- Mar 31, 2014
Jan-Christoph Borchardt authored
- Mar 27, 2014
Jan-Christoph Borchardt authored
Jan-Christoph Borchardt authored
Jan-Christoph Borchardt authored
Jan-Christoph Borchardt authored
Jan-Christoph Borchardt authored
Vincent Petry authored
SMB/CIFS mounts using ownCloud login, fixes #7843
Vincent Petry authored
Fixed mtime reading from OpenStack API
Vincent Petry authored
Use the correct resolve method to resolve file storage (x-sendfile)
Jenkins for ownCloud authored
- Mar 26, 2014
Vincent Petry authored
When detecting whether the file to be downloaded is on external storage, the correct path needs to be used. It turns out that \OC\Files\View is needed to resolve the path correctly relative to the user's home.
Vincent Petry authored
The API seems to return floating point values, which prevents the hasUpdated() check to work and causes the scanner to rescan everything every time.
Thomas Müller authored
css files are not to be routed through index.php anymore
Thomas Müller authored
Miscellaneous text fixes for core apps
Robin McCorkell authored
Robin McCorkell authored
Vincent Petry authored
Fix undefined index warning in router
Robin McCorkell authored
Thomas Müller authored
Robin McCorkell authored
To check for shares, the code attempts to connect anonymously to the share. In most cases this will fail with NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED, so the regex array used for parsing the output of smbclient in smb4php has been overridden to treat such output as success. The 'test' method for storage classes can now take a single parameter, $isPersonal, which allows the storage to adjust the tests performed based on if they are being configured as personal shares or as system shares.
Robin McCorkell authored
SMB_Auto is now SMB_OC, and the name has been changed from "SMB / CIFS Auto" to "SMB / CIFS using OC login"
Robin McCorkell authored
Shares authenticated with user credentials (aka not hard coded) cannot be accessed by other users, breaking sharing. This change completely revokes sharing for such shares
Robin McCorkell authored
getDisplayName would return the display name of the user, not great if it is a canonical string. The uid passed back from 'login' is the UUID of the user, so also not suitable. The login name from the session is the username the user used to log in to ownCloud in the first place, which is what is needed.
Robin McCorkell authored
Selecting 'SMB/CIFS Auto' in the mounts configuration allows an SMB/CIFS mount to be configured that uses the credentials of the user logging in to authenticate to the server. Optionally, the username can be used as the share name, permitting home shares to be dynamically mounted.
Vincent Petry authored
Fix merging of external storage configurations
Vincent Petry authored
Pretty print mount.json when possible
Robin Appelman authored
Vincent Petry authored
Merging of configurations is whenever the same config is available for multiple users/groups, in which case the config is considered as a single one by the UI, and shows multiple users/groups selected. Fixed merging logic to make sure that class, mount point and options are the same before merging them. Fixed merging to work correctly when the same mount point path is used for separate users and configs. These are now correctly shows in the UI as separate entries.
Vincent Petry authored
Jenkins for ownCloud authored
- Mar 25, 2014
Thomas Müller authored
Added PostgreSQL version warning on upgrade
Thomas Müller authored
Thomas Müller authored
Routing performance
Thomas Müller authored
Thomas Müller authored
Recursive mkdir fixes #7047
Thomas Müller authored
Manually triger the filecache update hooks before any other hook
Thomas Müller authored
Allow re-using already known fileinfo when calculating folder sizes
Victor Dubiniuk authored
Also replace console.time/timeEnd when not in DEBUG mode
Vincent Petry authored
Log last cron execution
Robin Appelman authored