Spotify Feat. Social Network Analysis
The Correlation Between Network Position and Popularity of Musicians on Spotify
This repo provides the collected data described in our paper. All data was extracted from the Spotify API (
The file artists.json contains 98.249 artists with the follosing properties:
- id: artist's Spotify ID
- name: artist's name
- songscount: amount of collected tracks that feature this artist
- popularity: Spotify's popularity value for this artist
- genres: artist's genres
- type: always "artist"
- filled_data: development property describing whether all properties were collected
- extracted_collabs: development property describing whether all of this artist's tracks were collected
- depth: development property describing in which iteration an artist was added
The file tracks.json contains 914.214 tracks with the follosing properties:
- id: tracks's Spotify ID
- artists: list of featured artists' ids
- genres: tracks's genres; always "NaN" (no information available)
- name: tracks's name
- year: year that this track was released
- popularity: Spotify's popularity value for this track
- features: information about musical features; e.g. acousticness, danceability, loudness, ...
- filled_data: development property describing whether all properties were collected
- extracted_artists: development property describing whether all of this tracks's artists were collected
- depth: development property describing in which iteration a track was added