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Copyright (c) 2017 HS Rosenheim :: Informatik :: Programmieren 3
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_This is an assignment to the [Software Architecture]( class at the [Technische Hochschule Nürnberg](
# Assignment 6: Annotations and Reflection
[![Travis CI](](
In this assignment we will use Java annotations and reflection to interact with a remote REST ([Representational State Transfer]( API.
As everyone (or maybe just me) loves Chuck Norris jokes we will implement a simple program to get random Chuck Norris jokes from the [CNJDB]( (**C**huck **N**orris **J**okes **D**ata**b**ase).
## Setup
1. Create a fork of this repository (button in the right upper corner)
2. Clone the project (get the link by clicking the green _Clone or download button_)
3. Import the project to your IDE (remember the guide in [assignment 1](
4. Validate your environment by running the tests from your IntelliJ and by running `gradle test` on the command line.
## Gradle and Dependency Management
When we started to use Gradle we already talked about dependency management.
In this assignment we will use Gradle to manage the required libraries.
To complete this assignment you will need the following libraries:
* [Retrofit]( by Square
* [Gson]( by Google
With Gradle, project dependencies (both at compile and runtime) are specified in the `build.gradle` file, in the `dependencies` section.
Open the existing [build.gradle](./build.gradle) file and inspect the `dependencies` object (Gradle uses [Groovy](, a language similar to Java and Javascript).
Every dependency has a scope where it will be available.
To use a library across the whole project, declare it with the scope `implementation`.
Gradle is designed to help you in all development phases and is extensible by plugins.
In the given `build.gradle` are three plugins already applied:
* `java`: brings Java support to Gradle e.g. compilation)
* `application`: enable you to run and package the application you will develop in this assignment
* `idea`: helps with IntelliJ import
To run the `main` method in the `App` class without IntelliJ you can now use the following Gradle command on the command line:
gradle run
## Overview
The hard part of this assigment is you need to combine three parts to form the whole program:
- Gson for serialization
- Retrofit for HTTP requests
- A Gson type adapter to handle the status of the request response
It is strongly advised to read through the whole assignment and related documentations first; having the complete picture before starting with the parts helps a lot!
## Gson
Google Gson is a library to serialize and deserialize [JSON]( to or from Java objects.
### Model
The following code snippet shows the structure of a simple JSON object:
"id": "id-13434",
"value": "Ghosts are actually caused by Chuck Norris killing people faster than Death can process them.",
"categories": []
The most basic use case is to de/serialize objects; by defaut, Gson uses reflection to determine the properties.
class Joke {
String id;
String value;
String[] categories;
Gson gson = new Gson();
// JSON String --> Object
Joke j = gson.fromJson("{\"id\": 0, \"value\": \"Haha.\"}", Joke.class);
// categories remains `null`
// Objec --> JSON String
String json = gson.toJson(j);
Gson makes use of annotations to map JSON keys to fields of your class.
Have a look at the [docs]( and complete the model described in the following UML:
![Model spec](./assets/images/ModelSpec.svg)
> Hint: the given JSON object describes the exact structure of the JSON objects we want to deserialize.
> Use anntations to help gson map JSON fields to differently named Java field names.
- Import Gson to your project
- Familiarize yourself with Gson by trying a few examples
- Get familiar with the `@SerializedName` annotation
## Retrofit and Gson
As you could see from the examples above, the actual response body of the CNJDB API looks like the following:
"categories": ["nerdy"],
"id": "irKXY3NtTXGe6W529sVlOg",
"value": "Chuck Norris can delete the Recycling Bin."
The actual joke (`Joke`) is wrapped inside a response object which indicates if the request was successfull.
To be able to unwrap the jokes correctly (or throw an exception if there is no joke) you need to implement a Gson type adapter as shown in the following UML.
![Gson type adapter](./assets/images/GsonSpec.svg)
In a nutshell, a (Gson) type adapter is responsible to convert Java objects to JSON notation and vice versa.
Key to this transformation is in the implementation of the following two methods:
public abstract class TypeAdapter<T> {
public abstract T read(final JsonReader reader);
public abstract void write(final JsonWriter writer, final T inst);
// ...
- Write a type adapter that accepts the response objects from CNJDB and outputs an instance of `Joke`.
- Register the type adapter with your Retrofit instance
Note that you can use annotations on the `Joke` class, but you will have to write custom code to unwrap the joke from the response object.
