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  • Joas Schilling's avatar
    Use md5() of the original name instead of uniqid() for slugifying · 1846aebf
    Joas Schilling authored
    Previously we used uniqid() here.
    However this means that the behaviour is not reproducable, so
    when uploading files into a "empty" folder, the folders name is
    If there would be a md5() hash collition, the deduplicate check
    will spot this and append an index later, so this should not be
    a problem.
    Fix #6722
    Use md5() of the original name instead of uniqid() for slugifying
    Joas Schilling authored
    Previously we used uniqid() here.
    However this means that the behaviour is not reproducable, so
    when uploading files into a "empty" folder, the folders name is
    If there would be a md5() hash collition, the deduplicate check
    will spot this and append an index later, so this should not be
    a problem.
    Fix #6722
mapper.php 6.76 KiB

namespace OC\Files;

 * class Mapper is responsible to translate logical paths to physical paths and reverse
class Mapper
	private $unchangedPhysicalRoot;

	public function __construct($rootDir) {
		$this->unchangedPhysicalRoot = $rootDir;

	 * @param string $logicPath
	 * @param bool $create indicates if the generated physical name shall be stored in the database or not
	 * @return string the physical path
	public function logicToPhysical($logicPath, $create) {
		$physicalPath = $this->resolveLogicPath($logicPath);
		if ($physicalPath !== null) {
			return $physicalPath;

		return $this->create($logicPath, $create);

	 * @param string $physicalPath
	 * @return string
	public function physicalToLogic($physicalPath) {
		$logicPath = $this->resolvePhysicalPath($physicalPath);
		if ($logicPath !== null) {
			return $logicPath;

		$this->insert($physicalPath, $physicalPath);
		return $physicalPath;

	 * @param string $path
	 * @param bool $isLogicPath indicates if $path is logical or physical
	 * @param boolean $recursive
	 * @return void
	public function removePath($path, $isLogicPath, $recursive) {
		if ($recursive) {

		if ($isLogicPath) {
			\OC_DB::executeAudited('DELETE FROM `*PREFIX*file_map` WHERE `logic_path` LIKE ?', array($path));
		} else {
			\OC_DB::executeAudited('DELETE FROM `*PREFIX*file_map` WHERE `physic_path` LIKE ?', array($path));

	 * @param string $path1
	 * @param string $path2
	 * @throws \Exception
	public function copy($path1, $path2)
		$path1 = $this->stripLast($path1);
		$path2 = $this->stripLast($path2);
		$physicPath1 = $this->logicToPhysical($path1, true);
		$physicPath2 = $this->logicToPhysical($path2, true);

		$sql = 'SELECT * FROM `*PREFIX*file_map` WHERE `logic_path` LIKE ?';
		$result = \OC_DB::executeAudited($sql, array($path1.'%'));
		$updateQuery = \OC_DB::prepare('UPDATE `*PREFIX*file_map`'
			.' SET `logic_path` = ?'
			.' , `logic_path_hash` = ?'
			.' , `physic_path` = ?'
			.' , `physic_path_hash` = ?'
			.' WHERE `logic_path` = ?');
		while( $row = $result->fetchRow()) {
			$currentLogic = $row['logic_path'];
			$currentPhysic = $row['physic_path'];
			$newLogic = $path2.$this->stripRootFolder($currentLogic, $path1);
			$newPhysic = $physicPath2.$this->stripRootFolder($currentPhysic, $physicPath1);
			if ($path1 !== $currentLogic) {
				try {
					\OC_DB::executeAudited($updateQuery, array($newLogic, md5($newLogic), $newPhysic, md5($newPhysic),
				} catch (\Exception $e) {
					error_log('Mapper::Copy failed '.$currentLogic.' -> '.$newLogic.'\n'.$e);
					throw $e;

	 * @param string $path
	 * @param string $root
	 * @return false|string
	public function stripRootFolder($path, $root) {
		if (strpos($path, $root) !== 0) {
			// throw exception ???
			return false;
		if (strlen($path) > strlen($root)) {
			return substr($path, strlen($root));

		return '';

	private function stripLast($path) {
		if (substr($path, -1) == '/') {
			$path = substr_replace($path, '', -1);
		return $path;

