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Snippets Groups Projects
Commit 43f0f7f5 authored by beekmannju85374's avatar beekmannju85374 :writing_hand:
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Merge branch 'master' into 'main'

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See merge request !16
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1 merge request!16updated comments
......@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ generateSchedules rooms startDay endDay professors = groups
-- the possible dates x room must be >= the number of professors and their projects in order to combine them
| length days * length rooms < projectsLen = error "not enough possible dates or rooms for scheduling"
| otherwise = map (splitIntoGroups (fairRest projectsLen) . sortByRoom) $ combinationsFast projectsLen (sort presentations) -- try complexity with sort and without
| otherwise = map (splitIntoGroups (fairRest projectsLen) . sortByRoom) $ combinationsFast projectsLen (sort presentations) -- TODO: try complexity with sort and without
-- after combining the presentations, split each list into the fairest groups
saveToFile :: [[Presentation]] -> FilePath -> IO ()
......@@ -113,10 +113,9 @@ loadFromFile filename = do
str <- readFile filename
return $ map (map read . lines) (splitOn "\n\n" str)
-- a presentationgroup should have 3 to 5 projects each
-- a presentationgroup should have 3 to 5 projects
-- finds the fairest 3,4,5 grouping for n projects
-- a fair grouping is either where every group has the same amount of projects or where one group has one less or one more project than all the others
-- lowest remainder = 1 means last group has one more project, lowest dif remainder = 1 means last group has one less project
-- if 5 is the fairest with rest 1 change to resultDif because you cannot have groupings of 6
-- if 3 is the fairest with dif rest 1 change to result because you cannot have groupings of 2
......@@ -141,9 +140,8 @@ fairRest n
-- ( n, x, n%x, x - (n%x) )
fairRestDebug :: Int -> [(Int, Int,Int,Int)]
fairRestDebug n = result
fairRestDebug n = modResults
result = modResults
modResult x = (n, x, n `mod` x, x - (n `mod` x))
modResults = map modResult [5,4,3]
......@@ -155,7 +153,6 @@ splitIntoGroups n xs
| n > 0 = take n xs : splitIntoGroups n (drop n xs)
| otherwise = []
-- choose n from [a] without repeats
combinations :: Eq a => Int -> [a] -> [[a]]
combinations 0 _ = [[]]
......@@ -173,7 +170,6 @@ filterPresentations x = filter (\p -> (professor p, project p) /= (professor x,
&& (room p, day p) /= (room x, day x)
&& (professor p, day p) /= (professor x, day x))
-- tries to find the most even schedule
-- if less than 6 projects it will return schedules in all the same room
-- if the amount of groups are even: no mix of rooms inside a group
......@@ -237,19 +233,18 @@ addProfUnavailability prof unavailables rooms startDay endDay oldPresentations =
updatedPresentations = filter (\pres -> professor pres /= prof) oldPresentationsFlat
newGroups = addProfessor updatedProf rooms startDay endDay [updatedPresentations] --bland grouping for addProfessor
-- ein Professor braucht nur eine Präsentation pro Projekt = jeder Professor muss in einer Liste von Präsentation mit seinen Präsentationen vertreten sein
-- one prof only needs one presentation per project
hasUniqueProjectProf :: [Presentation] -> Bool
hasUniqueProjectProf presList = length (nub $ map (\p -> (professor p, project p)) presList) == length presList
-- eine Liste von Präsentationen darf keine Listen enthalten die zwei Präsentationen auf den selben Raum am gleichen Tag legen
-- only one presentation in the same room on the same date
hasUniqueDaysRooms :: [Presentation] -> Bool
hasUniqueDaysRooms presList = length (nub $ map (\p -> (day p, room p)) presList) == length presList
-- ein Prof kann an einem Tag nicht zwei Vorträge betreuen
-- one prof can only supervise one project at the same day
hasUniqueDaysProf :: [Presentation] -> Bool
hasUniqueDaysProf presList = length (nub $ map (\p -> (professor p, day p)) presList) == length presList
groupByDay :: [Presentation] -> [[Presentation]]
groupByDay presentations = groupBy (\x y -> day x == day y && room x == room y) (sort presentations)
......@@ -330,7 +325,6 @@ detailedPrint p = "Presentation {room = " ++ show (room p) ++
", project = " ++ show (project p) ++
", professor = " ++ show (professor p) ++ "}"
-- CSV handling:
......@@ -362,21 +356,21 @@ generateLaTeX :: [[Presentation]] -> String
generateLaTeX presentations = unlines $ header ++ zipWith formatGroup [1..] presentations ++ footer
header =
[ "\\documentclass[a4paper]{article}"
, "\\usepackage{geometry}"
, "\\geometry{a4paper, margin=1in}"
, "\\usepackage[ngerman]{babel}"
, "\\usepackage{titling}"
, "\\usepackage{fancyhdr}"
, "\\pagestyle{fancy}"
, "\\fancyhf{}"
, "\\renewcommand{\\headrulewidth}{0pt}"
, "\\rhead{Stand: \\today}"
, "\\lhead{\\thetitle}"
"\\geometry{a4paper, margin=1in}",
"\\rhead{Stand: \\today}",
, "\\title{IT-Projekte XxXx 20YY}"
, "\\begin{document}"
"\\title{IT-Projekte XxXx 20YY}",
footer = ["\\end{document}"]
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