For this, you have two options:
* Implement a wrapper class, add appropriate fields, and return the `Joke` once unwrapped.
* Unwrap the response object manually, by using the `reader`'s `.beginObject()`, `.endObject()` and `.next*()` methods to determine the number of jokes.
> Note: There is no need to implement the `write` method, since we're only consuming the API, but not sending to it.
Check out this extensive [tutorial on Gson type adapters](
## Retrofit
Retrofit is a great library to implement HTTP clients.
To create an HTTP client, create an interface containing some methods you will call later to perform HTTP requests.
Retrofit also uses annotations to conveniently map these methods to API resource paths, e.g. `getJokesBySearch("horse")` can be mapped to `GET`.
Read through the [Retrofit documentation]( and implement the `CNJDBApi` interface as shown in the following UML:
![Retrofic spec](./assets/images/RetrofitAdapter.svg)
- Start by implementing the method `getRandomJoke()`; use the appropriate annotations to decodate the interface method.
- Modify the `main` method in the `App` class to create an instance of the `CNJDBApi` using `Retrofit.Builder`. You need to add a converter factory that helps converting the JSON response to an object; you can set Gson using `GsonConverterFactory.create()`.
- Print a random joke to `System.out`, and complete the test method `testCollision`. Recall that you work with `Call` objects that need to be executed before you can retrieve the response body.
- After completing the `getRandomJoke()` method try to add the other methods.
- If you are not sure if your query strings are correct you can test them within the command line using `curl` or in a browser extension such as [Postman](
Most unix systems will provide the cURL program:
curl -X GET "" -H "accept: application/json"
On Windows, you can use the PowerShell to accomplish the same like so:
-Headers @{"accept"="application/json"}
).Content | ConvertFrom-Json | ConvertTo-Json
(The part `| ConvertFrom-Json | ConvertTo-Json` is only necessary for formatting.)
_Remark: to execute this command you have to remove the newlines!_
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@startuml GsonSpec
package {
+abstract class TypeAdapter<T> {
package de.thro.inf.prg3.a06 {
+class JokeAdapter extends TypeAdapter {
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C402.5156,60.3281 402.375,60.2969 401.9219,60.2969 L400.2031,60.2969 L400.2031,53.7813 Z " fill="#000000"/><ellipse cx="424.75" cy="56.5" fill="#84BE84" rx="3" ry="3" style="stroke:#038048;stroke-width:1.0;"/><text fill="#000000" font-family="sans-serif" font-size="14" font-style="italic" lengthAdjust="spacing" textLength="68" x="430.75" y="61.8467">CNJDBApi</text><line style="stroke:#181818;stroke-width:0.5;" x1="262" x2="624" y1="73" y2="73"/><line style="stroke:#181818;stroke-width:0.5;" x1="262" x2="624" y1="81" y2="81"/><text fill="#000000" font-family="sans-serif" font-size="14" lengthAdjust="spacing" textLength="213" x="267" y="97.9951">getRandomJoke(): Call&lt;Joke&gt;</text><text fill="#000000" font-family="sans-serif" font-size="14" lengthAdjust="spacing" textLength="352" x="267" y="114.292">getRandomJoke(categories: String[]): Call&lt;Joke&gt;</text><text fill="#000000" font-family="sans-serif" font-size="14" lengthAdjust="spacing" textLength="331" x="267" y="130.5889">getJokesBySearch(query: String): Call&lt;Joke[]&gt;</text><text fill="#000000" font-family="sans-serif" font-size="14" lengthAdjust="spacing" textLength="220" x="267" y="146.8857">getJoke(id: String): Call&lt;Joke&gt;</text></g><!