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Commit 9428d813 authored by Jenkins for ownCloud's avatar Jenkins for ownCloud
Browse files

[tx-robot] updated from transifex

parent 0f314c14
No related branches found
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No related merge requests found
with 44 additions and 85 deletions
......@@ -46,6 +46,7 @@
"{count} folders" => "{count} carpetes",
"1 file" => "1 fitxer",
"{count} files" => "{count} fitxers",
"Invalid folder name. Usage of 'Shared' is reserved by ownCloud" => "Nom de carpeta no vàlid. L'ús de 'Shared' està reservat per Owncloud",
"Unable to rename file" => "No es pot canviar el nom del fitxer",
"Upload" => "Puja",
"File handling" => "Gestió de fitxers",
......@@ -46,6 +46,7 @@
"{count} folders" => "{count} フォルダ",
"1 file" => "1 ファイル",
"{count} files" => "{count} ファイル",
"Invalid folder name. Usage of 'Shared' is reserved by ownCloud" => "無効なフォルダ名です。'Shared' の利用はownCloudで予約済みです",
"Unable to rename file" => "ファイル名の変更ができません",
"Upload" => "アップロード",
"File handling" => "ファイル操作",
<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array(
"Could not move %s - File with this name already exists" => "Неполучается перенести %s - Файл с таким именем уже существует",
"Could not move %s" => "Неполучается перенести %s ",
"Unable to rename file" => "Невозможно переименовать файл",
"No file was uploaded. Unknown error" => "Файл не был загружен. Неизвестная ошибка",
"There is no error, the file uploaded with success" => "Ошибка отсутствует, файл загружен успешно.",
"The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini: " => "Размер загружаемого файла превышает upload_max_filesize директиву в php.ini:",
"The uploaded file exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the HTML form" => "Размер загруженного",
"The uploaded file was only partially uploaded" => "Загружаемый файл был загружен частично",
"No file was uploaded" => "Файл не был загружен",
"Missing a temporary folder" => "Отсутствует временная папка",
"Failed to write to disk" => "Не удалось записать на диск",
"Not enough storage available" => "Недостаточно места в хранилище",
"Invalid directory." => "Неверный каталог.",
"Files" => "Файлы",
"Share" => "Сделать общим",
"Delete permanently" => "Удалить навсегда",
"Delete" => "Удалить",
"Rename" => "Переименовать",
"Pending" => "Ожидающий решения",
"{new_name} already exists" => "{новое_имя} уже существует",
"replace" => "отмена",
"suggest name" => "подобрать название",
"cancel" => "отменить",
"replaced {new_name} with {old_name}" => "заменено {новое_имя} с {старое_имя}",
"undo" => "отменить действие",
"perform delete operation" => "выполняется процесс удаления",
"1 file uploading" => "загрузка 1 файла",
"'.' is an invalid file name." => "'.' является неверным именем файла.",
"File name cannot be empty." => "Имя файла не может быть пустым.",
"Invalid name, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' and '*' are not allowed." => "Некорректное имя, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' и '*' не допустимы.",
"Your storage is full, files can not be updated or synced anymore!" => "Ваше хранилище переполнено, фалы больше не могут быть обновлены или синхронизированы!",
"Your storage is almost full ({usedSpacePercent}%)" => "Ваше хранилище почти полно ({usedSpacePercent}%)",
"Your download is being prepared. This might take some time if the files are big." => "Идёт подготовка к скачке Вашего файла. Это может занять некоторое время, если фалы большие.",
"Unable to upload your file as it is a directory or has 0 bytes" => "Невозможно загрузить файл,\n так как он имеет нулевой размер или является директорией",
"Not enough space available" => "Не достаточно свободного места",
"Upload cancelled." => "Загрузка отменена",
"File upload is in progress. Leaving the page now will cancel the upload." => "Процесс загрузки файла. Если покинуть страницу сейчас, загрузка будет отменена.",
"URL cannot be empty." => "URL не должен быть пустым.",
"Invalid folder name. Usage of 'Shared' is reserved by Owncloud" => "Неверное имя папки. Использование наименования 'Опубликовано' зарезервировано Owncloud",
"Error" => "Ошибка",
"Name" => "Имя",
"Size" => "Размер",
"Modified" => "Изменен",
"1 folder" => "1 папка",
"{count} folders" => "{количество} папок",
