980,7 @@ class Crypt_RSA {
      * Protects against a particular type of timing attack described.
-     * See {@link http://codahale.com/a-lesson-in-timing-attacks/ A Lesson In Timing Attacks (or, Don’t use MessageDigest.isEquals)}
+     * See {@link http://codahale.com/a-lesson-in-timing-attacks/ A Lesson In Timing Attacks (or, Don't use MessageDigest.isEquals)}
      * Thanks for the heads up singpolyma!
@@ -2135,6 +2243,7 @@ class Crypt_RSA {
         // EME-PKCS1-v1_5 encoding
         $psLen = $this->k - $mLen - 3;
         $ps = '';
         while (strlen($ps) != $psLen) {
@@ -2142,7 +2251,14 @@ class Crypt_RSA {
             $temp = str_replace("\x00", '', $temp);
             $ps.= $temp;
-        $em = chr(0) . chr(2) . $ps . chr(0) . $m;
+        $type = 2;
+        // see the comments of _rsaes_pkcs1_v1_5_decrypt() to understand why this is being done
+        if (defined('CRYPT_RSA_PKCS15_COMPAT') && (!isset($this->publicExponent) || $this->exponent !== $this->publicExponent)) {
+            $type = 1;
+            // "The padding string PS shall consist of k-3-||D|| octets. ... for block type 01, they shall have value FF"
+            $ps = str_repeat("\xFF", $psLen);
+        }
+        $em = chr(0) . chr($type) . $ps . chr(0) . $m;
         // RSA encryption
         $m = $this->_os2ip($em);
@@ -2515,6 +2631,28 @@ class Crypt_RSA {
         $this->signatureMode = $mode;
+    /**
+     * Set public key comment.
+     *
+     * @access public
+     * @param String $comment
+     */
+    function setComment($comment)
+    {
+        $this->comment = $comment;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Get public key comment.
+     *
+     * @access public
+     * @return String
+     */
+    function getComment()
+    {
+        return $this->comment;
+    }
      * Encryption
diff --git a/apps/files_external/3rdparty/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/Random.php b/apps/files_external/3rdparty/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/Random.php
index a60857df95ddf12870d91934822cb4aaad3cd330..8532aab5a5913d9acdaf84d3afe978171cccb3c2 100644
--- a/apps/files_external/3rdparty/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/Random.php
+++ b/apps/files_external/3rdparty/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/Random.php
@@ -21,10 +21,10 @@
  * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
  * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
  * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
- * 
+ *
  * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
  * all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
- * 
+ *
@@ -38,10 +38,16 @@
  * @author     Jim Wigginton <terrafrost@php.net>
  * @copyright  MMVII Jim Wigginton
  * @license    http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html  MIT License
- * @version    $Id: Random.php,v 1.9 2010/04/24 06:40:48 terrafrost Exp $
  * @link       http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net
+ * "Is Windows" test
+ *
+ * @access private
+ */
+define('CRYPT_RANDOM_IS_WINDOWS', strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) === 'WIN');
  * Generate a random string.
@@ -53,9 +59,9 @@
  * @return String
  * @access public
-function crypt_random_string($length) {
-    // PHP_OS & "\xDF\xDF\xDF" == strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)), but a lot faster
-    if ((PHP_OS & "\xDF\xDF\xDF") === 'WIN') {
+function crypt_random_string($length)
         // method 1. prior to PHP 5.3 this would call rand() on windows hence the function_exists('class_alias') call.
         // ie. class_alias is a function that was introduced in PHP 5.3
         if (function_exists('mcrypt_create_iv') && function_exists('class_alias')) {
@@ -143,7 +149,7 @@ function crypt_random_string($length) {
             serialize($_POST) .
             serialize($_GET) .
             serialize($_COOKIE) .
-            serialize($_GLOBAL) .
+            serialize($GLOBALS) .
             serialize($_SESSION) .
diff --git a/apps/files_external/3rdparty/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/Rijndael.php b/apps/files_external/3rdparty/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/Rijndael.php
index 335d5233c4d6c537d4cdf72c16a02f5ce6c4f58a..c63e0ff7e3f4c7ef07add63b4b72886ea0675c2a 100644
--- a/apps/files_external/3rdparty/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/Rijndael.php
+++ b/apps/files_external/3rdparty/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/Rijndael.php
@@ -4,25 +4,26 @@
  * Pure-PHP implementation of Rijndael.
- * Does not use mcrypt, even when available, for reasons that are explained below.
+ * Uses mcrypt, if available/possible, and an internal implementation, otherwise.
  * PHP versions 4 and 5
- * If {@link Crypt_Rijndael::setBlockLength() setBlockLength()} isn't called, it'll be assumed to be 128 bits.  If 
- * {@link Crypt_Rijndael::setKeyLength() setKeyLength()} isn't called, it'll be calculated from 
- * {@link Crypt_Rijndael::setKey() setKey()}.  ie. if the key is 128-bits, the key length will be 128-bits.  If it's 
- * 136-bits it'll be null-padded to 160-bits and 160 bits will be the key length until 
+ * If {@link Crypt_Rijndael::setBlockLength() setBlockLength()} isn't called, it'll be assumed to be 128 bits.  If
+ * {@link Crypt_Rijndael::setKeyLength() setKeyLength()} isn't called, it'll be calculated from
+ * {@link Crypt_Rijndael::setKey() setKey()}.  ie. if the key is 128-bits, the key length will be 128-bits.  If it's
+ * 136-bits it'll be null-padded to 192-bits and 192 bits will be the key length until
  * {@link Crypt_Rijndael::setKey() setKey()} is called, again, at which point, it'll be recalculated.
  * Not all Rijndael implementations may support 160-bits or 224-bits as the block length / key length.  mcrypt, for example,
  * does not.  AES, itself, only supports block lengths of 128 and key lengths of 128, 192, and 256.
  * {@link http://csrc.nist.gov/archive/aes/rijndael/Rijndael-ammended.pdf#page=10 Rijndael-ammended.pdf#page=10} defines the
  * algorithm for block lengths of 192 and 256 but not for block lengths / key lengths of 160 and 224.  Indeed, 160 and 224
- * are first defined as valid key / block lengths in 
- * {@link http://csrc.nist.gov/archive/aes/rijndael/Rijndael-ammended.pdf#page=44 Rijndael-ammended.pdf#page=44}: 
+ * are first defined as valid key / block lengths in
+ * {@link http://csrc.nist.gov/archive/aes/rijndael/Rijndael-ammended.pdf#page=44 Rijndael-ammended.pdf#page=44}:
  * Extensions: Other block and Cipher Key lengths.
+ * Note: Use of 160/224-bit Keys must be explicitly set by setKeyLength(160) respectively setKeyLength(224).
- * {@internal The variable names are the same as those in 
+ * {@internal The variable names are the same as those in
  * {@link http://www.csrc.nist.gov/publications/fips/fips197/fips-197.pdf#page=10 fips-197.pdf#page=10}.}}
  * Here's a short example of how to use this library:
@@ -50,10 +51,10 @@
  * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
  * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
  * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
- * 
+ *
  * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
  * all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
- * 
+ *
@@ -67,10 +68,18 @@
  * @author     Jim Wigginton <terrafrost@php.net>
  * @copyright  MMVIII Jim Wigginton
  * @license    http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html  MIT License
- * @version    $Id: Rijndael.php,v 1.12 2010/02/09 06:10:26 terrafrost Exp $
  * @link       http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net
+ * Include Crypt_Base
+ *
+ * Base cipher class
+ */
+if (!class_exists('Crypt_Base')) {
+    require_once('Base.php');
  * @access public
  * @see Crypt_Rijndael::encrypt()
@@ -83,31 +92,31 @@
  * @link http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Block_cipher_modes_of_operation#Counter_.28CTR.29
  * Encrypt / decrypt using the Electronic Code Book mode.
  * @link http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Block_cipher_modes_of_operation#Electronic_codebook_.28ECB.29
  * Encrypt / decrypt using the Code Book Chaining mode.
  * @link http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Block_cipher_modes_of_operation#Cipher-block_chaining_.28CBC.29
  * Encrypt / decrypt using the Cipher Feedback mode.
  * @link http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Block_cipher_modes_of_operation#Cipher_feedback_.28CFB.29
  * Encrypt / decrypt using the Cipher Feedback mode.
  * @link http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Block_cipher_modes_of_operation#Output_feedback_.28OFB.29
@@ -117,11 +126,11 @@ define('CRYPT_RIJNDAEL_MODE_OFB', 4);
  * Toggles the internal implementation
  * Toggles the mcrypt implementation
@@ -132,80 +141,51 @@ define('CRYPT_RIJNDAEL_MODE_MCRYPT', 2);
  * @access  public
  * @package Crypt_Rijndael
-class Crypt_Rijndael {
+class Crypt_Rijndael extends Crypt_Base {
-     * The Encryption Mode
+     * The default password key_size used by setPassword()
-     * @see Crypt_Rijndael::Crypt_Rijndael()
+     * @see Crypt_Base::password_key_size
+     * @see Crypt_Base::setPassword()
      * @var Integer
      * @access private
-    var $mode;
+    var $password_key_size = 16;
-     * The Key
+     * The namespace used by the cipher for its constants.
-     * @see Crypt_Rijndael::setKey()
+     * @see Crypt_Base::const_namespace
      * @var String
      * @access private
-    var $key = "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0";
+    var $const_namespace = 'RIJNDAEL';
-     * The Initialization Vector
+     * The mcrypt specific name of the cipher
-     * @see Crypt_Rijndael::setIV()
-     * @var String
-     * @access private
-     */
-    var $iv = '';
-    /**
-     * A "sliding" Initialization Vector
+     * Mcrypt is useable for 128/192/256-bit $block_size/$key_size. For 160/224 not.
+     * Crypt_Rijndael determines automatically whether mcrypt is useable
+     * or not for the current $block_size/$key_size.
+     * In case of, $cipher_name_mcrypt will be set dynamicaly at run time accordingly.
-     * @see Crypt_Rijndael::enableContinuousBuffer()
+     * @see Crypt_Base::cipher_name_mcrypt
+     * @see Crypt_Base::engine
+     * @see _setupEngine()
      * @var String
      * @access private
-    var $encryptIV = '';
+    var $cipher_name_mcrypt = 'rijndael-128';
-     * A "sliding" Initialization Vector
+     * The default salt used by setPassword()
-     * @see Crypt_Rijndael::enableContinuousBuffer()
+     * @see Crypt_Base::password_default_salt
+     * @see Crypt_Base::setPassword()
      * @var String
      * @access private
-    var $decryptIV = '';
-    /**
-     * Continuous Buffer status
-     *
-     * @see Crypt_Rijndael::enableContinuousBuffer()
-     * @var Boolean
-     * @access private
-     */
-    var $continuousBuffer = false;
-    /**
-     * Padding status
-     *
-     * @see Crypt_Rijndael::enablePadding()
-     * @var Boolean
-     * @access private
-     */
-    var $padding = true;
-    /**
-     * Does the key schedule need to be (re)calculated?
-     *
-     * @see setKey()
-     * @see setBlockLength()
-     * @see setKeyLength()
-     * @var Boolean
-     * @access private
-     */
-    var $changed = true;
+    var $password_default_salt = 'phpseclib';
      * Has the key length explicitly been set or should it be derived from the key, itself?
@@ -234,25 +214,14 @@ class Crypt_Rijndael {
     var $dw;
-    /**
-     * The Block Length
-     *
-     * @see setBlockLength()
-     * @var Integer
-     * @access private
-     * @internal The max value is 32, the min value is 16.  All valid values are multiples of 4.  Exists in conjunction with
-     *     $Nb because we need this value and not $Nb to pad strings appropriately.  
-     */
-    var $block_size = 16;
      * The Block Length divided by 32
      * @see setBlockLength()
      * @var Integer
      * @access private
-     * @internal The max value is 256 / 32 = 8, the min value is 128 / 32 = 4.  Exists in conjunction with $block_size 
-     *    because the encryption / decryption / key schedule creation requires this number and not $block_size.  We could 
+     * @internal The max value is 256 / 32 = 8, the min value is 128 / 32 = 4.  Exists in conjunction with $block_size
+     *    because the encryption / decryption / key schedule creation requires this number and not $block_size.  We could
      *    derive this from $block_size or vice versa, but that'd mean we'd have to do multiple shift operations, so in lieu
      *    of that, we'll just precompute it once.
@@ -265,8 +234,8 @@ class Crypt_Rijndael {
      * @see setKeyLength()
      * @var Integer
      * @access private
-     * @internal The max value is 256 / 8 = 32, the min value is 128 / 8 = 16.  Exists in conjunction with $key_size
-     *    because the encryption / decryption / key schedule creation requires this number and not $key_size.  We could 
+     * @internal The max value is 256 / 8 = 32, the min value is 128 / 8 = 16.  Exists in conjunction with $Nk
+     *    because the encryption / decryption / key schedule creation requires this number and not $key_size.  We could
      *    derive this from $key_size or vice versa, but that'd mean we'd have to do multiple shift operations, so in lieu
      *    of that, we'll just precompute it once.
@@ -300,224 +269,439 @@ class Crypt_Rijndael {
     var $c;
-     * Precomputed mixColumns table
+     * Holds the last used key- and block_size information
-     * @see Crypt_Rijndael()
      * @var Array
      * @access private
-    var $t0;
+    var $kl;
      * Precomputed mixColumns table
-     * @see Crypt_Rijndael()
+     * According to <http://csrc.nist.gov/archive/aes/rijndael/Rijndael-ammended.pdf#page=19> (section 5.2.1),
+     * precomputed tables can be used in the mixColumns phase.  in that example, they're assigned t0...t3, so
+     * those are the names we'll use.
+     *
+     * @see Crypt_Rijndael:_encryptBlock()
+     * @see Crypt_Rijndael:_decryptBlock()
      * @var Array
      * @access private
-    var $t1;
+    var $t0 = array(
+        0xC66363A5, 0xF87C7C84, 0xEE777799, 0xF67B7B8D, 0xFFF2F20D, 0xD66B6BBD, 0xDE6F6FB1, 0x91C5C554,
+        0x60303050, 0x02010103, 0xCE6767A9, 0x562B2B7D, 0xE7FEFE19, 0xB5D7D762, 0x4DABABE6, 0xEC76769A,
+        0x8FCACA45, 0x1F82829D, 0x89C9C940, 0xFA7D7D87, 0xEFFAFA15, 0xB25959EB, 0x8E4747C9, 0xFBF0F00B,
+        0x41ADADEC, 0xB3D4D467, 0x5FA2A2FD, 0x45AFAFEA, 0x239C9CBF, 0x53A4A4F7, 0xE4727296, 0x9BC0C05B,
+        0x75B7B7C2, 0xE1FDFD1C, 0x3D9393AE, 0x4C26266A, 0x6C36365A, 0x7E3F3F41, 0xF5F7F702, 0x83CCCC4F,
+        0x6834345C, 0x51A5A5F4, 0xD1E5E534, 0xF9F1F108, 0xE2717193, 0xABD8D873, 0x62313153, 0x2A15153F,
+        0x0804040C, 0x95C7C752, 0x46232365, 0x9DC3C35E, 0x30181828, 0x379696A1, 0x0A05050F, 0x2F9A9AB5,
+        0x0E070709, 0x24121236, 0x1B80809B, 0xDFE2E23D, 0xCDEBEB26, 0x4E272769, 0x7FB2B2CD, 0xEA75759F,
+        0x1209091B, 0x1D83839E, 0x582C2C74, 0x341A1A2E, 0x361B1B2D, 0xDC6E6EB2, 0xB45A5AEE, 0x5BA0A0FB,
+        0xA45252F6, 0x763B3B4D, 0xB7D6D661, 0x7DB3B3CE, 0x5229297B, 0xDDE3E33E, 0x5E2F2F71, 0x13848497,
+        0xA65353F5, 0xB9D1D168, 0x00000000, 0xC1EDED2C, 0x40202060, 0xE3FCFC1F, 0x79B1B1C8, 0xB65B5BED,
+        0xD46A6ABE, 0x8DCBCB46, 0x67BEBED9, 0x7239394B, 0x944A4ADE, 0x984C4CD4, 0xB05858E8, 0x85CFCF4A,
+        0xBBD0D06B, 0xC5EFEF2A, 0x4FAAAAE5, 0xEDFBFB16, 0x864343C5, 0x9A4D4DD7, 0x66333355, 0x11858594,
+        0x8A4545CF, 0xE9F9F910, 0x04020206, 0xFE7F7F81, 0xA05050F0, 0x783C3C44, 0x259F9FBA, 0x4BA8A8E3,
+        0xA25151F3, 0x5DA3A3FE, 0x804040C0, 0x058F8F8A, 0x3F9292AD, 0x219D9DBC, 0x70383848, 0xF1F5F504,
+        0x63BCBCDF, 0x77B6B6C1, 0xAFDADA75, 0x42212163, 0x20101030, 0xE5FFFF1A, 0xFDF3F30E, 0xBFD2D26D,
+        0x81CDCD4C, 0x180C0C14, 0x26131335, 0xC3ECEC2F, 0xBE5F5FE1, 0x359797A2, 0x884444CC, 0x2E171739,
+        0x93C4C457, 0x55A7A7F2, 0xFC7E7E82, 0x7A3D3D47, 0xC86464AC, 0xBA5D5DE7, 0x3219192B, 0xE6737395,
+        0xC06060A0, 0x19818198, 0x9E4F4FD1, 0xA3DCDC7F, 0x44222266, 0x542A2A7E, 0x3B9090AB, 0x0B888883,
+        0x8C4646CA, 0xC7EEEE29, 0x6BB8B8D3, 0x2814143C, 0xA7DEDE79, 0xBC5E5EE2, 0x160B0B1D, 0xADDBDB76,
+        0xDBE0E03B, 0x64323256, 0x743A3A4E, 0x140A0A1E, 0x924949DB, 0x0C06060A, 0x4824246C, 0xB85C5CE4,
+        0x9FC2C25D, 0xBDD3D36E, 0x43ACACEF, 0xC46262A6, 0x399191A8, 0x319595A4, 0xD3E4E437, 0xF279798B,
+        0xD5E7E732, 0x8BC8C843, 0x6E373759, 0xDA6D6DB7, 0x018D8D8C, 0xB1D5D564, 0x9C4E4ED2, 0x49A9A9E0,
+        0xD86C6CB4, 0xAC5656FA, 0xF3F4F407, 0xCFEAEA25, 0xCA6565AF, 0xF47A7A8E, 0x47AEAEE9, 0x10080818,
+        0x6FBABAD5, 0xF0787888, 0x4A25256F, 0x5C2E2E72, 0x381C1C24, 0x57A6A6F1, 0x73B4B4C7, 0x97C6C651,
+        0xCBE8E823, 0xA1DDDD7C, 0xE874749C, 0x3E1F1F21, 0x964B4BDD, 0x61BDBDDC, 0x0D8B8B86, 0x0F8A8A85,
+        0xE0707090, 0x7C3E3E42, 0x71B5B5C4, 0xCC6666AA, 0x904848D8, 0x06030305, 0xF7F6F601, 0x1C0E0E12,
+        0xC26161A3, 0x6A35355F, 0xAE5757F9, 0x69B9B9D0, 0x17868691, 0x99C1C158, 0x3A1D1D27, 0x279E9EB9,
+        0xD9E1E138, 0xEBF8F813, 0x2B9898B3, 0x22111133, 0xD26969BB, 0xA9D9D970, 0x078E8E89, 0x339494A7,
+        0x2D9B9BB6, 0x3C1E1E22, 0x15878792, 0xC9E9E920, 0x87CECE49, 0xAA5555FF, 0x50282878, 0xA5DFDF7A,
+        0x038C8C8F, 0x59A1A1F8, 0x09898980, 0x1A0D0D17, 0x65BFBFDA, 0xD7E6E631, 0x844242C6, 0xD06868B8,
+        0x824141C3, 0x299999B0, 0x5A2D2D77, 0x1E0F0F11, 0x7BB0B0CB, 0xA85454FC, 0x6DBBBBD6, 0x2C16163A
+    );
      * Precomputed mixColumns table
-     * @see Crypt_Rijndael()
+     * @see Crypt_Rijndael:_encryptBlock()
+     * @see Crypt_Rijndael:_decryptBlock()
      * @var Array
      * @access private
-    var $t2;
+    var $t1 = array(
+        0xA5C66363, 0x84F87C7C, 0x99EE7777, 0x8DF67B7B, 0x0DFFF2F2, 0xBDD66B6B, 0xB1DE6F6F, 0x5491C5C5,
+        0x50603030, 0x03020101, 0xA9CE6767, 0x7D562B2B, 0x19E7FEFE, 0x62B5D7D7, 0xE64DABAB, 0x9AEC7676,
+        0x458FCACA, 0x9D1F8282, 0x4089C9C9, 0x87FA7D7D, 0x15EFFAFA, 0xEBB25959, 0xC98E4747, 0x0BFBF0F0,
+        0xEC41ADAD, 0x67B3D4D4, 0xFD5FA2A2, 0xEA45AFAF, 0xBF239C9C, 0xF753A4A4, 0x96E47272, 0x5B9BC0C0,
+        0xC275B7B7, 0x1CE1FDFD, 0xAE3D9393, 0x6A4C2626, 0x5A6C3636, 0x417E3F3F, 0x02F5F7F7, 0x4F83CCCC,
+        0x5C683434, 0xF451A5A5, 0x34D1E5E5, 0x08F9F1F1, 0x93E27171, 0x73ABD8D8, 0x53623131, 0x3F2A1515,
+        0x0C080404, 0x5295C7C7, 0x65462323, 0x5E9DC3C3, 0x28301818, 0xA1379696, 0x0F0A0505, 0xB52F9A9A,
+        0x090E0707, 0x36241212, 0x9B1B8080, 0x3DDFE2E2, 0x26CDEBEB, 0x694E2727, 0xCD7FB2B2, 0x9FEA7575,
+        0x1B120909, 0x9E1D8383, 0x74582C2C, 0x2E341A1A, 0x2D361B1B, 0xB2DC6E6E, 0xEEB45A5A, 0xFB5BA0A0,
+        0xF6A45252, 0x4D763B3B, 0x61B7D6D6, 0xCE7DB3B3, 0x7B522929, 0x3EDDE3E3, 0x715E2F2F, 0x97138484,
+        0xF5A65353, 0x68B9D1D1, 0x00000000, 0x2CC1EDED, 0x60402020, 0x1FE3FCFC, 0xC879B1B1, 0xEDB65B5B,
+        0xBED46A6A, 0x468DCBCB, 0xD967BEBE, 0x4B723939, 0xDE944A4A, 0xD4984C4C, 0xE8B05858, 0x4A85CFCF,
+        0x6BBBD0D0, 0x2AC5EFEF, 0xE54FAAAA, 0x16EDFBFB, 0xC5864343, 0xD79A4D4D, 0x55663333, 0x94118585,
+        0xCF8A4545, 0x10E9F9F9, 0x06040202, 0x81FE7F7F, 0xF0A05050, 0x44783C3C, 0xBA259F9F, 0xE34BA8A8,
+        0xF3A25151, 0xFE5DA3A3, 0xC0804040, 0x8A058F8F, 0xAD3F9292, 0xBC219D9D, 0x48703838, 0x04F1F5F5,
+        0xDF63BCBC, 0xC177B6B6, 0x75AFDADA, 0x63422121, 0x30201010, 0x1AE5FFFF, 0x0EFDF3F3, 0x6DBFD2D2,
+        0x4C81CDCD, 0x14180C0C, 0x35261313, 0x2FC3ECEC, 0xE1BE5F5F, 0xA2359797, 0xCC884444, 0x392E1717,
+        0x5793C4C4, 0xF255A7A7, 0x82FC7E7E, 0x477A3D3D, 0xACC86464, 0xE7BA5D5D, 0x2B321919, 0x95E67373,
+        0xA0C06060, 0x98198181, 0xD19E4F4F, 0x7FA3DCDC, 0x66442222, 0x7E542A2A, 0xAB3B9090, 0x830B8888,
+        0xCA8C4646, 0x29C7EEEE, 0xD36BB8B8, 0x3C281414, 0x79A7DEDE, 0xE2BC5E5E, 0x1D160B0B, 0x76ADDBDB,
+        0x3BDBE0E0, 0x56643232, 0x4E743A3A, 0x1E140A0A, 0xDB924949, 0x0A0C0606, 0x6C482424, 0xE4B85C5C,
+        0x5D9FC2C2, 0x6EBDD3D3, 0xEF43ACAC, 0xA6C46262, 0xA8399191, 0xA4319595, 0x37D3E4E4, 0x8BF27979,
+        0x32D5E7E7, 0x438BC8C8, 0x596E3737, 0xB7DA6D6D, 0x8C018D8D, 0x64B1D5D5, 0xD29C4E4E, 0xE049A9A9,
+        0xB4D86C6C, 0xFAAC5656, 0x07F3F4F4, 0x25CFEAEA, 0xAFCA6565, 0x8EF47A7A, 0xE947AEAE, 0x18100808,
+        0xD56FBABA, 0x88F07878, 0x6F4A2525, 0x725C2E2E, 0x24381C1C, 0xF157A6A6, 0xC773B4B4, 0x5197C6C6,
+        0x23CBE8E8, 0x7CA1DDDD, 0x9CE87474, 0x213E1F1F, 0xDD964B4B, 0xDC61BDBD, 0x860D8B8B, 0x850F8A8A,
+        0x90E07070, 0x427C3E3E, 0xC471B5B5, 0xAACC6666, 0xD8904848, 0x05060303, 0x01F7F6F6, 0x121C0E0E,
+        0xA3C26161, 0x5F6A3535, 0xF9AE5757, 0xD069B9B9, 0x91178686, 0x5899C1C1, 0x273A1D1D, 0xB9279E9E,
+        0x38D9E1E1, 0x13EBF8F8, 0xB32B9898, 0x33221111, 0xBBD26969, 0x70A9D9D9, 0x89078E8E, 0xA7339494,
+        0xB62D9B9B, 0x223C1E1E, 0x92158787, 0x20C9E9E9, 0x4987CECE, 0xFFAA5555, 0x78502828, 0x7AA5DFDF,
+        0x8F038C8C, 0xF859A1A1, 0x80098989, 0x171A0D0D, 0xDA65BFBF, 0x31D7E6E6, 0xC6844242, 0xB8D06868,
+        0xC3824141, 0xB0299999, 0x775A2D2D, 0x111E0F0F, 0xCB7BB0B0, 0xFCA85454, 0xD66DBBBB, 0x3A2C1616
+    );
      * Precomputed mixColumns table
-     * @see Crypt_Rijndael()
+     * @see Crypt_Rijndael:_encryptBlock()
+     * @see Crypt_Rijndael:_decryptBlock()
      * @var Array
      * @access private
-    var $t3;
+    var $t2 = array(
+        0x63A5C663, 0x7C84F87C, 0x7799EE77, 0x7B8DF67B, 0xF20DFFF2, 0x6BBDD66B, 0x6FB1DE6F, 0xC55491C5,
+        0x30506030, 0x01030201, 0x67A9CE67, 0x2B7D562B, 0xFE19E7FE, 0xD762B5D7, 0xABE64DAB, 0x769AEC76,
+        0xCA458FCA, 0x829D1F82, 0xC94089C9, 0x7D87FA7D, 0xFA15EFFA, 0x59EBB259, 0x47C98E47, 0xF00BFBF0,
+        0xADEC41AD, 0xD467B3D4, 0xA2FD5FA2, 0xAFEA45AF, 0x9CBF239C, 0xA4F753A4, 0x7296E472, 0xC05B9BC0,
+        0xB7C275B7, 0xFD1CE1FD, 0x93AE3D93, 0x266A4C26, 0x365A6C36, 0x3F417E3F, 0xF702F5F7, 0xCC4F83CC,
+        0x345C6834, 0xA5F451A5, 0xE534D1E5, 0xF108F9F1, 0x7193E271, 0xD873ABD8, 0x31536231, 0x153F2A15,
+        0x040C0804, 0xC75295C7, 0x23654623, 0xC35E9DC3, 0x18283018, 0x96A13796, 0x050F0A05, 0x9AB52F9A,
+        0x07090E07, 0x12362412, 0x809B1B80, 0xE23DDFE2, 0xEB26CDEB, 0x27694E27, 0xB2CD7FB2, 0x759FEA75,
+        0x091B1209, 0x839E1D83, 0x2C74582C, 0x1A2E341A, 0x1B2D361B, 0x6EB2DC6E, 0x5AEEB45A, 0xA0FB5BA0,
+        0x52F6A452, 0x3B4D763B, 0xD661B7D6, 0xB3CE7DB3, 0x297B5229, 0xE33EDDE3, 0x2F715E2F, 0x84971384,
+        0x53F5A653, 0xD168B9D1, 0x00000000, 0xED2CC1ED, 0x20604020, 0xFC1FE3FC, 0xB1C879B1, 0x5BEDB65B,
+        0x6ABED46A, 0xCB468DCB, 0xBED967BE, 0x394B7239, 0x4ADE944A, 0x4CD4984C, 0x58E8B058, 0xCF4A85CF,
+        0xD06BBBD0, 0xEF2AC5EF, 0xAAE54FAA, 0xFB16EDFB, 0x43C58643, 0x4DD79A4D, 0x33556633, 0x85941185,
+        0x45CF8A45, 0xF910E9F9, 0x02060402, 0x7F81FE7F, 0x50F0A050, 0x3C44783C, 0x9FBA259F, 0xA8E34BA8,
+        0x51F3A251, 0xA3FE5DA3, 0x40C08040, 0x8F8A058F, 0x92AD3F92, 0x9DBC219D, 0x38487038, 0xF504F1F5,
+        0xBCDF63BC, 0xB6C177B6, 0xDA75AFDA, 0x21634221, 0x10302010, 0xFF1AE5FF, 0xF30EFDF3, 0xD26DBFD2,
+        0xCD4C81CD, 0x0C14180C, 0x13352613, 0xEC2FC3EC, 0x5FE1BE5F, 0x97A23597, 0x44CC8844, 0x17392E17,
+        0xC45793C4, 0xA7F255A7, 0x7E82FC7E, 0x3D477A3D, 0x64ACC864, 0x5DE7BA5D, 0x192B3219, 0x7395E673,
+        0x60A0C060, 0x81981981, 0x4FD19E4F, 0xDC7FA3DC, 0x22664422, 0x2A7E542A, 0x90AB3B90, 0x88830B88,
+        0x46CA8C46, 0xEE29C7EE, 0xB8D36BB8, 0x143C2814, 0xDE79A7DE, 0x5EE2BC5E, 0x0B1D160B, 0xDB76ADDB,
+        0xE03BDBE0, 0x32566432, 0x3A4E743A, 0x0A1E140A, 0x49DB9249, 0x060A0C06, 0x246C4824, 0x5CE4B85C,
+        0xC25D9FC2, 0xD36EBDD3, 0xACEF43AC, 0x62A6C462, 0x91A83991, 0x95A43195, 0xE437D3E4, 0x798BF279,
+        0xE732D5E7, 0xC8438BC8, 0x37596E37, 0x6DB7DA6D, 0x8D8C018D, 0xD564B1D5, 0x4ED29C4E, 0xA9E049A9,
+        0x6CB4D86C, 0x56FAAC56, 0xF407F3F4, 0xEA25CFEA, 0x65AFCA65, 0x7A8EF47A, 0xAEE947AE, 0x08181008,
+        0xBAD56FBA, 0x7888F078, 0x256F4A25, 0x2E725C2E, 0x1C24381C, 0xA6F157A6, 0xB4C773B4, 0xC65197C6,
+        0xE823CBE8, 0xDD7CA1DD, 0x749CE874, 0x1F213E1F, 0x4BDD964B, 0xBDDC61BD, 0x8B860D8B, 0x8A850F8A,
+        0x7090E070, 0x3E427C3E, 0xB5C471B5, 0x66AACC66, 0x48D89048, 0x03050603, 0xF601F7F6, 0x0E121C0E,
+        0x61A3C261, 0x355F6A35, 0x57F9AE57, 0xB9D069B9, 0x86911786, 0xC15899C1, 0x1D273A1D, 0x9EB9279E,
+        0xE138D9E1, 0xF813EBF8, 0x98B32B98, 0x11332211, 0x69BBD269, 0xD970A9D9, 0x8E89078E, 0x94A73394,
+        0x9BB62D9B, 0x1E223C1E, 0x87921587, 0xE920C9E9, 0xCE4987CE, 0x55FFAA55, 0x28785028, 0xDF7AA5DF,
+        0x8C8F038C, 0xA1F859A1, 0x89800989, 0x0D171A0D, 0xBFDA65BF, 0xE631D7E6, 0x42C68442, 0x68B8D068,
+        0x41C38241, 0x99B02999, 0x2D775A2D, 0x0F111E0F, 0xB0CB7BB0, 0x54FCA854, 0xBBD66DBB, 0x163A2C16
+    );
-     * Precomputed invMixColumns table
+     * Precomputed mixColumns table
-     * @see Crypt_Rijndael()
+     * @see Crypt_Rijndael:_encryptBlock()
+     * @see Crypt_Rijndael:_decryptBlock()
      * @var Array
      * @access private
-    var $dt0;
+    var $t3 = array(
+        0x6363A5C6, 0x7C7C84F8, 0x777799EE, 0x7B7B8DF6, 0xF2F20DFF, 0x6B6BBDD6, 0x6F6FB1DE, 0xC5C55491,
+        0x30305060, 0x01010302, 0x6767A9CE, 0x2B2B7D56, 0xFEFE19E7, 0xD7D762B5, 0xABABE64D, 0x76769AEC,
+        0xCACA458F, 0x82829D1F, 0xC9C94089, 0x7D7D87FA, 0xFAFA15EF, 0x5959EBB2, 0x4747C98E, 0xF0F00BFB,
+        0xADADEC41, 0xD4D467B3, 0xA2A2FD5F, 0xAFAFEA45, 0x9C9CBF23, 0xA4A4F753, 0x727296E4, 0xC0C05B9B,
+        0xB7B7C275, 0xFDFD1CE1, 0x9393AE3D, 0x26266A4C, 0x36365A6C, 0x3F3F417E, 0xF7F702F5, 0xCCCC4F83,
+        0x34345C68, 0xA5A5F451, 0xE5E534D1, 0xF1F108F9, 0x717193E2, 0xD8D873AB, 0x31315362, 0x15153F2A,
+        0x04040C08, 0xC7C75295, 0x23236546, 0xC3C35E9D, 0x18182830, 0x9696A137, 0x05050F0A, 0x9A9AB52F,
+        0x0707090E, 0x12123624, 0x80809B1B, 0xE2E23DDF, 0xEBEB26CD, 0x2727694E, 0xB2B2CD7F, 0x75759FEA,
+        0x09091B12, 0x83839E1D, 0x2C2C7458, 0x1A1A2E34, 0x1B1B2D36, 0x6E6EB2DC, 0x5A5AEEB4, 0xA0A0FB5B,
+        0x5252F6A4, 0x3B3B4D76, 0xD6D661B7, 0xB3B3CE7D, 0x29297B52, 0xE3E33EDD, 0x2F2F715E, 0x84849713,
+        0x5353F5A6, 0xD1D168B9, 0x00000000, 0xEDED2CC1, 0x20206040, 0xFCFC1FE3, 0xB1B1C879, 0x5B5BEDB6,
+        0x6A6ABED4, 0xCBCB468D, 0xBEBED967, 0x39394B72, 0x4A4ADE94, 0x4C4CD498, 0x5858E8B0, 0xCFCF4A85,
+        0xD0D06BBB, 0xEFEF2AC5, 0xAAAAE54F, 0xFBFB16ED, 0x4343C586, 0x4D4DD79A, 0x33335566, 0x85859411,
+        0x4545CF8A, 0xF9F910E9, 0x02020604, 0x7F7F81FE, 0x5050F0A0, 0x3C3C4478, 0x9F9FBA25, 0xA8A8E34B,
+        0x5151F3A2, 0xA3A3FE5D, 0x4040C080, 0x8F8F8A05, 0x9292AD3F, 0x9D9DBC21, 0x38384870, 0xF5F504F1,
+        0xBCBCDF63, 0xB6B6C177, 0xDADA75AF, 0x21216342, 0x10103020, 0xFFFF1AE5, 0xF3F30EFD, 0xD2D26DBF,
+        0xCDCD4C81, 0x0C0C1418, 0x13133526, 0xECEC2FC3, 0x5F5FE1BE, 0x9797A235, 0x4444CC88, 0x1717392E,
+        0xC4C45793, 0xA7A7F255, 0x7E7E82FC, 0x3D3D477A, 0x6464ACC8, 0x5D5DE7BA, 0x19192B32, 0x737395E6,
+        0x6060A0C0, 0x81819819, 0x4F4FD19E, 0xDCDC7FA3, 0x22226644, 0x2A2A7E54, 0x9090AB3B, 0x8888830B,
+        0x4646CA8C, 0xEEEE29C7, 0xB8B8D36B, 0x14143C28, 0xDEDE79A7, 0x5E5EE2BC, 0x0B0B1D16, 0xDBDB76AD,
+        0xE0E03BDB, 0x32325664, 0x3A3A4E74, 0x0A0A1E14, 0x4949DB92, 0x06060A0C, 0x24246C48, 0x5C5CE4B8,
+        0xC2C25D9F, 0xD3D36EBD, 0xACACEF43, 0x6262A6C4, 0x9191A839, 0x9595A431, 0xE4E437D3, 0x79798BF2,
+        0xE7E732D5, 0xC8C8438B, 0x3737596E, 0x6D6DB7DA, 0x8D8D8C01, 0xD5D564B1, 0x4E4ED29C, 0xA9A9E049,
+        0x6C6CB4D8, 0x5656FAAC, 0xF4F407F3, 0xEAEA25CF, 0x6565AFCA, 0x7A7A8EF4, 0xAEAEE947, 0x08081810,
+        0xBABAD56F, 0x787888F0, 0x25256F4A, 0x2E2E725C, 0x1C1C2438, 0xA6A6F157, 0xB4B4C773, 0xC6C65197,
+        0xE8E823CB, 0xDDDD7CA1, 0x74749CE8, 0x1F1F213E, 0x4B4BDD96, 0xBDBDDC61, 0x8B8B860D, 0x8A8A850F,
+        0x707090E0, 0x3E3E427C, 0xB5B5C471, 0x6666AACC, 0x4848D890, 0x03030506, 0xF6F601F7, 0x0E0E121C,
+        0x6161A3C2, 0x35355F6A, 0x5757F9AE, 0xB9B9D069, 0x86869117, 0xC1C15899, 0x1D1D273A, 0x9E9EB927,
+        0xE1E138D9, 0xF8F813EB, 0x9898B32B, 0x11113322, 0x6969BBD2, 0xD9D970A9, 0x8E8E8907, 0x9494A733,
+        0x9B9BB62D, 0x1E1E223C, 0x87879215, 0xE9E920C9, 0xCECE4987, 0x5555FFAA, 0x28287850, 0xDFDF7AA5,
+        0x8C8C8F03, 0xA1A1F859, 0x89898009, 0x0D0D171A, 0xBFBFDA65, 0xE6E631D7, 0x4242C684, 0x6868B8D0,
+        0x4141C382, 0x9999B029, 0x2D2D775A, 0x0F0F111E, 0xB0B0CB7B, 0x5454FCA8, 0xBBBBD66D, 0x16163A2C
+    );
      * Precomputed invMixColumns table
-     * @see Crypt_Rijndael()
+     * @see Crypt_Rijndael:_encryptBlock()
+     * @see Crypt_Rijndael:_decryptBlock()
      * @var Array
      * @access private
-    var $dt1;
+    var $dt0 = array(
+        0x51F4A750, 0x7E416553, 0x1A17A4C3, 0x3A275E96, 0x3BAB6BCB, 0x1F9D45F1, 0xACFA58AB, 0x4BE30393,
+        0x2030FA55, 0xAD766DF6, 0x88CC7691, 0xF5024C25, 0x4FE5D7FC, 0xC52ACBD7, 0x26354480, 0xB562A38F,
+        0xDEB15A49, 0x25BA1B67, 0x45EA0E98, 0x5DFEC0E1, 0xC32F7502, 0x814CF012, 0x8D4697A3, 0x6BD3F9C6,
+        0x038F5FE7, 0x15929C95, 0xBF6D7AEB, 0x955259DA, 0xD4BE832D, 0x587421D3, 0x49E06929, 0x8EC9C844,
+        0x75C2896A, 0xF48E7978, 0x99583E6B, 0x27B971DD, 0xBEE14FB6, 0xF088AD17, 0xC920AC66, 0x7DCE3AB4,
+        0x63DF4A18, 0xE51A3182, 0x97513360, 0x62537F45, 0xB16477E0, 0xBB6BAE84, 0xFE81A01C, 0xF9082B94,
+        0x70486858, 0x8F45FD19, 0x94DE6C87, 0x527BF8B7, 0xAB73D323, 0x724B02E2, 0xE31F8F57, 0x6655AB2A,
+        0xB2EB2807, 0x2FB5C203, 0x86C57B9A, 0xD33708A5, 0x302887F2, 0x23BFA5B2, 0x02036ABA, 0xED16825C,
+        0x8ACF1C2B, 0xA779B492, 0xF307F2F0, 0x4E69E2A1, 0x65DAF4CD, 0x0605BED5, 0xD134621F, 0xC4A6FE8A,
+        0x342E539D, 0xA2F355A0, 0x058AE132, 0xA4F6EB75, 0x0B83EC39, 0x4060EFAA, 0x5E719F06, 0xBD6E1051,
+        0x3E218AF9, 0x96DD063D, 0xDD3E05AE, 0x4DE6BD46, 0x91548DB5, 0x71C45D05, 0x0406D46F, 0x605015FF,
+        0x1998FB24, 0xD6BDE997, 0x894043CC, 0x67D99E77, 0xB0E842BD, 0x07898B88, 0xE7195B38, 0x79C8EEDB,
+        0xA17C0A47, 0x7C420FE9, 0xF8841EC9, 0x00000000, 0x09808683, 0x322BED48, 0x1E1170AC, 0x6C5A724E,
+        0xFD0EFFFB, 0x0F853856, 0x3DAED51E, 0x362D3927, 0x0A0FD964, 0x685CA621, 0x9B5B54D1, 0x24362E3A,
+        0x0C0A67B1, 0x9357E70F, 0xB4EE96D2, 0x1B9B919E, 0x80C0C54F, 0x61DC20A2, 0x5A774B69, 0x1C121A16,
+        0xE293BA0A, 0xC0A02AE5, 0x3C22E043, 0x121B171D, 0x0E090D0B, 0xF28BC7AD, 0x2DB6A8B9, 0x141EA9C8,
+        0x57F11985, 0xAF75074C, 0xEE99DDBB, 0xA37F60FD, 0xF701269F, 0x5C72F5BC, 0x44663BC5, 0x5BFB7E34,
+        0x8B432976, 0xCB23C6DC, 0xB6EDFC68, 0xB8E4F163, 0xD731DCCA, 0x42638510, 0x13972240, 0x84C61120,
+        0x854A247D, 0xD2BB3DF8, 0xAEF93211, 0xC729A16D, 0x1D9E2F4B, 0xDCB230F3, 0x0D8652EC, 0x77C1E3D0,
+        0x2BB3166C, 0xA970B999, 0x119448FA, 0x47E96422, 0xA8FC8CC4, 0xA0F03F1A, 0x567D2CD8, 0x223390EF,
+        0x87494EC7, 0xD938D1C1, 0x8CCAA2FE, 0x98D40B36, 0xA6F581CF, 0xA57ADE28, 0xDAB78E26, 0x3FADBFA4,
+        0x2C3A9DE4, 0x5078920D, 0x6A5FCC9B, 0x547E4662, 0xF68D13C2, 0x90D8B8E8, 0x2E39F75E, 0x82C3AFF5,
+        0x9F5D80BE, 0x69D0937C, 0x6FD52DA9, 0xCF2512B3, 0xC8AC993B, 0x10187DA7, 0xE89C636E, 0xDB3BBB7B,
+        0xCD267809, 0x6E5918F4, 0xEC9AB701, 0x834F9AA8, 0xE6956E65, 0xAAFFE67E, 0x21BCCF08, 0xEF15E8E6,
+        0xBAE79BD9, 0x4A6F36CE, 0xEA9F09D4, 0x29B07CD6, 0x31A4B2AF, 0x2A3F2331, 0xC6A59430, 0x35A266C0,
+        0x744EBC37, 0xFC82CAA6, 0xE090D0B0, 0x33A7D815, 0xF104984A, 0x41ECDAF7, 0x7FCD500E, 0x1791F62F,
+        0x764DD68D, 0x43EFB04D, 0xCCAA4D54, 0xE49604DF, 0x9ED1B5E3, 0x4C6A881B, 0xC12C1FB8, 0x4665517F,
+        0x9D5EEA04, 0x018C355D, 0xFA877473, 0xFB0B412E, 0xB3671D5A, 0x92DBD252, 0xE9105633, 0x6DD64713,
+        0x9AD7618C, 0x37A10C7A, 0x59F8148E, 0xEB133C89, 0xCEA927EE, 0xB761C935, 0xE11CE5ED, 0x7A47B13C,
+        0x9CD2DF59, 0x55F2733F, 0x1814CE79, 0x73C737BF, 0x53F7CDEA, 0x5FFDAA5B, 0xDF3D6F14, 0x7844DB86,
+        0xCAAFF381, 0xB968C43E, 0x3824342C, 0xC2A3405F, 0x161DC372, 0xBCE2250C, 0x283C498B, 0xFF0D9541,
+        0x39A80171, 0x080CB3DE, 0xD8B4E49C, 0x6456C190, 0x7BCB8461, 0xD532B670, 0x486C5C74, 0xD0B85742
+    );
      * Precomputed invMixColumns table
-     * @see Crypt_Rijndael()
+     * @see Crypt_Rijndael:_encryptBlock()
+     * @see Crypt_Rijndael:_decryptBlock()
      * @var Array
      * @access private
-    var $dt2;
+    var $dt1 = array(
+        0x5051F4A7, 0x537E4165, 0xC31A17A4, 0x963A275E, 0xCB3BAB6B, 0xF11F9D45, 0xABACFA58, 0x934BE303,
+        0x552030FA, 0xF6AD766D, 0x9188CC76, 0x25F5024C, 0xFC4FE5D7, 0xD7C52ACB, 0x80263544, 0x8FB562A3,
+        0x49DEB15A, 0x6725BA1B, 0x9845EA0E, 0xE15DFEC0, 0x02C32F75, 0x12814CF0, 0xA38D4697, 0xC66BD3F9,
+        0xE7038F5F, 0x9515929C, 0xEBBF6D7A, 0xDA955259, 0x2DD4BE83, 0xD3587421, 0x2949E069, 0x448EC9C8,
+        0x6A75C289, 0x78F48E79, 0x6B99583E, 0xDD27B971, 0xB6BEE14F, 0x17F088AD, 0x66C920AC, 0xB47DCE3A,
+        0x1863DF4A, 0x82E51A31, 0x60975133, 0x4562537F, 0xE0B16477, 0x84BB6BAE, 0x1CFE81A0, 0x94F9082B,
+        0x58704868, 0x198F45FD, 0x8794DE6C, 0xB7527BF8, 0x23AB73D3, 0xE2724B02, 0x57E31F8F, 0x2A6655AB,
+        0x07B2EB28, 0x032FB5C2, 0x9A86C57B, 0xA5D33708, 0xF2302887, 0xB223BFA5, 0xBA02036A, 0x5CED1682,
+        0x2B8ACF1C, 0x92A779B4, 0xF0F307F2, 0xA14E69E2, 0xCD65DAF4, 0xD50605BE, 0x1FD13462, 0x8AC4A6FE,
+        0x9D342E53, 0xA0A2F355, 0x32058AE1, 0x75A4F6EB, 0x390B83EC, 0xAA4060EF, 0x065E719F, 0x51BD6E10,
+        0xF93E218A, 0x3D96DD06, 0xAEDD3E05, 0x464DE6BD, 0xB591548D, 0x0571C45D, 0x6F0406D4, 0xFF605015,
+        0x241998FB, 0x97D6BDE9, 0xCC894043, 0x7767D99E, 0xBDB0E842, 0x8807898B, 0x38E7195B, 0xDB79C8EE,
+        0x47A17C0A, 0xE97C420F, 0xC9F8841E, 0x00000000, 0x83098086, 0x48322BED, 0xAC1E1170, 0x4E6C5A72,
+        0xFBFD0EFF, 0x560F8538, 0x1E3DAED5, 0x27362D39, 0x640A0FD9, 0x21685CA6, 0xD19B5B54, 0x3A24362E,
+        0xB10C0A67, 0x0F9357E7, 0xD2B4EE96, 0x9E1B9B91, 0x4F80C0C5, 0xA261DC20, 0x695A774B, 0x161C121A,
+        0x0AE293BA, 0xE5C0A02A, 0x433C22E0, 0x1D121B17, 0x0B0E090D, 0xADF28BC7, 0xB92DB6A8, 0xC8141EA9,
+        0x8557F119, 0x4CAF7507, 0xBBEE99DD, 0xFDA37F60, 0x9FF70126, 0xBC5C72F5, 0xC544663B, 0x345BFB7E,
+        0x768B4329, 0xDCCB23C6, 0x68B6EDFC, 0x63B8E4F1, 0xCAD731DC, 0x10426385, 0x40139722, 0x2084C611,
+        0x7D854A24, 0xF8D2BB3D, 0x11AEF932, 0x6DC729A1, 0x4B1D9E2F, 0xF3DCB230, 0xEC0D8652, 0xD077C1E3,
+        0x6C2BB316, 0x99A970B9, 0xFA119448, 0x2247E964, 0xC4A8FC8C, 0x1AA0F03F, 0xD8567D2C, 0xEF223390,
+        0xC787494E, 0xC1D938D1, 0xFE8CCAA2, 0x3698D40B, 0xCFA6F581, 0x28A57ADE, 0x26DAB78E, 0xA43FADBF,
+        0xE42C3A9D, 0x0D507892, 0x9B6A5FCC, 0x62547E46, 0xC2F68D13, 0xE890D8B8, 0x5E2E39F7, 0xF582C3AF,
+        0xBE9F5D80, 0x7C69D093, 0xA96FD52D, 0xB3CF2512, 0x3BC8AC99, 0xA710187D, 0x6EE89C63, 0x7BDB3BBB,
+        0x09CD2678, 0xF46E5918, 0x01EC9AB7, 0xA8834F9A, 0x65E6956E, 0x7EAAFFE6, 0x0821BCCF, 0xE6EF15E8,
+        0xD9BAE79B, 0xCE4A6F36, 0xD4EA9F09, 0xD629B07C, 0xAF31A4B2, 0x312A3F23, 0x30C6A594, 0xC035A266,
+        0x37744EBC, 0xA6FC82CA, 0xB0E090D0, 0x1533A7D8, 0x4AF10498, 0xF741ECDA, 0x0E7FCD50, 0x2F1791F6,
+        0x8D764DD6, 0x4D43EFB0, 0x54CCAA4D, 0xDFE49604, 0xE39ED1B5, 0x1B4C6A88, 0xB8C12C1F, 0x7F466551,
+        0x049D5EEA, 0x5D018C35, 0x73FA8774, 0x2EFB0B41, 0x5AB3671D, 0x5292DBD2, 0x33E91056, 0x136DD647,
+        0x8C9AD761, 0x7A37A10C, 0x8E59F814, 0x89EB133C, 0xEECEA927, 0x35B761C9, 0xEDE11CE5, 0x3C7A47B1,
+        0x599CD2DF, 0x3F55F273, 0x791814CE, 0xBF73C737, 0xEA53F7CD, 0x5B5FFDAA, 0x14DF3D6F, 0x867844DB,
+        0x81CAAFF3, 0x3EB968C4, 0x2C382434, 0x5FC2A340, 0x72161DC3, 0x0CBCE225, 0x8B283C49, 0x41FF0D95,
+        0x7139A801, 0xDE080CB3, 0x9CD8B4E4, 0x906456C1, 0x617BCB84, 0x70D532B6, 0x74486C5C, 0x42D0B857
+    );
      * Precomputed invMixColumns table
-     * @see Crypt_Rijndael()
+     * @see Crypt_Rijndael:_encryptBlock()
+     * @see Crypt_Rijndael:_decryptBlock()
      * @var Array
      * @access private
-    var $dt3;
+    var $dt2 = array(
+        0xA75051F4, 0x65537E41, 0xA4C31A17, 0x5E963A27, 0x6BCB3BAB, 0x45F11F9D, 0x58ABACFA, 0x03934BE3,
+        0xFA552030, 0x6DF6AD76, 0x769188CC, 0x4C25F502, 0xD7FC4FE5, 0xCBD7C52A, 0x44802635, 0xA38FB562,
+        0x5A49DEB1, 0x1B6725BA, 0x0E9845EA, 0xC0E15DFE, 0x7502C32F, 0xF012814C, 0x97A38D46, 0xF9C66BD3,
+        0x5FE7038F, 0x9C951592, 0x7AEBBF6D, 0x59DA9552, 0x832DD4BE, 0x21D35874, 0x692949E0, 0xC8448EC9,
+        0x896A75C2, 0x7978F48E, 0x3E6B9958, 0x71DD27B9, 0x4FB6BEE1, 0xAD17F088, 0xAC66C920, 0x3AB47DCE,
+        0x4A1863DF, 0x3182E51A, 0x33609751, 0x7F456253, 0x77E0B164, 0xAE84BB6B, 0xA01CFE81, 0x2B94F908,
+        0x68587048, 0xFD198F45, 0x6C8794DE, 0xF8B7527B, 0xD323AB73, 0x02E2724B, 0x8F57E31F, 0xAB2A6655,
+        0x2807B2EB, 0xC2032FB5, 0x7B9A86C5, 0x08A5D337, 0x87F23028, 0xA5B223BF, 0x6ABA0203, 0x825CED16,
+        0x1C2B8ACF, 0xB492A779, 0xF2F0F307, 0xE2A14E69, 0xF4CD65DA, 0xBED50605, 0x621FD134, 0xFE8AC4A6,
+        0x539D342E, 0x55A0A2F3, 0xE132058A, 0xEB75A4F6, 0xEC390B83, 0xEFAA4060, 0x9F065E71, 0x1051BD6E,
+        0x8AF93E21, 0x063D96DD, 0x05AEDD3E, 0xBD464DE6, 0x8DB59154, 0x5D0571C4, 0xD46F0406, 0x15FF6050,
+        0xFB241998, 0xE997D6BD, 0x43CC8940, 0x9E7767D9, 0x42BDB0E8, 0x8B880789, 0x5B38E719, 0xEEDB79C8,
+        0x0A47A17C, 0x0FE97C42, 0x1EC9F884, 0x00000000, 0x86830980, 0xED48322B, 0x70AC1E11, 0x724E6C5A,
+        0xFFFBFD0E, 0x38560F85, 0xD51E3DAE, 0x3927362D, 0xD9640A0F, 0xA621685C, 0x54D19B5B, 0x2E3A2436,
+        0x67B10C0A, 0xE70F9357, 0x96D2B4EE, 0x919E1B9B, 0xC54F80C0, 0x20A261DC, 0x4B695A77, 0x1A161C12,
+        0xBA0AE293, 0x2AE5C0A0, 0xE0433C22, 0x171D121B, 0x0D0B0E09, 0xC7ADF28B, 0xA8B92DB6, 0xA9C8141E,
+        0x198557F1, 0x074CAF75, 0xDDBBEE99, 0x60FDA37F, 0x269FF701, 0xF5BC5C72, 0x3BC54466, 0x7E345BFB,
+        0x29768B43, 0xC6DCCB23, 0xFC68B6ED, 0xF163B8E4, 0xDCCAD731, 0x85104263, 0x22401397, 0x112084C6,
+        0x247D854A, 0x3DF8D2BB, 0x3211AEF9, 0xA16DC729, 0x2F4B1D9E, 0x30F3DCB2, 0x52EC0D86, 0xE3D077C1,
+        0x166C2BB3, 0xB999A970, 0x48FA1194, 0x642247E9, 0x8CC4A8FC, 0x3F1AA0F0, 0x2CD8567D, 0x90EF2233,
+        0x4EC78749, 0xD1C1D938, 0xA2FE8CCA, 0x0B3698D4, 0x81CFA6F5, 0xDE28A57A, 0x8E26DAB7, 0xBFA43FAD,
+        0x9DE42C3A, 0x920D5078, 0xCC9B6A5F, 0x4662547E, 0x13C2F68D, 0xB8E890D8, 0xF75E2E39, 0xAFF582C3,
+        0x80BE9F5D, 0x937C69D0, 0x2DA96FD5, 0x12B3CF25, 0x993BC8AC, 0x7DA71018, 0x636EE89C, 0xBB7BDB3B,
+        0x7809CD26, 0x18F46E59, 0xB701EC9A, 0x9AA8834F, 0x6E65E695, 0xE67EAAFF, 0xCF0821BC, 0xE8E6EF15,
+        0x9BD9BAE7, 0x36CE4A6F, 0x09D4EA9F, 0x7CD629B0, 0xB2AF31A4, 0x23312A3F, 0x9430C6A5, 0x66C035A2,
+        0xBC37744E, 0xCAA6FC82, 0xD0B0E090, 0xD81533A7, 0x984AF104, 0xDAF741EC, 0x500E7FCD, 0xF62F1791,
+        0xD68D764D, 0xB04D43EF, 0x4D54CCAA, 0x04DFE496, 0xB5E39ED1, 0x881B4C6A, 0x1FB8C12C, 0x517F4665,
+        0xEA049D5E, 0x355D018C, 0x7473FA87, 0x412EFB0B, 0x1D5AB367, 0xD25292DB, 0x5633E910, 0x47136DD6,
+        0x618C9AD7, 0x0C7A37A1, 0x148E59F8, 0x3C89EB13, 0x27EECEA9, 0xC935B761, 0xE5EDE11C, 0xB13C7A47,
+        0xDF599CD2, 0x733F55F2, 0xCE791814, 0x37BF73C7, 0xCDEA53F7, 0xAA5B5FFD, 0x6F14DF3D, 0xDB867844,
+        0xF381CAAF, 0xC43EB968, 0x342C3824, 0x405FC2A3, 0xC372161D, 0x250CBCE2, 0x498B283C, 0x9541FF0D,
+        0x017139A8, 0xB3DE080C, 0xE49CD8B4, 0xC1906456, 0x84617BCB, 0xB670D532, 0x5C74486C, 0x5742D0B8
+    );
-     * Is the mode one that is paddable?