--class App--><g id="elem_App"><rect codeLine="11" fill="#F1F1F1" height="64.2969" id="App" rx="3.5" ry="3.5" style="stroke:#181818;stroke-width:0.5;" width="203" x="22.5" y="65.5"/><ellipse cx="99.25" cy="81.5" fill="#ADD1B2" rx="11" ry="11" style="stroke:#181818;stroke-width:1.0;"/><path d="M101.5938,77.1719 C100.6563,76.7344 100.0625,76.5938 99.1875,76.5938 C96.5625,76.5938 94.5625,78.6719 94.5625,81.3906 L94.5625,82.5156 C94.5625,85.0938 96.6719,86.9844 99.5625,86.9844 C100.7813,86.9844 101.9375,86.6875 102.6875,86.1406 C103.2656,85.7344 103.5938,85.2813 103.5938,84.8906 C103.5938,84.4375 103.2031,84.0469 102.7344,84.0469 C102.5156,84.0469 102.3125,84.125 102.125,84.3125 C101.6719,84.7969 101.6719,84.7969 101.4844,84.8906 C101.0625,85.1563 100.375,85.2813 99.6094,85.2813 C97.5625,85.2813 96.2656,84.1875 96.2656,82.4844 L96.2656,81.3906 C96.2656,79.6094 97.5156,78.2969 99.25,78.2969 C99.8281,78.2969 100.4375,78.4531 100.9063,78.7031 C101.3906,78.9844 101.5625,79.2031 101.6563,79.6094 C101.7188,80.0156 101.75,80.1406 101.8906,80.2656 C102.0313,80.4063 102.2656,80.5156 102.4844,80.5156 C102.75,80.5156 103.0156,80.375 103.1875,80.1563 C103.2969,80 103.3281,79.8125 103.3281,79.3906 L103.3281,77.9688 C103.3281,77.5313 103.3125,77.4063 103.2188,77.25 C103.0625,76.9844 102.7813,76.8438 102.4844,76.8438 C102.1875,76.8438 101.9844,76.9375 101.7656,77.25 L101.5938,77.1719 Z " fill="#000000"/><ellipse cx="124.75" cy="81" fill="#84BE84" rx="3" ry="3" style="stroke:#038048;stroke-width:1.0;"/><text fill="#000000" font-family="sans-serif" font-size="14" lengthAdjust="spacing" textLength="30" x="130.75" y="86.3467">App</text><line style="stroke:#181818;stroke-width:0.5;" x1="23.5" x2="224.5" y1="97.5" y2="97.5"/><line style="stroke:#181818;stroke-width:0.5;" x1="23.5" x2="224.5" y1="105.5" y2="105.5"/><ellipse cx="33.5" cy="119.1484" fill="#84BE84" rx="3" ry="3" style="stroke:#038048;stroke-width:1.0;"/><text fill="#000000" font-family="sans-serif" font-size="14" lengthAdjust="spacing" text-decoration="underline" textLength="177" x="42.5" y="122.4951">main(args: String[]): void</text></g><!--SRC=[TOyn2y9038Nt_eguLGJHnQ68e7Ng8697wH2lyHhQtjMxA1JfVrUnWgA-BSdxmdi3AQWckF31eP6WGLMY9h15FVRsA3Z6oGpGmtOAro20kqPiXDmH5K6yITQhPSFt4_JI93iqkQqJMr8uZ236gfe_XiKVZq8XRHsJZo0LnqRlix_SO-5NRKheL16UpkJQ5_NExBClAkJyb_Ffw_fggaBlOTaqRur6Loyeh3geaKs8Jdy6lLZE-oVT3G00]--></g></svg>
\ No newline at end of file
@startuml GsonSpec
package {
+abstract class TypeAdapter<T> {
package de.thro.inf.prg3.a06 {
+class JokeAdapter extends TypeAdapter {
\ No newline at end of file
!theme vibrant
package de.thro.inf.prg3.a06.model as P1 {
+class Joke {
-identifier: String
-content: String
-rubrics: String[]
+getIdentifier(): String
+setIdentifier(identifier: String): void
+getContent(): String
+setContent(content: String): void
+getRubrics(): String[]
+setRubrics(rubrics: String[]): void
!theme vibrant
package ohm.softa.a06 as P1 {
+interface CNJDBApi {
getRandomJoke(): Call<Joke>
getRandomJoke(categories: String[]): Call<Joke>
getJokesBySearch(query: String): Call<Joke[]>
getJoke(id: String): Call<Joke>
+class App {
+{static} main(args: String[]): void
plugins {
id 'java'
id 'application'
id 'idea'
group 'ohm.softa'
version '1.0-SNAPSHOT'
sourceCompatibility = 11
mainClassName = "ohm.softa.a06.App"
repositories {
dependencies {
test {
testLogging {
events "passed", "skipped", "failed"
File added
File added
File added
File added
File added
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Configuration status="WARN">
<Console name="Console" target="SYSTEM_OUT">
<PatternLayout pattern="%d{HH:mm:ss.SSS} [%t] %-5level %logger{36} - %msg%n"/>
<Root level="all">
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