	 * @param string $logicPath
	private function resolveLogicPath($logicPath) {
		$logicPath = $this->stripLast($logicPath);
		$sql = 'SELECT * FROM `*PREFIX*file_map` WHERE `logic_path_hash` = ?';
		$result = \OC_DB::executeAudited($sql, array(md5($logicPath)));
		$result = $result->fetchRow();
		if ($result === false) {
			return null;

		return $result['physic_path'];

	private function resolvePhysicalPath($physicalPath) {
		$physicalPath = $this->stripLast($physicalPath);
		$sql = \OC_DB::prepare('SELECT * FROM `*PREFIX*file_map` WHERE `physic_path_hash` = ?');
		$result = \OC_DB::executeAudited($sql, array(md5($physicalPath)));
		$result = $result->fetchRow();

		return $result['logic_path'];

	 * @param string $logicPath
	 * @param boolean $store
	private function create($logicPath, $store) {
		$logicPath = $this->stripLast($logicPath);
		$index = 0;

		// create the slugified path
		$physicalPath = $this->slugifyPath($logicPath);

		// detect duplicates
		while ($this->resolvePhysicalPath($physicalPath) !== null) {
			$physicalPath = $this->slugifyPath($logicPath, $index++);

		// insert the new path mapping if requested
		if ($store) {
			$this->insert($logicPath, $physicalPath);

		return $physicalPath;

	private function insert($logicPath, $physicalPath) {
		$sql = 'INSERT INTO `*PREFIX*file_map` (`logic_path`, `physic_path`, `logic_path_hash`, `physic_path_hash`)
				VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)';
		\OC_DB::executeAudited($sql, array($logicPath, $physicalPath, md5($logicPath), md5($physicalPath)));

	 * @param integer $index
	public function slugifyPath($path, $index = null) {
		$path = $this->stripRootFolder($path, $this->unchangedPhysicalRoot);

		$pathElements = explode('/', $path);
		$sluggedElements = array();

		foreach ($pathElements as $pathElement) {
			// remove empty elements
			if (empty($pathElement)) {

			$sluggedElements[] = self::slugify($pathElement);

		// apply index to file name
		if ($index !== null) {
			$last = array_pop($sluggedElements);
			// if filename contains periods - add index number before last period
			if (preg_match('~\.[^\.]+$~i', $last, $extension)) {
				array_push($sluggedElements, substr($last, 0, -(strlen($extension[0]))) . '-' . $index . $extension[0]);
			} else {
				// if filename doesn't contain periods add index ofter the last char
				array_push($sluggedElements, $last . '-' . $index);

		$sluggedPath = $this->unchangedPhysicalRoot . implode('/', $sluggedElements);
		return $this->stripLast($sluggedPath);

	 * Modifies a string to remove all non ASCII characters and spaces.
	 * @param string $text
	 * @return string
	private function slugify($text) {
		$originalText = $text;
		// replace non letter or digits or dots by -
		$text = preg_replace('~[^\\pL\d\.]+~u', '-', $text);

		// trim
		$text = trim($text, '-');

		// transliterate
		if (function_exists('iconv')) {
			$text = iconv('utf-8', 'us-ascii//TRANSLIT//IGNORE', $text);

		// lowercase
		$text = strtolower($text);

		// remove unwanted characters
		$text = preg_replace('~[^-\w\.]+~', '', $text);
		// trim ending dots (for security reasons and win compatibility)
		$text = preg_replace('~\.+$~', '', $text);

		if (empty($text)) {
			 * Item slug would be empty. Previously we used uniqid() here.
			 * However this means that the behaviour is not reproducible, so
			 * when uploading files into a "empty" folder, the folders name is
			 * different.
			 * If there would be a md5() hash collision, the deduplicate check
			 * will spot this and append an index later, so this should not be
			 * a problem.
			return md5($originalText);

		return $text;