+     * Precomputed invMixColumns table
-     * @see Crypt_Rijndael::Crypt_Rijndael()
-     * @var Boolean
+     * @see Crypt_Rijndael:_encryptBlock()
+     * @see Crypt_Rijndael:_decryptBlock()
+     * @var Array
      * @access private
-    var $paddable = false;
+    var $dt3 = array(
+        0xF4A75051, 0x4165537E, 0x17A4C31A, 0x275E963A, 0xAB6BCB3B, 0x9D45F11F, 0xFA58ABAC, 0xE303934B,
+        0x30FA5520, 0x766DF6AD, 0xCC769188, 0x024C25F5, 0xE5D7FC4F, 0x2ACBD7C5, 0x35448026, 0x62A38FB5,
+        0xB15A49DE, 0xBA1B6725, 0xEA0E9845, 0xFEC0E15D, 0x2F7502C3, 0x4CF01281, 0x4697A38D, 0xD3F9C66B,
+        0x8F5FE703, 0x929C9515, 0x6D7AEBBF, 0x5259DA95, 0xBE832DD4, 0x7421D358, 0xE0692949, 0xC9C8448E,
+        0xC2896A75, 0x8E7978F4, 0x583E6B99, 0xB971DD27, 0xE14FB6BE, 0x88AD17F0, 0x20AC66C9, 0xCE3AB47D,
+        0xDF4A1863, 0x1A3182E5, 0x51336097, 0x537F4562, 0x6477E0B1, 0x6BAE84BB, 0x81A01CFE, 0x082B94F9,
+        0x48685870, 0x45FD198F, 0xDE6C8794, 0x7BF8B752, 0x73D323AB, 0x4B02E272, 0x1F8F57E3, 0x55AB2A66,
+        0xEB2807B2, 0xB5C2032F, 0xC57B9A86, 0x3708A5D3, 0x2887F230, 0xBFA5B223, 0x036ABA02, 0x16825CED,
+        0xCF1C2B8A, 0x79B492A7, 0x07F2F0F3, 0x69E2A14E, 0xDAF4CD65, 0x05BED506, 0x34621FD1, 0xA6FE8AC4,
+        0x2E539D34, 0xF355A0A2, 0x8AE13205, 0xF6EB75A4, 0x83EC390B, 0x60EFAA40, 0x719F065E, 0x6E1051BD,
+        0x218AF93E, 0xDD063D96, 0x3E05AEDD, 0xE6BD464D, 0x548DB591, 0xC45D0571, 0x06D46F04, 0x5015FF60,
+        0x98FB2419, 0xBDE997D6, 0x4043CC89, 0xD99E7767, 0xE842BDB0, 0x898B8807, 0x195B38E7, 0xC8EEDB79,
+        0x7C0A47A1, 0x420FE97C, 0x841EC9F8, 0x00000000, 0x80868309, 0x2BED4832, 0x1170AC1E, 0x5A724E6C,
+        0x0EFFFBFD, 0x8538560F, 0xAED51E3D, 0x2D392736, 0x0FD9640A, 0x5CA62168, 0x5B54D19B, 0x362E3A24,
+        0x0A67B10C, 0x57E70F93, 0xEE96D2B4, 0x9B919E1B, 0xC0C54F80, 0xDC20A261, 0x774B695A, 0x121A161C,
+        0x93BA0AE2, 0xA02AE5C0, 0x22E0433C, 0x1B171D12, 0x090D0B0E, 0x8BC7ADF2, 0xB6A8B92D, 0x1EA9C814,
+        0xF1198557, 0x75074CAF, 0x99DDBBEE, 0x7F60FDA3, 0x01269FF7, 0x72F5BC5C, 0x663BC544, 0xFB7E345B,
+        0x4329768B, 0x23C6DCCB, 0xEDFC68B6, 0xE4F163B8, 0x31DCCAD7, 0x63851042, 0x97224013, 0xC6112084,
+        0x4A247D85, 0xBB3DF8D2, 0xF93211AE, 0x29A16DC7, 0x9E2F4B1D, 0xB230F3DC, 0x8652EC0D, 0xC1E3D077,
+        0xB3166C2B, 0x70B999A9, 0x9448FA11, 0xE9642247, 0xFC8CC4A8, 0xF03F1AA0, 0x7D2CD856, 0x3390EF22,
+        0x494EC787, 0x38D1C1D9, 0xCAA2FE8C, 0xD40B3698, 0xF581CFA6, 0x7ADE28A5, 0xB78E26DA, 0xADBFA43F,
+        0x3A9DE42C, 0x78920D50, 0x5FCC9B6A, 0x7E466254, 0x8D13C2F6, 0xD8B8E890, 0x39F75E2E, 0xC3AFF582,
+        0x5D80BE9F, 0xD0937C69, 0xD52DA96F, 0x2512B3CF, 0xAC993BC8, 0x187DA710, 0x9C636EE8, 0x3BBB7BDB,
+        0x267809CD, 0x5918F46E, 0x9AB701EC, 0x4F9AA883, 0x956E65E6, 0xFFE67EAA, 0xBCCF0821, 0x15E8E6EF,
+        0xE79BD9BA, 0x6F36CE4A, 0x9F09D4EA, 0xB07CD629, 0xA4B2AF31, 0x3F23312A, 0xA59430C6, 0xA266C035,
+        0x4EBC3774, 0x82CAA6FC, 0x90D0B0E0, 0xA7D81533, 0x04984AF1, 0xECDAF741, 0xCD500E7F, 0x91F62F17,
+        0x4DD68D76, 0xEFB04D43, 0xAA4D54CC, 0x9604DFE4, 0xD1B5E39E, 0x6A881B4C, 0x2C1FB8C1, 0x65517F46,
+        0x5EEA049D, 0x8C355D01, 0x877473FA, 0x0B412EFB, 0x671D5AB3, 0xDBD25292, 0x105633E9, 0xD647136D,
+        0xD7618C9A, 0xA10C7A37, 0xF8148E59, 0x133C89EB, 0xA927EECE, 0x61C935B7, 0x1CE5EDE1, 0x47B13C7A,
+        0xD2DF599C, 0xF2733F55, 0x14CE7918, 0xC737BF73, 0xF7CDEA53, 0xFDAA5B5F, 0x3D6F14DF, 0x44DB8678,
+        0xAFF381CA, 0x68C43EB9, 0x24342C38, 0xA3405FC2, 0x1DC37216, 0xE2250CBC, 0x3C498B28, 0x0D9541FF,
+        0xA8017139, 0x0CB3DE08, 0xB4E49CD8, 0x56C19064, 0xCB84617B, 0x32B670D5, 0x6C5C7448, 0xB85742D0
+    );
-     * Encryption buffer for CTR, OFB and CFB modes
+     * The SubByte S-Box
-     * @see Crypt_Rijndael::encrypt()
-     * @var String
+     * @see Crypt_Rijndael::_encryptBlock()
+     * @var Array
      * @access private
-    var $enbuffer = array('encrypted' => '', 'xor' => '', 'pos' => 0);
+    var $sbox = array(
+        0x63, 0x7C, 0x77, 0x7B, 0xF2, 0x6B, 0x6F, 0xC5, 0x30, 0x01, 0x67, 0x2B, 0xFE, 0xD7, 0xAB, 0x76,
+        0xCA, 0x82, 0xC9, 0x7D, 0xFA, 0x59, 0x47, 0xF0, 0xAD, 0xD4, 0xA2, 0xAF, 0x9C, 0xA4, 0x72, 0xC0,
+        0xB7, 0xFD, 0x93, 0x26, 0x36, 0x3F, 0xF7, 0xCC, 0x34, 0xA5, 0xE5, 0xF1, 0x71, 0xD8, 0x31, 0x15,
+        0x04, 0xC7, 0x23, 0xC3, 0x18, 0x96, 0x05, 0x9A, 0x07, 0x12, 0x80, 0xE2, 0xEB, 0x27, 0xB2, 0x75,
+        0x09, 0x83, 0x2C, 0x1A, 0x1B, 0x6E, 0x5A, 0xA0, 0x52, 0x3B, 0xD6, 0xB3, 0x29, 0xE3, 0x2F, 0x84,
+        0x53, 0xD1, 0x00, 0xED, 0x20, 0xFC, 0xB1, 0x5B, 0x6A, 0xCB, 0xBE, 0x39, 0x4A, 0x4C, 0x58, 0xCF,
+        0xD0, 0xEF, 0xAA, 0xFB, 0x43, 0x4D, 0x33, 0x85, 0x45, 0xF9, 0x02, 0x7F, 0x50, 0x3C, 0x9F, 0xA8,
+        0x51, 0xA3, 0x40, 0x8F, 0x92, 0x9D, 0x38, 0xF5, 0xBC, 0xB6, 0xDA, 0x21, 0x10, 0xFF, 0xF3, 0xD2,
+        0xCD, 0x0C, 0x13, 0xEC, 0x5F, 0x97, 0x44, 0x17, 0xC4, 0xA7, 0x7E, 0x3D, 0x64, 0x5D, 0x19, 0x73,
+        0x60, 0x81, 0x4F, 0xDC, 0x22, 0x2A, 0x90, 0x88, 0x46, 0xEE, 0xB8, 0x14, 0xDE, 0x5E, 0x0B, 0xDB,
+        0xE0, 0x32, 0x3A, 0x0A, 0x49, 0x06, 0x24, 0x5C, 0xC2, 0xD3, 0xAC, 0x62, 0x91, 0x95, 0xE4, 0x79,
+        0xE7, 0xC8, 0x37, 0x6D, 0x8D, 0xD5, 0x4E, 0xA9, 0x6C, 0x56, 0xF4, 0xEA, 0x65, 0x7A, 0xAE, 0x08,
+        0xBA, 0x78, 0x25, 0x2E, 0x1C, 0xA6, 0xB4, 0xC6, 0xE8, 0xDD, 0x74, 0x1F, 0x4B, 0xBD, 0x8B, 0x8A,
+        0x70, 0x3E, 0xB5, 0x66, 0x48, 0x03, 0xF6, 0x0E, 0x61, 0x35, 0x57, 0xB9, 0x86, 0xC1, 0x1D, 0x9E,
+        0xE1, 0xF8, 0x98, 0x11, 0x69, 0xD9, 0x8E, 0x94, 0x9B, 0x1E, 0x87, 0xE9, 0xCE, 0x55, 0x28, 0xDF,
+        0x8C, 0xA1, 0x89, 0x0D, 0xBF, 0xE6, 0x42, 0x68, 0x41, 0x99, 0x2D, 0x0F, 0xB0, 0x54, 0xBB, 0x16
+    );
-     * Decryption buffer for CTR, OFB and CFB modes
+     * The inverse SubByte S-Box
-     * @see Crypt_Rijndael::decrypt()
-     * @var String
+     * @see Crypt_Rijndael::_decryptBlock()
+     * @var Array
      * @access private
-    var $debuffer = array('ciphertext' => '', 'xor' => '', 'pos' => 0);
+    var $isbox = array(
+        0x52, 0x09, 0x6A, 0xD5, 0x30, 0x36, 0xA5, 0x38, 0xBF, 0x40, 0xA3, 0x9E, 0x81, 0xF3, 0xD7, 0xFB,
+        0x7C, 0xE3, 0x39, 0x82, 0x9B, 0x2F, 0xFF, 0x87, 0x34, 0x8E, 0x43, 0x44, 0xC4, 0xDE, 0xE9, 0xCB,
+        0x54, 0x7B, 0x94, 0x32, 0xA6, 0xC2, 0x23, 0x3D, 0xEE, 0x4C, 0x95, 0x0B, 0x42, 0xFA, 0xC3, 0x4E,
+        0x08, 0x2E, 0xA1, 0x66, 0x28, 0xD9, 0x24, 0xB2, 0x76, 0x5B, 0xA2, 0x49, 0x6D, 0x8B, 0xD1, 0x25,
+        0x72, 0xF8, 0xF6, 0x64, 0x86, 0x68, 0x98, 0x16, 0xD4, 0xA4, 0x5C, 0xCC, 0x5D, 0x65, 0xB6, 0x92,
+        0x6C, 0x70, 0x48, 0x50, 0xFD, 0xED, 0xB9, 0xDA, 0x5E, 0x15, 0x46, 0x57, 0xA7, 0x8D, 0x9D, 0x84,
+        0x90, 0xD8, 0xAB, 0x00, 0x8C, 0xBC, 0xD3, 0x0A, 0xF7, 0xE4, 0x58, 0x05, 0xB8, 0xB3, 0x45, 0x06,
+        0xD0, 0x2C, 0x1E, 0x8F, 0xCA, 0x3F, 0x0F, 0x02, 0xC1, 0xAF, 0xBD, 0x03, 0x01, 0x13, 0x8A, 0x6B,
+        0x3A, 0x91, 0x11, 0x41, 0x4F, 0x67, 0xDC, 0xEA, 0x97, 0xF2, 0xCF, 0xCE, 0xF0, 0xB4, 0xE6, 0x73,
+        0x96, 0xAC, 0x74, 0x22, 0xE7, 0xAD, 0x35, 0x85, 0xE2, 0xF9, 0x37, 0xE8, 0x1C, 0x75, 0xDF, 0x6E,
+        0x47, 0xF1, 0x1A, 0x71, 0x1D, 0x29, 0xC5, 0x89, 0x6F, 0xB7, 0x62, 0x0E, 0xAA, 0x18, 0xBE, 0x1B,
+        0xFC, 0x56, 0x3E, 0x4B, 0xC6, 0xD2, 0x79, 0x20, 0x9A, 0xDB, 0xC0, 0xFE, 0x78, 0xCD, 0x5A, 0xF4,
+        0x1F, 0xDD, 0xA8, 0x33, 0x88, 0x07, 0xC7, 0x31, 0xB1, 0x12, 0x10, 0x59, 0x27, 0x80, 0xEC, 0x5F,
+        0x60, 0x51, 0x7F, 0xA9, 0x19, 0xB5, 0x4A, 0x0D, 0x2D, 0xE5, 0x7A, 0x9F, 0x93, 0xC9, 0x9C, 0xEF,
+        0xA0, 0xE0, 0x3B, 0x4D, 0xAE, 0x2A, 0xF5, 0xB0, 0xC8, 0xEB, 0xBB, 0x3C, 0x83, 0x53, 0x99, 0x61,
+        0x17, 0x2B, 0x04, 0x7E, 0xBA, 0x77, 0xD6, 0x26, 0xE1, 0x69, 0x14, 0x63, 0x55, 0x21, 0x0C, 0x7D
+    );
      * Default Constructor.
-     * Determines whether or not the mcrypt extension should be used.  $mode should only, at present, be
+     * Determines whether or not the mcrypt extension should be used.
+     *
+     * $mode could be:
+     *
+     *
+     *
+     *
+     *
+     *
+     * If not explictly set, CRYPT_RIJNDAEL_MODE_CBC will be used.
+     * @see Crypt_Base::Crypt_Base()
      * @param optional Integer $mode
-     * @return Crypt_Rijndael
      * @access public
     function Crypt_Rijndael($mode = CRYPT_RIJNDAEL_MODE_CBC)
-        switch ($mode) {
-            case CRYPT_RIJNDAEL_MODE_ECB:
-            case CRYPT_RIJNDAEL_MODE_CBC:
-                $this->paddable = true;
-                $this->mode = $mode;
-                break;
-            case CRYPT_RIJNDAEL_MODE_CTR:
-            case CRYPT_RIJNDAEL_MODE_CFB:
-            case CRYPT_RIJNDAEL_MODE_OFB:
-                $this->mode = $mode;
-                break;
-            default:
-                $this->paddable = true;
-                $this->mode = CRYPT_RIJNDAEL_MODE_CBC;
-        }
-        $t3 = &$this->t3;
-        $t2 = &$this->t2;
-        $t1 = &$this->t1;
-        $t0 = &$this->t0;
-        $dt3 = &$this->dt3;
-        $dt2 = &$this->dt2;
-        $dt1 = &$this->dt1;
-        $dt0 = &$this->dt0;
-        // according to <http://csrc.nist.gov/archive/aes/rijndael/Rijndael-ammended.pdf#page=19> (section 5.2.1), 
-        // precomputed tables can be used in the mixColumns phase.  in that example, they're assigned t0...t3, so
-        // those are the names we'll use.
-        $t3 = array(
-            0x6363A5C6, 0x7C7C84F8, 0x777799EE, 0x7B7B8DF6, 0xF2F20DFF, 0x6B6BBDD6, 0x6F6FB1DE, 0xC5C55491, 
-            0x30305060, 0x01010302, 0x6767A9CE, 0x2B2B7D56, 0xFEFE19E7, 0xD7D762B5, 0xABABE64D, 0x76769AEC, 
-            0xCACA458F, 0x82829D1F, 0xC9C94089, 0x7D7D87FA, 0xFAFA15EF, 0x5959EBB2, 0x4747C98E, 0xF0F00BFB, 
-            0xADADEC41, 0xD4D467B3, 0xA2A2FD5F, 0xAFAFEA45, 0x9C9CBF23, 0xA4A4F753, 0x727296E4, 0xC0C05B9B, 
-            0xB7B7C275, 0xFDFD1CE1, 0x9393AE3D, 0x26266A4C, 0x36365A6C, 0x3F3F417E, 0xF7F702F5, 0xCCCC4F83, 
-            0x34345C68, 0xA5A5F451, 0xE5E534D1, 0xF1F108F9, 0x717193E2, 0xD8D873AB, 0x31315362, 0x15153F2A, 
-            0x04040C08, 0xC7C75295, 0x23236546, 0xC3C35E9D, 0x18182830, 0x9696A137, 0x05050F0A, 0x9A9AB52F, 
-            0x0707090E, 0x12123624, 0x80809B1B, 0xE2E23DDF, 0xEBEB26CD, 0x2727694E, 0xB2B2CD7F, 0x75759FEA, 
-            0x09091B12, 0x83839E1D, 0x2C2C7458, 0x1A1A2E34, 0x1B1B2D36, 0x6E6EB2DC, 0x5A5AEEB4, 0xA0A0FB5B, 
-            0x5252F6A4, 0x3B3B4D76, 0xD6D661B7, 0xB3B3CE7D, 0x29297B52, 0xE3E33EDD, 0x2F2F715E, 0x84849713, 
-            0x5353F5A6, 0xD1D168B9, 0x00000000, 0xEDED2CC1, 0x20206040, 0xFCFC1FE3, 0xB1B1C879, 0x5B5BEDB6, 
-            0x6A6ABED4, 0xCBCB468D, 0xBEBED967, 0x39394B72, 0x4A4ADE94, 0x4C4CD498, 0x5858E8B0, 0xCFCF4A85, 
-            0xD0D06BBB, 0xEFEF2AC5, 0xAAAAE54F, 0xFBFB16ED, 0x4343C586, 0x4D4DD79A, 0x33335566, 0x85859411, 
-            0x4545CF8A, 0xF9F910E9, 0x02020604, 0x7F7F81FE, 0x5050F0A0, 0x3C3C4478, 0x9F9FBA25, 0xA8A8E34B, 
-            0x5151F3A2, 0xA3A3FE5D, 0x4040C080, 0x8F8F8A05, 0x9292AD3F, 0x9D9DBC21, 0x38384870, 0xF5F504F1, 
-            0xBCBCDF63, 0xB6B6C177, 0xDADA75AF, 0x21216342, 0x10103020, 0xFFFF1AE5, 0xF3F30EFD, 0xD2D26DBF, 
-            0xCDCD4C81, 0x0C0C1418, 0x13133526, 0xECEC2FC3, 0x5F5FE1BE, 0x9797A235, 0x4444CC88, 0x1717392E, 
-            0xC4C45793, 0xA7A7F255, 0x7E7E82FC, 0x3D3D477A, 0x6464ACC8, 0x5D5DE7BA, 0x19192B32, 0x737395E6, 
-            0x6060A0C0, 0x81819819, 0x4F4FD19E, 0xDCDC7FA3, 0x22226644, 0x2A2A7E54, 0x9090AB3B, 0x8888830B, 
-            0x4646CA8C, 0xEEEE29C7, 0xB8B8D36B, 0x14143C28, 0xDEDE79A7, 0x5E5EE2BC, 0x0B0B1D16, 0xDBDB76AD, 
-            0xE0E03BDB, 0x32325664, 0x3A3A4E74, 0x0A0A1E14, 0x4949DB92, 0x06060A0C, 0x24246C48, 0x5C5CE4B8, 
-            0xC2C25D9F, 0xD3D36EBD, 0xACACEF43, 0x6262A6C4, 0x9191A839, 0x9595A431, 0xE4E437D3, 0x79798BF2, 
-            0xE7E732D5, 0xC8C8438B, 0x3737596E, 0x6D6DB7DA, 0x8D8D8C01, 0xD5D564B1, 0x4E4ED29C, 0xA9A9E049, 
-            0x6C6CB4D8, 0x5656FAAC, 0xF4F407F3, 0xEAEA25CF, 0x6565AFCA, 0x7A7A8EF4, 0xAEAEE947, 0x08081810, 
-            0xBABAD56F, 0x787888F0, 0x25256F4A, 0x2E2E725C, 0x1C1C2438, 0xA6A6F157, 0xB4B4C773, 0xC6C65197, 
-            0xE8E823CB, 0xDDDD7CA1, 0x74749CE8, 0x1F1F213E, 0x4B4BDD96, 0xBDBDDC61, 0x8B8B860D, 0x8A8A850F, 
-            0x707090E0, 0x3E3E427C, 0xB5B5C471, 0x6666AACC, 0x4848D890, 0x03030506, 0xF6F601F7, 0x0E0E121C, 
-            0x6161A3C2, 0x35355F6A, 0x5757F9AE, 0xB9B9D069, 0x86869117, 0xC1C15899, 0x1D1D273A, 0x9E9EB927, 
-            0xE1E138D9, 0xF8F813EB, 0x9898B32B, 0x11113322, 0x6969BBD2, 0xD9D970A9, 0x8E8E8907, 0x9494A733, 
-            0x9B9BB62D, 0x1E1E223C, 0x87879215, 0xE9E920C9, 0xCECE4987, 0x5555FFAA, 0x28287850, 0xDFDF7AA5, 
-            0x8C8C8F03, 0xA1A1F859, 0x89898009, 0x0D0D171A, 0xBFBFDA65, 0xE6E631D7, 0x4242C684, 0x6868B8D0, 
-            0x4141C382, 0x9999B029, 0x2D2D775A, 0x0F0F111E, 0xB0B0CB7B, 0x5454FCA8, 0xBBBBD66D, 0x16163A2C
-        );
-        $dt3 = array(
-            0xF4A75051, 0x4165537E, 0x17A4C31A, 0x275E963A, 0xAB6BCB3B, 0x9D45F11F, 0xFA58ABAC, 0xE303934B, 
-            0x30FA5520, 0x766DF6AD, 0xCC769188, 0x024C25F5, 0xE5D7FC4F, 0x2ACBD7C5, 0x35448026, 0x62A38FB5, 
-            0xB15A49DE, 0xBA1B6725, 0xEA0E9845, 0xFEC0E15D, 0x2F7502C3, 0x4CF01281, 0x4697A38D, 0xD3F9C66B, 
-            0x8F5FE703, 0x929C9515, 0x6D7AEBBF, 0x5259DA95, 0xBE832DD4, 0x7421D358, 0xE0692949, 0xC9C8448E, 
-            0xC2896A75, 0x8E7978F4, 0x583E6B99, 0xB971DD27, 0xE14FB6BE, 0x88AD17F0, 0x20AC66C9, 0xCE3AB47D, 
-            0xDF4A1863, 0x1A3182E5, 0x51336097, 0x537F4562, 0x6477E0B1, 0x6BAE84BB, 0x81A01CFE, 0x082B94F9, 
-            0x48685870, 0x45FD198F, 0xDE6C8794, 0x7BF8B752, 0x73D323AB, 0x4B02E272, 0x1F8F57E3, 0x55AB2A66, 
-            0xEB2807B2, 0xB5C2032F, 0xC57B9A86, 0x3708A5D3, 0x2887F230, 0xBFA5B223, 0x036ABA02, 0x16825CED, 
-            0xCF1C2B8A, 0x79B492A7, 0x07F2F0F3, 0x69E2A14E, 0xDAF4CD65, 0x05BED506, 0x34621FD1, 0xA6FE8AC4, 
-            0x2E539D34, 0xF355A0A2, 0x8AE13205, 0xF6EB75A4, 0x83EC390B, 0x60EFAA40, 0x719F065E, 0x6E1051BD, 
-            0x218AF93E, 0xDD063D96, 0x3E05AEDD, 0xE6BD464D, 0x548DB591, 0xC45D0571, 0x06D46F04, 0x5015FF60, 
-            0x98FB2419, 0xBDE997D6, 0x4043CC89, 0xD99E7767, 0xE842BDB0, 0x898B8807, 0x195B38E7, 0xC8EEDB79, 
-            0x7C0A47A1, 0x420FE97C, 0x841EC9F8, 0x00000000, 0x80868309, 0x2BED4832, 0x1170AC1E, 0x5A724E6C, 
-            0x0EFFFBFD, 0x8538560F, 0xAED51E3D, 0x2D392736, 0x0FD9640A, 0x5CA62168, 0x5B54D19B, 0x362E3A24, 
-            0x0A67B10C, 0x57E70F93, 0xEE96D2B4, 0x9B919E1B, 0xC0C54F80, 0xDC20A261, 0x774B695A, 0x121A161C, 
-            0x93BA0AE2, 0xA02AE5C0, 0x22E0433C, 0x1B171D12, 0x090D0B0E, 0x8BC7ADF2, 0xB6A8B92D, 0x1EA9C814, 
-            0xF1198557, 0x75074CAF, 0x99DDBBEE, 0x7F60FDA3, 0x01269FF7, 0x72F5BC5C, 0x663BC544, 0xFB7E345B, 
-            0x4329768B, 0x23C6DCCB, 0xEDFC68B6, 0xE4F163B8, 0x31DCCAD7, 0x63851042, 0x97224013, 0xC6112084, 
-            0x4A247D85, 0xBB3DF8D2, 0xF93211AE, 0x29A16DC7, 0x9E2F4B1D, 0xB230F3DC, 0x8652EC0D, 0xC1E3D077, 
-            0xB3166C2B, 0x70B999A9, 0x9448FA11, 0xE9642247, 0xFC8CC4A8, 0xF03F1AA0, 0x7D2CD856, 0x3390EF22, 
-            0x494EC787, 0x38D1C1D9, 0xCAA2FE8C, 0xD40B3698, 0xF581CFA6, 0x7ADE28A5, 0xB78E26DA, 0xADBFA43F, 
-            0x3A9DE42C, 0x78920D50, 0x5FCC9B6A, 0x7E466254, 0x8D13C2F6, 0xD8B8E890, 0x39F75E2E, 0xC3AFF582, 
-            0x5D80BE9F, 0xD0937C69, 0xD52DA96F, 0x2512B3CF, 0xAC993BC8, 0x187DA710, 0x9C636EE8, 0x3BBB7BDB, 
-            0x267809CD, 0x5918F46E, 0x9AB701EC, 0x4F9AA883, 0x956E65E6, 0xFFE67EAA, 0xBCCF0821, 0x15E8E6EF, 
-            0xE79BD9BA, 0x6F36CE4A, 0x9F09D4EA, 0xB07CD629, 0xA4B2AF31, 0x3F23312A, 0xA59430C6, 0xA266C035, 
-            0x4EBC3774, 0x82CAA6FC, 0x90D0B0E0, 0xA7D81533, 0x04984AF1, 0xECDAF741, 0xCD500E7F, 0x91F62F17, 
-            0x4DD68D76, 0xEFB04D43, 0xAA4D54CC, 0x9604DFE4, 0xD1B5E39E, 0x6A881B4C, 0x2C1FB8C1, 0x65517F46, 
-            0x5EEA049D, 0x8C355D01, 0x877473FA, 0x0B412EFB, 0x671D5AB3, 0xDBD25292, 0x105633E9, 0xD647136D, 
-            0xD7618C9A, 0xA10C7A37, 0xF8148E59, 0x133C89EB, 0xA927EECE, 0x61C935B7, 0x1CE5EDE1, 0x47B13C7A, 
-            0xD2DF599C, 0xF2733F55, 0x14CE7918, 0xC737BF73, 0xF7CDEA53, 0xFDAA5B5F, 0x3D6F14DF, 0x44DB8678, 
-            0xAFF381CA, 0x68C43EB9, 0x24342C38, 0xA3405FC2, 0x1DC37216, 0xE2250CBC, 0x3C498B28, 0x0D9541FF, 
-            0xA8017139, 0x0CB3DE08, 0xB4E49CD8, 0x56C19064, 0xCB84617B, 0x32B670D5, 0x6C5C7448, 0xB85742D0
-        );
-        for ($i = 0; $i < 256; $i++) {
-            $t2[] = (($t3[$i] <<  8) & 0xFFFFFF00) | (($t3[$i] >> 24) & 0x000000FF);
-            $t1[] = (($t3[$i] << 16) & 0xFFFF0000) | (($t3[$i] >> 16) & 0x0000FFFF);
-            $t0[] = (($t3[$i] << 24) & 0xFF000000) | (($t3[$i] >>  8) & 0x00FFFFFF);
-            $dt2[] = (($dt3[$i] <<  8) & 0xFFFFFF00) | (($dt3[$i] >> 24) & 0x000000FF);
-            $dt1[] = (($dt3[$i] << 16) & 0xFFFF0000) | (($dt3[$i] >> 16) & 0x0000FFFF);
-            $dt0[] = (($dt3[$i] << 24) & 0xFF000000) | (($dt3[$i] >>  8) & 0x00FFFFFF);
-        }
+        parent::Crypt_Base($mode);
@@ -530,112 +714,82 @@ class Crypt_Rijndael {
      * If the key is not explicitly set, it'll be assumed to be all null bytes.
+     * Note: 160/224-bit keys must explicitly set by setKeyLength(), otherwise they will be round/pad up to 192/256 bits.
+     *
+     * @see Crypt_Base:setKey()
+     * @see setKeyLength()
      * @access public
      * @param String $key
     function setKey($key)
-        $this->key = $key;
-        $this->changed = true;
-    }
+        parent::setKey($key);
-    /**
-     * Sets the initialization vector. (optional)
-     *
-     * SetIV is not required when CRYPT_RIJNDAEL_MODE_ECB is being used.  If not explictly set, it'll be assumed
-     * to be all zero's.
-     *
-     * @access public
-     * @param String $iv
-     */
-    function setIV($iv)
-    {
-        $this->encryptIV = $this->decryptIV = $this->iv = str_pad(substr($iv, 0, $this->block_size), $this->block_size, chr(0));
+        if (!$this->explicit_key_length) {
+            $length = strlen($key);
+            switch (true) {
+                case $length <= 16:
+                    $this->key_size = 16;
+                    break;
+                case $length <= 24:
+                    $this->key_size = 24;
+                    break;
+                default:
+                    $this->key_size = 32;
+            }
+            $this->_setupEngine();
+        }
      * Sets the key length
      * Valid key lengths are 128, 160, 192, 224, and 256.  If the length is less than 128, it will be rounded up to
-     * 128.  If the length is greater then 128 and invalid, it will be rounded down to the closest valid amount.
+     * 128.  If the length is greater than 128 and invalid, it will be rounded down to the closest valid amount.
+     *
+     * Note: phpseclib extends Rijndael (and AES) for using 160- and 224-bit keys but they are officially not defined
+     *       and the most (if not all) implementations are not able using 160/224-bit keys but round/pad them up to
+     *       192/256 bits as, for example, mcrypt will do.
+     *
+     *       That said, if you want be compatible with other Rijndael and AES implementations,
+     *       you should not setKeyLength(160) or setKeyLength(224).
+     *
+     * Additional: In case of 160- and 224-bit keys, phpseclib will/can, for that reason, not use
+     *             the mcrypt php extention, even if available.
+     *             This results then in slower encryption.
      * @access public
      * @param Integer $length
     function setKeyLength($length)
-        $length >>= 5;
-        if ($length > 8) {
-            $length = 8;
-        } else if ($length < 4) {
-            $length = 4;
+        switch (true) {
+            case $length == 160:
+                $this->key_size = 20;
+                break;
+            case $length == 224:
+                $this->key_size = 28;
+                break;
+            case $length <= 128:
+                $this->key_size = 16;
+                break;
+            case $length <= 192:
+                $this->key_size = 24;
+                break;
+            default:
+                $this->key_size = 32;
-        $this->Nk = $length;
-        $this->key_size = $length << 2;
         $this->explicit_key_length = true;
         $this->changed = true;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Sets the password.
-     *
-     * Depending on what $method is set to, setPassword()'s (optional) parameters are as follows:
-     *     {@link http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PBKDF2 pbkdf2}:
-     *         $hash, $salt, $method
-     *     Set $dkLen by calling setKeyLength()
-     *
-     * @param String $password
-     * @param optional String $method
-     * @access public
-     */
-    function setPassword($password, $method = 'pbkdf2')
-    {
-        $key = '';
-        switch ($method) {
-            default: // 'pbkdf2'
-                list(, , $hash, $salt, $count) = func_get_args();
-                if (!isset($hash)) {
-                    $hash = 'sha1';
-                }
-                // WPA and WPA2 use the SSID as the salt
-                if (!isset($salt)) {
-                    $salt = 'phpseclib';
-                }
-                // RFC2898#section-4.2 uses 1,000 iterations by default
-                // WPA and WPA2 use 4,096.
-                if (!isset($count)) {
-                    $count = 1000;
-                }
-                if (!class_exists('Crypt_Hash')) {
-                    require_once('Crypt/Hash.php');
-                }
-                $i = 1;
-                while (strlen($key) < $this->key_size) { // $dkLen == $this->key_size
-                    //$dk.= $this->_pbkdf($password, $salt, $count, $i++);
-                    $hmac = new Crypt_Hash();
-                    $hmac->setHash($hash);
-                    $hmac->setKey($password);
-                    $f = $u = $hmac->hash($salt . pack('N', $i++));
-                    for ($j = 2; $j <= $count; $j++) {
-                        $u = $hmac->hash($u);
-                        $f^= $u;
-                    }
-                    $key.= $f;
-                }
-        }
-        $this->setKey(substr($key, 0, $this->key_size));
+        $this->_setupEngine();
      * Sets the block length
      * Valid block lengths are 128, 160, 192, 224, and 256.  If the length is less than 128, it will be rounded up to
-     * 128.  If the length is greater then 128 and invalid, it will be rounded down to the closest valid amount.
+     * 128.  If the length is greater than 128 and invalid, it will be rounded down to the closest valid amount.
      * @access public
      * @param Integer $length
@@ -651,314 +805,76 @@ class Crypt_Rijndael {
         $this->Nb = $length;
         $this->block_size = $length << 2;
         $this->changed = true;
+        $this->_setupEngine();
-     * Generate CTR XOR encryption key
+     * Setup the fastest possible $engine
-     * Encrypt the output of this and XOR it against the ciphertext / plaintext to get the
-     * plaintext / ciphertext in CTR mode.
+     * Determines if the mcrypt (MODE_MCRYPT) $engine available
+     * and usable for the current $block_size and $key_size.
-     * @see Crypt_Rijndael::decrypt()
-     * @see Crypt_Rijndael::encrypt()
-     * @access public
-     * @param Integer $length
-     * @param String $iv
+     * If not, the slower MODE_INTERNAL $engine will be set.
+     *
+     * @see setKey()
+     * @see setKeyLength()
+     * @see setBlockLength()
+     * @access private
-    function _generate_xor($length, &$iv)
+    function _setupEngine()
-        $xor = '';
-        $block_size = $this->block_size;
-        $num_blocks = floor(($length + ($block_size - 1)) / $block_size);
-        for ($i = 0; $i < $num_blocks; $i++) {
-            $xor.= $iv;
-            for ($j = 4; $j <= $block_size; $j+=4) {
-                $temp = substr($iv, -$j, 4);
-                switch ($temp) {
-                    case "\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF":
-                        $iv = substr_replace($iv, "\x00\x00\x00\x00", -$j, 4);
-                        break;
-                    case "\x7F\xFF\xFF\xFF":
-                        $iv = substr_replace($iv, "\x80\x00\x00\x00", -$j, 4);
-                        break 2;
-                    default:
-                        extract(unpack('Ncount', $temp));
-                        $iv = substr_replace($iv, pack('N', $count + 1), -$j, 4);
-                        break 2;
-                }
-            }
+        if (constant('CRYPT_' . $this->const_namespace . '_MODE') == CRYPT_MODE_INTERNAL) {
+            // No mcrypt support at all for rijndael
+            return;
-        return $xor;
-    }
+        // The required mcrypt module name for the current $block_size of rijndael
+        $cipher_name_mcrypt = 'rijndael-' . ($this->block_size << 3);
-    /**
-     * Encrypts a message.
-     *
-     * $plaintext will be padded with additional bytes such that it's length is a multiple of the block size.  Other Rjindael
-     * implementations may or may not pad in the same manner.  Other common approaches to padding and the reasons why it's
-     * necessary are discussed in the following
-     * URL:
-     *
-     * {@link http://www.di-mgt.com.au/cryptopad.html http://www.di-mgt.com.au/cryptopad.html}
-     *
-     * An alternative to padding is to, separately, send the length of the file.  This is what SSH, in fact, does.
-     * strlen($plaintext) will still need to be a multiple of 8, however, arbitrary values can be added to make it that
-     * length.
-     *
-     * @see Crypt_Rijndael::decrypt()
-     * @access public
-     * @param String $plaintext
-     */
-    function encrypt($plaintext)
-    {
-        $this->_setup();
-        if ($this->paddable) {
-            $plaintext = $this->_pad($plaintext);
+        // Determining the availibility/usability of $cipher_name_mcrypt
+        switch (true) {
+            case $this->key_size % 8: // mcrypt is not usable for 160/224-bit keys, only for 128/192/256-bit keys
+            case !in_array($cipher_name_mcrypt, mcrypt_list_algorithms()): // $cipher_name_mcrypt is not available for the current $block_size
+                $engine = CRYPT_MODE_INTERNAL;
+                break;
+            default:
+                $engine = CRYPT_MODE_MCRYPT;
-        $block_size = $this->block_size;
-        $buffer = &$this->enbuffer;
-        $ciphertext = '';
-        switch ($this->mode) {
-            case CRYPT_RIJNDAEL_MODE_ECB:
-                for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($plaintext); $i+=$block_size) {
-                    $ciphertext.= $this->_encryptBlock(substr($plaintext, $i, $block_size));
-                }
-                break;
-            case CRYPT_RIJNDAEL_MODE_CBC:
-                $xor = $this->encryptIV;
-                for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($plaintext); $i+=$block_size) {
-                    $block = substr($plaintext, $i, $block_size);
-                    $block = $this->_encryptBlock($block ^ $xor);
-                    $xor = $block;
-                    $ciphertext.= $block;
-                }
-                if ($this->continuousBuffer) {
-                    $this->encryptIV = $xor;
-                }
-                break;
-            case CRYPT_RIJNDAEL_MODE_CTR:
-                $xor = $this->encryptIV;
-                if (strlen($buffer['encrypted'])) {
-                    for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($plaintext); $i+=$block_size) {
-                        $block = substr($plaintext, $i, $block_size);
-                        $buffer['encrypted'].= $this->_encryptBlock($this->_generate_xor($block_size, $xor));
-                        $key = $this->_string_shift($buffer['encrypted'], $block_size);
-                        $ciphertext.= $block ^ $key;
-                    }
-                } else {
-                    for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($plaintext); $i+=$block_size) {
-                        $block = substr($plaintext, $i, $block_size);
-                        $key = $this->_encryptBlock($this->_generate_xor($block_size, $xor));
-                        $ciphertext.= $block ^ $key;
-                    }
-                }
-                if ($this->continuousBuffer) {
-                    $this->encryptIV = $xor;
-                    if ($start = strlen($plaintext) % $block_size) {
-                        $buffer['encrypted'] = substr($key, $start) . $buffer['encrypted'];
-                    }
-                }
-                break;
-            case CRYPT_RIJNDAEL_MODE_CFB:
-                // cfb loosely routines inspired by openssl's:
-                // http://cvs.openssl.org/fileview?f=openssl/crypto/modes/cfb128.c&v=
-                if ($this->continuousBuffer) {
-                    $iv = &$this->encryptIV;
-                    $pos = &$buffer['pos'];
-                } else {
-                    $iv = $this->encryptIV;
-                    $pos = 0;
-                }
-                $len = strlen($plaintext);
-                $i = 0;
-                if ($pos) {
-                    $orig_pos = $pos;
-                    $max = $block_size - $pos;
-                    if ($len >= $max) {
-                        $i = $max;
-                        $len-= $max;
-                        $pos = 0;
-                    } else {
-                        $i = $len;
-                        $pos+= $len;
-                        $len = 0;
-                    }
-                    // ie. $i = min($max, $len), $len-= $i, $pos+= $i, $pos%= $blocksize
-                    $ciphertext = substr($iv, $orig_pos) ^ $plaintext;
-                    $iv = substr_replace($iv, $ciphertext, $orig_pos, $i);
-                }
-                while ($len >= $block_size) {
-                    $iv = $this->_encryptBlock($iv) ^ substr($plaintext, $i, $block_size);
-                    $ciphertext.= $iv;
-                    $len-= $block_size;
-                    $i+= $block_size;
-                }
-                if ($len) {
-                    $iv = $this->_encryptBlock($iv);
-                    $block = $iv ^ substr($plaintext, $i);
-                    $iv = substr_replace($iv, $block, 0, $len);
-                    $ciphertext.= $block;
-                    $pos = $len;
-                }
-                break;
-            case CRYPT_RIJNDAEL_MODE_OFB:
-                $xor = $this->encryptIV;
-                if (strlen($buffer['xor'])) {
-                    for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($plaintext); $i+=$block_size) {
-                        $xor = $this->_encryptBlock($xor);
-                        $buffer['xor'].= $xor;
-                        $key = $this->_string_shift($buffer['xor'], $block_size);
-                        $ciphertext.= substr($plaintext, $i, $block_size) ^ $key;
-                    }
-                } else {
-                    for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($plaintext); $i+=$block_size) {
-                        $xor = $this->_encryptBlock($xor);
-                        $ciphertext.= substr($plaintext, $i, $block_size) ^ $xor;
-                    }
-                    $key = $xor;
-                }
-                if ($this->continuousBuffer) {
-                    $this->encryptIV = $xor;
-                    if ($start = strlen($plaintext) % $block_size) {
-                         $buffer['xor'] = substr($key, $start) . $buffer['xor'];
-                    }
-                }
+        if ($this->engine == $engine && $this->cipher_name_mcrypt == $cipher_name_mcrypt) {
+            // allready set, so we not unnecessary close $this->enmcrypt/demcrypt/ecb
+            return;
-        return $ciphertext;
+        // Set the $engine
+        $this->engine = $engine;
+        $this->cipher_name_mcrypt = $cipher_name_mcrypt;
+        if ($this->enmcrypt) {
+            // Closing the current mcrypt resource(s). _mcryptSetup() will, if needed,
+            // (re)open them with the module named in $this->cipher_name_mcrypt
+            mcrypt_module_close($this->enmcrypt);
+            mcrypt_module_close($this->demcrypt);
+            $this->enmcrypt = null;
+            $this->demcrypt = null;
+            if ($this->ecb) {
+                mcrypt_module_close($this->ecb);
+                $this->ecb = null;
+            }
+        }
-     * Decrypts a message.
+     * Setup the CRYPT_MODE_MCRYPT $engine
-     * If strlen($ciphertext) is not a multiple of the block size, null bytes will be added to the end of the string until
-     * it is.
-     *
-     * @see Crypt_Rijndael::encrypt()
-     * @access public
-     * @param String $ciphertext
+     * @see Crypt_Base::_setupMcrypt()
+     * @access private
-    function decrypt($ciphertext)
+    function _setupMcrypt()
-        $this->_setup();
-        if ($this->paddable) {
-            // we pad with chr(0) since that's what mcrypt_generic does.  to quote from http://php.net/function.mcrypt-generic :
-            // "The data is padded with "\0" to make sure the length of the data is n * blocksize."
-            $ciphertext = str_pad($ciphertext, strlen($ciphertext) + ($this->block_size - strlen($ciphertext) % $this->block_size) % $this->block_size, chr(0));
-        }
-        $block_size = $this->block_size;
-        $buffer = &$this->debuffer;
-        $plaintext = '';
-        switch ($this->mode) {
-            case CRYPT_RIJNDAEL_MODE_ECB:
-                for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($ciphertext); $i+=$block_size) {
-                    $plaintext.= $this->_decryptBlock(substr($ciphertext, $i, $block_size));
-                }
-                break;
-            case CRYPT_RIJNDAEL_MODE_CBC:
-                $xor = $this->decryptIV;
-                for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($ciphertext); $i+=$block_size) {
-                    $block = substr($ciphertext, $i, $block_size);
-                    $plaintext.= $this->_decryptBlock($block) ^ $xor;
-                    $xor = $block;
-                }
-                if ($this->continuousBuffer) {
-                    $this->decryptIV = $xor;
-                }
-                break;
-            case CRYPT_RIJNDAEL_MODE_CTR:
-                $xor = $this->decryptIV;
-                if (strlen($buffer['ciphertext'])) {
-                    for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($ciphertext); $i+=$block_size) {
-                        $block = substr($ciphertext, $i, $block_size);
-                        $buffer['ciphertext'].= $this->_encryptBlock($this->_generate_xor($block_size, $xor));
-                        $key = $this->_string_shift($buffer['ciphertext'], $block_size);
-                        $plaintext.= $block ^ $key;
-                    }
-                } else {
-                    for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($ciphertext); $i+=$block_size) {
-                        $block = substr($ciphertext, $i, $block_size);
-                        $key = $this->_encryptBlock($this->_generate_xor($block_size, $xor));
-                        $plaintext.= $block ^ $key;
-                    }
-                }
-                if ($this->continuousBuffer) {
-                    $this->decryptIV = $xor;
-                    if ($start = strlen($ciphertext) % $block_size) {
-                        $buffer['ciphertext'] = substr($key, $start) . $buffer['ciphertext'];
-                    }
-                }
-                break;
-            case CRYPT_RIJNDAEL_MODE_CFB:
-                if ($this->continuousBuffer) {
-                    $iv = &$this->decryptIV;
-                    $pos = &$buffer['pos'];
-                } else {
-                    $iv = $this->decryptIV;
-                    $pos = 0;
-                }
-                $len = strlen($ciphertext);
-                $i = 0;
-                if ($pos) {
-                    $orig_pos = $pos;
-                    $max = $block_size - $pos;
-                    if ($len >= $max) {
-                        $i = $max;
-                        $len-= $max;
-                        $pos = 0;
-                    } else {
-                        $i = $len;
-                        $pos+= $len;
-                        $len = 0;
-                    }
-                    // ie. $i = min($max, $len), $len-= $i, $pos+= $i, $pos%= $blocksize
-                    $plaintext = substr($iv, $orig_pos) ^ $ciphertext;
-                    $iv = substr_replace($iv, substr($ciphertext, 0, $i), $orig_pos, $i);
-                }
-                while ($len >= $block_size) {
-                    $iv = $this->_encryptBlock($iv);
-                    $cb = substr($ciphertext, $i, $block_size);
-                    $plaintext.= $iv ^ $cb;
-                    $iv = $cb;
-                    $len-= $block_size;
-                    $i+= $block_size;
-                }
-                if ($len) {
-                    $iv = $this->_encryptBlock($iv);
-                    $plaintext.= $iv ^ substr($ciphertext, $i);
-                    $iv = substr_replace($iv, substr($ciphertext, $i), 0, $len);
-                    $pos = $len;
-                }
-                break;
-            case CRYPT_RIJNDAEL_MODE_OFB:
-                $xor = $this->decryptIV;
-                if (strlen($buffer['xor'])) {
-                    for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($ciphertext); $i+=$block_size) {
-                        $xor = $this->_encryptBlock($xor);
-                        $buffer['xor'].= $xor;
-                        $key = $this->_string_shift($buffer['xor'], $block_size);
-                        $plaintext.= substr($ciphertext, $i, $block_size) ^ $key;
-                    }
-                } else {
-                    for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($ciphertext); $i+=$block_size) {
-                        $xor = $this->_encryptBlock($xor);
-                        $plaintext.= substr($ciphertext, $i, $block_size) ^ $xor;
-                    }
-                    $key = $xor;
-                }
-                if ($this->continuousBuffer) {
-                    $this->decryptIV = $xor;
-                    if ($start = strlen($ciphertext) % $block_size) {
-                         $buffer['xor'] = substr($key, $start) . $buffer['xor'];
-                    }
-                }
-        }
-        return $this->paddable ? $this->_unpad($plaintext) : $plaintext;
+        $this->key = str_pad(substr($this->key, 0, $this->key_size), $this->key_size, "\0");
+        parent::_setupMcrypt();
@@ -970,17 +886,24 @@ class Crypt_Rijndael {
     function _encryptBlock($in)
+        static $t0, $t1, $t2, $t3, $sbox;
+        if (!$t0) {
+            for ($i = 0; $i < 256; ++$i) {
+                $t0[] = (int)$this->t0[$i];
+                $t1[] = (int)$this->t1[$i];
+                $t2[] = (int)$this->t2[$i];
+                $t3[] = (int)$this->t3[$i];
+                $sbox[] = (int)$this->sbox[$i];
+            }
+        }
         $state = array();
-        $words = unpack('N*word', $in);
+        $words = unpack('N*', $in);
+        $c = $this->c;
         $w = $this->w;
-        $t0 = $this->t0;
-        $t1 = $this->t1;
-        $t2 = $this->t2;
-        $t3 = $this->t3;
         $Nb = $this->Nb;
         $Nr = $this->Nr;
-        $c = $this->c;
         // addRoundKey
         $i = -1;
@@ -988,11 +911,11 @@ class Crypt_Rijndael {
             $state[] = $word ^ $w[0][++$i];
-        // fips-197.pdf#page=19, "Figure 5. Pseudo Code for the Cipher", states that this loop has four components - 
-        // subBytes, shiftRows, mixColumns, and addRoundKey. fips-197.pdf#page=30, "Implementation Suggestions Regarding 
+        // fips-197.pdf#page=19, "Figure 5. Pseudo Code for the Cipher", states that this loop has four components -
+        // subBytes, shiftRows, mixColumns, and addRoundKey. fips-197.pdf#page=30, "Implementation Suggestions Regarding
         // Various Platforms" suggests that performs enhanced implementations are described in Rijndael-ammended.pdf.
         // Rijndael-ammended.pdf#page=20, "Implementation aspects / 32-bit processor", discusses such an optimization.
-        // Unfortunately, the description given there is not quite correct.  Per aes.spec.v316.pdf#page=19 [1], 
+        // Unfortunately, the description given there is not quite correct.  Per aes.spec.v316.pdf#page=19 [1],
         // equation (7.4.7) is supposed to use addition instead of subtraction, so we'll do that here, as well.
         // [1] http://fp.gladman.plus.com/cryptography_technology/rijndael/aes.spec.v316.pdf
@@ -1019,7 +942,10 @@ class Crypt_Rijndael {
         // subWord
         for ($i = 0; $i < $Nb; ++$i) {
-            $state[$i] = $this->_subWord($state[$i]);
+            $state[$i] =   $sbox[$state[$i]       & 0x000000FF]        |
+                          ($sbox[$state[$i] >>  8 & 0x000000FF] <<  8) |
+                          ($sbox[$state[$i] >> 16 & 0x000000FF] << 16) |
+                          ($sbox[$state[$i] >> 24 & 0x000000FF] << 24);
         // shiftRows + addRoundKey
@@ -1039,7 +965,6 @@ class Crypt_Rijndael {
             $l = ($l + 1) % $Nb;
-        // 100% ugly switch/case code... but ~5% faster (meaning: ~half second faster de/encrypting 1MB text, tested with php5.4.9 on linux/32bit with an AMD Athlon II P360 CPU) then the commented smart code below. Don't know it's worth or not
         switch ($Nb) {
             case 8:
                 return pack('N*', $temp[0], $temp[1], $temp[2], $temp[3], $temp[4], $temp[5], $temp[6], $temp[7]);
@@ -1052,13 +977,6 @@ class Crypt_Rijndael {
                 return pack('N*', $temp[0], $temp[1], $temp[2], $temp[3]);
-        /*
-        $state = $temp;
-        array_unshift($state, 'N*');
-        return call_user_func_array('pack', $state);
-        */
@@ -1070,17 +988,24 @@ class Crypt_Rijndael {
     function _decryptBlock($in)
+        static $dt0, $dt1, $dt2, $dt3, $isbox;
+        if (!$dt0) {
+            for ($i = 0; $i < 256; ++$i) {
+                $dt0[] = (int)$this->dt0[$i];
+                $dt1[] = (int)$this->dt1[$i];
+                $dt2[] = (int)$this->dt2[$i];
+                $dt3[] = (int)$this->dt3[$i];
+                $isbox[] = (int)$this->isbox[$i];
+            }
+        }
         $state = array();
-        $words = unpack('N*word', $in);
+        $words = unpack('N*', $in);
+        $c  = $this->c;
         $dw = $this->dw;
-        $dt0 = $this->dt0;
-        $dt1 = $this->dt1;
-        $dt2 = $this->dt2;
-        $dt3 = $this->dt3;
         $Nb = $this->Nb;
         $Nr = $this->Nr;
-        $c = $this->c;
         // addRoundKey
         $i = -1;
@@ -1116,11 +1041,15 @@ class Crypt_Rijndael {
         $l = $Nb - $c[3];
         while ($i < $Nb) {
-            $temp[$i] = $dw[0][$i] ^ 
-                        $this->_invSubWord(($state[$i] & 0xFF000000) | 
-                                           ($state[$j] & 0x00FF0000) | 
-                                           ($state[$k] & 0x0000FF00) | 
-                                           ($state[$l] & 0x000000FF));
+            $word = ($state[$i] & 0xFF000000) |
+                    ($state[$j] & 0x00FF0000) |
+                    ($state[$k] & 0x0000FF00) |
+                    ($state[$l] & 0x000000FF);
+            $temp[$i] = $dw[0][$i] ^ ($isbox[$word       & 0x000000FF]        |
+                                     ($isbox[$word >>  8 & 0x000000FF] <<  8) |
+                                     ($isbox[$word >> 16 & 0x000000FF] << 16) |
+                                     ($isbox[$word >> 24 & 0x000000FF] << 24));
             $j = ($j + 1) % $Nb;
             $k = ($k + 1) % $Nb;
@@ -1139,24 +1068,15 @@ class Crypt_Rijndael {
                 return pack('N*', $temp[0], $temp[1], $temp[2], $temp[3]);
-        /*
-        $state = $temp;
-        array_unshift($state, 'N*');
-        return call_user_func_array('pack', $state);
-        */
-     * Setup Rijndael
-     *
-     * Validates all the variables and calculates $Nr - the number of rounds that need to be performed - and $w - the key
-     * key schedule.
+     * Setup the key (expansion)
+     * @see Crypt_Base::_setupKey()
      * @access private
-    function _setup()
+    function _setupKey()
         // Each number in $rcon is equal to the previous number multiplied by two in Rijndael's finite field.