"1 file" => "1 файл",
"{count} files" => "{количество} файлов",
"Upload" => "Загрузить ",
"File handling" => "Работа с файлами",
"Maximum upload size" => "Максимальный размер загружаемого файла",
"max. possible: " => "Максимально возможный",
"Needed for multi-file and folder downloads." => "Необходимо для множественной загрузки.",
"Enable ZIP-download" => "Включение ZIP-загрузки",
"0 is unlimited" => "0 без ограничений",
"Maximum input size for ZIP files" => "Максимальный размер входящих ZIP-файлов ",
"Save" => "Сохранить",
"New" => "Новый",
"Text file" => "Текстовый файл",
"Folder" => "Папка",
"From link" => "По ссылке",
"Cancel upload" => "Отмена загрузки",
"Nothing in here. Upload something!" => "Здесь ничего нет. Загрузите что-нибудь!",
"Download" => "Загрузить",
"Unshare" => "Скрыть",
"Upload too large" => "Загрузка слишком велика",
"The files you are trying to upload exceed the maximum size for file uploads on this server." => "Размер файлов, которые Вы пытаетесь загрузить, превышает максимально допустимый размер для загрузки на данный сервер.",
"Files are being scanned, please wait." => "Файлы сканируются, пожалуйста, подождите.",
"Current scanning" => "Текущее сканирование",
"Upgrading filesystem cache..." => "Обновление кэша файловой системы... "
"Error" => "Ошибка"
<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array(
"Couldn't delete %s permanently" => "%s не может быть удалён навсегда",
"Couldn't restore %s" => "%s не может быть восстановлен",
"perform restore operation" => "выполнить операцию восстановления",
"Error" => "Ошибка",
"delete file permanently" => "удалить файл навсегда",
"Delete permanently" => "Удалить навсегда",
"Name" => "Имя",
"Deleted" => "Удалён",
"1 folder" => "1 папка",
"{count} folders" => "{количество} папок",
"1 file" => "1 файл",
"{count} files" => "{количество} файлов",
"Nothing in here. Your trash bin is empty!" => "Здесь ничего нет. Ваша корзина пуста!",
"Restore" => "Восстановить",
"Delete" => "Удалить",
"Deleted Files" => "Удаленные файлы"
"Error" => "Ошибка"
<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array(
"Deletion failed" => "فشل الحذف",
"Error" => "خطأ",
"Password" => "كلمة المرور",
"Help" => "المساعدة"
<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array(
"Error" => "Грешка",
"Password" => "Парола",
"Help" => "Помощ"
<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array(
"Error" => "সমস্যা",
"Host" => "হোস্ট",
"You can omit the protocol, except you require SSL. Then start with ldaps://" => "SSL আবশ্যক না হলে আপনি এই প্রটোকলটি মুছে ফেলতে পারেন । এরপর শুরু করুন এটা দিয়ে ldaps://",
"Base DN" => "ভিত্তি DN",
<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array(
"Failed to clear the mappings." => "Ha fallat en eliminar els mapatges",
"Failed to delete the server configuration" => "Ha fallat en eliminar la configuració del servidor",
"The configuration is valid and the connection could be established!" => "La configuració és vàlida i s'ha pogut establir la comunicació!",
"The configuration is valid, but the Bind failed. Please check the server settings and credentials." => "La configuració és vàlida, però ha fallat el Bind. Comproveu les credencials i l'arranjament del servidor.",
......@@ -7,6 +8,9 @@
"Take over settings from recent server configuration?" => "Voleu prendre l'arranjament de la configuració actual del servidor?",
"Keep settings?" => "Voleu mantenir la configuració?",
"Cannot add server configuration" => "No es pot afegir la configuració del servidor",
"mappings cleared" => "s'han eliminat els mapatges",
"Success" => "Èxit",
"Error" => "Error",
"Connection test succeeded" => "La prova de connexió ha reeixit",
"Connection test failed" => "La prova de connexió ha fallat",
"Do you really want to delete the current Server Configuration?" => "Voleu eliminar la configuració actual del servidor?",
......@@ -70,6 +74,16 @@
"Email Field" => "Camp de correu electrònic",
"User Home Folder Naming Rule" => "Norma per anomenar la carpeta arrel d'usuari",
"Leave empty for user name (default). Otherwise, specify an LDAP/AD attribute." => "Deixeu-ho buit pel nom d'usuari (per defecte). Altrament, especifiqueu un atribut LDAP/AD.",
"Internal Username" => "Nom d'usuari intern",
