 * Copyright (c) 2012 Frank Karlitschek <frank@owncloud.org>
 * This file is licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3 or
 * later.
 * See the COPYING-README file.

 * OC_Mail
 * A class to handle mail sending.

class OC_Mail {

	 * send an email
	 * @param string $toaddress
	 * @param string $toname
	 * @param string $subject
	 * @param string $mailtext
	 * @param string $fromaddress
	 * @param string $fromname
	 * @param integer $html
	 * @param string $altbody
	 * @param string $ccaddress
	 * @param string $ccname
	 * @param string $bcc
	 * @throws Exception
	public static function send($toaddress, $toname, $subject, $mailtext, $fromaddress, $fromname,
		$html=0, $altbody='', $ccaddress='', $ccname='', $bcc='') {

		$SMTPMODE = OC_Config::getValue( 'mail_smtpmode', 'sendmail' );
		$SMTPHOST = OC_Config::getValue( 'mail_smtphost', '' );
		$SMTPPORT = OC_Config::getValue( 'mail_smtpport', 25 );
		$SMTPAUTH = OC_Config::getValue( 'mail_smtpauth', false );
		$SMTPAUTHTYPE = OC_Config::getValue( 'mail_smtpauthtype', 'LOGIN' );
		$SMTPUSERNAME = OC_Config::getValue( 'mail_smtpname', '' );
		$SMTPPASSWORD = OC_Config::getValue( 'mail_smtppassword', '' );
		$SMTPDEBUG    = OC_Config::getValue( 'mail_smtpdebug', false );
		$SMTPTIMEOUT  = OC_Config::getValue( 'mail_smtptimeout', 10 );
		$SMTPSECURE   = OC_Config::getValue( 'mail_smtpsecure', '' );

		$mailo = new PHPMailer(true);
		if($SMTPMODE=='sendmail') {
		}elseif($SMTPMODE=='smtp') {
		}elseif($SMTPMODE=='qmail') {

		$mailo->Host = $SMTPHOST;
		$mailo->Port = $SMTPPORT;
		$mailo->SMTPAuth = $SMTPAUTH;
		$mailo->SMTPDebug = $SMTPDEBUG;
		$mailo->Debugoutput = 'error_log';
		$mailo->SMTPSecure = $SMTPSECURE;
		$mailo->AuthType = $SMTPAUTHTYPE;
		$mailo->Username = $SMTPUSERNAME;
		$mailo->Password = $SMTPPASSWORD;
		$mailo->Timeout  = $SMTPTIMEOUT;

		$mailo->From = $fromaddress;
		$mailo->FromName = $fromname;;
		$mailo->Sender = $fromaddress;
		$mailo->XMailer = ' ';
		try {
			$toaddress = self::buildAsciiEmail($toaddress);
			$mailo->AddAddress($toaddress, $toname);

			if($ccaddress != '') $mailo->AddCC($ccaddress, $ccname);
			if($bcc != '') $mailo->AddBCC($bcc);

			$mailo->AddReplyTo($fromaddress, $fromname);

			$mailo->WordWrap = 78;
			$mailo->IsHTML($html == 1);

			$mailo->Subject = $subject;
			if($altbody == '') {
				$mailo->Body    = $mailtext.OC_MAIL::getfooter();
				$mailo->AltBody = '';
				$mailo->Body    = $mailtext;
				$mailo->AltBody = $altbody;
			$mailo->CharSet = 'UTF-8';

				'Mail from '.$fromname.' ('.$fromaddress.')'.' to: '.$toname.'('.$toaddress.')'.' subject: '.$subject,
		} catch (Exception $exception) {
			OC_Log::write('mail', $exception->getMessage(), OC_Log::ERROR);

	 * return the footer for a mail
	public static function getfooter() {

		$defaults = new OC_Defaults();

		$txt.=$defaults->getName() . "\n";
		$txt.=$defaults->getSlogan() . "\n";



	 * @param string $emailAddress a given email address to be validated
	 * @return bool
	public static function validateAddress($emailAddress) {
		if (strpos($emailAddress, '@') === false) {
			return false;
		$emailAddress = self::buildAsciiEmail($emailAddress);
		return PHPMailer::ValidateAddress($emailAddress);

	 * IDN domains will be properly converted to ascii domains.
	 * @param string $emailAddress
	 * @return string
	public static function buildAsciiEmail($emailAddress) {
		if (!function_exists('idn_to_ascii')) {
			return $emailAddress;

		list($name, $domain) = explode('@', $emailAddress, 2);
		$domain = idn_to_ascii($domain);

		return "$name@$domain";