         // See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Finite_field_arithmetic#Multiplicative_inverse
@@ -1169,25 +1089,15 @@ class Crypt_Rijndael {
             0x7D000000, 0xFA000000, 0xEF000000, 0xC5000000, 0x91000000
-        if (!$this->changed) {
-            return;
-        }
+        $this->key = str_pad(substr($this->key, 0, $this->key_size), $this->key_size, "\0");
-        if (!$this->explicit_key_length) {
-            // we do >> 2, here, and not >> 5, as we do above, since strlen($this->key) tells us the number of bytes - not bits
-            $length = strlen($this->key) >> 2;
-            if ($length > 8) {
-                $length = 8;
-            } else if ($length < 4) {
-                $length = 4;
-            }
-            $this->Nk = $length;
-            $this->key_size = $length << 2;
+        if (isset($this->kl['key']) && $this->key === $this->kl['key'] && $this->key_size === $this->kl['key_size'] && $this->block_size === $this->kl['block_size']) {
+            // already expanded
+            return;
+        $this->kl = array('key' => $this->key, 'key_size' => $this->key_size, 'block_size' => $this->block_size);
-        $this->key = str_pad(substr($this->key, 0, $this->key_size), $this->key_size, chr(0));
-        $this->encryptIV = $this->decryptIV = $this->iv = str_pad(substr($this->iv, 0, $this->block_size), $this->block_size, chr(0));
+        $this->Nk = $this->key_size >> 2;
         // see Rijndael-ammended.pdf#page=44
         $this->Nr = max($this->Nk, $this->Nb) + 6;
@@ -1208,9 +1118,7 @@ class Crypt_Rijndael {
                 $this->c = array(0, 1, 3, 4);
-        $key = $this->key;
-        $w = array_values(unpack('N*words', $key));
+        $w = array_values(unpack('N*words', $this->key));
         $length = $this->Nb * ($this->Nr + 1);
         for ($i = $this->Nk; $i < $length; $i++) {
@@ -1230,12 +1138,12 @@ class Crypt_Rijndael {
         // convert the key schedule from a vector of $Nb * ($Nr + 1) length to a matrix with $Nr + 1 rows and $Nb columns
         // and generate the inverse key schedule.  more specifically,
-        // according to <http://csrc.nist.gov/archive/aes/rijndael/Rijndael-ammended.pdf#page=23> (section 5.3.3), 
+        // according to <http://csrc.nist.gov/archive/aes/rijndael/Rijndael-ammended.pdf#page=23> (section 5.3.3),
         // "The key expansion for the Inverse Cipher is defined as follows:
         //        1. Apply the Key Expansion.
         //        2. Apply InvMixColumn to all Round Keys except the first and the last one."
         // also, see fips-197.pdf#page=27, "5.3.5 Equivalent Inverse Cipher"
-        $temp = array();
+        $temp = $this->w = $this->dw = array();
         for ($i = $row = $col = 0; $i < $length; $i++, $col++) {
             if ($col == $this->Nb) {
                 if ($row == 0) {
@@ -1245,9 +1153,9 @@ class Crypt_Rijndael {
                     $j = 0;
                     while ($j < $this->Nb) {
                         $dw = $this->_subWord($this->w[$row][$j]);
-                        $temp[$j] = $this->dt0[$dw >> 24 & 0x000000FF] ^ 
-                                    $this->dt1[$dw >> 16 & 0x000000FF] ^ 
-                                    $this->dt2[$dw >>  8 & 0x000000FF] ^ 
+                        $temp[$j] = $this->dt0[$dw >> 24 & 0x000000FF] ^
+                                    $this->dt1[$dw >> 16 & 0x000000FF] ^
+                                    $this->dt2[$dw >>  8 & 0x000000FF] ^
                                     $this->dt3[$dw       & 0x000000FF];
@@ -1262,264 +1170,205 @@ class Crypt_Rijndael {
         $this->dw[$row] = $this->w[$row];
-        $this->changed = false;
+        // In case of $this->use_inline_crypt === true we have to use 1-dim key arrays (both ascending)
+        if ($this->use_inline_crypt) {
+            $this->dw = array_reverse($this->dw);
+            $w  = array_pop($this->w);
+            $dw = array_pop($this->dw);
+            foreach ($this->w as $r => $wr) {
+                foreach ($wr as $c => $wc) {
+                    $w[]  = $wc;
+                    $dw[] = $this->dw[$r][$c];
+                }
+            }
+            $this->w  = $w;
+            $this->dw = $dw;
+        }
      * Performs S-Box substitutions
      * @access private
+     * @param Integer $word
     function _subWord($word)
-        static $sbox0, $sbox1, $sbox2, $sbox3;
-        if (empty($sbox0)) {
-            $sbox0 = array(
-                0x63, 0x7C, 0x77, 0x7B, 0xF2, 0x6B, 0x6F, 0xC5, 0x30, 0x01, 0x67, 0x2B, 0xFE, 0xD7, 0xAB, 0x76,
-                0xCA, 0x82, 0xC9, 0x7D, 0xFA, 0x59, 0x47, 0xF0, 0xAD, 0xD4, 0xA2, 0xAF, 0x9C, 0xA4, 0x72, 0xC0,
-                0xB7, 0xFD, 0x93, 0x26, 0x36, 0x3F, 0xF7, 0xCC, 0x34, 0xA5, 0xE5, 0xF1, 0x71, 0xD8, 0x31, 0x15,
-                0x04, 0xC7, 0x23, 0xC3, 0x18, 0x96, 0x05, 0x9A, 0x07, 0x12, 0x80, 0xE2, 0xEB, 0x27, 0xB2, 0x75,
-                0x09, 0x83, 0x2C, 0x1A, 0x1B, 0x6E, 0x5A, 0xA0, 0x52, 0x3B, 0xD6, 0xB3, 0x29, 0xE3, 0x2F, 0x84,
-                0x53, 0xD1, 0x00, 0xED, 0x20, 0xFC, 0xB1, 0x5B, 0x6A, 0xCB, 0xBE, 0x39, 0x4A, 0x4C, 0x58, 0xCF,
-                0xD0, 0xEF, 0xAA, 0xFB, 0x43, 0x4D, 0x33, 0x85, 0x45, 0xF9, 0x02, 0x7F, 0x50, 0x3C, 0x9F, 0xA8,
-                0x51, 0xA3, 0x40, 0x8F, 0x92, 0x9D, 0x38, 0xF5, 0xBC, 0xB6, 0xDA, 0x21, 0x10, 0xFF, 0xF3, 0xD2,
-                0xCD, 0x0C, 0x13, 0xEC, 0x5F, 0x97, 0x44, 0x17, 0xC4, 0xA7, 0x7E, 0x3D, 0x64, 0x5D, 0x19, 0x73,
-                0x60, 0x81, 0x4F, 0xDC, 0x22, 0x2A, 0x90, 0x88, 0x46, 0xEE, 0xB8, 0x14, 0xDE, 0x5E, 0x0B, 0xDB,
-                0xE0, 0x32, 0x3A, 0x0A, 0x49, 0x06, 0x24, 0x5C, 0xC2, 0xD3, 0xAC, 0x62, 0x91, 0x95, 0xE4, 0x79,
-                0xE7, 0xC8, 0x37, 0x6D, 0x8D, 0xD5, 0x4E, 0xA9, 0x6C, 0x56, 0xF4, 0xEA, 0x65, 0x7A, 0xAE, 0x08,
-                0xBA, 0x78, 0x25, 0x2E, 0x1C, 0xA6, 0xB4, 0xC6, 0xE8, 0xDD, 0x74, 0x1F, 0x4B, 0xBD, 0x8B, 0x8A,
-                0x70, 0x3E, 0xB5, 0x66, 0x48, 0x03, 0xF6, 0x0E, 0x61, 0x35, 0x57, 0xB9, 0x86, 0xC1, 0x1D, 0x9E,
-                0xE1, 0xF8, 0x98, 0x11, 0x69, 0xD9, 0x8E, 0x94, 0x9B, 0x1E, 0x87, 0xE9, 0xCE, 0x55, 0x28, 0xDF,
-                0x8C, 0xA1, 0x89, 0x0D, 0xBF, 0xE6, 0x42, 0x68, 0x41, 0x99, 0x2D, 0x0F, 0xB0, 0x54, 0xBB, 0x16
-            );
-            $sbox1 = array();
-            $sbox2 = array();
-            $sbox3 = array();
+        $sbox = $this->sbox;
-            for ($i = 0; $i < 256; $i++) {
-                $sbox1[] = $sbox0[$i] <<  8;
-                $sbox2[] = $sbox0[$i] << 16;
-                $sbox3[] = $sbox0[$i] << 24;
-            }
-        }
-        return $sbox0[$word       & 0x000000FF] |
-               $sbox1[$word >>  8 & 0x000000FF] |
-               $sbox2[$word >> 16 & 0x000000FF] |
-               $sbox3[$word >> 24 & 0x000000FF];
+        return  $sbox[$word       & 0x000000FF]        |
+               ($sbox[$word >>  8 & 0x000000FF] <<  8) |
+               ($sbox[$word >> 16 & 0x000000FF] << 16) |
+               ($sbox[$word >> 24 & 0x000000FF] << 24);
-     * Performs inverse S-Box substitutions
+     * Setup the performance-optimized function for de/encrypt()
+     * @see Crypt_Base::_setupInlineCrypt()
      * @access private
-    function _invSubWord($word)
+    function _setupInlineCrypt()
-        static $sbox0, $sbox1, $sbox2, $sbox3;
-        if (empty($sbox0)) {
-            $sbox0 = array(
-                0x52, 0x09, 0x6A, 0xD5, 0x30, 0x36, 0xA5, 0x38, 0xBF, 0x40, 0xA3, 0x9E, 0x81, 0xF3, 0xD7, 0xFB,
-                0x7C, 0xE3, 0x39, 0x82, 0x9B, 0x2F, 0xFF, 0x87, 0x34, 0x8E, 0x43, 0x44, 0xC4, 0xDE, 0xE9, 0xCB,
-                0x54, 0x7B, 0x94, 0x32, 0xA6, 0xC2, 0x23, 0x3D, 0xEE, 0x4C, 0x95, 0x0B, 0x42, 0xFA, 0xC3, 0x4E,
-                0x08, 0x2E, 0xA1, 0x66, 0x28, 0xD9, 0x24, 0xB2, 0x76, 0x5B, 0xA2, 0x49, 0x6D, 0x8B, 0xD1, 0x25,
-                0x72, 0xF8, 0xF6, 0x64, 0x86, 0x68, 0x98, 0x16, 0xD4, 0xA4, 0x5C, 0xCC, 0x5D, 0x65, 0xB6, 0x92,
-                0x6C, 0x70, 0x48, 0x50, 0xFD, 0xED, 0xB9, 0xDA, 0x5E, 0x15, 0x46, 0x57, 0xA7, 0x8D, 0x9D, 0x84,
-                0x90, 0xD8, 0xAB, 0x00, 0x8C, 0xBC, 0xD3, 0x0A, 0xF7, 0xE4, 0x58, 0x05, 0xB8, 0xB3, 0x45, 0x06,
-                0xD0, 0x2C, 0x1E, 0x8F, 0xCA, 0x3F, 0x0F, 0x02, 0xC1, 0xAF, 0xBD, 0x03, 0x01, 0x13, 0x8A, 0x6B,
-                0x3A, 0x91, 0x11, 0x41, 0x4F, 0x67, 0xDC, 0xEA, 0x97, 0xF2, 0xCF, 0xCE, 0xF0, 0xB4, 0xE6, 0x73,
-                0x96, 0xAC, 0x74, 0x22, 0xE7, 0xAD, 0x35, 0x85, 0xE2, 0xF9, 0x37, 0xE8, 0x1C, 0x75, 0xDF, 0x6E,
-                0x47, 0xF1, 0x1A, 0x71, 0x1D, 0x29, 0xC5, 0x89, 0x6F, 0xB7, 0x62, 0x0E, 0xAA, 0x18, 0xBE, 0x1B,
-                0xFC, 0x56, 0x3E, 0x4B, 0xC6, 0xD2, 0x79, 0x20, 0x9A, 0xDB, 0xC0, 0xFE, 0x78, 0xCD, 0x5A, 0xF4,
-                0x1F, 0xDD, 0xA8, 0x33, 0x88, 0x07, 0xC7, 0x31, 0xB1, 0x12, 0x10, 0x59, 0x27, 0x80, 0xEC, 0x5F,
-                0x60, 0x51, 0x7F, 0xA9, 0x19, 0xB5, 0x4A, 0x0D, 0x2D, 0xE5, 0x7A, 0x9F, 0x93, 0xC9, 0x9C, 0xEF,
-                0xA0, 0xE0, 0x3B, 0x4D, 0xAE, 0x2A, 0xF5, 0xB0, 0xC8, 0xEB, 0xBB, 0x3C, 0x83, 0x53, 0x99, 0x61,
-                0x17, 0x2B, 0x04, 0x7E, 0xBA, 0x77, 0xD6, 0x26, 0xE1, 0x69, 0x14, 0x63, 0x55, 0x21, 0x0C, 0x7D
-            );
-            $sbox1 = array();
-            $sbox2 = array();
-            $sbox3 = array();
-            for ($i = 0; $i < 256; $i++) {
-                $sbox1[] = $sbox0[$i] <<  8;
-                $sbox2[] = $sbox0[$i] << 16;
-                $sbox3[] = $sbox0[$i] << 24;
+        // Note: _setupInlineCrypt() will be called only if $this->changed === true
+        // So here we are'nt under the same heavy timing-stress as we are in _de/encryptBlock() or de/encrypt().
+        // However...the here generated function- $code, stored as php callback in $this->inline_crypt, must work as fast as even possible.
+        $lambda_functions =& Crypt_Rijndael::_getLambdaFunctions();
+        // The first 10 generated $lambda_functions will use the key-words hardcoded for better performance.
+        // For memory reason we limit those ultra-optimized functions.
+        // After that, we use pure (extracted) integer vars for the key-words which is faster than accessing them via array.
+        if (count($lambda_functions) < 10) {
+            $w  = $this->w;
+            $dw = $this->dw;
+            $init_encrypt = '';
+            $init_decrypt = '';
+        } else {
+            for ($i = 0, $cw = count($this->w); $i < $cw; ++$i) {
+                $w[]  = '$w['  . $i . ']';
+                $dw[] = '$dw[' . $i . ']';
+            $init_encrypt = '$w = $self->w;';
+            $init_decrypt = '$dw = $self->dw;';
-        return $sbox0[$word       & 0x000000FF] |
-               $sbox1[$word >>  8 & 0x000000FF] |
-               $sbox2[$word >> 16 & 0x000000FF] |
-               $sbox3[$word >> 24 & 0x000000FF];
-    }
+        $code_hash = md5(str_pad("Crypt_Rijndael, {$this->mode}, {$this->block_size}, ", 32, "\0") . implode(',', $w));
+        if (!isset($lambda_functions[$code_hash])) {
+            $Nr = $this->Nr;
+            $Nb = $this->Nb;
+            $c  = $this->c;
+            // Generating encrypt code:
+            $init_encrypt.= '
+                static $t0, $t1, $t2, $t3, $sbox;
+                if (!$t0) {
+                    for ($i = 0; $i < 256; ++$i) {
+                        $t0[$i]    = (int)$self->t0[$i];
+                        $t1[$i]    = (int)$self->t1[$i];
+                        $t2[$i]    = (int)$self->t2[$i];
+                        $t3[$i]    = (int)$self->t3[$i];
+                        $sbox[$i]  = (int)$self->sbox[$i];
+                    }
+                }
+            ';
-    /**
-     * Pad "packets".
-     *
-     * Rijndael works by encrypting between sixteen and thirty-two bytes at a time, provided that number is also a multiple
-     * of four.  If you ever need to encrypt or decrypt something that isn't of the proper length, it becomes necessary to
-     * pad the input so that it is of the proper length.
-     *
-     * Padding is enabled by default.  Sometimes, however, it is undesirable to pad strings.  Such is the case in SSH,
-     * where "packets" are padded with random bytes before being encrypted.  Unpad these packets and you risk stripping
-     * away characters that shouldn't be stripped away. (SSH knows how many bytes are added because the length is
-     * transmitted separately)
-     *
-     * @see Crypt_Rijndael::disablePadding()
-     * @access public
-     */
-    function enablePadding()
-    {
-        $this->padding = true;
-    }
+            $s  = 'e';
+            $e  = 's';
+            $wc = $Nb - 1;
-    /**
-     * Do not pad packets.
-     *
-     * @see Crypt_Rijndael::enablePadding()
-     * @access public
-     */
-    function disablePadding()
-    {
-        $this->padding = false;
-    }
+            // Preround: addRoundKey
+            $encrypt_block = '$in = unpack("N*", $in);'."\n";
+            for ($i = 0; $i < $Nb; ++$i) {
+                $encrypt_block .= '$s'.$i.' = $in['.($i + 1).'] ^ '.$w[++$wc].";\n";
+            }
-    /**
-     * Pads a string
-     *
-     * Pads a string using the RSA PKCS padding standards so that its length is a multiple of the blocksize.
-     * $block_size - (strlen($text) % $block_size) bytes are added, each of which is equal to 
-     * chr($block_size - (strlen($text) % $block_size)
-     *
-     * If padding is disabled and $text is not a multiple of the blocksize, the string will be padded regardless
-     * and padding will, hence forth, be enabled.
-     *
-     * @see Crypt_Rijndael::_unpad()
-     * @access private
-     */
-    function _pad($text)
-    {
-        $length = strlen($text);
-        if (!$this->padding) {
-            if ($length % $this->block_size == 0) {
-                return $text;
-            } else {
-                user_error("The plaintext's length ($length) is not a multiple of the block size ({$this->block_size})");
-                $this->padding = true;
+            // Mainrounds: shiftRows + subWord + mixColumns + addRoundKey
+            for ($round = 1; $round < $Nr; ++$round) {
+                list($s, $e) = array($e, $s);
+                for ($i = 0; $i < $Nb; ++$i) {
+                    $encrypt_block.=
+                        '$'.$e.$i.' =
+                        $t0[($'.$s.$i                  .' >> 24) & 0xff] ^
+                        $t1[($'.$s.(($i + $c[1]) % $Nb).' >> 16) & 0xff] ^
+                        $t2[($'.$s.(($i + $c[2]) % $Nb).' >>  8) & 0xff] ^
+                        $t3[ $'.$s.(($i + $c[3]) % $Nb).'        & 0xff] ^
+                        '.$w[++$wc].";\n";
+                }
-        }
-        $pad = $this->block_size - ($length % $this->block_size);
+            // Finalround: subWord + shiftRows + addRoundKey
+            for ($i = 0; $i < $Nb; ++$i) {
+                $encrypt_block.=
+                    '$'.$e.$i.' =
+                     $sbox[ $'.$e.$i.'        & 0xff]        |
+                    ($sbox[($'.$e.$i.' >>  8) & 0xff] <<  8) |
+                    ($sbox[($'.$e.$i.' >> 16) & 0xff] << 16) |
+                    ($sbox[($'.$e.$i.' >> 24) & 0xff] << 24);'."\n";
+            }
+            $encrypt_block .= '$in = pack("N*"'."\n";
+            for ($i = 0; $i < $Nb; ++$i) {
+                $encrypt_block.= ',
+                    ($'.$e.$i                  .' & 0xFF000000) ^
+                    ($'.$e.(($i + $c[1]) % $Nb).' & 0x00FF0000) ^
+                    ($'.$e.(($i + $c[2]) % $Nb).' & 0x0000FF00) ^
+                    ($'.$e.(($i + $c[3]) % $Nb).' & 0x000000FF) ^
+                    '.$w[$i]."\n";
+            }
+            $encrypt_block .= ');';
+            // Generating decrypt code:
+            $init_decrypt.= '
+                static $dt0, $dt1, $dt2, $dt3, $isbox;
+                if (!$dt0) {
+                    for ($i = 0; $i < 256; ++$i) {
+                        $dt0[$i]   = (int)$self->dt0[$i];
+                        $dt1[$i]   = (int)$self->dt1[$i];
+                        $dt2[$i]   = (int)$self->dt2[$i];
+                        $dt3[$i]   = (int)$self->dt3[$i];
+                        $isbox[$i] = (int)$self->isbox[$i];
+                    }
+                }
+            ';
-        return str_pad($text, $length + $pad, chr($pad));
-    }
+            $s  = 'e';
+            $e  = 's';
+            $wc = $Nb - 1;
-    /**
-     * Unpads a string.
-     *
-     * If padding is enabled and the reported padding length is invalid the encryption key will be assumed to be wrong
-     * and false will be returned.
-     *
-     * @see Crypt_Rijndael::_pad()
-     * @access private
-     */
-    function _unpad($text)
-    {
-        if (!$this->padding) {
-            return $text;
-        }
+            // Preround: addRoundKey
+            $decrypt_block = '$in = unpack("N*", $in);'."\n";
+            for ($i = 0; $i < $Nb; ++$i) {
+                $decrypt_block .= '$s'.$i.' = $in['.($i + 1).'] ^ '.$dw[++$wc].';'."\n";
+            }
-        $length = ord($text[strlen($text) - 1]);
+            // Mainrounds: shiftRows + subWord + mixColumns + addRoundKey
+            for ($round = 1; $round < $Nr; ++$round) {
+                list($s, $e) = array($e, $s);
+                for ($i = 0; $i < $Nb; ++$i) {
+                    $decrypt_block.=
+                        '$'.$e.$i.' =
+                        $dt0[($'.$s.$i                        .' >> 24) & 0xff] ^
+                        $dt1[($'.$s.(($Nb + $i - $c[1]) % $Nb).' >> 16) & 0xff] ^
+                        $dt2[($'.$s.(($Nb + $i - $c[2]) % $Nb).' >>  8) & 0xff] ^
+                        $dt3[ $'.$s.(($Nb + $i - $c[3]) % $Nb).'        & 0xff] ^
+                        '.$dw[++$wc].";\n";
+                }
+            }
-        if (!$length || $length > $this->block_size) {
-            return false;
+            // Finalround: subWord + shiftRows + addRoundKey
+            for ($i = 0; $i < $Nb; ++$i) {
+                $decrypt_block.=
+                    '$'.$e.$i.' =
+                     $isbox[ $'.$e.$i.'        & 0xff]        |
+                    ($isbox[($'.$e.$i.' >>  8) & 0xff] <<  8) |
+                    ($isbox[($'.$e.$i.' >> 16) & 0xff] << 16) |
+                    ($isbox[($'.$e.$i.' >> 24) & 0xff] << 24);'."\n";
+            }
+            $decrypt_block .= '$in = pack("N*"'."\n";
+            for ($i = 0; $i < $Nb; ++$i) {
+                $decrypt_block.= ',
+                    ($'.$e.$i.                        ' & 0xFF000000) ^
+                    ($'.$e.(($Nb + $i - $c[1]) % $Nb).' & 0x00FF0000) ^
+                    ($'.$e.(($Nb + $i - $c[2]) % $Nb).' & 0x0000FF00) ^
+                    ($'.$e.(($Nb + $i - $c[3]) % $Nb).' & 0x000000FF) ^
+                    '.$dw[$i]."\n";
+            }
+            $decrypt_block .= ');';
+            $lambda_functions[$code_hash] = $this->_createInlineCryptFunction(
+                array(
+                   'init_crypt'    => '',
+                   'init_encrypt'  => $init_encrypt,
+                   'init_decrypt'  => $init_decrypt,
+                   'encrypt_block' => $encrypt_block,
+                   'decrypt_block' => $decrypt_block
+                )
+            );
-        return substr($text, 0, -$length);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Treat consecutive "packets" as if they are a continuous buffer.
-     *
-     * Say you have a 32-byte plaintext $plaintext.  Using the default behavior, the two following code snippets
-     * will yield different outputs:
-     *
-     * <code>
-     *    echo $rijndael->encrypt(substr($plaintext,  0, 16));
-     *    echo $rijndael->encrypt(substr($plaintext, 16, 16));
-     * </code>
-     * <code>
-     *    echo $rijndael->encrypt($plaintext);
-     * </code>
-     *
-     * The solution is to enable the continuous buffer.  Although this will resolve the above discrepancy, it creates
-     * another, as demonstrated with the following:
-     *
-     * <code>
-     *    $rijndael->encrypt(substr($plaintext, 0, 16));
-     *    echo $rijndael->decrypt($des->encrypt(substr($plaintext, 16, 16)));
-     * </code>
-     * <code>
-     *    echo $rijndael->decrypt($des->encrypt(substr($plaintext, 16, 16)));
-     * </code>
-     *
-     * With the continuous buffer disabled, these would yield the same output.  With it enabled, they yield different
-     * outputs.  The reason is due to the fact that the initialization vector's change after every encryption /
-     * decryption round when the continuous buffer is enabled.  When it's disabled, they remain constant.
-     *
-     * Put another way, when the continuous buffer is enabled, the state of the Crypt_Rijndael() object changes after each
-     * encryption / decryption round, whereas otherwise, it'd remain constant.  For this reason, it's recommended that
-     * continuous buffers not be used.  They do offer better security and are, in fact, sometimes required (SSH uses them),
-     * however, they are also less intuitive and more likely to cause you problems.
-     *
-     * @see Crypt_Rijndael::disableContinuousBuffer()
-     * @access public
-     */
-    function enableContinuousBuffer()
-    {
-        $this->continuousBuffer = true;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Treat consecutive packets as if they are a discontinuous buffer.
-     *
-     * The default behavior.
-     *
-     * @see Crypt_Rijndael::enableContinuousBuffer()
-     * @access public
-     */
-    function disableContinuousBuffer()
-    {
-        $this->continuousBuffer = false;
-        $this->encryptIV = $this->iv;
-        $this->decryptIV = $this->iv;
-        $this->enbuffer = array('encrypted' => '', 'xor' => '', 'pos' => 0);
-        $this->debuffer = array('ciphertext' => '', 'xor' => '', 'pos' => 0);
-    }
-    /**
-     * String Shift
-     *
-     * Inspired by array_shift
-     *
-     * @param String $string
-     * @param optional Integer $index
-     * @return String
-     * @access private
-     */
-    function _string_shift(&$string, $index = 1)
-    {
-        $substr = substr($string, 0, $index);
-        $string = substr($string, $index);
-        return $substr;
+        $this->inline_crypt = $lambda_functions[$code_hash];
 // vim: ts=4:sw=4:et:
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\ No newline at end of file
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diff --git a/apps/files_external/3rdparty/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/TripleDES.php b/apps/files_external/3rdparty/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/TripleDES.php
index 3b4c8c3622fdd4e275b24c50543cf03cd72c6ccd..4030c6c9fbe15c6d74593cfe7198033750ac5342 100644
--- a/apps/files_external/3rdparty/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/TripleDES.php
+++ b/apps/files_external/3rdparty/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/TripleDES.php
@@ -33,10 +33,10 @@
  * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
  * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
  * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
- * 
+ *
  * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
  * all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
- * 
+ *
@@ -50,7 +50,6 @@
  * @author     Jim Wigginton <terrafrost@php.net>
  * @copyright  MMVII Jim Wigginton
  * @license    http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html  MIT License
- * @version    $Id: TripleDES.php,v 1.13 2010/02/26 03:40:25 terrafrost Exp $
  * @link       http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net
@@ -81,253 +80,157 @@ define('CRYPT_DES_MODE_CBC3', CRYPT_DES_MODE_CBC);
  * @author  Jim Wigginton <terrafrost@php.net>
  * @version 0.1.0
  * @access  public
- * @package Crypt_TerraDES
+ * @package Crypt_TripleDES
-class Crypt_TripleDES {
+class Crypt_TripleDES extends Crypt_DES {
-     * The Three Keys
+     * The default password key_size used by setPassword()
-     * @see Crypt_TripleDES::setKey()
-     * @var String
+     * @see Crypt_DES::password_key_size
+     * @see Crypt_Base::password_key_size
+     * @see Crypt_Base::setPassword()
+     * @var Integer
      * @access private
-    var $key = "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0";
+    var $password_key_size = 24;
-     * The Encryption Mode
+     * The default salt used by setPassword()
-     * @see Crypt_TripleDES::Crypt_TripleDES()
-     * @var Integer
+     * @see Crypt_Base::password_default_salt
+     * @see Crypt_Base::setPassword()
+     * @var String
      * @access private
-    var $mode = CRYPT_DES_MODE_CBC;
+    var $password_default_salt = 'phpseclib';
-     * Continuous Buffer status
+     * The namespace used by the cipher for its constants.
-     * @see Crypt_TripleDES::enableContinuousBuffer()
-     * @var Boolean
+     * @see Crypt_DES::const_namespace
+     * @see Crypt_Base::const_namespace
+     * @var String
      * @access private
-    var $continuousBuffer = false;
+    var $const_namespace = 'DES';
-     * Padding status
+     * The mcrypt specific name of the cipher
-     * @see Crypt_TripleDES::enablePadding()
-     * @var Boolean
+     * @see Crypt_DES::cipher_name_mcrypt
+     * @see Crypt_Base::cipher_name_mcrypt
+     * @var String
      * @access private
-    var $padding = true;
+    var $cipher_name_mcrypt = 'tripledes';
-     * The Initialization Vector
+     * Optimizing value while CFB-encrypting
-     * @see Crypt_TripleDES::setIV()
-     * @var String
+     * @see Crypt_Base::cfb_init_len
+     * @var Integer
      * @access private
-    var $iv = "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0";
+    var $cfb_init_len = 750;
-     * A "sliding" Initialization Vector
+     * max possible size of $key
-     * @see Crypt_TripleDES::enableContinuousBuffer()
+     * @see Crypt_TripleDES::setKey()
+     * @see Crypt_DES::setKey()
      * @var String
      * @access private
-    var $encryptIV = "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0";
+    var $key_size_max = 24;
-     * A "sliding" Initialization Vector
+     * Internal flag whether using CRYPT_DES_MODE_3CBC or not
-     * @see Crypt_TripleDES::enableContinuousBuffer()
-     * @var String
+     * @var Boolean
      * @access private
-    var $decryptIV = "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0";
+    var $mode_3cbc;
      * The Crypt_DES objects
+     * Used only if $mode_3cbc === true
+     *
      * @var Array
      * @access private
     var $des;
-     * mcrypt resource for encryption
+     * Default Constructor.
-     * The mcrypt resource can be recreated every time something needs to be created or it can be created just once.
-     * Since mcrypt operates in continuous mode, by default, it'll need to be recreated when in non-continuous mode.
+     * Determines whether or not the mcrypt extension should be used.
-     * @see Crypt_TripleDES::encrypt()
-     * @var String
-     * @access private
-     */
-    var $enmcrypt;
-    /**
-     * mcrypt resource for decryption
+     * $mode could be:
-     * The mcrypt resource can be recreated every time something needs to be created or it can be created just once.
-     * Since mcrypt operates in continuous mode, by default, it'll need to be recreated when in non-continuous mode.
-     * @see Crypt_TripleDES::decrypt()
-     * @var String
-     * @access private
-     */
-    var $demcrypt;
-    /**
-     * Does the enmcrypt resource need to be (re)initialized?
-     * @see Crypt_TripleDES::setKey()
-     * @see Crypt_TripleDES::setIV()
-     * @var Boolean
-     * @access private
-     */
-    var $enchanged = true;
-    /**
-     * Does the demcrypt resource need to be (re)initialized?
-     * @see Crypt_TripleDES::setKey()
-     * @see Crypt_TripleDES::setIV()
-     * @var Boolean
-     * @access private
-     */
-    var $dechanged = true;
-    /**
-     * Is the mode one that is paddable?
-     * @see Crypt_TripleDES::Crypt_TripleDES()
-     * @var Boolean
-     * @access private
-     */
-    var $paddable = false;
-    /**
-     * Encryption buffer for CTR, OFB and CFB modes
-     * @see Crypt_TripleDES::encrypt()
-     * @var Array
-     * @access private
-     */
-    var $enbuffer = array('encrypted' => '', 'xor' => '', 'pos' => 0, 'enmcrypt_init' => true);
-    /**
-     * Decryption buffer for CTR, OFB and CFB modes
-     *
-     * @see Crypt_TripleDES::decrypt()
-     * @var Array
-     * @access private
-     */
-    var $debuffer = array('ciphertext' => '', 'xor' => '', 'pos' => 0, 'demcrypt_init' => true);
-    /**
-     * mcrypt resource for CFB mode
-     *
-     * @see Crypt_TripleDES::encrypt()
-     * @see Crypt_TripleDES::decrypt()
-     * @var String
-     * @access private
-     */
-    var $ecb;
-    /**
-     * Default Constructor.
-     * Determines whether or not the mcrypt extension should be used.  $mode should only, at present, be
-     * CRYPT_DES_MODE_ECB or CRYPT_DES_MODE_CBC.  If not explictly set, CRYPT_DES_MODE_CBC will be used.
+     * If not explictly set, CRYPT_DES_MODE_CBC will be used.
+     * @see Crypt_DES::Crypt_DES()
+     * @see Crypt_Base::Crypt_Base()
      * @param optional Integer $mode
-     * @return Crypt_TripleDES
      * @access public
     function Crypt_TripleDES($mode = CRYPT_DES_MODE_CBC)
-        if ( !defined('CRYPT_DES_MODE') ) {
-            switch (true) {
-                case extension_loaded('mcrypt') && in_array('tripledes', mcrypt_list_algorithms()):
-                    define('CRYPT_DES_MODE', CRYPT_DES_MODE_MCRYPT);
-                    break;
-                default:
-                    define('CRYPT_DES_MODE', CRYPT_DES_MODE_INTERNAL);
-            }
-        }
-        if ( $mode == CRYPT_DES_MODE_3CBC ) {
-            $this->mode = CRYPT_DES_MODE_3CBC;
-            $this->des = array(
-                new Crypt_DES(CRYPT_DES_MODE_CBC),
-                new Crypt_DES(CRYPT_DES_MODE_CBC),
-                new Crypt_DES(CRYPT_DES_MODE_CBC)
-            );
-            $this->paddable = true;
-            // we're going to be doing the padding, ourselves, so disable it in the Crypt_DES objects
-            $this->des[0]->disablePadding();
-            $this->des[1]->disablePadding();
-            $this->des[2]->disablePadding();
-            return;
-        }
-        switch ( CRYPT_DES_MODE ) {
-            case CRYPT_DES_MODE_MCRYPT:
-                switch ($mode) {
-                    case CRYPT_DES_MODE_ECB:
-                        $this->paddable = true;
-                        $this->mode = MCRYPT_MODE_ECB;
-                        break;
-                    case CRYPT_DES_MODE_CTR:
-                        $this->mode = 'ctr';
-                        break;
-                    case CRYPT_DES_MODE_CFB:
-                        $this->mode = 'ncfb';
-                        $this->ecb = mcrypt_module_open(MCRYPT_3DES, '', MCRYPT_MODE_ECB, '');
-                        break;
-                    case CRYPT_DES_MODE_OFB:
-                        $this->mode = MCRYPT_MODE_NOFB;
-                        break;
-                    case CRYPT_DES_MODE_CBC:
-                    default:
-                        $this->paddable = true;
-                        $this->mode = MCRYPT_MODE_CBC;
-                }
-                $this->enmcrypt = mcrypt_module_open(MCRYPT_3DES, '', $this->mode, '');
-                $this->demcrypt = mcrypt_module_open(MCRYPT_3DES, '', $this->mode, '');
-                break;
-            default:
+        switch ($mode) {
+            // In case of CRYPT_DES_MODE_3CBC, we init as CRYPT_DES_MODE_CBC
+            // and additional flag us internally as 3CBC
+            case CRYPT_DES_MODE_3CBC:
+                parent::Crypt_DES(CRYPT_DES_MODE_CBC);
+                $this->mode_3cbc = true;
+                // This three $des'es will do the 3CBC work (if $key > 64bits)
                 $this->des = array(
-                    new Crypt_DES(CRYPT_DES_MODE_ECB),
-                    new Crypt_DES(CRYPT_DES_MODE_ECB),
-                    new Crypt_DES(CRYPT_DES_MODE_ECB)
+                    new Crypt_DES(CRYPT_DES_MODE_CBC),
+                    new Crypt_DES(CRYPT_DES_MODE_CBC),
+                    new Crypt_DES(CRYPT_DES_MODE_CBC),
                 // we're going to be doing the padding, ourselves, so disable it in the Crypt_DES objects
+                break;
+            // If not 3CBC, we init as usual
+            default:
+                parent::Crypt_DES($mode);
+        }
+    }
-                switch ($mode) {
-                    case CRYPT_DES_MODE_ECB:
-                    case CRYPT_DES_MODE_CBC:
-                        $this->paddable = true;
-                        $this->mode = $mode;
-                        break;
-                    case CRYPT_DES_MODE_CTR:
-                    case CRYPT_DES_MODE_CFB:
-                    case CRYPT_DES_MODE_OFB:
-                        $this->mode = $mode;
-                        break;
-                    default:
-                        $this->paddable = true;
-                        $this->mode = CRYPT_DES_MODE_CBC;
-                }
+    /**
+     * Sets the initialization vector. (optional)
+     *
+     * SetIV is not required when CRYPT_DES_MODE_ECB is being used.  If not explictly set, it'll be assumed
+     * to be all zero's.
+     *
+     * @see Crypt_Base::setIV()
+     * @access public
+     * @param String $iv
+     */
+    function setIV($iv)
+    {
+        parent::setIV($iv);
+        if ($this->mode_3cbc) {
+            $this->des[0]->setIV($iv);
+            $this->des[1]->setIV($iv);
+            $this->des[2]->setIV($iv);
@@ -339,568 +242,77 @@ class Crypt_TripleDES {
      * DES also requires that every eighth bit be a parity bit, however, we'll ignore that.
-     * If the key is not explicitly set, it'll be assumed to be all zero's.
+     * If the key is not explicitly set, it'll be assumed to be all null bytes.
      * @access public
+     * @see Crypt_DES::setKey()
+     * @see Crypt_Base::setKey()
      * @param String $key
     function setKey($key)
         $length = strlen($key);
         if ($length > 8) {
-            $key = str_pad($key, 24, chr(0));
+            $key = str_pad(substr($key, 0, 24), 24, chr(0));
             // if $key is between 64 and 128-bits, use the first 64-bits as the last, per this:
             // http://php.net/function.mcrypt-encrypt#47973
             //$key = $length <= 16 ? substr_replace($key, substr($key, 0, 8), 16) : substr($key, 0, 24);
         } else {
             $key = str_pad($key, 8, chr(0));
-        $this->key = $key;
-        switch (true) {
-            case $this->mode == CRYPT_DES_MODE_3CBC:
-                $this->des[0]->setKey(substr($key,  0, 8));
-                $this->des[1]->setKey(substr($key,  8, 8));
-                $this->des[2]->setKey(substr($key, 16, 8));
+        parent::setKey($key);
+        // And in case of CRYPT_DES_MODE_3CBC:
+        // if key <= 64bits we not need the 3 $des to work,
+        // because we will then act as regular DES-CBC with just a <= 64bit key.
+        // So only if the key > 64bits (> 8 bytes) we will call setKey() for the 3 $des.
+        if ($this->mode_3cbc && $length > 8) {
+            $this->des[0]->setKey(substr($key,  0, 8));
+            $this->des[1]->setKey(substr($key,  8, 8));
+            $this->des[2]->setKey(substr($key, 16, 8));
-        $this->enchanged = $this->dechanged = true;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Sets the password.
-     *
-     * Depending on what $method is set to, setPassword()'s (optional) parameters are as follows:
-     *     {@link http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PBKDF2 pbkdf2}:
-     *         $hash, $salt, $method
-     *
-     * @param String $password
-     * @param optional String $method
-     * @access public
-     */
-    function setPassword($password, $method = 'pbkdf2')
-    {
-        $key = '';
-        switch ($method) {
-            default: // 'pbkdf2'
-                list(, , $hash, $salt, $count) = func_get_args();
-                if (!isset($hash)) {
-                    $hash = 'sha1';
-                }
-                // WPA and WPA2 use the SSID as the salt
-                if (!isset($salt)) {
-                    $salt = 'phpseclib';
-                }
-                // RFC2898#section-4.2 uses 1,000 iterations by default
-                // WPA and WPA2 use 4,096.
-                if (!isset($count)) {
-                    $count = 1000;
-                }
-                if (!class_exists('Crypt_Hash')) {
-                    require_once('Crypt/Hash.php');
-                }
-                $i = 1;
-                while (strlen($key) < 24) { // $dkLen == 24
-                    $hmac = new Crypt_Hash();
-                    $hmac->setHash($hash);
-                    $hmac->setKey($password);
-                    $f = $u = $hmac->hash($salt . pack('N', $i++));
-                    for ($j = 2; $j <= $count; $j++) {
-                        $u = $hmac->hash($u);
-                        $f^= $u;
-                    }
-                    $key.= $f;
-                }
-        }
-        $this->setKey($key);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Sets the initialization vector. (optional)
-     *
-     * SetIV is not required when CRYPT_DES_MODE_ECB is being used.  If not explictly set, it'll be assumed
-     * to be all zero's.
-     *
-     * @access public
-     * @param String $iv
-     */
-    function setIV($iv)
-    {
-        $this->encryptIV = $this->decryptIV = $this->iv = str_pad(substr($iv, 0, 8), 8, chr(0));
-        if ($this->mode == CRYPT_DES_MODE_3CBC) {
-            $this->des[0]->setIV($iv);
-            $this->des[1]->setIV($iv);
-            $this->des[2]->setIV($iv);
-        }
-        $this->enchanged = $this->dechanged = true;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Generate CTR XOR encryption key
-     *
-     * Encrypt the output of this and XOR it against the ciphertext / plaintext to get the
-     * plaintext / ciphertext in CTR mode.
-     *
-     * @see Crypt_TripleDES::decrypt()
-     * @see Crypt_TripleDES::encrypt()
-     * @access private
-     * @param String $iv
-     */
-    function _generate_xor(&$iv)
-    {
-        $xor = $iv;
-        for ($j = 4; $j <= 8; $j+=4) {
-            $temp = substr($iv, -$j, 4);
-            switch ($temp) {
-                case "\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF":
-                    $iv = substr_replace($iv, "\x00\x00\x00\x00", -$j, 4);
-                    break;
-                case "\x7F\xFF\xFF\xFF":
-                    $iv = substr_replace($iv, "\x80\x00\x00\x00", -$j, 4);
-                    break 2;
-                default:
-                    extract(unpack('Ncount', $temp));
-                    $iv = substr_replace($iv, pack('N', $count + 1), -$j, 4);
-                    break 2;
-            }
-        }
-        return $xor;
      * Encrypts a message.
+     * @see Crypt_Base::encrypt()
      * @access public
      * @param String $plaintext
+     * @return String $cipertext
     function encrypt($plaintext)
-        if ($this->paddable) {
-            $plaintext = $this->_pad($plaintext);
-        }
+        // parent::en/decrypt() is able to do all the work for all modes and keylengths,
+        // except for: CRYPT_DES_MODE_3CBC (inner chaining CBC) with a key > 64bits
         // if the key is smaller then 8, do what we'd normally do
-        if ($this->mode == CRYPT_DES_MODE_3CBC && strlen($this->key) > 8) {
-            $ciphertext = $this->des[2]->encrypt($this->des[1]->decrypt($this->des[0]->encrypt($plaintext)));
-            return $ciphertext;
-        }
-            if ($this->enchanged) {
-                mcrypt_generic_init($this->enmcrypt, $this->key, $this->encryptIV);
-                if ($this->mode == 'ncfb') {
-                    mcrypt_generic_init($this->ecb, $this->key, "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0");
-                }
-                $this->enchanged = false;
-            }
-            if ($this->mode != 'ncfb' || !$this->continuousBuffer) {
-                $ciphertext = mcrypt_generic($this->enmcrypt, $plaintext);
-            } else {
-                $iv = &$this->encryptIV;
-                $pos = &$this->enbuffer['pos'];
-                $len = strlen($plaintext);
-                $ciphertext = '';
-                $i = 0;
-                if ($pos) {
-                    $orig_pos = $pos;
-                    $max = 8 - $pos;
-                    if ($len >= $max) {
-                        $i = $max;
-                        $len-= $max;
-                        $pos = 0;
-                    } else {
-                        $i = $len;
-                        $pos+= $len;
-                        $len = 0;
-                    }
-                    $ciphertext = substr($iv, $orig_pos) ^ $plaintext;
-                    $iv = substr_replace($iv, $ciphertext, $orig_pos, $i);
-                    $this->enbuffer['enmcrypt_init'] = true;
-                }
-                if ($len >= 8) {
-                    if ($this->enbuffer['enmcrypt_init'] === false || $len > 950) {
-                        if ($this->enbuffer['enmcrypt_init'] === true) {
-                            mcrypt_generic_init($this->enmcrypt, $this->key, $iv);
-                            $this->enbuffer['enmcrypt_init'] = false;
-                        }
-                        $ciphertext.= mcrypt_generic($this->enmcrypt, substr($plaintext, $i, $len - $len % 8));
-                        $iv = substr($ciphertext, -8);
-                        $i = strlen($ciphertext);
-                        $len%= 8;
-                    } else {
-                        while ($len >= 8) {
-                            $iv = mcrypt_generic($this->ecb, $iv) ^ substr($plaintext, $i, 8);
-                            $ciphertext.= $iv;
-                            $len-= 8;
-                            $i+= 8;
-                        }
-                    }
-                } 
-                if ($len) {
-                    $iv = mcrypt_generic($this->ecb, $iv);
-                    $block = $iv ^ substr($plaintext, $i);
-                    $iv = substr_replace($iv, $block, 0, $len);
-                    $ciphertext.= $block;
-                    $pos = $len;
-                }
-                return $ciphertext;
-            }
-            if (!$this->continuousBuffer) {
-                mcrypt_generic_init($this->enmcrypt, $this->key, $this->encryptIV);
-            }
-            return $ciphertext;
-        }
-        if (strlen($this->key) <= 8) {
-            $this->des[0]->mode = $this->mode;
-            return $this->des[0]->encrypt($plaintext);
+        if ($this->mode_3cbc && strlen($this->key) > 8) {
+            return $this->des[2]->encrypt(
+                   $this->des[1]->decrypt(
+                   $this->des[0]->encrypt($this->_pad($plaintext))));
-        $des = $this->des;
-        $buffer = &$this->enbuffer;
-        $continuousBuffer = $this->continuousBuffer;
-        $ciphertext = '';
-        switch ($this->mode) {
-            case CRYPT_DES_MODE_ECB:
-                for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($plaintext); $i+=8) {
-                    $block = substr($plaintext, $i, 8);
-                    // all of these _processBlock calls could, in theory, be put in a function - say Crypt_TripleDES::_ede_encrypt() or something.
-                    // only problem with that: it would slow encryption and decryption down.  $this->des would have to be called every time that
-                    // function is called, instead of once for the whole string of text that's being encrypted, which would, in turn, make 
-                    // encryption and decryption take more time, per this:
-                    //
-                    // http://blog.libssh2.org/index.php?/archives/21-Compiled-Variables.html
-                    $block = $des[0]->_processBlock($block, CRYPT_DES_ENCRYPT);
-                    $block = $des[1]->_processBlock($block, CRYPT_DES_DECRYPT);
-                    $block = $des[2]->_processBlock($block, CRYPT_DES_ENCRYPT);
-                    $ciphertext.= $block;
-                }
-                break;
-            case CRYPT_DES_MODE_CBC:
-                $xor = $this->encryptIV;
-                for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($plaintext); $i+=8) {
-                    $block = substr($plaintext, $i, 8) ^ $xor;
-                    $block = $des[0]->_processBlock($block, CRYPT_DES_ENCRYPT);
-                    $block = $des[1]->_processBlock($block, CRYPT_DES_DECRYPT);
-                    $block = $des[2]->_processBlock($block, CRYPT_DES_ENCRYPT);
-                    $xor = $block;
-                    $ciphertext.= $block;
-                }
-                if ($this->continuousBuffer) {
-                    $this->encryptIV = $xor;
-                }
-                break;
-            case CRYPT_DES_MODE_CTR:
-                $xor = $this->encryptIV;
-                if (strlen($buffer['encrypted'])) {
-                    for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($plaintext); $i+=8) {
-                        $block = substr($plaintext, $i, 8);
-                        $key = $this->_generate_xor($xor);
-                        $key = $des[0]->_processBlock($key, CRYPT_DES_ENCRYPT);
-                        $key = $des[1]->_processBlock($key, CRYPT_DES_DECRYPT);
-                        $key = $des[2]->_processBlock($key, CRYPT_DES_ENCRYPT);
-                        $buffer['encrypted'].= $key;
-                        $key = $this->_string_shift($buffer['encrypted'], 8);
-                        $ciphertext.= $block ^ $key;
-                    }
-                } else {
-                    for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($plaintext); $i+=8) {
-                        $block = substr($plaintext, $i, 8);
-                        $key = $this->_generate_xor($xor);
-                        $key = $des[0]->_processBlock($key, CRYPT_DES_ENCRYPT);
-                        $key = $des[1]->_processBlock($key, CRYPT_DES_DECRYPT);
-                        $key = $des[2]->_processBlock($key, CRYPT_DES_ENCRYPT);
-                        $ciphertext.= $block ^ $key;
-                    }
-                }
-                if ($this->continuousBuffer) {
-                    $this->encryptIV = $xor;
-                    if ($start = strlen($plaintext) & 7) {
-                        $buffer['encrypted'] = substr($key, $start) . $buffer['encrypted'];
-                    }
-                }
-                break;
-            case CRYPT_DES_MODE_CFB:
-                if (strlen($buffer['xor'])) {
-                    $ciphertext = $plaintext ^ $buffer['xor'];
-                    $iv = $buffer['encrypted'] . $ciphertext;
-                    $start = strlen($ciphertext);
-                    $buffer['encrypted'].= $ciphertext;
-                    $buffer['xor'] = substr($buffer['xor'], strlen($ciphertext));
-                } else {
-                    $ciphertext = '';
-                    $iv = $this->encryptIV;
-                    $start = 0;
-                }
-                for ($i = $start; $i < strlen($plaintext); $i+=8) {
-                    $block = substr($plaintext, $i, 8);
-                    $iv = $des[0]->_processBlock($iv, CRYPT_DES_ENCRYPT);
-                    $iv = $des[1]->_processBlock($iv, CRYPT_DES_DECRYPT);
-                    $xor= $des[2]->_processBlock($iv, CRYPT_DES_ENCRYPT);
-                    $iv = $block ^ $xor;
-                    if ($continuousBuffer && strlen($iv) != 8) {
-                        $buffer = array(
-                            'encrypted' => $iv,
-                            'xor' => substr($xor, strlen($iv))
-                        );
-                    }
-                    $ciphertext.= $iv;
-                }
-                if ($this->continuousBuffer) {
-                    $this->encryptIV = $iv;
-                }
-                break;
-            case CRYPT_DES_MODE_OFB:
-                $xor = $this->encryptIV;
-                if (strlen($buffer['xor'])) {
-                    for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($plaintext); $i+=8) {
-                        $xor = $des[0]->_processBlock($xor, CRYPT_DES_ENCRYPT);
-                        $xor = $des[1]->_processBlock($xor, CRYPT_DES_DECRYPT);
-                        $xor = $des[2]->_processBlock($xor, CRYPT_DES_ENCRYPT);
-                        $buffer['xor'].= $xor;
-                        $key = $this->_string_shift($buffer['xor'], 8);
-                        $ciphertext.= substr($plaintext, $i, 8) ^ $key;
-                    }
-                } else {
-                    for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($plaintext); $i+=8) {
-                        $xor = $des[0]->_processBlock($xor, CRYPT_DES_ENCRYPT);
-                        $xor = $des[1]->_processBlock($xor, CRYPT_DES_DECRYPT);
-                        $xor = $des[2]->_processBlock($xor, CRYPT_DES_ENCRYPT);
-                        $ciphertext.= substr($plaintext, $i, 8) ^ $xor;
-                    }
-                    $key = $xor;
-                }
-                if ($this->continuousBuffer) {
-                    $this->encryptIV = $xor;
-                    if ($start = strlen($plaintext) & 7) {
-                         $buffer['xor'] = substr($key, $start) . $buffer['xor'];
-                    }
-                }
-        }
-        return $ciphertext;
+        return parent::encrypt($plaintext);
      * Decrypts a message.
+     * @see Crypt_Base::decrypt()
      * @access public
      * @param String $ciphertext
+     * @return String $plaintext
     function decrypt($ciphertext)
-        if ($this->mode == CRYPT_DES_MODE_3CBC && strlen($this->key) > 8) {
-            $plaintext = $this->des[0]->decrypt($this->des[1]->encrypt($this->des[2]->decrypt($ciphertext)));
-            return $this->_unpad($plaintext);
-        }
-        if ($this->paddable) {
-            // we pad with chr(0) since that's what mcrypt_generic does.  to quote from http://php.net/function.mcrypt-generic :
-            // "The data is padded with "\0" to make sure the length of the data is n * blocksize."
-            $ciphertext = str_pad($ciphertext, (strlen($ciphertext) + 7) & 0xFFFFFFF8, chr(0));
+        if ($this->mode_3cbc && strlen($this->key) > 8) {
+            return $this->_unpad($this->des[0]->decrypt(
+                                 $this->des[1]->encrypt(
+                                 $this->des[2]->decrypt(str_pad($ciphertext, (strlen($ciphertext) + 7) & 0xFFFFFFF8, "\0")))));
-            if ($this->dechanged) {
-                mcrypt_generic_init($this->demcrypt, $this->key, $this->decryptIV);
-                if ($this->mode == 'ncfb') {
-                    mcrypt_generic_init($this->ecb, $this->key, "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0");
-                }
-                $this->dechanged = false;
-            }
-            if ($this->mode != 'ncfb' || !$this->continuousBuffer) {
-                $plaintext = mdecrypt_generic($this->demcrypt, $ciphertext);
-            } else {
-                $iv = &$this->decryptIV;
-                $pos = &$this->debuffer['pos'];
-                $len = strlen($ciphertext);
-                $plaintext = '';
-                $i = 0;
-                if ($pos) {
-                    $orig_pos = $pos;
-                    $max = 8 - $pos;
-                    if ($len >= $max) {
-                        $i = $max;
-                        $len-= $max;
-                        $pos = 0;
-                    } else {
-                        $i = $len;
-                        $pos+= $len;
-                        $len = 0;
-                    }
-                    $plaintext = substr($iv, $orig_pos) ^ $ciphertext;
-                    $iv = substr_replace($iv, substr($ciphertext, 0, $i), $orig_pos, $i);
-                }
-                if ($len >= 8) {
-                    $cb = substr($ciphertext, $i, $len - $len % 8);
-                    $plaintext.= mcrypt_generic($this->ecb, $iv . $cb) ^ $cb;
-                    $iv = substr($cb, -8);
-                    $len%= 8;
-                }
-                if ($len) {
-                    $iv = mcrypt_generic($this->ecb, $iv);
-                    $cb = substr($ciphertext, -$len);
-                    $plaintext.= $iv ^ $cb;
-                    $iv = substr_replace($iv, $cb, 0, $len);
-                    $pos = $len;
-                }
-                return $plaintext;
-            }
-            if (!$this->continuousBuffer) {
-                mcrypt_generic_init($this->demcrypt, $this->key, $this->decryptIV);
-            }
-            return $this->paddable ? $this->_unpad($plaintext) : $plaintext;
-        }
-        if (strlen($this->key) <= 8) {
-            $this->des[0]->mode = $this->mode;
-            $plaintext = $this->des[0]->decrypt($ciphertext);
-            return $this->paddable ? $this->_unpad($plaintext) : $plaintext;
-        }
-        $des = $this->des;
-        $buffer = &$this->debuffer;
-        $continuousBuffer = $this->continuousBuffer;
-        $plaintext = '';
-        switch ($this->mode) {
-            case CRYPT_DES_MODE_ECB:
-                for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($ciphertext); $i+=8) {
-                    $block = substr($ciphertext, $i, 8);
-                    $block = $des[2]->_processBlock($block, CRYPT_DES_DECRYPT);
-                    $block = $des[1]->_processBlock($block, CRYPT_DES_ENCRYPT);
-                    $block = $des[0]->_processBlock($block, CRYPT_DES_DECRYPT);
-                    $plaintext.= $block;
-                }
-                break;
-            case CRYPT_DES_MODE_CBC:
-                $xor = $this->decryptIV;
-                for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($ciphertext); $i+=8) {
-                    $orig = $block = substr($ciphertext, $i, 8);
-                    $block = $des[2]->_processBlock($block, CRYPT_DES_DECRYPT);
-                    $block = $des[1]->_processBlock($block, CRYPT_DES_ENCRYPT);
-                    $block = $des[0]->_processBlock($block, CRYPT_DES_DECRYPT);
-                    $plaintext.= $block ^ $xor;
-                    $xor = $orig;
-                }
-                if ($this->continuousBuffer) {
-                    $this->decryptIV = $xor;
-                }
-                break;
-            case CRYPT_DES_MODE_CTR:
-                $xor = $this->decryptIV;
-                if (strlen($buffer['ciphertext'])) {
-                    for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($ciphertext); $i+=8) {
-                        $block = substr($ciphertext, $i, 8);
-                        $key = $this->_generate_xor($xor);
-                        $key = $des[0]->_processBlock($key, CRYPT_DES_ENCRYPT);
-                        $key = $des[1]->_processBlock($key, CRYPT_DES_DECRYPT);
-                        $key = $des[2]->_processBlock($key, CRYPT_DES_ENCRYPT);
-                        $buffer['ciphertext'].= $key;
-                        $key = $this->_string_shift($buffer['ciphertext'], 8);
-                        $plaintext.= $block ^ $key;
-                    }
-                } else {
-                    for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($ciphertext); $i+=8) {
-                        $block = substr($ciphertext, $i, 8);
-                        $key = $this->_generate_xor($xor);
-                        $key = $des[0]->_processBlock($key, CRYPT_DES_ENCRYPT);
-                        $key = $des[1]->_processBlock($key, CRYPT_DES_DECRYPT);
-                        $key = $des[2]->_processBlock($key, CRYPT_DES_ENCRYPT);
-                        $plaintext.= $block ^ $key;
-                    }
-                }
-                if ($this->continuousBuffer) {
-                    $this->decryptIV = $xor;
-                    if ($start = strlen($plaintext) & 7) {
-                        $buffer['ciphertext'] = substr($key, $start) . $buffer['ciphertext'];
-                    }
-                }
-                break;
-            case CRYPT_DES_MODE_CFB:
-                if (strlen($buffer['ciphertext'])) {
-                    $plaintext = $ciphertext ^ substr($this->decryptIV, strlen($buffer['ciphertext']));
-                    $buffer['ciphertext'].= substr($ciphertext, 0, strlen($plaintext));
-                    if (strlen($buffer['ciphertext']) != 8) {
-                        $block = $this->decryptIV;
-                    } else {
-                        $block = $buffer['ciphertext'];
-                        $xor = $des[0]->_processBlock($buffer['ciphertext'], CRYPT_DES_ENCRYPT);
-                        $xor = $des[1]->_processBlock($xor, CRYPT_DES_DECRYPT);
-                        $xor = $des[2]->_processBlock($xor, CRYPT_DES_ENCRYPT);
-                        $buffer['ciphertext'] = '';
-                    }
-                    $start = strlen($plaintext);
-                } else {
-                    $plaintext = '';
-                    $xor = $des[0]->_processBlock($this->decryptIV, CRYPT_DES_ENCRYPT);
-                    $xor = $des[1]->_processBlock($xor, CRYPT_DES_DECRYPT);
-                    $xor = $des[2]->_processBlock($xor, CRYPT_DES_ENCRYPT);
-                    $start = 0;
-                }
-                for ($i = $start; $i < strlen($ciphertext); $i+=8) {
-                    $block = substr($ciphertext, $i, 8);
-                    $plaintext.= $block ^ $xor;
-                    if ($continuousBuffer && strlen($block) != 8) {
-                        $buffer['ciphertext'].= $block;
-                        $block = $xor;
-                    } else if (strlen($block) == 8) {
-                        $xor = $des[0]->_processBlock($block, CRYPT_DES_ENCRYPT);
-                        $xor = $des[1]->_processBlock($xor, CRYPT_DES_DECRYPT);
-                        $xor = $des[2]->_processBlock($xor, CRYPT_DES_ENCRYPT);
-                    }
-                }
-                if ($this->continuousBuffer) {
-                    $this->decryptIV = $block;
-                }
-                break;
-            case CRYPT_DES_MODE_OFB:
-                $xor = $this->decryptIV;
-                if (strlen($buffer['xor'])) {
-                    for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($ciphertext); $i+=8) {
-                        $xor = $des[0]->_processBlock($xor, CRYPT_DES_ENCRYPT);
-                        $xor = $des[1]->_processBlock($xor, CRYPT_DES_DECRYPT);
-                        $xor = $des[2]->_processBlock($xor, CRYPT_DES_ENCRYPT);
-                        $buffer['xor'].= $xor;
-                        $key = $this->_string_shift($buffer['xor'], 8);
-                        $plaintext.= substr($ciphertext, $i, 8) ^ $key;
-                    }
-                } else {
-                    for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($ciphertext); $i+=8) {
-                        $xor = $des[0]->_processBlock($xor, CRYPT_DES_ENCRYPT);
-                        $xor = $des[1]->_processBlock($xor, CRYPT_DES_DECRYPT);
-                        $xor = $des[2]->_processBlock($xor, CRYPT_DES_ENCRYPT);
-                        $plaintext.= substr($ciphertext, $i, 8) ^ $xor;
-                    }
-                    $key = $xor;
-                }
-                if ($this->continuousBuffer) {
-                    $this->decryptIV = $xor;
-                    if ($start = strlen($ciphertext) & 7) {
-                         $buffer['xor'] = substr($key, $start) . $buffer['xor'];
-                    }
-                }
-        }
-        return $this->paddable ? $this->_unpad($plaintext) : $plaintext;
+        return parent::decrypt($ciphertext);
@@ -937,13 +349,14 @@ class Crypt_TripleDES {
      * continuous buffers not be used.  They do offer better security and are, in fact, sometimes required (SSH uses them),
      * however, they are also less intuitive and more likely to cause you problems.
