- Mar 19, 2014
Vincent Petry authored
Now creating real users and groups for testing external storage mounts
Vincent Petry authored
Vincent Petry authored
Moved the mounting code for external storage from OC\Filesystem::initMountPoint to files_external using the post_initMountPoints hook
Vincent Petry authored
Vincent Petry authored
Added obfuscation for all "password" options from external storages. Added unit tests for reading/writing the configuration.
Vincent Petry authored
Vincent Petry authored
Fix validation of allowed personal backend
Jenkins for ownCloud authored
Morris Jobke authored
Set overflow-y to auto
- Mar 18, 2014
Robin McCorkell authored
Fix smb4php to work with home shares
Vincent Petry authored
- test config was written correctly (global and local) - test that personal mount points can be added for allowed backends - test that personal mount points cannot be added for disallowed backends - added $skipTest flag to make it possible add mount points without doing an actual check/connection (note: this is necessary because the static class OC_Mount_Config cannot be mocked)
Thomas Tanghus authored
Vincent Petry authored
Morris Jobke authored
Display admin option for public upload with encryption enabled
Vincent Petry authored
Now that public upload works with encryption, the admin option to toggle it must be made visible.
Jenkins for ownCloud authored
- Mar 17, 2014
Thomas Müller authored
Move routing classes to an interface and expose it in the public api
Robin McCorkell authored
Stat'ing a share with url_stat now checks if the user can run 'ls' in that share rather than checking if the share is listed by the server. This means that OwnCloud can now mount user home shares, which are never listed by the server.
Robin Appelman authored
use a non-recursive chmod on the datadir
Robin Appelman authored
Correctly round bytes when converted from human readable format
Vincent Petry authored
clarify the use-case of the encryption app.
Robin Appelman authored
Added warning for trusted_domains after CLI upgrade
Vincent Petry authored
use preDelete instead of postDelete hook
Vincent Petry authored
make it possible to influence output type of \OC_Image
Robin Appelman authored
Frank Karlitschek authored
Vincent Petry authored
Instead of leave two decimal places which is confusing, round the byte values correctly to the closest byte.
Thomas Müller authored
Thomas Müller authored
Jenkins for ownCloud authored
- Mar 16, 2014
Morris Jobke authored
remove unneeded icon class
Jenkins for ownCloud authored
- Mar 15, 2014
Jenkins for ownCloud authored
- Mar 14, 2014
Georg Ehrke authored
Georg Ehrke authored
Jan-Christoph Borchardt authored
Raghu Nayyar authored
add 'body-public' ID to body in base layout so it can be identified via CSS
Georg Ehrke authored
Vincent Petry authored
If trusted_domains is not set after a CLI upgrade, show a warning in the output.
Georg Ehrke authored