- Jun 03, 2013
Michael Gapczynski authored
Michael Gapczynski authored
Michael Gapczynski authored
Thomas Müller authored
Arthur Schiwon authored
Cache Test: set datadir to temporary location, otherwise initmountpoints will access to productive location
Arthur Schiwon authored
Cache: mount user mountpoints to make sure that // exists before accessing it. Fixes #2553 and #2374
Jörn Friedrich Dreyer authored
Fix undefined index for share mount point retrieval
Jörn Friedrich Dreyer authored
public.php - check if maintenance mode is enabled
Robin Appelman authored
Refactor of user management
Thomas Tanghus authored
Replacement for jquery.dialog to fit better with ownCloud design.
Thomas Müller authored
Robin Appelman authored
Robin Appelman authored
Robin Appelman authored
Robin Appelman authored
Robin Appelman authored
Robin Appelman authored
Robin Appelman authored
Georg Ehrke authored
Jörn Friedrich Dreyer authored
initialize the session earlier
Thomas Tanghus authored
Thomas Tanghus authored
Jenkins for ownCloud authored
Thomas Tanghus authored
- Jun 02, 2013
Thomas Müller authored
Thomas Müller authored
Robin Appelman authored
Reworked background job system.
Frank Karlitschek authored
In cases where smb4php returns false of an empty array stat/( has to ret...
Robin Appelman authored
Robin Appelman authored
Thomas Tanghus authored
Robin Appelman authored
Robin Appelman authored
Robin Appelman authored
Jenkins for ownCloud authored
- Jun 01, 2013
Christopher Schäpers authored
Speed up octemplate rendering.
Thomas Tanghus authored
Thomas Tanghus authored
Thomas Müller authored
isinternetconnectionworking should return false if OC_Config::getValue("has_internet_connection") is false
Jenkins for ownCloud authored