+     * @see Crypt_Base::enableContinuousBuffer()
      * @see Crypt_TripleDES::disableContinuousBuffer()
      * @access public
     function enableContinuousBuffer()
-        $this->continuousBuffer = true;
-        if ($this->mode == CRYPT_DES_MODE_3CBC) {
+        parent::enableContinuousBuffer();
+        if ($this->mode_3cbc) {
@@ -955,20 +368,14 @@ class Crypt_TripleDES {
      * The default behavior.
+     * @see Crypt_Base::disableContinuousBuffer()
      * @see Crypt_TripleDES::enableContinuousBuffer()
      * @access public
     function disableContinuousBuffer()
-        $this->continuousBuffer = false;
-        $this->encryptIV = $this->iv;
-        $this->decryptIV = $this->iv;
-        $this->enchanged = true;
-        $this->dechanged = true;
-        $this->enbuffer = array('encrypted' => '', 'xor' => '', 'pos' => 0, 'enmcrypt_init' => true);
-        $this->debuffer = array('ciphertext' => '', 'xor' => '', 'pos' => 0, 'demcrypt_init' => true);
-        if ($this->mode == CRYPT_DES_MODE_3CBC) {
+        parent::disableContinuousBuffer();
+        if ($this->mode_3cbc) {
@@ -976,103 +383,38 @@ class Crypt_TripleDES {
-     * Pad "packets".
-     *
-     * DES works by encrypting eight bytes at a time.  If you ever need to encrypt or decrypt something that's not
-     * a multiple of eight, it becomes necessary to pad the input so that it's length is a multiple of eight.
-     *
-     * Padding is enabled by default.  Sometimes, however, it is undesirable to pad strings.  Such is the case in SSH1,
-     * where "packets" are padded with random bytes before being encrypted.  Unpad these packets and you risk stripping
-     * away characters that shouldn't be stripped away. (SSH knows how many bytes are added because the length is
-     * transmitted separately)
-     *
-     * @see Crypt_TripleDES::disablePadding()
-     * @access public
-     */
-    function enablePadding()
-    {
-        $this->padding = true;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Do not pad packets.
-     *
-     * @see Crypt_TripleDES::enablePadding()
-     * @access public
-     */
-    function disablePadding()
-    {
-        $this->padding = false;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Pads a string
-     *
-     * Pads a string using the RSA PKCS padding standards so that its length is a multiple of the blocksize (8).
-     * 8 - (strlen($text) & 7) bytes are added, each of which is equal to chr(8 - (strlen($text) & 7)
+     * Creates the key schedule
-     * If padding is disabled and $text is not a multiple of the blocksize, the string will be padded regardless
-     * and padding will, hence forth, be enabled.
-     *
-     * @see Crypt_TripleDES::_unpad()
+     * @see Crypt_DES::_setupKey()
+     * @see Crypt_Base::_setupKey()
      * @access private
-    function _pad($text)
+    function _setupKey()
-        $length = strlen($text);
-        if (!$this->padding) {
-            if (($length & 7) == 0) {
-                return $text;
-            } else {
-                user_error("The plaintext's length ($length) is not a multiple of the block size (8)", E_USER_NOTICE);
-                $this->padding = true;
-            }
-        }
-        $pad = 8 - ($length & 7);
-        return str_pad($text, $length + $pad, chr($pad));
-    }
+        switch (true) {
+            // if $key <= 64bits we configure our internal pure-php cipher engine
+            // to act as regular [1]DES, not as 3DES. mcrypt.so::tripledes does the same.
+            case strlen($this->key) <= 8:
+                $this->des_rounds = 1;
+                break;
-    /**
-     * Unpads a string
-     *
-     * If padding is enabled and the reported padding length is invalid the encryption key will be assumed to be wrong
-     * and false will be returned.
-     *
-     * @see Crypt_TripleDES::_pad()
-     * @access private
-     */
-    function _unpad($text)
-    {
-        if (!$this->padding) {
-            return $text;
-        }
+            // otherwise, if $key > 64bits, we configure our engine to work as 3DES.
+            default:
+                $this->des_rounds = 3;
-        $length = ord($text[strlen($text) - 1]);
+                // (only) if 3CBC is used we have, of course, to setup the $des[0-2] keys also separately.
+                if ($this->mode_3cbc) {
+                    $this->des[0]->_setupKey();
+                    $this->des[1]->_setupKey();
+                    $this->des[2]->_setupKey();
-        if (!$length || $length > 8) {
-            return false;
+                    // because $des[0-2] will, now, do all the work we can return here
+                    // not need unnecessary stress parent::_setupKey() with our, now unused, $key.
+                    return;
+                }
-        return substr($text, 0, -$length);
-    }
-    /**
-     * String Shift
-     *
-     * Inspired by array_shift
-     *
-     * @param String $string
-     * @param optional Integer $index
-     * @return String
-     * @access private
-     */
-    function _string_shift(&$string, $index = 1)
-    {
-        $substr = substr($string, 0, $index);
-        $string = substr($string, $index);
-        return $substr;
+        // setup our key
+        parent::_setupKey();
diff --git a/apps/files_external/3rdparty/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/Twofish.php b/apps/files_external/3rdparty/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/Twofish.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6342298d1a3a221de75a9eaf8641172328a7c8e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/files_external/3rdparty/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/Twofish.php
@@ -0,0 +1,924 @@
+/* vim: set expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4: */
+ * Pure-PHP implementation of Twofish.
+ *
+ * Uses mcrypt, if available, and an internal implementation, otherwise.
+ *
+ * PHP versions 4 and 5
+ *
+ * Useful resources are as follows:
+ *
+ *  - {@link http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Twofish Wikipedia description of Twofish}
+ *
+ * Here's a short example of how to use this library:
+ * <code>
+ * <?php
+ *    include('Crypt/Twofish.php');
+ *
+ *    $twofish = new Crypt_Twofish();
+ *
+ *    $twofish->setKey('12345678901234567890123456789012');
+ *
+ *    $plaintext = str_repeat('a', 1024);
+ *
+ *    echo $twofish->decrypt($twofish->encrypt($plaintext));
+ * ?>
+ * </code>
+ *
+ * LICENSE: Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+ * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+ * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+ * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+ * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+ * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+ *
+ * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+ * all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+ *
+ *
+ * @category   Crypt
+ * @package    Crypt_Twofish
+ * @author     Jim Wigginton <terrafrost@php.net>
+ * @author     Hans-Juergen Petrich <petrich@tronic-media.com>
+ * @copyright  MMVII Jim Wigginton
+ * @license    http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html  MIT License
+ * @version    1.0
+ * @link       http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net
+ */
+ * Include Crypt_Base
+ *
+ * Base cipher class
+ */
+if (!class_exists('Crypt_Base')) {
+    require_once('Base.php');
+ * @access public
+ * @see Crypt_Twofish::encrypt()
+ * @see Crypt_Twofish::decrypt()
+ */
+ * Encrypt / decrypt using the Counter mode.
+ *
+ * Set to -1 since that's what Crypt/Random.php uses to index the CTR mode.
+ *
+ * @link http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Block_cipher_modes_of_operation#Counter_.28CTR.29
+ */
+ * Encrypt / decrypt using the Electronic Code Book mode.
+ *
+ * @link http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Block_cipher_modes_of_operation#Electronic_codebook_.28ECB.29
+ */
+ * Encrypt / decrypt using the Code Book Chaining mode.
+ *
+ * @link http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Block_cipher_modes_of_operation#Cipher-block_chaining_.28CBC.29
+ */
+ * Encrypt / decrypt using the Cipher Feedback mode.
+ *
+ * @link http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Block_cipher_modes_of_operation#Cipher_feedback_.28CFB.29
+ */
+ * Encrypt / decrypt using the Cipher Feedback mode.
+ *
+ * @link http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Block_cipher_modes_of_operation#Output_feedback_.28OFB.29
+ */
+ * @access private
+ * @see Crypt_Twofish::Crypt_Twofish()
+ */
+ * Toggles the internal implementation
+ */
+ * Toggles the mcrypt implementation
+ */
+ * Pure-PHP implementation of Twofish.
+ *
+ * @author  Jim Wigginton <terrafrost@php.net>
+ * @author  Hans-Juergen Petrich <petrich@tronic-media.com>
+ * @version 1.0
+ * @access  public
+ * @package Crypt_Twofish
+ */
+class Crypt_Twofish extends Crypt_Base {
+    /**
+     * The namespace used by the cipher for its constants.
+     *
+     * @see Crypt_Base::const_namespace
+     * @var String
+     * @access private
+     */
+    var $const_namespace = 'TWOFISH';
+    /**
+     * The mcrypt specific name of the cipher
+     *
+     * @see Crypt_Base::cipher_name_mcrypt
+     * @var String
+     * @access private
+     */
+    var $cipher_name_mcrypt = 'twofish';
+    /**
+     * Optimizing value while CFB-encrypting
+     *
+     * @see Crypt_Base::cfb_init_len
+     * @var Integer
+     * @access private
+     */
+    var $cfb_init_len = 800;
+    /**
+     * Q-Table
+     *
+     * @var Array
+     * @access private
+     */
+    var $q0 = array (
+        0xA9, 0x67, 0xB3, 0xE8, 0x04, 0xFD, 0xA3, 0x76,
+        0x9A, 0x92, 0x80, 0x78, 0xE4, 0xDD, 0xD1, 0x38,
+        0x0D, 0xC6, 0x35, 0x98, 0x18, 0xF7, 0xEC, 0x6C,
+        0x43, 0x75, 0x37, 0x26, 0xFA, 0x13, 0x94, 0x48,
+        0xF2, 0xD0, 0x8B, 0x30, 0x84, 0x54, 0xDF, 0x23,
+        0x19, 0x5B, 0x3D, 0x59, 0xF3, 0xAE, 0xA2, 0x82,
+        0x63, 0x01, 0x83, 0x2E, 0xD9, 0x51, 0x9B, 0x7C,
+        0xA6, 0xEB, 0xA5, 0xBE, 0x16, 0x0C, 0xE3, 0x61,
+        0xC0, 0x8C, 0x3A, 0xF5, 0x73, 0x2C, 0x25, 0x0B,
+        0xBB, 0x4E, 0x89, 0x6B, 0x53, 0x6A, 0xB4, 0xF1,
+        0xE1, 0xE6, 0xBD, 0x45, 0xE2, 0xF4, 0xB6, 0x66,
+        0xCC, 0x95, 0x03, 0x56, 0xD4, 0x1C, 0x1E, 0xD7,
+        0xFB, 0xC3, 0x8E, 0xB5, 0xE9, 0xCF, 0xBF, 0xBA,
+        0xEA, 0x77, 0x39, 0xAF, 0x33, 0xC9, 0x62, 0x71,
+        0x81, 0x79, 0x09, 0xAD, 0x24, 0xCD, 0xF9, 0xD8,
+        0xE5, 0xC5, 0xB9, 0x4D, 0x44, 0x08, 0x86, 0xE7,
+        0xA1, 0x1D, 0xAA, 0xED, 0x06, 0x70, 0xB2, 0xD2,
+        0x41, 0x7B, 0xA0, 0x11, 0x31, 0xC2, 0x27, 0x90,
+        0x20, 0xF6, 0x60, 0xFF, 0x96, 0x5C, 0xB1, 0xAB,
+        0x9E, 0x9C, 0x52, 0x1B, 0x5F, 0x93, 0x0A, 0xEF,
+        0x91, 0x85, 0x49, 0xEE, 0x2D, 0x4F, 0x8F, 0x3B,
+        0x47, 0x87, 0x6D, 0x46, 0xD6, 0x3E, 0x69, 0x64,
+        0x2A, 0xCE, 0xCB, 0x2F, 0xFC, 0x97, 0x05, 0x7A,
+        0xAC, 0x7F, 0xD5, 0x1A, 0x4B, 0x0E, 0xA7, 0x5A,
+        0x28, 0x14, 0x3F, 0x29, 0x88, 0x3C, 0x4C, 0x02,
+        0xB8, 0xDA, 0xB0, 0x17, 0x55, 0x1F, 0x8A, 0x7D,
+        0x57, 0xC7, 0x8D, 0x74, 0xB7, 0xC4, 0x9F, 0x72,
+        0x7E, 0x15, 0x22, 0x12, 0x58, 0x07, 0x99, 0x34,
+        0x6E, 0x50, 0xDE, 0x68, 0x65, 0xBC, 0xDB, 0xF8,
+        0xC8, 0xA8, 0x2B, 0x40, 0xDC, 0xFE, 0x32, 0xA4,
+        0xCA, 0x10, 0x21, 0xF0, 0xD3, 0x5D, 0x0F, 0x00,
+        0x6F, 0x9D, 0x36, 0x42, 0x4A, 0x5E, 0xC1, 0xE0
+    );
+    /**
+     * Q-Table
+     *
+     * @var Array
+     * @access private
+     */
+    var $q1 = array (
+        0x75, 0xF3, 0xC6, 0xF4, 0xDB, 0x7B, 0xFB, 0xC8,
+        0x4A, 0xD3, 0xE6, 0x6B, 0x45, 0x7D, 0xE8, 0x4B,
+        0xD6, 0x32, 0xD8, 0xFD, 0x37, 0x71, 0xF1, 0xE1,
+        0x30, 0x0F, 0xF8, 0x1B, 0x87, 0xFA, 0x06, 0x3F,
+        0x5E, 0xBA, 0xAE, 0x5B, 0x8A, 0x00, 0xBC, 0x9D,
+        0x6D, 0xC1, 0xB1, 0x0E, 0x80, 0x5D, 0xD2, 0xD5,
+        0xA0, 0x84, 0x07, 0x14, 0xB5, 0x90, 0x2C, 0xA3,
+        0xB2, 0x73, 0x4C, 0x54, 0x92, 0x74, 0x36, 0x51,
+        0x38, 0xB0, 0xBD, 0x5A, 0xFC, 0x60, 0x62, 0x96,
+        0x6C, 0x42, 0xF7, 0x10, 0x7C, 0x28, 0x27, 0x8C,
+        0x13, 0x95, 0x9C, 0xC7, 0x24, 0x46, 0x3B, 0x70,
+        0xCA, 0xE3, 0x85, 0xCB, 0x11, 0xD0, 0x93, 0xB8,
+        0xA6, 0x83, 0x20, 0xFF, 0x9F, 0x77, 0xC3, 0xCC,
+        0x03, 0x6F, 0x08, 0xBF, 0x40, 0xE7, 0x2B, 0xE2,
+        0x79, 0x0C, 0xAA, 0x82, 0x41, 0x3A, 0xEA, 0xB9,
+        0xE4, 0x9A, 0xA4, 0x97, 0x7E, 0xDA, 0x7A, 0x17,
+        0x66, 0x94, 0xA1, 0x1D, 0x3D, 0xF0, 0xDE, 0xB3,
+        0x0B, 0x72, 0xA7, 0x1C, 0xEF, 0xD1, 0x53, 0x3E,
+        0x8F, 0x33, 0x26, 0x5F, 0xEC, 0x76, 0x2A, 0x49,
+        0x81, 0x88, 0xEE, 0x21, 0xC4, 0x1A, 0xEB, 0xD9,
+        0xC5, 0x39, 0x99, 0xCD, 0xAD, 0x31, 0x8B, 0x01,
+        0x18, 0x23, 0xDD, 0x1F, 0x4E, 0x2D, 0xF9, 0x48,
+        0x4F, 0xF2, 0x65, 0x8E, 0x78, 0x5C, 0x58, 0x19,
+        0x8D, 0xE5, 0x98, 0x57, 0x67, 0x7F, 0x05, 0x64,
+        0xAF, 0x63, 0xB6, 0xFE, 0xF5, 0xB7, 0x3C, 0xA5,
+        0xCE, 0xE9, 0x68, 0x44, 0xE0, 0x4D, 0x43, 0x69,
+        0x29, 0x2E, 0xAC, 0x15, 0x59, 0xA8, 0x0A, 0x9E,
+        0x6E, 0x47, 0xDF, 0x34, 0x35, 0x6A, 0xCF, 0xDC,
+        0x22, 0xC9, 0xC0, 0x9B, 0x89, 0xD4, 0xED, 0xAB,
+        0x12, 0xA2, 0x0D, 0x52, 0xBB, 0x02, 0x2F, 0xA9,
+        0xD7, 0x61, 0x1E, 0xB4, 0x50, 0x04, 0xF6, 0xC2,
+        0x16, 0x25, 0x86, 0x56, 0x55, 0x09, 0xBE, 0x91
+    );
+    /**
+     * M-Table
+     *
+     * @var Array
+     * @access private
+     */
+    var $m0 = array (
+        0xBCBC3275, 0xECEC21F3, 0x202043C6, 0xB3B3C9F4, 0xDADA03DB, 0x02028B7B, 0xE2E22BFB, 0x9E9EFAC8,
+        0xC9C9EC4A, 0xD4D409D3, 0x18186BE6, 0x1E1E9F6B, 0x98980E45, 0xB2B2387D, 0xA6A6D2E8, 0x2626B74B,
+        0x3C3C57D6, 0x93938A32, 0x8282EED8, 0x525298FD, 0x7B7BD437, 0xBBBB3771, 0x5B5B97F1, 0x474783E1,
+        0x24243C30, 0x5151E20F, 0xBABAC6F8, 0x4A4AF31B, 0xBFBF4887, 0x0D0D70FA, 0xB0B0B306, 0x7575DE3F,
+        0xD2D2FD5E, 0x7D7D20BA, 0x666631AE, 0x3A3AA35B, 0x59591C8A, 0x00000000, 0xCDCD93BC, 0x1A1AE09D,
+        0xAEAE2C6D, 0x7F7FABC1, 0x2B2BC7B1, 0xBEBEB90E, 0xE0E0A080, 0x8A8A105D, 0x3B3B52D2, 0x6464BAD5,
+        0xD8D888A0, 0xE7E7A584, 0x5F5FE807, 0x1B1B1114, 0x2C2CC2B5, 0xFCFCB490, 0x3131272C, 0x808065A3,
+        0x73732AB2, 0x0C0C8173, 0x79795F4C, 0x6B6B4154, 0x4B4B0292, 0x53536974, 0x94948F36, 0x83831F51,
+        0x2A2A3638, 0xC4C49CB0, 0x2222C8BD, 0xD5D5F85A, 0xBDBDC3FC, 0x48487860, 0xFFFFCE62, 0x4C4C0796,
+        0x4141776C, 0xC7C7E642, 0xEBEB24F7, 0x1C1C1410, 0x5D5D637C, 0x36362228, 0x6767C027, 0xE9E9AF8C,
+        0x4444F913, 0x1414EA95, 0xF5F5BB9C, 0xCFCF18C7, 0x3F3F2D24, 0xC0C0E346, 0x7272DB3B, 0x54546C70,
+        0x29294CCA, 0xF0F035E3, 0x0808FE85, 0xC6C617CB, 0xF3F34F11, 0x8C8CE4D0, 0xA4A45993, 0xCACA96B8,
+        0x68683BA6, 0xB8B84D83, 0x38382820, 0xE5E52EFF, 0xADAD569F, 0x0B0B8477, 0xC8C81DC3, 0x9999FFCC,
+        0x5858ED03, 0x19199A6F, 0x0E0E0A08, 0x95957EBF, 0x70705040, 0xF7F730E7, 0x6E6ECF2B, 0x1F1F6EE2,
+        0xB5B53D79, 0x09090F0C, 0x616134AA, 0x57571682, 0x9F9F0B41, 0x9D9D803A, 0x111164EA, 0x2525CDB9,
+        0xAFAFDDE4, 0x4545089A, 0xDFDF8DA4, 0xA3A35C97, 0xEAEAD57E, 0x353558DA, 0xEDEDD07A, 0x4343FC17,
+        0xF8F8CB66, 0xFBFBB194, 0x3737D3A1, 0xFAFA401D, 0xC2C2683D, 0xB4B4CCF0, 0x32325DDE, 0x9C9C71B3,
+        0x5656E70B, 0xE3E3DA72, 0x878760A7, 0x15151B1C, 0xF9F93AEF, 0x6363BFD1, 0x3434A953, 0x9A9A853E,
+        0xB1B1428F, 0x7C7CD133, 0x88889B26, 0x3D3DA65F, 0xA1A1D7EC, 0xE4E4DF76, 0x8181942A, 0x91910149,
+        0x0F0FFB81, 0xEEEEAA88, 0x161661EE, 0xD7D77321, 0x9797F5C4, 0xA5A5A81A, 0xFEFE3FEB, 0x6D6DB5D9,
+        0x7878AEC5, 0xC5C56D39, 0x1D1DE599, 0x7676A4CD, 0x3E3EDCAD, 0xCBCB6731, 0xB6B6478B, 0xEFEF5B01,
+        0x12121E18, 0x6060C523, 0x6A6AB0DD, 0x4D4DF61F, 0xCECEE94E, 0xDEDE7C2D, 0x55559DF9, 0x7E7E5A48,
+        0x2121B24F, 0x03037AF2, 0xA0A02665, 0x5E5E198E, 0x5A5A6678, 0x65654B5C, 0x62624E58, 0xFDFD4519,
+        0x0606F48D, 0x404086E5, 0xF2F2BE98, 0x3333AC57, 0x17179067, 0x05058E7F, 0xE8E85E05, 0x4F4F7D64,
+        0x89896AAF, 0x10109563, 0x74742FB6, 0x0A0A75FE, 0x5C5C92F5, 0x9B9B74B7, 0x2D2D333C, 0x3030D6A5,
+        0x2E2E49CE, 0x494989E9, 0x46467268, 0x77775544, 0xA8A8D8E0, 0x9696044D, 0x2828BD43, 0xA9A92969,
+        0xD9D97929, 0x8686912E, 0xD1D187AC, 0xF4F44A15, 0x8D8D1559, 0xD6D682A8, 0xB9B9BC0A, 0x42420D9E,
+        0xF6F6C16E, 0x2F2FB847, 0xDDDD06DF, 0x23233934, 0xCCCC6235, 0xF1F1C46A, 0xC1C112CF, 0x8585EBDC,
+        0x8F8F9E22, 0x7171A1C9, 0x9090F0C0, 0xAAAA539B, 0x0101F189, 0x8B8BE1D4, 0x4E4E8CED, 0x8E8E6FAB,
+        0xABABA212, 0x6F6F3EA2, 0xE6E6540D, 0xDBDBF252, 0x92927BBB, 0xB7B7B602, 0x6969CA2F, 0x3939D9A9,
+        0xD3D30CD7, 0xA7A72361, 0xA2A2AD1E, 0xC3C399B4, 0x6C6C4450, 0x07070504, 0x04047FF6, 0x272746C2,
+        0xACACA716, 0xD0D07625, 0x50501386, 0xDCDCF756, 0x84841A55, 0xE1E15109, 0x7A7A25BE, 0x1313EF91
+    );
+    /**
+     * M-Table
+     *
+     * @var Array
+     * @access private
+     */
+    var $m1 = array (
+        0xA9D93939, 0x67901717, 0xB3719C9C, 0xE8D2A6A6, 0x04050707, 0xFD985252, 0xA3658080, 0x76DFE4E4,
+        0x9A084545, 0x92024B4B, 0x80A0E0E0, 0x78665A5A, 0xE4DDAFAF, 0xDDB06A6A, 0xD1BF6363, 0x38362A2A,
+        0x0D54E6E6, 0xC6432020, 0x3562CCCC, 0x98BEF2F2, 0x181E1212, 0xF724EBEB, 0xECD7A1A1, 0x6C774141,
+        0x43BD2828, 0x7532BCBC, 0x37D47B7B, 0x269B8888, 0xFA700D0D, 0x13F94444, 0x94B1FBFB, 0x485A7E7E,
+        0xF27A0303, 0xD0E48C8C, 0x8B47B6B6, 0x303C2424, 0x84A5E7E7, 0x54416B6B, 0xDF06DDDD, 0x23C56060,
+        0x1945FDFD, 0x5BA33A3A, 0x3D68C2C2, 0x59158D8D, 0xF321ECEC, 0xAE316666, 0xA23E6F6F, 0x82165757,
+        0x63951010, 0x015BEFEF, 0x834DB8B8, 0x2E918686, 0xD9B56D6D, 0x511F8383, 0x9B53AAAA, 0x7C635D5D,
+        0xA63B6868, 0xEB3FFEFE, 0xA5D63030, 0xBE257A7A, 0x16A7ACAC, 0x0C0F0909, 0xE335F0F0, 0x6123A7A7,
+        0xC0F09090, 0x8CAFE9E9, 0x3A809D9D, 0xF5925C5C, 0x73810C0C, 0x2C273131, 0x2576D0D0, 0x0BE75656,
+        0xBB7B9292, 0x4EE9CECE, 0x89F10101, 0x6B9F1E1E, 0x53A93434, 0x6AC4F1F1, 0xB499C3C3, 0xF1975B5B,
+        0xE1834747, 0xE66B1818, 0xBDC82222, 0x450E9898, 0xE26E1F1F, 0xF4C9B3B3, 0xB62F7474, 0x66CBF8F8,
+        0xCCFF9999, 0x95EA1414, 0x03ED5858, 0x56F7DCDC, 0xD4E18B8B, 0x1C1B1515, 0x1EADA2A2, 0xD70CD3D3,
+        0xFB2BE2E2, 0xC31DC8C8, 0x8E195E5E, 0xB5C22C2C, 0xE9894949, 0xCF12C1C1, 0xBF7E9595, 0xBA207D7D,
+        0xEA641111, 0x77840B0B, 0x396DC5C5, 0xAF6A8989, 0x33D17C7C, 0xC9A17171, 0x62CEFFFF, 0x7137BBBB,
+        0x81FB0F0F, 0x793DB5B5, 0x0951E1E1, 0xADDC3E3E, 0x242D3F3F, 0xCDA47676, 0xF99D5555, 0xD8EE8282,
+        0xE5864040, 0xC5AE7878, 0xB9CD2525, 0x4D049696, 0x44557777, 0x080A0E0E, 0x86135050, 0xE730F7F7,
+        0xA1D33737, 0x1D40FAFA, 0xAA346161, 0xED8C4E4E, 0x06B3B0B0, 0x706C5454, 0xB22A7373, 0xD2523B3B,
+        0x410B9F9F, 0x7B8B0202, 0xA088D8D8, 0x114FF3F3, 0x3167CBCB, 0xC2462727, 0x27C06767, 0x90B4FCFC,
+        0x20283838, 0xF67F0404, 0x60784848, 0xFF2EE5E5, 0x96074C4C, 0x5C4B6565, 0xB1C72B2B, 0xAB6F8E8E,
+        0x9E0D4242, 0x9CBBF5F5, 0x52F2DBDB, 0x1BF34A4A, 0x5FA63D3D, 0x9359A4A4, 0x0ABCB9B9, 0xEF3AF9F9,
+        0x91EF1313, 0x85FE0808, 0x49019191, 0xEE611616, 0x2D7CDEDE, 0x4FB22121, 0x8F42B1B1, 0x3BDB7272,
+        0x47B82F2F, 0x8748BFBF, 0x6D2CAEAE, 0x46E3C0C0, 0xD6573C3C, 0x3E859A9A, 0x6929A9A9, 0x647D4F4F,
+        0x2A948181, 0xCE492E2E, 0xCB17C6C6, 0x2FCA6969, 0xFCC3BDBD, 0x975CA3A3, 0x055EE8E8, 0x7AD0EDED,
+        0xAC87D1D1, 0x7F8E0505, 0xD5BA6464, 0x1AA8A5A5, 0x4BB72626, 0x0EB9BEBE, 0xA7608787, 0x5AF8D5D5,
+        0x28223636, 0x14111B1B, 0x3FDE7575, 0x2979D9D9, 0x88AAEEEE, 0x3C332D2D, 0x4C5F7979, 0x02B6B7B7,
+        0xB896CACA, 0xDA583535, 0xB09CC4C4, 0x17FC4343, 0x551A8484, 0x1FF64D4D, 0x8A1C5959, 0x7D38B2B2,
+        0x57AC3333, 0xC718CFCF, 0x8DF40606, 0x74695353, 0xB7749B9B, 0xC4F59797, 0x9F56ADAD, 0x72DAE3E3,
+        0x7ED5EAEA, 0x154AF4F4, 0x229E8F8F, 0x12A2ABAB, 0x584E6262, 0x07E85F5F, 0x99E51D1D, 0x34392323,
+        0x6EC1F6F6, 0x50446C6C, 0xDE5D3232, 0x68724646, 0x6526A0A0, 0xBC93CDCD, 0xDB03DADA, 0xF8C6BABA,
+        0xC8FA9E9E, 0xA882D6D6, 0x2BCF6E6E, 0x40507070, 0xDCEB8585, 0xFE750A0A, 0x328A9393, 0xA48DDFDF,
+        0xCA4C2929, 0x10141C1C, 0x2173D7D7, 0xF0CCB4B4, 0xD309D4D4, 0x5D108A8A, 0x0FE25151, 0x00000000,
+        0x6F9A1919, 0x9DE01A1A, 0x368F9494, 0x42E6C7C7, 0x4AECC9C9, 0x5EFDD2D2, 0xC1AB7F7F, 0xE0D8A8A8
+    );
+    /**
+     * M-Table
+     *
+     * @var Array
+     * @access private
+     */
+    var $m2 = array (
+        0xBC75BC32, 0xECF3EC21, 0x20C62043, 0xB3F4B3C9, 0xDADBDA03, 0x027B028B, 0xE2FBE22B, 0x9EC89EFA,
+        0xC94AC9EC, 0xD4D3D409, 0x18E6186B, 0x1E6B1E9F, 0x9845980E, 0xB27DB238, 0xA6E8A6D2, 0x264B26B7,
+        0x3CD63C57, 0x9332938A, 0x82D882EE, 0x52FD5298, 0x7B377BD4, 0xBB71BB37, 0x5BF15B97, 0x47E14783,
+        0x2430243C, 0x510F51E2, 0xBAF8BAC6, 0x4A1B4AF3, 0xBF87BF48, 0x0DFA0D70, 0xB006B0B3, 0x753F75DE,
+        0xD25ED2FD, 0x7DBA7D20, 0x66AE6631, 0x3A5B3AA3, 0x598A591C, 0x00000000, 0xCDBCCD93, 0x1A9D1AE0,
+        0xAE6DAE2C, 0x7FC17FAB, 0x2BB12BC7, 0xBE0EBEB9, 0xE080E0A0, 0x8A5D8A10, 0x3BD23B52, 0x64D564BA,
+        0xD8A0D888, 0xE784E7A5, 0x5F075FE8, 0x1B141B11, 0x2CB52CC2, 0xFC90FCB4, 0x312C3127, 0x80A38065,
+        0x73B2732A, 0x0C730C81, 0x794C795F, 0x6B546B41, 0x4B924B02, 0x53745369, 0x9436948F, 0x8351831F,
+        0x2A382A36, 0xC4B0C49C, 0x22BD22C8, 0xD55AD5F8, 0xBDFCBDC3, 0x48604878, 0xFF62FFCE, 0x4C964C07,
+        0x416C4177, 0xC742C7E6, 0xEBF7EB24, 0x1C101C14, 0x5D7C5D63, 0x36283622, 0x672767C0, 0xE98CE9AF,
+        0x441344F9, 0x149514EA, 0xF59CF5BB, 0xCFC7CF18, 0x3F243F2D, 0xC046C0E3, 0x723B72DB, 0x5470546C,
+        0x29CA294C, 0xF0E3F035, 0x088508FE, 0xC6CBC617, 0xF311F34F, 0x8CD08CE4, 0xA493A459, 0xCAB8CA96,
+        0x68A6683B, 0xB883B84D, 0x38203828, 0xE5FFE52E, 0xAD9FAD56, 0x0B770B84, 0xC8C3C81D, 0x99CC99FF,
+        0x580358ED, 0x196F199A, 0x0E080E0A, 0x95BF957E, 0x70407050, 0xF7E7F730, 0x6E2B6ECF, 0x1FE21F6E,
+        0xB579B53D, 0x090C090F, 0x61AA6134, 0x57825716, 0x9F419F0B, 0x9D3A9D80, 0x11EA1164, 0x25B925CD,
+        0xAFE4AFDD, 0x459A4508, 0xDFA4DF8D, 0xA397A35C, 0xEA7EEAD5, 0x35DA3558, 0xED7AEDD0, 0x431743FC,
+        0xF866F8CB, 0xFB94FBB1, 0x37A137D3, 0xFA1DFA40, 0xC23DC268, 0xB4F0B4CC, 0x32DE325D, 0x9CB39C71,
+        0x560B56E7, 0xE372E3DA, 0x87A78760, 0x151C151B, 0xF9EFF93A, 0x63D163BF, 0x345334A9, 0x9A3E9A85,
+        0xB18FB142, 0x7C337CD1, 0x8826889B, 0x3D5F3DA6, 0xA1ECA1D7, 0xE476E4DF, 0x812A8194, 0x91499101,
+        0x0F810FFB, 0xEE88EEAA, 0x16EE1661, 0xD721D773, 0x97C497F5, 0xA51AA5A8, 0xFEEBFE3F, 0x6DD96DB5,
+        0x78C578AE, 0xC539C56D, 0x1D991DE5, 0x76CD76A4, 0x3EAD3EDC, 0xCB31CB67, 0xB68BB647, 0xEF01EF5B,
+        0x1218121E, 0x602360C5, 0x6ADD6AB0, 0x4D1F4DF6, 0xCE4ECEE9, 0xDE2DDE7C, 0x55F9559D, 0x7E487E5A,
+        0x214F21B2, 0x03F2037A, 0xA065A026, 0x5E8E5E19, 0x5A785A66, 0x655C654B, 0x6258624E, 0xFD19FD45,
+        0x068D06F4, 0x40E54086, 0xF298F2BE, 0x335733AC, 0x17671790, 0x057F058E, 0xE805E85E, 0x4F644F7D,
+        0x89AF896A, 0x10631095, 0x74B6742F, 0x0AFE0A75, 0x5CF55C92, 0x9BB79B74, 0x2D3C2D33, 0x30A530D6,
+        0x2ECE2E49, 0x49E94989, 0x46684672, 0x77447755, 0xA8E0A8D8, 0x964D9604, 0x284328BD, 0xA969A929,
+        0xD929D979, 0x862E8691, 0xD1ACD187, 0xF415F44A, 0x8D598D15, 0xD6A8D682, 0xB90AB9BC, 0x429E420D,
+        0xF66EF6C1, 0x2F472FB8, 0xDDDFDD06, 0x23342339, 0xCC35CC62, 0xF16AF1C4, 0xC1CFC112, 0x85DC85EB,
+        0x8F228F9E, 0x71C971A1, 0x90C090F0, 0xAA9BAA53, 0x018901F1, 0x8BD48BE1, 0x4EED4E8C, 0x8EAB8E6F,
+        0xAB12ABA2, 0x6FA26F3E, 0xE60DE654, 0xDB52DBF2, 0x92BB927B, 0xB702B7B6, 0x692F69CA, 0x39A939D9,
+        0xD3D7D30C, 0xA761A723, 0xA21EA2AD, 0xC3B4C399, 0x6C506C44, 0x07040705, 0x04F6047F, 0x27C22746,
+        0xAC16ACA7, 0xD025D076, 0x50865013, 0xDC56DCF7, 0x8455841A, 0xE109E151, 0x7ABE7A25, 0x139113EF
+    );
+    /**
+     * M-Table
+     *
+     * @var Array
+     * @access private
+     */
+    var $m3 = array (
+        0xD939A9D9, 0x90176790, 0x719CB371, 0xD2A6E8D2, 0x05070405, 0x9852FD98, 0x6580A365, 0xDFE476DF,
+        0x08459A08, 0x024B9202, 0xA0E080A0, 0x665A7866, 0xDDAFE4DD, 0xB06ADDB0, 0xBF63D1BF, 0x362A3836,
+        0x54E60D54, 0x4320C643, 0x62CC3562, 0xBEF298BE, 0x1E12181E, 0x24EBF724, 0xD7A1ECD7, 0x77416C77,
+        0xBD2843BD, 0x32BC7532, 0xD47B37D4, 0x9B88269B, 0x700DFA70, 0xF94413F9, 0xB1FB94B1, 0x5A7E485A,
+        0x7A03F27A, 0xE48CD0E4, 0x47B68B47, 0x3C24303C, 0xA5E784A5, 0x416B5441, 0x06DDDF06, 0xC56023C5,
+        0x45FD1945, 0xA33A5BA3, 0x68C23D68, 0x158D5915, 0x21ECF321, 0x3166AE31, 0x3E6FA23E, 0x16578216,
+        0x95106395, 0x5BEF015B, 0x4DB8834D, 0x91862E91, 0xB56DD9B5, 0x1F83511F, 0x53AA9B53, 0x635D7C63,
+        0x3B68A63B, 0x3FFEEB3F, 0xD630A5D6, 0x257ABE25, 0xA7AC16A7, 0x0F090C0F, 0x35F0E335, 0x23A76123,
+        0xF090C0F0, 0xAFE98CAF, 0x809D3A80, 0x925CF592, 0x810C7381, 0x27312C27, 0x76D02576, 0xE7560BE7,
+        0x7B92BB7B, 0xE9CE4EE9, 0xF10189F1, 0x9F1E6B9F, 0xA93453A9, 0xC4F16AC4, 0x99C3B499, 0x975BF197,
+        0x8347E183, 0x6B18E66B, 0xC822BDC8, 0x0E98450E, 0x6E1FE26E, 0xC9B3F4C9, 0x2F74B62F, 0xCBF866CB,
+        0xFF99CCFF, 0xEA1495EA, 0xED5803ED, 0xF7DC56F7, 0xE18BD4E1, 0x1B151C1B, 0xADA21EAD, 0x0CD3D70C,
+        0x2BE2FB2B, 0x1DC8C31D, 0x195E8E19, 0xC22CB5C2, 0x8949E989, 0x12C1CF12, 0x7E95BF7E, 0x207DBA20,
+        0x6411EA64, 0x840B7784, 0x6DC5396D, 0x6A89AF6A, 0xD17C33D1, 0xA171C9A1, 0xCEFF62CE, 0x37BB7137,
+        0xFB0F81FB, 0x3DB5793D, 0x51E10951, 0xDC3EADDC, 0x2D3F242D, 0xA476CDA4, 0x9D55F99D, 0xEE82D8EE,
+        0x8640E586, 0xAE78C5AE, 0xCD25B9CD, 0x04964D04, 0x55774455, 0x0A0E080A, 0x13508613, 0x30F7E730,
+        0xD337A1D3, 0x40FA1D40, 0x3461AA34, 0x8C4EED8C, 0xB3B006B3, 0x6C54706C, 0x2A73B22A, 0x523BD252,
+        0x0B9F410B, 0x8B027B8B, 0x88D8A088, 0x4FF3114F, 0x67CB3167, 0x4627C246, 0xC06727C0, 0xB4FC90B4,
+        0x28382028, 0x7F04F67F, 0x78486078, 0x2EE5FF2E, 0x074C9607, 0x4B655C4B, 0xC72BB1C7, 0x6F8EAB6F,
+        0x0D429E0D, 0xBBF59CBB, 0xF2DB52F2, 0xF34A1BF3, 0xA63D5FA6, 0x59A49359, 0xBCB90ABC, 0x3AF9EF3A,
+        0xEF1391EF, 0xFE0885FE, 0x01914901, 0x6116EE61, 0x7CDE2D7C, 0xB2214FB2, 0x42B18F42, 0xDB723BDB,
+        0xB82F47B8, 0x48BF8748, 0x2CAE6D2C, 0xE3C046E3, 0x573CD657, 0x859A3E85, 0x29A96929, 0x7D4F647D,
+        0x94812A94, 0x492ECE49, 0x17C6CB17, 0xCA692FCA, 0xC3BDFCC3, 0x5CA3975C, 0x5EE8055E, 0xD0ED7AD0,
+        0x87D1AC87, 0x8E057F8E, 0xBA64D5BA, 0xA8A51AA8, 0xB7264BB7, 0xB9BE0EB9, 0x6087A760, 0xF8D55AF8,
+        0x22362822, 0x111B1411, 0xDE753FDE, 0x79D92979, 0xAAEE88AA, 0x332D3C33, 0x5F794C5F, 0xB6B702B6,
+        0x96CAB896, 0x5835DA58, 0x9CC4B09C, 0xFC4317FC, 0x1A84551A, 0xF64D1FF6, 0x1C598A1C, 0x38B27D38,
+        0xAC3357AC, 0x18CFC718, 0xF4068DF4, 0x69537469, 0x749BB774, 0xF597C4F5, 0x56AD9F56, 0xDAE372DA,
+        0xD5EA7ED5, 0x4AF4154A, 0x9E8F229E, 0xA2AB12A2, 0x4E62584E, 0xE85F07E8, 0xE51D99E5, 0x39233439,
+        0xC1F66EC1, 0x446C5044, 0x5D32DE5D, 0x72466872, 0x26A06526, 0x93CDBC93, 0x03DADB03, 0xC6BAF8C6,
+        0xFA9EC8FA, 0x82D6A882, 0xCF6E2BCF, 0x50704050, 0xEB85DCEB, 0x750AFE75, 0x8A93328A, 0x8DDFA48D,
+        0x4C29CA4C, 0x141C1014, 0x73D72173, 0xCCB4F0CC, 0x09D4D309, 0x108A5D10, 0xE2510FE2, 0x00000000,
+        0x9A196F9A, 0xE01A9DE0, 0x8F94368F, 0xE6C742E6, 0xECC94AEC, 0xFDD25EFD, 0xAB7FC1AB, 0xD8A8E0D8
+    );
+    /**
+     * The Key Schedule Array
+     *
+     * @var Array
+     * @access private
+     */
+    var $K = array();
+    /**
+     * The Key depended S-Table 0
+     *
+     * @var Array
+     * @access private
+     */
+    var $S0 = array();
+    /**
+     * The Key depended S-Table 1
+     *
+     * @var Array
+     * @access private
+     */
+    var $S1 = array();
+    /**
+     * The Key depended S-Table 2
+     *
+     * @var Array
+     * @access private
+     */
+    var $S2 = array();
+    /**
+     * The Key depended S-Table 3
+     *
+     * @var Array
+     * @access private
+     */
+    var $S3 = array();
+    /**
+     * Holds the last used key
+     *
+     * @var Array
+     * @access private
+     */
+    var $kl;
+    /**
+     * Default Constructor.
+     *
+     * Determines whether or not the mcrypt extension should be used.
+     *
+     * $mode could be:
+     *
+     *
+     *
+     *
+     *
+     *
+     * If not explictly set, CRYPT_TWOFISH_MODE_CBC will be used.
+     *
+     * @see Crypt_Base::Crypt_Base()
+     * @param optional Integer $mode
+     * @access public
+     */
+    function Crypt_Twofish($mode = CRYPT_TWOFISH_MODE_CBC)
+    {
+        parent::Crypt_Base($mode);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Sets the key.
+     *
+     * Keys can be of any length. Twofish, itself, requires the use of a key that's 128, 192 or 256-bits long.
+     * If the key is less than 256-bits we round the length up to the closest valid key length,
+     * padding $key with null bytes. If the key is more than 256-bits, we trim the excess bits.
+     *
+     * If the key is not explicitly set, it'll be assumed a 128 bits key to be all null bytes.
+     *
+     * @access public
+     * @see Crypt_Base::setKey()
+     * @param String $key
+     */
+    function setKey($key)
+    {
+        $keylength = strlen($key);
+        switch (true) {
+            case $keylength <= 16:
+                $key = str_pad($key, 16, "\0");
+                break;
+            case $keylength <= 24:
+                $key = str_pad($key, 24, "\0");
+                break;
+            case $keylength < 32:
+                $key = str_pad($key, 32, "\0");
+                break;
+            case $keylength > 32:
+                $key = substr($key, 0, 32);
+        }
+        parent::setKey($key);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Setup the key (expansion)
+     *
+     * @see Crypt_Base::_setupKey()
+     * @access private
+     */
+    function _setupKey()
+    {
+        if (isset($this->kl['key']) && $this->key === $this->kl['key']) {
+            // already expanded
+            return;
+        }
+        $this->kl = array('key' => $this->key);
+        /* Key expanding and generating the key-depended s-boxes */
+        $le_longs = unpack('V*', $this->key);
+        $key = unpack('C*', $this->key);
+        $m0 = $this->m0;
+        $m1 = $this->m1;
+        $m2 = $this->m2;
+        $m3 = $this->m3;
+        $q0 = $this->q0;
+        $q1 = $this->q1;
+        $K = $S0 = $S1 = $S2 = $S3 = array();
+        switch (strlen($this->key)) {
+            case 16:
+                list ($s7, $s6, $s5, $s4) = $this->_mdsrem($le_longs[1], $le_longs[2]);
+                list ($s3, $s2, $s1, $s0) = $this->_mdsrem($le_longs[3], $le_longs[4]);
+                for ($i = 0, $j = 1; $i < 40; $i+= 2,$j+= 2) {
+                    $A = $m0[$q0[$q0[$i] ^ $key[ 9]] ^ $key[1]] ^
+                         $m1[$q0[$q1[$i] ^ $key[10]] ^ $key[2]] ^
+                         $m2[$q1[$q0[$i] ^ $key[11]] ^ $key[3]] ^
+                         $m3[$q1[$q1[$i] ^ $key[12]] ^ $key[4]];
+                    $B = $m0[$q0[$q0[$j] ^ $key[13]] ^ $key[5]] ^
+                         $m1[$q0[$q1[$j] ^ $key[14]] ^ $key[6]] ^
+                         $m2[$q1[$q0[$j] ^ $key[15]] ^ $key[7]] ^
+                         $m3[$q1[$q1[$j] ^ $key[16]] ^ $key[8]];
+                    $B = ($B << 8) | ($B >> 24 & 0xff);
+                    $K[] = $A+= $B;
+                    $K[] = (($A+= $B) << 9 | $A >> 23 & 0x1ff);
+                }
+                for ($i = 0; $i < 256; ++$i) {
+                    $S0[$i] = $m0[$q0[$q0[$i] ^ $s4] ^ $s0];
+                    $S1[$i] = $m1[$q0[$q1[$i] ^ $s5] ^ $s1];
+                    $S2[$i] = $m2[$q1[$q0[$i] ^ $s6] ^ $s2];
+                    $S3[$i] = $m3[$q1[$q1[$i] ^ $s7] ^ $s3];
+                }
+                break;
+            case 24:
+                list ($sb, $sa, $s9, $s8) = $this->_mdsrem($le_longs[1], $le_longs[2]);
+                list ($s7, $s6, $s5, $s4) = $this->_mdsrem($le_longs[3], $le_longs[4]);
+                list ($s3, $s2, $s1, $s0) = $this->_mdsrem($le_longs[5], $le_longs[6]);
+                for ($i = 0, $j = 1; $i < 40; $i+= 2, $j+= 2) {
+                    $A = $m0[$q0[$q0[$q1[$i] ^ $key[17]] ^ $key[ 9]] ^ $key[1]] ^
+                         $m1[$q0[$q1[$q1[$i] ^ $key[18]] ^ $key[10]] ^ $key[2]] ^
+                         $m2[$q1[$q0[$q0[$i] ^ $key[19]] ^ $key[11]] ^ $key[3]] ^
+                         $m3[$q1[$q1[$q0[$i] ^ $key[20]] ^ $key[12]] ^ $key[4]];
+                    $B = $m0[$q0[$q0[$q1[$j] ^ $key[21]] ^ $key[13]] ^ $key[5]] ^
+                         $m1[$q0[$q1[$q1[$j] ^ $key[22]] ^ $key[14]] ^ $key[6]] ^
+                         $m2[$q1[$q0[$q0[$j] ^ $key[23]] ^ $key[15]] ^ $key[7]] ^
+                         $m3[$q1[$q1[$q0[$j] ^ $key[24]] ^ $key[16]] ^ $key[8]];
+                    $B = ($B << 8) | ($B >> 24 & 0xff);
+                    $K[] = $A+= $B;
+                    $K[] = (($A+= $B) << 9 | $A >> 23 & 0x1ff);
+                }
+                for ($i = 0; $i < 256; ++$i) {
+                    $S0[$i] = $m0[$q0[$q0[$q1[$i] ^ $s8] ^ $s4] ^ $s0];
+                    $S1[$i] = $m1[$q0[$q1[$q1[$i] ^ $s9] ^ $s5] ^ $s1];
+                    $S2[$i] = $m2[$q1[$q0[$q0[$i] ^ $sa] ^ $s6] ^ $s2];
+                    $S3[$i] = $m3[$q1[$q1[$q0[$i] ^ $sb] ^ $s7] ^ $s3];
+                }
+                break;
+            default: // 32
+                list ($sf, $se, $sd, $sc) = $this->_mdsrem($le_longs[1], $le_longs[2]);
+                list ($sb, $sa, $s9, $s8) = $this->_mdsrem($le_longs[3], $le_longs[4]);
+                list ($s7, $s6, $s5, $s4) = $this->_mdsrem($le_longs[5], $le_longs[6]);
+                list ($s3, $s2, $s1, $s0) = $this->_mdsrem($le_longs[7], $le_longs[8]);
+                for ($i = 0, $j = 1; $i < 40; $i+= 2, $j+= 2) {
+                    $A = $m0[$q0[$q0[$q1[$q1[$i] ^ $key[25]] ^ $key[17]] ^ $key[ 9]] ^ $key[1]] ^
+                         $m1[$q0[$q1[$q1[$q0[$i] ^ $key[26]] ^ $key[18]] ^ $key[10]] ^ $key[2]] ^
+                         $m2[$q1[$q0[$q0[$q0[$i] ^ $key[27]] ^ $key[19]] ^ $key[11]] ^ $key[3]] ^
+                         $m3[$q1[$q1[$q0[$q1[$i] ^ $key[28]] ^ $key[20]] ^ $key[12]] ^ $key[4]];
+                    $B = $m0[$q0[$q0[$q1[$q1[$j] ^ $key[29]] ^ $key[21]] ^ $key[13]] ^ $key[5]] ^
+                         $m1[$q0[$q1[$q1[$q0[$j] ^ $key[30]] ^ $key[22]] ^ $key[14]] ^ $key[6]] ^
+                         $m2[$q1[$q0[$q0[$q0[$j] ^ $key[31]] ^ $key[23]] ^ $key[15]] ^ $key[7]] ^
+                         $m3[$q1[$q1[$q0[$q1[$j] ^ $key[32]] ^ $key[24]] ^ $key[16]] ^ $key[8]];
+                    $B = ($B << 8) | ($B >> 24 & 0xff);
+                    $K[] = $A+= $B;
+                    $K[] = (($A+= $B) << 9 | $A >> 23 & 0x1ff);
+                }
+                for ($i = 0; $i < 256; ++$i) {
+                    $S0[$i] = $m0[$q0[$q0[$q1[$q1[$i] ^ $sc] ^ $s8] ^ $s4] ^ $s0];
+                    $S1[$i] = $m1[$q0[$q1[$q1[$q0[$i] ^ $sd] ^ $s9] ^ $s5] ^ $s1];
+                    $S2[$i] = $m2[$q1[$q0[$q0[$q0[$i] ^ $se] ^ $sa] ^ $s6] ^ $s2];
+                    $S3[$i] = $m3[$q1[$q1[$q0[$q1[$i] ^ $sf] ^ $sb] ^ $s7] ^ $s3];
+                }
+        }
+        $this->K  = $K;
+        $this->S0 = $S0;
+        $this->S1 = $S1;
+        $this->S2 = $S2;
+        $this->S3 = $S3;
+    }
+    /**
+     * _mdsrem function using by the twofish cipher algorithm
+     *
+     * @access private
+     * @param String $A
+     * @param String $B
+     * @return Array
+     */
+    function _mdsrem($A, $B)
+    {
+        // No gain by unrolling this loop.
+        for ($i = 0; $i < 8; ++$i) {
+            // Get most significant coefficient.
+            $t = 0xff & ($B >> 24);
+            // Shift the others up.
+            $B = ($B << 8) | (0xff & ($A >> 24));
+            $A<<= 8;
+            $u = $t << 1;
+            // Subtract the modular polynomial on overflow.
+            if ($t & 0x80) {
+                $u^= 0x14d;
+            }
+            // Remove t * (a * x^2 + 1).
+            $B ^= $t ^ ($u << 16);
+            // Form u = a*t + t/a = t*(a + 1/a).
+            $u^= 0x7fffffff & ($t >> 1);
+            // Add the modular polynomial on underflow.
+            if ($t & 0x01) $u^= 0xa6 ;
+            // Remove t * (a + 1/a) * (x^3 + x).