"By default the internal username will be created from the UUID attribute. It makes sure that the username is unique and characters do not need to be converted. The internal username has the restriction that only these characters are allowed: [ a-zA-Z0-9_.@- ]. Other characters are replaced with their ASCII correspondence or simply omitted. On collisions a number will be added/increased. The internal username is used to identify a user internally. It is also the default name for the user home folder in ownCloud. It is also a port of remote URLs, for instance for all *DAV services. With this setting, the default behaviour can be overriden. To achieve a similar behaviour as before ownCloud 5 enter the user display name attribute in the following field. Leave it empty for default behaviour. Changes will have effect only on newly mapped (added) LDAP users." => "Per defecte el nom d'usuari intern es crearà a partir de l'atribut UUID. Això assegura que el nom d'usuari és únic i que els caràcters no s'han de convertir. El nom d'usuari intern té la restricció que només estan permesos els caràcters: [ a-zA-Z0-9_.@- ]. Els altres caràcters es substitueixen pel seu corresponent ASCII o simplement s'ometen. En cas de col·lisió s'incrementa/decrementa en un. El nom d'usuari intern s'utilitza per identificar un usuari internament. També és el nom per defecte de la carpeta home a ownCloud. És també un port de URLs remotes, per exemple tots els serveis *DAV. Amb aquest arranjament es pot variar el comportament per defecte. Per obtenir un comportament similar al d'abans de ownCloud 5, escriviu el nom d'usuari a mostrar en el camp següent. Deixei-lo en blanc si preferiu el comportament per defecte. Els canvis tindran efecte només en els nous usuaris LDAP mapats (afegits).",
"Internal Username Attribute:" => "Atribut nom d'usuari intern:",
"Override UUID detection" => "Sobrescriu la detecció UUID",
"By default, ownCloud autodetects the UUID attribute. The UUID attribute is used to doubtlessly identify LDAP users and groups. Also, the internal username will be created based on the UUID, if not specified otherwise above. You can override the setting and pass an attribute of your choice. You must make sure that the attribute of your choice can be fetched for both users and groups and it is unique. Leave it empty for default behaviour. Changes will have effect only on newly mapped (added) LDAP users and groups." => "Per defecte, owncloud autodetecta l'atribut UUID. L'atribut UUID s'utilitza per identificar usuaris i grups de forma indubtable. També el nom d'usuari intern es crearà en base a la UUIS, si no heu especificat res diferent a dalt. Podeu sobreescriure l'arranjament i passar l'atribut que desitgeu. Heu d'assegurar-vos que l'atribut que escolliu pot ser recollit tant pels usuaris com pels grups i que és únic. Deixeu-ho en blanc si preferiu el comportament per defecte. els canvis s'aplicaran en els usuaris i grups LDAP mapats de nou (afegits).",
"UUID Attribute:" => "Atribut UUID:",
"Username-LDAP User Mapping" => "Mapatge d'usuari Nom d'usuari-LDAP",
"ownCloud uses usernames to store and assign (meta) data. In order to precisely identify and recognize users, each LDAP user will have a internal username. This requires a mapping from ownCloud username to LDAP user. The created username is mapped to the UUID of the LDAP user. Additionally the DN is cached as well to reduce LDAP interaction, but it is not used for identification. If the DN changes, the changes will be found by ownCloud. The internal ownCloud name is used all over in ownCloud. Clearing the Mappings will have leftovers everywhere. Clearing the Mappings is not configuration sensitive, it affects all LDAP configurations! Do never clear the mappings in a production environment. Only clear mappings in a testing or experimental stage." => "ownCloud utilitza els noms d'usuari per emmagatzemar i assignar (meta)dades. per tal d'identificar usuaris de forma precisa, cada usuari LDAP tindrà un nom d'usuari intern. Això requereix un mapatge del nom d'usuari ownCloud a l'usuari LDAP. El nom d'usuari creat es mapa a la UUID de l'usuari LDAP. Addicionalment, la DN es desa a la memòria de cau per reduïr la interacció LDAP, però no s'usa per a identificació. Si la DN canvia, els canvis són detectats per ownCloud. El nom d'usuari intern ownCloud s'utilitza internament arreu de ownCloud. Eliminar els mapatges tindrà efectues per tot arreu. L'eliminació dels mapatges no és sensible a la configuració, afecta a totes les configuracions LDAP! No elimineu mai els mapatges en un entorn de producció. Elimineu-los només en un estadi experimental o de prova.",