+            $B^= ($u << 24) | ($u << 8);
+        }
+        return array(
+            0xff & $B >> 24,
+            0xff & $B >> 16,
+            0xff & $B >>  8,
+            0xff & $B);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Encrypts a block
+     *
+     * @access private
+     * @param String $in
+     * @return String
+     */
+    function _encryptBlock($in)
+    {
+        $S0 = $this->S0;
+        $S1 = $this->S1;
+        $S2 = $this->S2;
+        $S3 = $this->S3;
+        $K  = $this->K;
+        $in = unpack("V4", $in);
+        $R0 = $K[0] ^ $in[1];
+        $R1 = $K[1] ^ $in[2];
+        $R2 = $K[2] ^ $in[3];
+        $R3 = $K[3] ^ $in[4];
+        $ki = 7;
+        while ($ki < 39) {
+            $t0 = $S0[ $R0        & 0xff] ^
+                  $S1[($R0 >>  8) & 0xff] ^
+                  $S2[($R0 >> 16) & 0xff] ^
+                  $S3[($R0 >> 24) & 0xff];
+            $t1 = $S0[($R1 >> 24) & 0xff] ^
+                  $S1[ $R1        & 0xff] ^
+                  $S2[($R1 >>  8) & 0xff] ^
+                  $S3[($R1 >> 16) & 0xff];
+            $R2^= $t0 + $t1 + $K[++$ki];
+            $R2 = ($R2 >> 1 & 0x7fffffff) | ($R2 << 31);
+            $R3 = ((($R3 >> 31) & 1) | ($R3 << 1)) ^ ($t0 + ($t1 << 1) + $K[++$ki]);
+            $t0 = $S0[ $R2        & 0xff] ^
+                  $S1[($R2 >>  8) & 0xff] ^
+                  $S2[($R2 >> 16) & 0xff] ^
+                  $S3[($R2 >> 24) & 0xff];
+            $t1 = $S0[($R3 >> 24) & 0xff] ^
+                  $S1[ $R3        & 0xff] ^
+                  $S2[($R3 >>  8) & 0xff] ^
+                  $S3[($R3 >> 16) & 0xff];
+            $R0^= ($t0 + $t1 + $K[++$ki]);
+            $R0 = ($R0 >> 1 & 0x7fffffff) | ($R0 << 31);
+            $R1 = ((($R1 >> 31) & 1) | ($R1 << 1)) ^ ($t0 + ($t1 << 1) + $K[++$ki]);
+        }
+        return pack("V4", $K[4] ^ $R2,
+                          $K[5] ^ $R3,
+                          $K[6] ^ $R0,
+                          $K[7] ^ $R1);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Decrypts a block
+     *
+     * @access private
+     * @param String $in
+     * @return String
+     */
+    function _decryptBlock($in)
+    {
+        $S0 = $this->S0;
+        $S1 = $this->S1;
+        $S2 = $this->S2;
+        $S3 = $this->S3;
+        $K  = $this->K;
+        $in = unpack("V4", $in);
+        $R0 = $K[4] ^ $in[1];
+        $R1 = $K[5] ^ $in[2];
+        $R2 = $K[6] ^ $in[3];
+        $R3 = $K[7] ^ $in[4];
+        $ki = 40;
+        while ($ki > 8) {
+            $t0 = $S0[$R0       & 0xff] ^
+                  $S1[$R0 >>  8 & 0xff] ^
+                  $S2[$R0 >> 16 & 0xff] ^
+                  $S3[$R0 >> 24 & 0xff];
+            $t1 = $S0[$R1 >> 24 & 0xff] ^
+                  $S1[$R1       & 0xff] ^
+                  $S2[$R1 >>  8 & 0xff] ^
+                  $S3[$R1 >> 16 & 0xff];
+            $R3^= $t0 + ($t1 << 1) + $K[--$ki];
+            $R3 = $R3 >> 1 & 0x7fffffff | $R3 << 31;
+            $R2 = ($R2 >> 31 & 0x1 | $R2 << 1) ^ ($t0 + $t1 + $K[--$ki]);
+            $t0 = $S0[$R2       & 0xff] ^
+                  $S1[$R2 >>  8 & 0xff] ^
+                  $S2[$R2 >> 16 & 0xff] ^
+                  $S3[$R2 >> 24 & 0xff];
+            $t1 = $S0[$R3 >> 24 & 0xff] ^
+                  $S1[$R3       & 0xff] ^
+                  $S2[$R3 >>  8 & 0xff] ^
+                  $S3[$R3 >> 16 & 0xff];
+            $R1^= $t0 + ($t1 << 1) + $K[--$ki];
+            $R1 = $R1 >> 1 & 0x7fffffff | $R1 << 31;
+            $R0 = ($R0 >> 31 & 0x1 | $R0 << 1) ^ ($t0 + $t1 + $K[--$ki]);
+        }
+        return pack("V4", $K[0] ^ $R2,
+                          $K[1] ^ $R3,
+                          $K[2] ^ $R0,
+                          $K[3] ^ $R1);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Setup the performance-optimized function for de/encrypt()
+     *
+     * @see Crypt_Base::_setupInlineCrypt()
+     * @access private
+     */
+    function _setupInlineCrypt()
+    {
+        $lambda_functions =& Crypt_Twofish::_getLambdaFunctions();
+        // Max. 10 Ultra-Hi-optimized inline-crypt functions. After that, we'll (still) create very fast code, but not the ultimate fast one.
+        $gen_hi_opt_code = (bool)( count($lambda_functions) < 10 );
+        switch (true) {
+            case $gen_hi_opt_code:
+                $code_hash = md5(str_pad("Crypt_Twofish, {$this->mode}, ", 32, "\0") . $this->key);
+                break;
+            default:
+                $code_hash = "Crypt_Twofish, {$this->mode}";
+        }
+        if (!isset($lambda_functions[$code_hash])) {
+            switch (true) {
+                case $gen_hi_opt_code:
+                    $K = $this->K;
+                    $init_crypt = '
+                        static $S0, $S1, $S2, $S3;
+                        if (!$S0) {
+                            for ($i = 0; $i < 256; ++$i) {
+                                $S0[] = (int)$self->S0[$i];
+                                $S1[] = (int)$self->S1[$i];
+                                $S2[] = (int)$self->S2[$i];
+                                $S3[] = (int)$self->S3[$i];
+                            }
+                        }
+                    ';
+                    break;
+                default:
+                    $K   = array();
+                    for ($i = 0; $i < 40; ++$i) {
+                        $K[] = '$K_' . $i;
+                    }
+                    $init_crypt = '
+                        $S0 = $self->S0;
+                        $S1 = $self->S1;
+                        $S2 = $self->S2;
+                        $S3 = $self->S3;
+                        list(' . implode(',', $K) . ') = $self->K;
+                    ';
+            }
+            // Generating encrypt code:
+            $encrypt_block = '
+                $in = unpack("V4", $in);
+                $R0 = '.$K[0].' ^ $in[1];
+                $R1 = '.$K[1].' ^ $in[2];
+                $R2 = '.$K[2].' ^ $in[3];
+                $R3 = '.$K[3].' ^ $in[4];
+            ';
+            for ($ki = 7, $i = 0; $i < 8; ++$i) {
+                $encrypt_block.= '
+                    $t0 = $S0[ $R0        & 0xff] ^
+                          $S1[($R0 >>  8) & 0xff] ^
+                          $S2[($R0 >> 16) & 0xff] ^
+                          $S3[($R0 >> 24) & 0xff];
+                    $t1 = $S0[($R1 >> 24) & 0xff] ^
+                          $S1[ $R1        & 0xff] ^
+                          $S2[($R1 >>  8) & 0xff] ^
+                          $S3[($R1 >> 16) & 0xff];
+                    $R2^= ($t0 + $t1 + '.$K[++$ki].');
+                    $R2 = ($R2 >> 1 & 0x7fffffff) | ($R2 << 31);
+                    $R3 = ((($R3 >> 31) & 1) | ($R3 << 1)) ^ ($t0 + ($t1 << 1) + '.$K[++$ki].');
+                    $t0 = $S0[ $R2        & 0xff] ^
+                          $S1[($R2 >>  8) & 0xff] ^
+                          $S2[($R2 >> 16) & 0xff] ^
+                          $S3[($R2 >> 24) & 0xff];
+                    $t1 = $S0[($R3 >> 24) & 0xff] ^
+                          $S1[ $R3        & 0xff] ^
+                          $S2[($R3 >>  8) & 0xff] ^
+                          $S3[($R3 >> 16) & 0xff];
+                    $R0^= ($t0 + $t1 + '.$K[++$ki].');
+                    $R0 = ($R0 >> 1 & 0x7fffffff) | ($R0 << 31);
+                    $R1 = ((($R1 >> 31) & 1) | ($R1 << 1)) ^ ($t0 + ($t1 << 1) + '.$K[++$ki].');
+                ';
+            }
+            $encrypt_block.= '
+                $in = pack("V4", '.$K[4].' ^ $R2,
+                                 '.$K[5].' ^ $R3,
+                                 '.$K[6].' ^ $R0,
+                                 '.$K[7].' ^ $R1);
+            ';
+            // Generating decrypt code:
+            $decrypt_block = '
+                $in = unpack("V4", $in);
+                $R0 = '.$K[4].' ^ $in[1];
+                $R1 = '.$K[5].' ^ $in[2];
+                $R2 = '.$K[6].' ^ $in[3];
+                $R3 = '.$K[7].' ^ $in[4];
+            ';
+            for ($ki = 40, $i = 0; $i < 8; ++$i) {
+                $decrypt_block.= '
+                    $t0 = $S0[$R0       & 0xff] ^
+                          $S1[$R0 >>  8 & 0xff] ^
+                          $S2[$R0 >> 16 & 0xff] ^
+                          $S3[$R0 >> 24 & 0xff];
+                    $t1 = $S0[$R1 >> 24 & 0xff] ^
+                          $S1[$R1       & 0xff] ^
+                          $S2[$R1 >>  8 & 0xff] ^
+                          $S3[$R1 >> 16 & 0xff];
+                    $R3^= $t0 + ($t1 << 1) + '.$K[--$ki].';
+                    $R3 = $R3 >> 1 & 0x7fffffff | $R3 << 31;
+                    $R2 = ($R2 >> 31 & 0x1 | $R2 << 1) ^ ($t0 + $t1 + '.$K[--$ki].');
+                    $t0 = $S0[$R2       & 0xff] ^
+                          $S1[$R2 >>  8 & 0xff] ^
+                          $S2[$R2 >> 16 & 0xff] ^
+                          $S3[$R2 >> 24 & 0xff];
+                    $t1 = $S0[$R3 >> 24 & 0xff] ^
+                          $S1[$R3       & 0xff] ^
+                          $S2[$R3 >>  8 & 0xff] ^
+                          $S3[$R3 >> 16 & 0xff];
+                    $R1^= $t0 + ($t1 << 1) + '.$K[--$ki].';
+                    $R1 = $R1 >> 1 & 0x7fffffff | $R1 << 31;
+                    $R0 = ($R0 >> 31 & 0x1 | $R0 << 1) ^ ($t0 + $t1 + '.$K[--$ki].');
+                ';
+            }
+            $decrypt_block.= '
+                $in = pack("V4", '.$K[0].' ^ $R2,
+                                 '.$K[1].' ^ $R3,
+                                 '.$K[2].' ^ $R0,
+                                 '.$K[3].' ^ $R1);
+            ';
+            $lambda_functions[$code_hash] = $this->_createInlineCryptFunction(
+                array(
+                   'init_crypt'    => $init_crypt,
+                   'init_encrypt'  => '',
+                   'init_decrypt'  => '',
+                   'encrypt_block' => $encrypt_block,
+                   'decrypt_block' => $decrypt_block
+                )
+            );
+        }
+        $this->inline_crypt = $lambda_functions[$code_hash];
+    }
+// vim: ts=4:sw=4:et:
+// vim6: fdl=1:
diff --git a/apps/files_external/3rdparty/phpseclib/phpseclib/File/ANSI.php b/apps/files_external/3rdparty/phpseclib/phpseclib/File/ANSI.php
index 29ad949e104061604c75a3c1ae91b134f12c4f56..f7ac85536f8fdc61591c0c0b2bea80750221c149 100644
--- a/apps/files_external/3rdparty/phpseclib/phpseclib/File/ANSI.php
+++ b/apps/files_external/3rdparty/phpseclib/phpseclib/File/ANSI.php
@@ -34,8 +34,7 @@
  * @author     Jim Wigginton <terrafrost@php.net>
  * @copyright  MMXII Jim Wigginton
  * @license    http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html  MIT License
- * @version    $Id$
- * @link       htp://phpseclib.sourceforge.net
+ * @link       http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net
@@ -298,12 +297,12 @@ class File_ANSI {
                 // http://ascii-table.com/ansi-escape-sequences-vt-100.php
                 switch ($this->ansi) {
-                    case "\x1B[H":
+                    case "\x1B[H": // Move cursor to upper left corner
                         $this->old_x = $this->x;
                         $this->old_y = $this->y;
                         $this->x = $this->y = 0;
-                    case "\x1B[J":
+                    case "\x1B[J": // Clear screen from cursor down
                         $this->history = array_merge($this->history, array_slice(array_splice($this->screen, $this->y + 1), 0, $this->old_y));
                         $this->screen = array_merge($this->screen, array_fill($this->y, $this->max_y, ''));
@@ -314,36 +313,45 @@ class File_ANSI {
-                    case "\x1B[K":
+                    case "\x1B[K": // Clear screen from cursor right
                         $this->screen[$this->y] = substr($this->screen[$this->y], 0, $this->x);
                         array_splice($this->attrs[$this->y], $this->x + 1);
+                    case "\x1B[2K": // Clear entire line
+                        $this->screen[$this->y] = str_repeat(' ', $this->x);
+                        $this->attrs[$this->y] = $this->attr_row;
+                        break;
                     case "\x1B[?1h": // set cursor key to application
+                    case "\x1B[?25h": // show the cursor
+                        break;
+                    case "\x1BE": // Move to next line
+                        $this->_newLine();
+                        $this->x = 0;
                         switch (true) {
-                            case preg_match('#\x1B\[(\d+);(\d+)H#', $this->ansi, $match):
+                            case preg_match('#\x1B\[(\d+);(\d+)H#', $this->ansi, $match): // Move cursor to screen location v,h
                                 $this->old_x = $this->x;
                                 $this->old_y = $this->y;
                                 $this->x = $match[2] - 1;
                                 $this->y = $match[1] - 1;
-                            case preg_match('#\x1B\[(\d+)C#', $this->ansi, $match):
+                            case preg_match('#\x1B\[(\d+)C#', $this->ansi, $match): // Move cursor right n lines
                                 $this->old_x = $this->x;
                                 $x = $match[1] - 1;
                             case preg_match('#\x1B\[(\d+);(\d+)r#', $this->ansi, $match): // Set top and bottom lines of a window
-                            case preg_match('#\x1B\[(\d*(?:;\d*)*)m#', $this->ansi, $match):
+                            case preg_match('#\x1B\[(\d*(?:;\d*)*)m#', $this->ansi, $match): // character attributes
                                 $mods = explode(';', $match[1]);
                                 foreach ($mods as $mod) {
                                     switch ($mod) {
-                                        case 0:
+                                        case 0: // Turn off character attributes
                                             $this->attrs[$this->y][$this->x] = '';
                                             if ($this->bold) $this->attrs[$this->y][$this->x].= '</b>';
-                                            if ($this->underline) $this->attrs[$this->y][$this->x].= '</underline>';
+                                            if ($this->underline) $this->attrs[$this->y][$this->x].= '</u>';
                                             if ($this->blink) $this->attrs[$this->y][$this->x].= '</blink>';
                                             if ($this->color) $this->attrs[$this->y][$this->x].= '</span>';
@@ -355,25 +363,25 @@ class File_ANSI {
                                             $this->bold = $this->underline = $this->blink = $this->color = $this->reverse = false;
-                                        case 1:
+                                        case 1: // Turn bold mode on
                                             if (!$this->bold) {
                                                 $this->attrs[$this->y][$this->x] = '<b>';
                                                 $this->bold = true;
-                                        case 4:
+                                        case 4: // Turn underline mode on
                                             if (!$this->underline) {
                                                 $this->attrs[$this->y][$this->x] = '<u>';
                                                 $this->underline = true;
-                                        case 5:
+                                        case 5: // Turn blinking mode on
                                             if (!$this->blink) {
                                                 $this->attrs[$this->y][$this->x] = '<blink>';
                                                 $this->blink = true;
-                                        case 7:
+                                        case 7: // Turn reverse video on
                                             $this->reverse = !$this->reverse;
                                             $temp = $this->background;
                                             $this->background = $this->foreground;
@@ -384,7 +392,7 @@ class File_ANSI {
                                             $this->color = true;
-                                        default:
+                                        default: // set colors
                                             //$front = $this->reverse ? &$this->background : &$this->foreground;
                                             $front = &$this->{ $this->reverse ? 'background' : 'foreground' };
                                             //$back = $this->reverse ? &$this->foreground : &$this->background;
@@ -424,7 +432,7 @@ class File_ANSI {
-                                echo "{$this->ansi} unsupported\r\n";
+                                user_error("{$this->ansi} unsupported\r\n");
                 $this->ansi = '';
@@ -436,25 +444,7 @@ class File_ANSI {
                     $this->x = 0;
                 case "\n":
-                    //if ($this->y < $this->max_y) {
-                    //    $this->y++;
-                    //}
-                    while ($this->y >= $this->max_y) {
-                        $this->history = array_merge($this->history, array(array_shift($this->screen)));
-                        $this->screen[] = '';
-                        $this->history_attrs = array_merge($this->history_attrs, array(array_shift($this->attrs)));
-                        $this->attrs[] = $this->attr_row;
-                        if (count($this->history) >= $this->max_history) {
-                            array_shift($this->history);
-                            array_shift($this->history_attrs);
-                        }
-                        $this->y--;
-                    }
-                    $this->y++;
+                    $this->_newLine();
                 case "\x0F": // shift
@@ -479,6 +469,36 @@ class File_ANSI {
+    /**
+     * Add a new line
+     *
+     * Also update the $this->screen and $this->history buffers
+     *
+     * @access private
+     */
+    function _newLine()
+    {
+        //if ($this->y < $this->max_y) {
+        //    $this->y++;
+        //}
+        while ($this->y >= $this->max_y) {
+            $this->history = array_merge($this->history, array(array_shift($this->screen)));
+            $this->screen[] = '';
+            $this->history_attrs = array_merge($this->history_attrs, array(array_shift($this->attrs)));
+            $this->attrs[] = $this->attr_row;
+            if (count($this->history) >= $this->max_history) {
+                array_shift($this->history);
+                array_shift($this->history_attrs);
+            }
+            $this->y--;
+        }
+        $this->y++;
+    }
      * Returns the current screen without preformating
@@ -537,4 +557,4 @@ class File_ANSI {
         return '<pre style="color: white; background: black" width="' . ($this->max_x + 1) . '">' . $scrollback . '</pre>';
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/files_external/3rdparty/phpseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1.php b/apps/files_external/3rdparty/phpseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1.php
index 766c6e7ebf448f14abcb4c471191fd7018acbb58..9f481fc3ccb81641677ac07a8816c81cf7bcf5ee 100644
--- a/apps/files_external/3rdparty/phpseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1.php
+++ b/apps/files_external/3rdparty/phpseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1.php
@@ -37,17 +37,9 @@
  * @author     Jim Wigginton <terrafrost@php.net>
  * @copyright  MMXII Jim Wigginton
  * @license    http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html  MIT License
- * @version    $Id$
  * @link       http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net
- * Include Math_BigInteger
- */
-if (!class_exists('Math_BigInteger')) {
-    require_once('Math/BigInteger.php');
  * Tag Classes
@@ -249,6 +241,22 @@ class File_ASN1 {
+    /**
+     * Default Constructor.
+     *
+     * @access public
+     */
+    function File_ASN1()
+    {
+        static $static_init = null;
+        if (!$static_init) {
+            $static_init = true;
+            if (!class_exists('Math_BigInteger')) {
+                require_once('Math/BigInteger.php');
+            }
+        }
+    }
      * Parse BER-encoding
@@ -304,12 +312,12 @@ class File_ASN1 {
                 } while ( $loop );
-            // Length, as discussed in § 8.1.3 of X.690-0207.pdf#page=13
+            // Length, as discussed in paragraph 8.1.3 of X.690-0207.pdf#page=13
             $length = ord($this->_string_shift($encoded));
             if ( $length == 0x80 ) { // indefinite length
                 // "[A sender shall] use the indefinite form (see if the encoding is constructed and is not all 
-                //  immediately available." -- §
+                //  immediately available." -- paragraph
                 //if ( !$constructed ) {
                 //    return false;
@@ -319,11 +327,15 @@ class File_ASN1 {
                 // support it up to four.
                 $length&= 0x7F;
                 $temp = $this->_string_shift($encoded, $length);
+                // tags of indefinite length don't really have a header length; this length includes the tag
+                $current+= array('headerlength' => $length + 2);
                 $start+= $length;
                 extract(unpack('Nlength', substr(str_pad($temp, 4, chr(0), STR_PAD_LEFT), -4)));
+            } else {
+                $current+= array('headerlength' => 2);
-            // End-of-content, see §§,,, 8.1.5, and (for an example)
+            // End-of-content, see paragraphs,,, 8.1.5, and (for an example)
             if (!$type && !$length) {
                 return $decoded;
@@ -349,6 +361,7 @@ class File_ASN1 {
                         'content'  => $constructed ? $this->_decode_ber($content, $start) : $content,
                         'length'   => $length + $start - $current['start']
                     ) + $current;
+                    $start+= $length;
                     continue 2;
@@ -357,7 +370,7 @@ class File_ASN1 {
             // decode UNIVERSAL tags
             switch ($tag) {
                 case FILE_ASN1_TYPE_BOOLEAN:
-                    // "The contents octets shall consist of a single octet." -- § 8.2.1
+                    // "The contents octets shall consist of a single octet." -- paragraph 8.2.1
                     //if (strlen($content) != 1) {
                     //    return false;
@@ -410,7 +423,7 @@ class File_ASN1 {
                 case FILE_ASN1_TYPE_NULL:
-                    // "The contents octets shall not contain any octets." -- § 8.8.2
+                    // "The contents octets shall not contain any octets." -- paragraph 8.8.2
                     //if (strlen($content)) {
                     //    return false;
@@ -441,7 +454,7 @@ class File_ASN1 {
                 /* Each character string type shall be encoded as if it had been declared:
-                     -- X.690-0207.pdf#page=23 (§ 8.21.3)
+                     -- X.690-0207.pdf#page=23 (paragraph 8.21.3)
                    Per that, we're not going to do any validation.  If there are any illegal characters in the string, 
                    we don't really care */
@@ -487,12 +500,15 @@ class File_ASN1 {
      * Provides an ASN.1 semantic mapping ($mapping) from a parsed BER-encoding to a human readable format.
+     * "Special" mappings may be applied on a per tag-name basis via $special.
+     *
      * @param Array $decoded
      * @param Array $mapping
+     * @param Array $special
      * @return Array
      * @access public
-    function asn1map($decoded, $mapping)
+    function asn1map($decoded, $mapping, $special = array())
         if (isset($mapping['explicit'])) {
             $decoded = $decoded['content'][0];
@@ -506,7 +522,7 @@ class File_ASN1 {
                 $inmap = $this->ANYmap[$intype];
                 if (is_string($inmap)) {
-                    return array($inmap => $this->asn1map($decoded, array('type' => $intype) + $mapping));
+                    return array($inmap => $this->asn1map($decoded, array('type' => $intype) + $mapping, $special));
             case $mapping['type'] == FILE_ASN1_TYPE_CHOICE:
@@ -514,15 +530,18 @@ class File_ASN1 {
                     switch (true) {
                         case isset($option['constant']) && $option['constant'] == $decoded['constant']:
                         case !isset($option['constant']) && $option['type'] == $decoded['type']:
-                            $value = $this->asn1map($decoded, $option);
+                            $value = $this->asn1map($decoded, $option, $special);
                         case !isset($option['constant']) && $option['type'] == FILE_ASN1_TYPE_CHOICE:
-                            $v = $this->asn1map($decoded, $option);
+                            $v = $this->asn1map($decoded, $option, $special);
                             if (isset($v)) {
                                 $value = $v;
                     if (isset($value)) {
+                        if (isset($special[$key])) {
+                            $value = call_user_func($special[$key], $value);
+                        }
                         return array($key => $value);
@@ -547,7 +566,7 @@ class File_ASN1 {
                 if (isset($mapping['min']) && isset($mapping['max'])) {
                     $child = $mapping['children'];
                     foreach ($decoded['content'] as $content) {
-                        if (($map[] = $this->asn1map($content, $child)) === NULL) {
+                        if (($map[] = $this->asn1map($content, $child, $special)) === NULL) {
                             return NULL;
@@ -591,12 +610,15 @@ class File_ASN1 {
                     if ($maymatch) {
                         // Attempt submapping.
-                        $candidate = $this->asn1map($temp, $child);
+                        $candidate = $this->asn1map($temp, $child, $special);
                         $maymatch = $candidate !== NULL;
                     if ($maymatch) {
                         // Got the match: use it.
+                        if (isset($special[$key])) {
+                            $candidate = call_user_func($special[$key], $candidate);
+                        }
                         $map[$key] = $candidate;
                     } elseif (isset($child['default'])) {
@@ -617,7 +639,7 @@ class File_ASN1 {
                 if (isset($mapping['min']) && isset($mapping['max'])) {
                     $child = $mapping['children'];
                     foreach ($decoded['content'] as $content) {
-                        if (($map[] = $this->asn1map($content, $child)) === NULL) {
+                        if (($map[] = $this->asn1map($content, $child, $special)) === NULL) {
                             return NULL;
@@ -660,7 +682,7 @@ class File_ASN1 {
                         if ($maymatch) {
                             // Attempt submapping.
-                            $candidate = $this->asn1map($temp, $child);
+                            $candidate = $this->asn1map($temp, $child, $special);
                             $maymatch = $candidate !== NULL;
@@ -669,6 +691,9 @@ class File_ASN1 {
                         // Got the match: use it.
+                        if (isset($special[$key])) {
+                            $candidate = call_user_func($special[$key], $candidate);
+                        }
                         $map[$key] = $candidate;
@@ -761,18 +786,30 @@ class File_ASN1 {
      * DER-encodes an ASN.1 semantic mapping ($mapping).  Some libraries would probably call this function
      * an ASN.1 compiler.
+     * "Special" mappings can be applied via $special.
+     *
      * @param String $source
      * @param String $mapping
      * @param Integer $idx
      * @return String
      * @access public
-    function encodeDER($source, $mapping)
+    function encodeDER($source, $mapping, $special = array())
         $this->location = array();
-        return $this->_encode_der($source, $mapping);
+        return $this->_encode_der($source, $mapping, NULL, $special);
+    /**
+     * ASN.1 Encode (Helper function)
+     *
+     * @param String $source
+     * @param Array $mapping
+     * @param Integer $idx
+     * @param Array $special
+     * @return String
+     * @access private
+     */
      * ASN.1 Encode (Helper function)
@@ -782,7 +819,7 @@ class File_ASN1 {
      * @return String
      * @access private
-    function _encode_der($source, $mapping, $idx = NULL)
+    function _encode_der($source, $mapping, $idx = NULL, $special = array())
         if (is_object($source) && strtolower(get_class($source)) == 'file_asn1_element') {
             return $source->element;
@@ -794,6 +831,9 @@ class File_ASN1 {
         if (isset($idx)) {
+            if (isset($special[$idx])) {
+                $source = call_user_func($special[$idx], $source);
+            }
             $this->location[] = $idx;
@@ -810,7 +850,7 @@ class File_ASN1 {
                     $child = $mapping['children'];
                     foreach ($source as $content) {
-                        $temp = $this->_encode_der($content, $child);
+                        $temp = $this->_encode_der($content, $child, NULL, $special);
                         if ($temp === false) {
                             return false;
@@ -827,7 +867,7 @@ class File_ASN1 {
-                    $temp = $this->_encode_der($source[$key], $child, $key);
+                    $temp = $this->_encode_der($source[$key], $child, $key, $special);
                     if ($temp === false) {
                         return false;
@@ -868,7 +908,7 @@ class File_ASN1 {
-                    $temp = $this->_encode_der($source[$key], $child, $key);
+                    $temp = $this->_encode_der($source[$key], $child, $key, $special);
                     if ($temp === false) {
                         return false;
@@ -914,6 +954,9 @@ class File_ASN1 {
                     $value = new Math_BigInteger($value);
                     $value = $value->toBytes(true);
+                if (!strlen($value)) {
+                    $value = chr(0);
+                }
             case FILE_ASN1_TYPE_UTC_TIME:
@@ -987,19 +1030,19 @@ class File_ASN1 {
                 switch (true) {
                     case !isset($source):
-                        return $this->_encode_der(NULL, array('type' => FILE_ASN1_TYPE_NULL) + $mapping);
+                        return $this->_encode_der(NULL, array('type' => FILE_ASN1_TYPE_NULL) + $mapping, NULL, $special);
                     case is_int($source):
                     case is_object($source) && strtolower(get_class($source)) == 'math_biginteger':
-                        return $this->_encode_der($source, array('type' => FILE_ASN1_TYPE_INTEGER) + $mapping);
+                        return $this->_encode_der($source, array('type' => FILE_ASN1_TYPE_INTEGER) + $mapping, NULL, $special);
                     case is_float($source):
-                        return $this->_encode_der($source, array('type' => FILE_ASN1_TYPE_REAL) + $mapping);
+                        return $this->_encode_der($source, array('type' => FILE_ASN1_TYPE_REAL) + $mapping, NULL, $special);
                     case is_bool($source):
-                        return $this->_encode_der($source, array('type' => FILE_ASN1_TYPE_BOOLEAN) + $mapping);
+                        return $this->_encode_der($source, array('type' => FILE_ASN1_TYPE_BOOLEAN) + $mapping, NULL, $special);
                     case is_array($source) && count($source) == 1:
                         $typename = implode('', array_keys($source));
                         $outtype = array_search($typename, $this->ANYmap, true);
                         if ($outtype !== false) {
-                            return $this->_encode_der($source[$typename], array('type' => $outtype) + $mapping);
+                            return $this->_encode_der($source[$typename], array('type' => $outtype) + $mapping, NULL, $special);
@@ -1015,7 +1058,7 @@ class File_ASN1 {
                     user_error('No filters defined for ' . implode('/', $loc));
                     return false;
-                return $this->_encode_der($source, $filters + $mapping);
+                return $this->_encode_der($source, $filters + $mapping, NULL, $special);
             case FILE_ASN1_TYPE_NULL:
                 $value = '';
@@ -1055,7 +1098,7 @@ class File_ASN1 {
      * DER-encode the length
      * DER supports lengths up to (2**8)**127, however, we'll only support lengths up to (2**8)**4.  See
-     * {@link http://itu.int/ITU-T/studygroups/com17/languages/X.690-0207.pdf#p=13 X.690 § 8.1.3} for more information.
+     * {@link http://itu.int/ITU-T/studygroups/com17/languages/X.690-0207.pdf#p=13 X.690 paragraph 8.1.3} for more information.
      * @access private
      * @param Integer $length
diff --git a/apps/files_external/3rdparty/phpseclib/phpseclib/File/X509.php b/apps/files_external/3rdparty/phpseclib/phpseclib/File/X509.php
index 278da62e26208c9d1a547040b3479f010ea9029c..0b4e291361e341693ecb32e81ea824d5e9d0f01b 100644
--- a/apps/files_external/3rdparty/phpseclib/phpseclib/File/X509.php
+++ b/apps/files_external/3rdparty/phpseclib/phpseclib/File/X509.php
@@ -40,22 +40,22 @@
  * @author     Jim Wigginton <terrafrost@php.net>
  * @copyright  MMXII Jim Wigginton
  * @license    http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html  MIT License
- * @version    $Id$
- * @link       htp://phpseclib.sourceforge.net
+ * @link       http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net
  * Include File_ASN1
 if (!class_exists('File_ASN1')) {
-    require_once('File/ASN1.php');
+    require_once('ASN1.php');
  * Flag to only accept signatures signed by certificate authorities
+ * Not really used anymore but retained all the same to suppress E_NOTICEs from old installs
+ *
  * @access public
- * @see File_X509::validateSignature()
@@ -306,6 +306,10 @@ class File_X509 {
     function File_X509()
+        if (!class_exists('Math_BigInteger')) {
+            require_once('Math/BigInteger.php');
+        }
         // Explicitly Tagged Module, 1988 Syntax
         // http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5280#appendix-A.1
@@ -1436,18 +1440,7 @@ class File_X509 {
         $asn1 = new File_ASN1();
-        /*
-            X.509 certs are assumed to be base64 encoded but sometimes they'll have additional things in them above and beyond the ceritificate. ie.
-            some may have the following preceeding the -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- line:
-            subject=/O=organization/OU=org unit/CN=common name
-            issuer=/O=organization/CN=common name
-        */
-        $temp = preg_replace('#^(?:[^-].+[\r\n]+)+|-.+-|[\r\n]| #', '', $cert);
-        $temp = preg_match('#^[a-zA-Z\d/+]*={0,2}$#', $temp) ? base64_decode($temp) : false;
-        if ($temp != false) {
-            $cert = $temp;
-        }
+        $cert = $this->_extractBER($cert);
         if ($cert === false) {
             $this->currentCert = false;
@@ -1569,7 +1562,7 @@ class File_X509 {
                    corresponding to the extension type identified by extnID */
                 $map = $this->_getMapping($id);
                 if (!is_bool($map)) {
-                    $mapped = $asn1->asn1map($decoded[0], $map);
+                    $mapped = $asn1->asn1map($decoded[0], $map, array('iPAddress' => array($this, '_decodeIP')));
                     $value = $mapped === false ? $decoded[0] : $mapped;
                     if ($id == 'id-ce-certificatePolicies') {
@@ -1651,7 +1644,7 @@ class File_X509 {
                 } else {
-                    $temp = $asn1->encodeDER($value, $map);
+                    $temp = $asn1->encodeDER($value, $map, array('iPAddress' => array($this, '_encodeIP')));
                     $value = base64_encode($temp);
@@ -2001,16 +1994,19 @@ class File_X509 {
      * Works on X.509 certs, CSR's and CRL's.
      * Returns true if the signature is verified, false if it is not correct or NULL on error
+     * By default returns false for self-signed certs. Call validateSignature(false) to make this support
+     * self-signed.
+     *
      * The behavior of this function is inspired by {@link http://php.net/openssl-verify openssl_verify}.
-     * @param Integer $options optional
+     * @param Boolean $caonly optional
      * @access public
      * @return Mixed
-    function validateSignature($options = 0)
+    function validateSignature($caonly = true)
         if (!is_array($this->currentCert) || !isset($this->signatureSubject)) {
-            return 0;
+            return NULL;
         /* TODO:
@@ -2048,10 +2044,10 @@ class File_X509 {
-                    if (count($this->CAs) == $i && ($options & FILE_X509_VALIDATE_SIGNATURE_BY_CA)) {
+                    if (count($this->CAs) == $i && $caonly) {
                         return false;
-                } elseif (!isset($signingCert) || ($options & FILE_X509_VALIDATE_SIGNATURE_BY_CA)) {
+                } elseif (!isset($signingCert) || $caonly) {
                     return false;
                 return $this->_validateSignature(
@@ -2182,6 +2178,36 @@ class File_X509 {
+    /**
+     * Decodes an IP address
+     *
+     * Takes in a base64 encoded "blob" and returns a human readable IP address
+     *
+     * @param String $ip
+     * @access private
+     * @return String
+     */
+    function _decodeIP($ip)
+    {
+        $ip = base64_decode($ip);
+        list(, $ip) = unpack('N', $ip);
+        return long2ip($ip);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Encodes an IP address
+     *
+     * Takes a human readable IP address into a base64-encoded "blob"
+     *
+     * @param String $ip
+     * @access private
+     * @return String
+     */
+    function _encodeIP($ip)
+    {
+        return base64_encode(pack('N', ip2long($ip)));
+    }
      * "Normalizes" a Distinguished Name property
@@ -2207,7 +2233,7 @@ class File_X509 {
             case 'commonname':
             case 'cn':
                 return 'id-at-commonName';
-            case 'id-at-stateorprovinceName':
+            case 'id-at-stateorprovincename':
             case 'stateorprovincename':
             case 'state':
             case 'province':
@@ -2630,9 +2656,9 @@ class File_X509 {
             case !isset($this->currentCert) || !is_array($this->currentCert):
             case isset($this->currentCert['tbsCertificate']):
-                return $this->getDNProp($propname, $this->currentCert['tbsCertificate']['issuer'], $withType);
+                return $this->getDNProp($propName, $this->currentCert['tbsCertificate']['issuer'], $withType);
             case isset($this->currentCert['tbsCertList']):
-                return $this->getDNProp($propname, $this->currentCert['tbsCertList']['issuer'], $withType);
+                return $this->getDNProp($propName, $this->currentCert['tbsCertList']['issuer'], $withType);
         return false;
@@ -2656,7 +2682,7 @@ class File_X509 {
             case isset($this->currentCert['tbsCertificate']):
                 return $this->getDNProp($propName, $this->currentCert['tbsCertificate']['subject'], $withType);
             case isset($this->currentCert['certificationRequestInfo']):
-                return $this->getDNProp($propname, $this->currentCert['certificationRequestInfo']['subject'], $withType);
+                return $this->getDNProp($propName, $this->currentCert['certificationRequestInfo']['subject'], $withType);
         return false;
@@ -2718,6 +2744,7 @@ class File_X509 {
     function setPublicKey($key)
+        $key->setPublicKey();
         $this->publicKey = $key;
@@ -2804,11 +2831,7 @@ class File_X509 {
         $asn1 = new File_ASN1();
-        $temp = preg_replace('#^(?:[^-].+[\r\n]+)+|-.+-|[\r\n]| #', '', $csr);
-        $temp = preg_match('#^[a-zA-Z\d/+]*={0,2}$#', $temp) ? base64_decode($temp) : false;
-        if ($temp != false) {
-            $csr = $temp;
-        }
+        $csr = $this->_extractBER($csr);
         $orig = $csr;
         if ($csr === false) {
@@ -2917,51 +2940,51 @@ class File_X509 {
      * @access public
      * @return Mixed
-    function loadSPKAC($csr)
+    function loadSPKAC($spkac)
-        if (is_array($csr) && isset($csr['publicKeyAndChallenge'])) {
+        if (is_array($spkac) && isset($spkac['publicKeyAndChallenge'])) {
-            $this->currentCert = $csr;
-            return $csr;
+            $this->currentCert = $spkac;
+            return $spkac;
         // see http://www.w3.org/html/wg/drafts/html/master/forms.html#signedpublickeyandchallenge
         $asn1 = new File_ASN1();
-        $temp = preg_replace('#(?:^[^=]+=)|[\r\n\\\]#', '', $csr);
+        $temp = preg_replace('#(?:^[^=]+=)|[\r\n\\\]#', '', $spkac);
         $temp = preg_match('#^[a-zA-Z\d/+]*={0,2}$#', $temp) ? base64_decode($temp) : false;
         if ($temp != false) {
-            $csr = $temp;
+            $spkac = $temp;
-        $orig = $csr;
+        $orig = $spkac;
-        if ($csr === false) {
+        if ($spkac === false) {
             $this->currentCert = false;
             return false;
-        $decoded = $asn1->decodeBER($csr);
+        $decoded = $asn1->decodeBER($spkac);
         if (empty($decoded)) {
             $this->currentCert = false;
             return false;
-        $csr = $asn1->asn1map($decoded[0], $this->SignedPublicKeyAndChallenge);
+        $spkac = $asn1->asn1map($decoded[0], $this->SignedPublicKeyAndChallenge);
-        if (!isset($csr) || $csr === false) {
+        if (!isset($spkac) || $spkac === false) {
             $this->currentCert = false;
             return false;
         $this->signatureSubject = substr($orig, $decoded[0]['content'][0]['start'], $decoded[0]['content'][0]['length']);
-        $algorithm = &$csr['publicKeyAndChallenge']['spki']['algorithm']['algorithm'];
-        $key = &$csr['publicKeyAndChallenge']['spki']['subjectPublicKey'];
+        $algorithm = &$spkac['publicKeyAndChallenge']['spki']['algorithm']['algorithm'];
+        $key = &$spkac['publicKeyAndChallenge']['spki']['subjectPublicKey'];
         $key = $this->_reformatKey($algorithm, $key);
         switch ($algorithm) {
@@ -2978,9 +3001,9 @@ class File_X509 {
         $this->currentKeyIdentifier = NULL;
-        $this->currentCert = $csr;
+        $this->currentCert = $spkac;
-        return $csr;
+        return $spkac;
@@ -3000,11 +3023,7 @@ class File_X509 {
         $asn1 = new File_ASN1();
-        $temp = preg_replace('#^(?:[^-].+[\r\n]+)+|-.+-|[\r\n]| #', '', $crl);
-        $temp = preg_match('#^[a-zA-Z\d/+]*={0,2}$#', $temp) ? base64_decode($temp) : false;
-        if ($temp != false) {
-            $crl = $temp;
-        }
+        $crl = $this->_extractBER($crl);
         $orig = $crl;
         if ($crl === false) {
@@ -3209,9 +3228,29 @@ class File_X509 {
             $this->setExtension('id-ce-subjectKeyIdentifier', $subject->currentKeyIdentifier);
+        $altName = array();
         if (isset($subject->domains) && count($subject->domains) > 1) {
-            $this->setExtension('id-ce-subjectAltName',
-                array_map(array('File_X509', '_dnsName'), $subject->domains));
+            $altName = array_map(array('File_X509', '_dnsName'), $subject->domains);
+        }
+        if (isset($subject->ipAddresses) && count($subject->ipAddresses)) {
+            // should an IP address appear as the CN if no domain name is specified? idk
+            //$ips = count($subject->domains) ? $subject->ipAddresses : array_slice($subject->ipAddresses, 1);
+            $ipAddresses = array();
+            foreach ($subject->ipAddresses as $ipAddress) {
+                $encoded = $subject->_ipAddress($ipAddress);
+                if ($encoded !== false) {
+                    $ipAddresses[] = $encoded;
+                }
+            }
+            if (count($ipAddresses)) {
+                $altName = array_merge($altName, $ipAddresses);
+            }
+        }
+        if (!empty($altName)) {
+            $this->setExtension('id-ce-subjectAltName', $altName);
         if ($this->caFlag) {
@@ -4012,12 +4051,29 @@ class File_X509 {
             case !is_object($key):
                 return false;
             case strtolower(get_class($key)) == 'file_asn1_element':
+                // Assume the element is a bitstring-packed key.
                 $asn1 = new File_ASN1();
-                $decoded = $asn1->decodeBER($cert);
+                $decoded = $asn1->decodeBER($key->element);
                 if (empty($decoded)) {
                     return false;
-                $key = $asn1->asn1map($decoded[0], array('type' => FILE_ASN1_TYPE_BIT_STRING));
+                $raw = $asn1->asn1map($decoded[0], array('type' => FILE_ASN1_TYPE_BIT_STRING));
+                if (empty($raw)) {
+                    return false;
+                }
+                $raw = base64_decode($raw);
+                // If the key is private, compute identifier from its corresponding public key.
+                if (!class_exists('Crypt_RSA')) {
+                    require_once('Crypt/RSA.php');
+                }
+                $key = new Crypt_RSA();
+                if (!$key->loadKey($raw)) {
+                    return false;   // Not an unencrypted RSA key.
+                }
+                if ($key->getPrivateKey() !== false) {  // If private.
+                    return $this->computeKeyIdentifier($key, $method);
+                }
+                $key = $raw;    // Is a public key.
             case strtolower(get_class($key)) == 'file_x509':
                 if (isset($key->publicKey)) {
@@ -4036,9 +4092,7 @@ class File_X509 {
         // If in PEM format, convert to binary.
-        if (preg_match('#^-----BEGIN #', $key)) {
-            $key = base64_decode(preg_replace('#-.+-|[\r\n]#', '', $key));
-        }
+        $key = $this->_extractBER($key);
         // Now we have the key string: compute its sha-1 sum.
         if (!class_exists('Crypt_Hash')) {
@@ -4094,6 +4148,23 @@ class File_X509 {
         $this->setDNProp('id-at-commonName', $this->domains[0]);
+    /**
+     * Set the IP Addresses's which the cert is to be valid for
+     *
+     * @access public
+     * @param String $ipAddress optional
+     */
+    function setIPAddress()
+    {
+        $this->ipAddresses = func_get_args();
+        /*
+        if (!isset($this->domains)) {
+            $this->removeDNProp('id-at-commonName');
+            $this->setDNProp('id-at-commonName', $this->ipAddresses[0]);
+        }
+        */
+    }
      * Helper function to build domain array
@@ -4106,6 +4177,20 @@ class File_X509 {
         return array('dNSName' => $domain);
+    /**
+     * Helper function to build IP Address array
+     *
+     * (IPv6 is not currently supported)
+     *
+     * @access private
+     * @param String $address
+     * @return Array
+     */
+    function _iPAddress($address)
+    {
+        return array('iPAddress' => $address);
+    }
      * Get the index of a revoked certificate.
@@ -4320,4 +4405,31 @@ class File_X509 {
         return false;
+    /**
+     * Extract raw BER from Base64 encoding
+     *
+     * @access private
+     * @param String $str
+     * @return String
+     */
+    function _extractBER($str)
+    {
+        /*
+            X.509 certs are assumed to be base64 encoded but sometimes they'll have additional things in them above and beyond the ceritificate. ie.
+            some may have the following preceding the -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- line:
+            Bag Attributes
+                localKeyID: 01 00 00 00
+            subject=/O=organization/OU=org unit/CN=common name
+            issuer=/O=organization/CN=common name
+        */
+        $temp = preg_replace('#.*?^-+[^-]+-+#ms', '', $str, 1);
+        // remove the -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- and -----END CERTIFICATE----- stuff
+        $temp = preg_replace('#-+[^-]+-+#', '', $temp);
+        // remove new lines
+        $temp = str_replace(array("\r", "\n", ' '), '', $temp);
+        $temp = preg_match('#^[a-zA-Z\d/+]*={0,2}$#', $temp) ? base64_decode($temp) : false;
+        return $temp != false ? $temp : $str;
+    }
diff --git a/apps/files_external/3rdparty/phpseclib/phpseclib/Math/BigInteger.php b/apps/files_external/3rdparty/phpseclib/phpseclib/Math/BigInteger.php
index d048cb032c5974e0c4fe9048d9a52de7bd46d3ea..e40433de5bd91d69a0a947b081ef7c53fc45963e 100644
--- a/apps/files_external/3rdparty/phpseclib/phpseclib/Math/BigInteger.php
+++ b/apps/files_external/3rdparty/phpseclib/phpseclib/Math/BigInteger.php
@@ -70,7 +70,6 @@
  * @author     Jim Wigginton <terrafrost@php.net>
  * @copyright  MMVI Jim Wigginton
  * @license    http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html  MIT License
- * @version    $Id: BigInteger.php,v 1.33 2010/03/22 22:32:03 terrafrost Exp $
  * @link       http://pear.php.net/package/Math_BigInteger
@@ -162,16 +161,6 @@ define('MATH_BIGINTEGER_MODE_BCMATH', 2);
- * The largest digit that may be used in addition / subtraction
- *
- * (we do pow(2, 52) instead of using 4503599627370496, directly, because some PHP installations
- *  will truncate 4503599627370496)
- *
- * @access private
- */
-define('MATH_BIGINTEGER_MAX_DIGIT52', pow(2, 52));
  * Karatsuba Cutoff
@@ -232,7 +221,7 @@ class Math_BigInteger {
     var $bitmask = false;
-     * Mode independant value used for serialization.
+     * Mode independent value used for serialization.
      * If the bcmath or gmp extensions are installed $this->value will be a non-serializable resource, hence the need for 
      * a variable that'll be serializable regardless of whether or not extensions are being used.  Unlike $this->value,
@@ -246,20 +235,20 @@ class Math_BigInteger {
     var $hex;
-     * Converts base-2, base-10, base-16, and binary strings (eg. base-256) to BigIntegers.
+     * Converts base-2, base-10, base-16, and binary strings (base-256) to BigIntegers.
      * If the second parameter - $base - is negative, then it will be assumed that the number's are encoded using
      * two's compliment.  The sole exception to this is -10, which is treated the same as 10 is.
      * Here's an example:
      * <code>
-     * <?php
+     * &lt;?php
      *    include('Math/BigInteger.php');
      *    $a = new Math_BigInteger('0x32', 16); // 50 in base-16
      *    echo $a->toString(); // outputs 50
-     * ?>
+     * ?&gt;
      * </code>
      * @param optional $x base-10 number or base-$base number if $base set.
@@ -283,7 +272,64 @@ class Math_BigInteger {
         if (function_exists('openssl_public_encrypt') && !defined('MATH_BIGINTEGER_OPENSSL_DISABLE') && !defined('MATH_BIGINTEGER_OPENSSL_ENABLED')) {
-            define('MATH_BIGINTEGER_OPENSSL_ENABLED', true);
+            // some versions of XAMPP have mismatched versions of OpenSSL which causes it not to work
+            ob_start();
+            phpinfo();
+            $content = ob_get_contents();
+            ob_end_clean();
+            preg_match_all('#OpenSSL (Header|Library) Version(.*)#im', $content, $matches);
+            $versions = array();
+            if (!empty($matches[1])) {
+                for ($i = 0; $i < count($matches[1]); $i++) {
+                    $versions[$matches[1][$i]] = trim(str_replace('=>', '', strip_tags($matches[2][$i])));
+                }
+            }
+            // it doesn't appear that OpenSSL versions were reported upon until PHP 5.3+
+            switch (true) {
+                case !isset($versions['Header']):
+                case !isset($versions['Library']):
+                case $versions['Header'] == $versions['Library']:
+                    define('MATH_BIGINTEGER_OPENSSL_ENABLED', true);
+                    break;
+                default:
+                    define('MATH_BIGINTEGER_OPENSSL_DISABLE', true);
+            }
+        }
+        if (!defined('PHP_INT_SIZE')) {
+            define('PHP_INT_SIZE', 4);
+        }
+            switch (PHP_INT_SIZE) {
+                case 8: // use 64-bit integers if int size is 8 bytes
+                    define('MATH_BIGINTEGER_BASE',       31);
+                    define('MATH_BIGINTEGER_BASE_FULL',  0x80000000);
+                    define('MATH_BIGINTEGER_MAX_DIGIT',  0x7FFFFFFF);
+                    define('MATH_BIGINTEGER_MSB',        0x40000000);
+                    // 10**9 is the closest we can get to 2**31 without passing it
+                    define('MATH_BIGINTEGER_MAX10',      1000000000);
+                    define('MATH_BIGINTEGER_MAX10_LEN',  9);
+                    // the largest digit that may be used in addition / subtraction
+                    define('MATH_BIGINTEGER_MAX_DIGIT2', pow(2, 62));
+                    break;
+                //case 4: // use 64-bit floats if int size is 4 bytes
+                default:
+                    define('MATH_BIGINTEGER_BASE',       26);
+                    define('MATH_BIGINTEGER_BASE_FULL',  0x4000000);
+                    define('MATH_BIGINTEGER_MAX_DIGIT',  0x3FFFFFF);
+                    define('MATH_BIGINTEGER_MSB',        0x2000000);
+                    // 10**7 is the closest to 2**26 without passing it
+                    define('MATH_BIGINTEGER_MAX10',      10000000);
+                    define('MATH_BIGINTEGER_MAX10_LEN',  7);
+                    // the largest digit that may be used in addition / subtraction
+                    // we do pow(2, 52) instead of using 4503599627370496 directly because some
+                    // PHP installations will truncate 4503599627370496.
+                    define('MATH_BIGINTEGER_MAX_DIGIT2', pow(2, 52));
+            }
         switch ( MATH_BIGINTEGER_MODE ) {
@@ -338,7 +384,7 @@ class Math_BigInteger {
                     // converts a base-2**8 (big endian / msb) number to base-2**26 (little endian / lsb)
                         while (strlen($x)) {
-                            $this->value[] = $this->_bytes2int($this->_base256_rshift($x, 26));
+                            $this->value[] = $this->_bytes2int($this->_base256_rshift($x, MATH_BIGINTEGER_BASE));
@@ -390,7 +436,10 @@ class Math_BigInteger {
             case  10:
             case -10:
-                $x = preg_replace('#^(-?[0-9]*).*#', '$1', $x);
+                // (?<!^)(?:-).*: find any -'s that aren't at the beginning and then any characters that follow that
+                // (?<=^|-)0*: find any 0's that are preceded by the start of the string or by a - (ie. octals)
+                // [^-0-9].*: find any non-numeric characters and then any characters that follow that
+                $x = preg_replace('#(?<!^)(?:-).*|(?<=^|-)0*|[^-0-9].*#', '', $x);
                 switch ( MATH_BIGINTEGER_MODE ) {
                     case MATH_BIGINTEGER_MODE_GMP:
@@ -399,26 +448,24 @@ class Math_BigInteger {
                     case MATH_BIGINTEGER_MODE_BCMATH:
                         // explicitly casting $x to a string is necessary, here, since doing $x[0] on -1 yields different
                         // results then doing it on '-1' does (modInverse does $x[0])
-                        $this->value = (string) $x;
+                        $this->value = $x === '-' ? '0' : (string) $x;
                         $temp = new Math_BigInteger();
-                        // array(10000000) is 10**7 in base-2**26.  10**7 is the closest to 2**26 we can get without passing it.
                         $multiplier = new Math_BigInteger();
-                        $multiplier->value = array(10000000);
+                        $multiplier->value = array(MATH_BIGINTEGER_MAX10);
                         if ($x[0] == '-') {
                             $this->is_negative = true;
                             $x = substr($x, 1);
-                        $x = str_pad($x, strlen($x) + (6 * strlen($x)) % 7, 0, STR_PAD_LEFT);
+                        $x = str_pad($x, strlen($x) + ((MATH_BIGINTEGER_MAX10_LEN - 1) * strlen($x)) % MATH_BIGINTEGER_MAX10_LEN, 0, STR_PAD_LEFT);
                         while (strlen($x)) {
                             $temp = $temp->multiply($multiplier);
-                            $temp = $temp->add(new Math_BigInteger($this->_int2bytes(substr($x, 0, 7)), 256));
-                            $x = substr($x, 7);
+                            $temp = $temp->add(new Math_BigInteger($this->_int2bytes(substr($x, 0, MATH_BIGINTEGER_MAX10_LEN)), 256));
+                            $x = substr($x, MATH_BIGINTEGER_MAX10_LEN);
                         $this->value = $temp->value;
@@ -543,7 +590,7 @@ class Math_BigInteger {
         $temp = $this->copy();
         for ($i = count($temp->value) - 2; $i >= 0; --$i) {
-            $temp->_base256_lshift($result, 26);
+            $temp->_base256_lshift($result, MATH_BIGINTEGER_BASE);
             $result = $result | str_pad($temp->_int2bytes($temp->value[$i]), strlen($result), chr(0), STR_PAD_LEFT);
@@ -659,11 +706,11 @@ class Math_BigInteger {
         $temp->is_negative = false;
         $divisor = new Math_BigInteger();
-        $divisor->value = array(10000000); // eg. 10**7
+        $divisor->value = array(MATH_BIGINTEGER_MAX10);
         $result = '';
         while (count($temp->value)) {
             list($temp, $mod) = $temp->divide($divisor);
-            $result = str_pad(isset($mod->value[0]) ? $mod->value[0] : '', 7, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . $result;
+            $result = str_pad(isset($mod->value[0]) ? $mod->value[0] : '', MATH_BIGINTEGER_MAX10_LEN, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . $result;
         $result = ltrim($result, '0');
         if (empty($result)) {
@@ -874,25 +921,25 @@ class Math_BigInteger {
         $carry = 0;
         for ($i = 0, $j = 1; $j < $size; $i+=2, $j+=2) {
-            $sum = $x_value[$j] * 0x4000000 + $x_value[$i] + $y_value[$j] * 0x4000000 + $y_value[$i] + $carry;
-            $carry = $sum >= MATH_BIGINTEGER_MAX_DIGIT52; // eg. floor($sum / 2**52); only possible values (in any base) are 0 and 1
-            $sum = $carry ? $sum - MATH_BIGINTEGER_MAX_DIGIT52 : $sum;
+            $sum = $x_value[$j] * MATH_BIGINTEGER_BASE_FULL + $x_value[$i] + $y_value[$j] * MATH_BIGINTEGER_BASE_FULL + $y_value[$i] + $carry;
+            $carry = $sum >= MATH_BIGINTEGER_MAX_DIGIT2; // eg. floor($sum / 2**52); only possible values (in any base) are 0 and 1
+            $sum = $carry ? $sum - MATH_BIGINTEGER_MAX_DIGIT2 : $sum;
-            $temp = (int) ($sum / 0x4000000);
+            $temp = (int) ($sum / MATH_BIGINTEGER_BASE_FULL);
-            $value[$i] = (int) ($sum - 0x4000000 * $temp); // eg. a faster alternative to fmod($sum, 0x4000000)
+            $value[$i] = (int) ($sum - MATH_BIGINTEGER_BASE_FULL * $temp); // eg. a faster alternative to fmod($sum, 0x4000000)
             $value[$j] = $temp;
         if ($j == $size) { // ie. if $y_size is odd
             $sum = $x_value[$i] + $y_value[$i] + $carry;
-            $carry = $sum >= 0x4000000;
-            $value[$i] = $carry ? $sum - 0x4000000 : $sum;
+            $carry = $sum >= MATH_BIGINTEGER_BASE_FULL;
+            $value[$i] = $carry ? $sum - MATH_BIGINTEGER_BASE_FULL : $sum;
             ++$i; // ie. let $i = $j since we've just done $value[$i]
         if ($carry) {
-            for (; $value[$i] == 0x3FFFFFF; ++$i) {
+            for (; $value[$i] == MATH_BIGINTEGER_MAX_DIGIT; ++$i) {
                 $value[$i] = 0;
@@ -1010,26 +1057,26 @@ class Math_BigInteger {
         $carry = 0;
         for ($i = 0, $j = 1; $j < $y_size; $i+=2, $j+=2) {
-            $sum = $x_value[$j] * 0x4000000 + $x_value[$i] - $y_value[$j] * 0x4000000 - $y_value[$i] - $carry;
+            $sum = $x_value[$j] * MATH_BIGINTEGER_BASE_FULL + $x_value[$i] - $y_value[$j] * MATH_BIGINTEGER_BASE_FULL - $y_value[$i] - $carry;
             $carry = $sum < 0; // eg. floor($sum / 2**52); only possible values (in any base) are 0 and 1
-            $sum = $carry ? $sum + MATH_BIGINTEGER_MAX_DIGIT52 : $sum;
+            $sum = $carry ? $sum + MATH_BIGINTEGER_MAX_DIGIT2 : $sum;
-            $temp = (int) ($sum / 0x4000000);
+            $temp = (int) ($sum / MATH_BIGINTEGER_BASE_FULL);
-            $x_value[$i] = (int) ($sum - 0x4000000 * $temp);
+            $x_value[$i] = (int) ($sum - MATH_BIGINTEGER_BASE_FULL * $temp);
             $x_value[$j] = $temp;
         if ($j == $y_size) { // ie. if $y_size is odd
             $sum = $x_value[$i] - $y_value[$i] - $carry;
             $carry = $sum < 0;
-            $x_value[$i] = $carry ? $sum + 0x4000000 : $sum;
+            $x_value[$i] = $carry ? $sum + MATH_BIGINTEGER_BASE_FULL : $sum;
         if ($carry) {
             for (; !$x_value[$i]; ++$i) {
-                $x_value[$i] = 0x3FFFFFF;
+                $x_value[$i] = MATH_BIGINTEGER_MAX_DIGIT;
@@ -1162,8 +1209,8 @@ class Math_BigInteger {
         for ($j = 0; $j < $x_length; ++$j) { // ie. $i = 0
             $temp = $x_value[$j] * $y_value[0] + $carry; // $product_value[$k] == 0
-            $carry = (int) ($temp / 0x4000000);
-            $product_value[$j] = (int) ($temp - 0x4000000 * $carry);
+            $carry = (int) ($temp / MATH_BIGINTEGER_BASE_FULL);
+            $product_value[$j] = (int) ($temp - MATH_BIGINTEGER_BASE_FULL * $carry);
         $product_value[$j] = $carry;
@@ -1175,8 +1222,8 @@ class Math_BigInteger {
             for ($j = 0, $k = $i; $j < $x_length; ++$j, ++$k) {
                 $temp = $product_value[$k] + $x_value[$j] * $y_value[$i] + $carry;
-                $carry = (int) ($temp / 0x4000000);
-                $product_value[$k] = (int) ($temp - 0x4000000 * $carry);
+                $carry = (int) ($temp / MATH_BIGINTEGER_BASE_FULL);
+                $product_value[$k] = (int) ($temp - MATH_BIGINTEGER_BASE_FULL * $carry);
             $product_value[$k] = $carry;
@@ -1263,14 +1310,14 @@ class Math_BigInteger {
             $i2 = $i << 1;
             $temp = $square_value[$i2] + $value[$i] * $value[$i];
-            $carry = (int) ($temp / 0x4000000);
-            $square_value[$i2] = (int) ($temp - 0x4000000 * $carry);
+            $carry = (int) ($temp / MATH_BIGINTEGER_BASE_FULL);
+            $square_value[$i2] = (int) ($temp - MATH_BIGINTEGER_BASE_FULL * $carry);
             // note how we start from $i+1 instead of 0 as we do in multiplication.
             for ($j = $i + 1, $k = $i2 + 1; $j <= $max_index; ++$j, ++$k) {
                 $temp = $square_value[$k] + 2 * $value[$j] * $value[$i] + $carry;
-                $carry = (int) ($temp / 0x4000000);
-                $square_value[$k] = (int) ($temp - 0x4000000 * $carry);
+                $carry = (int) ($temp / MATH_BIGINTEGER_BASE_FULL);
+                $square_value[$k] = (int) ($temp - MATH_BIGINTEGER_BASE_FULL * $carry);
             // the following line can yield values larger 2**15.  at this point, PHP should switch
@@ -1418,7 +1465,7 @@ class Math_BigInteger {
         // normalize $x and $y as described in HAC 14.23 / 14.24
         $msb = $y->value[count($y->value) - 1];
-        for ($shift = 0; !($msb & 0x2000000); ++$shift) {
+        for ($shift = 0; !($msb & MATH_BIGINTEGER_MSB); ++$shift) {
             $msb <<= 1;
@@ -1465,10 +1512,10 @@ class Math_BigInteger {
             $q_index = $i - $y_max - 1;
             if ($x_window[0] == $y_window[0]) {
-                $quotient_value[$q_index] = 0x3FFFFFF;
+                $quotient_value[$q_index] = MATH_BIGINTEGER_MAX_DIGIT;
             } else {
                 $quotient_value[$q_index] = (int) (
-                    ($x_window[0] * 0x4000000 + $x_window[1])
+                    ($x_window[0] * MATH_BIGINTEGER_BASE_FULL + $x_window[1])
@@ -1536,7 +1583,7 @@ class Math_BigInteger {
         $result = array();
         for ($i = count($dividend) - 1; $i >= 0; --$i) {
-            $temp = 0x4000000 * $carry + $dividend[$i];
+            $temp = MATH_BIGINTEGER_BASE_FULL * $carry + $dividend[$i];
             $result[$i] = (int) ($temp / $divisor);
             $carry = (int) ($temp - $divisor * $result[$i]);
@@ -1754,7 +1801,7 @@ class Math_BigInteger {
         $e_length = count($e_value) - 1;
         $e_bits = decbin($e_value[$e_length]);
         for ($i = $e_length - 1; $i >= 0; --$i) {
-            $e_bits.= str_pad(decbin($e_value[$i]), 26, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
+            $e_bits.= str_pad(decbin($e_value[$i]), MATH_BIGINTEGER_BASE, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
         $e_length = strlen($e_bits);
@@ -2089,7 +2136,7 @@ class Math_BigInteger {
         if ($this->_compare($result, false, $temp[MATH_BIGINTEGER_VALUE], $temp[MATH_BIGINTEGER_SIGN]) < 0) {
             $corrector_value = $this->_array_repeat(0, $n_length + 1);
             $corrector_value[] = 1;
-            $result = $this->_add($result, false, $corrector, false);
+            $result = $this->_add($result, false, $corrector_value, false);
             $result = $result[MATH_BIGINTEGER_VALUE];
@@ -2112,6 +2159,7 @@ class Math_BigInteger {
      * @param Boolean $x_negative
      * @param Array $y_value
      * @param Boolean $y_negative
+     * @param Integer $stop
      * @return Array
      * @access private
@@ -2148,8 +2196,8 @@ class Math_BigInteger {
         for ($j = 0; $j < $x_length; ++$j) { // ie. $i = 0, $k = $i
             $temp = $x_value[$j] * $y_value[0] + $carry; // $product_value[$k] == 0
-            $carry = (int) ($temp / 0x4000000);
-            $product_value[$j] = (int) ($temp - 0x4000000 * $carry);
+            $carry = (int) ($temp / MATH_BIGINTEGER_BASE_FULL);
+            $product_value[$j] = (int) ($temp - MATH_BIGINTEGER_BASE_FULL * $carry);
         if ($j < $stop) {
@@ -2164,8 +2212,8 @@ class Math_BigInteger {
             for ($j = 0, $k = $i; $j < $x_length && $k < $stop; ++$j, ++$k) {
                 $temp = $product_value[$k] + $x_value[$j] * $y_value[$i] + $carry;
-                $carry = (int) ($temp / 0x4000000);
-                $product_value[$k] = (int) ($temp - 0x4000000 * $carry);
+                $carry = (int) ($temp / MATH_BIGINTEGER_BASE_FULL);
+                $product_value[$k] = (int) ($temp - MATH_BIGINTEGER_BASE_FULL * $carry);
             if ($k < $stop) {
@@ -2213,7 +2261,7 @@ class Math_BigInteger {
         for ($i = 0; $i < $k; ++$i) {
             $temp = $result[MATH_BIGINTEGER_VALUE][$i] * $cache[MATH_BIGINTEGER_DATA][$key];
-            $temp = (int) ($temp - 0x4000000 * ((int) ($temp / 0x4000000)));
+            $temp = (int) ($temp - MATH_BIGINTEGER_BASE_FULL * ((int) ($temp / MATH_BIGINTEGER_BASE_FULL)));
             $temp = $this->_regularMultiply(array($temp), $n);
             $temp = array_merge($this->_array_repeat(0, $i), $temp);
             $result = $this->_add($result[MATH_BIGINTEGER_VALUE], false, $temp, false);
@@ -2265,9 +2313,9 @@ class Math_BigInteger {
         $a = array(MATH_BIGINTEGER_VALUE => $this->_array_repeat(0, $n + 1));
         for ($i = 0; $i < $n; ++$i) {
             $temp = $a[MATH_BIGINTEGER_VALUE][0] + $x[$i] * $y[0];
-            $temp = (int) ($temp - 0x4000000 * ((int) ($temp / 0x4000000)));
+            $temp = (int) ($temp - MATH_BIGINTEGER_BASE_FULL * ((int) ($temp / MATH_BIGINTEGER_BASE_FULL)));
             $temp = $temp * $cache[MATH_BIGINTEGER_DATA][$key];
-            $temp = (int) ($temp - 0x4000000 * ((int) ($temp / 0x4000000)));
+            $temp = (int) ($temp - MATH_BIGINTEGER_BASE_FULL * ((int) ($temp / MATH_BIGINTEGER_BASE_FULL)));
             $temp = $this->_add($this->_regularMultiply(array($x[$i]), $y), false, $this->_regularMultiply(array($temp), $m), false);
             $a = $this->_add($a[MATH_BIGINTEGER_VALUE], false, $temp[MATH_BIGINTEGER_VALUE], false);
             $a[MATH_BIGINTEGER_VALUE] = array_slice($a[MATH_BIGINTEGER_VALUE], 1);
@@ -2325,15 +2373,15 @@ class Math_BigInteger {
      * @param Array $x
      * @return Integer
-    function _modInverse67108864($x) // 2**26 == 67108864
+    function _modInverse67108864($x) // 2**26 == 67,108,864
         $x = -$x[0];
         $result = $x & 0x3; // x**-1 mod 2**2
         $result = ($result * (2 - $x * $result)) & 0xF; // x**-1 mod 2**4
         $result = ($result * (2 - ($x & 0xFF) * $result))  & 0xFF; // x**-1 mod 2**8
         $result = ($result * ((2 - ($x & 0xFFFF) * $result) & 0xFFFF)) & 0xFFFF; // x**-1 mod 2**16
-        $result = fmod($result * (2 - fmod($x * $result, 0x4000000)), 0x4000000); // x**-1 mod 2**26
-        return $result & 0x3FFFFFF;
+        $result = fmod($result * (2 - fmod($x * $result, MATH_BIGINTEGER_BASE_FULL)), MATH_BIGINTEGER_BASE_FULL); // x**-1 mod 2**26
+        return $result & MATH_BIGINTEGER_MAX_DIGIT;
@@ -2402,12 +2450,12 @@ class Math_BigInteger {
-     * Calculates the greatest common divisor and Bézout's identity.
+     * Calculates the greatest common divisor and Bezout's identity.
-     * Say you have 693 and 609.  The GCD is 21.  Bézout's identity states that there exist integers x and y such that
+     * Say you have 693 and 609.  The GCD is 21.  Bezout's identity states that there exist integers x and y such that
      * 693*x + 609*y == 21.  In point of fact, there are actually an infinite number of x and y combinations and which
      * combination is returned is dependant upon which mode is in use.  See
-     * {@link http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/B%C3%A9zout%27s_identity Bézout's identity - Wikipedia} for more information.
+     * {@link http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/B%C3%A9zout%27s_identity Bezout's identity - Wikipedia} for more information.
      * Here's an example:
      * <code>
@@ -2604,8 +2652,8 @@ class Math_BigInteger {
      * Note how the same comparison operator is used.  If you want to test for equality, use $x->equals($y).
-     * @param Math_BigInteger $x
-     * @return Integer < 0 if $this is less than $x; > 0 if $this is greater than $x, and 0 if they are equal.
+     * @param Math_BigInteger $y
+     * @return Integer < 0 if $this is less than $y; > 0 if $this is greater than $y, and 0 if they are equal.
      * @access public
      * @see equals()
      * @internal Could return $this->subtract($x), but that's not as fast as what we do do.
@@ -2684,9 +2732,8 @@ class Math_BigInteger {
      * Some bitwise operations give different results depending on the precision being used.  Examples include left
      * shift, not, and rotates.
-     * @param Math_BigInteger $x
+     * @param Integer $bits
      * @access public
-     * @return Math_BigInteger
     function setPrecision($bits)
@@ -2736,7 +2783,7 @@ class Math_BigInteger {
         $result->value = array_slice($result->value, 0, $length);
         for ($i = 0; $i < $length; ++$i) {
-            $result->value[$i] = $result->value[$i] & $x->value[$i];
+            $result->value[$i]&= $x->value[$i];
         return $this->_normalize($result);
@@ -2772,11 +2819,11 @@ class Math_BigInteger {
         $length = max(count($this->value), count($x->value));
         $result = $this->copy();
-        $result->value = array_pad($result->value, 0, $length);
-        $x->value = array_pad($x->value, 0, $length);
+        $result->value = array_pad($result->value, $length, 0);
+        $x->value = array_pad($x->value, $length, 0);
         for ($i = 0; $i < $length; ++$i) {
-            $result->value[$i] = $this->value[$i] | $x->value[$i];
+            $result->value[$i]|= $x->value[$i];
         return $this->_normalize($result);
@@ -2812,11 +2859,11 @@ class Math_BigInteger {
         $length = max(count($this->value), count($x->value));
         $result = $this->copy();
-        $result->value = array_pad($result->value, 0, $length);
-        $x->value = array_pad($x->value, 0, $length);
+        $result->value = array_pad($result->value, $length, 0);
+        $x->value = array_pad($x->value, $length, 0);
         for ($i = 0; $i < $length; ++$i) {
-            $result->value[$i] = $this->value[$i] ^ $x->value[$i];
+            $result->value[$i]^= $x->value[$i];
         return $this->_normalize($result);
@@ -3004,6 +3051,37 @@ class Math_BigInteger {
+    /**
+     * Generates a random BigInteger
+     *
+     * Byte length is equal to $length. Uses crypt_random if it's loaded and mt_rand if it's not.
+     *
+     * @param Integer $length
+     * @return Math_BigInteger
+     * @access private
+     */
+    function _random_number_helper($size)
+    {
+        $crypt_random = function_exists('crypt_random_string') || (!class_exists('Crypt_Random') && function_exists('crypt_random_string'));
+        if ($crypt_random) {
+            $random = crypt_random_string($size);
+        } else {
+            $random = '';
+            if ($size & 1) {
+                $random.= chr(mt_rand(0, 255));
+            }
+            $blocks = $size >> 1;
+            for ($i = 0; $i < $blocks; ++$i) {
+                // mt_rand(-2147483648, 0x7FFFFFFF) always produces -2147483648 on some systems
+                $random.= pack('n', mt_rand(0, 0xFFFF));
+            }
+        }
+        return new Math_BigInteger($random, 256);
+    }
      * Generate a random number
@@ -3033,48 +3111,45 @@ class Math_BigInteger {
             $min = $temp;
-        $generator = $this->generator;
+        static $one;
+        if (!isset($one)) {
+            $one = new Math_BigInteger(1);
+        }
+        $max = $max->subtract($min->subtract($one));
+        $size = strlen(ltrim($max->toBytes(), chr(0)));
-        $max = $max->subtract($min);
-        $max = ltrim($max->toBytes(), chr(0));
-        $size = strlen($max) - 1;
+        /*
+            doing $random % $max doesn't work because some numbers will be more likely to occur than others.
+            eg. if $max is 140 and $random's max is 255 then that'd mean both $random = 5 and $random = 145
+            would produce 5 whereas the only value of random that could produce 139 would be 139. ie.
+            not all numbers would be equally likely. some would be more likely than others.
-        $crypt_random = function_exists('crypt_random_string') || (!class_exists('Crypt_Random') && function_exists('crypt_random_string'));
-        if ($crypt_random) {
-            $random = crypt_random_string($size);
-        } else {
-            $random = '';
+            creating a whole new random number until you find one that is within the range doesn't work
+            because, for sufficiently small ranges, the likelihood that you'd get a number within that range
+            would be pretty small. eg. with $random's max being 255 and if your $max being 1 the probability
+            would be pretty high that $random would be greater than $max.
-            if ($size & 1) {
-                $random.= chr(mt_rand(0, 255));
-            }
+            phpseclib works around this using the technique described here:
-            $blocks = $size >> 1;
-            for ($i = 0; $i < $blocks; ++$i) {
-                // mt_rand(-2147483648, 0x7FFFFFFF) always produces -2147483648 on some systems
-                $random.= pack('n', mt_rand(0, 0xFFFF));
-            }
-        }
+            http://crypto.stackexchange.com/questions/5708/creating-a-small-number-from-a-cryptographically-secure-random-string
+        */
+        $random_max = new Math_BigInteger(chr(1) . str_repeat("\0", $size), 256);
+        $random = $this->_random_number_helper($size);
-        $fragment = new Math_BigInteger($random, 256);
-        $leading = $fragment->compare(new Math_BigInteger(substr($max, 1), 256)) > 0 ?
-            ord($max[0]) - 1 : ord($max[0]);
+        list($max_multiple) = $random_max->divide($max);
+        $max_multiple = $max_multiple->multiply($max);
-        if (!$crypt_random) {
-            $msb = chr(mt_rand(0, $leading));
-        } else {
-            $cutoff = floor(0xFF / $leading) * $leading;
-            while (true) {
-                $msb = ord(crypt_random_string(1));
-                if ($msb <= $cutoff) {
-                    $msb%= $leading;
-                    break;
-                }
-            }
-            $msb = chr($msb);
+        while ($random->compare($max_multiple) >= 0) {
+            $random = $random->subtract($max_multiple);
+            $random_max = $random_max->subtract($max_multiple);
+            $random = $random->bitwise_leftShift(8);
+            $random = $random->add($this->_random_number_helper(1));
+            $random_max = $random_max->bitwise_leftShift(8);
+            list($max_multiple) = $random_max->divide($max);
+            $max_multiple = $max_multiple->multiply($max);
-        $random = new Math_BigInteger($msb . $random, 256);
+        list(, $random) = $random->divide($max);
         return $this->_normalize($random->add($min));
@@ -3094,10 +3169,18 @@ class Math_BigInteger {
     function randomPrime($min = false, $max = false, $timeout = false)
+        if ($min === false) {
+            $min = new Math_BigInteger(0);
+        }
+        if ($max === false) {
+            $max = new Math_BigInteger(0x7FFFFFFF);
+        }
         $compare = $max->compare($min);
         if (!$compare) {
-            return $min;
+            return $min->isPrime() ? $min : false;
         } else if ($compare < 0) {
             // if $min is bigger then $max, swap $min and $max
             $temp = $max;
@@ -3105,45 +3188,32 @@ class Math_BigInteger {
             $min = $temp;
-        // gmp_nextprime() requires PHP 5 >= 5.2.0 per <http://php.net/gmp-nextprime>.
-        if ( MATH_BIGINTEGER_MODE == MATH_BIGINTEGER_MODE_GMP && function_exists('gmp_nextprime') ) {
-            // we don't rely on Math_BigInteger::random()'s min / max when gmp_nextprime() is being used since this function
-            // does its own checks on $max / $min when gmp_nextprime() is used.  When gmp_nextprime() is not used, however,
-            // the same $max / $min checks are not performed.
-            if ($min === false) {
-                $min = new Math_BigInteger(0);
-            }
+        static $one, $two;
+        if (!isset($one)) {
+            $one = new Math_BigInteger(1);
+            $two = new Math_BigInteger(2);
+        }
-            if ($max === false) {
-                $max = new Math_BigInteger(0x7FFFFFFF);
-            }
+        $start = time();
-            $x = $this->random($min, $max);
+        $x = $this->random($min, $max);
-            $x->value = gmp_nextprime($x->value);
+        // gmp_nextprime() requires PHP 5 >= 5.2.0 per <http://php.net/gmp-nextprime>.
+        if ( MATH_BIGINTEGER_MODE == MATH_BIGINTEGER_MODE_GMP && function_exists('gmp_nextprime') ) {
+            $p = new Math_BigInteger();
+            $p->value = gmp_nextprime($x->value);
-            if ($x->compare($max) <= 0) {
-                return $x;
+            if ($p->compare($max) <= 0) {
+                return $p;
-            $x->value = gmp_nextprime($min->value);
-            if ($x->compare($max) <= 0) {
-                return $x;
+            if (!$min->equals($x)) {
+                $x = $x->subtract($one);
-            return false;
-        }
-        static $one, $two;
-        if (!isset($one)) {
-            $one = new Math_BigInteger(1);
-            $two = new Math_BigInteger(2);
+            return $x->randomPrime($min, $x);
-        $start = time();
-        $x = $this->random($min, $max);
         if ($x->equals($two)) {
             return $x;
@@ -3375,16 +3445,16 @@ class Math_BigInteger {
-        $num_digits = (int) ($shift / 26);
-        $shift %= 26;
+        $num_digits = (int) ($shift / MATH_BIGINTEGER_BASE);
+        $shift %= MATH_BIGINTEGER_BASE;
         $shift = 1 << $shift;
         $carry = 0;
         for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->value); ++$i) {
             $temp = $this->value[$i] * $shift + $carry;
-            $carry = (int) ($temp / 0x4000000);
-            $this->value[$i] = (int) ($temp - $carry * 0x4000000);
+            $carry = (int) ($temp / MATH_BIGINTEGER_BASE_FULL);
+            $this->value[$i] = (int) ($temp - $carry * MATH_BIGINTEGER_BASE_FULL);
         if ( $carry ) {
@@ -3410,9 +3480,9 @@ class Math_BigInteger {
-        $num_digits = (int) ($shift / 26);
-        $shift %= 26;
-        $carry_shift = 26 - $shift;
+        $num_digits = (int) ($shift / MATH_BIGINTEGER_BASE);
+        $shift %= MATH_BIGINTEGER_BASE;
+        $carry_shift = MATH_BIGINTEGER_BASE - $shift;
         $carry_mask = (1 << $shift) - 1;
         if ( $num_digits ) {
@@ -3485,6 +3555,7 @@ class Math_BigInteger {
      * Removes leading zeros
+     * @param Array $value
      * @return Math_BigInteger
      * @access private
@@ -3630,4 +3701,4 @@ class Math_BigInteger {
         $temp = ltrim(pack('N', $length), chr(0));
         return pack('Ca*', 0x80 | strlen($temp), $temp);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/files_external/3rdparty/phpseclib/phpseclib/Net/SCP.php b/apps/files_external/3rdparty/phpseclib/phpseclib/Net/SCP.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..88180cac67a6baa3461a346866dcd024e494add0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/files_external/3rdparty/phpseclib/phpseclib/Net/SCP.php
@@ -0,0 +1,362 @@
+/* vim: set expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4: */
+ * Pure-PHP implementation of SCP.
+ *
+ * PHP versions 4 and 5
+ *
+ * The API for this library is modeled after the API from PHP's {@link http://php.net/book.ftp FTP extension}.
+ *
+ * Here's a short example of how to use this library:
+ * <code>
+ * <?php
+ *    include('Net/SCP.php');
+ *    include('Net/SSH2.php');
+ *
+ *    $ssh = new Net_SSH2('www.domain.tld');
+ *    if (!$ssh->login('username', 'password')) {
+ *        exit('bad login');
+ *    }
+ *    $scp = new Net_SCP($ssh);
+ *    $scp->put('abcd', str_repeat('x', 1024*1024));
+ * ?>
+ * </code>
+ *
+ * LICENSE: Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+ * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+ * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+ * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+ * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+ * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+ * 
+ * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+ * all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+ * 
+ *
+ * @category   Net
+ * @package    Net_SCP
+ * @author     Jim Wigginton <terrafrost@php.net>
+ * @copyright  MMX Jim Wigginton
+ * @license    http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html  MIT License
+ * @link       http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net
+ */
+ * @access public
+ * @see Net_SCP::put()
+ */
+ * Reads data from a local file.
+ */
+define('NET_SCP_LOCAL_FILE', 1);
+ * Reads data from a string.
+ */
+define('NET_SCP_STRING',  2);
+ * @access private
+ * @see Net_SCP::_send()
+ * @see Net_SCP::_receive()
+ */
+ * SSH1 is being used.
+ */
+define('NET_SCP_SSH1', 1);
+ * SSH2 is being used.
+ */
+define('NET_SCP_SSH2',  2);
+ * Pure-PHP implementations of SCP.
+ *
+ * @author  Jim Wigginton <terrafrost@php.net>
+ * @version 0.1.0
+ * @access  public
+ * @package Net_SCP
+ */
+class Net_SCP {
+    /**
+     * SSH Object
+     *
+     * @var Object
+     * @access private
+     */
+    var $ssh;
+    /**
+     * Packet Size
+     *
+     * @var Integer
+     * @access private
+     */
+    var $packet_size;
+    /**
+     * Mode
+     *
+     * @var Integer
+     * @access private
+     */
+    var $mode;
+    /**
+     * Default Constructor.
+     *
+     * Connects to an SSH server
+     *
+     * @param String $host
+     * @param optional Integer $port
+     * @param optional Integer $timeout
+     * @return Net_SCP
+     * @access public
+     */
+    function Net_SCP($ssh)
+    {
+        if (!is_object($ssh)) {
+            return;
+        }
+        switch (strtolower(get_class($ssh))) {
+            case'net_ssh2':
+                $this->mode = NET_SCP_SSH2;
+                break;
+            case 'net_ssh1':
+                $this->packet_size = 50000;
+                $this->mode = NET_SCP_SSH1;
+                break;
+            default:
+                return;
+        }
+        $this->ssh = $ssh;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Uploads a file to the SCP server.
+     *
+     * By default, Net_SCP::put() does not read from the local filesystem.  $data is dumped directly into $remote_file.
+     * So, for example, if you set $data to 'filename.ext' and then do Net_SCP::get(), you will get a file, twelve bytes
+     * long, containing 'filename.ext' as its contents.
+     *
+     * Setting $mode to NET_SCP_LOCAL_FILE will change the above behavior.  With NET_SCP_LOCAL_FILE, $remote_file will 
+     * contain as many bytes as filename.ext does on your local filesystem.  If your filename.ext is 1MB then that is how
+     * large $remote_file will be, as well.
+     *
+     * Currently, only binary mode is supported.  As such, if the line endings need to be adjusted, you will need to take
+     * care of that, yourself.
+     *
+     * @param String $remote_file
+     * @param String $data
+     * @param optional Integer $mode
+     * @param optional Callable $callback
+     * @return Boolean
+     * @access public
+     */
+    function put($remote_file, $data, $mode = NET_SCP_STRING, $callback = null)
+    {
+        if (!isset($this->ssh)) {
+            return false;
+        }
+        if (!$this->ssh->exec('scp -t ' . $remote_file, false)) { // -t = to
+            return false;
+        }
+        $temp = $this->_receive();
+        if ($temp !== chr(0)) {
+            return false;
+        }
+        if ($this->mode == NET_SCP_SSH2) {
+            $this->packet_size = $this->ssh->packet_size_client_to_server[NET_SSH2_CHANNEL_EXEC];
+        }
+        $remote_file = basename($remote_file);
+        if ($mode == NET_SCP_STRING) {
+            $size = strlen($data);
+        } else {
+            if (!is_file($data)) {
+                user_error("$data is not a valid file", E_USER_NOTICE);
+                return false;
+            }
+            $fp = @fopen($data, 'rb');
+            if (!$fp) {
+                fclose($fp);
+                return false;
+            }
+            $size = filesize($data);
+        }
+        $this->_send('C0644 ' . $size . ' ' . $remote_file . "\n");
+        $temp = $this->_receive();
+        if ($temp !== chr(0)) {
+            return false;
+        }
+        $sent = 0;
+        while ($sent < $size) {
+            $temp = $mode & NET_SCP_STRING ? substr($data, $sent, $this->packet_size) : fread($fp, $this->packet_size);
+            $this->_send($temp);
+            $sent+= strlen($temp);
+            if (is_callable($callback)) {
+                $callback($sent);
+            }
+        }
+        $this->_close();
+        if ($mode != NET_SCP_STRING) {
+            fclose($fp);
+        }
+        return true;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Downloads a file from the SCP server.
+     *
+     * Returns a string containing the contents of $remote_file if $local_file is left undefined or a boolean false if
+     * the operation was unsuccessful.  If $local_file is defined, returns true or false depending on the success of the
+     * operation
+     *
+     * @param String $remote_file
+     * @param optional String $local_file
+     * @return Mixed
+     * @access public
+     */
+    function get($remote_file, $local_file = false)
+    {
+        if (!isset($this->ssh)) {
+            return false;
+        }
+        if (!$this->ssh->exec('scp -f ' . $remote_file, false)) { // -f = from
+            return false;
+        }
+        $this->_send("\0");
+        if (!preg_match('#(?<perms>[^ ]+) (?<size>\d+) (?<name>.+)#', rtrim($this->_receive()), $info)) {
+            return false;
+        }
+        $this->_send("\0");
+        $size = 0;
+        if ($local_file !== false) {
+            $fp = @fopen($local_file, 'wb');
+            if (!$fp) {
+                return false;
+            }
+        }
+        $content = '';
+        while ($size < $info['size']) {
+            $data = $this->_receive();
+            // SCP usually seems to split stuff out into 16k chunks
+            $size+= strlen($data);
+            if ($local_file === false) {
+                $content.= $data;
+            } else {
+                fputs($fp, $data);
+            }
+        }
+        $this->_close();
+        if ($local_file !== false) {
+            fclose($fp);
+            return true;
+        }
+        return $content;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Sends a packet to an SSH server
+     *
+     * @param String $data
+     * @access private
+     */
+    function _send($data)
+    {
+        switch ($this->mode) {
+            case NET_SCP_SSH2:
+                $this->ssh->_send_channel_packet(NET_SSH2_CHANNEL_EXEC, $data);
+                break;
+            case NET_SCP_SSH1:
+                $data = pack('CNa*', NET_SSH1_CMSG_STDIN_DATA, strlen($data), $data);
+                $this->ssh->_send_binary_packet($data);
+         }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Receives a packet from an SSH server
+     *
+     * @return String
+     * @access private
+     */
+    function _receive()
+    {
+        switch ($this->mode) {
+            case NET_SCP_SSH2:
+                return $this->ssh->_get_channel_packet(NET_SSH2_CHANNEL_EXEC, true);
+            case NET_SCP_SSH1:
+                if (!$this->ssh->bitmap) {
+                    return false;
+                }
+                while (true) {
+                    $response = $this->ssh->_get_binary_packet();
+                    switch ($response[NET_SSH1_RESPONSE_TYPE]) {
+                        case NET_SSH1_SMSG_STDOUT_DATA:
+                            extract(unpack('Nlength', $response[NET_SSH1_RESPONSE_DATA]));
+                            return $this->ssh->_string_shift($response[NET_SSH1_RESPONSE_DATA], $length);
+                        case NET_SSH1_SMSG_STDERR_DATA:
+                            break;
+                        case NET_SSH1_SMSG_EXITSTATUS:
+                            $this->ssh->_send_binary_packet(chr(NET_SSH1_CMSG_EXIT_CONFIRMATION));
+                            fclose($this->ssh->fsock);
+                            $this->ssh->bitmap = 0;
+                            return false;
+                        default:
+                            user_error('Unknown packet received', E_USER_NOTICE);
+                            return false;
+                    }
+                }
+         }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Closes the connection to an SSH server
+     *
+     * @access private
+     */
+    function _close()
+    {
+        switch ($this->mode) {
+            case NET_SCP_SSH2:
+                $this->ssh->_close_channel(NET_SSH2_CHANNEL_EXEC);
+                break;
+            case NET_SCP_SSH1:
+                $this->ssh->disconnect();
+         }
+    }
diff --git a/apps/files_external/3rdparty/phpseclib/phpseclib/Net/SFTP.php b/apps/files_external/3rdparty/phpseclib/phpseclib/Net/SFTP.php
index 8db087d3d99c695fe6b701ce720d6e9c3f9431a7..5356ffbf77ab6370e059c4751a3aab434d3ddb9a 100644
--- a/apps/files_external/3rdparty/phpseclib/phpseclib/Net/SFTP.php
+++ b/apps/files_external/3rdparty/phpseclib/phpseclib/Net/SFTP.php
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@
  * Include Net_SSH2
 if (!class_exists('Net_SSH2')) {
-    require_once('Net/SSH2.php');
+    require_once('SSH2.php');
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ define('NET_SFTP_LOG_REALTIME', 3);
  * @see Net_SSH2::_get_channel_packet()
  * @access private
-define('NET_SFTP_CHANNEL', 2);
+define('NET_SFTP_CHANNEL', 0x100);
  * @access public
@@ -97,16 +97,20 @@ define('NET_SFTP_CHANNEL', 2);
  * Reads data from a local file.
-define('NET_SFTP_LOCAL_FILE', 1);
+define('NET_SFTP_LOCAL_FILE',    1);
  * Reads data from a string.
 // this value isn't really used anymore but i'm keeping it reserved for historical reasons
-define('NET_SFTP_STRING',  2);
+define('NET_SFTP_STRING',        2);
  * Resumes an upload
-define('NET_SFTP_RESUME',  4);
+define('NET_SFTP_RESUME',        4);
+ * Append a local file to an already existing remote file
+ */
+define('NET_SFTP_RESUME_START',  8);
@@ -225,15 +229,6 @@ class Net_SFTP extends Net_SSH2 {
     var $sftp_errors = array();
-    /**
-     * File Type
-     *
-     * @see Net_SFTP::_parseLongname()
-     * @var Integer
-     * @access private
-     */
-    var $fileType = 0;
      * Directory Cache
@@ -248,6 +243,16 @@ class Net_SFTP extends Net_SSH2 {
     var $dirs = array();
+    /**
+     * Max SFTP Packet Size
+     *
+     * @see Net_SFTP::Net_SFTP()
+     * @see Net_SFTP::get()
+     * @var Array
+     * @access private
+     */
+    var $max_sftp_packet;
      * Default Constructor.
@@ -262,6 +267,9 @@ class Net_SFTP extends Net_SSH2 {
     function Net_SFTP($host, $port = 22, $timeout = 10)
         parent::Net_SSH2($host, $port, $timeout);
+        $this->max_sftp_packet = 1 << 15;
         $this->packet_types = array(
             1  => 'NET_SFTP_INIT',
             2  => 'NET_SFTP_VERSION',
@@ -306,7 +314,30 @@ class Net_SFTP extends Net_SSH2 {
             5 => 'NET_SFTP_STATUS_BAD_MESSAGE',
             6 => 'NET_SFTP_STATUS_NO_CONNECTION',
+            10 => 'NET_SFTP_STATUS_NO_SUCH_PATH',
+            12 => 'NET_SFTP_STATUS_WRITE_PROTECT',
+            13 => 'NET_SFTP_STATUS_NO_MEDIA',
+            15 => 'NET_SFTP_STATUS_QUOTA_EXCEEDED',
+            17 => 'NET_SFTP_STATUS_LOCK_CONFLICT',
+            18 => 'NET_SFTP_STATUS_DIR_NOT_EMPTY',
+            19 => 'NET_SFTP_STATUS_NOT_A_DIRECTORY',
+            21 => 'NET_SFTP_STATUS_LINK_LOOP',
+            22 => 'NET_SFTP_STATUS_CANNOT_DELETE',
+            27 => 'NET_SFTP_STATUS_DELETE_PENDING',
+            28 => 'NET_SFTP_STATUS_FILE_CORRUPT',
+            29 => 'NET_SFTP_STATUS_OWNER_INVALID',
+            30 => 'NET_SFTP_STATUS_GROUP_INVALID',
         // http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-secsh-filexfer-13#section-7.1
         // the order, in this case, matters quite a lot - see Net_SFTP::_parseAttributes() to understand why
@@ -329,7 +360,8 @@ class Net_SFTP extends Net_SSH2 {
             0x00000002 => 'NET_SFTP_OPEN_WRITE',
             0x00000004 => 'NET_SFTP_OPEN_APPEND',
             0x00000008 => 'NET_SFTP_OPEN_CREATE',
-            0x00000010 => 'NET_SFTP_OPEN_TRUNCATE'
+            0x00000010 => 'NET_SFTP_OPEN_TRUNCATE',
+            0x00000020 => 'NET_SFTP_OPEN_EXCL'
         // http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-secsh-filexfer-04#section-5.2
         // see Net_SFTP::_parseLongname() for an explanation
@@ -337,7 +369,14 @@ class Net_SFTP extends Net_SSH2 {
             1 => 'NET_SFTP_TYPE_REGULAR',
             2 => 'NET_SFTP_TYPE_DIRECTORY',
             3 => 'NET_SFTP_TYPE_SYMLINK',
-            4 => 'NET_SFTP_TYPE_SPECIAL'
+            4 => 'NET_SFTP_TYPE_SPECIAL',
+            5 => 'NET_SFTP_TYPE_UNKNOWN',
+            // the followin types were first defined for use in SFTPv5+
+            // http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-secsh-filexfer-05#section-5.2
+            6 => 'NET_SFTP_TYPE_SOCKET',
+            7 => 'NET_SFTP_TYPE_CHAR_DEVICE',
+            8 => 'NET_SFTP_TYPE_BLOCK_DEVICE',
+            9 => 'NET_SFTP_TYPE_FIFO'
@@ -346,6 +385,10 @@ class Net_SFTP extends Net_SSH2 {
+        if (!defined('NET_SFTP_QUEUE_SIZE')) {
+            define('NET_SFTP_QUEUE_SIZE', 50);
+        }
@@ -356,13 +399,14 @@ class Net_SFTP extends Net_SSH2 {
      * @return Boolean
      * @access public
-    function login($username, $password = '')
+    function login($username)
-        if (!parent::login($username, $password)) {
+        $args = func_get_args();
+        if (!call_user_func_array(array('Net_SSH2', 'login'), $args)) {
             return false;
-        $this->window_size_client_to_server[NET_SFTP_CHANNEL] = $this->window_size;
+        $this->window_size_server_to_client[NET_SFTP_CHANNEL] = $this->window_size;
         $packet = pack('CNa*N3',
             NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_OPEN, strlen('session'), 'session', NET_SFTP_CHANNEL, $this->window_size, 0x4000);
@@ -388,7 +432,24 @@ class Net_SFTP extends Net_SSH2 {
         $response = $this->_get_channel_packet(NET_SFTP_CHANNEL);
         if ($response === false) {
-            return false;
+            // from PuTTY's psftp.exe
+            $command = "test -x /usr/lib/sftp-server && exec /usr/lib/sftp-server\n" .
+                       "test -x /usr/local/lib/sftp-server && exec /usr/local/lib/sftp-server\n" .
+                       "exec sftp-server";
+            // we don't do $this->exec($command, false) because exec() operates on a different channel and plus the SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_OPEN that exec() does
+            // is redundant
+            $packet = pack('CNNa*CNa*',
+                NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_REQUEST, $this->server_channels[NET_SFTP_CHANNEL], strlen('exec'), 'exec', 1, strlen($command), $command);
+            if (!$this->_send_binary_packet($packet)) {
+                return false;
+            }
+            $this->channel_status[NET_SFTP_CHANNEL] = NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_REQUEST;
+            $response = $this->_get_channel_packet(NET_SFTP_CHANNEL);
+            if ($response === false) {
+                return false;
+            }
         $this->channel_status[NET_SFTP_CHANNEL] = NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_DATA;
@@ -460,7 +521,7 @@ class Net_SFTP extends Net_SSH2 {
                 return false;
-        $this->pwd = $this->_realpath('.', false);
+        $this->pwd = $this->_realpath('.');
@@ -485,7 +546,8 @@ class Net_SFTP extends Net_SSH2 {
      * @param optional Integer $status
      * @access public
-    function _logError($response, $status = -1) {
+    function _logError($response, $status = -1)
+    {
         if ($status == -1) {
             extract(unpack('Nstatus', $this->_string_shift($response, 4)));
@@ -507,98 +569,57 @@ class Net_SFTP extends Net_SSH2 {
      * the absolute (canonicalized) path.
      * @see Net_SFTP::chdir()
-     * @param String $dir
+     * @param String $path
      * @return Mixed
      * @access private
-    function _realpath($dir, $check_dir = true)
+    function _realpath($path)
-        if ($check_dir && $this->_is_dir($dir)) {
-            return true;
-        }
-        /*
-        "This protocol represents file names as strings.  File names are
-         assumed to use the slash ('/') character as a directory separator.
-         File names starting with a slash are "absolute", and are relative to
-         the root of the file system.  Names starting with any other character
-         are relative to the user's default directory (home directory).  Note
-         that identifying the user is assumed to take place outside of this
-         protocol."
-         -- http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-secsh-filexfer-13#section-6
-        */
-        $file = '';
-        if ($this->pwd !== false) {
-            // if the SFTP server returned the canonicalized path even for non-existant files this wouldn't be necessary
-            // on OpenSSH it isn't necessary but on other SFTP servers it is.  that and since the specs say nothing on
-            // the subject, we'll go ahead and work around it with the following.
-            if (empty($dir) || $dir[strlen($dir) - 1] != '/') {
-                $file = basename($dir);
-                $dir = dirname($dir);
-            }
-            $dir = $dir[0] == '/' ? '/' . rtrim(substr($dir, 1), '/') : rtrim($dir, '/');
-            if ($dir == '.' || $dir == $this->pwd) {
-                $temp = $this->pwd;
-                if (!empty($file)) {
-                    $temp.= '/' . $file;
-                }
-                return $temp;
+        if ($this->pwd === false) {
+            // http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-secsh-filexfer-13#section-8.9
+            if (!$this->_send_sftp_packet(NET_SFTP_REALPATH, pack('Na*', strlen($path), $path))) {
+                return false;
-            if ($dir[0] != '/') {
-                $dir = $this->pwd . '/' . $dir;
+            $response = $this->_get_sftp_packet();
+            switch ($this->packet_type) {
+                case NET_SFTP_NAME:
+                    // although SSH_FXP_NAME is implemented differently in SFTPv3 than it is in SFTPv4+, the following
+                    // should work on all SFTP versions since the only part of the SSH_FXP_NAME packet the following looks
+                    // at is the first part and that part is defined the same in SFTP versions 3 through 6.
+                    $this->_string_shift($response, 4); // skip over the count - it should be 1, anyway
+                    extract(unpack('Nlength', $this->_string_shift($response, 4)));
+                    return $this->_string_shift($response, $length);
+                case NET_SFTP_STATUS:
+                    $this->_logError($response);
+                    return false;
+                default:
+                    user_error('Expected SSH_FXP_NAME or SSH_FXP_STATUS');
+                    return false;
-            // on the surface it seems like maybe resolving a path beginning with / is unnecessary, but such paths
-            // can contain .'s and ..'s just like any other.  we could parse those out as appropriate or we can let
-            // the server do it.  we'll do the latter.
-        }
-        /*
-         that SSH_FXP_REALPATH returns SSH_FXP_NAME does not necessarily mean that anything actually exists at the
-         specified path.  generally speaking, no attributes are returned with this particular SSH_FXP_NAME packet
-         regardless of whether or not a file actually exists.  and in SFTPv3, the longname field and the filename
-         field match for this particular SSH_FXP_NAME packet.  for other SSH_FXP_NAME packets, this will likely
-         not be the case, but for this one, it is.
-        */
-        // http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-secsh-filexfer-13#section-8.9
-        if (!$this->_send_sftp_packet(NET_SFTP_REALPATH, pack('Na*', strlen($dir), $dir))) {
-            return false;
-        $response = $this->_get_sftp_packet();
-        switch ($this->packet_type) {
-            case NET_SFTP_NAME:
-                // although SSH_FXP_NAME is implemented differently in SFTPv3 than it is in SFTPv4+, the following
-                // should work on all SFTP versions since the only part of the SSH_FXP_NAME packet the following looks
-                // at is the first part and that part is defined the same in SFTP versions 3 through 6.
-                $this->_string_shift($response, 4); // skip over the count - it should be 1, anyway
-                extract(unpack('Nlength', $this->_string_shift($response, 4)));
-                $realpath = $this->_string_shift($response, $length);
-                // the following is SFTPv3 only code.  see Net_SFTP::_parseLongname() for more information.
-                // per the above comment, this is a shot in the dark that, on most servers, won't help us in determining
-                // the file type for Net_SFTP::stat() and Net_SFTP::lstat() but it's worth a shot.
-                extract(unpack('Nlength', $this->_string_shift($response, 4)));
-                $this->fileType = $this->_parseLongname($this->_string_shift($response, $length));
-                break;
-            case NET_SFTP_STATUS:
-                $this->_logError($response);
-                return false;
-            default:
-                user_error('Expected SSH_FXP_NAME or SSH_FXP_STATUS');
-                return false;
+        if ($path[0] != '/') {
+            $path = $this->pwd . '/' . $path;
-        // if $this->pwd isn't set than the only thing $realpath could be is for '.', which is pretty much guaranteed to
-        // be a bonafide directory
-        if (!empty($file)) {
-            $realpath.= '/' . $file;
+        $path = explode('/', $path);
+        $new = array();
+        foreach ($path as $dir) {
+            if (!strlen($dir)) {
+                continue;
+            }
+            switch ($dir) {
+                case '..':
+                    array_pop($new);
+                case '.':
+                    break;
+                default:
+                    $new[] = $dir;
+            }
-        return $realpath;
+        return '/' . implode('/', $new);
@@ -618,18 +639,18 @@ class Net_SFTP extends Net_SSH2 {
             $dir.= '/';
+        $dir = $this->_realpath($dir);
         // confirm that $dir is, in fact, a valid directory
         if ($this->_is_dir($dir)) {
             $this->pwd = $dir;
             return true;
-        $dir = $this->_realpath($dir, false);
-        if ($this->_is_dir($dir)) {
-            $this->pwd = $dir;
-            return true;
-        }
+        // we could do a stat on the alleged $dir to see if it's a directory but that doesn't tell us
+        // the currently logged in user has the appropriate permissions or not. maybe you could see if
+        // the file's uid / gid match the currently logged in user's uid / gid but how there's no easy
+        // way to get those with SFTP
         if (!$this->_send_sftp_packet(NET_SFTP_OPENDIR, pack('Na*', strlen($dir), $dir))) {
             return false;
@@ -649,19 +670,7 @@ class Net_SFTP extends Net_SSH2 {
                 return false;
-        if (!$this->_send_sftp_packet(NET_SFTP_CLOSE, pack('Na*', strlen($handle), $handle))) {
-            return false;
-        }
-        $response = $this->_get_sftp_packet();
-        if ($this->packet_type != NET_SFTP_STATUS) {
-            user_error('Expected SSH_FXP_STATUS');
-            return false;
-        }
-        extract(unpack('Nstatus', $this->_string_shift($response, 4)));
-        if ($status != NET_SFTP_STATUS_OK) {
-            $this->_logError($response, $status);
+        if (!$this->_close_handle($handle)) {
             return false;
@@ -760,18 +769,21 @@ class Net_SFTP extends Net_SSH2 {
                         $shortname = $this->_string_shift($response, $length);
                         extract(unpack('Nlength', $this->_string_shift($response, 4)));
                         $longname = $this->_string_shift($response, $length);
-                        $attributes = $this->_parseAttributes($response); // we also don't care about the attributes
+                        $attributes = $this->_parseAttributes($response);
+                        if (!isset($attributes['type'])) {
+                            $fileType = $this->_parseLongname($longname);
+                            if ($fileType) {
+                                $attributes['type'] = $fileType;
+                            }
+                        }
                         if (!$raw) {
                             $contents[] = $shortname;
                         } else {
                             $contents[$shortname] = $attributes;
-                            $fileType = $this->_parseLongname($longname);
-                            if ($fileType) {
-                                if ($fileType == NET_SFTP_TYPE_DIRECTORY && ($shortname != '.' && $shortname != '..')) {
-                                    $this->_save_dir($dir . '/' . $shortname);
-                                }
-                                $contents[$shortname]['type'] = $fileType;
-                            }
+                        }
+                        if (isset($attributes['type']) && $attributes['type'] == NET_SFTP_TYPE_DIRECTORY && ($shortname != '.' && $shortname != '..')) {
+                            $this->_save_dir($dir . '/' . $shortname);
                         // SFTPv6 has an optional boolean end-of-list field, but we'll ignore that, since the
                         // final SSH_FXP_STATUS packet should tell us that, already.
@@ -790,21 +802,7 @@ class Net_SFTP extends Net_SSH2 {
-        if (!$this->_send_sftp_packet(NET_SFTP_CLOSE, pack('Na*', strlen($handle), $handle))) {
-            return false;
-        }
-        // "The client MUST release all resources associated with the handle regardless of the status."
-        //  -- http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-secsh-filexfer-13#section-8.1.3
-        $response = $this->_get_sftp_packet();
-        if ($this->packet_type != NET_SFTP_STATUS) {
-            user_error('Expected SSH_FXP_STATUS');
-            return false;
-        }
-        extract(unpack('Nstatus', $this->_string_shift($response, 4)));
-        if ($status != NET_SFTP_STATUS_OK) {
-            $this->_logError($response, $status);
+        if (!$this->_close_handle($handle)) {
             return false;
@@ -880,6 +878,9 @@ class Net_SFTP extends Net_SSH2 {
      * Checks cache for directory
+     * Mainly used by chdir, which is, in turn, also used for determining whether or not an individual
+     * file is a directory or not by stat() and lstat()
+     *
      * @param String $dir
      * @access private
@@ -894,6 +895,7 @@ class Net_SFTP extends Net_SSH2 {
             $temp = &$temp[$dir];
+        return true;
@@ -920,6 +922,9 @@ class Net_SFTP extends Net_SSH2 {
         if ($stat === false) {
             return false;
+        if (isset($stat['type'])) {
+            return $stat;
+        }
         $pwd = $this->pwd;
         $stat['type'] = $this->chdir($filename) ?
@@ -951,10 +956,14 @@ class Net_SFTP extends Net_SSH2 {
         $lstat = $this->_stat($filename, NET_SFTP_LSTAT);
-        $stat = $this->_stat($filename, NET_SFTP_STAT);
-        if ($stat === false) {
+        if ($lstat === false) {
             return false;
+        if (isset($lstat['type'])) {
+            return $lstat;
+        }
+        $stat = $this->_stat($filename, NET_SFTP_STAT);
         if ($lstat != $stat) {
             return array_merge($lstat, array('type' => NET_SFTP_TYPE_SYMLINK));
@@ -991,11 +1000,7 @@ class Net_SFTP extends Net_SSH2 {
         $response = $this->_get_sftp_packet();
         switch ($this->packet_type) {
             case NET_SFTP_ATTRS:
-                $attributes = $this->_parseAttributes($response);
-                if ($this->fileType) {
-                    $attributes['type'] = $this->fileType;
-                }
-                return $attributes;
+                return $this->_parseAttributes($response);
             case NET_SFTP_STATUS:
                 return false;
@@ -1006,61 +1011,187 @@ class Net_SFTP extends Net_SSH2 {
-     * Attempt to identify the file type
+     * Returns the file size, in bytes, or false, on failure
-     * @param String $path
-     * @param Array $stat
-     * @param Array $lstat
-     * @return Integer
+     * Determines the size without calling Net_SFTP::_realpath()
+     *
+     * @param String $filename
+     * @return Mixed
      * @access private
-    function _identify_type($path, $stat1, $stat2)
+    function _size($filename)
-        $stat1 = $this->_stat($path, $stat1);
-        $stat2 = $this->_stat($path, $stat2);
-        if ($stat1 != $stat2) {
-            return array_merge($stat1, array('type' => NET_SFTP_TYPE_SYMLINK));
+        $result = $this->_stat($filename, NET_SFTP_STAT);
+        if ($result === false) {
+            return false;
+        return isset($result['size']) ? $result['size'] : -1;
+    }
-        $pwd = $this->pwd;
-        $stat1['type'] = $this->chdir($path) ?
-        $this->pwd = $pwd;
+    /**
+     * Truncates a file to a given length
+     *
+     * @param String $filename
+     * @param Integer $new_size
+     * @return Boolean
+     * @access public
+     */
+    function truncate($filename, $new_size)
+    {
+        $attr = pack('N3', NET_SFTP_ATTR_SIZE, $new_size / 0x100000000, $new_size);
-        return $stat1;
+        return $this->_setstat($filename, $attr, false);
-     * Returns the file size, in bytes, or false, on failure
+     * Sets access and modification time of file.
-     * Determines the size without calling Net_SFTP::_realpath()
+     * If the file does not exist, it will be created.
      * @param String $filename
-     * @return Mixed
-     * @access private
+     * @param optional Integer $time
+     * @param optional Integer $atime
+     * @return Boolean
+     * @access public
-    function _size($filename)
+    function touch($filename, $time = NULL, $atime = NULL)
-        $result = $this->_stat($filename, NET_SFTP_LSTAT);
-        if ($result === false) {
+        if (!($this->bitmap & NET_SSH2_MASK_LOGIN)) {
             return false;
-        return isset($result['size']) ? $result['size'] : -1;
+        $filename = $this->_realpath($filename);
+        if ($filename === false) {
+            return false;
+        }
+        if (!isset($time)) {
+            $time = time();
+        }
+        if (!isset($atime)) {
+            $atime = $time;
+        }
+        $attr = pack('N3', NET_SFTP_ATTR_ACCESSTIME, $time, $atime);
+        $packet = pack('Na*Na*', strlen($filename), $filename, $flags, $attr);
+        if (!$this->_send_sftp_packet(NET_SFTP_OPEN, $packet)) {
+            return false;
+        }
+        $response = $this->_get_sftp_packet();
+        switch ($this->packet_type) {
+            case NET_SFTP_HANDLE:
+                return $this->_close_handle(substr($response, 4));
+            case NET_SFTP_STATUS:
+                $this->_logError($response);
+                break;
+            default:
+                user_error('Expected SSH_FXP_HANDLE or SSH_FXP_STATUS');
+                return false;
+        }
+        return $this->_setstat($filename, $attr, false);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Changes file or directory owner
+     *
+     * Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on error.
+     *
+     * @param String $filename
+     * @param Integer $uid
+     * @param optional Boolean $recursive
+     * @return Boolean
+     * @access public
+     */
+    function chown($filename, $uid, $recursive = false)
+    {
+        // quoting from <http://www.kernel.org/doc/man-pages/online/pages/man2/chown.2.html>,
+        // "if the owner or group is specified as -1, then that ID is not changed"
+        $attr = pack('N3', NET_SFTP_ATTR_UIDGID, $uid, -1);
+        return $this->_setstat($filename, $attr, $recursive);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Changes file or directory group
+     *
+     * Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on error.
+     *
+     * @param String $filename
+     * @param Integer $gid
+     * @param optional Boolean $recursive
+     * @return Boolean
+     * @access public
+     */
+    function chgrp($filename, $gid, $recursive = false)
+    {
+        $attr = pack('N3', NET_SFTP_ATTR_UIDGID, -1, $gid);
+        return $this->_setstat($filename, $attr, $recursive);
      * Set permissions on a file.
      * Returns the new file permissions on success or FALSE on error.
+     * If $recursive is true than this just returns TRUE or FALSE.
      * @param Integer $mode
      * @param String $filename
+     * @param optional Boolean $recursive
      * @return Mixed
      * @access public
     function chmod($mode, $filename, $recursive = false)
+    {
+        if (is_string($mode) && is_int($filename)) {
+            $temp = $mode;
+            $mode = $filename;
+            $filename = $temp;
+        }
+        $attr = pack('N2', NET_SFTP_ATTR_PERMISSIONS, $mode & 07777);
+        if (!$this->_setstat($filename, $attr, $recursive)) {
+            return false;
+        }
+        if ($recursive) {
+            return true;
+        }
+        // rather than return what the permissions *should* be, we'll return what they actually are.  this will also
+        // tell us if the file actually exists.