"Clear Username-LDAP User Mapping" => "Elimina el mapatge d'usuari Nom d'usuari-LDAP",
"Clear Groupname-LDAP Group Mapping" => "Elimina el mapatge de grup Nom de grup-LDAP",
"Test Configuration" => "Comprovació de la configuració",
"Help" => "Ajuda"
......@@ -7,6 +7,8 @@
"Take over settings from recent server configuration?" => "Převzít nastavení z nedávného nastavení serveru?",
"Keep settings?" => "Ponechat nastavení?",
"Cannot add server configuration" => "Nelze přidat nastavení serveru",
"Success" => "Úspěch",
"Error" => "Chyba",
"Connection test succeeded" => "Test spojení byl úspěšný",
"Connection test failed" => "Test spojení selhal",
"Do you really want to delete the current Server Configuration?" => "Opravdu si přejete smazat současné nastavení serveru?",
<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array(
"Deletion failed" => "Methwyd dileu",
"Error" => "Gwall",
"Password" => "Cyfrinair",
"Help" => "Cymorth"
<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array(
"Deletion failed" => "Fejl ved sletning",
"Success" => "Succes",
"Error" => "Fejl",
"Host" => "Host",
"You can omit the protocol, except you require SSL. Then start with ldaps://" => "Du kan udelade protokollen, medmindre du skal bruge SSL. Start i så fald med ldaps://",
"Base DN" => "Base DN",
......@@ -7,6 +7,8 @@
"Take over settings from recent server configuration?" => "Einstellungen von letzter Konfiguration übernehmen?",
"Keep settings?" => "Einstellungen beibehalten?",
"Cannot add server configuration" => "Das Hinzufügen der Serverkonfiguration schlug fehl",
"Success" => "Erfolgreich",
"Error" => "Fehler",
"Connection test succeeded" => "Verbindungstest erfolgreich",
"Connection test failed" => "Verbindungstest fehlgeschlagen",
"Do you really want to delete the current Server Configuration?" => "Möchtest Du die aktuelle Serverkonfiguration wirklich löschen?",
......@@ -7,6 +7,8 @@
"Take over settings from recent server configuration?" => "Einstellungen von letzter Konfiguration übernehmen?",
"Keep settings?" => "Einstellungen beibehalten?",
"Cannot add server configuration" => "Das Hinzufügen der Serverkonfiguration schlug fehl",
"Success" => "Erfolg",
"Error" => "Fehler",
"Connection test succeeded" => "Verbindungstest erfolgreich",
"Connection test failed" => "Verbindungstest fehlgeschlagen",
"Do you really want to delete the current Server Configuration?" => "Möchten Sie die aktuelle Serverkonfiguration wirklich löschen?",
......@@ -7,6 +7,8 @@
"Take over settings from recent server configuration?" => "Πάρτε πάνω από τις πρόσφατες ρυθμίσεις διαμόρφωσης του διακομιστή?",
"Keep settings?" => "Διατήρηση ρυθμίσεων;",
"Cannot add server configuration" => "Αδυναμία προσθήκης ρυθμίσεων διακομιστή",
"Success" => "Επιτυχία",
"Error" => "Σφάλμα",
"Connection test succeeded" => "Επιτυχημένη δοκιμαστική σύνδεση",
"Connection test failed" => "Αποτυχημένη δοκιμαστική σύνδεσης.",
"Do you really want to delete the current Server Configuration?" => "Θέλετε να διαγράψετε τις τρέχουσες ρυθμίσεις του διακομιστή;",
<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array(
"Deletion failed" => "Forigo malsukcesis",
"Success" => "Sukceso",
"Error" => "Eraro",
"Host" => "Gastigo",
"You can omit the protocol, except you require SSL. Then start with ldaps://" => "Vi povas neglekti la protokolon, escepte se vi bezonas SSL-on. Tiuokaze, komencu per ldaps://",
"Base DN" => "Bazo-DN",
......@@ -7,6 +7,8 @@
"Take over settings from recent server configuration?" => "Hacerse cargo de los ajustes de configuración del servidor reciente?",
"Keep settings?" => "Mantener la configuración?",
"Cannot add server configuration" => "No se puede añadir la configuración del servidor",
"Success" => "Éxito",
"Error" => "Error",
"Connection test succeeded" => "La prueba de conexión fue exitosa",
"Connection test failed" => "La prueba de conexión falló",
"Do you really want to delete the current Server Configuration?" => "¿Realmente desea eliminar la configuración actual del servidor?",
......@@ -70,6 +72,7 @@