+        // incidentally, SFTPv4+ adds an additional 32-bit integer field - flags - to the following:
+        $packet = pack('Na*', strlen($filename), $filename);
+        if (!$this->_send_sftp_packet(NET_SFTP_STAT, $packet)) {
+            return false;
+        }
+        $response = $this->_get_sftp_packet();
+        switch ($this->packet_type) {
+            case NET_SFTP_ATTRS:
+                $attrs = $this->_parseAttributes($response);
+                return $attrs['permissions'];
+            case NET_SFTP_STATUS:
+                $this->_logError($response);
+                return false;
+        }
+        user_error('Expected SSH_FXP_ATTRS or SSH_FXP_STATUS');
+        return false;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Sets information about a file
+     *
+     * @param String $filename
+     * @param String $attr
+     * @param Boolean $recursive
+     * @return Boolean
+     * @access private
+     */
+    function _setstat($filename, $attr, $recursive)
         if (!($this->bitmap & NET_SSH2_MASK_LOGIN)) {
             return false;
@@ -1073,14 +1204,13 @@ class Net_SFTP extends Net_SSH2 {
         if ($recursive) {
             $i = 0;
-            $result = $this->_chmod_recursive($mode, $filename, $i);
+            $result = $this->_setstat_recursive($filename, $attr, $i);
             return $result;
         // SFTPv4+ has an additional byte field - type - that would need to be sent, as well. setting it to
         // SSH_FILEXFER_TYPE_UNKNOWN might work. if not, we'd have to do an SSH_FXP_STAT before doing an SSH_FXP_SETSTAT.
-        $attr = pack('N2', NET_SFTP_ATTR_PERMISSIONS, $mode & 07777);
         if (!$this->_send_sftp_packet(NET_SFTP_SETSTAT, pack('Na*a*', strlen($filename), $filename, $attr))) {
             return false;
@@ -1101,41 +1231,24 @@ class Net_SFTP extends Net_SSH2 {
         extract(unpack('Nstatus', $this->_string_shift($response, 4)));
         if ($status != NET_SFTP_STATUS_OK) {
             $this->_logError($response, $status);
-        }
-        // rather than return what the permissions *should* be, we'll return what they actually are.  this will also
-        // tell us if the file actually exists.
-        // incidentally, SFTPv4+ adds an additional 32-bit integer field - flags - to the following:
-        $packet = pack('Na*', strlen($filename), $filename);
-        if (!$this->_send_sftp_packet(NET_SFTP_STAT, $packet)) {
             return false;
-        $response = $this->_get_sftp_packet();
-        switch ($this->packet_type) {
-            case NET_SFTP_ATTRS:
-                $attrs = $this->_parseAttributes($response);
-                return $attrs['permissions'];
-            case NET_SFTP_STATUS:
-                $this->_logError($response);
-                return false;
-        }
-        user_error('Expected SSH_FXP_ATTRS or SSH_FXP_STATUS');
-        return false;
+        return true;
-     * Recursively chmods directories on the SFTP server
+     * Recursively sets information on directories on the SFTP server
      * Minimizes directory lookups and SSH_FXP_STATUS requests for speed.
-     * @param Integer $mode
-     * @param String $filename
+     * @param String $path
+     * @param String $attr
+     * @param Integer $i
      * @return Boolean
      * @access private
-    function _chmod_recursive($mode, $path, &$i)
+    function _setstat_recursive($path, $attr, &$i)
         if (!$this->_read_put_responses($i)) {
             return false;
@@ -1144,7 +1257,7 @@ class Net_SFTP extends Net_SSH2 {
         $entries = $this->_list($path, true, false);
         if ($entries === false) {
-            return $this->chmod($mode, $path);
+            return $this->_setstat($path, $attr, false);
         // normally $entries would have at least . and .. but it might not if the directories
@@ -1164,18 +1277,17 @@ class Net_SFTP extends Net_SSH2 {
             $temp = $path . '/' . $filename;
             if ($props['type'] == NET_SFTP_TYPE_DIRECTORY) {
-                if (!$this->_chmod_recursive($mode, $temp, $i)) {
+                if (!$this->_setstat_recursive($temp, $attr, $i)) {
                     return false;
             } else {
-                $attr = pack('N2', NET_SFTP_ATTR_PERMISSIONS, $mode & 07777);
                 if (!$this->_send_sftp_packet(NET_SFTP_SETSTAT, pack('Na*a*', strlen($temp), $temp, $attr))) {
                     return false;
-                if ($i >= 50) {
+                if ($i >= NET_SFTP_QUEUE_SIZE) {
                     if (!$this->_read_put_responses($i)) {
                         return false;
@@ -1184,14 +1296,13 @@ class Net_SFTP extends Net_SSH2 {
-        $attr = pack('N2', NET_SFTP_ATTR_PERMISSIONS, $mode & 07777);
         if (!$this->_send_sftp_packet(NET_SFTP_SETSTAT, pack('Na*a*', strlen($path), $path, $attr))) {
             return false;
-        if ($i >= 50) {
+        if ($i >= NET_SFTP_QUEUE_SIZE) {
             if (!$this->_read_put_responses($i)) {
                 return false;
@@ -1208,33 +1319,32 @@ class Net_SFTP extends Net_SSH2 {
      * @return Boolean
      * @access public
-    function mkdir($dir)
+    function mkdir($dir, $mode = -1, $recursive = false)
         if (!($this->bitmap & NET_SSH2_MASK_LOGIN)) {
             return false;
-        if ($dir[0] != '/') {
-            $dir = $this->_realpath(rtrim($dir, '/'));
-            if ($dir === false) {
-                return false;
-            }
-            if (!$this->_mkdir_helper($dir)) {
-                return false;
-            }
-        } else {
-            $dirs = explode('/', preg_replace('#^/|/(?=/)|/$#', '', $dir));
-            $temp = '';
-            foreach ($dirs as $dir) {
-                $temp.= '/' . $dir;
-                $result = $this->_mkdir_helper($temp);
+        $dir = $this->_realpath($dir);
+        // by not providing any permissions, hopefully the server will use the logged in users umask - their 
+        // default permissions.
+        $attr = $mode == -1 ? "\0\0\0\0" : pack('N2', NET_SFTP_ATTR_PERMISSIONS, $mode & 07777);
+        if ($recursive) {
+            $dirs = explode('/', preg_replace('#/(?=/)|/$#', '', $dir));
+            if (empty($dirs[0])) {
+                array_shift($dirs);
+                $dirs[0] = '/' . $dirs[0];
-            if (!$result) {
-                return false;
+            for ($i = 0; $i < count($dirs); $i++) {
+                $temp = array_slice($dirs, 0, $i + 1);
+                $temp = implode('/', $temp);
+                $result = $this->_mkdir_helper($temp, $attr);
+            return $result;
-        return true;
+        return $this->_mkdir_helper($dir, $attr);
@@ -1244,11 +1354,9 @@ class Net_SFTP extends Net_SSH2 {
      * @return Boolean
      * @access private
-    function _mkdir_helper($dir)
+    function _mkdir_helper($dir, $attr)
-        // by not providing any permissions, hopefully the server will use the logged in users umask - their 
-        // default permissions.
-        if (!$this->_send_sftp_packet(NET_SFTP_MKDIR, pack('Na*N', strlen($dir), $dir, 0))) {
+        if (!$this->_send_sftp_packet(NET_SFTP_MKDIR, pack('Na*a*', strlen($dir), $dir, $attr))) {
             return false;
@@ -1323,14 +1431,33 @@ class Net_SFTP extends Net_SSH2 {
      * Currently, only binary mode is supported.  As such, if the line endings need to be adjusted, you will need to take
      * care of that, yourself.
+     * $mode can take an additional two parameters - NET_SFTP_RESUME and NET_SFTP_RESUME_START. These are bitwise AND'd with
+     * $mode. So if you want to resume upload of a 300mb file on the local file system you'd set $mode to the following:
+     *
+     *
+     * If you wanted to simply append the full contents of a local file to the full contents of a remote file you'd replace
+     *
+     * If $mode & (NET_SFTP_RESUME | NET_SFTP_RESUME_START) then NET_SFTP_RESUME_START will be assumed.
+     *
+     * $start and $local_start give you more fine grained control over this process and take precident over NET_SFTP_RESUME
+     * when they're non-negative. ie. $start could let you write at the end of a file (like NET_SFTP_RESUME) or in the middle
+     * of one. $local_start could let you start your reading from the end of a file (like NET_SFTP_RESUME_START) or in the
+     * middle of one.
+     *
+     * Setting $local_start to > 0 or $mode | NET_SFTP_RESUME_START doesn't do anything unless $mode | NET_SFTP_LOCAL_FILE.
+     *
      * @param String $remote_file
      * @param String $data
      * @param optional Integer $mode
+     * @param optional Integer $start
+     * @param optional Integer $local_start
      * @return Boolean
      * @access public
      * @internal ASCII mode for SFTPv4/5/6 can be supported by adding a new function - Net_SFTP::setMode().
-    function put($remote_file, $data, $mode = NET_SFTP_STRING)
+    function put($remote_file, $data, $mode = NET_SFTP_STRING, $start = -1, $local_start = -1)
         if (!($this->bitmap & NET_SSH2_MASK_LOGIN)) {
             return false;
@@ -1346,15 +1473,16 @@ class Net_SFTP extends Net_SSH2 {
         // in practice, it doesn't seem to do that.
-        // if NET_SFTP_OPEN_APPEND worked as it should the following (up until the -----------) wouldn't be necessary
-        $offset = 0;
-        if ($mode & NET_SFTP_RESUME) {
+        if ($start >= 0) {
+            $offset = $start;
+        } elseif ($mode & NET_SFTP_RESUME) {
+            // if NET_SFTP_OPEN_APPEND worked as it should _size() wouldn't need to be called
             $size = $this->_size($remote_file);
             $offset = $size !== false ? $size : 0;
         } else {
+            $offset = 0;
             $flags|= NET_SFTP_OPEN_TRUNCATE;
-        // --------------
         $packet = pack('Na*N2', strlen($remote_file), $remote_file, $flags, 0);
         if (!$this->_send_sftp_packet(NET_SFTP_OPEN, $packet)) {
@@ -1387,6 +1515,14 @@ class Net_SFTP extends Net_SSH2 {
                 return false;
             $size = filesize($data);
+            if ($local_start >= 0) {
+                fseek($fp, $local_start);
+            } elseif ($mode & NET_SFTP_RESUME_START) {
+                // do nothing
+            } else {
+                fseek($fp, $offset);
+            }
         } else {
             $size = strlen($data);
@@ -1395,10 +1531,13 @@ class Net_SFTP extends Net_SSH2 {
         $size = $size < 0 ? ($size & 0x7FFFFFFF) + 0x80000000 : $size;
         $sftp_packet_size = 4096; // PuTTY uses 4096
+        // make the SFTP packet be exactly 4096 bytes by including the bytes in the NET_SFTP_WRITE packets "header"
+        $sftp_packet_size-= strlen($handle) + 25;
         $i = 0;
         while ($sent < $size) {
-            $temp = $mode & NET_SFTP_LOCAL_FILE ? fread($fp, $sftp_packet_size) : $this->_string_shift($data, $sftp_packet_size);
-            $packet = pack('Na*N3a*', strlen($handle), $handle, 0, $offset + $sent, strlen($temp), $temp);
+            $temp = $mode & NET_SFTP_LOCAL_FILE ? fread($fp, $sftp_packet_size) : substr($data, $sent, $sftp_packet_size);
+            $subtemp = $offset + $sent;
+            $packet = pack('Na*N3a*', strlen($handle), $handle, $subtemp / 0x100000000, $subtemp, strlen($temp), $temp);
             if (!$this->_send_sftp_packet(NET_SFTP_WRITE, $packet)) {
                 return false;
@@ -1407,7 +1546,7 @@ class Net_SFTP extends Net_SSH2 {
-            if ($i == 50) {
+            if ($i == NET_SFTP_QUEUE_SIZE) {
                 if (!$this->_read_put_responses($i)) {
                     $i = 0;
@@ -1417,6 +1556,10 @@ class Net_SFTP extends Net_SSH2 {
         if (!$this->_read_put_responses($i)) {
+            if ($mode & NET_SFTP_LOCAL_FILE) {
+                fclose($fp);
+            }
+            $this->_close_handle($handle);
             return false;
@@ -1424,23 +1567,7 @@ class Net_SFTP extends Net_SSH2 {
-        if (!$this->_send_sftp_packet(NET_SFTP_CLOSE, pack('Na*', strlen($handle), $handle))) {
-            return false;
-        }
-        $response = $this->_get_sftp_packet();
-        if ($this->packet_type != NET_SFTP_STATUS) {
-            user_error('Expected SSH_FXP_STATUS');
-            return false;
-        }
-        extract(unpack('Nstatus', $this->_string_shift($response, 4)));
-        if ($status != NET_SFTP_STATUS_OK) {
-            $this->_logError($response, $status);
-            return false;
-        }
-        return true;
+        return $this->_close_handle($handle);
@@ -1472,15 +1599,49 @@ class Net_SFTP extends Net_SSH2 {
         return $i < 0;
+    /**
+     * Close handle
+     *
+     * @param String $handle
+     * @return Boolean
+     * @access private
+     */
+    function _close_handle($handle)
+    {
+        if (!$this->_send_sftp_packet(NET_SFTP_CLOSE, pack('Na*', strlen($handle), $handle))) {
+            return false;
+        }
+        // "The client MUST release all resources associated with the handle regardless of the status."
+        //  -- http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-secsh-filexfer-13#section-8.1.3
+        $response = $this->_get_sftp_packet();
+        if ($this->packet_type != NET_SFTP_STATUS) {
+            user_error('Expected SSH_FXP_STATUS');
+            return false;
+        }
+        extract(unpack('Nstatus', $this->_string_shift($response, 4)));
+        if ($status != NET_SFTP_STATUS_OK) {
+            $this->_logError($response, $status);
+            return false;
+        }
+        return true;
+    }
      * Downloads a file from the SFTP server.
      * Returns a string containing the contents of $remote_file if $local_file is left undefined or a boolean false if
      * the operation was unsuccessful.  If $local_file is defined, returns true or false depending on the success of the
-     * operation
+     * operation.
+     *
+     * $offset and $length can be used to download files in chunks.
      * @param String $remote_file
      * @param optional String $local_file
+     * @param optional Integer $offset
+     * @param optional Integer $length
      * @return Mixed
      * @access public
@@ -1522,10 +1683,9 @@ class Net_SFTP extends Net_SSH2 {
             $content = '';
-        $size = (1 << 20) < $length || $length < 0 ? 1 << 20 : $length;
-        $start = $offset;
+        $size = $this->max_sftp_packet < $length || $length < 0 ? $this->max_sftp_packet : $length;
         while (true) {
-            $packet = pack('Na*N3', strlen($handle), $handle, 0, $offset, $size);
+            $packet = pack('Na*N3', strlen($handle), $handle, $offset / 0x100000000, $offset, $size);
             if (!$this->_send_sftp_packet(NET_SFTP_READ, $packet)) {
                 if ($local_file !== false) {
@@ -1545,6 +1705,7 @@ class Net_SFTP extends Net_SSH2 {
                 case NET_SFTP_STATUS:
+                    // could, in theory, return false if !strlen($content) but we'll hold off for the time being
                     break 2;
@@ -1556,40 +1717,28 @@ class Net_SFTP extends Net_SSH2 {
             if ($length > 0 && $length <= $offset - $size) {
-                if ($local_file === false) {
-                    $content = substr($content, 0, $length);
-                } else {
-                    ftruncate($fp, $length);
-                }
-        if ($local_file !== false) {
-            fclose($fp);
+        if ($length > 0 && $length <= $offset - $size) {
+            if ($local_file === false) {
+                $content = substr($content, 0, $length);
+            } else {
+                ftruncate($fp, $length);
+            }
-        if (!$this->_send_sftp_packet(NET_SFTP_CLOSE, pack('Na*', strlen($handle), $handle))) {
-            return false;
+        if ($local_file !== false) {
+            fclose($fp);
-        $response = $this->_get_sftp_packet();
-        if ($this->packet_type != NET_SFTP_STATUS) {
-            user_error('Expected SSH_FXP_STATUS');
+        if (!$this->_close_handle($handle)) {
             return false;
-        extract(unpack('Nstatus', $this->_string_shift($response, 4)));
-        if ($status != NET_SFTP_STATUS_OK) {
-            $this->_logError($response, $status);
-            return false;
-        }
-        if (isset($content)) {
-            return $content;
-        }
-        return true;
+        // if $content isn't set that means a file was written to
+        return isset($content) ? $content : true;
@@ -1683,7 +1832,7 @@ class Net_SFTP extends Net_SSH2 {
-                if ($i >= 50) {
+                if ($i >= NET_SFTP_QUEUE_SIZE) {
                     if (!$this->_read_put_responses($i)) {
                         return false;
@@ -1699,7 +1848,7 @@ class Net_SFTP extends Net_SSH2 {
-        if ($i >= 50) {
+        if ($i >= NET_SFTP_QUEUE_SIZE) {
             if (!$this->_read_put_responses($i)) {
                 return false;
@@ -1774,17 +1923,21 @@ class Net_SFTP extends Net_SSH2 {
                     // (0xFFFFFFFF bytes), anyway.  as such, we'll just represent all file sizes that are bigger than
                     // 4GB as being 4GB.
                     extract(unpack('Nupper/Nsize', $this->_string_shift($response, 8)));
-                    if ($upper) {
-                        $attr['size'] = 0xFFFFFFFF;
-                    } else {
-                        $attr['size'] = $size < 0 ? ($size & 0x7FFFFFFF) + 0x80000000 : $size;
-                    }
+                    $attr['size'] = $upper ? 0x100000000 * $upper : 0;
+                    $attr['size']+= $size < 0 ? ($size & 0x7FFFFFFF) + 0x80000000 : $size;
                 case NET_SFTP_ATTR_UIDGID: // 0x00000002 (SFTPv3 only)
                     $attr+= unpack('Nuid/Ngid', $this->_string_shift($response, 8));
                 case NET_SFTP_ATTR_PERMISSIONS: // 0x00000004
                     $attr+= unpack('Npermissions', $this->_string_shift($response, 4));
+                    // mode == permissions; permissions was the original array key and is retained for bc purposes.
+                    // mode was added because that's the more industry standard terminology
+                    $attr+= array('mode' => $attr['permissions']);
+                    $fileType = $this->_parseMode($attr['permissions']);
+                    if ($fileType !== false) {
+                        $attr+= array('type' => $fileType);
+                    }
                 case NET_SFTP_ATTR_ACCESSTIME: // 0x00000008
                     $attr+= unpack('Natime/Nmtime', $this->_string_shift($response, 8));
@@ -1802,6 +1955,47 @@ class Net_SFTP extends Net_SSH2 {
         return $attr;
+    /**
+     * Attempt to identify the file type
+     *
+     * Quoting the SFTP RFC, "Implementations MUST NOT send bits that are not defined" but they seem to anyway
+     *
+     * @param Integer $mode
+     * @return Integer
+     * @access private
+     */
+    function _parseMode($mode)
+    {
+        // values come from http://lxr.free-electrons.com/source/include/uapi/linux/stat.h#L12
+        // see, also, http://linux.die.net/man/2/stat
+        switch ($mode & 0170000) {// ie. 1111 0000 0000 0000
+            case 0000000: // no file type specified - figure out the file type using alternative means
+                return false;
+            case 0040000:
+                return NET_SFTP_TYPE_DIRECTORY;
+            case 0100000:
+                return NET_SFTP_TYPE_REGULAR;
+            case 0120000:
+                return NET_SFTP_TYPE_SYMLINK;
+            // new types introduced in SFTPv5+
+            // http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-secsh-filexfer-05#section-5.2
+            case 0010000: // named pipe (fifo)
+                return NET_SFTP_TYPE_FIFO;
+            case 0020000: // character special
+                return NET_SFTP_TYPE_CHAR_DEVICE;
+            case 0060000: // block special
+                return NET_SFTP_BLOCK_DEVICE;
+            case 0140000: // socket
+                return NET_SFTP_TYPE_SOCKET;
+            case 0160000: // whiteout
+                // "SPECIAL should be used for files that are of
+                //  a known type which cannot be expressed in the protocol"
+                return NET_SFTP_TYPE_SPECIAL;
+            default:
+                return NET_SFTP_TYPE_UNKNOWN;
+        }
+    }
      * Parse Longname
@@ -2026,4 +2220,4 @@ class Net_SFTP extends Net_SSH2 {
         $this->pwd = false;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/files_external/3rdparty/phpseclib/phpseclib/Net/SFTP/Stream.php b/apps/files_external/3rdparty/phpseclib/phpseclib/Net/SFTP/Stream.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0572c5c4025b55d6bf58a74c879f3987d01ff56a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/files_external/3rdparty/phpseclib/phpseclib/Net/SFTP/Stream.php
@@ -0,0 +1,771 @@
+/* vim: set expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4: */
+ * SFTP Stream Wrapper
+ *
+ * Creates an sftp:// protocol handler that can be used with, for example, fopen(), dir(), etc.
+ *
+ * PHP version 5
+ *
+ * LICENSE: Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+ * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+ * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+ * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+ * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+ * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+ * 
+ * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+ * all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+ * 
+ *
+ * @category   Net
+ * @package    Net_SFTP_Stream
+ * @author     Jim Wigginton <terrafrost@php.net>
+ * @copyright  MMXIII Jim Wigginton
+ * @license    http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html  MIT License
+ * @link       http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net
+ */
+ * SFTP Stream Wrapper
+ *
+ * @author  Jim Wigginton <terrafrost@php.net>
+ * @version 0.3.2
+ * @access  public
+ * @package Net_SFTP_Stream
+ */
+class Net_SFTP_Stream {
+    /**
+     * SFTP instances
+     *
+     * Rather than re-create the connection we re-use instances if possible
+     *
+     * @var Array
+     * @access static
+     */
+    static $instances;
+    /**
+     * SFTP instance
+     *
+     * @var Object
+     * @access private
+     */
+    var $sftp;
+    /**
+     * Path
+     *
+     * @var String
+     * @access private
+     */
+    var $path;
+    /**
+     * Mode
+     *
+     * @var String
+     * @access private
+     */
+    var $mode;
+    /**
+     * Position
+     *
+     * @var Integer
+     * @access private
+     */
+    var $pos;
+    /**
+     * Size
+     *
+     * @var Integer
+     * @access private
+     */
+    var $size;
+    /**
+     * Directory entries
+     *
+     * @var Array
+     * @access private
+     */
+    var $entries;
+    /**
+     * EOF flag
+     *
+     * @var Boolean
+     * @access private
+     */
+    var $eof;
+    /**
+     * Context resource
+     *
+     * Technically this needs to be publically accessible so PHP can set it directly
+     *
+     * @var Resource
+     * @access public
+     */
+    var $context;
+    /**
+     * Notification callback function
+     *
+     * @var Callable
+     * @access public
+     */
+    var $notification;
+    /**
+     * The Constructor
+     *
+     * @access public
+     */
+    function Net_SFTP_Stream()
+    {
+        if (!class_exists('Net_SFTP')) {
+            require_once('Net/SFTP.php');
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Path Parser
+     *
+     * Extract a path from a URI and actually connect to an SSH server if appropriate
+     *
+     * If "notification" is set as a context parameter the message code for successful login is
+     *
+     * @param String $path
+     * @return String
+     * @access private
+     */
+    function _parse_path($path)
+    {
+        extract(parse_url($path) + array('port' => 22));
+        if (!isset($host)) {
+            return false;
+        }
+        if (isset($this->context)) {
+            $context = stream_context_get_params($this->context);
+            if (isset($context['notification'])) {
+                $this->notification = $context['notification'];
+            }
+        }
+        if ($host[0] == '$') {
+            $host = substr($host, 1);
+            global $$host;
+            if (!is_object($$host) || get_class($$host) != 'Net_SFTP') {
+                return false;
+            }
+            $this->sftp = $$host;
+        } else {
+            if (isset($this->context)) {
+                $context = stream_context_get_options($this->context);
+            }
+            if (isset($context['sftp']['session'])) {
+                $sftp = $context['sftp']['session'];
+            }
+            if (isset($context['sftp']['sftp'])) {
+                $sftp = $context['sftp']['sftp'];
+            }
+            if (isset($sftp) && is_object($sftp) && get_class($sftp) == 'Net_SFTP') {
+                $this->sftp = $sftp;
+                return $path;
+            }
+            if (isset($context['sftp']['username'])) {
+                $user = $context['sftp']['username'];
+            }
+            if (isset($context['sftp']['password'])) {
+                $pass = $context['sftp']['password'];
+            }
+            if (isset($context['sftp']['privkey']) && is_object($context['sftp']['privkey']) && get_Class($context['sftp']['privkey']) == 'Crypt_RSA') {
+                $pass = $context['sftp']['privkey'];
+            }
+            if (!isset($user) || !isset($pass)) {
+                return false;
+            }
+            // casting $pass to a string is necessary in the event that it's a Crypt_RSA object
+            if (isset(self::$instances[$host][$port][$user][(string) $pass])) {
+                $this->sftp = self::$instances[$host][$port][$user][(string) $pass];
+            } else {
+                $this->sftp = new Net_SFTP($host, $port);
+                if (isset($this->notification) && is_callable($this->notification)) {
+                    /* if !is_callable($this->notification) we could do this:
+                       user_error('fopen(): failed to call user notifier', E_USER_WARNING);
+                       the ftp wrapper gives errors like that when the notifier isn't callable.
+                       i've opted not to do that, however, since the ftp wrapper gives the line
+                       on which the fopen occurred as the line number - not the line that the
+                       user_error is on.
+                    */
+                    call_user_func($this->notification, STREAM_NOTIFY_CONNECT, STREAM_NOTIFY_SEVERITY_INFO, '', 0, 0, 0);
+                    call_user_func($this->notification, STREAM_NOTIFY_AUTH_REQUIRED, STREAM_NOTIFY_SEVERITY_INFO, '', 0, 0, 0);
+                    if (!$this->sftp->login($user, $pass)) {
+                        call_user_func($this->notification, STREAM_NOTIFY_AUTH_RESULT, STREAM_NOTIFY_SEVERITY_ERR, 'Login Failure', NET_SSH2_MSG_USERAUTH_FAILURE, 0, 0);
+                        return false;
+                    }
+                    call_user_func($this->notification, STREAM_NOTIFY_AUTH_RESULT, STREAM_NOTIFY_SEVERITY_INFO, 'Login Success', NET_SSH2_MSG_USERAUTH_SUCCESS, 0, 0);
+                } else {
+                    if (!$this->sftp->login($user, $pass)) {
+                        return false;
+                    }
+                }
+                self::$instances[$host][$port][$user][(string) $pass] = $this->sftp;
+            }
+        }
+        return $path;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Opens file or URL
+     *
+     * @param String $path
+     * @param String $mode
+     * @param Integer $options
+     * @param String $opened_path
+     * @return Boolean
+     * @access public
+     */
+    function _stream_open($path, $mode, $options, &$opened_path)
+    {
+        $path = $this->_parse_path($path);
+        if ($path === false) {
+            return false;
+        }
+        $this->path = $path;
+        $this->size = $this->sftp->size($path);
+        $this->mode = preg_replace('#[bt]$#', '', $mode);
+        $this->eof = false;
+        if ($this->size === false) {
+            if ($this->mode[0] == 'r') {
+                return false;
+            }
+        } else {
+            switch ($this->mode[0]) {
+                case 'x':
+                    return false;
+                case 'w':
+                case 'c':
+                    $this->sftp->truncate($path, 0);
+            }
+        }
+        $this->pos = $this->mode[0] != 'a' ? 0 : $this->size;
+        return true;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Read from stream
+     *
+     * @param Integer $count
+     * @return Mixed
+     * @access public
+     */
+    function _stream_read($count)
+    {
+        switch ($this->mode) {
+            case 'w':
+            case 'a':
+            case 'x':
+            case 'c':
+                return false;
+        }
+        // commented out because some files - eg. /dev/urandom - will say their size is 0 when in fact it's kinda infinite
+        //if ($this->pos >= $this->size) {
+        //    $this->eof = true;
+        //    return false;
+        //}
+        $result = $this->sftp->get($this->path, false, $this->pos, $count);
+        if (isset($this->notification) && is_callable($this->notification)) {
+            if ($result === false) {
+                call_user_func($this->notification, STREAM_NOTIFY_FAILURE, STREAM_NOTIFY_SEVERITY_ERR, $this->sftp->getLastSFTPError(), NET_SFTP_OPEN, 0, 0);
+                return 0;
+            }
+            // seems that PHP calls stream_read in 8k chunks
+            call_user_func($this->notification, STREAM_NOTIFY_PROGRESS, STREAM_NOTIFY_SEVERITY_INFO, '', 0, strlen($result), $this->size);
+        }
+        if (empty($result)) { // ie. false or empty string
+            $this->eof = true;
+            return false;
+        }
+        $this->pos+= strlen($result);
+        return $result;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Write to stream
+     *
+     * @param String $data
+     * @return Mixed
+     * @access public
+     */
+    function _stream_write($data)
+    {
+        switch ($this->mode) {
+            case 'r':
+                return false;
+        }
+        $result = $this->sftp->put($this->path, $data, NET_SFTP_STRING, $this->pos);
+        if (isset($this->notification) && is_callable($this->notification)) {
+            if (!$result) {
+                call_user_func($this->notification, STREAM_NOTIFY_FAILURE, STREAM_NOTIFY_SEVERITY_ERR, $this->sftp->getLastSFTPError(), NET_SFTP_OPEN, 0, 0);
+                return 0;
+            }
+            // seems that PHP splits up strings into 8k blocks before calling stream_write
+            call_user_func($this->notification, STREAM_NOTIFY_PROGRESS, STREAM_NOTIFY_SEVERITY_INFO, '', 0, strlen($data), strlen($data));
+        }
+        if ($result === false) {
+            return false;
+        }
+        $this->pos+= strlen($data);
+        if ($this->pos > $this->size) {
+            $this->size = $this->pos;
+        }
+        $this->eof = false;
+        return strlen($data);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Retrieve the current position of a stream
+     *
+     * @return Integer
+     * @access public
+     */
+    function _stream_tell()
+    {
+        return $this->pos;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Tests for end-of-file on a file pointer
+     *
+     * In my testing there are four classes functions that normally effect the pointer:
+     * fseek, fputs  / fwrite, fgets / fread and ftruncate.
+     *
+     * Only fgets / fread, however, results in feof() returning true. do fputs($fp, 'aaa') on a blank file and feof()
+     * will return false. do fread($fp, 1) and feof() will then return true. do fseek($fp, 10) on ablank file and feof()
+     * will return false. do fread($fp, 1) and feof() will then return true.
+     *
+     * @return Boolean
+     * @access public
+     */
+    function _stream_eof()
+    {
+        return $this->eof;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Seeks to specific location in a stream
+     *
+     * @param Integer $offset
+     * @param Integer $whence
+     * @return Boolean
+     * @access public
+     */
+    function _stream_seek($offset, $whence)
+    {
+        switch ($whence) {
+            case SEEK_SET:
+                if ($offset >= $this->size || $offset < 0) {
+                    return false;
+                }
+                break;
+            case SEEK_CUR:
+                $offset+= $this->pos;
+                break;
+            case SEEK_END:
+                $offset+= $this->size;
+        }
+        $this->pos = $offset;
+        $this->eof = false;
+        return true;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Change stream options
+     *
+     * @param String $path
+     * @param Integer $option
+     * @param Mixed $var
+     * @return Boolean
+     * @access public
+     */
+    function _stream_metadata($path, $option, $var)
+    {
+        $path = $this->_parse_path($path);
+        if ($path === false) {
+            return false;
+        }
+        // stream_metadata was introduced in PHP 5.4.0 but as of 5.4.11 the constants haven't been defined
+        // see http://www.php.net/streamwrapper.stream-metadata and https://bugs.php.net/64246
+        //     and https://github.com/php/php-src/blob/master/main/php_streams.h#L592
+        switch ($option) {
+            case 1: // PHP_STREAM_META_TOUCH
+                return $this->sftp->touch($path, $var[0], $var[1]);
+            case 2: // PHP_STREAM_OWNER_NAME
+            case 3: // PHP_STREAM_GROUP_NAME
+                return false;
+            case 4: // PHP_STREAM_META_OWNER
+                return $this->sftp->chown($path, $var);
+            case 5: // PHP_STREAM_META_GROUP
+                return $this->sftp->chgrp($path, $var);
+            case 6: // PHP_STREAM_META_ACCESS
+                return $this->sftp->chmod($path, $var) !== false;
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Retrieve the underlaying resource
+     *
+     * @param Integer $cast_as
+     * @return Resource
+     * @access public
+     */
+    function _stream_cast($cast_as)
+    {
+        return $this->sftp->fsock;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Advisory file locking
+     *
+     * @param Integer $operation
+     * @return Boolean
+     * @access public
+     */
+    function _stream_lock($operation)
+    {
+        return false;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Renames a file or directory
+     *
+     * Attempts to rename oldname to newname, moving it between directories if necessary.
+     * If newname exists, it will be overwritten.  This is a departure from what Net_SFTP
+     * does.
+     *
+     * @param String $path_from
+     * @param String $path_to
+     * @return Boolean
+     * @access public
+     */
+    function _rename($path_from, $path_to)
+    {
+        $path1 = parse_url($path_from);
+        $path2 = parse_url($path_to);
+        unset($path1['path'], $path2['path']);
+        if ($path1 != $path2) {
+            return false;
+        }
+        $path_from = $this->_parse_path($path_from);
+        $path_to = parse_url($path_to);
+        if ($path_from == false) {
+            return false;
+        }
+        $path_to = $path_to['path']; // the $component part of parse_url() was added in PHP 5.1.2
+        // "It is an error if there already exists a file with the name specified by newpath."
+        //  -- http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-secsh-filexfer-02#section-6.5
+        if (!$this->sftp->rename($path_from, $path_to)) {
+            if ($this->sftp->stat($path_to)) {
+                return $this->sftp->delete($path_to, true) && $this->sftp->rename($path_from, $path_to);
+            }
+            return false;
+        }
+        return true;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Open directory handle
+     *
+     * The only $options is "whether or not to enforce safe_mode (0x04)". Since safe mode was deprecated in 5.3 and
+     * removed in 5.4 I'm just going to ignore it 
+     *
+     * @param String $path
+     * @param Integer $options
+     * @return Boolean
+     * @access public
+     */
+    function _dir_opendir($path, $options)
+    {
+        $path = $this->_parse_path($path);
+        if ($path === false) {
+            return false;
+        }
+        $this->pos = 0;
+        $this->entries = $this->sftp->nlist($path);
+        return $this->entries !== false;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Read entry from directory handle
+     *
+     * @return Mixed
+     * @access public
+     */
+    function _dir_readdir()
+    {
+        if (isset($this->entries[$this->pos])) {
+            return $this->entries[$this->pos++];
+        }
+        return false;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Rewind directory handle
+     *
+     * @return Boolean
+     * @access public
+     */
+    function _dir_rewinddir()
+    {
+        $this->pos = 0;
+        return true;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Close directory handle
+     *
+     * @return Boolean
+     * @access public
+     */
+    function _dir_closedir()
+    {
+        return true;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Create a directory
+     *
+     * Only valid $options is STREAM_MKDIR_RECURSIVE
+     *
+     * @param String $path
+     * @param Integer $mode
+     * @param Integer $options
+     * @return Boolean
+     * @access public
+     */
+    function _mkdir($path, $mode, $options)
+    {
+        $path = $this->_parse_path($path);
+        if ($path === false) {
+            return false;
+        }
+        return $this->sftp->mkdir($path, $mode, $options & STREAM_MKDIR_RECURSIVE);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Removes a directory
+     *
+     * Only valid $options is STREAM_MKDIR_RECURSIVE per <http://php.net/streamwrapper.rmdir>, however,
+     * <http://php.net/rmdir>  does not have a $recursive parameter as mkdir() does so I don't know how
+     * STREAM_MKDIR_RECURSIVE is supposed to be set. Also, when I try it out with rmdir() I get 8 as
+     * $options. What does 8 correspond to?
+     *
+     * @param String $path
+     * @param Integer $mode
+     * @param Integer $options
+     * @return Boolean
+     * @access public
+     */
+    function _rmdir($path, $options)
+    {
+        $path = $this->_parse_path($path);
+        if ($path === false) {
+            return false;
+        }
+        return $this->sftp->rmdir($path);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Flushes the output
+     *
+     * See <http://php.net/fflush>. Always returns true because Net_SFTP doesn't cache stuff before writing
+     *
+     * @return Boolean
+     * @access public
+     */
+    function _stream_flush()
+    {
+        return true;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Retrieve information about a file resource
+     *
+     * @return Mixed
+     * @access public
+     */
+    function _stream_stat()
+    {
+        $results = $this->sftp->stat($this->path);
+        if ($results === false) {
+            return false;
+        }
+        return $results;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Delete a file
+     *
+     * @param String $path
+     * @return Boolean
+     * @access public
+     */
+    function _unlink($path)
+    {
+        $path = $this->_parse_path($path);
+        if ($path === false) {
+            return false;
+        }
+        return $this->sftp->delete($path, false);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Retrieve information about a file
+     *
+     * Ignores the STREAM_URL_STAT_QUIET flag because the entirety of Net_SFTP_Stream is quiet by default
+     * might be worthwhile to reconstruct bits 12-16 (ie. the file type) if mode doesn't have them but we'll
+     * cross that bridge when and if it's reached
+     *
+     * @param String $path
+     * @param Integer $flags
+     * @return Mixed
+     * @access public
+     */
+    function _url_stat($path, $flags)
+    {
+        $path = $this->_parse_path($path);
+        if ($path === false) {
+            return false;
+        }
+        $results = $flags & STREAM_URL_STAT_LINK ? $this->sftp->lstat($path) : $this->sftp->stat($path);
+        if ($results === false) {
+            return false;
+        }
+        return $results;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Truncate stream
+     *
+     * @param Integer $new_size
+     * @return Boolean
+     * @access public
+     */
+    function _stream_truncate($new_size)
+    {
+        if (!$this->sftp->truncate($this->path, $new_size)) {
+            return false;
+        }
+        $this->eof = false;
+        $this->size = $new_size;
+        return true;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Change stream options
+     *
+     * STREAM_OPTION_WRITE_BUFFER isn't supported for the same reason stream_flush isn't.
+     * The other two aren't supported because of limitations in Net_SFTP.
+     *
+     * @param Integer $option
+     * @param Integer $arg1
+     * @param Integer $arg2
+     * @return Boolean
+     * @access public
+     */
+    function _stream_set_option($option, $arg1, $arg2)
+    {
+        return false;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Close an resource
+     *
+     * @access public
+     */
+    function _stream_close()
+    {
+    }
+    /**
+     * __call Magic Method
+     *
+     * When you're utilizing an SFTP stream you're not calling the methods in this class directly - PHP is calling them for you.
+     * Which kinda begs the question... what methods is PHP calling and what parameters is it passing to them? This function
+     * lets you figure that out.
+     *
+     * If NET_SFTP_STREAM_LOGGING is defined all calls will be output on the screen and then (regardless of whether or not
+     * NET_SFTP_STREAM_LOGGING is enabled) the parameters will be passed through to the appropriate method.
+     *
+     * @param String
+     * @param Array
+     * @return Mixed
+     * @access public
+     */
+    function __call($name, $arguments)
+    {
+        if (defined('NET_SFTP_STREAM_LOGGING')) {
+            echo $name . '(';
+            $last = count($arguments) - 1;
+            foreach ($arguments as $i => $argument) {
+                var_export($argument);
+                if ($i != $last) {
+                    echo ',';
+                }
+            }
+            echo ")\r\n";
+        }
+        $name = '_' . $name;
+        if (!method_exists($this, $name)) {
+            return false;
+        }
+        return call_user_func_array(array($this, $name), $arguments);
+    }
+if (function_exists('stream_wrapper_register')) {
+    stream_wrapper_register('sftp', 'Net_SFTP_Stream');
diff --git a/apps/files_external/3rdparty/phpseclib/phpseclib/Net/SSH1.php b/apps/files_external/3rdparty/phpseclib/phpseclib/Net/SSH1.php
index 8f5c79938e49f21d223fae387b72911107a3489f..83d5980d00acf962575c23caf6225d1c92258ee8 100644
--- a/apps/files_external/3rdparty/phpseclib/phpseclib/Net/SSH1.php
+++ b/apps/files_external/3rdparty/phpseclib/phpseclib/Net/SSH1.php
@@ -62,56 +62,9 @@
  * @author     Jim Wigginton <terrafrost@php.net>
  * @copyright  MMVII Jim Wigginton
  * @license    http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html  MIT License
- * @version    $Id: SSH1.php,v 1.15 2010/03/22 22:01:38 terrafrost Exp $
  * @link       http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net
- * Include Math_BigInteger
- *
- * Used to do RSA encryption.
- */
-if (!class_exists('Math_BigInteger')) {
-    require_once('Math/BigInteger.php');
- * Include Crypt_Null
- */
- * Include Crypt_DES
- */
-if (!class_exists('Crypt_DES')) {
-    require_once('Crypt/DES.php');
- * Include Crypt_TripleDES
- */
-if (!class_exists('Crypt_TripleDES')) {
-    require_once('Crypt/TripleDES.php');
- * Include Crypt_RC4
- */
-if (!class_exists('Crypt_RC4')) {
-    require_once('Crypt/RC4.php');
- * Include Crypt_Random
- */
-// the class_exists() will only be called if the crypt_random_string function hasn't been defined and
-// will trigger a call to __autoload() if you're wanting to auto-load classes
-// call function_exists() a second time to stop the require_once from being called outside
-// of the auto loader
-if (!function_exists('crypt_random_string') && !class_exists('Crypt_Random') && !function_exists('crypt_random_string')) {
-    require_once('Crypt/Random.php');
  * Encryption Methods
@@ -495,6 +448,19 @@ class Net_SSH1 {
     function Net_SSH1($host, $port = 22, $timeout = 10, $cipher = NET_SSH1_CIPHER_3DES)
+        if (!class_exists('Math_BigInteger')) {
+            require_once('Math/BigInteger.php');
+        }
+        // Include Crypt_Random
+        // the class_exists() will only be called if the crypt_random_string function hasn't been defined and
+        // will trigger a call to __autoload() if you're wanting to auto-load classes
+        // call function_exists() a second time to stop the require_once from being called outside
+        // of the auto loader
+        if (!function_exists('crypt_random_string') && !class_exists('Crypt_Random') && !function_exists('crypt_random_string')) {
+            require_once('Crypt/Random.php');
+        }
         $this->protocol_flags = array(
             1  => 'NET_SSH1_MSG_DISCONNECT',
             2  => 'NET_SSH1_SMSG_PUBLIC_KEY',
@@ -636,18 +602,27 @@ class Net_SSH1 {
             //    $this->crypto = new Crypt_Null();
             //    break;
             case NET_SSH1_CIPHER_DES:
+                if (!class_exists('Crypt_DES')) {
+                    require_once('Crypt/DES.php');
+                }
                 $this->crypto = new Crypt_DES();
                 $this->crypto->setKey(substr($session_key, 0,  8));
             case NET_SSH1_CIPHER_3DES:
+                if (!class_exists('Crypt_TripleDES')) {
+                    require_once('Crypt/TripleDES.php');
+                }
                 $this->crypto = new Crypt_TripleDES(CRYPT_DES_MODE_3CBC);
                 $this->crypto->setKey(substr($session_key, 0, 24));
             //case NET_SSH1_CIPHER_RC4:
+            //    if (!class_exists('Crypt_RC4')) {
+            //        require_once('Crypt/RC4.php');
+            //    }
             //    $this->crypto = new Crypt_RC4();
             //    $this->crypto->enableContinuousBuffer();
             //    $this->crypto->setKey(substr($session_key, 0,  16));
@@ -935,7 +910,7 @@ class Net_SSH1 {
      * Returns the output of an interactive shell when no more output is available.
      * Requires PHP 4.3.0 or later due to the use of the stream_select() function.  If you see stuff like
-     * "", you're seeing ANSI escape codes.  According to
+     * "^[[00m", you're seeing ANSI escape codes.  According to
      * {@link http://support.microsoft.com/kb/101875 How to Enable ANSI.SYS in a Command Window}, "Windows NT
      * does not support ANSI escape sequences in Win32 Console applications", so if you're a Windows user,
      * there's not going to be much recourse.
@@ -1574,4 +1549,4 @@ class Net_SSH1 {
                     fputs($this->realtime_log_file, $entry);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/files_external/3rdparty/phpseclib/phpseclib/Net/SSH2.php b/apps/files_external/3rdparty/phpseclib/phpseclib/Net/SSH2.php
index 43bfbca2dbe17abbd111da70af3a6b61399acb71..dad03697233d746ecf4735f9dba44077b8095c1f 100644
--- a/apps/files_external/3rdparty/phpseclib/phpseclib/Net/SSH2.php
+++ b/apps/files_external/3rdparty/phpseclib/phpseclib/Net/SSH2.php
@@ -64,67 +64,20 @@
  * @author     Jim Wigginton <terrafrost@php.net>
  * @copyright  MMVII Jim Wigginton
  * @license    http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html  MIT License
- * @version    $Id: SSH2.php,v 1.53 2010-10-24 01:24:30 terrafrost Exp $
  * @link       http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net
- * Include Math_BigInteger
- *
- * Used to do Diffie-Hellman key exchange and DSA/RSA signature verification.
- */
-if (!class_exists('Math_BigInteger')) {
-    require_once('Math/BigInteger.php');
- * Include Crypt_Random
- */
-// the class_exists() will only be called if the crypt_random_string function hasn't been defined and
-// will trigger a call to __autoload() if you're wanting to auto-load classes
-// call function_exists() a second time to stop the require_once from being called outside
-// of the auto loader
-if (!function_exists('crypt_random_string') && !class_exists('Crypt_Random') && !function_exists('crypt_random_string')) {
-    require_once('Crypt/Random.php');
- * Include Crypt_Hash
- */
-if (!class_exists('Crypt_Hash')) {
-    require_once('Crypt/Hash.php');
- * Include Crypt_TripleDES
- */
-if (!class_exists('Crypt_TripleDES')) {
-    require_once('Crypt/TripleDES.php');
- * Include Crypt_RC4
- */
-if (!class_exists('Crypt_RC4')) {
-    require_once('Crypt/RC4.php');
- * Include Crypt_AES
- */
-if (!class_exists('Crypt_AES')) {
-    require_once('Crypt/AES.php');
  * Execution Bitmap Masks
  * @see Net_SSH2::bitmap
  * @access private
-define('NET_SSH2_MASK_CONSTRUCTOR', 0x00000001);
-define('NET_SSH2_MASK_LOGIN',       0x00000002);
-define('NET_SSH2_MASK_SHELL',       0x00000004);
+define('NET_SSH2_MASK_CONSTRUCTOR',   0x00000001);
+define('NET_SSH2_MASK_LOGIN_REQ',     0x00000002);
+define('NET_SSH2_MASK_LOGIN',         0x00000004);
+define('NET_SSH2_MASK_SHELL',         0x00000008);
+define('NET_SSH2_MASK_WINDOW_ADJUST', 0X00000010);
@@ -143,8 +96,9 @@ define('NET_SSH2_MASK_SHELL',       0x00000004);
  * @see Net_SSH2::_get_channel_packet()
  * @access private
-define('NET_SSH2_CHANNEL_EXEC', 0); // PuTTy uses 0x100
+define('NET_SSH2_CHANNEL_EXEC',      0); // PuTTy uses 0x100
+define('NET_SSH2_CHANNEL_SHELL',     1);
@@ -580,7 +534,7 @@ class Net_SSH2 {
      * The Window Size
-     * Bytes the other party can send before it must wait for the window to be adjusted (0x7FFFFFFF = 4GB)
+     * Bytes the other party can send before it must wait for the window to be adjusted (0x7FFFFFFF = 2GB)
      * @var Integer
      * @see Net_SSH2::_send_channel_packet()
@@ -590,7 +544,7 @@ class Net_SSH2 {
     var $window_size = 0x7FFFFFFF;
-     * Window size
+     * Window size, server to client
      * Window size indexed by channel
@@ -598,6 +552,17 @@ class Net_SSH2 {
      * @var Array
      * @access private
+    var $window_size_server_to_client = array();
+    /**
+     * Window size, client to server
+     *
+     * Window size indexed by channel
+     *
+     * @see Net_SSH2::_get_channel_packet()
+     * @var Array
+     * @access private
+     */
     var $window_size_client_to_server = array();
@@ -717,6 +682,71 @@ class Net_SSH2 {
     var $exit_status;
+    /**
+     * Flag to request a PTY when using exec()
+     *
+     * @see Net_SSH2::enablePTY()
+     * @access private
+     */
+    var $request_pty = false;
+    /**
+     * Flag set while exec() is running when using enablePTY()
+     *
+     * @access private
+     */
+    var $in_request_pty_exec = false;
+    /**
+     * Flag set after startSubsystem() is called
+     *
+     * @access private
+     */
+    var $in_subsystem;
+    /**
+     * Contents of stdError
+     *
+     * @access private
+     */
+    var $stdErrorLog;
+    /**
+     * The Last Interactive Response
+     *
+     * @see Net_SSH2::_keyboard_interactive_process()
+     * @access private
+     */
+    var $last_interactive_response = '';
+    /**
+     * Keyboard Interactive Request / Responses
+     *
+     * @see Net_SSH2::_keyboard_interactive_process()
+     * @access private
+     */
+    var $keyboard_requests_responses = array();
+    /**
+     * Banner Message
+     *
+     * Quoting from the RFC, "in some jurisdictions, sending a warning message before
+     * authentication may be relevant for getting legal protection."
+     *
+     * @see Net_SSH2::_filter()
+     * @see Net_SSH2::getBannerMessage()
+     * @access private
+     */
+    var $banner_message = '';
+    /**
+     * Did read() timeout or return normally?
+     *
+     * @see Net_SSH2::isTimeout
+     * @access private
+     */
+    var $is_timeout = false;
      * Default Constructor.
@@ -730,6 +760,20 @@ class Net_SSH2 {
     function Net_SSH2($host, $port = 22, $timeout = 10)
+        // Include Math_BigInteger
+        // Used to do Diffie-Hellman key exchange and DSA/RSA signature verification.
+        if (!class_exists('Math_BigInteger')) {
+            require_once('Math/BigInteger.php');
+        }
+        if (!function_exists('crypt_random_string')) {
+            require_once('Crypt/Random.php');
+        }
+        if (!class_exists('Crypt_Hash')) {
+            require_once('Crypt/Hash.php');
+        }
         $this->last_packet = strtok(microtime(), ' ') + strtok(''); // == microtime(true) in PHP5
         $this->message_numbers = array(
             1 => 'NET_SSH2_MSG_DISCONNECT',
@@ -918,26 +962,76 @@ class Net_SSH2 {
             'ssh-dss'  // REQUIRED     sign   Raw DSS Key
-        static $encryption_algorithms = array(
-            // from <http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4345#section-4>:
-            'arcfour256',
-            'arcfour128',
+        static $encryption_algorithms = false;
+        if ($encryption_algorithms === false) {
+            $encryption_algorithms = array(
+                // from <http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4345#section-4>:
+                'arcfour256',
+                'arcfour128',
-            'arcfour',    // OPTIONAL          the ARCFOUR stream cipher with a 128-bit key
+                'arcfour',        // OPTIONAL          the ARCFOUR stream cipher with a 128-bit key
-            'aes128-cbc', // RECOMMENDED       AES with a 128-bit key
-            'aes192-cbc', // OPTIONAL          AES with a 192-bit key
-            'aes256-cbc', // OPTIONAL          AES in CBC mode, with a 256-bit key
+                // CTR modes from <http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4344#section-4>:
+                'aes128-ctr',     // RECOMMENDED       AES (Rijndael) in SDCTR mode, with 128-bit key
+                'aes192-ctr',     // RECOMMENDED       AES with 192-bit key
+                'aes256-ctr',     // RECOMMENDED       AES with 256-bit key
-            // from <http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4344#section-4>:
-            'aes128-ctr', // RECOMMENDED       AES (Rijndael) in SDCTR mode, with 128-bit key
-            'aes192-ctr', // RECOMMENDED       AES with 192-bit key
-            'aes256-ctr', // RECOMMENDED       AES with 256-bit key
-            '3des-ctr',   // RECOMMENDED       Three-key 3DES in SDCTR mode
+                'twofish128-ctr', // OPTIONAL          Twofish in SDCTR mode, with 128-bit key
+                'twofish192-ctr', // OPTIONAL          Twofish with 192-bit key
+                'twofish256-ctr', // OPTIONAL          Twofish with 256-bit key
-            '3des-cbc',   // REQUIRED          three-key 3DES in CBC mode
-            'none'        // OPTIONAL          no encryption; NOT RECOMMENDED
-        );
+                'aes128-cbc',     // RECOMMENDED       AES with a 128-bit key
+                'aes192-cbc',     // OPTIONAL          AES with a 192-bit key
+                'aes256-cbc',     // OPTIONAL          AES in CBC mode, with a 256-bit key
+                'twofish128-cbc', // OPTIONAL          Twofish with a 128-bit key
+                'twofish192-cbc', // OPTIONAL          Twofish with a 192-bit key
+                'twofish256-cbc',
+                'twofish-cbc',    // OPTIONAL          alias for "twofish256-cbc"
+                                  //                   (this is being retained for historical reasons)
+                'blowfish-ctr',   // OPTIONAL          Blowfish in SDCTR mode
+                'blowfish-cbc',   // OPTIONAL          Blowfish in CBC mode
+                '3des-ctr',       // RECOMMENDED       Three-key 3DES in SDCTR mode
+                '3des-cbc',       // REQUIRED          three-key 3DES in CBC mode
+                'none'            // OPTIONAL          no encryption; NOT RECOMMENDED
+            );
+            if (!$this->_is_includable('Crypt/RC4.php')) {
+                $encryption_algorithms = array_diff(
+                    $encryption_algorithms,
+                    array('arcfour256', 'arcfour128', 'arcfour')
+                );
+            }
+            if (!$this->_is_includable('Crypt/Rijndael.php')) {
+                $encryption_algorithms = array_diff(
+                    $encryption_algorithms,
+                    array('aes128-ctr', 'aes192-ctr', 'aes256-ctr', 'aes128-cbc', 'aes192-cbc', 'aes256-cbc')
+                );
+            }
+            if (!$this->_is_includable('Crypt/Twofish.php')) {
+                $encryption_algorithms = array_diff(
+                    $encryption_algorithms,
+                    array('twofish128-ctr', 'twofish192-ctr', 'twofish256-ctr', 'twofish128-cbc', 'twofish192-cbc', 'twofish256-cbc', 'twofish-cbc')
+                );
+            }
+            if (!$this->_is_includable('Crypt/Blowfish.php')) {
+                $encryption_algorithms = array_diff(
+                    $encryption_algorithms,
+                    array('blowfish-ctr', 'blowfish-cbc')
+                );
+            }
+            if (!$this->_is_includable('Crypt/TripleDES.php')) {
+                $encryption_algorithms = array_diff(
+                    $encryption_algorithms,
+                    array('3des-ctr', '3des-cbc')
+                );
+            }
+            $encryption_algorithms = array_values($encryption_algorithms);
+        }
         static $mac_algorithms = array(
             'hmac-sha1-96', // RECOMMENDED     first 96 bits of HMAC-SHA1 (digest length = 12, key length = 20)
@@ -1045,14 +1139,23 @@ class Net_SSH2 {
             case 'aes256-cbc':
             case 'aes256-ctr':
+            case 'twofish-cbc':
+            case 'twofish256-cbc':
+            case 'twofish256-ctr':
                 $decryptKeyLength = 32; // eg. 256 / 8
             case 'aes192-cbc':
             case 'aes192-ctr':
+            case 'twofish192-cbc':
+            case 'twofish192-ctr':
                 $decryptKeyLength = 24; // eg. 192 / 8
             case 'aes128-cbc':
             case 'aes128-ctr':
+            case 'twofish128-cbc':
+            case 'twofish128-ctr':
+            case 'blowfish-cbc':
+            case 'blowfish-ctr':
                 $decryptKeyLength = 16; // eg. 128 / 8
             case 'arcfour':
@@ -1080,14 +1183,23 @@ class Net_SSH2 {
             case 'aes256-cbc':
             case 'aes256-ctr':
+            case 'twofish-cbc':
+            case 'twofish256-cbc':
+            case 'twofish256-ctr':
                 $encryptKeyLength = 32;
             case 'aes192-cbc':
             case 'aes192-ctr':
+            case 'twofish192-cbc':
+            case 'twofish192-ctr':
                 $encryptKeyLength = 24;
             case 'aes128-cbc':
             case 'aes128-ctr':
+            case 'twofish128-cbc':
+            case 'twofish128-ctr':
+            case 'blowfish-cbc':
+            case 'blowfish-ctr':
                 $encryptKeyLength = 16;
             case 'arcfour':
@@ -1114,28 +1226,29 @@ class Net_SSH2 {
             // see http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2409#section-6.2 and 
             // http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2412, appendex E
             case 'diffie-hellman-group1-sha1':
-                $p = pack('H256', 'FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFC90FDAA22168C234C4C6628B80DC1CD129024E088A67CC74' . 
-                                  '020BBEA63B139B22514A08798E3404DDEF9519B3CD3A431B302B0A6DF25F1437' . 
-                                  '4FE1356D6D51C245E485B576625E7EC6F44C42E9A637ED6B0BFF5CB6F406B7ED' . 
-                                  'EE386BFB5A899FA5AE9F24117C4B1FE649286651ECE65381FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF');
-                $keyLength = $keyLength < 160 ? $keyLength : 160;
-                $hash = 'sha1';
+                $prime = 'FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFC90FDAA22168C234C4C6628B80DC1CD129024E088A67CC74' . 
+                         '020BBEA63B139B22514A08798E3404DDEF9519B3CD3A431B302B0A6DF25F1437' . 
+                         '4FE1356D6D51C245E485B576625E7EC6F44C42E9A637ED6B0BFF5CB6F406B7ED' . 
+                         'EE386BFB5A899FA5AE9F24117C4B1FE649286651ECE65381FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF';
             // see http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3526#section-3
             case 'diffie-hellman-group14-sha1':
-                $p = pack('H512', 'FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFC90FDAA22168C234C4C6628B80DC1CD129024E088A67CC74' . 
-                                  '020BBEA63B139B22514A08798E3404DDEF9519B3CD3A431B302B0A6DF25F1437' . 
-                                  '4FE1356D6D51C245E485B576625E7EC6F44C42E9A637ED6B0BFF5CB6F406B7ED' . 
-                                  'EE386BFB5A899FA5AE9F24117C4B1FE649286651ECE45B3DC2007CB8A163BF05' . 
-                                  '98DA48361C55D39A69163FA8FD24CF5F83655D23DCA3AD961C62F356208552BB' . 
-                                  '9ED529077096966D670C354E4ABC9804F1746C08CA18217C32905E462E36CE3B' . 
-                                  'E39E772C180E86039B2783A2EC07A28FB5C55DF06F4C52C9DE2BCBF695581718' . 
-                                  '3995497CEA956AE515D2261898FA051015728E5A8AACAA68FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF');
-                $keyLength = $keyLength < 160 ? $keyLength : 160;
-                $hash = 'sha1';
-        }
-        $p = new Math_BigInteger($p, 256);
+                $prime = 'FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFC90FDAA22168C234C4C6628B80DC1CD129024E088A67CC74' . 
+                         '020BBEA63B139B22514A08798E3404DDEF9519B3CD3A431B302B0A6DF25F1437' . 
+                         '4FE1356D6D51C245E485B576625E7EC6F44C42E9A637ED6B0BFF5CB6F406B7ED' . 
+                         'EE386BFB5A899FA5AE9F24117C4B1FE649286651ECE45B3DC2007CB8A163BF05' . 
+                         '98DA48361C55D39A69163FA8FD24CF5F83655D23DCA3AD961C62F356208552BB' . 
+                         '9ED529077096966D670C354E4ABC9804F1746C08CA18217C32905E462E36CE3B' . 
+                         'E39E772C180E86039B2783A2EC07A28FB5C55DF06F4C52C9DE2BCBF695581718' . 
+                         '3995497CEA956AE515D2261898FA051015728E5A8AACAA68FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF';
+                break;
+        }
+        // For both diffie-hellman-group1-sha1 and diffie-hellman-group14-sha1
+        // the generator field element is 2 (decimal) and the hash function is sha1.
+        $g = new Math_BigInteger(2);
+        $prime = new Math_BigInteger($prime, 16);
+        $kexHash = new Crypt_Hash('sha1');
         //$q = $p->bitwise_rightShift(1);
         /* To increase the speed of the key exchange, both client and server may
@@ -1145,14 +1258,12 @@ class Net_SSH2 {
            -- http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4419#section-6.2 */
-        $q = new Math_BigInteger(1);
-        $q = $q->bitwise_leftShift(2 * $keyLength);
-        $q = $q->subtract(new Math_BigInteger(1));
+        $one = new Math_BigInteger(1);
+        $keyLength = min($keyLength, $kexHash->getLength());
+        $max = $one->bitwise_leftShift(16 * $keyLength)->subtract($one); // 2 * 8 * $keyLength
-        $g = new Math_BigInteger(2);
-        $x = new Math_BigInteger();
-        $x = $x->random(new Math_BigInteger(1), $q);
-        $e = $g->modPow($x, $p);
+        $x = $one->random($one, $max);
+        $e = $g->modPow($x, $prime);
         $eBytes = $e->toBytes(true);
         $data = pack('CNa*', NET_SSH2_MSG_KEXDH_INIT, strlen($eBytes), $eBytes);
@@ -1190,7 +1301,7 @@ class Net_SSH2 {
         $temp = unpack('Nlength', $this->_string_shift($this->signature, 4));
         $this->signature_format = $this->_string_shift($this->signature, $temp['length']);
-        $key = $f->modPow($x, $p);
+        $key = $f->modPow($x, $prime);
         $keyBytes = $key->toBytes(true);
         $this->exchange_hash = pack('Na*Na*Na*Na*Na*Na*Na*Na*',
@@ -1200,7 +1311,7 @@ class Net_SSH2 {
             $eBytes, strlen($fBytes), $fBytes, strlen($keyBytes), $keyBytes
-        $this->exchange_hash = pack('H*', $hash($this->exchange_hash));
+        $this->exchange_hash = $kexHash->hash($this->exchange_hash);
         if ($this->session_id === false) {
             $this->session_id = $this->exchange_hash;
@@ -1213,7 +1324,7 @@ class Net_SSH2 {
         if ($public_key_format != $server_host_key_algorithms[$i] || $this->signature_format != $server_host_key_algorithms[$i]) {
-            user_error('Sever Host Key Algorithm Mismatch');
+            user_error('Server Host Key Algorithm Mismatch');
             return $this->_disconnect(NET_SSH2_DISCONNECT_KEY_EXCHANGE_FAILED);
@@ -1241,28 +1352,76 @@ class Net_SSH2 {
         switch ($encrypt) {
             case '3des-cbc':
+                if (!class_exists('Crypt_TripleDES')) {
+                    require_once('Crypt/TripleDES.php');
+                }
                 $this->encrypt = new Crypt_TripleDES();
                 // $this->encrypt_block_size = 64 / 8 == the default
             case '3des-ctr':
+                if (!class_exists('Crypt_TripleDES')) {
+                    require_once('Crypt/TripleDES.php');
+                }
                 $this->encrypt = new Crypt_TripleDES(CRYPT_DES_MODE_CTR);
                 // $this->encrypt_block_size = 64 / 8 == the default
             case 'aes256-cbc':
             case 'aes192-cbc':
             case 'aes128-cbc':
-                $this->encrypt = new Crypt_AES();
+                if (!class_exists('Crypt_Rijndael')) {
+                    require_once('Crypt/Rijndael.php');
+                }
+                $this->encrypt = new Crypt_Rijndael();
                 $this->encrypt_block_size = 16; // eg. 128 / 8
             case 'aes256-ctr':
             case 'aes192-ctr':
             case 'aes128-ctr':
-                $this->encrypt = new Crypt_AES(CRYPT_AES_MODE_CTR);
+                if (!class_exists('Crypt_Rijndael')) {
+                    require_once('Crypt/Rijndael.php');
+                }
+                $this->encrypt = new Crypt_Rijndael(CRYPT_RIJNDAEL_MODE_CTR);
                 $this->encrypt_block_size = 16; // eg. 128 / 8
+            case 'blowfish-cbc':
+                if (!class_exists('Crypt_Blowfish')) {
+                    require_once('Crypt/Blowfish.php');
+                }
+                $this->encrypt = new Crypt_Blowfish();
+                $this->encrypt_block_size = 8;
+                break;
+            case 'blowfish-ctr':
+                if (!class_exists('Crypt_Blowfish')) {
+                    require_once('Crypt/Blowfish.php');
+                }
+                $this->encrypt = new Crypt_Blowfish(CRYPT_BLOWFISH_MODE_CTR);
+                $this->encrypt_block_size = 8;
+                break;
+            case 'twofish128-cbc':
+            case 'twofish192-cbc':
+            case 'twofish256-cbc':
+            case 'twofish-cbc':
+                if (!class_exists('Crypt_Twofish')) {
+                    require_once('Crypt/Twofish.php');
+                }
+                $this->encrypt = new Crypt_Twofish();
+                $this->encrypt_block_size = 16;
+                break;
+            case 'twofish128-ctr':
+            case 'twofish192-ctr':
+            case 'twofish256-ctr':
+                if (!class_exists('Crypt_Twofish')) {
+                    require_once('Crypt/Twofish.php');
+                }
+                $this->encrypt = new Crypt_Twofish(CRYPT_TWOFISH_MODE_CTR);
+                $this->encrypt_block_size = 16;
+                break;
             case 'arcfour':
             case 'arcfour128':
             case 'arcfour256':
+                if (!class_exists('Crypt_RC4')) {
+                    require_once('Crypt/RC4.php');
+                }
                 $this->encrypt = new Crypt_RC4();
             case 'none';
@@ -1271,26 +1430,74 @@ class Net_SSH2 {
         switch ($decrypt) {
             case '3des-cbc':
+                if (!class_exists('Crypt_TripleDES')) {
+                    require_once('Crypt/TripleDES.php');
+                }
                 $this->decrypt = new Crypt_TripleDES();
             case '3des-ctr':
+                if (!class_exists('Crypt_TripleDES')) {
+                    require_once('Crypt/TripleDES.php');
+                }
                 $this->decrypt = new Crypt_TripleDES(CRYPT_DES_MODE_CTR);
             case 'aes256-cbc':
             case 'aes192-cbc':
             case 'aes128-cbc':
-                $this->decrypt = new Crypt_AES();
+                if (!class_exists('Crypt_Rijndael')) {
+                    require_once('Crypt/Rijndael.php');
+                }
+                $this->decrypt = new Crypt_Rijndael();
                 $this->decrypt_block_size = 16;
             case 'aes256-ctr':
             case 'aes192-ctr':
             case 'aes128-ctr':
-                $this->decrypt = new Crypt_AES(CRYPT_AES_MODE_CTR);
+                if (!class_exists('Crypt_Rijndael')) {
+                    require_once('Crypt/Rijndael.php');
+                }
+                $this->decrypt = new Crypt_Rijndael(CRYPT_RIJNDAEL_MODE_CTR);
+                $this->decrypt_block_size = 16;
+                break;
+            case 'blowfish-cbc':
+                if (!class_exists('Crypt_Blowfish')) {
+                    require_once('Crypt/Blowfish.php');
+                }
+                $this->decrypt = new Crypt_Blowfish();
+                $this->decrypt_block_size = 8;
+                break;
+            case 'blowfish-ctr':
+                if (!class_exists('Crypt_Blowfish')) {
+                    require_once('Crypt/Blowfish.php');
+                }
+                $this->decrypt = new Crypt_Blowfish(CRYPT_BLOWFISH_MODE_CTR);
+                $this->decrypt_block_size = 8;
+                break;
+            case 'twofish128-cbc':
+            case 'twofish192-cbc':
+            case 'twofish256-cbc':
+            case 'twofish-cbc':
+                if (!class_exists('Crypt_Twofish')) {
+                    require_once('Crypt/Twofish.php');
+                }
+                $this->decrypt = new Crypt_Twofish();
+                $this->decrypt_block_size = 16;
+                break;
+            case 'twofish128-ctr':
+            case 'twofish192-ctr':
+            case 'twofish256-ctr':
+                if (!class_exists('Crypt_Twofish')) {
+                    require_once('Crypt/Twofish.php');
+                }
+                $this->decrypt = new Crypt_Twofish(CRYPT_TWOFISH_MODE_CTR);
                 $this->decrypt_block_size = 16;
             case 'arcfour':
             case 'arcfour128':
             case 'arcfour256':
+                if (!class_exists('Crypt_RC4')) {
+                    require_once('Crypt/RC4.php');
+                }
                 $this->decrypt = new Crypt_RC4();
             case 'none';
@@ -1303,15 +1510,15 @@ class Net_SSH2 {
-            $iv = pack('H*', $hash($keyBytes . $this->exchange_hash . 'A' . $this->session_id));
+            $iv = $kexHash->hash($keyBytes . $this->exchange_hash . 'A' . $this->session_id);
             while ($this->encrypt_block_size > strlen($iv)) {
-                $iv.= pack('H*', $hash($keyBytes . $this->exchange_hash . $iv));
+                $iv.= $kexHash->hash($keyBytes . $this->exchange_hash . $iv);
             $this->encrypt->setIV(substr($iv, 0, $this->encrypt_block_size));
-            $key = pack('H*', $hash($keyBytes . $this->exchange_hash . 'C' . $this->session_id));
+            $key = $kexHash->hash($keyBytes . $this->exchange_hash . 'C' . $this->session_id);
             while ($encryptKeyLength > strlen($key)) {
-                $key.= pack('H*', $hash($keyBytes . $this->exchange_hash . $key));
+                $key.= $kexHash->hash($keyBytes . $this->exchange_hash . $key);
             $this->encrypt->setKey(substr($key, 0, $encryptKeyLength));
@@ -1320,15 +1527,15 @@ class Net_SSH2 {
-            $iv = pack('H*', $hash($keyBytes . $this->exchange_hash . 'B' . $this->session_id));
+            $iv = $kexHash->hash($keyBytes . $this->exchange_hash . 'B' . $this->session_id);
             while ($this->decrypt_block_size > strlen($iv)) {
-                $iv.= pack('H*', $hash($keyBytes . $this->exchange_hash . $iv));
+                $iv.= $kexHash->hash($keyBytes . $this->exchange_hash . $iv);
             $this->decrypt->setIV(substr($iv, 0, $this->decrypt_block_size));
-            $key = pack('H*', $hash($keyBytes . $this->exchange_hash . 'D' . $this->session_id));
+            $key = $kexHash->hash($keyBytes . $this->exchange_hash . 'D' . $this->session_id);
             while ($decryptKeyLength > strlen($key)) {
-                $key.= pack('H*', $hash($keyBytes . $this->exchange_hash . $key));
+                $key.= $kexHash->hash($keyBytes . $this->exchange_hash . $key);
             $this->decrypt->setKey(substr($key, 0, $decryptKeyLength));
@@ -1402,15 +1609,15 @@ class Net_SSH2 {
                 $this->hmac_size = 12;
-        $key = pack('H*', $hash($keyBytes . $this->exchange_hash . 'E' . $this->session_id));
+        $key = $kexHash->hash($keyBytes . $this->exchange_hash . 'E' . $this->session_id);
         while ($createKeyLength > strlen($key)) {
-            $key.= pack('H*', $hash($keyBytes . $this->exchange_hash . $key));
+            $key.= $kexHash->hash($keyBytes . $this->exchange_hash . $key);
         $this->hmac_create->setKey(substr($key, 0, $createKeyLength));
-        $key = pack('H*', $hash($keyBytes . $this->exchange_hash . 'F' . $this->session_id));
+        $key = $kexHash->hash($keyBytes . $this->exchange_hash . 'F' . $this->session_id);
         while ($checkKeyLength > strlen($key)) {
-            $key.= pack('H*', $hash($keyBytes . $this->exchange_hash . $key));
+            $key.= $kexHash->hash($keyBytes . $this->exchange_hash . $key);
         $this->hmac_check->setKey(substr($key, 0, $checkKeyLength));
@@ -1434,40 +1641,72 @@ class Net_SSH2 {
      * Login
-     * The $password parameter can be a plaintext password or a Crypt_RSA object.
+     * The $password parameter can be a plaintext password, a Crypt_RSA object or an array
      * @param String $username
-     * @param optional String $password
+     * @param Mixed $password
+     * @param Mixed $...
      * @return Boolean
+     * @see _login_helper
      * @access public
+     */
+    function login($username)
+    {
+        $args = array_slice(func_get_args(), 1);
+        if (empty($args)) {
+            return $this->_login_helper($username);
+        }
+        foreach ($args as $arg) {
+            if ($this->_login_helper($username, $arg)) {
+                return true;
+            }
+        }
+        return false;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Login Helper
+     *
+     * @param String $username
+     * @param optional String $password
+     * @return Boolean
+     * @access private
      * @internal It might be worthwhile, at some point, to protect against {@link http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4251#section-9.3.9 traffic analysis}
      *           by sending dummy SSH_MSG_IGNORE messages.
-    function login($username, $password = null)
+    function _login_helper($username, $password = null)
         if (!($this->bitmap & NET_SSH2_MASK_CONSTRUCTOR)) {
             return false;
-        $packet = pack('CNa*',
-            NET_SSH2_MSG_SERVICE_REQUEST, strlen('ssh-userauth'), 'ssh-userauth'
-        );
+        if (!($this->bitmap & NET_SSH2_MASK_LOGIN_REQ)) {
+            $packet = pack('CNa*',
+                NET_SSH2_MSG_SERVICE_REQUEST, strlen('ssh-userauth'), 'ssh-userauth'
+            );
-        if (!$this->_send_binary_packet($packet)) {
-            return false;
-        }
+            if (!$this->_send_binary_packet($packet)) {
+                return false;
+            }
-        $response = $this->_get_binary_packet();
-        if ($response === false) {
-            user_error('Connection closed by server');
-            return false;
-        }
+            $response = $this->_get_binary_packet();
+            if ($response === false) {
+                user_error('Connection closed by server');
+                return false;
+            }
-        extract(unpack('Ctype', $this->_string_shift($response, 1)));
+            extract(unpack('Ctype', $this->_string_shift($response, 1)));
-        if ($type != NET_SSH2_MSG_SERVICE_ACCEPT) {
-            user_error('Expected SSH_MSG_SERVICE_ACCEPT');
-            return false;
+            if ($type != NET_SSH2_MSG_SERVICE_ACCEPT) {
+                user_error('Expected SSH_MSG_SERVICE_ACCEPT');
+                return false;
+            }
+            $this->bitmap |= NET_SSH2_MASK_LOGIN_REQ;
+        }
+        if (strlen($this->last_interactive_response)) {
+            return !is_string($password) && !is_array($password) ? false : $this->_keyboard_interactive_process($password);
         // although PHP5's get_class() preserves the case, PHP4's does not
@@ -1475,6 +1714,14 @@ class Net_SSH2 {
             return $this->_privatekey_login($username, $password);
+        if (is_array($password)) {
+            if ($this->_keyboard_interactive_login($username, $password)) {
+                $this->bitmap |= NET_SSH2_MASK_LOGIN;
+                return true;
+            }
+            return false;
+        }
         if (!isset($password)) {
             $packet = pack('CNa*Na*Na*',
                 NET_SSH2_MSG_USERAUTH_REQUEST, strlen($username), $username, strlen('ssh-connection'), 'ssh-connection',
@@ -1508,17 +1755,18 @@ class Net_SSH2 {
             strlen('password'), 'password', 0, strlen($password), $password
-        if (!$this->_send_binary_packet($packet)) {
-            return false;
-        }
-        // remove the username and password from the last logged packet
-        if (defined('NET_SSH2_LOGGING') && NET_SSH2_LOGGING == NET_SSH2_LOG_COMPLEX) {
-            $packet = pack('CNa*Na*Na*CNa*',
+        // remove the username and password from the logged packet
+        if (!defined('NET_SSH2_LOGGING')) {
+            $logged = NULL;
+        } else {
+            $logged = pack('CNa*Na*Na*CNa*',
                 NET_SSH2_MSG_USERAUTH_REQUEST, strlen('username'), 'username', strlen('ssh-connection'), 'ssh-connection',
                 strlen('password'), 'password', 0, strlen('password'), 'password'
-            $this->message_log[count($this->message_log) - 1] = $packet;
+        }
+        if (!$this->_send_binary_packet($packet, $logged)) {
+            return false;
         $response = $this->_get_binary_packet();
@@ -1542,7 +1790,10 @@ class Net_SSH2 {
                 // multi-factor authentication
                 extract(unpack('Nlength', $this->_string_shift($response, 4)));
                 $auth_methods = explode(',', $this->_string_shift($response, $length));
-                if (in_array('keyboard-interactive', $auth_methods)) {
+                extract(unpack('Cpartial_success', $this->_string_shift($response, 1)));
+                $partial_success = $partial_success != 0;
+                if (!$partial_success && in_array('keyboard-interactive', $auth_methods)) {
                     if ($this->_keyboard_interactive_login($username, $password)) {
                         $this->bitmap |= NET_SSH2_MASK_LOGIN;
                         return true;
@@ -1593,18 +1844,57 @@ class Net_SSH2 {
         $responses = func_get_args();
-        $response = $this->_get_binary_packet();
-        if ($response === false) {
-            user_error('Connection closed by server');
-            return false;
+        if (strlen($this->last_interactive_response)) {
+            $response = $this->last_interactive_response;
+        } else {
+            $orig = $response = $this->_get_binary_packet();
+            if ($response === false) {
+                user_error('Connection closed by server');
+                return false;
+            }
         extract(unpack('Ctype', $this->_string_shift($response, 1)));
         switch ($type) {
+                extract(unpack('Nlength', $this->_string_shift($response, 4)));
+                $this->_string_shift($response, $length); // name; may be empty
+                extract(unpack('Nlength', $this->_string_shift($response, 4)));
+                $this->_string_shift($response, $length); // instruction; may be empty
+                extract(unpack('Nlength', $this->_string_shift($response, 4)));
+                $this->_string_shift($response, $length); // language tag; may be empty
+                extract(unpack('Nnum_prompts', $this->_string_shift($response, 4)));
+                for ($i = 0; $i < count($responses); $i++) {
+                    if (is_array($responses[$i])) {
+                        foreach ($responses[$i] as $key => $value) {
+                            $this->keyboard_requests_responses[$key] = $value;
+                        }
+                        unset($responses[$i]);
+                    }
+                }
+                $responses = array_values($responses);
+                if (isset($this->keyboard_requests_responses)) {
+                    for ($i = 0; $i < $num_prompts; $i++) {
+                        extract(unpack('Nlength', $this->_string_shift($response, 4)));
+                        // prompt - ie. "Password: "; must not be empty
+                        $prompt = $this->_string_shift($response, $length);
+                        //$echo = $this->_string_shift($response) != chr(0);
+                        foreach ($this->keyboard_requests_responses as $key => $value) {
+                            if (substr($prompt, 0, strlen($key)) == $key) {
+                                $responses[] = $value;
+                                break;
+                            }
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
                 // see http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4256#section-3.2
-                if (defined('NET_SSH2_LOGGING')) {
+                if (strlen($this->last_interactive_response)) {
+                    $this->last_interactive_response = '';
+                } else if (defined('NET_SSH2_LOGGING')) {
                     $this->message_number_log[count($this->message_number_log) - 1] = str_replace(
@@ -1612,21 +1902,11 @@ class Net_SSH2 {
-                extract(unpack('Nlength', $this->_string_shift($response, 4)));
-                $this->_string_shift($response, $length); // name; may be empty
-                extract(unpack('Nlength', $this->_string_shift($response, 4)));
-                $this->_string_shift($response, $length); // instruction; may be empty
-                extract(unpack('Nlength', $this->_string_shift($response, 4)));
-                $this->_string_shift($response, $length); // language tag; may be empty
-                extract(unpack('Nnum_prompts', $this->_string_shift($response, 4)));
-                /*
-                for ($i = 0; $i < $num_prompts; $i++) {
-                    extract(unpack('Nlength', $this->_string_shift($response, 4)));
-                    // prompt - ie. "Password: "; must not be empty
-                    $this->_string_shift($response, $length);
-                    $echo = $this->_string_shift($response) != chr(0);
+                if (!count($responses) && $num_prompts) {
+                    $this->last_interactive_response = $orig;
+                    $this->bitmap |= NET_SSH_MASK_LOGIN_INTERACTIVE;
+                    return false;
-                */
                    After obtaining the requested information from the user, the client
@@ -1639,17 +1919,16 @@ class Net_SSH2 {
                     $logged.= pack('Na*', strlen('dummy-answer'), 'dummy-answer');
-                if (!$this->_send_binary_packet($packet)) {
+                if (!$this->_send_binary_packet($packet, $logged)) {
                     return false;
-                if (defined('NET_SSH2_LOGGING')) {
+                if (defined('NET_SSH2_LOGGING') && NET_SSH2_LOGGING == NET_SSH2_LOG_COMPLEX) {
                     $this->message_number_log[count($this->message_number_log) - 1] = str_replace(
                         $this->message_number_log[count($this->message_number_log) - 1]
-                    $this->message_log[count($this->message_log) - 1] = $logged;
@@ -1718,11 +1997,11 @@ class Net_SSH2 {
             case NET_SSH2_MSG_USERAUTH_FAILURE:
                 extract(unpack('Nlength', $this->_string_shift($response, 4)));
                 $this->errors[] = 'SSH_MSG_USERAUTH_FAILURE: ' . $this->_string_shift($response, $length);
-                return $this->_disconnect(NET_SSH2_DISCONNECT_AUTH_CANCELLED_BY_USER);
+                return false;
             case NET_SSH2_MSG_USERAUTH_PK_OK:
                 // we'll just take it on faith that the public key blob and the public key algorithm name are as
                 // they should be
-                if (defined('NET_SSH2_LOGGING')) {
+                if (defined('NET_SSH2_LOGGING') && NET_SSH2_LOGGING == NET_SSH2_LOG_COMPLEX) {
                     $this->message_number_log[count($this->message_number_log) - 1] = str_replace(
@@ -1768,12 +2047,23 @@ class Net_SSH2 {
      * Setting $timeout to false or 0 will mean there is no timeout.
      * @param Mixed $timeout
+     * @access public
     function setTimeout($timeout)
         $this->timeout = $this->curTimeout = $timeout;
+    /**
+     * Get the output from stdError
+     * 
+     * @access public
+     */
+    function getStdError()
+    {
+        return $this->stdErrorLog;
+    }
      * Execute Command
@@ -1785,25 +2075,27 @@ class Net_SSH2 {
      * @return String
      * @access public
-    function exec($command, $block = true)
+    function exec($command, $callback = NULL)
         $this->curTimeout = $this->timeout;
+        $this->is_timeout = false;
+        $this->stdErrorLog = '';
         if (!($this->bitmap & NET_SSH2_MASK_LOGIN)) {
             return false;
         // RFC4254 defines the (client) window size as "bytes the other party can send before it must wait for the window to
-        // be adjusted".  0x7FFFFFFF is, at 4GB, the max size.  technically, it should probably be decremented, but, 
-        // honestly, if you're transfering more than 4GB, you probably shouldn't be using phpseclib, anyway.
+        // be adjusted".  0x7FFFFFFF is, at 2GB, the max size.  technically, it should probably be decremented, but, 
+        // honestly, if you're transfering more than 2GB, you probably shouldn't be using phpseclib, anyway.
         // see http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4254#section-5.2 for more info
-        $this->window_size_client_to_server[NET_SSH2_CHANNEL_EXEC] = 0x7FFFFFFF;
+        $this->window_size_server_to_client[NET_SSH2_CHANNEL_EXEC] = 0x7FFFFFFF;
         // 0x8000 is the maximum max packet size, per http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4253#section-6.1, although since PuTTy
         // uses 0x4000, that's what will be used here, as well.
         $packet_size = 0x4000;
         $packet = pack('CNa*N3',
-            NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_OPEN, strlen('session'), 'session', NET_SSH2_CHANNEL_EXEC, $this->window_size_client_to_server[NET_SSH2_CHANNEL_EXEC], $packet_size);
+            NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_OPEN, strlen('session'), 'session', NET_SSH2_CHANNEL_EXEC, $this->window_size_server_to_client[NET_SSH2_CHANNEL_EXEC], $packet_size);
         if (!$this->_send_binary_packet($packet)) {
             return false;
@@ -1816,6 +2108,34 @@ class Net_SSH2 {
             return false;
+        if ($this->request_pty === true) {
+            $terminal_modes = pack('C', NET_SSH2_TTY_OP_END);
+            $packet = pack('CNNa*CNa*N5a*',
+                NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_REQUEST, $this->server_channels[NET_SSH2_CHANNEL_EXEC], strlen('pty-req'), 'pty-req', 1, strlen('vt100'), 'vt100',
+                80, 24, 0, 0, strlen($terminal_modes), $terminal_modes);
+            if (!$this->_send_binary_packet($packet)) {
+                return false;
+            }
+            $response = $this->_get_binary_packet();
+            if ($response === false) {
+                user_error('Connection closed by server');
+                return false;
+            }
+            list(, $type) = unpack('C', $this->_string_shift($response, 1));
+            switch ($type) {
+                case NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_SUCCESS:
+                    break;
+                case NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_FAILURE:
+                default:
+                    user_error('Unable to request pseudo-terminal');
+                    return $this->_disconnect(NET_SSH2_DISCONNECT_BY_APPLICATION);
+            }
+            $this->in_request_pty_exec = true;
+        }
         // sending a pty-req SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_REQUEST message is unnecessary and, in fact, in most cases, slows things
         // down.  the one place where it might be desirable is if you're doing something like Net_SSH2::exec('ping localhost &').
         // with a pty-req SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_REQUEST, exec() will return immediately and the ping process will then
@@ -1840,7 +2160,7 @@ class Net_SSH2 {
         $this->channel_status[NET_SSH2_CHANNEL_EXEC] = NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_DATA;
-        if (!$block) {
+        if ($callback === false || $this->in_request_pty_exec) {
             return true;
@@ -1849,11 +2169,15 @@ class Net_SSH2 {
             $temp = $this->_get_channel_packet(NET_SSH2_CHANNEL_EXEC);
             switch (true) {
                 case $temp === true:
-                    return $output;
+                    return is_callable($callback) ? true : $output;
                 case $temp === false:
                     return false;
-                    $output.= $temp;
+                    if (is_callable($callback)) {
+                        $callback($temp);
+                    } else {
+                        $output.= $temp;
+                    }
@@ -1868,11 +2192,15 @@ class Net_SSH2 {
     function _initShell()
-        $this->window_size_client_to_server[NET_SSH2_CHANNEL_SHELL] = 0x7FFFFFFF;
+        if ($this->in_request_pty_exec === true) {
+            return true;
+        }
+        $this->window_size_server_to_client[NET_SSH2_CHANNEL_SHELL] = 0x7FFFFFFF;
         $packet_size = 0x4000;
         $packet = pack('CNa*N3',
-            NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_OPEN, strlen('session'), 'session', NET_SSH2_CHANNEL_SHELL, $this->window_size_client_to_server[NET_SSH2_CHANNEL_SHELL], $packet_size);
+            NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_OPEN, strlen('session'), 'session', NET_SSH2_CHANNEL_SHELL, $this->window_size_server_to_client[NET_SSH2_CHANNEL_SHELL], $packet_size);
         if (!$this->_send_binary_packet($packet)) {
             return false;
@@ -1904,8 +2232,9 @@ class Net_SSH2 {
         switch ($type) {
             case NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_SUCCESS:
-                break;
+            // if a pty can't be opened maybe commands can still be executed
             case NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_FAILURE:
+                break;
                 user_error('Unable to request pseudo-terminal');
                 return $this->_disconnect(NET_SSH2_DISCONNECT_BY_APPLICATION);
@@ -1931,13 +2260,33 @@ class Net_SSH2 {
         return true;
+    /**
+     * Return the channel to be used with read() / write()
+     *
+     * @see Net_SSH2::read()
+     * @see Net_SSH2::write()
+     * @return Integer
+     * @access public
+     */
+    function _get_interactive_channel()
+    {
+        switch (true) {
+            case $this->in_subsystem:
+                return NET_SSH2_CHANNEL_SUBSYSTEM;
+            case $this->in_request_pty_exec:
+                return NET_SSH2_CHANNEL_EXEC;
+            default:
+                return NET_SSH2_CHANNEL_SHELL;
+        }
+    }
      * Returns the output of an interactive shell
      * Returns when there's a match for $expect, which can take the form of a string literal or,
      * if $mode == NET_SSH2_READ_REGEX, a regular expression.
-     * @see Net_SSH2::read()
+     * @see Net_SSH2::write()
      * @param String $expect
      * @param Integer $mode
      * @return String
@@ -1946,6 +2295,7 @@ class Net_SSH2 {
     function read($expect = '', $mode = NET_SSH2_READ_SIMPLE)
         $this->curTimeout = $this->timeout;
+        $this->is_timeout = false;
         if (!($this->bitmap & NET_SSH2_MASK_LOGIN)) {
             user_error('Operation disallowed prior to login()');
@@ -1957,6 +2307,8 @@ class Net_SSH2 {
             return false;
+        $channel = $this->_get_interactive_channel();
         $match = $expect;
         while (true) {
             if ($mode == NET_SSH2_READ_REGEX) {
@@ -1967,8 +2319,9 @@ class Net_SSH2 {
             if ($pos !== false) {
                 return $this->_string_shift($this->interactiveBuffer, $pos + strlen($match));
-            $response = $this->_get_channel_packet(NET_SSH2_CHANNEL_SHELL);
+            $response = $this->_get_channel_packet($channel);
             if (is_bool($response)) {
+                $this->in_request_pty_exec = false;
                 return $response ? $this->_string_shift($this->interactiveBuffer, strlen($this->interactiveBuffer)) : false;
@@ -1979,7 +2332,7 @@ class Net_SSH2 {
      * Inputs a command into an interactive shell.
-     * @see Net_SSH1::interactiveWrite()
+     * @see Net_SSH2::read()
      * @param String $cmd
      * @return Boolean
      * @access public
@@ -1996,7 +2349,101 @@ class Net_SSH2 {
             return false;
-        return $this->_send_channel_packet(NET_SSH2_CHANNEL_SHELL, $cmd);
+        $channel = $this->in_request_pty_exec ? NET_SSH2_CHANNEL_EXEC : NET_SSH2_CHANNEL_SHELL;
+        return $this->_send_channel_packet($this->_get_interactive_channel(), $cmd);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Start a subsystem.
+     *
+     * Right now only one subsystem at a time is supported. To support multiple subsystem's stopSubsystem() could accept
+     * a string that contained the name of the subsystem, but at that point, only one subsystem of each type could be opened.
+     * To support multiple subsystem's of the same name maybe it'd be best if startSubsystem() generated a new channel id and
+     * returns that and then that that was passed into stopSubsystem() but that'll be saved for a future date and implemented
+     * if there's sufficient demand for such a feature.
+     *
+     * @see Net_SSH2::stopSubsystem()
+     * @param String $subsystem
+     * @return Boolean
+     * @access public
+     */
+    function startSubsystem($subsystem)
+    {
+        $this->window_size_server_to_client[NET_SSH2_CHANNEL_SUBSYSTEM] = $this->window_size;
+        $packet = pack('CNa*N3',
+            NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_OPEN, strlen('session'), 'session', NET_SSH2_CHANNEL_SUBSYSTEM, $this->window_size, 0x4000);
+        if (!$this->_send_binary_packet($packet)) {
+            return false;
+        }
+        $this->channel_status[NET_SSH2_CHANNEL_SUBSYSTEM] = NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_OPEN;
+        $response = $this->_get_channel_packet(NET_SSH2_CHANNEL_SUBSYSTEM);
+        if ($response === false) {
+            return false;
+        }
+        $packet = pack('CNNa*CNa*',
+            NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_REQUEST, $this->server_channels[NET_SSH2_CHANNEL_SUBSYSTEM], strlen('subsystem'), 'subsystem', 1, strlen($subsystem), $subsystem);
+        if (!$this->_send_binary_packet($packet)) {
+            return false;
+        }
+        $this->channel_status[NET_SSH2_CHANNEL_SUBSYSTEM] = NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_REQUEST;
+        $response = $this->_get_channel_packet(NET_SSH2_CHANNEL_SUBSYSTEM);
+        if ($response === false) {
+           return false;
+        }
+        $this->channel_status[NET_SSH2_CHANNEL_SUBSYSTEM] = NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_DATA;
+        $this->bitmap |= NET_SSH2_MASK_SHELL;
+        $this->in_subsystem = true;
+        return true;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Stops a subsystem.
+     *
+     * @see Net_SSH2::startSubsystem()
+     * @return Boolean
+     * @access public
+     */
+    function stopSubsystem()
+    {
+        $this->in_subsystem = false;
+        $this->_close_channel(NET_SSH2_CHANNEL_SUBSYSTEM);
+        return true;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Closes a channel
+     *
+     * If read() timed out you might want to just close the channel and have it auto-restart on the next read() call
+     *
+     * @access public
+     */
+    function reset()
+    {
+        $channel = $this->in_request_pty_exec ? NET_SSH2_CHANNEL_EXEC : NET_SSH2_CHANNEL_SHELL;
+        $this->_close_channel($channel);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Is timeout?
+     *
+     * Did exec() or read() return because they timed out or because they encountered the end?
+     *
+     * @access public
+     */
+    function isTimeout()
+    {
+        return $this->is_timeout;
@@ -2025,6 +2472,16 @@ class Net_SSH2 {
+    /**
+     * Is the connection still active?
+     *
+     * @access public
+     */
+    function isConnected()
+    {
+        return $this->bitmap & NET_SSH2_MASK_LOGIN;
+    }
      * Gets Binary Packets
@@ -2038,7 +2495,7 @@ class Net_SSH2 {
         if (!is_resource($this->fsock) || feof($this->fsock)) {
             user_error('Connection closed prematurely');
-            $this->bitmask = 0;
+            $this->bitmap = 0;
             return false;
@@ -2125,7 +2582,7 @@ class Net_SSH2 {
                 $this->_string_shift($payload, 1);
                 extract(unpack('Nreason_code/Nlength', $this->_string_shift($payload, 8)));
                 $this->errors[] = 'SSH_MSG_DISCONNECT: ' . $this->disconnect_reasons[$reason_code] . "\r\n" . utf8_decode($this->_string_shift($payload, $length));
-                $this->bitmask = 0;
+                $this->bitmap = 0;
                 return false;
             case NET_SSH2_MSG_IGNORE:
                 $payload = $this->_get_binary_packet();
@@ -2141,7 +2598,7 @@ class Net_SSH2 {
             case NET_SSH2_MSG_KEXINIT:
                 if ($this->session_id !== false) {
                     if (!$this->_key_exchange($payload)) {
-                        $this->bitmask = 0;
+                        $this->bitmap = 0;
                         return false;
                     $payload = $this->_get_binary_packet();
@@ -2152,7 +2609,7 @@ class Net_SSH2 {
         if (($this->bitmap & NET_SSH2_MASK_CONSTRUCTOR) && !($this->bitmap & NET_SSH2_MASK_LOGIN) && ord($payload[0]) == NET_SSH2_MSG_USERAUTH_BANNER) {
             $this->_string_shift($payload, 1);
             extract(unpack('Nlength', $this->_string_shift($payload, 4)));
-            $this->errors[] = 'SSH_MSG_USERAUTH_BANNER: ' . utf8_decode($this->_string_shift($payload, $length));
+            $this->banner_message = utf8_decode($this->_string_shift($payload, $length));
             $payload = $this->_get_binary_packet();
@@ -2172,7 +2629,7 @@ class Net_SSH2 {
                 case NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_OPEN: // see http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4254#section-5.1
                     $this->_string_shift($payload, 1);
-                    extract(unpack('N', $this->_string_shift($payload, 4)));
+                    extract(unpack('Nlength', $this->_string_shift($payload, 4)));
                     $this->errors[] = 'SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_OPEN: ' . utf8_decode($this->_string_shift($payload, $length));
                     $this->_string_shift($payload, 4); // skip over client channel
@@ -2188,7 +2645,12 @@ class Net_SSH2 {
                     $payload = $this->_get_binary_packet();
                 case NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_WINDOW_ADJUST:
-                    $payload = $this->_get_binary_packet();
+                    $this->_string_shift($payload, 1);
+                    extract(unpack('Nchannel', $this->_string_shift($payload, 4)));
+                    extract(unpack('Nwindow_size', $this->_string_shift($payload, 4)));
+                    $this->window_size_client_to_server[$channel]+= $window_size;
+                    $payload = ($this->bitmap & NET_SSH2_MASK_WINDOW_ADJUST) ? true : $this->_get_binary_packet();
@@ -2219,6 +2681,26 @@ class Net_SSH2 {
         $this->quiet_mode = false;
+    /**
+     * Enable request-pty when using exec()
+     *
+     * @access public
+     */
+    function enablePTY()
+    {
+        $this->request_pty = true;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Disable request-pty when using exec()
+     *
+     * @access public
+     */
+    function disablePTY()
+    {
+        $this->request_pty = false;
+    }
      * Gets channel data
@@ -2236,6 +2718,11 @@ class Net_SSH2 {
         while (true) {
             if ($this->curTimeout) {
+                if ($this->curTimeout < 0) {
+                    $this->is_timeout = true;
+                    return true;
+                }
                 $read = array($this->fsock);
                 $write = $except = NULL;
@@ -2244,7 +2731,7 @@ class Net_SSH2 {
                 $usec = 1000000 * ($this->curTimeout - $sec);
                 // on windows this returns a "Warning: Invalid CRT parameters detected" error
                 if (!@stream_select($read, $write, $except, $sec, $usec) && !count($read)) {
-                    $this->_close_channel($client_channel);
+                    $this->is_timeout = true;
                     return true;
                 $elapsed = strtok(microtime(), ' ') + strtok('') - $start;
@@ -2256,20 +2743,34 @@ class Net_SSH2 {
                 user_error('Connection closed by server');
                 return false;
+            if ($client_channel == -1 && $response === true) {
+                return true;
+            }
             if (!strlen($response)) {
                 return '';
             extract(unpack('Ctype/Nchannel', $this->_string_shift($response, 5)));
+            $this->window_size_server_to_client[$channel]-= strlen($response) + 4;
+            // resize the window, if appropriate
+            if ($this->window_size_server_to_client[$channel] < 0) {
+                $packet = pack('CNN', NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_WINDOW_ADJUST, $this->server_channels[$channel], $this->window_size);
+                if (!$this->_send_binary_packet($packet)) {
+                    return false;
+                }
+                $this->window_size_server_to_client[$channel]+= $this->window_size;
+            }
             switch ($this->channel_status[$channel]) {
                 case NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_OPEN:
                     switch ($type) {
                         case NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_OPEN_CONFIRMATION:
                             extract(unpack('Nserver_channel', $this->_string_shift($response, 4)));
                             $this->server_channels[$channel] = $server_channel;
-                            $this->_string_shift($response, 4); // skip over (server) window size
+                            extract(unpack('Nwindow_size', $this->_string_shift($response, 4)));
+                            $this->window_size_client_to_server[$channel] = $window_size;
                             $temp = unpack('Npacket_size_client_to_server', $this->_string_shift($response, 4));
                             $this->packet_size_client_to_server[$channel] = $temp['packet_size_client_to_server'];
                             return $client_channel == $channel ? true : $this->_get_channel_packet($client_channel, $skip_extended);
@@ -2283,24 +2784,27 @@ class Net_SSH2 {
                     switch ($type) {
                         case NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_SUCCESS:
                             return true;
-                        //case NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_FAILURE:
+                        case NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_FAILURE:
+                            return false;
-                            user_error('Unable to request pseudo-terminal');
+                            user_error('Unable to fulfill channel request');
                             return $this->_disconnect(NET_SSH2_DISCONNECT_BY_APPLICATION);
                 case NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_CLOSE:
                     return $type == NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_CLOSE ? true : $this->_get_channel_packet($client_channel, $skip_extended);
+            // ie. $this->channel_status[$channel] == NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_DATA
             switch ($type) {
                 case NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_DATA:
-                    if ($client_channel == NET_SSH2_CHANNEL_EXEC) {
+                    if ($channel == NET_SSH2_CHANNEL_EXEC) {
                         // SCP requires null packets, such as this, be sent.  further, in the case of the ssh.com SSH server
                         // this actually seems to make things twice as fast.  more to the point, the message right after 
                         // SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_DATA (usually SSH_MSG_IGNORE) won't block for as long as it would have otherwise.
                         // in OpenSSH it slows things down but only by a couple thousandths of a second.
-                        $this->_send_channel_packet($client_channel, chr(0));
+                        $this->_send_channel_packet($channel, chr(0));
                     extract(unpack('Nlength', $this->_string_shift($response, 4)));
@@ -2308,15 +2812,12 @@ class Net_SSH2 {
                     if ($client_channel == $channel) {
                         return $data;
-                    if (!isset($this->channel_buffers[$client_channel])) {
-                        $this->channel_buffers[$client_channel] = array();
+                    if (!isset($this->channel_buffers[$channel])) {
+                        $this->channel_buffers[$channel] = array();
-                    $this->channel_buffers[$client_channel][] = $data;
+                    $this->channel_buffers[$channel][] = $data;
                 case NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_EXTENDED_DATA:
-                    if ($skip_extended || $this->quiet_mode) {
-                        break;
-                    }
                     if ($client_channel == NET_SSH2_CHANNEL_EXEC) {
                         $this->_send_channel_packet($client_channel, chr(0));
@@ -2325,13 +2826,17 @@ class Net_SSH2 {
                     // currently, there's only one possible value for $data_type_code: NET_SSH2_EXTENDED_DATA_STDERR
                     extract(unpack('Ndata_type_code/Nlength', $this->_string_shift($response, 8)));
                     $data = $this->_string_shift($response, $length);
+                    $this->stdErrorLog .= $data;
+                    if ($skip_extended || $this->quiet_mode) {
+                        break;
+                    }
                     if ($client_channel == $channel) {
                         return $data;
-                    if (!isset($this->channel_buffers[$client_channel])) {
-                        $this->channel_buffers[$client_channel] = array();
+                    if (!isset($this->channel_buffers[$channel])) {
+                        $this->channel_buffers[$channel] = array();
-                    $this->channel_buffers[$client_channel][] = $data;
+                    $this->channel_buffers[$channel][] = $data;
                 case NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_REQUEST:
                     extract(unpack('Nlength', $this->_string_shift($response, 4)));
@@ -2346,6 +2851,13 @@ class Net_SSH2 {
                             if ($length) {
                                 $this->errors[count($this->errors)].= "\r\n" . $this->_string_shift($response, $length);
+                            $this->_send_binary_packet(pack('CN', NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_EOF, $this->server_channels[$client_channel]));
+                            $this->_send_binary_packet(pack('CN', NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_CLOSE, $this->server_channels[$channel]));
+                            $this->channel_status[$channel] = NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_EOF;
+                            break;
                         case 'exit-status':
                             extract(unpack('Cfalse/Nexit_status', $this->_string_shift($response, 5)));
                             $this->exit_status = $exit_status;
@@ -2355,6 +2867,8 @@ class Net_SSH2 {
                             $this->_send_binary_packet(pack('CN', NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_CLOSE, $this->server_channels[$channel]));
                             $this->channel_status[$channel] = NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_EOF;
+                            break;
                             // "Some systems may not implement signals, in which case they SHOULD ignore this message."
                             //  -- http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4254#section-6.9
@@ -2388,15 +2902,16 @@ class Net_SSH2 {
      * See '6. Binary Packet Protocol' of rfc4253 for more info.
      * @param String $data
+     * @param optional String $logged
      * @see Net_SSH2::_get_binary_packet()
      * @return Boolean
      * @access private
-    function _send_binary_packet($data)
+    function _send_binary_packet($data, $logged = NULL)
         if (!is_resource($this->fsock) || feof($this->fsock)) {
             user_error('Connection closed prematurely');
-            $this->bitmask = 0;
+            $this->bitmap = 0;
             return false;
@@ -2435,7 +2950,7 @@ class Net_SSH2 {
             $message_number = isset($this->message_numbers[ord($data[0])]) ? $this->message_numbers[ord($data[0])] : 'UNKNOWN (' . ord($data[0]) . ')';
             $message_number = '-> ' . $message_number .
                               ' (since last: ' . round($current - $this->last_packet, 4) . ', network: ' . round($stop - $start, 4) . 's)';
-            $this->_append_log($message_number, $data);
+            $this->_append_log($message_number, isset($logged) ? $logged : $data);
             $this->last_packet = $current;
@@ -2452,6 +2967,11 @@ class Net_SSH2 {
     function _append_log($message_number, $message)
+            // remove the byte identifying the message type from all but the first two messages (ie. the identification strings)
+            if (strlen($message_number) > 2) {
+                $this->_string_shift($message);
+            }
             switch (NET_SSH2_LOGGING) {
                 // useful for benchmarks
                 case NET_SSH2_LOG_SIMPLE:
@@ -2460,7 +2980,6 @@ class Net_SSH2 {
                 // the most useful log for SSH2
                 case NET_SSH2_LOG_COMPLEX:
                     $this->message_number_log[] = $message_number;
-                    $this->_string_shift($message);
                     $this->log_size+= strlen($message);
                     $this->message_log[] = $message;
                     while ($this->log_size > NET_SSH2_LOG_MAX_SIZE) {
@@ -2472,7 +2991,15 @@ class Net_SSH2 {
                 // passwords won't be filtered out and select other packets may not be correctly
                 // identified
                 case NET_SSH2_LOG_REALTIME:
-                    echo "<pre>\r\n" . $this->_format_log(array($message), array($message_number)) . "\r\n</pre>\r\n";
+                    switch (PHP_SAPI) {
+                        case 'cli':
+                            $start = $stop = "\r\n";
+                            break;
+                        default:
+                            $start = '<pre>';
+                            $stop = '</pre>';
+                    }
+                    echo $start . $this->_format_log(array($message), array($message_number)) . $stop;
@@ -2483,7 +3010,7 @@ class Net_SSH2 {
                 case NET_SSH2_LOG_REALTIME_FILE:
                     if (!isset($this->realtime_log_file)) {
                         // PHP doesn't seem to like using constants in fopen()
-                        $filename = NET_SSH2_LOG_REALTIME_FILE;
+                        $filename = NET_SSH2_LOG_REALTIME_FILENAME;
                         $fp = fopen($filename, 'w');
                         $this->realtime_log_file = $fp;
@@ -2518,39 +3045,49 @@ class Net_SSH2 {
     function _send_channel_packet($client_channel, $data)
-        while (strlen($data) > $this->packet_size_client_to_server[$client_channel]) {
-            // resize the window, if appropriate
-            $this->window_size_client_to_server[$client_channel]-= $this->packet_size_client_to_server[$client_channel];
-            if ($this->window_size_client_to_server[$client_channel] < 0) {
-                $packet = pack('CNN', NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_WINDOW_ADJUST, $this->server_channels[$client_channel], $this->window_size);
-                if (!$this->_send_binary_packet($packet)) {
-                    return false;
-                }
-                $this->window_size_client_to_server[$client_channel]+= $this->window_size;
+        /* The maximum amount of data allowed is determined by the maximum
+           packet size for the channel, and the current window size, whichever
+           is smaller.
+           -- http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4254#section-5.2 */
+        $max_size = min(
+            $this->packet_size_client_to_server[$client_channel],
+            $this->window_size_client_to_server[$client_channel]
+        ) - 4;
+        while (strlen($data) > $max_size) {
+            if (!$this->window_size_client_to_server[$client_channel]) {
+                $this->bitmap^= NET_SSH2_MASK_WINDOW_ADJUST;
+                // using an invalid channel will let the buffers be built up for the valid channels
+                $output = $this->_get_channel_packet(-1);
+                $this->bitmap^= NET_SSH2_MASK_WINDOW_ADJUST;
+                $max_size = min(
+                    $this->packet_size_client_to_server[$client_channel],
+                    $this->window_size_client_to_server[$client_channel]
+                ) - 4;
             $packet = pack('CN2a*',
-                $this->packet_size_client_to_server[$client_channel],
-                $this->_string_shift($data, $this->packet_size_client_to_server[$client_channel])
+                $max_size,
+                $this->_string_shift($data, $max_size)
+            $this->window_size_client_to_server[$client_channel]-= $max_size + 4;
             if (!$this->_send_binary_packet($packet)) {
                 return false;
-        // resize the window, if appropriate
-        $this->window_size_client_to_server[$client_channel]-= strlen($data);
-        if ($this->window_size_client_to_server[$client_channel] < 0) {
-            $packet = pack('CNN', NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_WINDOW_ADJUST, $this->server_channels[$client_channel], $this->window_size);
-            if (!$this->_send_binary_packet($packet)) {
-                return false;
-            }
-            $this->window_size_client_to_server[$client_channel]+= $this->window_size;
+        if (strlen($data) >= $this->window_size_client_to_server[$client_channel] - 4) {
+            $this->bitmap^= NET_SSH2_MASK_WINDOW_ADJUST;
+            $this->_get_channel_packet(-1);
+            $this->bitmap^= NET_SSH2_MASK_WINDOW_ADJUST;
+        $this->window_size_client_to_server[$client_channel]-= strlen($data) + 4;
         return $this->_send_binary_packet(pack('CN2a*',
@@ -2858,6 +3395,20 @@ class Net_SSH2 {
         return $this->languages_client_to_server;
+    /**
+     * Returns the banner message.
+     *
+     * Quoting from the RFC, "in some jurisdictions, sending a warning message before
+     * authentication may be relevant for getting legal protection."
+     *
+     * @return String
+     * @access public
+     */
+    function getBannerMessage()
+    {
+        return $this->banner_message;
+    }
      * Returns the server public host key.
@@ -2885,6 +3436,8 @@ class Net_SSH2 {
         switch ($this->signature_format) {
             case 'ssh-dss':
+                $zero = new Math_BigInteger();
                 $temp = unpack('Nlength', $this->_string_shift($server_public_host_key, 4));
                 $p = new Math_BigInteger($this->_string_shift($server_public_host_key, $temp['length']), -256);
@@ -2909,9 +3462,13 @@ class Net_SSH2 {
                 $r = new Math_BigInteger($this->_string_shift($signature, 20), 256);
                 $s = new Math_BigInteger($this->_string_shift($signature, 20), 256);
-                if ($r->compare($q) >= 0 || $s->compare($q) >= 0) {
-                    user_error('Invalid signature');
-                    return $this->_disconnect(NET_SSH2_DISCONNECT_KEY_EXCHANGE_FAILED);
+                switch (true) {
+                    case $r->equals($zero):
+                    case $r->compare($q) >= 0:
+                    case $s->equals($zero):
+                    case $s->compare($q) >= 0:
+                        user_error('Invalid signature');
+                        return $this->_disconnect(NET_SSH2_DISCONNECT_KEY_EXCHANGE_FAILED);
                 $w = $s->modInverse($q);
@@ -3006,4 +3563,24 @@ class Net_SSH2 {
         return $this->exit_status;
+    /**
+     * Is a path includable?
+     *
+     * @return Boolean
+     * @access private
+     */
+    function _is_includable($suffix)
+    {
+        foreach (explode(PATH_SEPARATOR, get_include_path()) as $prefix) {
+            $ds = substr($prefix, -1) == DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR ? '' : DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
+            $file = $prefix . $ds . $suffix;
+            if (file_exists($file)) {
+                return true;
+            }
+        }
+        return false;
+    }
diff --git a/apps/files_external/lib/sftp.php b/apps/files_external/lib/sftp.php
index 95e0cefa398ab47e8c08ed1f157436793fe32213..cd8a0e7886406ae0e1e11b595d9faebaad584c51 100644
--- a/apps/files_external/lib/sftp.php
+++ b/apps/files_external/lib/sftp.php
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ namespace OC\Files\Storage;
 set_include_path(get_include_path() . PATH_SEPARATOR .
 	\OC_App::getAppPath('files_external') . '/3rdparty/phpseclib/phpseclib');
 require 'Net/SFTP.php';
+require 'Net/SFTP/Stream.php';
 class SFTP extends \OC\Files\Storage\Common {
 	private $host;
@@ -205,16 +206,6 @@ class SFTP extends \OC\Files\Storage\Common {
 					if ( !$this->file_exists($path)) {
 						return false;
-					if (strrpos($path, '.')!==false) {
-						$ext=substr($path, strrpos($path, '.'));
-					} else {
-						$ext='';
-					}
-					$tmp = \OC_Helper::tmpFile($ext);
-					$this->getFile($absPath, $tmp);
-					return fopen($tmp, $mode);
 				case 'w':
 				case 'wb':
 				case 'a':
@@ -227,38 +218,14 @@ class SFTP extends \OC\Files\Storage\Common {
 				case 'x+':
 				case 'c':
 				case 'c+':
-					if (strrpos($path, '.')!==false) {
-						$ext=substr($path, strrpos($path, '.'));
-					} else {
-						$ext='';
-					}
-					$tmpFile=\OC_Helper::tmpFile($ext);
-					\OC\Files\Stream\Close::registerCallback(
-						$tmpFile,
-						array($this, 'writeBack')
-					);
-					if ($this->file_exists($path)) {
-						$this->getFile($absPath, $tmpFile);
-					}
-					self::$tempFiles[$tmpFile]=$absPath;
-					return fopen('close://'.$tmpFile, $mode);
+					// FIXME: make client login lazy to prevent it when using fopen()
+					return fopen($this->constructUrl($path), $mode);
 		} catch (\Exception $e) {
 		return false;
-	public function writeBack($tmpFile) {
-		if (array_key_exists($tmpFile, self::$tempFiles)) {
-			$this->uploadFile($tmpFile, self::$tempFiles[$tmpFile]);
-			unlink($tmpFile);
-			unset(self::$tempFiles[$tmpFile]);
-		}
-	}
 	public function touch($path, $mtime=null) {
 		try {
 			if (!is_null($mtime)) {
@@ -309,4 +276,9 @@ class SFTP extends \OC\Files\Storage\Common {
 			return false;
+	public function constructUrl($path) {
+		$url = 'sftp://'.$this->user.':'.$this->password.'@'.$this->host.$this->root.$path;
+		return $url;
+	}