"Email Field" => "E-mail",
"User Home Folder Naming Rule" => "Regla para la carpeta Home de usuario",
"Leave empty for user name (default). Otherwise, specify an LDAP/AD attribute." => "Vacío para el nombre de usuario (por defecto). En otro caso, especifique un atributo LDAP/AD.",
"ownCloud uses usernames to store and assign (meta) data. In order to precisely identify and recognize users, each LDAP user will have a internal username. This requires a mapping from ownCloud username to LDAP user. The created username is mapped to the UUID of the LDAP user. Additionally the DN is cached as well to reduce LDAP interaction, but it is not used for identification. If the DN changes, the changes will be found by ownCloud. The internal ownCloud name is used all over in ownCloud. Clearing the Mappings will have leftovers everywhere. Clearing the Mappings is not configuration sensitive, it affects all LDAP configurations! Do never clear the mappings in a production environment. Only clear mappings in a testing or experimental stage." => "ownCloud utiliza nombre de usuarios para almacenar y asignar (meta) datos. Con el fin de identificar con precisión y reconocer usuarios, cada usuario LDAP tendrá un nombre de usuario interno. Esto requiere una asignación de nombre de usuario de ownCloud a usuario LDAP. El nombre de usuario creado se asigna al UUID del usuario LDAP. Además el DN se almacena en caché más bien para reducir la interacción de LDAP, pero no se utiliza para la identificación. Si la DN cambia, los cambios serán encontrados por ownCloud. El nombre interno de ownCloud se utiliza para todo en ownCloud. Eliminando las asignaciones tendrá restos por todas partes. Eliminando las asignaciones no es sensible a la configuración, que afecta a todas las configuraciones de LDAP! No limpiar nunca las asignaciones en un entorno de producción. Sólo borrar asignaciones en una situación de prueba o experimental.",
"Test Configuration" => "Configuración de prueba",
"Help" => "Ayuda"
......@@ -7,6 +7,8 @@
"Take over settings from recent server configuration?" => "Tomar los valores de la anterior configuración de servidor?",
"Keep settings?" => "¿Mantener preferencias?",
"Cannot add server configuration" => "No se pudo añadir la configuración del servidor",
"Success" => "Éxito",
"Error" => "Error",
"Connection test succeeded" => "El este de conexión ha sido completado satisfactoriamente",
"Connection test failed" => "Falló es test de conexión",
"Do you really want to delete the current Server Configuration?" => "¿Realmente desea borrar la configuración actual del servidor?",
......@@ -7,6 +7,8 @@
"Take over settings from recent server configuration?" => "Võta sätted viimasest serveri seadistusest?",
"Keep settings?" => "Säilitada seadistused?",
"Cannot add server configuration" => "Ei suuda lisada serveri seadistust",
"Success" => "Korras",
"Error" => "Viga",
"Connection test succeeded" => "Ühenduse testimine õnnestus",
"Connection test failed" => "Ühenduse testimine ebaõnnestus",
"Do you really want to delete the current Server Configuration?" => "Oled kindel, et tahad kustutada praegust serveri seadistust?",
......@@ -7,6 +7,8 @@
"Take over settings from recent server configuration?" => "oraintsuko zerbitzariaren konfigurazioaren ezarpenen ardura hartu?",
"Keep settings?" => "Mantendu ezarpenak?",
"Cannot add server configuration" => "Ezin da zerbitzariaren konfigurazioa gehitu",
"Success" => "Arrakasta",
"Error" => "Errorea",
"Connection test succeeded" => "Konexio froga ongi burutu da",
"Connection test failed" => "Konexio frogak huts egin du",
"Do you really want to delete the current Server Configuration?" => "Ziur zaude Zerbitzariaren Konfigurazioa ezabatu nahi duzula?",
......@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
"The configuration is valid and the connection could be established!" => "پیکربندی معتبر است و ارتباط می تواند برقرار شود",
"Deletion failed" => "حذف کردن انجام نشد",
"Keep settings?" => "آیا تنظیمات ذخیره شود ؟",
"Error" => "خطا",
"Connection test succeeded" => "تست اتصال با موفقیت انجام گردید",
"Connection test failed" => "تست اتصال ناموفق بود",
"Do you really want to delete the current Server Configuration?" => "آیا واقعا می خواهید پیکربندی کنونی سرور را حذف کنید؟",
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